CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Mar 1916, p. 8

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la the Clntuult CMt t Lake V<Ioft Ira.te L W Spide, lt 6, Geenva.' Jtboenry Pabjmu n md ,ov RTSWaukegmn, Mach 16. BeIM, f the recorders omc4for S0 Lake aUns iyde ponW F.oUn.No.Vol7 .After au aUlday meeting at their the wee#N ending Ifarch 18. 1916.L-fl. .are'aiMd vifs to Harvey F0"d .orpe lc 0f PiOtUMne" o Publie Notice t beby give tist 1VO Viepe~ iesse'ion oi ~ edureset 29 South ILasalle Number of convoytaes, 100. flevaaop,.aoth a3itet aoutli t11dEt et lftt4 0111111111Y gff ourauanue of tli.docrea Md. mdenu atreet. directora 'of the MI*kPou- ubr0 bn.S.W Moula16MteJ'_ I**i0*-block 8, EAnddsr. Dqx>CourtO-ga tI.ok boOmisoloirlMvrek er' Aiocletion decla"d laut igltTotal umber 01 Instruiments a is, 11C'kIM Addition tu waukesau. -w. state Te 1,a1).bIue, 1,Coert s hise Muth er é, BIifim Skrt SI1O' thast thersla tolib. ' qno filA 111 n123. ,B $'Déer51tai!by br ho' in, tetfMcAtflu.Nbasset titer aglit on the big datry producta Total emouint of loans. $52,687.50. Rer- T,- ]. Quinn la CatholileBi- tbat am.of litee *bMt .Uthe -body-Mdmln? Mchory o theardei tii. t 09 g- oangrnu for higlier iii prices dur Busineasshan fot beau quit, as abop O Chicago, lotb 40 and 41, block bblu" hm' " - et -i#s l mhe vow'naomi pe"umw laor fS.Cici or SL it tulenmr mon"ha.brl4k thiti eek and loges dropped Il. Dft1'IuiIPark.,,W.B D. . aatbytu dwort.m" u e epeshandslie e o nu. 00ngud(0]dyofAri . 91.M The association i. demande $165Per cousidembly. The. îolowvbuaare P. 'W. Croula mmd Virete 10. B. eor&&g075lmfo04 (2Mnlath2) day 4y hebot f1 AprckinltA. D 1910. MOR ESAI1E + ot eivrmlii et $1.33 1-3. the Price In Waukegan. Win. C. and Evaine ufini2%Avon, township. W. -D. $11,- ailp wuasretumnui lIE rm h fot - dolerita [IAe eeuaty fors, theon cechsd lut, hogvwu dl. oumatho itaOly of W* tabs fOR jAt.E-Whtt Wyandotte Baby sacheolsd bY the bottllng plantsanmd G. Barnatable and lierbert H. and 000 Prldey by th. Unted Cluartisa or UISoptxtô, sy .00W on iaioi tpbi oint condenserlea. acedle Mrthe U Eddy imuglut the Eiddy tes arc101h 13, 6-. N. Durmnd and -New York, a represent.tlv. of vbicli r yo .Bao lobdbS ouy!iuloi tpbi uto oeleg 1I~.H ail, Arie, Ill. Phono Tefollouing sme ceueof tato property on omt aide o! Butrtck wlfe ta A. H. Smithu, lot l In gDidrlkdto gdiomnt .. Bong C.i tbrarof t hdUci.eau ii igiisd tient;biddr &BaitdmJames IS ~ ~27c4 price, waa determiuiod upom by the tre"t, aorth 0f'Washington treet. Of A»Res.W. 'Il. 8500. theastresta f United lStai' largeat oaeeto tihepulpît and made ae lat* l 1 ul&a f .ollowing premhisadsts .<ipal PO 8 LE80 S-m W ee.mlik ouer:Wm. H. Log. Jr., bought a 50-foot Fredi.# Uedman ad vif. b kfW 'orpol,-t- lic l h Iait xandnation. id eore ntlodiedto-wt: 1FORSAL-30 bu.Bic st R Wbt.AI, $1.65-May $11.45; June, lot on veat' aide of Indliaastreet iSamun lt3 and eaat 8 test lot-4, boom sent idsoarcli out a nepiev. "ApoplBxy," actid tlie'Physicila 1taParemi On0-: Theaoutb on@ (1) rois et Venantbds! fefromt fout seed. Ro 8 1.26:Jî Mis1.s; Aeul. r.70 Parer'nSudiviionfore nmina b cminK. Bmrimgom.Q C 100' tMlaeLes"lod ilthot rtnc tru1antne toe t liepaeut quarterh..eouhorsItqartr o thunitlieue Ui.,UeiylleR . 27p2 Septeznber $1.70; average $I.dh. condei'ation. JoiP eplMcAughtin and IvîfO' tn Nev Yack Cty atonte. Aàuattormed Thuomas K Gaie.SWF îOU 8fills. 146p. Suehkr White the farmera wvon drftlng Louis Truby -bouglit the.John E. John Mcluughlln, 2 lots, Village OfCoetbrqught the veak-inded The mimhtarraheed bisiehans!. "Let queuter 0f section tblrty-ATv..(85) leSIF =7101 6pm.Suethk r terdema9ds tiieiftuolesbe suets!Throael prolerty at Loy avenue ans! Hai! DaY. Q. C. $2. woa tu Highland Park todey, end! us pray." lie aald. And hie prayer. Township forty.thrao(48) North Bange ,.ebtau imtaam sarer losonbl:their.>sojmmer sachodjuaans! startod Jackson vtreet for 31QO0. tuJanet C. Eddy et aIb HH..ILaud trange sefit may agent, a ,tag iratsonle of tleakfuinens thst Mr. Plerson ri(10),.usat of tb. Third Principal The Ot okWi*t n tre. tao i1ott igmuop the fermer tla contracte Theo. J. Stahi bougli the . Marthe, L.Eddy, lot on est @ide Tua tg pi red bu twomssagela vastlied irat "ntiml Pared ondi' "Meridian, LakeCua, inosRd 4 qiniRneo. Plhons rii Vi-w t those figures. Borden'a acheduhe Fimgg property at Willamsanmd Se- Jackson sthoet. Jut norti of Wash-la a are - eesg a u h rtIniaint iius!Cusy iltil R .m~-.27p2 is aa folova: yard treeta for nominal conidera- lnMtn stmeei Waukeffl. W. D. $900. Lake counts, people. thonselu front o! yul lbats ippesed PaelhIwo. Alganthe nortb uVedof ------ pd $146 ay $.0;Jne ca W . aasalean is u .ILi"Lake cvntilmmd lilspeople muet The servrice vas la have lisendevot- quarter ai th. uouth metsquarter Otti FOR ~ALs.,aoere kned dit> ;JtulY, $1.0; Aligua,$11.50; Wttalla Memuaca bought the Nor- and Martha U L dsdy, 45 teet vest 'care for lit deservlag poor." c aaaca fii!tlso "u eto hryfv 8)aoaed F" iro.Obuxoi.Iti vea;as>oe!Spele,8.0 verage, $133 16. tender property on vest aide of Me- front on Jagkson treet, north t h satebr u igntre Ofi ufluence of (trlsttamty oun aectThs.,ALabiw-a ia ~~Honor -0 Bo.sqaîSy mam' asciedule: jusilter avenue, souti ar Mayaiet.Wahliigtonutreet, Waiukegmm. W. the Unted C 1jdti« ocety. ye?' Ua."1 Mr. Piermo'as h tenrt as fte m all offiuii &iobýquli. tyenoonablepridei'. 45.My 12:joflui.for $4,000. $.L Ms Loes'ejo.btcqait iabut thesciterasdits! ot oeasitfor itature f~0ç,Preires.Vlw. Ili 2 t 1.17; Juty. 81.37; Auguat. $1.62; Ss0i- t,01à -'A. Shépars! bouglit tue $mort H.LH. Usdy and vif. tb W. C. Rad eueeshlp of tue ducates!cliii 0f cea- the 055t*W closes!aduins iedvt e'soutets" cWaimebo lurtims - -= * -1-tember, $1.2; avenage 814254 roperty on south aide or PStisuu vlae . Barustable, 32 foet yost idemIs of HigbIaDd Park andricia- lisn.dlction ans! lb.auslue idOuI )aorss oms lLullUbr illr * ~ pie aelse!o h .5 street. oppoolte tue North school for front on Jackson streot, north of it. lteanedas ais vas by pate 5l@Wiy. PriV5:ts i ot i~Meeting . à" part; out front; simd. btter fat ibot at botblhg plants. viti 14,000. W hE t S sret akgi. W - f naim a bc a cSqiu ffl an ducaton qess-lieso c nt q e tero od ~ullc4 o Serda B. l1, lelo tisalliss. rime bomscarseit Midle pfNorth Sher- Jon Otidif bans! vife ta 1dma<Ger coanty. abcs 1athe deuglter ofa! u Thefymfur()mee n i UiC 5Umseon SerdnSd.P usbrOtufor(4 ert o éewetCuTh 17-. 7p ________ Iden mats!,opposite Ris! hans!avenue. neus. lot. 70 Green Bal Addition t ug !taet u. iKentucky cavai-lf'NTHE [DI$TRICT COURT 0p THF ie Mis tmsfour (4) mcre. ou lhe sout i aid.e e jssqa rpOg 57% 7p uo'«. E s frnominal consldentoa aln.[ke i mtW. ZD. 10.'ryea mmn vo von fume and! glory UNITEDSTATES, FOR THE NORTH- of the.some. yslpeaoriabneQUAtJ~Pfli~ II E i Arthor C. ands!Manilia R. L:oder G(3. WeÜbn an md vlfp 10IdaGer- lay hie eegis La bhe civil vanlrebell ïýes lins, ,Droit Bîalllon bougit four lots on smath asde, af noms. lot 69. Green Bay Adtion to Min Î.ecard lIves! la Labrunty ERN DISTRICT 0P ILLINOIS. * The mrai. of aId! mle@ua"l lieasWilson. ,l 67 ledhPplI%~II AIIN oynomvense roari boc b lSt W. ~D. 10. îanmmyeunw»a-tp w w sis- fin haueroJohn W t eBn-fllw:T Marsn (0)o hOe-trni a laï>e.II 787, @doit . vomJaeipl ifo nialChnleMtioct. R. S. Wlter and! vife la C. V. ammdi in Hligland Park, or Ila ta. vicia. f1,C cisapiss4 ijes sli iu tsbmdpo lq luaiunsee 199(290) s te rcut c e evcas O!s n th Chiagought t e eCaty W. A. Wlnter, Interest in fanaiIn sec- Ifily. iv e or bsxmonthus go abe vas b mnkup< chaîns eup e ie rml bu daser o t» etpanspeaer i ii n ogtteNorthi Chicago ions 27 ans! 34, Nevport townsip- supplies! wlth a raîtros! ticket. ans!Td i P»,o-o-oh tie f~pisshhi ed slalm ô~ bel 253 s.IJulludejet Cier elen iaeoerlotaifoyerdSbelnBankduilcnveanSs! etndW. DStateffl.mbc wbuildingrYoleta Stailoyans! thW.reB. rs o JohiWsSvent f, e NePrm "Inie pldau hpasediy fatl hVQ99~ly llmque (4M8). neut val 'rrani talion the station OioneEighleenti streets for 85,000. March 14, 1916.-F. B. Mollet ta vîsît wutti amotuer nepluu. No on. Liesyvtil lute County of Lake suid lii.oooormsmon of the report of eeuot typ *Oflb$b($MO) jomolirde on 2869 lmehm Iboyeng-dtue e =*n' ThebNorthu Chicago and South Wau. W. H.Long. Jr., norti 50ftet lot 5, met tutai vomea viien suebecoe ne .District siorissi,amBaiflkfpt sudi ie delliery af the Mater'.m ntiii da epem u io vheier' nRetsli Buciec' ans. Grocoe' block 3. Farkera' Subdivision. Weu- ora i aumoi of htilssPptle Notice llà euciy given fliat on th 2tlpro, oeer u ' "yiic tlu àae"(lms . Ontn lie (41659).ot'ne- u wj ed I reiaasrAOoàt le gooii ie estimvmvcaenf. 15B0 ~in lie acertificats o l- la am .Z.8.and! trapsisata la oen!f tue largegoail- day of MarccA. D. 1916, fie ssI Joui@W agosmportionof - bispisaCo Iiiie IggiWoM 1» bS drede or a dMy vnew aseo. te b corpsoration. J«ea Esanmd vif. le abSM '"~roas!depuiet Nevwo poseday~y i i 4ifl> i Nottrer <1494. ot <'i I vasOfii Sveekega~daîtha IluLake Bruff. Tim IL. Allen bouglt ezeda. lots 47 and 48, llock Il.a asmi-dasscondition aske mandon! -Suh idUyildcfdektitplub elvrn l rmeur e ii tltb)fWBo no169)bon sn i u va Bieaiek pFay tlo mmdsix iota on Wasinigton avenue la Dreyde'sSubdivision, 4rtk Chcago. siroat! tue depot outil s.- vas iid th it iret dmeeing af bis creditoru la th, mm of on.iall ohf~dprii el li'lS5> ioc. de Voit (45197), 'lie negetta ers, ii.> o eClau Addition trou Sestrice Allen W. ZD. $10. pe do ya ermttI o h bn<-cA yofc. OM97piedmo r"eAri oh12.te ed 1g1~'-ds- (702. ouIcfI'mmydebae. "nis10épae i~erte, .for nominal comaderation.0. 1LRocienliaclians! vite la FrankUited! t>labyeieetafv i u uS i ed ai mi kofficet aoon bo t lwlntde o o ltgIora0re@pil nh 9e.ttcss Ont808). Iualde ope nlia eos! bectunden i ths'qazn in LakeForei. Robiert J. Dumba. Halion. 10 acres an oest luamntlDes Ule!Cunle.MndoiBoi o 3Ws ako ca eee tmert hU.~of the .~avuueg Ursit sok ., m r. of Chcago bougit the Charles W. Plaines river, la sectian 35. Vernon Frfu onh h m hros olead eCuiao Snos ntcosy(% e mmm i ..u'dly vssacahiivs »ladiiue dse auam Univesity avenues for$1115.0011. North. Chicago State Bank toLae Nev Tock Cty. Ohé .mmm anu'"un- a'ciock li lue forenonasmihiclufni lim eo pre oafmrta e eParn ootbpslbp for msyezin and +++++ .'!+ + Leeds Mitchell liaugit the Hery Couaty StatueStr am.stab100 tant" n tla uxt' <> atu's said credstors May attend, prave Pl'u N.cuoa. sMastur le ehaue' lh #ao00. anulHesch. I. FO lNT +Meyer protert om Sheridan 4=&s!,17 and 18, block 1, Wrd & Diveraltes!Sttu. y usrlueeml Cre WM 1sIobsýI om»o Dansi Henc. BI"tivmofitieUnited- Claintles taced flir ctiii5s, appoint à5 tUee, exanue Circuit Court, Leas Conuty. Illnoistrco bonBl*ft 2o fORN.4almiuaoMhake aro ltnie vMiess uLeamard t la tau rfhltheh ndfra uote ai.tluelinis ath .mont1 Ave, t Etl larehm bmon»aneuMi lu.eId oo es! oghttvolats on 08k- $6,000. .e t sa bsruir m rs cOuc uir akgt.lieu.imc dlil ' ~ ~ ~ t larz-*barn sud abri- In- w7 o a .uetaieJohn Grimth and C. E. 5.31er and vif e laLake Courn- lien tu Chicmgo, and Bualli tis bsnes eIn In rF oiebeoe 9 8 qLaqiutroh Robert Elle, UbertYvilie. Phono George Wemhuiu for1m0alal 0comsld- tY statu, S90X loba 17 ans! 18, bhock Igerme!t i lt. lBatp ro Desais meig _p_ ek »MllatoStlde,%r B.Hese Mar272 garta o .c î etytuîla!o.ta e ai ac 41ArUen. 1, Word! & Dlver'sSubdivision, Noria tovnship inlase u ti. ui Sidney Eastman,. 1410.76 W. Monroe. et.. Cileaon. rLilirt U, ;Pbose3911.1l. 2615 _ ag- a. ynboxta o n hcg. .C I.1 -acs1i431Ae FO RNT-Ten a.sere4indt, sr<-.-dRyan place, eer Wasington avenue. J. M. Throsel ans! vite to louis as "Lmedonerdo."e aied bMi- ceeea aikut , jwL5-Ioafted peîhîrin pi-,« tronradeîîn omesBs on.mnMary E. Ryan. for nominal con- Trnby, loI 57, County Cisnk's e foms!oucro!l. nbs. Clio hicago, Mardi 2, A. D. 1916. 27-Il iau l"' boumeycra>a 550. .11 4nd u. A. R car.0 ,Se"sniasento.viino Jcsnatft auu.~placed Mise Leonard on boarn of !*___disette-_____ ahi.. In Hlghaend Park. Nicholai A. W. Grand am,éuue. Waukegen. W. ZD. $l'tan orhcg.HoMuuu h.5t.oas o *im 'tudies huodred poueatis mly. InaMdepuit, qiliserevvllle. 11, 27t'l Severs bouebt aslot on St. John$ ave- 500. eov»v ohfpten Hglas b ii .sn a h iehos e itue neveu st ms for elui. Sonds seî ljfjýom 26p4 jnue, rieur Forest avenue froni Addle B. L. Fiagg, Jr.. la T. J. Stahl, lts Park ibis mormlmg and Misn Leonars!--tue poor farm-est Libertyville. Sea19la Igtaki thei.olsoi ehoes sbl f ~ ++++ + +++ ++ C.KeIeyfa 81500 1ans 4 Maioy'sReuliivaor awva tued ovor la Supejr <Z> Clake fii rmi tient ber days are nm.-for unse y vorkmea employed la met W b0M5.l55 h ore, b qîear.l; + Elizabeth K. McKay bougbt e lot odock 5, Smiti &AAMa' North Ad-.bwh as¶lenucteis that Yks coutî beOnd. Bis 14ot. vel lanmimai or Mduat sup psace. Thealuminateuh to.avmos*cII ons; 1 earv 'ANÉ)on Forest..avenue irom Terence J, dîllon ta Waukea. W. D. q*L fluaI cen or Ile purbru. t tebod!y, but ovecytbing viii lie douetun o W a shoa jiu ste mci langer tim u n cic 01 goa, blgh ubrela, -lui WANTED-Woma: or irl for gea- O'Neill for $1.728. alt Mary B. tian la Margeret A. Rymn, Niai LMOliad vwulroi, h maie lier laut days an esrti as cont- ondinir, choc and! la amis! to be 1W. iree 4 ýý_ ~oîsaie(bnIal bouse wvantulaMI 1fam lys Minute Crsnbouglut alo I prtlot 30 aite ForestLQ. . . aeCqnyIeoevibPta.weil M l@aunmonoy or lime eam fiais Pr. àsasladmmPnes.-Gis1lOgie.-f desb 202adulte. Good rom gond pay. A-eoulh atdeof oklavenue, train J. 1H. Norlandor and ovite to Wltalihi ievMiiroain o ef eu dayis, tlen thia it Phono SL 2t2aruIMa . MB, % ft.ium. Wklyt Dore E. FPioerston for $2,090. Magnimao, lot 7 bleck6, Cummmc ied - *Bob 0O' UmliGolf Club flo ts ecor- & Compam's South ideAddition late -and! A OA'ÜlANEDAmtdl.ael oau i tilcrate of incorportion. Wankegam.W. 'D. s84.000. o *Ëbosd«ans!devoemed itIRi ,uariI ainl Intosd uLtbrtyvilll. HoreceBulklev Atidie C. Keitel mnd bhubid n . anîddi 0&Si qirbuohel homeb A. t. TrlIn. hl onougit IWO lots In Mundees Sulidivi- A& W. Siovers, lot 15 (sioxceW est gt home A. L. Tat.i@rfY ville 2Tl elon on north aideofa!Eus e veaud. go fst). block 74, Highlad Pari. W. 'lie do MSS sm * . aWllim Kunko bought e lot on D. 80 1b p a,( .ic leI rlt isWANTE1nl tie talo.Muet Pourti street from C. P. Wright fan T. J. O'Neill ans!ovife ta* Elizabetlira jbfl1167-1-"Ioa aperlised s!i-Iieble. Rptes-mes $300. Mligcma IL K.Mcir ,lot 12, IYNaIUo Sulidiei rad requIs-se Addrees "B" cr ut ladepo.- Mc5.di em migCmaye sion lnablock 75, Higlilandt Pue£'. W. ol ________________Rondout ladresses! lis capital stock U. 81.7U. Ig P ~ ~ ~ ~ d te $w osu lO aru 71~ 1000l 150,000. Mmccii 19, I .-B. H. M« ans bbwl8q Ï1O"' tu PboBru. ImmH.6iag9b *doe bs; iyéii ugo, WANIO--O..os irltIs iasis In Arcs. Albiet ILSmith boaglit Wite ta E Wal oohciig. lot 10 h Adm .0DS2 rp"ea 10-foot toton Oekdale avouen ue, bluhck 19, Wrlit!,» ddtion la Liber- fTh beceoe olet a-.Aiiu P 4 *l north o! Meclienici Grave noms!,troain Ie . . 1. -fl,5 .cef V9117 cy rmemlF . W. 109-Bt 26tf C. N. Durmnd foc $600. W. B. Woaanmdvifte ta Pana 5U Ith 11 -e assmise ut oretintvin G--- t raystke. Ave B. Hook Us soilvs Stis,-loti 841. 342 andS l4,'~ isai Ci e-ld---------+ propet on 00& an soà,lmLae.W. ZD. w d ,Th a puk lb JO a Aduiita fwlor..Ik«p. Roas! " tl ew os9 WUt e;M IodoW e lesru rteg poussdeaGottschalk tDoca W. Fatisi toe mmdM*"ehuami mm mare JWM oïd Mi hi am 1WU i l tve;r la ' MOefo .* o OWieléoseImmrs i eusof pm . <3< Pt> - bouht the IH. P. Oottsoihii oporty te Mimmie C=uie, Iota 6isas!7. a&u& ofbm aises" oiel William tuut(or M. wIUlu Ïlsd tgs s 1i0. li UuunaitSU. is. iperd,@. au vost ide -~o IU-aof eu oit 8. BExusor Alitio a Hid-iDasWa0 b'll ili d OC . p bu orpassaws-emss IL. 1 ja7 .PP2 "*. 1 . ted ParkL . WuZ>.00, o Pa.ui 9uou 8-, u OmliesNisaGoue Rofr m.amnnW. -uffl$ffl bouetit» Ivo &Mb lqs. J124.-. 1 Liaci andcsi itcnt aki fflw4 pb» 281_11-11!âm susi ooè-lll Notisw( ota mon nortuu siteo! Wmsiilnatôî&4 *ta W. . w l4"wm~q a iflot sn à ilCcumdyu à'bdlept ted5lt fsotFcieoik »&M»» 3for Shmv'eOubivtiofl. W. sn qMiiGasa ca~e ri6on ssii aiet Whsy ! 11,000. D.>811150. ThLeaa>IaZs Bu oflu&y & ' o i «M sis epl rsttl. bsuas a TomnshipeofA~ GertrOnîudelaieor! E. . . ottiehadit(do. llp5BV*qsIas4e Dr. Price LamoUO, «***MA& a sson. W P Mllr hc 10w moîtudc ol!e8515300 us) la Vydda Gottecialk. lotne 1, mDt.iUDboreds r--t .4»0081Waut~ Immu. U asty ialaeu mats on the @suas!md lieu Park uivision on GU"isLAite, t. n«55 Suudilstn.Banc énis u colieunaraea ae£o. ms.k oilm in Mcrot>MN ories-aLouis ItobecufoSmoiHenrySie te. ufaetmr cCi s-oua êd ausoem ud postamsse bu ion enu! Io lobtula$mie sldlllo a mry M d Bifte LAe$" isu oo.bote iv mine o-dc Charte* as!Maie Wsekfor Mitaelel. oiti liait (cmps; tiohiet.Thi be»à. a ub Mrmmi. . gB , o* u s yu oa'î gos Wb. P. W. lu Vernon Tewushlp. JO"l M- $161000e, ecsi W 1i*ymw. bv. los 7ei.U- 26s siebus, Pion288-11,Ubosryville. [Il. iaugauu oglt pdot et Hait Day Bsat@ o! fmleau Omntub Lla -__--- __di-'_. __à___2743 frout josephi MoLugMula tor nominal A. hiiepar, «M tPart lot filsas!dvwat U SALuI-A leur buonddeswWluumfofl.*.~considerllon. vanîolo, iCasris Addition. Wauke- A laue*6 *WuilupI as 8W Soc u & 6-6lpn. ss Pt> d fo iel W"5nd bidmgem.W. $. onN O. i e,f.%me ThileIII. 25p8 (lUor vstries-néifa Rav. Pon' XAPRL&GE IoeLNBUL Mrci 17. 1015-MiffI. Cirlels!rc ___________III. _______ William A. Bogaan, 1,Wuem.te, eut 45 fêtt or lmt 10 Mmd usa ther POUR lA-A S0» lot <09 Rigi Gre& 000-M"00m---ad Juin . Cbrlstmmn. 8.haie. IItest or lot 1le Wicka Suflii@ssva. BAoUt Femouegcouns, leu wluvtre. £005 PIO U IOR4ATCI4ING 1Dail 8 . Aston. 21 HIsiiwssd. I, enuayk.. -w.1 -.».va. Pm. brui hall, Md tihymligrd V ifsito"you vis-fl fhl r acnmd HIdisBm oqulatU s, Gertrude I. Usspas!o n(launi b~ asg uoghtn evi.etau0r mctom fri"îl<I M st eock f the 1John R. Joimmn. 31, Chicago. ans! »d'to [0815 potbft& lot 1LotusCa peas dsru iaiRiii.F-a thotgb-e!- JlsWmdstu'Ameila Marvits, . 38nsel. ' hrl sola5 West Antlii în Potage. Ais.on Franks . -Vîtsf Ui .Wtçe Wyndtusoua.,Oscar MaU&,U,Wamegm2. d Sanit>. W SIIn itp*gfau. suit 'mpm e w~uraa fflie D~W5o.ue"an Eb"Om.Pssr H. Suldenrmit, 8,Harvey, II mni la Cies. aois cil wsfelots Pw-U-vComi » «flwt . .. .. .. .. . W@(i-bmt l% prily. îltà ameKailttl, 1Mmu*. 0ans!dL3 u - tnu sction 52& ++ W bmtlyse mPrie. listl tisaguond illam mbC4 3.8,HaitDay' WOU tlmW. Z.a A. ec0400Oe 4 ~. reai * UAL Lake ViWri e . i.A.J oriIllan bsWIL 38 à,Ub.nty- 0. N. Du .l W lte ta 10Horae Te «du e". tmgar FOR SALI-W. bave a nimber ofrfOne VernPi. Laka ila l i ne.J SrhI . -- llklY, I i, am o.MuiudleBab. Fo St i our s s .- 'fi* n r51.Dymus!& Asti, ~ .seury1>~>~ 5î5 UJflru¶ta 11YIOre c hifago.Md iisi son. ]Àr Win , W.a>.10. ------- ----- --------- AMITE andoo ler blmigauln supm8 iaeg 2Vtaiocis, 24. PL Ehor- lts3.4. 19, U î Md .18, blook I.F miS qO ~ I'~rdt FM 0 SALI-S acre ari, unipruve; fr ade y J. B euter, ln Ir.v dan. ans! Bina Lisuollyn.18 Id- OMA'.dwo a t . BlIuLQ. -iTM, .3oýOC IJj L O R me ueanUMW u QuIt Club, Iilo,n"y,îlL BimltMunido..l21 tho jilMaruresKon Mioe, Movoin b la A.get V des. C. W.GrmuBoi. 175 W. Jueisson lract.. Cai sr urite. Phono Libery.s! EsmrVis U.s1. udnan!vf.i tal Téhu.2- twd. emmia... 1sfi llie 257 Mi. 24-S Ricliardi Kiel, 13. % silbi, O ,nei'iui a(i. Wu - 'i pu. e~.a....o. Heen, me ~ ~ w~p JSE 'I----------45 C

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