LAKECOuNY INDEPENDENT VO.XXI-N.2. ITENPAE.WATIJKGAN VVEEK.Y SUN YO . XL-O.2. ITIENP GB. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COTJNTY, r-It., FRJDAY, MARCEI 31, 1916. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAJR IN AIWA-NCE. WILL ORPET ENIS 'Je.,' IINDLES 42 WILL COUNTY SV' WILL TRAIN TO BE PLAN TO <iET 5- 2 STATES AT WORK LOSS TO PHIONE CO. TI3RS PLEA 0f NOT CARS EXPLOSIVES PERINTENDENT 61VE AN ARMY AVIATOR MILE DRY ZONE If ON SIHERIDAN ROAD! BY STORMq IS TRIOUIS iJIT 0FM R E A fdledys ago te E OVER THE TUITION Fo Chiagasand oD, For- DRYS WIN APRIL 4 Pret idiatonîpin t'he SANDS 0f DOLLARS $ives consigned tathe ttussiaii 0'hve eclared their wIlIin,n- in ida In oCagoinv men Ii.iI Made Thoy WilfinthethiAoadMiwuee nBetween 400 and 500 Tele- Circuit iudge Hods lndCtmnent ferom.ent. being shipped via Jolie; 1As à Resuit Of RUliflg Md Ycorne oiaturs a i h uthe he di > excellent high 'ar b)"the end 0f 1917 IsProper and That Orpet gon eetn rut e 1Wfl ti Judge Frost There Is Much ar».aeri.Edao oKepOtS- 51hsi h-ahtn Jee !tean hnsAeOto oms Muus Sand Tral-ixsd Trial-rFtixes Shoplecula peulaiot Heeonan v; otir arvrnd hvebon fr Al ime mntrvardaio nliîet eserdya sinn WekganAlne Date as April lO-Denies a Egtseit fieso h alod"lr Vladivostok b>' steamer. terflodforrnvd the "arard 8ly' "g PB HN" ES OFPOLEi iW Bns aigHsCsonJ.« & E. Twenty-seven Lnited States Island.Tthe Chicago mer) nhienr> According to the report, a Wiscon- BonerSyin HisCustmen went wththe Declines to Be lntervewed- Do,îaldson Jordan of 56(,: 111 o. Five-Mile Dry Zone Was Kept sin association organiyAud durtng thbc Main Gable Running West at Ha ee gant ditig hpmn t hecas.avenue, John Arthur 8wInsý-, ' 2aiaFrm dyeegrrt acarriedooutg itework wîîý,h Naval Station and Othr Ha Be Aais Amttng5~?%nes <thpssgi(~ . the Tuition Fees Amount to \tillard avenue, Fredrîk ayo Passage Before Only adge !toogns he toB~ Pisnes acngaTainws fthesagnne ni o hf t Aot___ au beri, Tyore osnpr fth iha eo Coi8a r o uer. iCn hnde oveatotheCAbouttiie$7,000 in Alil. Fisher, lienison fBinha ,111îfland b tr ih.promises thie cotopetion of the WjsOto omsin )een han ith thei iThOwencuusinnprtcffthh hChhcagoefT re. roDl f ude.dd was er ti on uwalet WiiCo lt Spritedri Biartouî Joues of Lake Por.e The wet and dry election on April 1918. ________IN_______CASE. Schoole T. A. Simpson turn over ta 4 promis" e to b one. of the most bot- phone Company in Lake count>' haS DTAILme Js H Pe CASE. Àthe hlgh achoc I. Lake cou M"" ly bontested Waukegan hashbd r îbieny ten damaged ta the extent of mun>' ou- s tiorn tJaes H.Wier rM TAhqIESAApril 1, thc tuition funds out of! Ute If KJU E SRumors have fit.hoveever, that there E~L U Othousands of dollars au a requit cf pi.mto aqai h ndiI Nt schooi fund, or, wili he refuse ta take ML R D C R are a-numiter of people who propablyEN EUicO h terrifie sitet Storm cf the laet f»w et CM.ln ude m.O-thls action untilisomeone top* for. uTId ha e~rr~ ouclcassed among the wets be- delt~s a. Net $Ince the heas>' aleet storm 2 o ae 5l5(Et 21 ward and secures a writ of manda- llM IU*. U cause they are flot in the dry ranka LJI f o f 1913 han the company ausutsd 2-Judg C. H. Oonneiiy sfter cire. Film1.5FO onP OSC TE M fuffy deliberating the argumentas idIIL OR a t~II mus? .who Bay>'the>'thin'y the>' wilivote the R S sW S ýuch a lou1,,in tcounty.Chare. overINIes the. motion to qah.~Titis laelie question tinat is being A UUTuuIf l dry ticket this tinie., iust for a change. IEI % OR 9"'Ulf1 Ford, district manager of the. ... 3-Wi1lamOrpet, upon ,u,=»stof UCIU IT L ('IDV aked as a reait of the decision ren LEALIE nUI)IREL BJ. Borne oef theni say the>' tiink some oni TWA ~iV iParty, was unabit ta uive an ectimte 6 tatse' tterveyN rri ned;5e1a-%-U1dered at Rockford by Judge A, H. thessaloonkeepers shouid be taught of the damage dont, but admttedthma j tom' a plu ofe!net uf. Frost of this district as to the. con- a 1eson, for tht.> figure thqtLtheir it would baetxtremeiy heavy. Thic 4-Ate > . .MnI'o ont omrTw olco un titutionallt>' of the recenti>' passed Threaten to Frmn Company of voteswotld be enougli ta switch the Formner Lake Bluff Postmis- stverest damnage occurred menday foigh sM»chooheilinthor t1uition iaw. town back laio the wet ranksase > igt admhis clientabl.Over ExcesFees t aify leei htadaac o o'- Their Own if Raise Is Not te- rmetî o sces e tress Esoaped Tri-Fed. Following Ulaà partial lUait Of the 5-Cort denies peition but Mesures Cutidget ford says witb regard to the. ruling iven to Them. According to statexpents made b>' eral Jury LetsHfer Off. damnage wrought: ________h oycnui it ortJdget hy Judge Frot: "Om___ o of thte drys there won't be an, ____G reat Lake@ ta McMdnry tel chaent nt an>' tietho desires. A permanent inJonction was In- 5WchMancAeADRES. ta vote on te proposition cablt5 the largest In the count>'. 6-Utites 'Attorney' R. J. Osdy aski HE SILL OW S $,487. I ued b>' Jodat A. H. Firost, lu the S ITMKSAlADES w ear ncase te>'are sesa- BELIEVE HER CARELESS. eut of commision mince Scelc cttasttee"frhaM circuit court of Winnebagn court fui le voting ont the saloons thia Moda>y night, chutting off ce,.. cMtlthe Msst tiercase fortrn Robrt 1tutaw. former town collet- t>, restraining Abie J. Crain. , SD.9ac t irs. They admit that the>' are pro- FdrlgadjruaFi'i hi- muncln with man>' towns lit 7--C-1 ilfor Orpet urge court te lor. Waukegan, marcit 27, turned over Winnebago count>' superintond- Ffenhnrddlynnwopo ae ag aSrnfeda h etC4 eue aIdc ielael ise thoeinsulient ine to pre- ta Circuit Clerk L. 0. Brockway a ont of achools, frestS oarrylng ont duce the larges' pet 01 the milk con- session of the legisiature and lobby Rose,. the POstmaafress at Lake Bluff,.,c th tcenad>'.hr pf Part à sUtable dofense. Check for $3,415.19 as payaient of theth ie provisions of the new state sumed In cmlego. are meeting In for the Passage of a flve-mlle dry whose aliegod financialI rregularities! Sloythelpouneaesdwno "-udgt fInail>' st case for April Io, excSS e fos collectes! b'>'bhna during taw provldlng for the payaient of Chicago todanvestigaadiormtned s o Chicago. Thepassage o! l inspeotors givng nor ys eav tofil afi- four of the Svt years lie held office. Clin fe f u-ftw i h ic g o a o eem Dd e. o e ao n h a a tto te davits for continuance. filus exC«£ea5 os during the year 1914 chool Pupils f romr the $tat,» fort teo wln au tuerease of 20 cent'%,'illprnviding for sucli a zone wol1 iebd enacad ftiapy Bay' road. Antloch, Lake Villa - t ~are sadId have been $1,48747. Suit school furtdf. in ver hundres! pouis lInte price paid take n more territor>' than thew own- ite ab$80 ortc osai f is fuiawihwhc Wueyntes Waukegan. Marcb 24. fr this amont bas! net yet been In- Litigation o i uson a v he > lgdarbuîgcmp-si o akga.adwhtUle-isKatherin oMertho.os uan miye d Foxerakiyhaes cq ommuaonh WilliamOret, the University ofttute!, sa Mr, Mutaw ili tatietitis poding in everalIlinois coun- netee ottponi teMIonel aSS t fie asilersa itese Ote r poos1 Mnat ox ake0., VA'ILoiln student. muet Stand trialItem over ta Superviser Edward Con- tes The decIsion islaaiti ta ho ttr alti hneo t en o fo en e r s>' te os Atrlos Lleryo. rMt oake, on a harg of urdeing ie f rad treasurer o! tiet owu of Wauke, the. firat ln an>' fcuIt court n If the>' do flot gel that Inirease thet.eel itecac fIsbigr-Atrbarn e tr h uos Atoh ietvl on a charge teofomrrderingrehUa thepeale, and ote cgeaif0ehUic.-Round Lake. sweettbeart. ain Lmet uru h oryasprcs- tesae ndtt aei xet milk producirs sa>'the> w ill forua Aot-w eeaag»hrevsd otof-eUsecostr ais t Hal! a doxen cibles In Wouoe. lielmi v oods, Lake l!orost. on Foh- ing 1914 Mr. Mutaw, as neari>' ail hua' cd to bc appealeituvothe supreme Compan>' of tiroir own fa ditrîbuts determInes! effort on the part 0f the thavetetMieRsa beothberand Jusry ginand e'tn4 ad ruas'>'1t. Judge Charles H. Donnel>' predecesom h as! don>e. tank<as hi Court their product. and refuse vo self vo drys le Waukegan ta socurs thse pas haetesMi Rosa eptheranhoots le ttltphones, prIncUpally - on the etWomoc.sttn nte .nh salar>' 2 Per cent o! the total secouat Under thse nov tultion av te sage ofthte hitl and It lookes! very snchbshape fiat t vas Impossible ta north aide andn North Chicago ho colleces!.Spataent o!nfesefor pupiinut thecdistrlbutlng companiles. mtba ftt mauevus elitl ust boy ber accounata taod. etc omsI te local Circuit court thîs afternoon.hocletd amnoffefo ulga-mhasIthmazrwudbcutfcruisi. the motion ta quasisthh in- An agtation vas atartes! and Ut vas ýtendtng hgh sechools 1. dItricts htefc is nraeI ayt ans.Anumber of poîou . i Rolsta' dîsre ucs. 't Mn> ofatelWpor. en OVt5TUtti E O ter.pointes! out tiat the Colecter Us ai- ther tsan tiroir homo district te producers. fI, on t aecal mon vito favored the retentlon .0fdlovr aiyarorsuttat Teagetre!tlpoomn donttheutetbarging Oroft wUt imurhiloves!he saroons, not for the sake o! thsete Postal departient Immediately who ordinarîly àae employes tu lie@> din oge Donnely Us hearing the lwd2prcent of hia collections vas troitestate achool fands ai- onth.leargpnee ! force hiag raSe Mince a change cf venue wss talc. ont>'Up ta $1.500 sud tatai al over, loted thse sevoral counties. Un-thmivsbtecsote> relleves! ber o! ber job. Site at once the Lake count>' telephone Unes lu .v n~~ Jnge Eardatret sum muaetlie turnes! bs-k ta te I. h i a iohm itit the producers could net gay>. B>' 5ome, taoonhtthenclv' coudlt e au g hBt eylO io licts oniinlta4onagmne!b n front Jfte Edwads. townhip. Mr. utaw btdkept hi@1 der theolralse he here'istrict ithout Itaheasalononhocensthe uttadmittes! gesiteovasocBame Diraty& net baargoshforce 1oCondtionmem freeaiuCitttoago. After icadin tearguments o of ip r ua la!ielbs o!fie Pupi pais! the tuion. howveor. t vas doubtud If ah Slonlces btadite h@ws igt Q 11391 fr 4, Coat111iMâsaet.Judge Doa- eoau cletositc abt bn h oa iuto. the retailiprice voul4 réunit. revenue. vont ta Springfield and! ex- bookkeeper and tret vas wb>' hb We have been unable as yet to, sabir Mt t» m IWB ,fQr liearlng au ans!states! tiat ho wiaied ta ho aitown Under the former Law the achool Roub te RESU*iIse. entes!their Influence wlth legilatorg, bas! not iept ber cash ans!d ao ieiu n i h amo-de A11 10 bât go,.re lts counsel un firt vhetiter ho vaentilos ta tise directore o! an>' district vbere thte "htUtntoacocrtsi!plulgot btWuk ch vtsrîgt aer Fpond aIbis e urig. d tii that ime tu e Oe Mfdavtosaeting mono>' or visefer ho mieuls turc it vas xno accredites! or rrecovslasnes9" ohiffi , b>' pointht ieglaht o!tht votera su fte wt ri h. amte!ttdirpubsbtI~ r eeiats a frt b v irertt>'abouts!h iiegven oel a ntcerlsbu is md SChffl-vTe obliges!a t ,~j5~lWls L c5 Mie ur>'vtttu , L os aamslaao a cit-ai-stes! that i l t itatt niane, as tht filemen rmaie thedir 1»y bli Jler ams'oouuse. He announed se tecvbom hobuls! luisovel lthe cfgany,' pupil In tbtteirdidstrit.provis!- farger producer. 'We sirint8reate.d iate them arbîtraril>'as vouls! be thet fils. ebatainen monso ysi ici SI. lififveroar ts cf bit te eont>, We m thet ie oos!gise the"eaffidavits his excesa fees. ngflsth i ateds choll In ngetting a botter price for or pros! aeitefv-mu l e ipasss!.arTbcu ae a!cre!anbu4 tsp r mal ne xp nd fgetlts eru ronsifiez-atbon. Tht tovo board bois! a met an sd some thter district. îsci. t doubli,. bowver, If It vouls!i The arguments appareni'mprse!noe-blcefronetiea4bc anralgina!Itdsos retaines!AssatSaesAtrE' Te 5Wlw poie httt asea n9aei ealpie'the legisitors for Use billt as nit ds!flo oritt isber off. vitb b ent tt anst tseamage vUiiihave *ArqueQuaseh Motion. as nietsei ealpie." pse.bttie t alt o % repaires! b>' frda>' nighb. E Juge floanely arrives! In Wauie- Rsnyars! ta institute sIaait st=Mr, cno t>' uperinlondent o! scboqIS Av present fie producers noceUse epasses!.are bltaie osIt n ! rorely B i ra.Lkst fH iantalie 0 pencortaziiMutav. Lait Saturda>', Aàa a'A. 1mut ytise tuition out o! the. dis- 81.35 per bundres! pounde for thein Tise drys sa>' tt ftlte>'ar a l iss Rosa as f korasaeri Blefter O! Tte imetLaens v e ffls> gaicick ilsm onu rtH la! et lV. Smiltisrepresenttng tMr. ,Mutaw, trittutabie fonds turnes! oser toahmbite1mlk. Whaltishe>'vaut Us $1.51 per'vo)vote Out te saloons thîs Urne Uavthe ltopps nv sLi lf ti ai iii xed ett vilo.te p hmornta tae u hd mrpet ahpeares! n circuit court. as!sntbbng lb>'tht. state. Tiis moe>' cornes from hnrs h meig te>'vili have knocked te prop ont Chat. Tise paper, aise slaiot tbe naval station ta UJbertyvihlç. 'aie' Satoa Attorney' Oas!>'states! tbe amonut o!fte cxcestees for Use te tate tWO milii ax ans! tisemotie! to determineeJust boy Juan>'viii fnom uns!er tbise vtaans! Ibat the>' ber a lot o! mono>' ans! viIe &site l- tience centth cHiorry. la fie lazât bitaItht. cae o! Wm. H. Orpet vas varions years. Jus!gment vas COn-ls apportiones! toe acis count>' ans!d e'b>' the main body>'In the do- can go ta Springfield ans! point out toaus U u smcbioalyaeLnstise county ans! taies toit tinta te ip for conaderaon-that Judge Bd-fessesians! entertd. fiW turning aoer scitool district tliroughot thie state as ett btttttsc svslt eiitr a te i> ict> otaes! ler lle borneans! telrman>'points voit iss! not lu thc wards atreas!>' las!board te argu- ts hc oa'Mm na aifo! aecut'gt aot$.0 tisBorden, Bowman ans! ther big com- la dry' ans!that thora vouls! ho no offecîsU i nosert 'ceunI'. Soaie diffilui>'vas expesi meuts ou thse motion ta quasis but judgment. sisare fils year. Tise Wankogan *ais for a iîgiter prico. biarre Inpasslug Use bilt. going. Thon came lte pou onces! In finntg jutl vitre the4tib* Thatunies, _ofth_________1_______euM betee tn ndcrepanc>'. lir stintimar>' ene hie occurresi but insU>'. that ho bas! net enlores! a ruliug T trigosero!tvte ecoci eos achols vcotes bivnc ee as! te malter vsdrappes!5 5 t i enao idlcl uarsti Tiseargumentsadatvancedi b>'Aller- b>' Mr. Mutav settles ont. point-mon; Ivelse thisasns!dolluasIsat year. Thte of te demntomen otes b faho a farOO thépîîWîcof vas concernes!.r hoacp h oiino oncl ueitnetfrtdeslncla ilaso!vt dmn!hteievviib Peseh~~ l- ne dIte office o!fishecemnIfflb ivia ne>' Wlkeraan vere practîcaît>' tise w sacp iepsto !lv o--spnnodltfi ,pot., Ut Us insais!, that if te emaus!dprce UCIN SALBolNUt nov iems 'tie govet'nment founs! Ibat lteContnaction vas br*- ïamo as tfoirse ntes!ty itaInsufuture viii do no wvl the ar> ont o!fte avalla..e moue>' an-.rfss! ieprcr ore hi BEvsuvll ne oacp e tt-o Ia on bu a ieve rise Dmre bearnbieforo Jus!ge Ed- ful inovtes!ge itItteirtotal com- ten apportions tise rosi tote dif- jcli at t vo tht. peotple o!br tie-CnbiJ pinnaouihlla ll V vara.Hociargs!liaItit idit-pensation vii lie $,60,regardies 0< feront achool districta. About $7,O s 1atnthPcirc eo f ic- " ~ R monts that site bas! mers>licbeu Oe-' .o! UbertYvilte. Mr. Ford in et the -, .H cagdtie h idc-cago Under aycrumtne, I LOSEI) BY R R lois ans! tiat accerbllngl>' an effort opinilon tisat vater muetI bave gotte. ment vas udeilete, amblguous ans! boyrmach oser itIamosie te>'muy o!fte amouel UaI Laie count> ' ni tmtdb rdcrtenw aet aebr nitdadit h al hr tfoew essai v. and! taI ildis!nov gise O- colect.rclewud nrthnwlab pais! tb>' tht superuendent ta ttsi< coiait> woiild bh itd ai a club oser ICT put té aal This effort bai Isst, braieatise cennection. )nce lie pet a suffIcienti>' dean knoovetige o! ot1E fLaiilehwvr n h uyei roe oncinl oae t tie lsz'e gana im n0 tna estit iius s > lsIrecognizes! ili s chools. These are- victhe doie atniblrdao.J iIdfI& alsioooas!lt uyet rkncuoto slcls lv Leasss!peiroaallsfatoy ns!T (Lv >j~ Wauiegan. Deerfilis-Sbilids et HIghi- fretI ean! ____deuIly blelleves! ttae e itssi Roais aceaipirsvet> easy Matter tb re- trope' defense. 1 tans! Park. Lihertyvilie. Antiocit and! "ik or" i ~i ls!loiso!havlug ma46 ubîntOtn&l pair tht damage. Tie caitit viiihb Ht saie! is pIt ! ie ors ..e a vWauconda. About $2,500 o! Il la due "We are going tb form plans; te Police i.,aim ne ulspenseu errors rather iian bellovcing theoPens!. tise be taves out ans! lie He N WEST ashtuptoontfortthe local higliSscisa.lforce te distrtitora t grnsth" iaorcnHiloe bv aims o!fte departaient ltaIt e Lirsbsae! h sn odto give ans! dmlninleer' viîciare uses! TIKTS ONAbouit 2,700thla lite Highliand rceg!ýRi a lu fie ladctment relatbve -a the gis- 1Aoui 2,0 abunI oce re a let sas! ast. o" wn pvilI theaSloon on Suniday. bas! embezzled -tht.- moue>',. iosab inte different cablos la Wsuke- îug o! thte poison vo Mise Lambsert Lun ftIt ark hi;h sctooi. Tiis moue>' ait la erou reî, outelan(that 'oPrie * -' ATgan visiciare out o! comunfaso. Hoasais! fie vorssgise ans! adminis supposes! t0 be turnes! ovor April 1. for55ounstproduc .3 Uar pre yl U.N ainct o orteoete oieEp olohaeMonkd y nigt ud vii te : a-EER-E. tBALige arost a arntly doeol ed . Th.-s!lts-tbutteATiJiaVe t8d. commlssMonnialarji hagoasoles t.nOpnt e s ern. a ******-'-Wevn -. d i -- o M.Simon ae ug?0-'-"e e slog ' tesalon &ii os-bts-et. hifîs.util ail the damage Ieteliater Cadiates t n te taans! tmewetkfratesloéeenehes y nPsPuin ndto Worda iso saIs idte>'mightl menan tiatal ai Of gsvng itmighl be a vise course forta s ie e aemltr bces tl! > nroPcn as n ~' IA4bas been repaires!. w, Balot yPetition, Apjniîn-bte. t rfuet ao 10 er tUe bllon oU0 ou andsaunit set prîces our- theplace vas closes! b>'order Of PO- î a o uuttsmrigfa Opel "ministored te palaceforc--JY --------- toit.m 10 moIS P>'tvodo selves.' lice Chef Edward Lux.,fwsntutl hsmrigta Isi>, tiet ho gave t ta te vîcliai ing for the Condition,. mon>'!emsedlas ho el I i as!-th bas saoo whct re ow p is el ista 111g1M commtit suicide, or viefelt Ts oes Wa erfeii tces! 1ncase te 15w later lUs itheis FIGIIT ON SLAYERSa vited- baoken dcvii potesheon Beividoo poton 55ta it viim posesio ebve oterhoofnWests!, O lise otiter baudif dresses! i .>'R.B. Swift, president o!fte licensob>' the police commission coalbng o! ceon lte vires ans!tise pogo va n h fiat n M iO hvete"vslst hthitels- ile t ir it hpais! idOnteéhra, te Miii Produceru' Association, ani ette requesl o!fte police chie!, Seeks Congressional Action boasviwns! viscit causes! a syylag fe0U tedefeniant In mmain ahopli te mont.>' oer andtit vas éhrof san'as ytefve lfLxifredmub ftemotion.causes! 60 o!fie potos Ie meri dcdbrt aeI e aoteeeto otso pt en lciwwscnmYt h asbens of te miltkboard!" in Chf- police commission tas-thfe Saloon AantDrcoso lios oa sI hyhdhi lp Mr. '.kWblkerson de çont ifehen4tad liaIeirbafltfior te tan-ccnsttulineUrorhballotse forhoacliseb lavis-teencheerotlluIU ha senwho torlmbist .badnM.inmeign niatps attorfie lut'>' o ie d mae,- ahis llcr.entiibaliote mosî l iMn uns!oe.producera ans! stribatOrs. iho bas! better go ta confessUon befono _In____fe sser degre0s assh e ecolle- DMP]tthe, nuyOn'ttcise aisi le f ie>' hesêr lhv ate moa ns! i iii dave eeterlng te iitcten o! biseitome, anti Deciaring litInet oce o ero hnhors!ltion ccurs-os!In man>' parsaof thé M t a ge s no aitre 10o acW it ch ic bis e th y e a a e s e n t w A E U l vf ' E i T A P ' i F A I U D h V U Vi l la sais! t a t as ecause f hi 5 o ! fine bloode s! Oen e nays ags ifflet- coun l>', I e nom e places o lcu aO s ' Mr"teeduReront restitee c étherabals> t ol a NhdeAl,>DRUU Itroattat the malorit>' o!fte ineiis os!ith the foot aud moetrdlsease tva olOIDSoalti ho dowu-luIs juryailgt bave or LANILI itreuie osferbe tuyIavoe n 1hoiscte ,tliety Fr nta f o L K O IA ED 7T I D Ybers o! lite commission votes! 10 e- wten Use setisornles sisugtred!Places Ibero migbt ohallsait deSssa cetintnoo dorinsed o.eîgjaOsHe>u flII iraii si lt icne.fos.M-a mou-rde.ul o r oe cssodesb iatlied ta c ia lan uuelret>'aoneo Ivo part>' tîcieo.aUTBAs -T STCH IS C UJRCIpolicemen catigit Purin In lte set cftaolirfgtb asintnvteeMvatoreae!Itatsutl> a 11 di_____i__ I Suil " ssmnt i ite lias laid il befono te national au- ail o!f th0 ecables vere self t rtai léeofýè snc ui !sesn ersrel . i ieiei a osbet ancu prove a case on Il, ratite titan hase 12 sepafale tickets, lais! out aide b>' S h i h ion nosible SandaMm a tva or tlse-barreied veapon" 10 aide on te ballot. Tis-eo!fte offices for township Sunda>' nextLtobe an Important liome aboveot10 saoon n u >' horti.Site seeka congresasîonalmnîto vfi euo!iefl' traIur.Thse peular situattion euld honora n Cuba vos-e unconlostebl ai event for Christ ctîîîrch, Wsukegan. afleracon usas- 5 o'ciock. laction againil lite directos-s o!fltael- itre e the Jry.P]Cie denles tise charge, anti daIms inole foot aed moutdiastaseocent IntOwss lunte ceunI>' b>' saanaet As s resait o! tise nature o!t the ta- from itise tact Ibat no acus vas bols!tht. recent primas-y vien Ps-es!Kircis- It viii ho. that be dis! net soit on bi-inko! beer, PIagn. separaeleitnes wvicisenterad tbigue. dietent hosaid th deendat hn l Wes Derlild tis earans!i erwsrnoiae for super-viser,. Tise 0haniesrofteow- ikyrwi nteSbah. TeolwngdptctleoferlcsInaoudbutae tanwegeigo Dtheils Ibiss o! thuea. Wrwsepre httobew dpas sais!. ~ ~ Elvo tis teirdan baset ear aunverar founs- bi or inero.tis .ab.alr. tht inlta ibe made agalast hlm aItte ee !ts ikt tril.Petilioti." Thete Ieiflis la -i'Ontht. For colector, itovser, tes-e vert.Tise 651h anniversar> o!fte builîs- !oltov se attempt on tise part of the.i Washington, D. C., Marcit là trial. >.uai.o!'o lt ttsest o! th. aprns n!Mls ae' bi-igo vt l-v psoa cu-hbpolice ta close lise saloon on Tuestiay, 1Sire. Scott Dos-ans! o! Chicagons iE1 naieotFrthone r. it aandM. oney i fthe ît>',,p. cuh rLEDN 1 0 9ONE Dadyne Rn li but tht. donrss ert. closes! ans! tht. Csaltree ferra, caltes! on eenstar Tise States5 altos-ne>'argues! tisat JPeope. lie ofte cnitsouvtîy a gos! vote. Ht. neceivebi 118 ~LL,1i th a aentcompelhta sarsl fthsanvray rteotre! ihidn bre minte f-Sheurman ans!Crgeeman ato ta alUmineideceInat.some o!ftetilcketa s Igei49; Arthtur'Ja>'no, 51; sas! Rectos- Canuler i making plans vo proprletor. Pcel n.o!tsos-againut lt.e faderai deparient h R NEE T I not inown nnleeseers f NrihChivriretulitaIus otht.>'ir mtiHe s-et idbt.h tas e or ar es! wulesmîIft lie a ey fE. K. Maget., 50. Athoegh the scan- Ittil>' observe te tmportant esent lm"uloteceso o-bCii iutr teas fvtlsiehio T hlm bite indicîredtoete leglite BCremsontocfdidates ail bas! announces! tem'a-b>' aneappropriati' service. canan!d t aiitîv mw so oth sisaaemaul o! Use foo cas te, anler potIsn tcas.! a msaeviti iit tes hltasevscnddtssbJc 0te acl-ITli ieetoipratam pitor o! tht. largt tu fmsn tha lt-nsmol-deu-caabne lî3 same offte ballot; on tht.>'ma>' bave Iion of te caucns, Iieke hbanowv es-s"Ies, tirat o!launcbîflg te pur-Cil>'. litssaloon nlitenoie, Forlite fous-bis lReUUnhfis-etntion thse Opeb indlcîmentlaishases!parti'l tougist Ihat b>' iaving a ticket ait deciai-es!lie viii rue against LameyIlhait suhlding te chuncit sioulil corner o! Svaie anid Tenvir stret..ForAshanefut cfftermeati lie attentio ise soietes! god autits-Ities b drav- tion voîs! ho ncreasoi, j Fo itighwi,-co-mithenos- Will is inleresitsg anlous lie pas-lit lu tnt.. iteveetatis.eDus-nti on ne udtans!hGuenteafsatiionshit streba. Wtt 1-