LAKE COUNTY UDPNET. FR.tDÂAYMARCII 31,1916. Lake County IndepefldeltXdddiiiona/ewr Why You Should Vote for a Waukegan Weekly Sun rpsdTw hiHg S ol Office Talephone Number 1. Lîbertyville Exchiange i 1. sbwe et the postoffice et Lîbrtyville. Ill., ase Second CamesMail Malter OMe Pulictio fr Lke ouny oar ofSuprvior Prcoeing BA son wacborn to.adM sud IR.H.Thot@ wiIlieoubmuttMd b the voters psy but a&raint'...,verr M% Bt, dîtri- OffilsiPubicaionfor akeCouty our of upevîSra'ProOSdllUa Bnmdrvl 01aiUberty ville Tuowumbip ut tbe genersiui uIg lbhe PaYm.ut for the .building and tmdBeiy Frlday. Advertisiulg Ratten Made nowu on Application. jMr.aIlifhprr veured to ber bomerna uon Tmsed, April 4tb, t byh e go n ai bond iceus A if toty l oet MISCRIPTION PRICE. S1.50 PER R STRICTLY IN AOVANCE i Batimore Tbureday moniliig afteruestion ofetetablebing a Township 01 building and aperating togniber, âo ...........................- pending the. pont montAi witb ber aiter. gb Sehoqi. MeNthe peoplee 5131ehawn bY th,.ecbeduislmWlow. wilii UVd" W. a. SMITH ......................... ............ ...................... aEdIo r. rnret n atly ierd opu ot îti subj ect it lalnd udbu .. jwsi..................... ........ Resden aSgmPlhone 180-J Me . lbo atmoe rnle iform@d Is t thie reseaure for wlmhfng 22 9100 on 0100.ooa0 cte0auain -~ Teedi fr aneaIdedviai wlb br scb a&ebool, thie kind of a sool thst of Beeoal oroperty. It wîîî roa'ly lie em ob oro e ti Ment favoilug tii. nson. Oliver Dix, and ber daubter. Mr@. lit la rnee abul.wh&i t i cilit enta derltieee o u m et 1 flr yf e t w o thebe c lflO he f n . Br ndrett a d amily. tu a -a..-.- d p eratte t, and wbets ebO<in lproportio t o s lie udielts . la g e n d t w n sh il e p a t t w o y u n f p 0 h b________SE R V C E_____o_1_-_t '% la t w l f uae aeh v ry @m ail.a lig ~.d twnslp d ilepu wo yeam ,fp.ob- VEP_ SRVCEt5"5&ýonfor bringis tbla quoetion THEESCHOoi,. dion exennc , u teai gnoahead deIpt. hind- FOR EASTER MKOPTH t as vote ut thif lime a: It le propoeeid tu purehase roni lve to mm n c hefoaads t ùmeÎÏ h r -lot-Ta furujs e iipupile trm mail the temi acres if landl for nehliol ï,ilnsud m dents as a whole have flot mlssed the absence of 1the s ma_ uThwllllie sev ie o Altheuuda aer- u ilg iLtr.i il)ienîo.îy aote t i pupet itr.eîand leons. A Village like Libertyvfle, more partcularly a nouApril 2nd, ai tbe M. E. ch'urcli. tuelvillorgedO iea i. iu &he l Educa- bm,. V UFVteVpupeIi àluterlc7 noïenenufm*m a ctulng r in, posedThe".. srvicea wblcb are givemi, for tbe tlifo r easu . ihShooiugig bs joi..tuaefotA.lîidnrav relebc laethnhneit Ot ut b lie tefirt Sunday to. îngnr thi.'i7hen nsd u atfui,aî li 51,tud.nave of a lausof people. who haveut been reared toexspect afiernoon of <adi mouth bave tbecomne qu.-h esl t oeu uit imele: bal b taed u tektY ofp150emt urah- lbfir "i"frequently duing 1the day. There in no for- sP-cIalY pOpular sudt vrWeean esuleeof tht. oî.rcrowded sud low nient). and t ie proposaet 10 plan eo Ibel de eemen in mibetyvM whoe de m angive coce eatv be ctn0seriesle ofvîenea tbeae OftantatAun ufthmi preftntf)lotrmct additione au 1 ,îad.. whemî mîsed nt aa t i ieryvle iis dure aegienCfi e terTap prto amvle aisc M& eand Higb lichool Building lu minimum vonut and lu porfect bsrnony oiration nm mafy of the lzger cities, cb, aclerthThe progra&racli11ib-se district lNo. "0, a une, building la wlth theigi..rnal plan. Io le pamîe elw rectemi, ext.ensive jepairs sud addiions thai ltheibuildinig wauid "lie ub a .ý,* memant andpeo l fnluama.iV 11181 a the iI. Prelude-Pilgrims Chorus..Wagner muetIlie uade un tihe-old building. andase ta cout6in anu "fttgl& al. .1 zaise bas b one ahead sagfagto!iy duiiig tàe tW effl 2. a Serenade ...............Mokwski Ibis betors Msrcb lut, 1917, or unr i 5'higi sud a gym&uhall .îitAiecarn 1e, W bRoay.... .......... Nevin ditrict inlll be veian ils elate appro- setz, six rectation ruumue, two laboya. jupu e fail to heS aay good and sufficient argu- Orgait. Mrs. Flora E. Dmtnnd priatlon. tories. avallable basemenit space 40'z 5V ment twvd mkîn te towohlp ne t« toriynorw. 3. Medtation........... ..... .. Massenetl Sm- -Sucb an addition wouid ai hast aud other rootni. .ee'mary t.. encl & usa tour nikig 11e owsbl vt t~~1o? flU.Violin, Lloyd Taylor hbu but of tomporary velue and wonid building. Piano Accompanimnt. Arthur Miller tborefore ho pour economy. Provision In tie tilmanoes bute been The campaîgn now being wal Byaconfesion ofo!judgment 1la cirMtcUI ourt todY 4. a -1lie Lor is M iyltt ........ 4tl.-l Wouid nat meet tiedeaemimieta. mpeeqmplet mifr i Ai pbicformdeamdpleescaiprncpa aai.uriecbr,-wî mre ineeas s ofamuemrtcat vbel EbetXuavlunuoerteWakeài ow1l be1 im'Lr..Frank Lyns fiueiliis. Iben ws have lu our Hîgh kqoI eoîla t sotnateponhe ar $ t80, i he e t ed ae"Vea au M the peSoprano, Ms. ULai White tl.-There would hoi nsuZicent tasprnt.t lntanaeM othpn4 ont qdtcr e The Sn la ouuinn1s~1 ud Juulfled W 5. Reading of the Scipture and Prayer revnus tu operate a Hîg'î seool fuli> The llkwing rbeduleq have baeu oraiisfru.I stec torofTh IMRt csuuuae.aueedited tsi ail college% sud on aul affved UPun l'y lb. uudu.viged a%%v1- cotsded " Ie aw said coflotorsin Waukffl towi- 6. OfferrAOy- i0ijBiet efficient bonels. aveu if the .addition wreeve nsltig thee tuatid on mdon y setiIed convictions of the fermer ublp le retain 2 p# e nt ot 11 t UO1l W n7. Readi aaSeledted ............ t.--Tlie amantages sdgot bir eboeîng woarpiulu aver ni teab- bunesadpfesoamn mo ai t lt he ada gt o u $,1« à Ù awb . .......Longefellaw wici would aecrue boOur commnnitY liebiig a Township lilgb 6cbouliwa nLV ietvl. natebu 118 tey ad8 lgt 0 ut 1,O,85~hI b MSan Ea. Orpha Harding wiîîaidtcho.u ediol oeeemn will ieobertyvilleTownship aud urge the voter. bevle opeolfled. Personai friendu ff, roenusud ubsequent musical accompanimeut, Mrs: Onrand loit until mmci aechn e tabliolied. taupotheareatepol.T yae nreednan Sn«..tM s jbed l e urd S fl but, accerdig to 8 De-etecemi, Vialilansd Clainef The rues of ererting and operatinil a Slgned: nu for our ~~~~~~Lloyd Taylor, Mal Hapke very ine. smîool wltb ilite intructors lei.. 1,.,Tai Icr J.ii eg uetvleada n hit *o1 confession ef judgmlent lincoUt today, it appearsit r ilrx iepaorltvi msLhcl lescutd n tay l WoBikey sLibertyvi les mandy tafyi ......................... .......Dudley Buck the Ralroads and Telepiriie aud T@le J. W. Butler. t'. F ml.Jr. poert Ithg lund B" ta epermittedlit to drag along years and Mrs. White £aJh Compaie psy 26 6% of the taxes BonuH. Miller R. E. Oslî.irne rsely n hs oun thon Rate, perbaps ubmen 1 e-collectrs vers old agd -mlu t e Townslp. lu te.d.str.t...........SchumavnI weeks we have shown how thq psbave sombody atarI a sut unsler th1e sme cousun- Mms Durand la readiiug îh..e- seltduleaé bear ln mid lthe vrry ow con t aiwliih money whach should go mita locI t8u.We hadno personi fiht.nepaeonadesùre to re- tisae falcilities are ecured. We have shown that a modq BoieMa, «ficw b ustss The Iav ii».rîc s cheduls No. I-Maximum Eatlmated Coul of School.$20 pewekorbze ou Chuià CS'u"e OS tuildinîg............. . ...........................,0 x 20 e ekfrboewu h anov besa a= _y oa ue cofletor .thathe __ _4 ta 10 acres griîundo wllh walks ete ..................... l,00 hvo2457aih ettem os e va. about it and hefr $4832 Wini be tlun5d MtoitLpaoil quipment..........!........................................... .500 hv $45.7ifh ltth o bac*t ete vn%0 lnof! Waukegaa. coniTotal ..................................................50000 ()f batik for 18 >eara at 3%. Twog Services nazi Suaday ujvi h 6iamdseSebedule No. 2-Oporaimg sand Maintenance Expems. clkege educations. A home cou p ra yeng o. .IL 4 ochras $80 par moutb or $720 er............ 2,880010 could be left secure fromn worrya or .W ffln-a ehesy hmmoufotytbebU asar e. . 1 iJauiior et $65 par moutb .................. ................. 7000) -.mmss. Bolo by Uns. Cryotel "tab wlw suppliée.......s......................................... 300 00 D1)00 it meun anytllilg to ibugoosileed, 't voum çmmd ctr o ae"Cavary" by Peut Rodney. lulabhe Jantons supplies ........................................ 00o t&Ihe ak nUetv mo r mt r1audr '10 bave storut utthe Pulile daml de- t $10e O .00 mor th by *4aue4"iWtuî for Bnesohee- 10 1 hir".11 li.lti . l~ by lire. grba oa Mmut opelaling sîpens ...... ......... $,501 << b dou de aiesue ______________________________________ ms. m i .SeloduéleNo. &-Total Lestmaed Annuel Cent or Levyi. Puy for IWO yeats how an -mnreeseof V I treaz. iiiiiiolam bui G noai-*oe 42k"1l* ' i le" 5 be s.uobjet PIpelanmd lte Operation. 6.50e00 the t- years previouà ~ÉII auuaa MlU> mteie es. vs A O-aeuEsS ', 0saiianuîy..$2.5S000terr tory. -The aavings deposits mAI'grDm iàow. Ib Idg-seil 41 Oedilly lvlted. tdIxI!st lawm olàs tea4% .......... 200 equi ta the occliandtebsIÀidt aot Det - - Totpnal. .nd.. ù......... .$1200kiraeo ppointl 5 io '~< te sfUaatedo ieolda kTuaa aarof, pi binTtl..... ....... 1....................... 0f1besud1penmi r5' Tutsd ailrtmoof Achtecksm up aImI oi e niu o~~ is wih unechureh poirion. lira. Pauli agaffn, Les. titè 25 et $0 eeàr............................O ieas.. Hunr0s0o ch0k TM , ~ rascimei port long aftor darir. BUt *s. Carroll <Gmdey sud lira. L. E. Tatal ................................................... $11001 00 I forxnerly cashed in saloons arer for lb. esence. ' o! t wouldbave [ogescngeul 55T Laies yulàs.Soedule No. 4-Taxable Values. the banks ande part thereof de Atuthe. PeMatche7.or vhlcLm lie EleAeNeU tooud aT. uat feeramTnesaroTLani îds. L.ots sud Pesona#............................... 01,174,570 0 Attse~ e iei wnlvs Aebeaie aun to le se i1>Chicas seoui t0cio.C. I. t St. P...ianesvllle [immc......*....................... 7,8610 cases or the" are turneci in thro «" te*. eteaunch tille ftlhlg tf or Ml1Kaukee fonan tee. cnimaer tu Et. Lawrence Epseopel. CV.&~ . lvnr io...........(l.8 o MliM Niet e f ieîh WAtlaM Smithm re ib e MInou Berlim te sr-.1ev. E. S. White, PriesI in.cbange. ne.................................31wo 00 aespn bd Inauseteir. battismi vth lie elemeute rival of lthe tug tram Chicago or Mi,- Holy Communion. ezeaplot Iltunday .....&....a...ter............................42,672 04b Every uney arebusiesn irtfod, for~~~~ 1ayt hurwaeStudyat aukee tiie Ilinois vould, ne douter. n mont, 7:30ea. m Chicago & Mlwaukee Blectrie ............................. 71,045 où R A ES HCE «»Moon sd vbu a vctory aven thie 1bave been crusbed nuder lb. rilgtty Cbunc c saoal 9:45ia. ini. Telephone sud Toiegreph............................ ........ 8.280 0 .1 . : theyliberatami tbe flAi tuEwegt fotheb.mi llons ot toue ef !ce 0o1y Communilon la& sud;r.] Stidaye TtlR.adTipopadTlgat ......e2,1 0A ET XSHG E ilaa*Ich lhai beou held cptvd1iven on.tathe short by the gale 1ila. m. Total equalmemi anseecsedvaluation iîitoumhsip ...l. ()j)TOWNSHIP? Real estate valt la th.ite e for aven tva hours. 1wicb lantcd tboughout lme ulght. onlngPrayerotberSundays Il 5 i. lslas eerp u eepoe.66 lîîie,1 er nrae e etti Thse flgituge Moveut ontAuthelb.Eveing Prayer 8:01) p.m. me.>Tlgap n eipas 66 ttwiil eeicesd e e etti uek the lasi weather candi- l'MElll SpecliesrvielFindayeveningZ7:.lp mu Schedule No. 5-Tax Rate Cosa. ml diinl ortxs th ItmoESh In lige o t annuel levy of $11 .000 00 per aunimi(tri ti- >.'i t, lower than for the four previoi lutie ttrnonlo Waukegan. Marcb 27. 10:00ea. m. Sunday evhoul ltion $1.600 000 gives u- a râeosî,68%etou $100 m.eenel vain,- the northeaut. rvn h e ba h eaho r.LadrF e-Morniug Service Il o'clock. tîion or .22 9per $1011 of rai vauation us gi vert tobih..essececîr rate in Libertyville was ail the of lee. B 3o'lvlug the -We ssor edai !Mc ednF e r Cilam Erdeevom- g45 1.m of the fire cl bkedt eTe tril occurred 1h10 morulIng ai 10 srvce0:O bani eztended over a mile Imiothe lA e dok Ut lAe ramlly reideuce. 622 EUnn evc :0 n lb.. prssent average- asseepi value o)ff >.0jýrw h. e)tý .0pr cenr.-d ih.- aen a laot. Tise gala cotluued througbo.t Julien treet. fends would ho i344,cemît par acre. tise igit. but'two of thie emallen fIai Ecmma Hathaway vas bormiat.Syna-, ELECTION NOTICE ten years, n 1915 the rate was luges. the Koppelma"~ud tbe Thnee ciise, N. Y., May 7 1848, lhe daugltprNotice ou lues- of ourper ent andthi lU Brotheru, mamde port befora the gale of horatu sud Elizabeth Hathawa'ey, ril18 et tiheVilg l j dV RKIDNJ.J ercatAou. salt:"Oh, you're Iu bovu o ou e enad hsw otHo a rebdynl1 e t. aIl 55, MiIE onT au laIcondemuallon malter, ecl L uicense mofley. iad roachami lIis eigbt. TheElol- &mi edetSaluvMAc I h, ute village a Libertville in the County Tecunr"anAi: Ye Not sud the Ilinois lbai tu iglil thelr Fehmiai> 22.,1870, lu Leanda Mer -. otfLake sud Sate oft1îîîAuoo, an Electonuhecnty a sî: e, Dry cities are paying theii W"y tirough the lee. Tbe Elale-Nel, rnf. Durnug &Il hanr lite, until talliug W,,, lit. bel.] for theeielion of t~ hatu IL" boes o i upanicpoe tokbe VIEele, rs lerii asaTheeTuste'R R P iff Dld yeu gel Il Alxemi up? aeked the their public improvements anc th eadmaeiage.]te malte port mont devoied wonker ln ber churcli. One Village Ckprk reporter. mter a tvo-houn tragle. The 111- lin.. MoriAItelaurvlved by 9 bus- fOne Police Magitrale. - aam uusaImsAndtecutym" eai oettxewtotbn band, Mn. LF MerUIi sud the fol- Wîih Iet nwi be eud utNI J1 I 11 howed boy bc felt aboutîmtIlbe. SLO MOE an he Boivas lenet otunale. The palhInlu 'neveue,.CtDE OeUSl t lahoud 1h iomai h Ai Eae-eI useilowing chilmren: Mr. H. G. lierîll, o'clack lu lie morniug ad haîb "uee t aeaI CedupbSo A sLOON a d esiabe aesdni P in on lb. Ilinois, sud the cew vere, West Braucis, Mch.; Marlon sud loseed t te o'cleck in lie eveuing o0Oi1 Jrr ay-haGhe esoti a" iedu eoe evsadeial esdn o ai lb. menejr of the elements. Tic, Fýue.s A. MarrUl ai Wsukagan; Mes. liat day. .OeJrrSy htTe egtbr. little tugevau helmi tut lu the e Ae, and B. J. Bpaldiug, Douons. P&., sud Ded eta Liberty ville thifs 28hdey of().Oh, then you merely put the juryt locate in a "#et town. but for the allantrv Aimli..ed iv the Thit. E. Merrill. Los Angeles, Cal. sami in h erdf sur d s e t honMerely 0. K.'d Appraise- . Y- on lie pricea. Aula t'.' tand i Teepaainihs -- - ____________ mens of OtherMenanlie rpilad: 'Tt the cite anualfo boe Smiths bnolberu, Captalua Richard sud aet fOhrMn ie eI. Ta' b h xlnaini hs William, tlb hemnen mlgbt have NOTICE. 28c1 E. B. Crieli. Villag«e Ciei. o t1 IWanal o oz an f ate " r ulmn that viicli b.- If anybody sees or findus abIsek Thot t lua a ute of tAn. sud mou- Ha thenasdded: 'Hsrdly auy use 1 fen a part of lb.e rew of tie flsing paeer boise, vlth aswhite bAud leg, fflIflmJ1f y ta calmen trou thein vork ft a taabjrywete of l m Why, ta e weeai 4WO i tug Anspach. vhicis was cnusbed like visicis vas gIlai ive veeksa gc, IUwLuî L, n iacoutY 0 ere s urruludina avn o oafooc I iaIa.]lu wekep he$10000.0 w au eggshell il u amte pact iva or sex plesasérolumit0onorcallthe 1Norh,206. s DT I tconyato ceras thebelIet idn'eslloau.' a h ln n ekepte$1000.0w yeuarsae. Chiasme Police Station. Poe26 odinto aeL h elto usin-Tect eist tr pw Capiela W. Smh oderemi ou ful Wkly-2t eET ,I ÀB R itoastainamienan ho hoard lbe con- Thie pices vers as follove:Fothfit mentem demnallon caeinAstitutem by lbe Mary Jackson lnact-II2,600.Fothfislmen h vboard of educatlon la lx thie Velue John es Dugan lac-1$000. we have the support af large »4LaJ.ILTI ~FIR3 CON IM y on certain tracts ot lend vhleli the Jay Joues lnaee-$250. efcetepoes e rk board canalders sau desîrable for flewWïWukogan Brovlmg Company tractefiiunrtrafl promot inei A hnt 5lud e 125wa sune hool bounes. -43,390. iurtafcpo teinfcel School A ano ene e 02 vs umiThis luron implie Ibt thie JiTYOrs The fIt ivo pleces ai lland con- ta deati at Ziom i Cty late Selurday merely o. KL4 lthe ePplMSieIiiODl prise oue tract thal lbtheeord mer Township Number Mb,, Range il nigit vhoen a it ovned hy Gorge ied by Wsulkegum neatY mouen dAie ocide lo ey>. The Dugau, Jone The question us will we as Jungeleun, Who lves et $203 Gabriel "aeone* or Ive Preri>' ovuni viseoanti brever> propert3' comprise sn- i TuesdY, April 4th, 1916 avenueva do.tro>'ed by are. The belleve liaI tise aPPIalSre veto other truent, face of facts such as these, lire vws of a uysteionu origla ad "nearamghtedm" vimen tAie>vieve thél eThe uRpraleers alooaeppraisom a welfere of aur T o ur cli Prherl, ad tonvisehon 40-foot es p of laid Juat soutiso emTon dete .act lia e voluuteereobelleve Itt the appresr loei5peetSui cso.Ti> idti depteul rain Ae emle r-terpl e ra voe lue risetSotha lunti. togeted the we w4ll allow the brewer and mouan itaitr batis, e, barn u ai .d -Ou. umal in pricular daIsimai habuildig§ ou t. at $4,54r. ThiIs strip steai awey our ney or level itA tie gretimi.thse eppralunrs led A prie. eut 0f la needed tle Ineae the aito of tbhWeL EONAR Zîcu City' aulteremi matenlall>' au e roumion ona: .tract. and ellovom i hm proposai miev Southi uchool. WL EO PI Scbeel Tresueoe resumî ofthl.eones viAci sept Lake îîîtle or notiIaSfor is place. tl.uof________ catnty Satunda>' niit and iuiday. (HIa communicatien appears bel:ov.)RE T A W A E To save ber eickens on o ly I ablevdIa b rcevli SEED POTATOES I AND NOT IN NEED 0F TH vornan w fas t td10une chaire ne mueet with lise approval of lthe board : Early Oho, per bu. $1 40> atîlla ad vaîktot the lien for ber uembers. lRed Ruvenral aueaptb 1.0 chîtoa.Si ernsd im clcsos Tie ppaiemut" b h IlenaryNnbenlm.p., bu.i 0 ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ _ nt li bu. sid lithnv. eepy Wm Prer. . n Sm, Mand lsd[ter url . . pr mm . tha lulg rom. nater bAuDoulas Tise pice god ony h,,Apîlilni s-m raged against the saloon he Antu-Saloon League. c f outsiders tu, rystalized resuit of the ers andi manufacturera, tof the Township of thing, they went to see town. They want t10 at home. They want during the past hre- he saloon culs out the wA trade. derae drinker upending k!. without. the saloon, >ney accumulate in the :chilciren coulci be given uld be bwlt. A widow r ad want. you that the custoruf re- ille To-wnship have on ýan when . Uberymulk canvais of a nmajon*ty of minm Libertyvifle the past grass saWesoff$85,000 im us to, this becorring dry xi n the , banks show an Ya during the pa two emonthly which were now being broughî mbt cpooited there in many ugh the merchant wiîh 1clothing or funniahinga. ymtlle shows an increase- .R IN LIBERTVILLE uations in Lake Count-, is year. henc- il makes a But in fadt the RATE i' îus years. In 1914 thc cS lwwouId aliow being ut that figure for the past a$1.16 being a reduction ,as sufficient wiîhouî the- debts and are Increasing Id they do this with liv- rding and WITHOUT Kare attracling ta îhem- opulation whicb vili not It docan't pay ta permit to leave Libertyville 80 in License money. When kecp the $4,000.00 aiso. rea1t1i. novement for prohibition ecorporations, îhey Went ,en, and diey finci, that the mcy more than anything as inteligent people, in the 1be sa indifferent to the dren and each other, that 3Distiller ta corne in and IL 4th SHOW THESE ,WISETOTHEIRGAME -IEIR SERVICES? bl clt bu bu re i lu