CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Apr 1916, p. 12

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PENSES of, CITY - MUST BE REDUCED Mayor Pearce Says City WilI Have to Confine tself to Amount of Revenue. GIVES OUT SOME FIGURES. Thinks There Will Have to Be Reductions in Lights, Police, Firemen, etc-, Here. - Waukegan, April . 1ýmen eacaped almost certain That steps will have to be taken mt by jumping when a large tw',- lmmediately te readjuat the fiandiai M metoap truck owned by Werner affairs of the city's0 that the eperat- =ehrse Chicago was strucit by a Ing expenses wili flot exceed the year- RtJaseger train on the North- ly revenue whlcb la decreased $34,- salera railroad nt Sacred HearI JUOGE D. L. JONES.' 000 over asat year as a resuit of vot- lang, Lakte Forest, Tuesday after- ing out the saloons, was the statement om, about 4 40 p. m. The train Eminent Juriet Who la Very Slck ut made today by Mayor W. W. Pearce. ave, Chicago at 4 o'ciock. The Hie Home on Sheridan Rond, Wau- He said tharthie erdlnary revenue fci w, stailed on the crosslng kegan; Chances for Recovery Of the clty amounts to but $40000. Mis the train but a short distance Pliîgjti asi year the saloon lcense broughit ay. The truckt was Ioaded with the total revenue up tu $74000. The %utre whicb Is said te have béý- lopping off ot the saloon license reve- àamd te W. Pachaly of 64 Southbelath rsng We esw nue brings the revenue down to but Fftiecon steetChiago.Thethe train bearing down on hiem he huistl over a hait. The mayor says re- 'sot end contents was smashed ta opened the throttle and *'kiied" i I renchment wiil have te be practiced InSItag wood. The pilot ot the en- ta that extent. He says the street lué was torm loose. t1he crossiug engins. Ho and the ther lbree menth * ablOd ne romth wet.the vi- thon loupei for thoîr lives and e- lightins the plilce departmont. h as bâdeî obste y es. 0yO hsees risa ire departnwnt and the sîreet and 9 km nber ot uegaytees Jake Waters. engineer oet he train, bridge departmeuts wiii have le ho! ,,A o thm e r a. Angteopl says lie dd not see the truck unîii operated ut about 50 per cent oQtheir M"reu than.Hlumerg Roert appeared directly lu front ef hlm. present cost. av. obar Yad. Gorg HoraliHe la the saine engineer whe struck The mayer ttt th e tee igt iR.H.batMYrdw orgWHiem ~an Marahali Fieldi truck aithte sains lng wiil be the rsi thing to teei the R.t Hoit a alig Wuive s be uayt rsin nMa h sieliejsi prunIng knite. It Ia mew costlng the ý,î it gairut e uivetru theov about a year azo. city about $13,0!) te maîntain the »a id mot knovwba't bai baP- @" 0 rsent system .of lgin.'%sl 0*0e id $,000 in oxcesaofetihe mouey that mauti.L e triAn came te, a stop. MAYOR SCHOLEY IS vould 'be available wiihout the sa- a egl"aWt the ruvcr's sa BEATEN AT KENOSHA. loa licenses. The ciii now ovèe r " imck orf he_______sen Public Service Company about $37,. = tumarnsd portion$ or te truck M0 lan upai bil. gnuattered aleng the roadbed for Mayor Scbeley ot Kenosha went 'Two years ago when the local op- jUditnt was hurled againsi the wgu itb sucli force ihat il vas city on Tuesday ai the handa ,)f Public Service Company asserted that im~.-.~er he sadightandhun Chrbo F'nnin bya cuntot 91 probably weuld have te shut the Wmik"Oua othetbelrg wnhoe ufen hre ann b on f15ligbts off If the iown went dry. i here On of he argewhels fomvotei. The ellection rtures 100k Ko- am expocting the officiais ot the coin- 2Mo truckt was removed froin undèr n 4 anogine, The plot of the eigiue noAia by stormn for ht was reportid pany te, rail on me ai any turne," Nay- ru m.hei se badly that ht bai te that-Scheley wquld win hands down. or Pearce assorted. "I leokats t me orsuieved befome the train couhiFuîg deteeo iep>as If vO wiii have te misntain arc Seoo.feverai of the Waukegaun net orlates on!oeofha. cilights In only the downiown district. epoaased i he work et remov e« ___________of ______ lu Inhe residence dIstricts we will have W: th rcaefo hetais h - te instali ithesailer lighis. We will .atu vhich s due eruc4ks . mhenni -tMalinutr. be frtunsie if ibis plan bringa the »s delaed about an heur. 13e far au istery recerds. the firet cosl te a pint whore we can --,posteards addressOd te mnembers of patent taken oui for the production o01met lýo Palay farnily are whai caude ails eiahnery was granted te Sir 111 amn not able te say as yRt jusi a» bafllo that the turnîture helonged Davis Býulmer. This was lu 1617, when how much we will have te roduce ont stltoM. la said the truckt bai uiertroduced te the world a mu-,plicean»d lire depariments, but the ~t4I e lieth fuuiurorinc"ie, orcuin al. ra oreteo rating eose wlllhave te be cut Mep o tet he Milwauke e bu bam iib ilding i. eate tts down about oe-hait. h wouhd 0e a sea bok bcaue e ib muds'aglsi hsnhaumad nals eruphysical lmposslbility te maintaîn the ij tilnet lie os. dyale we ad-aemll e*depariments as tbey are now. For- o h miln ss te ai- use i Burn r efforts' wsre anb. tuuateiy the librars' maîninn ali isivaratanialli appreclaisi by the Britisht as the resuli et a speciai ta%. il. ks the west nd cdaims Vi regadtatth esoaiilt nei Dt bar the warnlng signal "Iamove taurne espnsbii. .1 t~; ~ a.bea Iflol.--àn vmiYTRiN V LAEFOEST r EUen on the Truck Had a DopCall-Saved Their Uvtes by Jumping. OCK STALLEDON TRACK. M if the Driver Is Said to lave Beon Obscured by the -Trees Beside Tracks. a Pl p h lu 13 w Pl ri Cl .Yý ti e afi 0'b sl TO THE PUBLIC Waukiegan, DIL, April 6, 1916. On behalf of the NATIONA1L PHOSPHATE FERTI- LIZER COMPANY of Centreville, Terni-, I wish to state that liMr. J. O. Griffith, the of the Tennessee Phosphate Fer- tiliser Co. (who is now under arreuti, caused by Mr. George Ces- sar of Waukegan) neyer has had in any manner whatagever any connection with the phosphate la.nds controlledl by this company or the organihsation of the company itseif. Mr. S. M. Ward's projeot (the former owner of the land) was introduced to me by the president of our company, Dr. A. H. Grigsby, President of the Centreville National bank. The eiaminatiofl of the phosphate deposit, incorporation of the coinpany, and ail the work from a promotion sta.ndpoint has been, done by myself. Every statement made by me in regard to this property can be shown te be the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH, ând NOTH- IN~G BUT THE TRUTH, and every person who has seen our property will make affidavit to this effecti. (Signed) E. w . STEESB. Washburn Hotel- MUR1 a Pl p h lu 13 w Pl ri Cl .Yý afi 0'b sl 81 P Il u r. n Uil 0 fin 0 a IL t y 1 MYi oabdl4iÏÏ as gave eut a c- w" rsixhigtilve dMumebtree eton, d --m.i- loe epara have bargaîn sales te dis- ave te rstronch. Thero mas' bu Jflgr EL 'IW-, -- PMso e ier wares befoeothe lrai orne peoplu vho wili net late Iind- et May'? Y te the retesachmont bué wbat are I o or th. recal electiou-will re ging te do vithout thé mones' te OfJ[ ÀYthe vois eof Tuesduîy have ani offet IIJLbills. on te recali? That la the quesîton MaYer Pearce aays that omseof the Waukogan, April 5. many are asking. rsnas le secured an audit that A voter In on'h ot the precincîs vot- The laite shore now will hoe dry emos@ up te the end of ibis fiscal ed a straigbt ticket fer the Democra- 1 rorn Chicago te the state line. Auto- 'sar ta many departmomis and up te tic pariy by piacing a cross ln t is mbiliais n:ov viii ho abls te agree Nfarch 8 ln ail the other deparrneint .partY Circle. luasrnuch as there lwene jaI île- gvernens ef North sud Southi was ihat hoe Might ho preparei te coesne candidiates on ilat ticket le did Carollus tRlIaI le1 "A long tune lbe- euth tle situatien ln btter shape lu ne dimage te the candidates on 1hé1 tweon drinks." le case the ievn went dry. Ho ta Republican ticket.I egaged lu leeklng ovor the revenues Oui et ail tbs votes cast i a h and viii lai tle entîme situation be- teuril precinci polling place tl ' X E TT fors ile couacil nexi Mondas' night. vas enîs' oms In wich the voter NTE P C .T "In ms' opinion the decreaso lIn t et express a preference ln the localIwwu-s tmoua r0 revenue puts Waukogan option fighi. backntram tee te îweniy years," ne sOas man. a banken, made a subj TRY OKRP TlIN LAU E said. etnflai wager tbat the îewn would Other memboraet the cemmisson go vet lis a larger majoriiy than AIl A»09IANEiÀ tay thers mas' be ways hy whicl vntve is to easug. heh part et the moeai can ho raised bY seudewd-ratter wlid until the votesi Imposing special taxes, but tboy are vere counibi.. . Defense WiIl Insist on Taking nablo te sas' as yet jusî 0ev mudli 8 orno thts aloonkeepers are mt I Cs -an lie raissdinlutibis manutsr. werrying very much for ihey say Ihal Cas to Another City ______________ Iibir fixtures are ovnod bs' the brov- for Trial, Report.b The mut sahippers ai Russe]],l, oaesb.b northwestema Lake ceunis'. got action Oms Waukegaa saloonkeeper la said The case againat William Orpet. n the rlik war Tuesday momang aad te bave lest several hundred dollars seltfon trial noxt Monday beforee 5 of thein. atter a big meeting. r& as the esuit et unwine la Judge Douneliy. wil mt ho heard )n fused te ship a dmrop etfilik te Chi- sai that the majority of saloonkeep- that day. Tite defense wiii seek a2 ago unlil ater tbty gel the associa- ers did net risk any moaey. long conlinuance. anti failing in ibat ion pries. Three hundreti cana et One man, an attorney, wagered $50) endeavon. wIll ski for a tew days nllk were pilsi up eon the plattorm aI Ibat the town wouli go vot. Ho saicentinuance lu order te give tliem Russell valting lor the Chicago train lie expeclsd te make a goed day's urne te prePare a petition Os' whlch md lle îl fainos ativeld b pa If wiiî ta'cs sevoral relainerasi viii il ry te change the trial f romt uanimous voie te stick for iOe asso- te reimburse hlm. Waukegan te some other part ot thea iation prico the ml'c was put hacit The irai rturus came ln frmr the district, prebably Woodatock.f on the wagons andt aton liack.tle the imai precinct, but only the taaI The detenste wili imrnedlaîely. ithit 'arins. Russell la enset the largest vt a ivn 0 oriipoîc a long cenlimnuance la denled, mako an nilk shIpplng plante la Iis section vslte ia i e lhe comth pents effort te gai 200 signera te a petilion of tseoiate. Ai Pleasant Prairie ami voe. This return vas maie at 5*15 stating that they ara prejuiiced. and, ail along the hiockturd division o'-tbe ocok Tejie n lrsi h al IL aJury. couli flot serve ~'trtbeatra beshîper ar tatlg ftuutb are emtieti te crodit fer île Impattially. The dofense la confident 'themoani e ato ndigame a poud to! dlspatcb with vbicb they ceini dthe Juige .Donnelly willlgrant a change. bytmro onn e on fballots. perhapt; te Weodotoek hecause iî mnfli wili go'Oui oft ibis couciy that wlu b hmer ory tba telere t las ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~A meuompiitm i1easca s auel the teutb precinci brought lnweuidhomeband ier aonhm t e ani ien price-htemesba News. ýIn thn tsar , the fiuaI resuit net coin- Wauhtegam. Ing ln until atter 7:30 oj$ock. but________ tIen i vouli not seem lit. an olec- I -- Whit ii *bd Lie s0590& lion te have te lentl precinci figures Adakpt Chinoe.Tris. 1'here la ne a&W for- a bai oye. Stli. available as soon as thoes roin the .AiaPtathy o et tsChine»s Wood a lot ot people »sver look as itgh ast other precincîs. oùl Ires for cuitivation lu norihomu the oîsa. They *top et lte diamoni "What do yen figure the vet major- Pu" onael bave boen presi h lu tle acartpn.-Irvin S. Cela inlut.e ils'will bOs'"OessaloonkeePon waa iroceat experirnts. A ires St Tauia' Saluriay EvenIng Pont. askei Tuesduy atternoon. "We don't basae. Fia., bore two etaiees et fruit care what h isa just se It ha a major- a&t senion. lu adudition te being au ADJUDICATION NOTICE. lis'." was the repîs'. occomialî Important trou, ut tu a PUBLIC NOTICE ls bereby givon A number of people calleti The Sunt decdeih ornameatlos1 i ui that the Subscriber. Administrainix otfoffice ns ouris' as 5:02 ami 1:03, ak- luators et white fiewera wit roulaI- the Estate ef Mary Augusta Kapple. mng tor esuts-the poils titi mt ielew contons, aud lu fullibloomri>ro deceasei. will attend the Countv.clese unlul 5 o'ciock. @ombles a catapa. Court et Laite County. ai a term thse- number oftions who cahiedti tp ______ et te eho bodea ai the Court Hou'.e amias.tedefor) Information showed a- ha Wankegan, la sai Ceunis', on the weetuiluck oft ieîge. They Muddy Mlsaeurl River. Oirsi Mondas' et June noxi. 1916, wben asked fer wet ami dry resuita troin The Missouri la lbe mudilest river and wbero ail pesons baviez laims tewns which dii et ovon vote on île lunlte Mississippi Valley; i carnesn against naid estate are notilied ami local option proposition, moret.@U1tîan uni oter large river equestei te present the saine te sai The wetmoss ot the weatlen Tues- in lt@ Unitei States oxcept pesaihis' Court ton adjudication. day ftromoen waa mol reflecteti ln the lte Rie Grande uni tle Colorado. Fer EDNA KAPPLE, mresuit et the electien. oeysur ieo onr rie Administratrix. BSreeoftthe moesenthuslastlc huiltIt eveni« squa remton o dls E, V ORVS, honfires Tuesias' evealeg te vent Attorney' for Administratrix. ileir exuherauCe. soivod ani suspended matlor oacI Naukegan. hllinois. April 3ri, 1616.1 The saloona are reporici te have Yer Witiy-Apt.7-14-21 dons a geod business frein the trnel BUILDINQAT ONCE $25,000 Is Paid for the Site on Washington Street Which Is to Be Used. rO BREAK GROUND SOON. T. H. Durst, Pres., Says New Building »l Be One of the -Most Modern Possible. Wauhuegan, April Announcement was made ioduy thal watbin the yeny near future grounti viii lie broken for a mnodore twe or bhrou @tory building which will serve au a home for the Eecurlty Savings banli, one et the eldesi established banklng Institutions I n the clty. The Security batiklbas occupiedi the pres- eni location on Washington aireet for "th anniversars' ot the bank ln the .ame îocitien viii ho celetimtei Ai- guist 25 efthis year. For soins lime lt bas been kmown baât the hoads oftii batik have bee arrangluz îplans and details tfo a building et their own. but sein@e dît ficulty was experienced In securii a proper site. A short lie ago i tIsai was ciesed whereby Damen AI- ibuher acquired of Richard Moran. a double building on Washington street near the bank building. The Nioran building lias a froniage et 40 t net andi bas beeuý occupiet by the Lîux snd Natita anti Franku Mcfierniolt saloonus. The censidpration in the dval watt 125,00. lOy a deed whlch watt record ed Tuesday atternoon Mr. Alihlr transfers te Theodere Iirst of the batik the tubtie the properli. Mr. Dursi when asked about the deal today assenieti that It in mol knewfl as yel just whon the attîl work et breaing grounti wilî be etarted. but added thati h would bc ai the eariiesi possible moment. The pîlans, lie salti, have net matured lu such un exient that il 1s Possible te tel whother the building wll he twO or tbres Mtes. The batik will or- cupy the lower floor and posstbiy the uppor part et the' building. Mm. Durst naid te buiding weuld lie One 'Ofth10 moat up ho date of any te lie touti ln a cils' ot Waukeganv size lu the state. Worth White Quotatlin. «Tbore arepersena Go radiant. en gunial, s no i, no pleanutie-bearinti fbtiyeu n itlactively feetln le io presence Ibal Ibsi de yen gooi. whoau coming tae& roomn la like the DringE ing of a lump thons.' HieJîrY Ward

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