CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Apr 1916, p. 6

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LAKE rnTNTV TNDEPENDENT. FRT1)AYAPRTTa 7.1916. GLEANINOS PROM By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent F. C.V Stuekel and farnily epent Sunday lsia ngo. Wu WlK.aIW")&de a buiness trip to1 ~olloeIha@eemoved loto the bouse on L.ake Ave. m~oue la pendiOg the week with * ta~ID Wauketafl. Os~a Penny 0f Chiengo, vsited Son- day vrls hie @iter, M rs. Wm. Vropley. alemn Kblla e njoying at i-e! vaea- lion from is ho tudés at Lake Forest colleffe. The Ladiesl' Aid eil i meet wjîh Ur. * F. C. gbaddie on Wedneeday. April 12. Mie L. A. MunI. auntertained ber oisters. Florence andt Francee over Sun- day. W. T. Gofle moved ijo the Tyler * cottage on Morris Ave, thi8 sek. Tha maos meeting ut the Surtitun- * dey oeaong Mowa dn,iedda tl @Pite of the band bîllW Delia Abrecht vstJd t Guru,'. Satur- day. Jaum eKlroy and tutti k v -thew firet o1 the wsek t, Nhaus""tua wiers- they bav-e talion a farui. Ftrank Wood of HubLard. Woos.. %vas a vtitor here SoudeaV. Mr. and I Mrs S. L.Tripu rotuicdI Toesday from tber west'crii trip .-- .--n rusa l.,a- îug uts- ee-k with bhaneein-î- tPlano. _ _ A. 0. Bain Io gis-ms- s-caI esatisfactiotn ,,IVANHOE citb bis cleautos-anti pressing.tLave - - -. _ _- _è. yogn suit or 'tkit cth hit, lacra trial John Orass bas-an hauling m uttîth-tlr 26t1 Onsystake Contniutalu-tora the-tiret COUNCL PRCEEDIGS tf Apil.He-gctstiite itîtît frointht- COUNIL POCEEINGS farinors near (jîlmen. Sigbt-fttb regular meeting ut the MIr. aud tIre. Wootdimaseti troin the flord of Trnieof the village of Ar-aBckwithltnuta Whbetoîî the irt of Mt the vUile bail Monday. ApriI3, 1916. te ek. They bave liveti haie the pint Pressai. Watson, Preident; Troste"s, two years and Inl that tinta have matie Wélllle, trvllng. ossel, Kigge, Mrrne inan>' carnn iientis. chu are soir>' ta &W iAbrechti. Absent Blons. es te go but clsh thaut the teti1 mle . manseof thae t>tvlousmeeting lsuceas lu their nec home. ceresresti»ntiapprovoti u motion <09 Miss elen Harding- antiEmmta iinAg antiWells. l,,, e*hmfo pngvctn Tb* breasuren thon rnd bis regnlar fKt nekncn. oefrero-vcto .oat.b4y report whieh cas auditeti by'l5 et twafnaecommttee andi accepteti on The Lades Cemestera' Society' cilI holdti Motion 01 Murr' anti Kuigge thir regular ail-day meceting- et the hauter Tbieto4Iowi;nlebUis cae ati: aI Mrs J. 1,t'hstnl's-nlin Týuretiay, fil "iibeir. tai neiunti-........ 13 52 1April Stb, ba-moitns- ub len astasc- Wm. t)rople 'y, laliton----------.......t1 00 1The mail airierm and nilkimariofut tis Lake Co. lnleps-iîdeuîl pubtiebtîts-1 35 visinili Itaves- i.taIitil ' v ati thein Itrals LegéAtiveune s-tistuapplise 4 62 the pua a i. uu eku im ls rats-akn twîi 8. tuTripp. Itaier andi sout ...._ 21 82 s-arriesroun thi, rtoutts-attctfithe lii-tus- W. J. Wllite, tree.t cork ..... M 50:ose soins- utorsebas-k. J. Bosses, rarpenter vsort.. .......T'0:Win. Wagne-r tsI a uceytiatist-it tast Fred Zreen. treel ort -.. o1M"kbti eot( etrnw PL. Schneider, tstreet cari, . .... io estbutereostuJ s-..r5ai' 'rbo. Rutssell, Iran sork.......... j 5 par ti aitt ,ri tt lIisv'th, , ut. B'. A. Watsan, posver .........56t) isceurite. Publie Service Co ,aisrset lis-lita... 50 t00t Miqse Etuma Batikos- lu aj gittlîtî- ai' Ai-bill ievars- atked të.nti uwarntt atiym tittît bsr Nta ..-i -¶1s- 1 itI,-kets-- urdereti dracu ouniotion of itoseîl auti eciler. The fltloits-appoîntruents sers- mie t tbe lctiou hourd for vtlage elsototLe hltiTuestda>', Aprîl 1SttbMON f. T Jutiges. W L. Bardis-t. William,i Thomas Ms-Bride; Certe, Eý H. tllititin, lIls Laura Barbaiti entertaîneti coin- T. F. Swan anti Gordoun[Ray. paît>-f rîm Chicsagot Tueetlay. LtSwsn»ioveti ha'Munie auti lînee-l Win. anti J-aeLeites-riilGrss-slals-. tint ail persane wbo havaetepoited @ei-t Suda>' a lb rilatives anti tiendu reffl u anya ale>' cr putblic tiiveca>' iu thi@ visiil'. ho notifstito ramas-e sait euse anti Leslie FlIrsh o! Ciisagt. '-iittiutî s-l wiih thst a perli o!ofthirty a tiu' hagis-en lu is luths-r h-ce. chicitut effact sait rem;iîsal anti that thle lrk be lsînuctedti o mate six M. anti lics.. [ranil Wgititr anJ noticestu th&% effs-t antdipost lu cou echiltri r tuirtidTuesîay tcauî a tes iplienuîe1 lce.Motion cariei is'iey iitaiîhlî ci-as-- Arlutui Uoeetlèatdiournedti iAlrl 11) ou Hleiglîts motion o! Irvinir anti Kuisge.- T. F. Sean. Cent. __________________The attention oe tht- deparîms-îtî e! - behlldren aI the Gilmer 8esbool bave eahusv pracfising for a Basket enslaIý to bo given Thureda>' eveuins-, April 13. Ouada>' evenng. April l6tb. Ihare wclii Vathece Luth. cliurch. H. Bungei, aI River Forest Collas-e, cilîl ho otnaieu. Mr@s. KVeiner lIctI on Chicago last watts with relatives H . ernaton anti latter, usha bas-e purchaset the Win. Hall farut, have ne ttken possession. , ire- Hi. A. Sbweninau anti childrs-n vlsteti relatives lu Aurae the past Might Do Beter. Tt May hbe aupposeti that tea ornoen Me tieaach oter citen tfiy meet ho- cause one imagines thal ehe la ex- pecte tu 1 do so. anti the other hasnt the moral courage lu dUWllualonize hes.-Albany Journal arumeul wss ecs-nIl>'caltet b>' t- hreeldent o! a lacs-e taper manufas- trîis- company>'. thue tact tihatter- le a set-cous shotaga ot ruw mrias-l:i for lbh- manufacîture- of pspittc slad- lus-ol adpapera anti cassThte-sos-srn- meut la now makius-it inown that the colles-tins- aundsavi lus-oaraseantt olti pupers coulti greatta' heter t"t s-auditions tor Ameris-an manafactur ens. Soîîîs-hius- tue 15,000 itons ut differeut kintis o a utsr board ar,- mtadiet-ver>' day in thteUitedi Statii, snd a large portion o! tiIs. aflar s-ru lus- taefinsu purpose, coalti bcusdi' as-aiin soins- s-as-i of taper. Clinge to Drcams. 1 coulti gis-e tobac-so andti asohtil anti dean s-ahane anti uuriatts andi t-y erytbing you couliti hnk o-ut huit,-u dreams. WitIotos-r m thelit.urtî 48 Just a sort Df bickyard e! a Place; antiwith bbaut. ail infinile gantsn.- W. J.Lacis-, lu Svpirus, The ludependentlieads ait DO Y OU SAVE OEY? If ,not, how do you intend to take advantage of opportunity when it arrives? Ï Every ambitious man, woman andt child should START TO SAVE TO-DAY 3%NT!REST ON SAVINGS 3% THE CITIZENS' BANK Are&, Mliol 1 MRS. JENNIE JUST , IS RE=ELECTED AS PRESIDENT Of CLUB Wauikes-an. AprIl 3. A(thls- anuaimeelts-gof lthe tel,'- s-as hl-uiaI uts- rempernuca temple 1Saurdu>'. Mrs. Jeunis- Jusu cas ne- lced as liresistft ha Fedarulla'î Waomua'Clubs a!f Vaukean. TItis irks ts- touirlb election of! Mca. aut as presideut. Tîhe tiret yean ot e r-tub Mrs. JasI itelti thte office jt :reiary, andt Mi-ss dictant Beslev' as aelatd prealdent. A rîots-conlby honar as lîsstocati a Ire. J. 1). Marchant o! North ave- s- cIts-t sIte wue electeti fon tht- Lbh lime ta serve us Irs-asaren of the- eu,,iuumtin. i5tulias heldti hotn Six 'n Ai N i l luthLnaurX0 a onralIra ru White askedti hat she ha ce- Relatives Notîfied and Aged 1 i ced frouite dallas lnov-d as sec- - tary, aller Itavins- sers-ad lu uhat iurist Is Putting Up a Most apac ity for mati yeas, anti Mci. Gallant Fight. it-s lirati 'sas elecuedt i lthliat ___ lle. 1n7in1 st-uc re tutigi-r h.-L.Joues. for 163 years lie . e nsig y et. reaii u. jutge of thje Lake counta' court, iii cM ax Hautee vis- prs-slnt. vit ey ais-k au bIs haute an Sheridan 'ira. tas Itroao, sas-nelar>' u. I Wuukýc-çnssaon te.a Mca J. ). Menchat l easîtrer. Filssirluina seio LIte asl eu Titi niembers îoledti 1cs-auge thet- yars lu-ludnshaveano rnoe so ait uf ms-stinsansd us a resatult luscar saoia-fod dc i tir %uishea hers-uflen tht- ras-lar s-encrai coudition that lultsati ha nouthl>' meetins-s ciii lie ht-Id on lts- cannt combat lte Ist attaci wbich ir Nlonda>' nis-lt of the- nîouth lu- itead ut ou Saturday afternoon us bau jeu tbe cuatom n upaI years. Tht- nexl meeting cîlI bt eiteldto %lnda>' îlght ait whlclî lime lthe cor-i . lIttes-i wili be appoilnut-t. anti a social liea vy hour is-illfotiow lte butsinsess ms-l in. __ _ _Fai-m THIE "MILWAIiKEE" ERECTS ÀA Harness NEW MILESTONE IN TRÀNS- PORTATION ACIJIEVEMENT Special Wttehearla' lu .ltîttary it tliis ý- Prc ha tiret ales-tris-aily drawnu liipa" rc uruinteti wîi t eamLts-es-art raitîst of the rusita' Roiut, a page - as t rtuet n the hîstarytaitranseportatian. anti a tee tupts-c-'*17b- Electrucat Ers.tin upîsudii[liai-e bacu the past uli1aplae O un usete-h up-building us-is-elts- petit- itiidereq Lewissatdi C'ark, lts-eçprairie5 0 9 uslaoer, the pany osxprs--, thes tireti eotîd-burulug lto-anativos. anti stes-the nraut MatIts-eteain ttis-niese, lihas-a crh ln u om ed lthe mars-hoti tranisporta Mrs Li.ui developtucutHo s Blut the ettnîtiise sver masiniz anwart lu gi-eatt-r ecnitutie@. gcssreullrîs-us-tu-si. B a l s o s-rester tis-is-ta, andtihIe cîsciris-aIs-na BIan e s o clîl eliattemîge ths- Puet in we-uit as-hies-s-meut, raias- ton the nturlit" i i i -tureau,,. Ion 111cm trs-îlî-ius, perpaualal i ds a prer, mspe-ng the, t nibarris-ns wit, tus- s-se-oaithe prairse. autit t, ex itesuier load@ s itisrentas- dispatchli. aCostn x leavins- the lîc'aulîlul utauntalît ttolitudse@ uuttisidha'emake. soot and cirîis-re h tv ca HIes-Irisc -vîe staànds a, a mituuîeotal t ,ir y a s mîl-stone lu tnuapartalîon achiave- tla the pro >loi tranocomnntal route Io s-pokane. Seattleanti Tacoma. For Iiieratune antifltinfuomation, -0(A uPPII tu, local ament of this ralWaY. *E e o a -i Monolithic Concrete Silos CONCRETE SILOS, TANKS, COAL BINS, ELE- VATORS, FARM BUILDINGS, HOUSES, STORES Every agicultura & pr oIl@ te0un- tly. ever, giUtluA*olg.expei- m ot station. demonstratinament, lecturer ane"worker ferorcientillic farta- ing la advieiog-even urau-the Aineri- eau farinai 10 BUILD A CONCRITE SILO To have tbie silo aiene the conserva- doof.1. h.wole corn crop.-abbolute eeeuities. The moet eoneluslve evidene la the opinion 0f thoe» Who bave bulit and tested etructurpe of concrete The only alla the fumier cau afford to boild lu a eoncrete silo. Ab@olutel5 tire andi water-proot, will Dlot iîlow dowD. ino boops tu tiffliten. no repairm: It Io% Dot biiilt of placesl. hence euotgo to plecau and i wll lesit foras-ar. BUILD IT NOW Ymiîîr liomwan d barnofu î.rt..the flsSext mp CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE WT1 ng e r Theodore H. Durtei de .a mt' iePeie Wil KnggeFý W C hurchili. Secretary anti Managser- 1 Hon. OeWitt L, dons-,s.Gen. Counsat Licensed Embalmer and TELEPHONE 81i luneral Drector SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. Store Phone 248-W. ABSTRACTS 0F TI TLE TITIES GUARANTEED Residence anti Nigbi Phone 238-R Capital $1 25,000.00 -AREA. IL.WAUKEGAN - -- ILLINOIS ing at the hb of i hr tte, NInsoBort A oaughter wscbtoraî Mr.Icandi M .- W. lelcCellan au Matit 24 Mre Will Ray anti daugltere Eblt'-ianti Jean spnt Sipnday ut Ml, W. Kuetiers. -Mms. Wm. Edidy prt thteliret of th week in Clelago. Mies Antirmanentertainetlwenty-f se ladie@sat a l'Iimble part>' last 8atuntiuv nt tha hume tof the Misses Hîttikine4 Lunch cas seresdt a vers- s-itjoabls- tune cas hati. Mr. tend Mms Chas Sturmiauti cbiltineu @peut Sunday with fris-nde in Clîlago Louis flolîje epen6 the iretol the eset ath.--P A - n cas biort tO n. anti Mn,. Wal iIttentlîuts-r oniiMars-h 27. . pýSteen anti sou Ruoy lat astwe-sk tor '.,luiette, Ws., chers- M. tilteu Lse parclitaet a fanm. àdise ensori atrtainti bs-r itetsr Mary trom Dizon andti ml., dtiY rai Avon -ner a tee tisys ast we--l The Ladie8' Aid Misut est ss'lub mr Frank Mtchelîl o u may itertot,, Aprit 13 tIns. Hernnîtllirizht rt neastotao Saurîiay trou, Chl,.tgO Wl tir sslui"IUdUr- wentatiau perutioti fon quiuu.e ut t- Nsvt Stînday minrnîns lts-v. t.H Haualîtas-lren wîil r,ach n ei'rmon foi tifi, cltir, n Mrt r and fai u ililiîiî-jv t.i'rs- lîst wsek Lioin ti,lîî-uts-. Nir. Hl as li a t ti-hi stores-owtted lia' i.I lIrightt H arcs- At bris-lt frt l ( i-opîs-,Mit.i vieits-d r,Itttss-. tir-lats--k wili T aru td sal wus I-ia1 Col] t it Sali tint meI5 Wil th> yf>. T i ara A" htou the it the neil cas tien -m Area, IIMinois - LAKE ZURICH J Ita li C. Pok anti Mr. Aheri ut Pale- tine, wcem Lake Zurich callors Saturtiay. l.îîulp Fti w arti.Ernst celotirate ils sigt)ttb binthtîay Flitiay ha' givîie a party tor a tumben ot bis litîtte ly Miss Nettie Hlmau visîteti friands iu Bààt*ningtoiFrlday. Ni1lo, Mayme Hdkeineyer and Mlre. John 1) Fsint eaChieago visitons Thureda>'. Sai teip aod frienti of Palatine, @peut eevéral daysi haie. Mies Elizabeth McCartby aitated the basket hall gants at Wauconda Staton- day evpning anti epent tunday ai tbth home ai Mi., Frances Kenît. Mssns. Eîiî Fiant,1 Fwed Hacit tand Carl Ennst we- n uChicago Moutiay on businss. Mn,. Dorca Blankenhuns- isexpes-teti ol lier. thies s-s-k. 811e jutenîtieta ocupa' ht-c sumîhen home Itenselt thio iluminmer. ltîîtph Hildebtrandt visit t tlthe haute of Lawrete-Hlm Suitita' Albert Haooft sas a C('lttrg visittîr Manda>'. 'lts- Lake-Zurch Comiimecial Associa- t iitî t ti Ititeir is-sut* ies-tins- 'lT1ti'atlîî3 -s etios-. pntl Gri. C(t lt-rs-n and , -itîrk aî.l îilIte tts-he pekr it lts- tlleti's- i l Miss eClua,.Prettîtlins liseu itttn t- luýt ft tus- tst -s-. Mr- nantd it-sIs-1lu ii ils-lis-Slut 4sto i l'bieagtî. Frerîîîiî Ziî1îtiront W',ea i. u-- it tiantiîsauj M iti] uaYtirt lis huit,- l-t 'IrSt. ttî 1 ' Yo uit I.- tes-it ci ill for i lte ta-t was-e 1,r ls itlttIl' -s - îtknirt-at-s-utftt4r tht- i-s -k ant it-tit autndn fut]u-'i'i t Biscnins-t ti -Tfl,.iLake Zu.rihîttîu- -il-ltib are Vis-tas- G us-dtlbu g l it "ýiSllt %%a]- wontt 'thWe. -wo rk iug nitb thtes-lîlî tue motn. H- sitt cetun uletîîex-t as-sk. MIr, anti trs. FniJC.Sip mps-ni Stnduay at the home tii Chas. SelP ut Palatiie.. Ei Herren of Cblsiuo, sîcunt Stîiandaý and Sonda>' aI it bjou0e boe Ses-eral tram fiersatateuded the litmerai af Mn,. Heury' Tonus-, Tuestias. Ml-s. Vatate ram Suner. Iowa. le vîiting aI tht' home ai Mr ndire Elerman1. Protobm Mies Rose Prehi lexpes-ted bomue this woeat. Site ha@ been visitlng in Chis-ago. MIr antd Mr@. Chue. Antres, netuneti t,) Lake Zurs-h IMontia'. Thea' ara bere now for the ettîtuier. Etieurt i ng of Banrilîtn, visileti at his home bis-e Manday. Wîîlt Davis and (:s-tBiaker epeet. Sun- ta is temutiaitut AMliitrn Huis-lite Leti Drinks-c s its-Jiii Harti tglt Tas-sda3 àaits-muon. L'AU down consequent to advencod-age anti ltUSDhJÉD CA Sat to the condition brougbt on b h troubles ha bas facetids-e belug tait- 'WIFE'S BODY FROMR e sck a few yeare agô. The aged ex-jurlet, wito le ln the flAuT rfle70'o, le puttlng up, a galient fight but À PAUPERS fi AVE itle geîtorally toit that hoe caunot withetand the prosent attack wilcb ia saidtetolbe more acuta titan any hie Wuil Husband of Mis. Mraku- bas yet bU.% zic etw No, I Qustin H ia snoule, secretary of the Asked by Friends. Chicago Snnday andi plan:pd rlia ________Ing today Itolho noar at hie fatiter'. Unie"s theituebauti eho dosertotei ode. He admitteti Sunday that ho bier, or other relatives. Stop forward flt thos- chances for his father'a rM andi pay tae!uueral expeuses, Misa. covery wero vory llght altbough the Pauline Miakuzie, ehose deatb oc. patient itili eas displaying that un- curroti lant Baturday ait the Elgiu lu- tnsuai power of combating sickness sane asylum. will lie laid away ln a whlch marioti hie previous lllnessee. î.aupor's grave lu the' potteraell. Judge Joune was on tho boncit of The autitorittes of the tato Insane the county court 16 years: lho was asylum intormed local autitorîtios of- former tat' attoruey of Lako coun- the woman's death and asitet for the ty aud former city attorney of Watî- uaimes of relatives whu iuight cure kegau. Sluce retiriug fromt the bencb 10 claiugf the body> So fer as known, lie li pureet thé practice of law there are fot, with the exception of aund waseat hie deek quite regularly the buebaud whose preseut where- outil the receut' attack a couple of abouta are flot kuowu. fitleaIpossible,. weeke ago. au attac' wbich bas hie- howevar, that lier brother wito le a coma serLous only within the past section foreman iin Peunsylvaulu, may weai. corne forward anti provide the ier- essary funerul exii.nsee.O EIUUE,1L oId. was cominlttedt ( the insanue asy- tutu fromn the Lake county court onî~ IfllJ February 8Sout liîîyear. About a S R Y D N T E renimfied to the Lat' tounty Geieral sufferlng of! 'iii (iv ulosîs. lier sIx I u~ 'E T Z childran were . osiiittct-(l to a (atlio- i tic Institution. ion City. Ai-ril 3. A dîsastroi I'nder the îrî'attîteît atinis ,trcl Iroccurretl ihts înorniug s' 10:45 Mr-t \rakus-is- sppared laD be rtso' vlen tht' homne of Boyd Waters. 3117 ertng froftbs-r iliis- SIe ti O 1Fnoclî avenue. sas burrieti to the lierseet!dotng fui ts-3,work _ami ng oa of utperhaus r b be clîeerfut s-o t 'Çeit e"'1 arred $1.000 on the' husbanti visitedt lier frqetya(huse andi $500 ou the. furulahings. thîs lways seeins-ito have a cwer. Waters le employe i uthlIe lace lng effect on the patient. For several cons and hae sas ut surk it utl* timeE months prier to te urne site su the lire was dlscovered b>' neighbons. seut away the busban iladnul v-ails-d Mrs. Waters hadl gone ta tocu to doE lu eee bier. An investigation showeti sotue shopping and cheu she camne hie baed left toa, uddenly, ieav'îr. hbure the place was lu ruine. E bis wlfe to lber fate. The neighbors who discovered the This seemedt t have a depressing tire calledt he ire dapartuient. but tae Influeuceonoulier. She worrleti cou b ouse hurueti so rapidly that thoir etauti>' because lie dld îlot g-o la ste efforts cane fruitlose. Mrs. Waters lier. Site alwaye worried becLuse w as almost prosîrateti wbeu, hurrying ebe was separateti from tlier chlldren. home, te dîscovetilte home cîti Oua of thein who for a limie wai kept off the site. Titere wec0 savon rooma et thte Lake Bluff orpbanage, ran Lu the bouse. Mrs. Waters ls-ft an acay saveral Unies andt vi8lted hlii-. 01 stove burniug chen site cent mothar. dowutown: thee tire ln believad Lu bavý fi cas during thes-ltter part of tarted .1trom ite stova. la8t Jauuany that Mrs. Mrakudic matn-iecnd ous. Catches. lfstad symptoms ot demeutia. At A second bouse, owned ha' Emîl iraI tbe dalusloîs ts re su slight thl Zimrmermian, andi locetei next door, lhey attractec ithuis-or uto ttentioticaugbt lire front the' eparka froin the One' day sas utîI i ita prieut cui; Waters ftIse. Tt u a ot ou bier- Atter lies- ati taîke i cth lber fbouse, but the- irants-n savetimosi if lie asked the- supes-itendent ofte It. The rouf andti tîîltr portion of the hospital -if hlte îot4e ayti flIout'se re buruct budty. Insurunce qus-sr with the wo anu He suitilis-r, of$3.500 cas carrleti onithetîa ous" tatk sus rurnbtîîî- ,aîîd uppareniîlv and alil the furniture sus c:îrried front wîlhout poinît. the place, so there was no lassran Ir raltuzk-ma-cdtatleu()thal source. - îewrupursulît nsr und that t Loy wauteti to cas-t h'r imbtheti aîa- îrdependauî ste-reSu hi- 2600(). ut te iospital. One day sIte teupedi___________________ out o! the- winduîw snd ran awuy. Thei nexi day she akeil for a large knlfe wilh wtich la kilt herself. Agasm she ran as s>. it sas theît thal the- muater was reporteli to the atîthori- ties for leur thut the coman mbt Injure lierseif or soeaou the other patients. A jtury lu couuty cour' fouud that oite sas insane and site cas ortieced commtteti to the asyluniy JUDE JONES IS VERY ILL; FEARI3D HiE CAN'T SURVIVE, LIERYVL'EARNO NAOI. L ILLINOIS -H =29 XVeItwood Peter No. OJÔ) State License No. A 11201 RIgistdn Percheron Society of Ain.rîca Bred anid owncd by J. Mediii Patteéson, Westwood Farm, LIBERTYVILLE, I- LLINOIS %V ill stanîd ut frm e l sa-m,,,of 1 tei1.'Serv ice fee $20.04IJ to illsure live colt, or $ 10.00 cueèlh at tîme of >Iervi,'. with neturu pr vîlege. NVeptwood Pi-tpr is 'iemcribeil aitfolios: Foaled July 1tle I12, Black wîtb Star, weîght hi*i I) bl. stanîds 'Il hantle bîgh. an~l t-e Lest of feet and buig, eaIlatbîe alid te a 'tir, ireeîlr. Westwood Peter ils the best Percheron Stud ài this section of the Country Ne... i s ilull d res : AUGUST RAI3LOFF WLSFWOOD FARM Phone 273 M-2 - LIBERTYVILLE. lILL. Now is the Time to Plan Garden and House Improveiments wilLATTICE FENCES IIAITMAN=SÂDER co When wniting en HÀRTMNN-SNDERSCO closle 10emn in emps - Elsto&Webetc Ave,., anisl for Catalo- A chîci l. Lue 29-14 il Pat ci lue, mant Fl myus ' Ms-y tni s-el i cas Lutt cai4 any a ca lsi bers lathý you TI pled the aslai race a are la reac cati tbro ban( the' Msy fron lu es Mme kno, hati 1OtC atnd Kliii-

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