CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Mar 1916, p. 5

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LAKE (JOUNTY INDEPENDENT, FR 1DA Y.MA RCII31, 1916. bHÂPPENMNOSAT jEdted by F. J. DRUCE Phsone Il S Orders Talion for Job Work. Sdvertisng rates on application. Cia. Fpnlats busine@s t W aukegatn and Clsleags M onslay. Mr. Newlsoums tras,.as-t*ed hlis .ut Brlingion Friday Jeu@ Loogalstiuist rais,.sitc,1 usîinrs. la.àflQ cao Muday. Jo.. Peter andsogn, ,r Lake Vila, werp cailers bers.o ia' A6(. lrec..r sand aif,, il Rs.u&-iddiks'. w.i. isit'5ri.i 4-r..-s.- l Pet.. M ' vî.. ns) Slssrtsals ta of lisse n i L,-i rssssavt.-sulnous.isas1,r. Tinemda y C A Niilir 5titei.stiIj l.u Chk!ego '1uesslay. Mise .Kttis' Mfiratl. ..isss f- ira f.. w daym %soiraitt)lehlier mSillfer. Miss. s, ris rsgo et tends-st t h.. fus.î'rsl of ber uncit as Valparaimis fIuU]&t. Idra. NMinr. a Adamne entertalnpd là lay fries.d frosasChcao u,-r Sûnayý àire. Es)Druce .wam ins,, ilurtY'. le Tmaeday. Dont fora.t the lir ttc (eut sais- nt th Bezafl store, April 1. :3 sud 4, Satur. da5.. Mouday and Tu"sdav lîtu.'lrum Company'. mi"eAlilce Straus: vil..d Ier lrî.îir, ts.eeStramanad Iamstv ae Autioeb. lat Tbursay. P. ID. Battersbail .pent th.eci. 'esd wis bis lamllI>'ut Waikpgau. Harold Weéser wasé a l'btssg<, vieiL,,! . o ver Bunday. l.lonei Richardan tisetîlsu5cs in ihieago Meusiay. F'rauk Cremins ces.:i Chi, air, iias.s.n- Ugsr lait Criday. lire. iir. ý1sme.tHsîiarlVssdo ils e gueat s7rlcsd. hr. t lo. w,*..l AIOCH, Mr Sestssn and) Iiti.. -nss a ri eusln6 u Aiotdocb rieds Tucd.t licwyn Surk.. spont », ire days rixit. ing-rtisie in Vsauk.-s.îsur.scntLs Mr.. Iiti luter 1. sjsstc III ut her home. here. fieGBra ietCt'. shol.bas. ýl ci srY il;, e lImprorîna A ..stor-iina, <si Jobus trou) Chicago. alwtO ler. Mnse Klitstmin sec. sal.d tlu thisse' Tberaday ousecrouait ut the deth .if ber huIes orandeon 0,cr Oe tiendras) people ,î.sstcl <us ci!iat Frida> tus attend tisa dedîcsot fi our ew achool tisum. The sp..s-ch Mad snom. ce... vr snob appr-slatpd aMd ail .ssed prnus) <d ia on- or modet Dr. andsbd ri. Figner ut Chicago. woe Isee for ibe ded"ieton of tiue» ne cool bilidina. Dr Fater rus a teocber lier f Mm-~ Orlis Ivsarlà (imlcg bu Mrq. fvaffblUgq .otes'tWlasltii 5W club W!Mied. .oerIe Md Gerald Peirceof. rilul ton. are vlultlg ,istivellibr, tiie ceci Mr. and) Mr. Bruasuaen bave ma,,d loto te houn" chli ils.., recuti, pur« cioecd of Mr. Hlockney. 8 c-tt LeVo>' viaited bis iter, w c i litas ber home in Btelvidere. reneutly. DIr.Jamimson rwome.teil lîtîines In i'isgo Frîiday Harold Iito rstirued Iiiiiic frin i'hicgo lest asi. ble i.tu s. ont <nu tic isu ut et thse .toilSt."uosiert ei, ris i rii em Ars t)A NScia,,,, aîs.'ts. ,i> ae wa iVerAtiost <(l ber Iii sitsgseUc h. ses I.te W. 6. Thuors returned tu, bise home in North Bond). Net., fter spen.dug erera clays ciii, rietsdo in thim virtîsit>'. The MisesIleand Madge Strang .pnt Thurtiday anid Frida>' in Wae kPeal DEERFUELD-___ 1148iAs lrieda Ks-.uak c aS. eekë-end 1cuet of lier aiser, M te. Itisaye stye 1ChiCag'- NIiiseos trae . cilie, Almira iuckien- balias- andi Margaretis Plasege are apeudîng t hls wtec i i.itsorigtiseir parents dnring ti.c epring V&a.-tiiî 1n<tise Is'sali Narnizlaossoi w hsrý eye>are atitens)lng Mr. eus) Ira EmoilFresiricis, ans) cildress Flgiss. are the tceek-ens) griues tié fr. andi Ira 1V.W. mMiss .iosepine Woailnsssn entertaine) tise card club Tueoa aftnfoon P Misse@s Winifred l litge.ans) EI-isor MIeyer ansi Ewald Winters arm lias itg thewr Ilit vacation from rlesr aChool wssrk lTt IhwM i uîstitute. f Mr. ansd MIra. i ýK 5>r@t.bP irsstrrtale- cd thse isairet liittetn Fritar cesetg eit Sir liome. J. A. hierbiit Is s1usittii sitis iutP utuiigeetisur. Mias. Edith Stryterot Chicauto, watCh.. cek-ënd guees siCtCisc home ut ber brother. J. A. SCrykler. Mir. 1, C, Hosi.recires)wssrd sof Che dpatli sslber dater. Mrp. Ilagicis, Ci-.. làietrich t oa oAsttgele8, Cet.. Martis 7Cis. Mrs. llietrlsb w"s.bore ans) raiaed at b ake Bluff. Mesdmes W. A. Wiiting, E. Caruel. tJs,-a er .slau, Wm. illbsa>'. label 7M. Sheffer ans) Mios Sadij@.Olluway iere the gnesto at aluneheon&ans)Bridge tss-ry airen ti>' Im. iadsof iRogers Parki. Wedns.eda'. lire. W. A. Whiting wou bref; prize et bridge. Next Sunda>' the ssrviee le St. Paui'a drimuret i wli be hels) le Germens. licause on the. second fenda>' le Aprîl the azaminatlon u t is ears confirmaent@ cull taie pie.....wlsieI im su ha hels) le Englisti. The reembets sof abs' St. Paul'@ bedice' Aid culiare Cheir nexl meeCiJsgApril 5 i-u tise resisiene.of, r.Fred Se-1w The eleet s.turm lesda>' putaurvalliage ith ml..iari Tnesay eveuing tbm électrie 6rsmeo a Seing e c-t rokee livte.lutta) ai lce. rti village..elertriesiagus cas aies, orssrt4àxsd ans) broie intes lu thes mididle but heuwc seuppurt-ilb> bcavy ci!.. .rcalIe. it dsdnt tfait tu tise grounil. Telt- phlse Conutseeesn. acre silan seered citis neari>' tihe alol-s.urrs>tuiriuug ' utiruttrv. mit a peew rsrtuttlst 11'is)av ee isstgth. villagm elsard rs,ts'i tu stail an s-icctrts tire. alamiutns>a litsdojs triai and Pr i 1 i rovsrnt atlafas-lnr.v ciiiperchai.. ItL It Wiii ost $2.50. eot hici the lire ir di-pari m.ubha iI -ras)tesdonate $50, >i bose'e. the sssesalilng wli vont nearly 86 #S0. 'dTii ecat meeting oft thsWaucoes). et Cosmsunlty Isupraveueui alub wclU h. ll ut ibs village) hall DexC Thereda>' ae April 6, ai 8:80 p. m. The board of i dîretors bave arranges) cititic State ae Univerili> Aurleoltusrai Dapatment loi à,Broam Core Experi Whoa cUl aedres - tWnw.qibmue*n bisuhîsat. Pd is Ethel Missr., of baks- Frs'st I-vielteel fricude bermeentiv. Mr. a sMIer». ivrrossSire, of hus-Iel ofcere Gem.... satks. tp.t as'ak. Mr. ands) Im Veen.Sce louuse lias returucel estCiu iii ' it li eluit Tb@ lioanan ltasrv 1ts-tt'Yailie u n April lot. The Br~iown tiavr ntCrnes) tram ti s The lIraIt in.stist uet theliurs-' -s pruremeut .nsalsiSc.W,1ceit e[ri n s-uitcd y tise sillase btit Thur..s)ay. Mr AppicvrrciMr Et-i. %Mica LblSda.. ted) irs IlIt isttesstenace.e.tct tu i lta s1-uaiss i s se 1', boit t egais. Ti. Ilbiti s. ,t ss a- %il tttes. li &lci Fii,t it s h, is. set liseisI s s cars I"hels) 1Itr*sisetingse' ralus dav. iri ai g s- * RuSýELL 'rharewaM no srvice et Cth,. laptlt ,eburcli Sundaj' on> accsstuofathe .torm. R. E. Lewin, of Savanniahs, Ill'. s. cpendlng a tew dayw with trieride. Miois Ma Dosige, of Penne. le viitiisg Ure. R. G. Murrie. Ane Corriscas. a Kenssaha visiter one îlaV lat wPeI.. Mi- Van ViceS sipent the w ensd c iii ber percute et Wet Allie. Ire E. J. Murris, cam a Kernsia vie.- ior aturda>'. The terribile tee storm onsuMonde>' dld great damago to telephone asd teie- graph irem a nd poles, and lroke. dosen t'MM le tiis.ooeiiuniy. i ci r' r. sh s, s, Mies Sernlcre Kisiur>' of ltum. isitt- frlands e e..Friday- MIs s. Wa.isbsrn ofs itsKa;l-,,,s rîtes ber parensteslast steek. miss Eninsa Studer <of %Vaukgau, ma@a a viitor liere Saterduy. Leeile Haiues aDnsI EIteuziînermaa tiare takels c\ asiisIIDtissts tor t..,hsr- certitisistes. MIrd.. Il i ngs &üt srS isissîs)tise -7-00i sits f No. 2 at. la. tin, eting. Mr. and Irs. Leslie IcClurs ' iave returneil ironi theselsîsyr î AUCTION SALE. Tihe execsutors usisir tihe wiltst ihariess 0. Yourw. 1p.-aI.wiiisell t tipublie atîcîsoo s rtii rdsst. .Nrii 8,19145), Mi 2 ocls..i., siie tssrtlà utfILaker Bluff, se west ide of 41lroeeriBay Boas), ail lsrm acbinery, wagono, tisrnesa, 2400) tt of nec lumber, etc. Ustual terme. Chas, 0. Young Etete, Prssps. t4em. Vogel, Auctioueer. ROUNDLKM Waut, FraeDi, Oetc5&deIn the lu. e. Sober atiended hi. fàth.r'e tus,- DEPIN DENT isescli15M I00 prnoral la Chitcago Ws'diseps)y. ceeki. lUr. ans) Mr@. ugane Bendeestf(Grays.- __________________________lae core be Tbersday. Ur. laed.eiIot Chicago cass bars@Ilil m~gOne Cent Sale C. June attendes) h. banquet oftheb 19mliimeus lu ChiscgaThurede>' evenng. ai, r a foc of the w.adu4.l vanue Mr. J. Ambn la entertaîuiug lier t ivmet th e Rozail o-censal ae couin Clama Ber>. of Ocaufomocoe. APRIL 1. 3, 4 ' Tbe-Uaos8. 8. il meet at t4 VIllâge Violet DolcesCols) Creans 50c" 2usd jar le h Due sag' *urntoln. - -Talcuse Pdr., 25e, 2od jar le ODti gr à spriI 4th andI vote for Harmon>' Tolit Wter, 75. 2nd blt. 1e Martin Tb@len. lusdapsuseni Candidate Fiarman>' Perfeme, 50c os., d os. le for Tex Colectar, who cili appreciate .. sampan, 50C. 2nd boulte le Sour~ support ver> hIndi>'. Thenk ybè taxaîl Toîlet Ssp. 10c(e i.. 2nd cle 29PI Maximum Hlot Water Bottese, 82 00, secondlhouleeAtonyCa.P anscusl Glaemds Linon Wrttng Paer ans) Cor- Atre'Ca.P ans one rapadent CrtIs, 4(k-, box. 2nd box le for W. G. Voliva of Zion City,.wous Pear Totb Pocder, 25e eau, 2nsI cen le a nec riaI for is lient Mar. K1 lu LIMe'tto Ext. est VanIlra 25c, 25s) ltl. le h. case cherelnAÂttorney LeslIe A. These are but a teW af thes bareelnNe)a tCiaoeeue)avr cm bave tu, offer Son. Nehmo hcg mrdavr Came le ans) lottnushoc Son the reut. dici for 14600 for ilerveee lleges) to THE REXALLSTORE bava heen rendemes) h ZIon City oec- l'h. Stor, lIai 8ev, .. o no "cleuiasetlcal leader. Needlbm ibail ORUOZ DRUS OU. sues) for $12.600. ~ELI4i0US F R VOR Monda>' aflarnoon, wben a ceil C TIIM~ dresses) young massof ber uonne- j Clnailît>'ter)tise clolhlng store is ans) u110 d et Mmoeait as a couain UIT'1A mn t tef 18.17, Mr. Harry LeVine, of LO VE 0F ilI3DA1Nh LaieFormat. paros)neither limeur mon.>' le blddlng ber guest a hearty ('bargin>' Chat iescIte cas clalmes) l'mIryour hîiaband's long blos as a Moén City' couvert and titat hte coei par Ne* York City'. Witere ebttdrea car. bidden away la 'Zian, le iiaPM9i askes) Ch. atrangrer utflirs. City so aecurely Chat lie caaIs)ntl LaTIne. %q- fid thee. Albsert Browu, an tueur- -H' -rilaout >1 Wi, ut tti nos adjustor. livingeai114.1 North b, ped t herhk ayou ln his 1*8db ost, t.Chlcago. aipefared b"- abseuqe." replIed.'tise Laie, Forest fore Jusdge Charles M.. FoetllntuCl l ban. cago on Prida>' aud aske) that lie be To maie a long stor>' short, cher grauted a divorce. Brown won sail- C he stranger lefItishe LaVine slore cres'. he bas) $54.75 of Harry's mon.>' bld- Hiestaor>'bas) more or les.. pitt'ul den ln bis jean., ans) from tise min- Incidents eCtacies) ta Il. He sais) il ut.. of bis departsse troua Che store cas a case chere bis citfe becamne 5saie bas noC been seen ar heard of b>' s'ntbulastlc over uelîglan as 'x- the LaVines. pesundes) lu Zion City' Chat sbe pust it Ms-s. LaVine gave Che cousin i?) over ber love for hlm and) chea be the amall itausroll eo pay lte express psrtesied abs, left it ta make ber charges o n turniture cich thse mye- bone luZVon. 1sectauxstsranger bas) shippe) tram S e sels) he pleas) for ber not Io 1i New York Citty ta Lake Forest. Yea. go. uslng th". argument ltat thirl t minens) to,make L.aoe iForest my clildsren shouls) ie a Rufficlent tbond home. and/l droppes lu 10 cuit on of sympatity ta keep Cliem tagesher- Cousin Harry ans) lscisientally ho-ar fils pieading cas tn vaian. iaisifs' "row a litle rnsnpy urîfl I couls) make.. bas) reas) mucit of the Zion literai un'. arrangernents toathave my tues itei became con vintre th iat ier dt- Isanges) trom tbe Nec Yark liank Io la>' In taklngssp lb.. taitit of sthe tote a ltaaiinsttution." expiaines lte Dr. Dowie ans)refuses) to'se dO -tranger. ssaieil trom ber parpoge i- After she bail lett htm ans) cent ta Ziors. Birown says hec ent tiser.. Is.asi RENDERED UNCONSCIOUS. effort to se.. bts chiltiren. lie says ibis prtvttege cas dented i brnans) wi îaukesgan. Mardi 28. telt thaC bis ont>' restress lay 'In tits Former Miayor W. S. Builock cas courts. H.. cas quite bitter s, de-.itrtic,,r by au automobile just as bo nouneing lte cred cicit ad w., si tghted from lb.. street car et lise bis wift aca>' trom hlm. corner of Frankin ans) Count>' streetts \taonday evetslng white en route ta Jos. DURKI ...> CAPT iN. sf.horne on Northt Count>' sts'eet. JOS.DUR IN I CATA . eSoda>' i.. cafntes la bis hes) isursiegli ruises andl general Injurie3 A goodîs- number o!flb.. dut i- ast siiougit cars) rons bie home staies of the First Batallion Fiels) Artillery. tisat no bancsct-r.. broken an at lirai Ilinois National Guartl. are WCauk- ripartes). One repart has) Il thalteaw Kau mes,, ans) eben ficas madi.. pub- teeth cere knockesl out, but Mrs. lie on Wes)nesllay Chat quertermas- litillack demies) ibis statement. Hia fers ans) comrntasary officers of titi face cas conslseraisiy bruisesi ansd Illinois National Guarsi hes been or- tacerate). d'.red ta reportî as soots as possible fa the Unites) States army depot qîtartermasters, for Instructions ln MO0UNTAIN TORRENTS UARNESS- lte event ofthtie mobîlîzaios oft l.T îo'DIVT essard,fIl cas predicies) Chat Wauke- El) OEETRF U gan cosîlsi le celles) upon tes suppi>' ,MILWÀVKEE" OVER man>' af the scoute. signal mer,. agents of communication ans) nesTUE ROCKIES sengers cblcb cll b.. trettes) Z1 the guars). i h atesýfte eienrm Tise headquarters' s)etaehment oft in@tjise tasC tnes 1ievosterrihavesfo- composes) of men cho have serves) aies ceattes) beir eiss'rgy. iMeanwirle, mare thaon one enliatment. ans) Ma- althmat ofsusltrkSPOtatte 9verte jor Smith confirme the report tisai vtrain ar at ti iont;utf>'nPtaem the Wauiegan men cia are memberg a t rac on ieus siest tis %uoenatluionut of the corps clill be celles) for serv-ane"eulndqusartit! aticnatixonsm les'p as saat as thse national gu coul1.11 v a »ns) hgisîierefor texChicego. ordredto rme Milcaubse & S%. Paul Railcay en change aUi s-to alinduicom e sau ova IS wer iu the maurstaine ans) to Dow eh. Woman Weil Known Here ri ,tsu.snergy ut ths me slus) sî sre.aus Victim of Paralysis-Sister t mt lyoparate île traist of Edward A. Webch. lino (115 mlles Dosw in operatiausi psse- Waukogass, Marcb 23. log Mllehigb avec tise Great Continntal Titis morsslng. cors) reacsas Watt- Dîvîde, marks. a usea' ra lus îallroMtellg Legun of the deatb of Mrs. George eus) erecto tàs,)tr.-,r nittestol)e IDtuhe Mitchell, cltç,o! a celI inoca Northt- warid's. progresa western conducior ands) ster o! Ed- . Ilinnsthe cnnservatistl01 resoureen, Waort E. Weleh. Mer deatit occurres) more cifRiseu ans) ecosiaitucal oppratins ai Ravenscoosl ans) cas due ta a hotter ngsaîntenaes-sf sehedule. moli- etroke of paralysie chlis agh..sssos- rimding, and) a nuCaleittierfaeîin turel tlnes) a couple of lays ago. t!ellîghte. lira. Mitchell cas born ay '20, lu ermtrangcs ir nis trCip ta lis@ à1870, ans) cee c.»inoca ln wauke pacifie Northi Coasi. rernseiner that h4la gan.Her eshas) 'as italesouI>'tieldmgo. lifiwtuiiee&St. Peul runaneut la el.» nown on <>s yste . av. th*#str ls-eivnaets li PWsegal S&tia7 fM'g thse Vest. isoirt 4OkectCsiC li deuce,~0 Norlu ?glfna - 1 ,, o;e hWtom tians) fusiltlusrnftstiuu. dco, berla orthjap.yjuVM Ut. b1 àpply ta local agent of ChIa rilcaY. àtraIn lesving Chicago ai 12*46 Dat. _______ 81 nrdar baom Iideoadeu reedet? a£ ONU. WJFE TýSTIFIES M4iEN PLANT WJLL IIUSBAND STABBED NOT BUILD; DETAILS - UR WITft À KNIF E 0F 'BREAK' SERJOUSL V.aukegaa March 28. Waukegau, Marrlis2:t At 4:15 o dcl"k the jury iu the Tlm.riso, msch taîkes) of Ogres, autonsîs- thy Walsh Ce-rturned a verdict ut bile factory bas hilown sp. fot gutty. They huid deli berated con- Te project chicli cas m.sdi toa ai-' elderably over four houre. Iear nu aluring; thisIdustry whose 01<1 Ti.rsthy Walsha of Highland, officials appeares) betare the raas . Park wlfuiiy stab his ef. ln the àh- uelpng of citizefla -Borne lime ago domen seuls ln a fit of lealous rage; iCi re> n as fssi saa oit for erecting a mouster tît:ss, on te Dld hoa nd his vwife have 9 tuane1. lata InWaukegan.s over s jackknlte gter he hitd com- The company which *xhtsftsIstone: pleted the menIcurlug of pedal ex. of îîa big ourieg cars a i te recent tremities, and the wlte receive a stub automobile shows, a car aliis wasl wuund lu the mixupi flt a ne- one, btnthischlisail beet Ths iequesltIon a jury Insr ines pans) painse i p and ,-iit court aulI have to decide, and si . o apparprn5lsi i. proving no eas.." ask seasises) up for te occasîsîs for th.. jur r.. ta reach a decision. for The company on wlihIt Wassks'gn t tio'bil 0 ume)avrdc tshas) bankeil go mucis a, , ininsmti- j tlle ha no retrne a erdit a 31lu tionata stand alongs.Ids ltb Wiider i oock shi Issternonon althaugis they rtlrcd taitisir jury roorn at n n .;Thirs '.atpany. otI Walsh seais indilcid on a chsargeé- Ti cmaY efa i ansaul! cit Itient o commit murder. ItÎaail don.. so fer as'gaiis ta HIs. wIte ca.. h..prosecutîng witneBse. jiiarteneof She teetilies) tiat her busbans) was Tise mer.. tact thas a 'uasta insately jealous ot bier ans) thal h.. men cerne to Waukegan tets days ega i acuesid ber of having been Indîscreet andl turnes) over e shovelful of dtrt i wtli a certain mais She says b.. re- on h.. Norrow tract chisis wass ta lie tspeated ibis charge dieu tthn returnes) their home, and) hey isereupon an- home une igbt ans) because ahe,.. nunices) that the> bas) broken grouns), would vit admit it cas rue e sheds)doesn't prove auytblng-ss sssly ma'ees 1her acronsate ldomen dth..hematters &Il the more aggravating. r aIte. Immesiately attercard mee'The reagan the Dieu camp ebe..on saIs) hse as remorsetul a.nd sait] be thse 17t1 and) tarîes a shovel of ditI cas confident that hIe charges has) toas to endelivor ta carry out helr heen untossnded. part of. h. otract ciih O rf On he allier bans). lie busbaed tes- la teit uaw tise> boises) Caplace hlm Uflled ht ha bas) beau 111 for several lu position cher. h. might have la monîlis prdithe eantganit com iexecute hIs pertioftihe arrangement.i Clou. He sais)h mnaaift hmWhere s<jp Came, hie, guapj'sions es-re directfs),hbas) litinsaltat thse "alti)" rame citen bosé ic elfe oun .....- the t çrorotere bas) two cards a Inte c unton s h n bc tealeeicontraüt chich cere a ioophole for Otahlssg oon plac he ais) .. bailOgren. They referres) to "2t,0 Rtarted 's manIcuyrs hie nals'. but hat ireferred stock, ALL PAît,' ans) when he fIl back os, the isedIn a faînt the i9th of he. monts arrlved ans)d sroppîngth..linife as b.. dis)tic. H, he. treferred stock lhadtnot becs, "aIs) ..c as troubles) euh bas) spells 1 pai)lu.In,"h..centratetîceame inval-1 wlth i he iars ans) Ilat he frequenîîv Id ans) the>' cere unable 50 foreOe3 fainteil actir'When is wcitecamei.. en Ca carry oui hIe Part. ThatO, i to lied b,-sald b.. ta.tes) to remove seama, cas h.. reas'n why tisellas, t he Itifîe temo the lied but thaC bis ofturoin>'dIs-i cee resorred to s, a e wifs' sitrsggied ta0 gelt t awsy trans' supposes) effort Co sec if 0cr,, l'in' In the. ssrsggie. b.. qail, the oulsn't bc ebls). iJurv ' ars inflictes) 9The hlssband ans) wtt.. cre alon in the houa.. nt 5h.. lime ans) the jine bai- todes-Oie rlnclpallv tison the lK~Mf O 5(Ti riJttrles tais) by thse tco prisncipals. C&1,H IT 5 A UUUST RADOLOFF WE8TWOO o Prm NOW I8 TUE TINE TeoMr . Oursi. Pre&osidne. W. S. -mfIs. VICO Prosident. TrO PLAffT F. W. Churoft .Seraiary andd manigr Leonard's Lawn GrassHuOWt . 058 Oi North Shore SpedaWS OkPark Vlvtt OkChiicago Partu Shs<iy Nook SECURITYYh TRUST W.. Giarden and Flower Svedo ABSTRACTS 0F Tfl. TITLES GUARANTI FORt MAiU>'BT LEONARD SEEO COMPANY Capital $125,O00.00 2»1 W. LisSt. 810W. kasddltshSI. 1812àM"âyAr.448Us1.ker. WAUKE.3>AN - - ILLINOIS .CA0 î-NDs.m AI Pheso 273-M ra[UJ miEL- PswRs Wivsi Insurance is the Geatest Privilege and-Opporfunityp of the Dagj Any man who con obtain it should have it at the very earliest age possible, so tht lie can get in on the ground [ot, and have just what lie wants and the wag lie wants it for the beneit of bis [amily and business. With ils backing lie con make bolder and strooger business ventures thon it would be possible for him to do tander other cir- cuinutonces. Mie con build his future on the strongestfouadation kPowu, wlth the absolute oertaioty tdut wliat ie. dees suot live to do his insuronce will do lor hi.. "As gou read j thse ewspoperS, Vu wM [lad dozens of instooceswhe S es -easilq have be.. the as welleas the person gV« trni ebont. DM whg were gou muetsfoutumte ood give.a another chance te .1ke good the futre, and how lone wil St besos JOHN IIODG, A-gent Mfflgon Mutu" UtlpsutanceCo. Lobs5 Meli«.oy. De»», WluaoisuosK&» ad ) OK.Ih Cot". Now is the Time to Plan Garden and House Improvements 66"PERGiOLAS99I ILGADIN HU S DARTMANN'.SANUEIS CO. ni-~ EIston & Webster A...., and sé: fer CataI*-ý Chicago, 111. au. 29.14l WARMT11 WITIIOUT WIEAITI Atr s i tsto ens.. c ls DOW. le., casist n .eiter wiro- * blo Ve.s oler and) elwet*r Dow. (ittJS»U" - r r n pair5Lcor ri.OewIMg steam n i rbot- "A'ny Orne yon wasst rads r iniz.radsato)r" iîs, .valve@, usie ieCalumet llaidng s".x.twra1 g.. ,JWêw Pore!MY mosher use s- ý rsrs 1 W. r she's tried ail others-ahe's xýi-a i, nsaltoé,cagn learned lier',ss.s-now &ho fN sp.s.a su raia- . rha.ufllngose sticks s...t'o Ca tsa. lpdi . hetl StICk to aluet.for 5sd .11.f., Lsiý ý Se.auss sr i.sýswabr in aid fr aal , mibvss ýca .... -,.?, iseaitis, labur. Ire tender, vwl isesorme 1gli bklwh . , .îrsiisr sh-t.g , ' legs. Wcnderfs leav.tin9oir jjcý o %,ii aq teai end raisInZ' qualiti"s3-uniform 'h wtu'stand tenseses, th, dauger ni1flire.1I resIt. Mnticsetys Calumet do, it, se's riche and guarantees) am sc- ,yo. - U5. y- TOM &»àSJ4. The Hardware Mon do, .d TOM WASF'.'- GRÀYSLÂKE, ILL[NOIS * I>IR(1HER04oN STITD Ilestwood Peter No. 9168. State License No. A 11201- Registered in Percheron Socihty of A.ila) Bred and owned by J. Mediii Patterson, Westwood Farm. $LIBERTYVILLE. - ILINI Wil s aa farta tIhe seamon of 19116. Service fee $20-00 t,, iAttrsý li%,' volt.,sor St(t.1t cash at timet of servitss witb returs prsr ,fege. \Vî .ol 'ter js eLçcrjbcd as follows: l'o:uled .hsly -23, 191l2, Black@mith Star, weight 2000 Ibo. etatsds --,1 haissîs higis, and thes best of feet and big dean berne,' and is a mutre brKdser. Westwood Peter is the best Percheron Sbieê in this section of the Country lireedprs will addre.e: a ývý

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