816 Strikers Warn the Waukegan' Dealers ýNptto iIJI- toRs :J~Tn~uy MAY CAUSE !I ERE. Waukégan. April 6. That Waukegan nayisb.drawu n 1. to the mllk trike tiitIta ebat c reste a famine la "~t àom.edity in C'hicago, was lnâica0d'today by state- ments made by those who are pro- moUing the trikge oni the Irollodi thet the farmer has Deen a sufferer irons low prIces long enough and -in entitiod te a tittIe more éoïr4deation icb u handu of théeh1ilk dqÇqtu; Up w, vi a# bîiv4tht Waukegan mtE e bIdaillit the situation bOel~i» ethé cogtrse which the local 40%lem bavte vilia tii farsoenk " am '***afrefofi t1a1 AIiégsed efforts oh be tii.'t ot dealers te ship 15111 tei Cle&go i nmre of the bolIlng planto'i viciatty la mald te bave1 raiaed th lr4 of the. struhrs 54tu éyrurfltt déclare a st11ke on *sukosg If 111f alegad practte coatIbie.. *"Wé havé farnad < aringtoelo- cal dealers," ooit ba trIXers laid (hisi mornin& 'IWO hive Isitore them thbt vinare huépýinga a oE watch on the'h and that ai tiihe effort on thir part 1> b.ip 141%,là~4 thé retricteote trrltofl' e wPI o;ff the Waukeg*n *up'ply a el havéetîéén given tiiudrta4lA consiidrable milklinbs :»én ditrtb soAkRD 0V#FSIJKlYiIRs t<ontlnued froat pagé three.) ent oulfit 2. One new outtiti for maintenance and building of hard roass is cOlsltiIig 1gauoline roler, I 8 fL grader. t cariller. i ater wagon. I011 ragots. 3. Tmg roads gradtng outtits con- iting of eacb o! a tradlar andi 10 «t. gradéer and oM wagoni. W. are not yt pmparesi ta r- oimend the salzet«tractera, but, itate one ahouid b. a large si-2j 'to to 60 Il. P. Wé vouls ltée a general discussion on tis saubet. but believe ttat the purchameofet atlflPm oret to rosi trading outill anad a wvaer ieag<ia abonutiha umade«01 l~ bs samien. Iteeecf l)>' suhmtd. (100. ILl. airator. Osée. R.tîesb. Rossi and Brig Comttee. SupervIser lices ucvedthti thels Board purchase on» rater raaoa for thé présent rId OUtMlMdh130oCee pite gredins: outIl vltb aàlIgIÏter.. tor »s reconéinled t i lu Phutofe the Roads ansi Bridge CMMIitllt. Motion carniesi. Supéerviser irscbuer movesit. égih township pay for ach day' vos-k of cacis u-ad outit lai lbe ra* or 110.00 Per day. Supervisas- Rockenb&ch movéd asan tiIý lit ltiéi, on lu. U Îu dlale mwsen tey are PM Fre cana GtI liîk arrived b>' train t (lus- n.. tiI morning, but not enough 10 Moakmch 4ifereiee. At , i a$*l j~fSornilig C.èraVs a roat laimb ilteen thé deWebrs and saie orthte frmiildkB Sisie 0for é t ki as-C Eiig mi)k 'tu thse îîât4*ig station i Wagons mes-e ovetuepe :SM tis mlk pouresi into the = ., i.- a aI that Dot a aumorfmut vwa.s abppd trom Tgylor'a toéig~i bàt nuell Wasotila eshig4tosi f m i lît lb. sltutarithi n a te* day yl be such tisai tis edalers there wil hé uv>çta pcu, a siapjy. Th~1e atmé4aiere rcéilf1s51.31 1-2 ~Ih4juIO9 a 01st Jind. This 8 ai:~- 0 éLiPr >r.Thé T111 i'eftOpdeianOdldg *136 rper hu- drm iMOISA. ,or xk t-S osie a quart. Tie <tilers asset tisat they viii luei budka tram tiiéîn tandi Abd that if tii. deslers do blot yield that tise>' tt" strikeal viiitfatu a en-aoera ?0And viiI habille the- nalî SUdIpeust maitaihe mare plan hé Ohti9iSEas lat Yserto-rl,' 6 day. ftée Il $d 1500 per day for Tovnahlp a#d 520per day for Vllage andi Cit for either ontfil. Supervisor Paddock moves Io1 table thé motion. Motion carriesi. Sepervisar Mcdullough moved thal the Roass andi Bridge (ominîttée ansi the ComM>' Eupîintnsent of , Ritgl- ways belaothotid td formulais a plan for thé use of tise (ount>' Raid oustilto. %lotion carried. Supervîsor FIché niovési that lthe Roes landi Bridge Co)mmtte e héau- thorisedta iopurchase the newr s-4t oulfit. Motion earried. Buprviaor Martin movés Io 0ad- 300.-n until 1:30 P. N. Motion carriesi. 1 :20 P. M. Sourd callési tu ordér b>' lb. Chairman. Superviser Clark. Chirman of thé Erçoaefug Assensmets Commitle, subeutted thé lollowing seport; *itq oc119o04, Lakte Canni.-sa. 5w-rd 0f Supervisas. Mas-ci Tenp. 1ç16. ,). Chtjisug and Gemuéen oU the Beanti of BSupervlara: Tour Committeé onErroneous A esnmuesi, tg rhom thé ptition. for nuiseiet taxqel, mre reférréd, bel létre lo report ai followe: We. bave éxained qald PeUtiin anitisaSchéduleg andi Recorda, *qd fnd t athe icparties havé,e OMe7t néoUsi' &aaso. 111, nas"I ,lIiaLthée Plate spd b7oîît3' ts,o .-ie yeas-191li e retundld ta hOm us Assesséd State County Name Town Valuation. TRI Tai. Total. (tayton Dixon ............Lake. Villa ...$400 $2.16 $2.61 S$4.66 I>ertlelit Lmber Co.. .Wegt Deéi1leld ..... 1000 6.39 4.27 11.64 F. C. Lang ............. Libertyville-._1000 5.39 6.27 11.66 'Ne (urther recommend that the upervisor Stratton of Grant moyed varioum tazing bodies of aME townh that the report bé accéPtéid.and refund to îald parties a hâte Propor-j adopted. t ion of exceîîs taxes paid by them.I Motton carried. Revpectfuliy submitted. Teflwn eoto e it T. M. Clark. Tétloigrpr fprde 1. H. Tuttle. and mniléage of tée Supérvisors foi A T. White. the year was presentéd: Miles to Total Nans.sWattieganlayé fiaîr4tevw . .. ... 1 201 ctarit....... . ........ 13 20 Conrad ..... .........1 14 Crape ....... ..........i1 30 E:ger-................12 20 Emnmon., .... 1 20 Ické...........- 22 20 ros .-3 19 tioidlge.............. 4 19 1-utton ...................1 12 King ................. 8 20 Kirischnter .............. 28 19 Mae ther .......... ...... 16 20 Mtartin ...................2 lis Meyer of Frentont...165 120 Nie>er o!f aukegan... 1 20 Mccullottgh............s6 20 Paddock.............. 20 13 ltiigd$Il.........13 20 Rockfttibach........... 18 20 Statnof Grant ...20 20 qtratîpo of ak VlA8 20 Thom %on .......7 19 Tuttleé................. 7 16 Wash................ 12 20 Webb ................. 20 18 Whte....... .. ....... 12 20 Hiende .. 20 Per- Total Diêm mllt". 60.00 91 42,00 7 60.00 84 60. 00 87 60.00 75 57.00 21 67 .0 28 360 5 60.00 56 67.00 M6 60.00 112 64.00 £4 60.00 1061 60.00) 7 60.00 36 39.00 g0 60.00 '91 60.00 126 60.00 140 6000126 67.00 49 48.00 49 60.00 84 64.00 140 60.00 84 120.00 $164100 Mîileagé. .70 $ 9.10 .70 -7o 8.40 .70 15.40 2.10 2.80 .60 16.30 3.40 10.50 .7o 9.ý10 12.60 4.90 4.90 8.40 14.00 3.40 194.70 5 Total. 90.70 69.10 42.70 ,60 ,70 60.70 75.40 69.10 69.80 30 .ko ,41r.60 M .80 71.20 42:4q 10 M70 61.90 612 :ý 120.00 supervisor Fické movéd that thé Staté ofIllinois, report bé apprOved.i Lakte County as. moqencarrid. 11, Lew A. Heildée. County Cdat Mot4n cariéd , n and for Wd.Cotnty,. ireby1 Çer Supervisor Kng tnOYOCdthat thé tify thé toré*int'fg ita 3,eAm (ierk>u directed to Issue warrants complété t t4cer1iitloi thé-bsrocâ on th t.County Treaaurer ln, payment ings of thé BSrd of Ssw8 k@m'«~ of aIr çâanms allowed at tht. session. aaid County ut thé Xa =t.18~1, iet Mo pn carried. ston of sad Board.1,ý Su *isor King moved that a voté In Wtnnsa Whereof 1 bavé bere of th ka hé éztense oiertilg unto auhecrlbéd MY numé and affix Chair in, Henry Bl Eger' éd thé sel of muid County this 14th M oï$ . caftied. day of March. 1916. Stupç,Isor Walsh movéd to adjouro L ~WA. UENI)BE. sine tf. .county OUTIL: MoUioncarried. ~A. Éà&d 1 ~U1~A~I#1 c~*~~ésarPovers 68 womne.t A ~ ,L ~IWrJTAtMTa ICo~Or~1gf-Y StadfélIdt, lm AT & j ~ W1I'I'~Y 1' IcomlsaiOner lllghway -Ray Se5 UP11 D 733 Y mour. 72 voMen, 144 mPn._____ Tb&a.paff*ltion of albolléhing thé - i ~pol tax ras diaé lit Conîînued fscm page on*.) 60 VUT TUESU auconda vas the usly w:: town- (Contlnued front pagé ont), 5hilà h ét .dr-w'et question wùvus ith entaty roig a Schoo Trusée ierror ,bi; dincovered ln the pe..,-jorlty for the dry.,hewtéwr s Saniél Trusen. oénitioD Biled'b>' thé drys and thé qUés- thé mlnortty.sée o Pitot precit.......... 2611 196 Inii.biiwlhrw ri h Indicate whaL the ulîinate resuit vas. Wes Oeet..ld 10héand the enthuaiasm of thé crowd Total.......nt........48221 10 ballpervst O er oenbak ' # rew accordlngty. As lAte as 9 olck Tota 48 3461 spervsorGeore Rckenackwasthe crord tli rematned and dis-i 0DEMOCRATIC TICKET. j ré.éîected b>' a big majority over lis cuased thé situatton. They seemed .îo Supervisor. tvo oppouputm; Joepchîne 'Noodm3an jubilant that they we. bath tu re- J. H. Lîmberry Men. Womén. defeatf és er tvo Mate OPPOn8nts for turn to thplr thnmes. Thé Sun bas Finit pret.t... ...... 169 103. tova ci .Fred Mau won out for bullétlned many eiéctions. but never. Secon- dr bt ....189 107 'assessor- ?etqr Duffy for colléctor and bas there ben a larges- or more en-I - - Ezra 8'iltch ' commîoséoner ut tutni rw acigteb! Total............... 368 210 highway. letîns.wthig té Town Clerit. Erowdrybut-jied Chasles Mason Men. Womén The vote follOws yn r. uprsd Fiatpect........7 48 F'or Supervilsor- Nlatthlaé loren- Thé untîéîliy x.rge majorlty by Second precnct ......133 61, berger. 7; George ltiX:kenbae, .112; wbich thé drys vnasérdt - - Lîncoin Pettié( 12la surprise lu éven thé drys thémo- Total ................O0 109 For Clelt-Nilton Frantz, 147. selves, for évén thé most sanguine Asaeseos-. 1Peter <0. 1Ué5it,117, -loephine Wood- badl fot predlcted anywheré néar H. J. dater. . Men. Women. 1man, 163 such a large majos-ity. Thé averugel Fisst urecinci.........132 80 1FOrýAïB8ê5IOr-W. I. Steefes, 171; dry voter éxpressed the opinion bé-, Séconsi precinci ....142 1 Fred Mau, 288. fore thé result vas made known tltat - - l'or Olletor-F. Il. Meyer, 22; the dry$ probably would win by 100 Total............... 274 17.1 Peter M".fl 249. or 200. Collector COMMîaIoner1ý of iltghway-John Théré wére bundreds of people whe Upeo W. HIong Men. Women Doye, 176; Boran Fs-luh 241. decliped to make evet, a prédIctioni.l First precinct .......... 63 26 jeig Township. Thèy mai41 théy felt thé résult woold Second précInct ....104 67 Thére Vai DO 'OOn!et in Ela and Su- bé so close that it would hé difficuit - - pervison Ie us la returned agaîn. to tell whtch aidé wouid vin. The Total .......... ..... 167 92 osé baàndft4 SàISoné votés yeré Çent. vêts wbo had beén predlcting that Schoot Truste. This vab'the tUckt; thy wouud win by a largér majoritY J. W. Cooper Men. Women. .gPtsI~ l Pcit. ibat, two yéars ago could scarcel>' hé- Finit preinct .......... 97 44 #.i- ýg.Poellcb. le-ré It wbén tbéy learned ltow hadty Second picnct ....127 60 Ci*tr.H~ C. Buéscbing. they bad tiéen beaten. Tom Snelling, - - As.s*o-W.~.steil. wbo vorkéd diUegnti>' for thé causé Total............... 224 104 Onli Comàhner-"red Grimm. or thé aaloonkeépers declared Tue. INDEPENDENT TICKET.ZWOTT SI. day afttrnoon tbat hée wouid not lié Coltector. The". vaS. B contesi ln Newpos-ti surpriséd to sée thé vêts wil, l'y 1,- Fîrat prclnct..... .29 16« jren tiLti tiéet vas elécied: 000. Hé addéd, bowever, ihat If thé Second precIncî .... 6. 19 163 îCelerk-Thoo Strang. drys won hy 1.000 hé would not he * sss~.'W.Ict. . str>.rS4 eIt e t~lié sald lhé néer Total ..............9 28l o é neleî(nwbroutvsso~ GrntTo~siprommsioag0-1iiank Shea. biard t o * dop" a majos-it>'. Grant Townsh ip.tc o Constable to'glii vacancy-Thomas Msny Riga Were Out. Ganttwhipsluon, éinéaF. ozHosan. Anyone who wanted to vote had ail the vêt oolumn by a majority of 127 ' Scitool . TrutteAlexander anthéoresofu ut mobided s for crs the vote teîng: Wét, 274; dry, 117. Stewart.adscrsoauoibesadc- The vote %tond us foliowa; AVON. riages traveléd hetween thé poilIsIl Mn-Dry, 84: wet, 182. Womn- Avon Vent dry b>' a maJorlty of but day long. Evéry prîvate automobile Dry, 62; vêt, 92. 19 but seven galbons are thus ouâtéd'that could hé sêcured vas iréssed The vote on thé township tickit in Grayalake antiad f.ound Lake. 1- 1Intu servIce and tracticaliy ail thé follows, MNr@. Rushmore bing re- Thé vote on thé dry-vêt questionitaxis and iitnem'é also weré hlred torl elected town ciérk over Wm. V. Jack- tood: thé day. son. James Larkin b.lng electési as- Wet. Dry.1 Thé drys appeared tu havé a bét-I seasor. Martin Stoffel collector and Men................. ý244 1781iter Organisation so far as gettîng the P. J. O'Boyle commissioner. WpIYiéi............... 112 197, votera to thé poils vas coneérnéd. Supervisr-Wm. sîratton, 245 - -- Previoualy thé>' bud made a houée-to- Mes. 121 vomen. Total.............. ... 156 :175 1 ouse canvons and bad checked sp on Mulorlty r .. . ......1 i h voters. Today they had auto-,> Cleri-htra. Lobra J. Rushmore, 142 r.........i i h aia h Ifrn oe mé.jo oén . .Jcko 17.here Veré but two opponents Io mobiles altth dIernh mnen. 57 vomén;V. Jcso t14 hé r.guý&r' town tîciéet. and offér to carry thé women votera m e 57 on Ln, mé. Harol ddéeland défeated Martin tu thé poils. Thé vêts dld flot paYl AssesrJhiF ::In:; ..94 men. Thelan fr côlétor hy 75 majorlt>'. so mucb attention to thé fémalé vota. James 5eLarLourde n iWçka défeatéd E. R. crvljThé vota shows It. Colectr-oy utîéi 7 me ~for comliilSaiowetr by IIII. -Thé drys dld net lbée an opportun- vollen: Mrtin SDtffél 181men, 4142 Haîrry flidIt was eiéctéd clérk. pA. It>' 10get every possible dry advocaté momén tn. cmm aonfer-18F en 12W. la-o'aéao and C. A. M14er1 to the polis. lu one case a voinan single o isierP J. O'Boyle. justice Or lie ïeàce. considérubly oser 90 yéars of age waa 170 men, 93 women; Wm. Vandén- . OH asu.é 1 hé lIs boom 12 mé, 1 voén.Antiocish lno Ilaht on the tovn lumoneintances people who have Thémg1-1 en.ta12 tIckt excptlD for lerit. C. F. itlch- beén 111 for some tnme. coiiid fot lhé lire. Rushmorm ansd OBoYlé vene insde fat d Walter Chlui for tIst réstrained froin making the4 a't thé onea eléctesi on thé Republéean Place- thé polting placés 10 vote. They sai ticet ésieaM. Sraton ho as Chartes Van Patten vos elected an- tIsai no one kném vhat one voté tinopposés., Stoffei and Larkin mère sesor. W. T. Taylor ollector, Frank Itdoadhé'ibd10ava on té fémocat: ticet.DWn c>oiissioner <of blghway Ovér part la thse lection. onteDmcâetce.Fred Broon. Judge Kept Sus>'. AT LAKE VILLA. B>' a maJorit>' of 130, Autioch voted it vas an éxtréineiy busy day for. e LIÀké Villa oensis a new aupervtsuf tb remaîn vêt and thus thé 22 a-. thé judges and dlents in thé dîttér- r t thé coont>' board In thé pêrson of irans OPerst't lu ithse village and ont P04199Pg récincîs for the voté wasi 9 James Bfaamuila éwho succeeds the oser lb. laMs vil! continue ta livé thé largési éver récordéd. Thé clerks lIge John 'Rtratn. BarfistOhie ude- for ai leasîivo rùYéàrw. veré képtimbuy from. thé moment the a teatesi John -itnner hy> a volé of 24p Thé vote foillow: pollIng places opened thîs mornîng Itsi 163. Thé Scmalndér of thé ticket .Wét. Dry. until 5 o'cock when thé doors wéZé wimuhdpposed. lien ..................1) 16(; laued. Barantable got 94 vomen'a and 165 Women............... 176 190 Itlà sosldom that thés-e are net, a men% votes: Sonner got 80 women-à - Ife* joui&a ven thé clerks and Judgét; 0 nd 83 tnén's. Totali................. 486 ?5G can ontl taxé a littlé test and iti The. vote on thé dry-vêt question,, Mjority wet........... ......... 130 for thé next rush, but thés-e vere féîv kseglb eh toVn dry, b>' a mnajoritir 1 DEERFIffLO. of thése lulis on Tuésday. orf U votes, shoves! 107 meén ansi 120 In Deerfiéld tii. citers ere: Ar- Challengers Are Sus>'. vimen for dry: anxd 41 roman ansi thur- W. Vércoé tfor supérvisor. AI- Thé dry% ibis year lied piucéd chaI- f130 men for vêt. bert jas-son for çc4rlt, )4&" Doolseylnérudchkr.necho i Thé balance of the lovn ticket ter collector. .Jans uf>'for ~.poling .jplacés. Thèse chialengers -ectesi oilovs: sessor andi Fred Clavé>' for commisâ-ep~itdvth olhos tc Town Clésk-AIbert Kappié. sionén pf highwaYm. cnandtéDmé !altévl Asessor-E. A. Wilton. 1"bé vote-èss. h ed mté 10maha n o hs avoer d Collectos-Pérc>' Dibbié. SBpervimor-vencei Musik, 430; Ar-ésclied vitlout habonk.bis nae Oomissoïir-FaB~Hamlin. thur W. Vercoe, 85; ýA 5[J. chéckdu intébo.Tsvs Serttiaige ta 11 acac>.dons in Order that Ibère might hé no SENTON TOWNSHIP. dlerk-Roland BleimehI. 330: Lylé - Weain ~as it Téisatidthere vas Thé Thcocratic ticket won otwtt viiG»uriéy. 6%&; Albertl. arýoi4 819. etr iÉr no. hncs.lm hé y émiéu ovèr the Independenta lu Bon- Collctor-Mary>' 0e, 54; Pauil vrétakinanotYchancefshd be ,r ntwsian mnth fie8L. el.61;,Fred 5h.te-609. plicéd Jtà"each politng placé. This deliosed vas B. B. Lové, wvbliebeebén Assesor--jamés .Puti» £24; NVx. va dons, to présent an>' clashes étud town dent for a number of ye,àrs, A E. Brant, 578; Fran" Lang, lits. tedsrdefC ner*asistant' susérylimor coxIQtas a ommntsioner Hifh**>-Jamées E- dn cass bfd thé dsed av féct fr thé hourd lu thqI person of A. 0; Sur- Shèsisen. 54Z; Pri,i.. Lavey, 983. norces !dsré hv.énrs goal,.*bis amcééds L. H. Tuttîé for WAUKMN prts that office. Thé total Vote fer thé lu Waukeg4u (t1e. tfn lictet wva PL A aLS two tickets toliova h nné 0 nppedad theéeaeténwi ~ PL A S SE 0thé Indepêndént tickt being, gisén fler .Th vté-ofWugntwnip Snutapd hoe~o! hé Te~rac -by a vote of ovés- tvo ho one, votéd 0lit iapd oy fStherheîser- 10 oabollsh, thé poliltas. Thé exact dl0 kBrnitP Lvé 07: .- 151A.'Webb iguret are being computesi but Ih 0 lej-Brnt 9 Lvira;W. l W. Holdridge aas béatén tvo to one. J. BIl, 1,360. M .Dle Asoistant Buprvisor - Antan F. Town .*-Thé Sordén niants ai Rldgefleld eBonsmeen, ,o48;, A. S. Burs-,5v136-5. George W. Ilutchinson Marengo, Héebron. Aidên, Hartiansi. 0 Assessor-John H. Sayrs 0s ~; O. Aebmé,- (,ryjtt-a,Lke, flcuntley, Dlundee and W..,'parley,'. .363. S' A. Dîînn Agonquin véré réportêd ceh setS atét. Colletor-A. B. Bennett, 1,045; Cehter;- One leadlng dealer to capîtulaté 10 1) JsUibe J. druig, 1,372. . i Fjri «E. Péarsail thé dejnénds ef thé. producérs vas A Tomiainé-darém D. Fers-y, Cocftnutôner of 5tîgh-ay- j. Oison, talé sélialos-and- Mayos- of hlft CtSlèm~içk81Sy, '1.386. " -'William A. TaYlOr - Woodtock, who contractêsi for 251, '0 lebol t'rti.teâ--glosJennié John- Truetkwof Schsols.-. 000 .pôunds of!.1.5 tmlik t $1.515. Iii I ap 106: tu e ~ker. 1,354, JcdiF fBUIrjlant supplies hotéis and srestaurants bIé ndéjî'4nt alIgd thé lepsi at VERNON. lu Chicago. but il laIlikel>' hi$ sers. 0 Withoi tiot, au tMe folping Thére mes-e t*Wî kfdbteots in Ver- icévii.>e çIosed also, as farmers 'l a«Ié hOr. o. Maudé A. 10011, ",thée t1WiI aim It viti burt thels- caulse If a 9111 Love. 121; Bul. 11. lerk ras opposesi W Beerdt H. Ma- gie, dealer gels Milk.-AIterican of ;0 Borenson, 121; Burgess, 12. .sei. iuM .KuillBtié tirk Vht> Tuesay. _________ 10 Syrs, 117; Furie>', 14. rttled thé *é1 t ltffl* imbrôper Md . 7'1 o 5çnett, 110; dralg, 20. tlierehunré pdfuged t l bWt4'Ouithé-t, - a -dM n tefgue soê Ferry, 109: StIcknéY, 20. 'ballot;:lber ruling wos set amfde thé cadidtes agn outhé faigure o 220 Mimés.Johnson, 101; Hachés-, 9. Jodlé Edwarsi isisésie-lb e lbn tha al) 1 vitotb>38vt.o Burnett S. Love bha él¶oce as -Wa ppealesi, vlicb aedôli prévenftedt~ tqmeship cierk for et léast tvni years tii"wtmCb gtftgin t Mebeti OBnthé Thé hIanor-F thé tIrckne lét lç. anbehé11l, iow be liýgeeded -b>' W. WId( ai tthé Irecitt I baéEe ué-vsrFrdKs-cnr J. ; Btil. eîjeIé èdbakman- lise alrpetate C6tta3éisIdnOt pboon dlés-ek-Emnii r'. Sçhaéuie. , - 1-« 1 ,bantAsséssor-E. W. Rîlé>'. Lge'i L.H.Tatà'wtlt bésuccéeeéds itppêiil. .........' Commilm-ioner-Wii Hobién. in oMfce as Meç.1sM B upervlaqr b>' iMn.. -8Uioil made a bard tlght but Thsl - msinr- hre A. 8. Bungema. ). M dW<Ueatéd ber. *Théié (omîal'r hs-e rX TlireelatIanreturns hroughi great '%«e blancéofUthé ticket elected tiret». Isig oita-8 br &&mtaeton te the _ Thiocrats and vas: * . , 1r ubol'shlng l - 76 ..A & VJ 1 % WAUKEGAIN, ILL. satd'y li q.ur . ç~ Dpt. 3cBrisitre 17c Speciai 7 E41î itai lI plrives if il L ealut'vt*l. Vitein is l'h' - hra-ssier,-î are excellent quallty sari nîcé. ley trio] med with lace and eîboidery aillszs 50C Dressieres et 39c *i Brassires e 9 Waistsl- Of SUR Io.$3 Specl a t . Tub milic in plain col- ore a d étripes; crêpe de chines and pretty taffetas tn lace and silk combina- tiona; alcora Woiamses aind iass Sprinùg Suiis Our suîits .ît tthis piice .îffîîd .î i înusually larîge and v~afi ed selee- tîtîti. Serges, poplins, gabardines, army eloths and other popuiar fabricu; longe or bélted modela; ail coloré. -Others Up t. $33 iife Coa07 White corduroy sku't anîd oat in handsoôme new~ styles;ail SItes. $10 Dresses 5 Tiie newest di~asa- litriktngly prétty. Clevérly - signed Of. fine poplis In bl shades and véry etfectiely trlmmed. 18-50 3111k Dross Crepés, tattett,'po1 - lins, in grey, rose, gr 's black. navy. t H-andsosnely finise, * with laces.- vior chlidï,i 2 tel Pi ettiest littie styljes. in eheeks, serges,'.g3b- aîdiîîes, lwlted or lôo'Se, -ail colors. 8.50 Ceats ('ht1dren'à cèatg *lài sizes to 14. Popis andi pretty siliea as véli asÀj serges, checks andi gab- ardines; ael ltnéd. I thUdren .s 31Dreffl; Stripés. chlecé, plaIds, plain colorq, combina.' im tlong. Bises to 14, InflIk ait coloré. I WiP ïo $5, speçw l t A11 wou'I serges in.'- iiewt sty les, iivy, blaeck, I_ grey, mixtures a ndý î-lieks. CpOM î1 P, e 110 Th re i<s a wondeyful seýlection to ehoose fx'omü. at either price. t-oas. Coatis, boîted or TIES. latwre mule et a and et tinI a r te )f a 1, d au and la . tfa. slI unil 'ftatIie Itlea, la- 4lfthe énat a DuPae Gnrindy. conuate. meting, e laurle gay tht Walake. h. prie- moult te aOulti hé times la la nm- a blh- le Poer laie te privaIs ilquor la a»erh if ther ont tMs s'ould be the pie.- gan dm7 theIlle.. %val,-e-> neit -5 tris mi. acteIcar y la dry have ut- Ir>'. dm dry, Ms» uceuw r front tom Mfenou t P. oaa- t V.h* ois. ne wa active tlegbsl- speaker Yv. Ths.. bel for- egatlonal .1 urh. UTE gates 1 in rcE.