CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Mar 1916, p. 12

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2O6-208'L21Oý-22 N. Gecnesec Stt.,Waukega'n, Lu. - Sa rts &Saturday, -A pril I At This Time We Offer FashI*ons Newest erëàtions in l~ i. MERCHANDISE BONDS arc a vry important f:at.< - Becoming S3i arel for Women, Misses.. and Children * at Itemarkably Small Prices. 'lis évenît brilîgs forth for your apbproval a %voîîderfiî1 display of thec bcst anîd îîew(!e"t style, inwîîeîs iisses' and effildren's new' spriîîg apparel at the mnost attractive prices ever quoted at tinis tinte of tlie .sva'soî'by aiy store in tis portion of the' state. -Our stocks are nxuch the larger Our values are much t.he greatest -Our prices are much the lowest for such bigh-géade merchandise -ours is the largest women's and childreu 'sgpecialty store in northern Illinois. -Our styles are alwfya correct in every detail For nearlv ttw('ie vears we have been the ieading Nvonen's andi eiildren's store of Wauke- gaîl lWcailse w' specialize in those Ues. Oui' daim is "'Tite lest possîile inerchandise for tie Ieast p<ossible prives littter i'-erehiaudise for mosa ne oîe, or equal i;n(e!htitdise for le" mionev tiîanî tther stores tsk.-" Now we corne forward *i1.otr .0,000).0t) oth of ucw sýriing pae in oie great ieqmalrd, r-ecortl-brçîikiuîg ( rand Spruîg Oîwîing Sale. 1 t w ilibe a long tiluv e l)()tt you are tdered .1SaIe (of sncb g vat in.portan rSte vdlALEX HinN UMIUUNJIL PR P The newest styles are shown to good advantage in t he following special values: Wemen'a Gowns- Full sizeilu soft nui- teniais, at ...... 25 Women'a Gowns- 75e andt 85e values; i Women's Gowu- Values to $1.50; of fille crepe ai-d mus- lini; handsonicly fin- cial.....95 35e Corset Covers of ait exeellent cjaiy; fine fi t; vcry secial, onfly.. 17c CORSEI cÔlvtiRS in vaues to ~USLIN PETTICOATS-in val- 75e; ail are nlcely tnlmmed and ues to 79c; prettily fInlahed sorne baye wlng sleeves; with enlroidery-at ..43 openlng sale............ 43c PETTICOATS TO .175-wlth ENVELOPE CHEMISE; $1 val- deep fionacesof fine cm- l ues in fine quatity of long dlotS, broidery and dust rufil... 9iC nicey trmmedwithem.PETTICOATS TO -hnsm broderies; ait sizes ... 1C new styles: elaiiorateîy ENVELOPE CHEISE-Si.60 la trlmmed wth lace .....17 the regular trice of these lace and $5 PETTICOATS-of fine silk rlbbon trlmmed garments; r pe de chine In, the ,tpeciaI ..................J. 5c 1 west styles; spectl... .9 New Spring Hosiery Very SpecllIy Priced Womni's '25e black lislem hose iV ail sizes and a fine17ic Women's 50c SURl Hose C'ordes ln black, white, corral plnk, blue, (an, nId rose, etc Ha. double hecls and toes; apecial.,.3 Women 's $1 SUR IHose Tihis la thle resmit of a ripecial purchase and* denful value..79 -ail colora... Boy,'l 19C 811k Ilose In black only ani made extra strong tu wl1 t bstland bard ware. 12 Ail sîzea at ...12 Opening Sale of- Genuine Leather Hand Bags The styles in liaidbags-as weiI as other dress aecesisores -have eliang- ed auîd we are nmw rcadv with a coin- plete new stock. Hand Bags and Purses at TheBe are excellent styles lenrmal leather of good quallty.« tegular 9C5 value iv 75c; openlng sale prîce la4 Hand Baga Sjeecial at $1 At this price there is a good assoit- ment of newer styles in nice leatiiers with pretty fittings sucli as coin pcumsc, nirror, etc. Other Beautiful Baga at $1.50Oupto *5 At each of these prices and several iii between there is a îuost unuîsual array of thec iatcst shapes and fin- ishes.1% Women's $.50 Crepe Kimonos, at 89c These kimonos are excellent values and well worth the regular prîce. Thcy corne in a good range of pretty colorings and ail sizes; special at 89e. $2 Values in New Kimonos, Very Specizl, $1.39 A goodly number of pretty styles; ail nicely flnished with satin trimning. The colorings and patterns leave nothing to be desired. AIl sizes in the assort- ment. 1 Had AEi Emnbr Otiier wai giiiefiai organdie chine blou The ~ rp e de fia , rose ' pnk and m blousqes or and prettyla No lHe collars colors. ltr xal diuce- sale or child beause tley represerit au extra saving on everythinig botigl t Stamps are given with every 10e puirchase and at, various 1tinics during the week' as rnany as 25 are given frec. Paris hasi" proposed, antd Fashion has dis- M posed the hat modes, as they are toie 'for the coniig spring season. A Formai Presentation of lllnery or Spring Reprosenting the largest and moat varted collection it bas ever beca our privilege te announce. ElaborateIauat. $4.98 to $9.50 This wcek we arc featurlng the large atior lhat-strotigly individual models; trimmed in a varlety of ays witl i uge wlngs andi tie much- wanted goura. The ahapes foilow thc graceful Unes whlch ci aracterize the forelgn modela; most artltict combinations of tlie ahades apj roved by the conservative womaa. *Trimmed ifats 2.98 Io 4.50 Lar'ge anîd snall h its ti lfflf( c with lîfowers l' igsand bows. LE cîy iew style touiel for spring is displayed. Untrimmhed Shapes Trimminfga Specimi at 95c, 1.48, 1.98 19C up to 59C A The latest idmis îs niedînini pric-Ainîrican Beauties with foliage, cd iintrininuod slîapes. i t and i1)fk, 19e. Large and siliadl sailori iii fille Large sprays of foliage, paîlsies, milan anîd lisere. vilets av~d fruits, 59c. Opeaing sale of Children's R&ïncoats 'Specially Priced nt $1.98 and $2.98 > PretySpringCo 39. S:~a1 $4.75, 97 $14 0à dpt$25- Beaîîty aud springtnne, inscparably aiied as thiese alwa% s aie, hav e never fornied mrore eharrn itlg cojitinatitins than aire expi tssed iii these new- est enats fo>r ev~erv occasion. Tiiere are mais made especiailiy for the gils antd misses as w~ell as the older w oinen. $7.50 and $8.00 CoMis Oa1y These handsome sOrt coats In plain A7 Whitec corral' ptnk, twillglt blye. oid rose 97 wlth contrasted trimmingta, new collant, pockets and pretty belted or loose effects. $12 and $15 Coats at $9.75 The coat styles for spring are decidedly (lit- feu cnt ti-oui those ot last spring as spén i coets of gabardine, serges, etc. Tlîey iave the veriît*nw cape colars, saslies, Iteited haeks and turn back ptinted cufs. Ail col- ors*. q~~1 Other Coats up to$5 Oui higheri ua coat's nclude those at $16.50, $18, $22.50, $25.., $30 and $35, and a uniost woîder- ful assortmcent it is, reprcscnting the fimer cren- tions iin silk, gabardines, Poiret twills, taffetas, gros de Londres and other fashionable fabries. Tiiese mnats are very unusual, both ini thei r q i ality anti çorkmanship. Thev are guaranteed to bc water- p>roofi and inviîeuie ail sizes. Feminine Fancies -in, The Spring Neckwear Attractively Priced at 25C Ï& soc The variety offers untold possiii- tics to make tîte decision most exacting. *At eithgr pice there are clever new styles in sephrate coliars, or coilar and euf sets in fthe new shades, charîningiy finished with laces or a bit of ribbon. amommannu nom law- rfan eilîî Il th,# These fered asi ments id Spring 0111Y Coverm spot Made sizt's and. Ilii alCole Ch id4 -ers, "0 extra very j Pr i tani, iii corral.» atC Extra I oif fine ceh îIt.ewShiadi Hou se Sp.l dresses il colpys; 0 79c'. Ginghai A ipeci dresses; a Chid CIllildA- triînîed ;s Fanc vairious Styles %vit' tings. Il i I

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