CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Apr 1916, p. 2

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ra. 34 ~OUR CAR 0F Port Souib Dakota )SEED CORN -___ LS HIE R E Shows high test for Germination We Can Supply Your Every Seed Want IOOK OVER THE FIELDS tflsIs Cile Cime Coo 'JIRYYLLII LMhE~O Pown by tfie Oid Depot. Been thore 20 y«ms Pion.47 JE. A. Bishop, Mgr. I -S...... SPRING TOOL Hotosierand Buckeye BeedersDrillo.PeiUtlizer 8owers Deere and Janeevile Diok Hà.rrows Lever EHarrows ?Bnlky, Gsug, Walking Plows Damï Wagone and Trucks New Idea a.ud Deere Xmnure Spreaders, Olod Orushers and Boliers SchnckHardware Co. LIBERTYVILL, - ILLINOIS Boy tOBekg Caiied 6" dsThat ion Cas Don't asek for cheapnee. Kcep thiriking ni qolity. That'. ocr advice. If foc keow aeiy a littIs about braads, voit naît tili bc safe, for tibs store awys stands for your safety. Wc bave eatbieg thet yau aa.d hesiitate about luying or sig "Purity e eurety" je aur Cand (4aade clua. And neyer forget that buying bers iv the beet way for you ta b sure. Corlett &F'reclericks LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. PHONE 30. LUMBER FEED and COAL SALT LITE BRICK TILE SEW»ER PIPE W. F. FRANZEN,5JiR. I T.hphuih.rNo. 50 Libertyville, Illinois lu the.Etin."The Inde. bee P1V61 byhundmedi91 LARE COITNW INI)EPENENT. FRIDAY,AiPRLL 71916. LW . I ~ ~ 'ýib ertqville Y(appenings To tesure publication ln the Indepe- dent. copy must be le thse affte no later thse 'Tuesday of ach wemk. Advsr- tisera, especially are asifmd ta take particular notice ta this effect. Additliual Local News es Page 4 Chao. K Lindoey ai Wackegee,wacs e celier boe Friday. ina Witney trecsacted btisinees ln Grayeleke Seturdey. M re J. M. Mu rre.v retcrned borne iront Detroit on Tuosday. A dengbter wes bore tautMr. and tirs. Barry Pester on Mondcy. station Agent Boen Simons speel SUe. day wilb friende le Chcago. jean Rey n1 Waukegen, *pent severai deye Ibis aeek aitb relative@ hère. Dr. M E. Fuller ai Chicago. @pont SUe day wlth Chaes. H. Kaiser and famiiy. Belen %ihiti>* FoseIr. ro Sc diay. Citas. Ellison leit for Ladyarnltb. Wip.. lest Saturday ta soend eaeeSk aith hi@ lemily. The. Tiris C'hepter ilîl meet Tufsdaly evening, April 11, wth Mis@ Edea Shapter. Mrs. Scbuyier Apply iloft Tnesday for Neponee. Neb., fur e lew weeks riit wihi retnvt. F E. Overgon of Racine. spent e nurn- ber of days the tirt oi tbe week bers with bigs aieiii. M r& Alvi Katz of Chicago, "pont Sun- dey et tbe borne af Mr. snd Mrs. y. A. Bock end iamiiy. Mi"s Ravsi $Male spent the latter part of lasi week wth Mr. end lire. W. H. Pe.te1eK.nohe. 0. L. Moore, owner of the Crytal Sprngs, has rented tihe Robert EAlf bouge soth oi town. MiWaGrecs Sikhretcrned ta DeKab lest Mandey citer e vist wltb ber unnce, Dr. E. B. Smth erd wtle. 1 %1).. tl.c .'o'%td Mr.And1r."ve f Mi a.uLdeu vîsîed thet larme. '@ tuother, lira. . W. FulIer, Sundey. The. regniar monthly meetng of the. village board wes edjourned lut Mon. day night ta neit Mondey. County Snpratendent af Seboais T. Arthur Sîmneon 01 Weuksgen, wes e visitor bers ast Tbnrsdey. Mrs. Fred Eborweln of Chicago, caen bore Mondey for a risit wltii ber parent@, Mr. and Mr@. Fred Jôcbbelm. Mrs. W. E. Devis' Sundey scbool clea wiii bold e cendy @aie Saturday aller- noon. Aprii 8, et the Caes office. 0 Mre. E. Jl. Turney and dengbter Miss Orece o a eoevtll, W.., are spendieg lhe week et the A. L. Travis borne. Mr@. J. E. Perkyns aset ta Buton Harbar. Mich., let Bturdey for e two weeks vîst witb relatives end friands. Miss Veneta Pickering ai Chicago, came Saurdey for e wek's visit witb ber unele, tien. Frederlckseand iamlly. Mir. and tir@. Jos. Pesteraif Greyslake, epent Sucdey boe witb Mr@. Pester'@ parents, Mir. acd Lr@. A. W. Witmore. Mr. aed M rs. W. B. Fowerof Chicago, @pent the week-end bore wltb Mirs. Fowier'o parente, Mr. cnd Mr@. Nete U Mater. ""buJohnH'. cArtbur ni Morris.,i oc~Ple i.t. ulot aifte Presbylerlen ,thurct. ',udey morcink and eléo le the ayenlng. Thte Verv 11ev. Dean Pond, petor ai ltob. iicago Cathedrai, wili occupy the pulpît of St. Lawrence citurc& hore Fri. dey algit. The W. C. T. U. w llln-meet Bt lb.h.ome of tir. Srait Les ou Tue8de Y..teno AprlIli. Topie ai pragratu "Signe oi we le lown Mouday daae for tie Libesrty- ibis cew direetory ai A. Crane eeterteinsd eo, proprielress of the sort t t lai nI a ta lemrn )w .mlnoyed Publie Servics Co. wilI te %Vsaukegan alile ai Md Charles Peterson d irs. Chrîs Peterean deesday, abers lhey 7&l of c relative. t scd sacnIHugo af relraning for the Unit- ired heoslast Sunday tu alter eaithort reet. prsîdeet of the Ltic ,Raiway oi Minnea- Friday altb lils uce liMre. Wns. Wbîgam. v.Edward 8. White of hurci ahi aexciange Tiosý M. Baxter oi n.rîing eud ening sud deparled &gain W. L.. iue. P. Elecîrk Shiort LIne Polils, MIen., @peut1 sud une,. lr. sud Bt. Lawrence chi Pelpitsa ltb Rev Ciicagn at unuthn service,-. Ies. Clarenca<v andi littit' datigbter iroin dt. IStrles, IkiI, art' i'ntin br parents, tMr. end tireHeusl.îree tuse week. Tiey expect ty1etcrn ta Lust Sunday about e dazen 'ocal businesmon wenl ti)Area t spel et e ig dry raily le lhe e chc. Several others w eut ta Antloeh, w ber. tiiey io made addreeet a dry meeting. tir aa lin VIld @adnon John let S buIoVIrgta Moeday, wbsre t~uU -~ i b."-boa U.he 4of im eatiMoot i. e lirs Llib McCormack White eu ca oraoup oi sangswhlcýh urt<.lyappre- ciated by lie girls pree'îtrtt the meetingl oi the Treble Il.î Club with Miss Ciierd on hlondey eveninic Mrt4. L. MscLageîn and .nbldrec asut ta Weukege on0e Wdnpeday to reide. tirs. Maecagen biate clled auenclione sale ai berbouseboldtondm et ber former bomne on Orciierd treet for Setnrdev tternon. Sciool dItrict No. 70, Liberty ville. will bol.] an eletion et thensnho,,l bonne on Seturdhy eçeninçi, April 15, for thge purpose ai eleetine oi.e presIdeet and two membereaifthe Board oi Educeation. The polis open e~ 7 a'oc nd close et t). Mms Sarah Ma.oin aed deughter Mic.. Mary @ peut tram Saturday to Moudey wlti relatives le Waukeien tMr@. Dli "ac ni Waakegan, e deugbter aiftir" Mecon. ecoorpcnied thent bers for e visît, returitlng at. ler honte Tuemdey aiternoon, 1ev. T. E Ileam wae celled ta Lake Forent lest Suedet iîornling taofflerlais et thielutterai service iof re. Berbera Cooper. wie ofa e 1ev. Cooper. aho wa tiamtor ai lhe M E eliurch lu Libertyvilie cant tbirty yearc ugo The dec-esed leeves ilive deabters and ans soc. Mrs. W E. Decker and %Ir@. iB S. Wolf went ta Mnsrei Point. Wl , 'rnesdey, seilled.tbere by the serionsIluesai their Inter, Mir@ Abert Kinne.. Mri. Woli came tram Eck man. North Dekota, oeverel weeks egoanadihan been staying bere athb ber sîster. Madame tqeiecand ber mather. Mir@. H. E Claw. rsluned Saturday tram Eailorado Springp, Col. lire. Clow *Put fm bers ta Colada about seven rnnntfts MM. 4 viit ber two sons, and 1M adame stph8&it 1pn. eeka agc to mt lwzýý1fl* nd MeA d ad eccornpaey ber moth.'r hck home. It le now Pastineste-r Allemen, Mr. AleAmen haLving taken charge oftiie loal afice lest Seturdey moruIng. The new postmaster bas rptained the- entire farce oaisitante and ex-taeteiasler lRtM. Taylor l inao asietnhie seceeor for e sbart Orme untiltiMr Aliernen becones thorongbly aeqceintp.d witb lbe aork. Mrs. Oecar KaIser and lit tic datiobter Dorothy jean. aha have bain rieiting et the umborn f Cita. H Kaiser for two weeke, left Bunday for Moberiy, Uo., t mebe their borne there Oscar Kaiser now I@ erecting e large postoffice build- Ing le Moberly undar cantreet aed ahicb wlll nat be compleled until eerlyectcrnn. lire J. M. Vowler ba reffeived word irom lie naptain oi the boat on wbucb miss Mamie Kerclerci took passage srne Cime &go ta go ta ber former borne lu temn.eaigCat b. andeui ber seféiy et Berge, Swtlrerand, wbicb le not an fer from ber bomee je Brernen. Mrs. Vowier BaYa§cii.bellevea miss Kerckertb le aw In Germany. The rond meraper ahIcb won et work ti1i Monday aed on electian day. end the. many autos that rsced bock and forth ail day Tueeday brlnglng voter@ ta ithe polie, Inrned our strfete lato boulevard@ compared toatt hey were up to Chat hlm.. It migit be a god Ides ta bars an election svery tims the beary raina geltii. beotaiour streets. Tbe work of gredieg tis etreete la kept gong ountil &Il are greded. A meeting ai the Ramarea base bail] elub will ho held et tIhe timmercil lub, Miondoy ereqtie, April lOtb, 'ciere officera ahIl ho alected for lb.e ason and aanmgements made for a donce ho, tale fonde .cesary ta prepare the dland aed Mlidry expenee. Il In the expecta. MIon ai the pramotsre liet the club ivill b. mucii lester tbls yeer a eve roi ne w plaYers bave hpen added. .411 hall players are unrged 10 attend.- Tic Merry Makers beld one 1)1 their popelar dancing parties et tbe Audi. titr!nm an Tuesday eveniniu. It 'ce tir Bard Time party and the bell wan aipproDrletely deorerted witb curtaies and shades made of neaspepere andi plctures on tie wall teken frorn tiem A large .'rowd cted d nd ev.rtaone entered Into lth- Inn. dr.ssieg ta fit the- oeesloe. AIl reported e fIns tIirip Attoarney Lyl HB. MorrIs aedlDr. F. H. Maertin have danse aay aiti t teir ureisieg roome le connectIons witi til office, le lie LiWe building and have bcd a joint waltIng roum crranged, <arpen- tera beina engaged for chant a weak le makieg tsebange. Tie new wlting room la quite large ced fronts tic Mluwaukee avenue, wbereas beate lie two separcte rooma aCere bled oftf l office rotim nscd bed Ca street visa, The I'riiitry departrnsnt niftshi, M. E Sunday echool are planning anotter ans of their eîleedid entertaluments. Thiis ahI be ho a cctataenetitled "A Picnic in Fairylcund," ta lie given on Tiuredcy and Fridcy evetiiegs, May 411. cnd S'th. Titis proinises ha hea cvers pleesing eterteinmenîtor bath aId cnd young. Incindlcg as It dos@ the winding oi the May pole. ahici la elwaym e prelty cfaîr. 'ton aill 001 meke a inltale le reservittg tuiese dates. Mc. and tics . '.A. Ilsyttuidsare expected ta arrive bomne ironu lhe sauti onnsanrday. Apotalfiorn tr. RO.naidg abich crrivedhbre ueaday reade: '-We have @peut c pcaent aleter in lie sneny suuht ath ils fruits and lowers. 1 vlelted mens lowanend 'cas nt St. Cloud G. . R. Pont, wiec lies 365 resideet iitei<nlerei ced about lie main@ number ,of tranoient oId soidier visîtare. St.t'toud lice 000 reaident population and 1,0010 tretîsiet po>pulationt. 1 had a fine lime tliere. NAre..Gertrude olendori'e Suîn'y ecool cia.. cîîd irieuide aere very pleaaehy entprtained eallie borne ai lire. Olendorf an Diviion u tret on Seturd*v evonlng, April 1. lirs. Oleedori and tirg. Gsi) Frederit'ks acre the itostesee. The occasion wae a very sucesoeul AprIl Fool Party nand ltse games anîd stunte aere greally enj<î t:d.b.y tliarge number oi yaui.g Ieciple present. Thte ruams acre prettls deeorated aith. Ecster dscrioim. s Snre aithe hile cee eipent et cardeoutil the dalnty reiresît' mente wert' eervsd. The' Yaung peoPle deperted eat a late itnr voting lMre Olenduri aîîd lue S. Club royal enter- taineri. If.vou wanî sains laney Early Otio, lRed Ri-ver Valley, Dakota grroan palà- toes. tee me.lDan Dei. 28e2 Vs shall reeslreouslimo A8 April, 60 10 bo. peilisof Veruout. Pure Mais S0Ugataae by J. L qea.lm**e pfe u& d we Wlll saiit for vos. TOWNSHIP 916B11 -SCIIOOLCARRIED The vote on the town officers and theý anti-saition qineation will be found on page one of part t No. A@ a recufiit hoeetian h.ld Tuesday1 Libertyviile toawitel.î, '.otail lu laor ofi etabltbîug a towi,.bîp h 1 bschIOI ou n the @pecal grael itax, elo vttcg 10 atb1iish the poil tex. The higb acbaul propositiont carried by 159) vote@, the treî Jjrecinct giving ilb.- question eanhjoilty of 84 and the second a led of75 rateP. Tite tirât prlincet vote wsu 221.) Yes, 145 No, cn tihe second preeicer vote was 229 Yes and 154 No Tite women were cpt ellowed t0 Vote on this propactition and to the mec of the towitshin blongr, ti.' credit of votii.g lu faror o' the ochlool. The' mjority given the proposition caine as e big slirprime Psein tithe' vpry tew leadera intu tcmovefiettt wlit reelly ex peted toues e vietory, sud soute' ai thetu even aeîkuoowedge that tlieltîgh ehool quemtiot. .ocld riot be carried et tbim tinte. Oi thIe speciel grecel tex eund1poli tex the tcu d 'joincu 'oted, Town elerk Bubt>erd bevileg decided to hae sbellots for the womec priuted jue& a eltw houre ale te fa lst ueeek's issue ni the'Inde. pendent was off the.'preesi. lu Lotit caseso the mec and aurnen gave a rnajorlty a1 'yet4,,votes, th(' total Vot'. heing a@ folio weo Speel Grevel- Ve.............. 6211 Lerried .............. . ... Tu Ablaib roll Tei-'t..... 723 t'errled b ........... ,ti!l TICKM 'SFILEIJ FOR . t VILLAOE ELECTION Tuesday cugitt wa petitions acre tlld wirîh Vllge Clerk'E. H. Corlett, r.'queet- loggbhlm ta Iplce the Cernes contelurd t-o t4p petitioni, nu the' regitiar <Vilage eletian ballot@. As no village 1riîîîary wae beid the candidates caen. ii have te use placed ai. tie ballots t.y ptitioc. The= oft aithe ciection la A pril IStb. Tiihea of thte irat ticket 1Used reads lnodspendent" and the other le " Law Enforcemet" The Independent petitlion contaîn. the ioiiawleg candidates: For Treatees-Chas. Kaiser, %% erreit A. Nichoies, E. H CariaIt. Tii.candidatees auhe -LaEo.e mnse petition are. Trueles-Cies. "F. Sînele. hW-î. Collins, Roy F. Wrigbt. Cerk-Julitio A. Treptow. The Fouid'a Macaroni iectory wa Unversity ai Ilinois leturer. et lte town ball lest Tiuraday. wben ohe made the remark tptat Libertyvllle p@oplecould well bs prondoaitbe. actar5 an sctetn of tse eauitary conditions ln the iactory and lte exeellent qualit 'y oaiitaprodncts. ise Lieder saidt!tsua ofa ailtich macaronIi etorles se@bas viited the. Llbertyville factory la the eleeineet she bam nesrbeele. Tii. lectures were muchbebtter attended the lest tbree dey@ of Mies Linder'a alsay boe,. rany more fiarinersaend i tir familles coming la town as soon am the. ronde begen to Improve. THE SAVINGS HABIT means soisnd sleep. good digestion, cool judgment and maoly independ- ence and it costs gou nothinq. One dollar Mtorts a Savings Ac-I count at this bank that earns gou 3% COMPOUND INT!REST 3% Lake County Naional Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits 8100,000.00 Total Resources,- - 750,000.00 Now Is the Tim-e te Order Your Mat for tester W. are now ahowingl a lamge assortumemt of the vswy i4test styles in Ladies Spring and Sunimer Rats for the. seaeo f 1916 'Ci A1, 1,1N A N D*SE 14,'TH11EM W. car"y a mica selection of GcmossW&Wa. Reslssp. Fauc3' Cdlrs and Notions et leur prices. Paiuaaa Cormsts 01.00 te 0$&00 A. W. LINDROTH, Libertyville Saut your Bea (waps -FROM OUR- SPECIAL HOME MADE BRIEAD Xim Nelissa Gould, of Libertyville, bas j brought the second 100 Bread Wrappers and got $3.00 in Cash. Who will bring the-third 100 Wrappers I-and get $2.00in Cash? The Phone 68 L iberty ville Bakery - - - Libertyville, 111. t' FOR EASTER WEAR A beautilul lineofo! 81k G loves, bath long and short, plain white with black stitehing, black with white stitching, ail black, grey, brown, navy, 50e and ýl.0O W,*.ilk Home, white, black, grey . -...--... - .. ..---$ -50 - j5~~-iwhite, black and colors ................. 1.00 i6 i. 46 .6 66 66 -. . . 1.50 Corsets..... ...$ 1.00 Front Lace Corsets .-...... 1.50 .6 .......>.......1.50 .- ....... ..... 2.50 66. . . . . . . .00 . ...ý35 The verij best of value Muslin Underwear Corset Covers ......... .... 26C Dèawers .... ....... . 66 66. . . . . 38c 6 Gowns 38c, 50c, 75c. 81.00, $1.60 Children and Miaaiès white dtesses, $2.00, $3.00 and 83.50 6.oys w am hmbray and Poplin Dresses, 50c, 81.00, 81.50 Rompers and Play Suita, 25 and 50e W, W., CARROLL & SONS CO.- NorlhStore Phoae29 South Store Phoo 31 J.' Fî Up N i n.. e i il * a e i i lb 1< S.. cpi F. K. l umpi teadi -starting to ro.llect tdi MIN . KIIHa ?5h.* 14I~ville deprtmnt of I)eslgnss'sand Maketre aif br F i'Mr%.e$de'.tA Gilfiord'dsun e e LIGHT NG FITURES for ëecterel daye. Ws aiea bave a campiete pietîeg plant for rellelsieg sit the office aithie p AUTOMOBIL PARTS TABLE WARE STOVE PARTS bs trcesierred ta th, OIRASS am BATHROOM4 TRUdMINGS S1ILVER PLATfffG the COTUI)OY n the l MBC PLATING , BMASS PLAING COPPER PLAT94G The %VIlliam en GURTAL PLATING BLACK OR WHITE ENAMUN faîmilles and tir. an( .Sbow room end iactary Second and Oreba rd street. were le Chicago We TELEPONE " L58RTVILE LL1MlSIttended the innera E. F. Bergemer DesPla ne. bo art .Z Il 7ý . . 1 their home to-day. A 0

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