* ~~. ~L~4JU~ COUNTYP E T.F1 iY ui i 96 SA ARD , i1t tN',-Globe, WaueaniLedng Stor ?RESENTS ITS Bç~tp~t~orhtiv ~ ~Feauring to a Fapio.010y-4.J EIJI U -'JN i J Goo (y E 4 pca ctIn1nexpeénsve Weir E re ý gatisfied' that,,,.putr pàrticular ~ LetMd VERY womàn will expect this s~r $ efforts and carefuJly!Wd plans have re- ExcecdinglyE present the best representation ofs~ .warded us with thé abiity of providing Brlflant with in this united event of Waku ec for this important ýSîýrng Operiing Attrartie stores, and we assure you w%, go nt he. most ai~fcn ra f Ôfrnsdone everythi ghmnto realje tuicoînmonyttctv snrh diei ___ ___ splenýdid accomplishmnent., Ever7,j,,. jè hasevr beên ,ysur peasure t iw tion is,brimful of the newest gods.el TI4 #iMt eLitDRie assibJ4;e4o1tte Iat4 0u4<gG ~ Nes~s, I ItieryË'> cssÔ4r1 e weinave ever, Sn -is SXi a ,gi at 414 l for the cxci tions w hav e speut fo i-thisse c o llectinof ailpai ci Leretoto~eti store lias h t as the leader; uov, est assudthis store is inualass bY îtself. That îwc distictly Say~n *~..,/ ~\Kiîîoit 011w iI ppiove. This reniaikm4ie SpFing 0pçuînig at tlîîý stoîe portrays1 in a mos comr.hesve -waythacea ththee W ,,style in adi eis of ready-to-weâir 6 ur stoc ks arec uow at. Uuiir piuiaele of Perfection It liiiidui.ilit.N, bids forth ini ail ' classes of anei is >%,oitl1 i nvwonuan's time to vew tht îàîc1v heauti- F4iqlioiit; whieli set deltetdhie stazp of approyi'$ fui garmn ts here.We have oiî de4 foi 'aitd w iii The î ariety of miateials, colors and modes is coin- D>RESSES scores of gqorgeous inojeU in the Most ecie st 1ewi Taffetw, Crepe Meteo.krj Georgette, Gros de Londi'& Crepe de Chine are the piý vailing slks. Prices frpuz $5 on up to $3.5.*- a_ Very ucw imodels iin thd inost attractive style eflFeVtg ('ordîîroys, includixîg h lîecw mwashablequality;,b«L Q erdines, French serges, f' feta, poplixis, satins, ohin chillas, checks, etc. Prie l'aute ini coats fromn $5.98 up to $35. The l>st froin sventeefl Ncw 't'ork inakers. Faille; gros de londres, needle gab- PI-.diîîe, serges, p)oplins, taf- fetas. ebecks and rnany flový eltv fabries. Froîi $12.50 ail th4j way to $50. e m e 1An cxecitinîally Iarge se- ë lectionin i a liue we-c are for ng turay ializiiig foi sprlg. vNaîîY uovcl inocKlls ini strictlv lie%% t~ady- te woaî apparel tr oinen, misses and ehildreîî; silj<S, dress effeets. bIuhded are* mod- goo4s~ o4w g~t, rmushins, e9.rýets, gloves, ilhosicry, 'ýaim aeces-l\.es4fecktfea ohn fâplvngt e'« iating mode(ls of the s5<oiii gbîidines, ses gos de a ýow 'fgiît ]lS? e a< kuîô,ý lecd the îuost beautiful and the1 i<icfil.ec rcs > MMjIe üllection of Coat4 S fi es tii Del Moels, eg~c~II çj~ate from hgh.cst ro iactions, priced.ec toal o Ditnetiv 4 em' a8 rndcrat i -es hav e ei givcli fuîll ç=sijdcration 11 1 iii wset h î stifccsstully we have ot ((t the clcî nest and iMost cxclugive tin Opnîg ehîît.Wc aî kP>tt in mmid those women WIk r tt ix î.îto w iiithe t&î otot w onleili of ioderate m ans. Every fabrie s er- reso~1erce.AIdlutes s ecl.Te ui1e rct 'ii scîted in silk, wool, or a conibîiuatioiî of boflh. The eolo-s, acrigt h aid you naia lyi choosîng *il' ndciletgam or 114t. yoln vogue, iin haudsonie arrav. 111 short, q display that 'eae1)-d ot., No*i Cur*ýict 4-afte, f4 Wfor "aS' amd»£ e FavosMd Sbo 04sl M0lIlf~ 1V~4~<~~ r4E~or,,etc. FsI~josbIe Fe t otý jNew Wear rs(3D,.bous Ardm$ saccessorteaMen *v of (lie newpntt Iealua gt E ntlxltetea I pring wurd em*h 1USqC"t'*àd tat ii hrv nteresting te In 51gb and low-out foot we r Pety 110 deac i liL m riai, wilI have their Initial robe in a goodi>'suppiy af