CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Mar 1916, p. 7

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LAKE ('OUNTY INDEPENI)ENT, FRIDAY,MAU(ýýIZI :3, 1916. formed the court that the sheriff badi buy a six or aryen-acre tract on th,' >U~~fleflrAfrIT had one experience rentloning the uorth ide of Beividere street-'tra, i TOW'N 0F GRANT. TERS LEÀ O NOT ellycaBe-and sayng that perhaîbsila known as the 'nid brewery site' ho w2ould fnt Hire Io have a repetition and erect thereon a tln or twelv- Annu 6ITOTVRD R of .teocase. roorn Bchool house. The board voted uda 1 d i MU DERI purposo htii this boy ashait e to iy theland whlharas condernnv.lesay board ln a hotel," tire court said srnii 'for scbool puriioses and the fo]Iowiîmg ngly. "I dont thlnk tbere wlll bic prices llxed oni the sites hy» a jurv (Continued Frorn Page One) any rnsundersîandlng. ln county court. for trial ln that ho rnundered Marlon .O Wante Speedy Trial. The scbool bouse will hbecriteil ou lAmbert by u m ig poison. . Orpet, father of William Or land purchased f rom tire followlnt; If was 12:15 iP. rn. wete i attor. pet, was one of the firat te arrive ln citizens: neys complcled thvIr arguments. the court room today. le was there WAIJKFGAN BREWERY COMi- Judge 1onnely announcp(l that lho fulIy'15 minutes before him son was PANY-'rract te cent $3,390. wouid rondler a declalon the first brougbt ln hy the sheriff. JAMES DUGAN TRACT Ont, acre tblng whcn (court îonvoned thila att The boy, apparently, id tsetrctoct$0. ernooan. is father wben ho stepîîed lot- th,- 'ENDICK LOT-To coet $500. Tru tehi wod he irt wrd il, room and look a chair. Thil fathoýr JAY JONES-,One-bal! acre tract 'o0 utee honle s pon the (crme forward, sbook hinm by tire (est ~0~REIGIA uecttepdi'il ieti wedeta , hand snd tr'ok a Reai beside hilm. Thîun the sie will cet the clly $4. motinb ttil tir- nod,îî wre nt bat uiiThpy talked carneoti y for several mi n- I :'î. lieoîon 10 i. a . I(i( itwudutes. The eider Orç(er frg.'d bis .sonlcThe board inimbers voter] te pur- Atltoriî-- v O kler.n a skeîi I l').no o, berave and t bt c or>th Iing hasei tie .la,'kaou-iiesey tract ai th-, irin tir iii, a iil 1 tifexceptions. jf would corne oui ait rigbi. cre fNcAllister avenue and Bei-Fr ul was ' gi.n 41 d:Ii i i to il-î.Madison, Wis., Pharmacist vider.' S-ýtreet, and to hold thia tractl'rupvio titis. Su frfutrei urpoae.At some ister 'nf ~tiy.~ ii, .'> ili'lî., Supplies State's Attorney date a seboni bouse wili boe erctd 111,1 (Il, i( requilr i fe'n(r ,a With Counter Afidavits. .lonll ith lls r s f0'. l,ui l.asbelond Iai-t WM.j~/'. STRATTIOpipa.. Omii et oi i )ci irff.(r(l i dw l " i2b3l!i o i r,-,jriistantial ~ Iwi ' e(o ten yasl(fr'a look lt le .ifC ire b rw' fOi i ronti ill ftoo on' r> l ,1(1i 'i AttMorneyi' Dade lion if ibis nature is talion. tI,, 1ffrtbai.iik(it w, .'eifd V.iI I I 'l if O 1i1Fr 1Towni Clui 'W liuant On.. on. .(c larg( i f î' f.îiliniir * ti- f!li,.ifl lv oii ii iii l(dif i((fient w , i 1t f2 iur(i('c(il f5,Ioaf. rctle riirdriC o f N i Mafrio ol 1,vAr. i filir i i.,' :(,n iopn il,'c4 O l( îf vl Ki gge El...LOD"R.A J. RL'"'h !MC guIl,""aa8kcfl Ii.' .-ii, twl,1' i'0,b I f> '("v, ' Lien e ' Im r n "Not 4fiii> " au Ii ri ' i l 'i 1m 0til o"J. LcnedEbiFraor Asscssoi l0w luiit ork idi'îble'tlf( f'f1i' rfofi . lcu,'lf''\lili0Funeral IDirector n or t(io lIfi a "ti fî li I ,r si . if i i f" la . n.hf- l b h. rî"1c ______________________ :uggestod ti' ý Iro,rcf. t of a to:il %cIr.Indv wa Os Ihir to go IforP thm wien the prorfîtIi s'i' 1 ioz i au.I ilif , r.uîiil îfýiT t h atiou affidavit si 'i t 1 Store Phone 248-W. prpes ti Ii ll i t i it ii fi>f( '1f' i>rnl il j dfi 1g ,h n iî.wo.n-d Ifa9ssllî"R.','le t IIe .aid ilmi., 't 1î.fi hI.l tl f i ip'Il t" , '(rfs.'î I Residen ce and Night Phone 238 R, lo ouo îîl 'Ii i "w ."' ~ .î 'iiini f"h ' ih iilu' fi~i*""'i iiUY iiALZlf'I Iiui f l' i ' 'f i.c" h' i i ii.îu'l 's Ii. b" az à I.'l, Ii1,n , , f J f ral_ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ .ti l' I--ll ':'; gF: BAIIRSTOWN 1tî îgîa,îC traiiiuî'-' iii:,',ni , ... iltîl ., p' -l- zloftM ANUFACTURER OF F1 F. J. O'BOYLVF th'@' t'il':ll td's;irât uvitnîbt- anotlur MadiFon llu' iM arbIe and Granite pi c.i fit "< il.! oif prepacefi î oa o'" M onumienit sShall This Tov nu tùfstC.'f('lfliiau i fi.,wefl ijic , lr liati' I. la th( - l w' r fif rli3 i * uît icoît il. i f t 'ian f", 1w, 'f0 'sS otr-ls'I" ir;ý e m tery 'Aork of Ev.. r\ niSlo paring lilre'del'unst.' eI.îhrgedfilet 'oto r broiîgh '1w "'Description tle i ud'ne.'t, it he l(Os-isc ii of ihm laînpî ring'c o i aH .' a l a ce nstanlial. toM 10lg, l iff7 ou "II it(i 'ruà (b ii(ty lii bas tien gitît îlo liai]b.'. it.fI'f l'l'îCorrespondence Solicitet ih case, Ili- w Saoi I braq alle' il iii i afi inivlfov.'d 'îw' \(n.dv & Io proper I o baie theiicourt trial comt' il,' i 'crise agior"y "i if'fliN ietide('0'o, I Shall This1 imrndiatel aft ithe trial ibai liai and liai til,:, agen'îî d s m'ain pr"ý,ý, 116 Gnesee Si I golle on ninbt ii.'wepaifersit- lans! l , Iffen if,--"Oiifflaitil 5(5"i-i, A ii o the dpfensf, ehoîîld liave te îlow tOtie w' 'rut 'i ci."" AolshP audiions t10 ce rit o thelr naturali' ..rate lie saiiiil i liaii Sflf b being the. c ase. hwouid lifé' cofre asa,'r and t1e bis notion îlot an rnDrroi'i"nI O SPEND $79,OOOT E o condition te hae Orpet adritt r edT EFo bda a bail. He poînted out that OZpelaix I N S.HUMI IDS. flt a stranger ln the vlcity. that ho P q m sRcM cd would have fnt the sîîghtPst rean on OF2SIES IHad teJudge only. xxiiithere ax2(ii Waukgan, MrchIR Motion la Denled. I - r iu . doubt in hie mlnd on the subJeet. SCHOOL BOARD DECIDES TO-i "-jrnay ho wrong ln my vlews," ho IRST Buy lthe Jackson B«ele saili "but they are rny vlews and no tract at the outhweat corner o! Mc Its in the air and miany thinga SPriXJM one cise la responsîble for tireu. 1 Alliter av.enue anid Belidere street' r iey o xml e O W0 am ab8olulely opposed te te aIlow' tract te cool $6.9..Iaetml.Frexmi e OWN0 Ing o! bal l murder cases and Dcv- SECOND)-Buy the brewery coin- ua suggest it -the work ni LAM tir yet have donc lie, aithough 1 bave pany-Joncs Dugan Fend ick tract An Ana lci lied a few applications te do so. Th- the north Bide of Belvidere strept di-1 WIRINQ TOIJE BOUSEAnulE ct petition for bail in denlpd, but nnofarl rectiy stress the' sIrcet from t---Ja-- - as Uic court can, vou rnay have every son-Besiey trait nt a costolif $1390,1 for opporiunity teo(conter wlh your cil- andi erect thercon a tell or iwlvc SEVIC ont" roorn achool bonneEECiI "01 un office" ' Atorney itannat THIRI)- Remotîci the South s. bool ___________ fsked. Ilat au estimait, ost of $U,,0(0 te$201' For Ab. "At your office~vmas the repi>Y' 000 We ce in the market to do il- "A nd y oîIlrnay aise vsit your clientil FO1I'tTli KEce i an oig~t-roo'n c epyad wto ionPilT t in the jal] as ofttn as yofi deire. Tnp chool houi' il uIhi, t' mlnfgs tract chpyaniwtob nc-PilT fniv restictiont that 1 wiil Impose Il; Ii tire nortlint,('si ff' ofifthe cltv. venience to the occupants bhai the sberiff ac" ibot the defend- FIPTH Abfandfofnfplan o oiilng a -Against at guarded tccy earefuliy dîuc g4ttfo t Slcp fft L.fljfront hfck estit" PblcSric ., 'lheeconforences- abtli îîg itle ffilif ihool ,ite liiith-' u lcSrieC .Pl a Tho sta tliou'ne thoughi t s.iiih ai aost -îolf4',1 of Norbisera Illinois oiT înlebt lfe wei 10 bie the' malter ex-',At loi alif f ffe *inîg f llf'd bi',lil [EN BÂLLOT LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS mal Eloction y, April 4, 1916 TonCIq o BMONRAiIt [j V- \X'M. .JVKO D j A\MES L,.\R KI1N ZMARTIN STOFIT FoL IrIl 3wn Become Yes Territory?- No Town e rIl Tax? No LXP for Gravel, , lam, or other Roade No bIEN BA IILOT OF WEST DEMRPILD, KE COUNTY, ILL Lion, Tueday, April 4, 1916 LINCOLM ErWIS, ~ Town Clerk )Olition of lx tAbolition of x INDEPENDENT Ç)INDEPENDENT 60 INDEPENDENT O INDEPENDENT (0 INDEPENDENT By Petition 0 ,. By Pelîtion \.. E Petition 13Y Petilfon a./ By Pelilion FOR SUPERVISOR: FOR TOWN CLERK: FOR ASSESSOR: FOR SUPERVISOR: nE ....... FOR TOWN CLERK: FOR ASSESSOR: FOR SUPERVISOR: FOR SLIPERVISOR: nZ............ l .........E.......... FOR TOWN CLERK: FOR ASSESSOR: FOR TOWN CL.JRK FOR ASSESSOR: .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . E l . . . .... . . . . . E .. . . . . . . . . FOR COLLECTOR: LIF. n. 1MEYER DMMISSIONER OF HIGH- FOR CoMMISSIONER 0F HIGH- WAYS: .... ...... E ...... ........ FOR COLLECTOR' EnI PETER DIJFFY WAYS: f\ . .. ... .. FOR COLLEclrOR: FOR COL-LECTOR: ..........n .............. WAY&: CI JOIN DOIL WAYS: f Page Seven Dues It Run On Kerosenet I îost bapi'rt.înt fcatiîre of a farmi power cil1gîle t id.îy i" the fuel it tise".. 'i ' t, itruha.n nything clse, determincs fcffflfi (i i ' i lo a( (ff 'i o't fi < ( il , ' gfiS . u t. if -%ou hl ii ou :u t. tou i, uld b1wtI-i- Iffwr1 ta pui\ a big prcmîum for a Mogul kerosene engine. Si'e the Mogul work on kcrosene. A.k vour dealer to i, w\v ou the difleren( e in fuel t'ost bctwecn a Mogul i .."izp efrem i 1to 50-H. P., and -,i ;,;line cn-îai(d! L'înu o f ùur wîill ,rr you. InternationÈHarvester Company of America j Mogul kerosene engines are tolM by THOS. McBRIDE, Area, fil. J,~,'l.cZ Zfif. .fg 4 nusTesi d a aý.rjld Portland Cernent Use good Portland Cernent IT'S IN THE BAG Green n Tag TESTÈD ANDTu ( GuARANTEEZDýý WITH THE ZIG ZAG TAG Marquette Portland Cernent As lalits/g as the p'yrainid NIiarqtiette Portland Cernent rnakcs fie concretc; it's easy to work. with __Nidii by Marquete Uceut Manufactu'ing Co.* C-HICAIIO, ILLINOISLA BALLE. ILLINOISW Monolithic Concrete Silos CONCRETE SILOS, TANKS, COAL BINS, EILE. VATORS, FARM BUILDINGS, HOUSES, STORES 1t Vry î,gricuitiiral papel' in the î'oun- ,,y, 's ery isgrlî'ltursslcollegg. exZpi1 if-ut station, lmontmrafflg, biturer and svorker for ortenidi laros- îIrg le advusinit even unrln-tb. AMeut 'au larîner 10 BUILD A CONCUETE SlOr To bave titis fiio oes ttse. o&m.s' tiont o bewhoh eoin ciop-bmoq uececmaitie. Th. m. t edacluhile0, 1= le the opinion (idb thoo bave boUs andtete eistructurffl et conre.. Tbhe onîy sIlo the fariner eau alord to builhd la aconcret. silo. Albm.outely Itie andd ater.progif, w1II flot blow down. no boopo t ttei. Bo repairm. it lkeot hUlIt of ph.... bene. Cannet go ta P~ and wIi lit krever. BUILD IT 110W 'i îur honeand harnofo? cusurete, te udxt @tep. CONCRETE FOR PERMÂNENCE ARNO NA GEL LIBERTY VILLE Let us do pour lob Priling. GI iliel PERVISOR: 'WN CLERK: ESSOR: mI 1AU LECTOR: ILLINOIS ... .... .. .. .. .... .... .. C I . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. ... ... .. D . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. ...... .. ..... .. .. .. ...... .. .. ..

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