CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Mar 1916, p. 5

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L~AKRF, lflWlTh iNDRP14NDENT, - RIDAYMÀRCH 24. 1916. I HAPPENIGS AT At Cd dbPJ.DRUCE Plions l 4dvevtslag taflesetalulen&GO.. f Or 't:, I 9». Coomble, el Oak Vaak, vald W & MM of Jeuesp LougBbsugh IMUdbtYà diethe wfé;endou. S. A. Millertirac.é.ied hbulignss laCii su~rvead sialél Ide Oerk's Jacob Peck apet n:dadsfi; Chilcago.g U lmma Alen. of Chicgo, @pet Bnday ' viii bis parente Umsagosle Whltebodhuid iMiseVelrlab nu vere Chicago vistara Mondy. Nri Berrou bas perchamaMWnov eo I cor, dei verd ttiuvesk 1>3 E J Dalicé. Orant Lusk and vit.. of ivénhos. vis. Ited Mn@ Luksuiothér, Ml,. 14. gSitb, tom aBturday. r luias Cottage praymr meetigof Bt.0 Aadrse cbaeb acbehldi st Uta. Ailes nhemonlet Wéedd nigt. . e. Colline iletnalangnabis mothér eo. dvetis o! Wsukegan, vtl~ e ba uster. Mn. *aaoHarvey, tChe ties 'asw thé . *t. mauvî Bulluth jle éi uudar thé daste,'.mmaset ber honne, ion @ ou Sb 0 Mm R d.Wéam aud eon Abert wve 0ert f rltveit WoubsgaaSeur- C 3 j.L Suaisj. apeadîna lité veek la Ms. Bd Biter le eble to hé out mter a mme slIUm.. A. T. Whte ttoaeated bueinet We#eges Moadî. Ut. Tom Gtm.oe sud Mn*. Jei *shem à fmilsi of Lobg Lsbe, use. iylabe callrs Tueeday. Mr. sud Mm. Hi Druce nWauke. Ou viotltora Tueeday. lir. Sidney Book. offle-uo,vaB tof lire. John fBook,' Jr-.but Tues- Aisoryuer cthill trausseisi bueinée os Wsukfgon Tcesday.- IL S. tisué, thé Wintka Isiidrua.- glaît.mli 490 Io. o 05»uem eoeet ta *e»&oat mise. 'Thisesoe ta eov ibet ~eesm éNortha Bho e nlé eappuciste d e cee gent sie. Donlfid ta rend about tbé bigame OMeSel sat 010- OIII tOre la yomr owa tocs, April 1, 3and4 - ODsDing Co. * t. Wm.WPeR h.. bée.vtting ai - 4p té»e vk. Ch»esDr*ehmemoved on t a s fr.d «vse hGruhi oshoalbousïe. w". eijiolSeemquiéeeh Mr. aMd 4Mn. Sev Winters aismoulaI sqs Mleaue. bémt el voli maothet Mr. s@M MUm.Cetos Luc" an r si »,' cuir thie hla 09 a UIledandgb tir, borasMmuob 14. NlieciBe Lui entetainoi friesi. trous mm iaCty bais,.- mies Leurs Lus vlce ta lu' htag MichaelLai vas on tlb. éicb lis part es lehst veb. CmiaeDrsvbeionva a Chicego vWetor Umnetlo f Chcago. le vieting bhé enter. Mr@ CI^ytoû Lues. C A. Reydecker sud ater spoat Bon- uihi.r brohér, C. T. fisydeciier. .G.Dailanyr aidJ. B. Lu vol Wqpksa vistora Monday. Gao. rablu trsaecw ibustus sa Chicago Tuosiar. J. R Porter and dnabier, ies Dons. vers la ChSo svral das ibis ve o buoilase Mr. C.ampbéll videvorkiîn IW# trck At thé tov.rWville Mr. POrt Mr@. P. D. Fostor vald e Chiegol vi ftlit i eurdsy. UmseCara loose r.%srued frou Wbe des, Ii. vbor. abs vieted eseeral day& flMiesltby Strana @Peut thé vseb..rd villihoeroulns, MissesMadgs sud Ida John Bonnet yl rue for supervleor o mienlree'Vn Dkeo! Chicago, Wvo gaves recitai bra lent Wdunded vél cag, and sets few doa vltb Mie Peal Cilni retuned ta ber boum Ssîurdî. Umie Baker, teacher af the Gmut * 4bool speut the veik end vit beronpar et. la figbland Park.. Frank Lewis, o! this viclnty, la veu3 lev as this cnitlnht. MIes Vida Jautison vas a Chicaga via Itr Thuradai. Mn. Achen, 0i Kenoba, @eut Tum day vlthbone alter, Mns. B. A. Martin. Mn sud M. LavreB aimse,0 PIlleville, @pet Friay vith Ut. asu Une. M. Cbrlettansén. W. 0 Thonm, of North Bond. N.b,t ,itlîng frisne ail svkdlclly. y GU1REl hW Thé Woodmun's annual attondei Fri q. Ther s. pretty coitume. k. A nuubeno! people trou of ai théeViesnhoume donda mid Master j. RBtBacbér hon ta* lest part o! thé se té Ur. s»d Mn.VanNe.e uleitors a iistovn recel 11.1»At nt. e . -~gOne Cent Sale a Mouds,.-- DIS ý Mnà. Charile Boob i iqoentefie&ath vodirfulahenaianmpe. Alla elcalle .. alnm Pin., 25c, 2ni sr le Tb@ MUi Prodeun' ld Sarmoni 'Follet Walet, 75c. 2a itbi. le lmW&pm Hsrmonarfum@. 0eOco, lad os lecW t 1, aimiioo, S4%. lad hot.InAle le:A51 b D"I eiTollé; Sos plcake 20d l OeUk 15>t5aa5 %«maip gotiaWser StIs$20,vs eM"l baille10U sU.Nlma Caése"dLisseu Wtitog Pspen liCor-. Nli 1 -ffl a eWh1j àepncme4, 4%0bo. ffd box le bouma . btty Itor a Pm ritowdover, lieàea, uien o te move ta St. Loi.II L&ageliéBat oS Yaalil.lSo. lai IIle f ltIsaBt Et 1sent fIusése but a leur o! thbe gslae coueiut, us bave t turis. IThé frmieaun prépau te am btlit us sowy« tblIrtt1a %;îIIý S-X bIeï.l4f.a e- L OST- An opral* osven.p our spieil sale oni extra heevu fendueg. Prié"sore wag below tii. market. AMIERUCAN WIRE fENCt CO.$" umERTYVn.L, nMois I Mn .P. R Avery andchîîilrec Glalys Au.. speut lmstFi "%turdua uChiceo. UIgrvaI BatuailavaIssla1 ta budisl oi;setras. Mnà. L.M». tlttb aid tire A. aom c1 Aaela, spont lut FUI Mrs. C aBsalte. Mr. and Mr$. Dison sat ofuhr frieudttiea iér weouWsedaoy ov.ahIg A parts vu Xivecstfsriis Friai Vgd ev.g h-tboue mai« quellarge number guetie oaaoysd ti.he uupital pawtente.nintg aui carès amomeunis aifthé evéming au hour, dolitoue réfrehna.ute w Thé Labé V1lla Ciorsi Uuiai lua thé vî,rcies et the ded ical Dov bigli eciool builing st. Marets 24tb. Mr. sud lire. Lee iber rt.civlng thé congratulations ou thé arri vali0olashbaby boy uUrBanPatter sudi baby gmu anevieilles at$ill Poilei veb. r. Poiler came out for ouér Sunday. Mr. and WMn b. V&nP&iten ceilei on re"less hors Baturt P.. d. al5 trsnet1 the city Woissdey. A longé unthor trons W« Chicngo o atteisthe SîrBIL on Smndes. Fnl Averytrauseléhui City onuUeinrisp Mr. sud lInr John Wooin ltte,wve.the. vek endinue E. Todi. Mn. »surM, Roy Orauae, 0 vers thé @ud4y gatest SIt Boit; eston. Frldsy ovenîng UMne Begri Ariénra élteingl Palticb's dancIngParir. Harold VaItof Waubé bis parlants. Ut. andi Mn. Mdomdsy and Tuesis. Tb@élit. Psub'î L1--Ie ili rsslince of Pred Milg Titi lin. Bartb 80. Nns. FA. Thérrien entert s urprise blnthday pary.o gévesinîr, iun ber aon IIer e Mr.m andMIePaadoie i iree sud Elmer Dlateh, vers thé SandaiROIes 1 li@e %. A. WbitIDg éntorti ber ofI guest acrde oe aveang. Mrn.daiMnq. John 8.11 théIr38th *veitiluifetuivi dinner parti SuOI ,evealu EL M. VIIII lé vig ting hi tisse. VUn. Broca. of I3itcao% "sea 0f lot vsek vlaltNg of Drn. T. L. Kams. aThé )dMse.CloraTayko Gsrd vore coulIng on -tui the loseof thé vesk. ra LueStrang bâo rented h boesand viii more ailmf rt oses of A prît. Bora, to lir. sud M ro. Pa r cunday, alà"ledangitter. 10n. M. L..ntenilecofiued Or vlth sa stteck of lits anp. Mies f.l.n Barbe sponi l'tiisweeb vstsngrelaive@ ai Ur':eudiMUn. Chues. Vau dausebltét baveietuuned f re viols théy epenst thé vintf Ur@ Summenvlls pterti os club lait TueeIo atàrDoc .vening eénieled abou I. st furie. A lino Lenten ki sed. Mig nBusfrous boesatend@ o f John Stratton Sunai héld ai bis houe.t ai oIA Mn. sud Mr@. Bai Bei bockta b thouté, aliter Ipuit ley monibo unh it lobe. AI!j'd Bitchien huemuD h. oue hérs, vbicl hoa lut cbaséd 0ofBu BRois. od Thé Tvlubbera verse o da Bire.fBuber sud Bom ofattirai la scbnol-day fm joyaue good time vas head oc Mdies MarieJohannot% I su gSm visitar Bonday. :i Word vas reoeiued la Id cmof thé desîb ai ber oteputi b. ier- o,st ber haute a Cals . Tho fanerai cas beld sr- toruIeut i0019,161@, (lai. ___~ Il C. G. XoCAI)DLm w vtb M e and ia lCorrespondant - Agent ali aid, mdfl PHO1NE 2 au W"M M. I Au orna aëparchaeed thie veek for ofIWsa 8. John- the Suaiay echool bavî,aq 'My il aywMB"Waleb of Fox Lake, vseâ coller custm boesTuoeday. M trtaIned B Mr. Nwton of Inglecide, vai boe on nà home lust budpm koudai. ; gsý! b a. .Y.Igif tLana tate. Who t Ob, Mi rOenh itwUllr b. a. ft ber@ for Labo -k il brtbday Forest viiere h li vihob emploi ed se a Mma of Iuvted ulgbs vstcbtna.' tii. old lty of ber PJ.vr mode a bousetrip to 07~ L eeti.Lb.ryvaiie MaDds,.7 Dd -t àItete m th ore erved. heuor tad, flpld o Volo vue a chics." S tek. part go P' Aenger Taudai. i i'u ,f the C. Junge wva &busines aer in auZends kFunot" tita onauTueeday. neoday C. 0 mcflaadles ans aLbertyville ma4Ia1 rwood sr@ calter Moday. W W. s f fiends Wnm ildor w&&ln Clawo<Tuesdav. vas a luit we.k. Tht. veek et the. (;éh Ding aitore Dr tul u f Wabamk- .Poultry Pau.&ee., Le« oEggtfker fuDers r homue tue j19e per packffe. vlh h. .varalfront #boe. iliiattend the,13 s à f&o baekuit&socil Priday nlgbt et the Fort ;Zlde 1f11t11ifu ecboal forty rday. Mr@. Leo Hendee le sponding a lev kuosl bogeu.s la day. vsitlmg viii> ber mothor,ase.Do3t@4 Kretfbeaat raysfshe. Ba akegai> and dgya trou ber. attendu the founri 0four mo a ti o f Mr.J. BStrton et Vus Lake Bodai. sud té Nr. sud Mn. fuui Davis off Fot iii tuo 0 .15.5. la thée pent Bturday lu Wacekaga dled I aloNii iattis hieoée'of tl1iiil- brook aant"ruiostiétdligalew véeks eban vlth relative la Cbiegol. ci Mr. and lam P. J. Bover of Long &tp tan, of Wil- Labo. ver. cllera bore Tuesday. Theé Mt@ ofaMe. George Vamy and motbere*peut »evotai Cath deys a: Wsticanda tbi@ week. S. m OfEentm D -Rtebrdsou of Vela. was a plomanst WOU* le houe of coller Docre Tneeay.Th ara.1 J. Stadtà&Ied snd lHenry af Vlo, th Ti liditI> andcoled on relatives bers Tueedai. andi éd et a St. foli1101 Mr-. itiol adfriende trou Chicago Pad pmviied pnut uday at tbelr cottage et Long forA, Be. M.Vu. otreetsr of Chcago, talifri t Chu (3 ye I-btteStreeter'o, Sonday t Long Lake. O . 55ota en John fllroimuemnéai ll.of W&uk@e. Mn îdgUO*gan, and W gironu anaîdfaully a@>nt:Ione; ralu.d et aauday at the Wllow ferai ln Fremant. tbeo on Thuheday Jame Triaevas a cller et Lberty- eu Ille iaturday. Bab nid.glrJams ofa ra se aLibertyville t:0ho 1oChcgcller tSunday. fil thé homte of Mn* J. Brimmtn of Fisb Loke. se a bel Cbleffo coller tbis vooli. chan faned aBoum- MrnC. G NcCndleve wva sChicago Mort Sc. P@trtck'a cnller Nonde,&. ithe flsverml familles trou Chicago *poat mot li célslarted Sandey bora looking mlter théir summet tn a huell-WIth a hon-es no. John Boavéli wasinuChicago Batutdsy. W. in Mt«t. Mns. A. B. Combe of Fort Sin,. wuaInate a, for a loy Chcgo a wdeys tie eek. bled 13. Wheelmand uaC. Dailey of Orsys. Mmi efpoBOs-ver@,lail*.e, colle bre Buadoy- oite et the . boureMN SKresicher of Gr*yolske, @pent Suniay et Lao Remises Mise Bomineki of ChIicgo, is spoudins moveral dais as F -C. Flans . r an PeadBt onailLaks CoppelolClub mut i tocreilatIvesTbureiay éveetrg asethé village bâll. Aglu the.Steart Mr. sdam r Sm Pterortandsugb ZItC Mith r Stetter apnt iundai1 e; White'*. men mil 4tee hé E. A. Turner sud fsutly of Wauconda,W >&lFerri@ an epent Buudsy et Lop Beav.ll'a. Ka Mdnr. C. RenBes pétundsy ahernoon M i ta ber boite et (Gr""el1S.1, Nise Barbets Auan spént llundoy Ltm vlth ber porntIs ae timor. 1 ýt a fsw des LeeBewoîl wva (rayalake, callerSU *n laChicago. rde." t- Flottensud&& Maeon sud femlly of Lberty villt trou oia vleted t A. M. White'. unuday. alaei thé 500 Born t<rMr. snd aMn. Le. librwood vint ansd lu thé on Tueda,,aso%, i t~~~ BiMne Alarge rowd trou boe sttended thé f ro t iachIeoa vasGo. Vugsels"Thuirada, st Salon Mille. M lunebon wu Mn Oco. Shober mrcred boute Fr.Ri id the. fai e al mter aslow veeke vitlunChcago. 'D t, vhtcb v&@ Mm. W. A. Mueler of Vola. vua .bs. Chicago vitor Baturde,. te have moved Mri B. F. Giseke and chîiran 0f I , poing the. Chicogo.,von cWoleabone r wdais, W@ ir. Wt. West- A large crovi tsuded &@é gaod road Y dwm ébers Frtday aiglIt, 140 supper OBt véie tata \ bis flukte vers soit!sud &bout 800 dance L à raaatly pur. ticket». r Mne. Jâe éVaéy vma scoller et Solona by Mille thia veét. me rville et thée lit. ud aU. Bd Boidesnd Leurs Mr rhéy voes & i atînger @peut Bunday at thé Rendes lobe. A Most fsn rm rysiabe. Ap d by &IL. 0 P. enebon vas a Fox Lake cller à was a Wstik@sTburaday. U Mn. aF. Weber entertalued ber 1 ira. V. Mooncu 0ouetu trou Chicago a few deys thie vie ntbr, Mnà. M. week.c t Long Bosch, Mns John Benveli-ipOnttaBfév day. ln UI d thérs and le- Chicno,,iitîng. ba4ore leevlng for ber Le future homo lu Cbetek. Wls.. - w -Hafrry Drutumond af Chcago, vas s coller boeSBuiay. on -------- Win. Hortan vas a Chicago paouger il bell vas véil Tueedey. e vers usny LouisoeIl, second ldeet daugbter of Nr and Mn@ .E. boon vas born lan m Chcago riait- Wauconds tovnabip sud count.. 0fLme, ay. May 26, 1861 Lh. vas anlted In ,mar. violtéd friands riaPgo o lm uR Buseli 0fthé eau. A' reek. tovu Jn. 14. 1885. Tvo cildrsu vae bora 10 the union. IMnr. 0. P. BStttgesB@ m Youua vwoe.andiBluteouW., boh of Glen Hlvn. Vu atly. They sre fille Ruéelidîiedaittheéhmbo0f ber la dsughter, Mn Bluorg. March 12, 1916, lade In Weube- e~à 6lou illinese i.léveto moulu barloueaéstr,Mne.H P. Wime.e o j@ i, with th. 1DrMolo", vo brothoreW.M. Somoa m aW n wthof Sond Lke., ani GeoM of Bocblord, relative. aud a boat of frieud. 0 Loelle mecOurs r7 ta m h0eTes;~AE" L A E id tiieltmeu g Tiere vas qullé saoo tteudausi In the Laites Al lest Thudow. 1; v=sm flettermémi Of 1.14 ati oab. ITburoy. W@é.Mn_ EU.Mamb lepbeabho " ih Page Piv* ~y~~~jIZJ RANTITO MYE1 M. MDsÉ,Jin TokYa sud daucb- cl !U'si l ee.Open t Bubda, TÀTO» jr. sdiiCL ?MaIt. S R T O O 1 C«Piiw Ose guTAaIGwiT nid M re. J, uCer as Long W OTÀFfn ,end Mn.'lSwiI Pettot'&sd famliy Fcîlovl»g la slist of the candidates "tUas m»ovs ta car villagte Fniday aslected Satuniay for the tovu of gI tautel Misé Drsb i at'î's Grant et thre Ropublcan coucus et Mile thlie lovnalai sIlgleside said Mný. W. Y jobas sud famlle bupervim~-w. . giSration. te Ian, Guo. BSar Do'en Otttge .1r-Làurs J. Rushanoro. rburds.,ba Id tbl homne X@4',bn E.Lane. a" ofMcfleury, T tobk poass" .the lestot atheé nge igb;ny rné:iclner-r L J. &Boyle. aW. 13. Wh.i.ende t ber boute Democrots Noms Ticket id thaules Orbngar terni, nOtthoet The Deunocrate or Grant ho beli e neciada, Uouday alternoan. aged caucntus aturday eveningansd vbul, eam, V moutche Bui 6 dsym Sb ho ehabe en tbib of Dn inlua hé~ ~ ~ ~~n eletu v.olde mo h secandidate &gainât SuPonvisor Wttl lu adNUCo.4y , Anc 71845 Stratton, lits genenal popnlarlty eud ain vs bel trou berbAnie 7,e1<-48the tact that bis tatller lay deadinl av ale'oa ult.rment vas in hontebaielte effect of uausing tht in î ob.a W »da err.rP .Democrate tashow hlm the courtes' A Wilhsecusèag ewhelan of Dot pnttiig opposition ttathe i tuhlo! ino estei rn u fieldiii aainot bilm. He iliuma hunop, ,il plac uai mguler1ftilt oraleF posed for re.election. The reutaîndel .1de = hoduipet lornaed ohé of thé Domocrotît tovn. ticket neme MI caeuny ai lb. grave. folbows: lwaraf Grame dii la Chicago MarrA Clet'k-W. 0. Jackson. aoi 75 xvee Sicrd Grsameonce jAnsse1-Jamee Larbin. lnt of Wsucuivde huit for more theu i Collector-Minilut Stoffel. yosteo!fChucago, vas videly Binoe Hhiay Commîssloner- wu an thé owaut sud praprietor of Wm. Vanderhoon. te s 0cef Ibétse~.N iOMrac='@ Votera of thre tovu vili vote on thb ivills ce Koshaelsa Murray, .6 ôter vetini queston, ou the S0cent grav nr telbaur tawÎ6Jas. Murray, e1leu saitou the abolishennt o! the theur unIn rseitqlatbé bittbof Po U>Lje. ima ami io d eag oaOu. son j LAKE VILLA TiCKeET. f.l yauab '»dl0o»dobtoler lr 10 La@é Villa aSatundar evenlua ti itmgt iemsn c!womsmabood. On. ticket -imnoulutated, and viiilb. un Jameser in..lColorado, sud one >ppasi as eavIrole: aliter', IMM. Davl,,Bménner Jr. of Suervisor-Jamies Barnatable. ugo eurvive ta 00 rui vfth tir tor-Alez Kapplo. mothér thé déatIb a!tii ltabor. Amessaor-fiugeue Wilton. funérvi vas bel nt St Jsmes,@ Coleclo--Porcy Dubble. botte chrekbt»I ues service set 10 cmiioes iha rn etMatch 15. eMd urtl a asmadie l omimoIa.navr au le wnoblp pttiserlie were belli et~ John Boufler rs defeated for th rîlegohal ls;Seiris sleroo supervison nomination air but on élici I.hall léselectan ataeote sud Ire announcea lie viii rai welg tla bet: orSetior of t, "on thre atump." Barnelabl ire dogtcket u Tos t.Apavere; elý gned thre position o! commiatone epopmbut,C le Wha.elk;forcolletor, lu ord.,rtemn for aupenvisorteta8au Stadileld; Wor habwey commiesIanen ceqI thes laie Phl r. Strtton. yere>. "y Satitu. amupbi Bozme, tlyongeet sou af RAY PADDOCK UNOPPOBRO aLi as oMM4e, dtedut peltintulaFOR WAUCONDA SUPERVISOI %WoiitudsY ,omli ita eu. mon lRay Paddock wvsunoppooei for 9a , 14d Boesnge, S mueua Fud\I27 dy.pervisor st Weuconda lu thé canoi hd 4 yo s, 8 bit iOd27s'da .oant held Baturday. A. B. Po',erb, toi ý ene " utm 10nsd deuye tutu jerk slto vas renominatei vithoi Sthé m titesu d eithe band of content. &t coul not b.ueal. FauteraI vaes, For collectoirHeurt Staifolit d Id front Traapôneratiou Catbalic e féted Ceoras Laid. rcb Beturdai. Uerb 18. RD.v Fstber rerhlghw&Y coOtTttsiqer IU tpfaoMMUSti d dintermeut vas in fSymour deftoO uonDv CBOIOslé<étiev. a*eisue. sal'or aseoaor C. E. Wheelacb datât ýtér, fout aràtr»daitbree brothén @i H. B. Hick5, mourn bieSms i r. Paddock le thre menselect CARS er PANKO. ut aesunor ta fai1the unexpil Vs vsi a snéamurmsn t e trni of El0élOBrooks vho lied i ur frinie sud sighbora vube o 0Waa nelit wlne n ots adly ettiu ddina aur bereeve. aen OaS. ai, 1.0ionthét, a ta, 1 g<MI Loks Zurich. HUastsd Wsst De triaga..1014eadidat«s vil rua»by pêtili - - By a ftiéndli suit beivesu thé oc Mitisé of 25 o! ZIon Citr's reptea î =1. tipsnof tIre ao4*l atepeaOfl p rtio!Zion City mai Themwtn oiis .progasu onueitinit ai attorflyo rspreeitins thle ciii of ngtuw, spmablua, eOt. combetrirnon sud lte toWtielaP 0oelmU una City on Suais, tternooti coin. taxe., ermanen atat5a Or acDiugas: o'clocb Fvu7byhaiinvlted. vasleenul eMmeh t18- lirJudges W. B. Laidy'. aily movsi toWanke. varde. resiraiX11iflh lias 0llsciten na hast veek. $1.000levisI towsrds Dieu Clii jr. sud Mn%. Spencer Hovard vili bonde; asud sien reatrlctintitis- ceu y thé bouse jas: vecaiei hy Mr. front Wvylu morsita$1,500 for ndfy. princtpie 0f bondie ch Yéen a Mfr. Bartz lbed s brother viih hleu on 1920- W»usroquhlinath* edu of Z und;ê. oterplaon the bond aubIng ftua 'WIII sazî.Leurs Cairi are iek it$11.00 ai the rate o9 $2.000 es ve einose. YosM i"lIls virwole of the sBk Mr. spd Mnr. R. L. Nellîs vers Kano"hafuendi s lhave beau replaCé4 iiun ilunda,. Mn@ Hovsnd le entertiailnabern uicé rm Mlwaukee. MU%. Lents Corrnbahue turned frontI lerachét'wvbere elhe @ont a montb vwith >1Prqpru u 1Dsu A lesso. taught bg the wisoleule slaughter 0ol hurnnlté, dut 18mw gohug on in the old country, where ail the white people la Arnerica have relatives engaged, teaches the un- certalntu 01 lire in an impressive wau, and Ieads t. the thought 01 Lige In- surance as protection aghuat whet mag cone. during our existence oni this earth. This is thue best and surest systern of providiéemg aui for the Iudure---a poler - prçed pian of preparedmu eibkh la la consant demuhde JOHNBOGAen -Mkblgu mMutul Lie Imsuamue C. %,Mi u IN JL X J-Li AýFAujL aui6m = 1 y WARREN lir. oui Mne. leo. Paner visitai lu J41» laMoisNaeohoffen of Ares, apeati miss vyit ber parente. LaunéNutav f ai Weksgu, slléd on tank Livi. Bunday. Thé Warrn CouterY Aséo-ltlon vibI ne.t forenoi,prtl 5. viîb nre. Hîlen Lamb. VItgiton ,,eiSbcu. JuesMiller vill.enierteln thé T-4 club Mr. and Mr&. Marcu. Boffotan vers IaIukeasu vîsitora Mandai. L f. Miller wn'a Chinao business sitar Wedfesday. offimanoa ibubegau. -ert iuday afleroan withblhisoursîn. Frank oei, uWbo le veny Poorîy ni this -rillma.-1 Mr. sud Mn@. Olrtt,-, 'tauvas vorkîna :n the Dr. Poley tanm. ha@ moued Into te (lotion Banner tenant bouée. John SBîling ai Mciienry, caliei en A.B Combe Bnnds aftenoon. Mr. sud Mr@. John Bonvell and Mn*. Benveil'. brotben, Chanis. Dunall o! 'obo. lefi Tburoday for their De* bome i Barras Co, Win. Veine Duetblber, Ralph Da*@e and rtmetThomson matie as iMoua.trip n Bigla Mouiaây. A. 8. Comhé atteuded ahblitflads panii ofa friend lu ChicagaoBaturda, evnIng- Mn. C. L Thomsoan @peut WsedM witil Mn. C. 9 Combe. TbieGond4Roai danse bell ei lb. pers- boues Round Lobe, tMei uth, vas loagel st.nii. Aut sxcellemt auppersves-effvsd and aeplsesstislse ýjoy9d by eH pnest. Àt a reost meeting O! 110 gsBo. Ma Aa*amoiue Club, à&speIblt« wutara» l 1 V WARMT?1 WITtOUt*i*.4ý wtend ta yont Iboums boaifg nov. Itou': 'ewattuntil Vinter vWied@ blov.: Ln Vmi teser sud elle per now)v. Out fiho 18 fur repaîning or renewlng stésu or bel- §y weter heatIa. rditors, ppea, v avs le etec , are ezce-ptiouinaj 'goi. W. sam p- experte set n novllaion@, dbengtsg Ekdfront tveet foraoc"rapflliba Ipy sud eflectively. sea or bot-rator heeting aaves ool, e"thilabial, lYs osier, qulcken tuael t, fl B aStéedWo' - 'i bosst ad tOflov55 sté iBugé f a . RI; 0 '* we doalt, l'arabt and goruios rv- e TOM WALSHIThIl-!!!!M PERCHERON ST1ID vu 'Neslwood- Peter No.., Q5168 ,u oe. SaeLic.stoi A110 Reltss a echs Soent i !Amaim) Br.d and owmed by J. Nedili PattersosWetwod Pana,- LIBERTYVILLE. - - ILLINOIS ).W ill stand ai fart the seséon of 19 16. ServiO@e e$.o s-t'à insnre live colt, or 510.00 Cmse t tinte of servw ice vill uem Mil ptivilegtr. out Westvood Peter j. deecnibed se follovo: de- Fosled July 23, 1912, Blokimitit Sta, veight 91000 A.,.- 57& sand@ 21 bands hîgh, and the beet of foot aud big chut boe, ;t aud i@ e sure breeder. Westwood Peter is the best Percheron S"I in this section of the Country te tien. Breeaeté vili amidrees MWOA UU US T RA DLOPF 1lWSTWOOD 19ARU thé Phase 37à.M1 DETV1L4,- of of hanl tity r aic dotheJbPînig Mont a o! e s d o r lb Pnýýýg *acb r

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