CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Apr 1916, p. 7

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LAKE COITNTY INI>EPENDENT, FRIDAY,AI>'Rl, 7, 1916. I ( ,i t r t a [rir un j, m ;ýinl . ru ,I t ro s in i b,' Il-r rrut rrnri -.f nni rit i litl o t n iti -M Narcli t>u urrh. erk ofthrie , aut nia,] rieaa ier i lc ft in tire r aoc agaln'-l Anilt Si'nt-, miarged ailhi mmmainangIirg imrî.,aic e ta tire triant of W'est lertiuIid. Thicue r 'di 'ýf "git>" ain,' ansnmani' tian a soi-' "ýrI.eil r aa" rlurr'tii e nimct. Thr, illag, nrr iri Irit tee af W'est t lerfir r' i iral i rtnhu ial cour stracd i.irînt iat oi aat sintiuli Jie na trer t. '11we -aii Iis house abrur- ted 17 Jr o m n wstreet. Inslend t! tarting a r il [action O! Penrelt tire>'look th ie nnu,îer u 'iLli tire sanea aIl orie iamiati.t nidtmenit 'vas retomned r Jin gitmg Wirih airn nralritainitru a nuisan.bfce. Thir'llage pneriei as a aitriesu a Chicago tari cynr miro terlîiidthint WltIi's Iouse sas ibuit iu tbe nreet. Wlrtir presenîterl as iis airneaseri Courrt>' Surier'Charlesn Russell. ln addition tuo lin> Emu.mttuerrM. J. tou- thitt and tforer Uit>' Engimier R. J Smilth. oh of a S.aitegan. Ailtirere englneers tesîlîrci ho haviric tatien measaretretandtiî Ire> testifici lirai Wlnui's rani.' aronrhlit oNin moP 4ty. 'v Iridefeinse ai WîrthilnistacnredI lirat even iuthtre C'hicagon ,,urtc>or w'u' riglt and tIre ilmne Waukega rain îe>'ara acre arome, ther'tart ihat 'te tooktiier adice andî rirtte in ire natier relieves miioi ni> n"i urtrn Tire case van tarned oner ia thr' jury at 6 o'clock Wedriesia> night -& sased verdict 'vas reacired lao touri;later and w'as iurned our la ' rire balli!f. f " la<i saii liraI Attorney"Dentier for tire detense ilît make a motion for n new trial, ciarglng ihat tire verdict W&5 nottina coordNiice lit theevl- dence. Tire penaltY for tire crime N .charged to 'iWlrth Is froin $1 to 100 MININGqu' PROMOTER ýFUNERAL PARTY IN BUSINESS DISTRICT !CUlTTHIRTIETI! Y et TAKEN; DETECTIVES! DANGIER AS TEAM MENACED BY FIRE; B IRTIIDAY CAKE ON W a j& g tneSURROUND BOUSE MAKES WILD DASII CIGÀRET IS CAUSE: THURSDAY N16HIT RESCUES FATIIER FROM DEATB; MAN ARMED WITII 6UN Chas. Meyers Ends Fight Be- tween Two Watchmen on Tenth St. at 2,a. m. (M. ali 'int n, erîJ n, i an i lii, arin.tnîs rirtoner ais aIrîn iti' h,>b-il ablint tii. ,i nr anI tutîruîl a. d'mm tohrn'l IJ'ti iiiten in n nmîp a revolvers .î tudb.iris air initi amit Part i>' rt'in'iitt.r mIi n..r', ilmr lni the tigiri' P'ETER l'i.(KE'.ilsS 'r'rr.. .. mn vainirman lii' rnto i ter --rr r d i beenri wornri as8 tu . pi,ît"riu'iuin iîy offiils Of Nrt nh Jri '.tm C'HARLES àMEYERS Ie dî'îî'ive nrlu lire emplo> E' ,.J & F.railtoadi FRANK !dEYFElti< tutirir mfo'r a !uleîra. '-fi ia'. a peciml pomlir- main l.y i)ris er>'roîitni K(tcl-in y s. iuid nu u.., rnlnaesa Kîqnnkî' t an'î'rrutu n'a' rai suaI r lu, -ailt a phritlaitruil nurtenn t ire Pnolr-- talton at,-: , r,, r tw' morigte dieu', i rrr's <h a' Imleyirv 'vas Innd1% billt.'rn ribouti tir altoinudur I riuýni I.- u r forntinh al a phy ltiCli- '"-ire '.' ariunumilie r.- n , Htn Is t'.tnhr ne- celed a.ialuî-aî1îg. t tir.'fie-/.n 'vas flt tiokeir, fand a tlrilr" s ervI1ces 'veme nt aeed.'d Meyers , sen lir,'vas î'mîloyed îte guani atock a! liqurtnrrîetathe Fraink I.udas sa-aoa on 'i'.itiistréeetaicir 'vas carn d ir> fl 7' rart>' Soîdav trinl e t)e .r ir acnme! pleces ri t iir acrras',tlire a ntdoas o! tirs tare, asni liai iiî.sil imp ouaible forr arr> aile ta enter lire pia-e 'vithaumt awakeuutig Ihu. eolunriiire go ta sîepý Shortît afler -1i., Irak this ilori lIng lire'va awakerî-»'i fromlIis slira bers b>' a mrani wiro va',tearig lire latiirstmtire a iîdows.-"Whist (na yarî 'anl' V/hala thetir iarln"'J uskpd Meyero Tic mari. Kirckejkp tirnrame. grait pied alir th tir' mii n ar .mrîloyed lu> tire bmer,'. sud a tPee-fOr-aI fight emeued. Chas 3eyers. detetilve. 'vas asleep at ieishome airen iis 'isier raced Itphiris nom shouting. "Tire> are *,«illing yanr tatirer"?' la les. bian a minutes tinme Meyor eabed tire scene o! tire figirl. Tire 'vatcriman bai his tatirer ir>'tire tirroat. and ire iad s revolver lI hie iand. Wiren Meyers Junior aitempted Io wrest tira rev.olver tram tire bands of tire enraged aatcirman. ire 'as ialy btien. Onie sirat'vas fred b>' rira mar witirtierevaolver, tireriChis. Mefyers iegan ta use iis flos. ".I 'as compelisi ta figit ta sane m y lire and ta prest my fatirer tram furtirer injur' sald illiers. in expiloing tire tracas Ciras. Mec>' ers made ibis statement ta Tire Sun: -Thre figii Isi a nsuit a genenut minsunersiandIn9. I believe Ihat thre 'vatchmaa emplayei b>' lie clothînit film'anici a drink, andire dilnt tinoa Ihere 'vas a 'vaicniîa i tire saloaliw 'rhea ir ound a mari tirr. lire, no doutit. uiought tiraisname orne lirai rnaken rta Ithe' place. Itought tri savni ilîr'.anî irelarîtf mv ftri-r. I Onmk t h Iîfuria>' front tire mari and tut srrr .îthe tpolilce. t'Jeveii paru ,p-us isi hte 1 171t Nir t irminrtier .rreý1 VERDICT 0F iUIL= TY IN WIRTli CASE CAUSES A SURPRISE Paff Ra vi R., le,. id wL. "0" ORS eni aops tilo- Guards, Leaves Sister's Swedish Lutheran Church, . .., ri, ,, , ,._ 1 Lake Camp 174, Celebrates E. . ERR FLE SCIO LMA 13OFHome by Rear Exit. i in the Carniage the Horses je7 r t r Anniversary Founding. DIVOB RCE ILESIN WAUEOL AN EUT O Nfr hlwîng escapr , Break From Funerai Cort- "~ tvpgr who badl surrourru' . i ege ~ and End in Bad Crash inw f r(t u, 'r r.rli. r' .î,,V ,,,,!,'17. \ri - Wod À DVO CEBrL r WNiE NME T I o h site, ame'r fr ilutkt 1'.mN, , 1r J.c'rrtr i ood i~ng oter .tams pt 'l Turing Street Corner. on il, ftt 1%l.r),'I JJ'tJ,..ri rruteabtarmne EAuarr ~ rtettîrfolowiiig a sevri t 'ra'." ! !- , J'r,...rr ,')f 111Ile roi, înai mairriner< COURT AT KENOSIA: [AIR9.FUF COJ.JiTR ýI 1,i mr dage tr ~r When thre rod hruSrp ntr.jt;,.r i r t tt1*'l;-1ur. t r nolmntr, ~ lc nelrn Oc le Iteam of horges drawmg a ara 'j rt1ritr,I N' ' J ' .r.., trtîi r J, , i,.l N rh, atiî.firy la fl( lit "ikpgan in. ,full of mourners an dethe PaStor who rie tir.. r,' ,', J '. rt . .rI11lsr, I r \i, ro i . :,rr'rr * t rdoir' galrathi, aIf"tl"arDady Gerinis adwas to offciate at the ftueral of th, avci11,1tr ' Jt Ti'dactin s wrxias ,Jedin NlJi or Mrs. Loeta aeyJo n d famri s ladon age tI i.rlaie John Holm a~i. r'rmIngs avenul,, Jrl chi. o'1'ilîg t.i,; tis ît'r-'rtatnd nir,,.l o iery. IA. iolt jîd arrrea ir ore rr' ~' iro<e thîs afiernoon, fhý n Wrresmrit r Stiigrain \v;l. jji t ndrl rioi I'hr ierrr rcharges rlea'rtrir iThr' actiontî Meet in Pekin, China. mani.gCorge Cessair. a d h rîrr buffat the sre tawnti h 'r 'rt i t r'l r seîarir , \It,tr rrîryo h ofa Illerfalo thes r'nnr t laiebur rigfl ,'iit. ctai rir a have lest lire r tibluffir rrîr t heeasi nid cf Bel eidere l , Oh -' rtr ' J. 'rÎig rdr el i g i itr. i-tril r 'lrI'trr CT Ile Role ah, tr n o 1ucht > Flow ne tt' Iw o riarghters of W drtkr iýaa mi d $15,1000 through Gritti'ri t'a..i Wî o i' t.rtt i UqIt h." rrr u t rrilS0- r. ill arit ir]'.iîv ia . ' '. rtdeck- .cefarate îniantenaiice casi' wJrir h r fiet tri the ~bottillon land o i" n~rtar !feriîzr t-' ' tetilîd weis of pCOpJr inrr I l irtlcîri r ri ' rir ti r ga "'f rrorl-ni' f 'ir'rr. fý h -odr t niri4r.lipulataroioiiiti rofrrfteNi:.l un lit l"illi,,g rirlprgrîîn iidguarr wfr' Inotit er] alzar un hflnitii i r :I r rt Orirentr'Li treiated in etter s r,'.crIItJl GIStl' 's ie r ' t r K ely. wi h tO. hee S c r rcn (b tJ;'J f te.'ic ra t t i lown r tir v.har prîr d i "I tr J', b r îin i Wuegr.rî'ived try rwo fromlnent fanitir.", hraring hefore Police 1rc'etrite ) Here lu what th. K.'nri'h.r a Nw r t hie rity front l'ekn, C'hina. The, Taylor Saturday niornni , trcally trying to check thre fighened hblortti rr tf . kct ti' fu îou rriiite tr ir'rr'r atriter ' vair] Friday about llrnrv's suit: tio daîgliterri who were irouglit iJo ýrequerir of States Attorn-Il 1% imasybd epctdtOsefrontersintnt iff'"r W;tîrr it leritIl trige cae aurtri.le andies w an lur the municipal court tbis go.thern!ltire capital city of the ("rit t'ase-'was continued untîl Aii 'lho, n9 dasi Over thre stcep hrJi l lirlwnin tte r, i rrli iirltiili iwa 'liccd santIclacgir gesrwattgiren ra mornlrrg Edwin S. Bierry. bhrough 'ti rneerepuliîr'tirough clrcumrrl.arr'(tr'aGrîths verns held I in otni],de i.k'îunt r .lrrr .tr fut pei offtirli"irlonea caeide.i lirscar. u r sit J.' irr r i rr' i t h -nu r r a it f u it.p o f.J the iii's rrrtildlîtrit a. " Foi birs attorney, Judttr JosephI l . are: 1r 1lin order ta h ir ta Fto r ni' 1 Istr tir 'Jr, 'J" ;" ni ',l i r il f wr h ae irialiratrtirl.rmcigth upr acn w ýi ('lartison. fiet] an artiondemand- iMRS. %VIOLET HiGI.EY /JOHIN 'who ili promottng the te phii>!le!,rl e Suia h atrba lw heilctsu c ing divorce trmfreinis we, Pearl STON [raugiter of W. P. Hlgley. r-ne J he lcl e liJr, rouet sedit orneaw llîrorr'r tiextr 't-aflriraeri tiýrnirrorrJda'r ay rl r' rograni read as frlows: Betlrry, on charger of! diertiion r tlrd menhant ! Wauegan.and a; estd theselveheitselprî trdmrbnofWueaadaetdheeleltl rer I ihtt hesiollrig aa drress of Welcorue tly VrrerairIa 'l'hp couple wvrireînarried In Wau sier of Miss Minnle HigleY. a teach-that ~Griffiths has no Connectrions w t peoiaa lt iet1orsrri cru ontainerami pluie. Consul(Charles Crabtree. kegan. IlI.- Octobl e r.1907, and er aithtie'Wauk"ran iownslAp hiigirc Stees. that it no happens SI- "(fiire carigwerbe rired hrler.ia ilr'ilr . ,,:errl' !tr eiaîr IeSwr lrrry allegsIn iis comlutltni scirool. trance lutote ephosphate îro;ei're fg Ae tesýpnos PllottebNsa(]w'lwt!PaoSoo-rn elca rhat iis wille desertidhlm on JMRS. LORETTA DAi)Y GENi [came aler lhe had lnvesttruf irtiil re Ra J .Lrmn,1rlrJiJitiIchier. 1Addreaa MNrs. I'hirtrom. idistrict t"r'bruary 4 two earr agot aud IDaughtcr of Mr.Jerry R. Dady, O! ith' plans to find the irriren t t'eart icran chuncir. Ia seio' ..the rîî'ieof Jli deputy of the Royal Neigirborr. .ilince tirai time' Io hallhoard nor Somhuti ntty ,ctreet, and a mistier 'fl Impossible of consulmmattirir Jcaurrr' Mn. Rumqurst, lieînirotz ai do' iletartnteni'r acre itirine tîidr' thp Pie eating contest by three ment- rer, nethlng o!fti, r. Tirere lu Miss slargaret [lady, a teachenrit tir- 1 e -ra-i - Mi. irci 'h.arr. Bnrra Heinriirr,Iarr i -_ --ti ' yrc arpJ'n rtioxnIYterîlis.'rstrllitam Ca. ,ne mingrr.a tsr rrhn Vakgon hlpirg cirool '4ortelna, nurIitrr. rps, ,... Rfivia lIimlan from trthestwn t iertt enaite. C» a'sier tiait tr,-cusrt of tire 1Four verr ago the daugiter of 1rasented lhe hadl. Througlrt ii. fi- trtThc mî cîrn itrtftrîr 0h Site rlepartlloeiil. ASun re Corai Solo--Miss ThernsaC'ook. ,ibîid beawardéd r hlm Tire R. Dady trade onie uf thre longeinmirl-îng GriffItis'plans, Steel' rut I i aiabalit arias.preanRortAdsiofLk A rs-Cita T Hyecl, 'ts aî atrpfor a hearing ra rtsarrecord, traveling tram otc , ' The carniage Nas rtiiiirrrr iI. il,,r lu' aririrm nd -theril.ldoso .k' drs-hrsinT Hyek o ihorse crarallîed tJtFile jrc, rtais.. i'avr Tend r heliriirg tranîl aurre- encîetbeee Mr.D- trararyda'W ilaukiegariî.I. ta the Phililppine- 18 1tde ta 90â acres of' fine ppalieJ ateT r lllaT.ayttrrlaarwhs ieir oîrtentent btiren OoMeî. Dy NItra. ilerv ri.vtii'rl ariuton>' tendu. ahi ee lowaa united ini mrrr-: ili 1,thîr land and thîr rmailt bjut ' tire etloard ,rrr' er'irtI r ntii pon rstdiblg ariti, re cîrice elbw r aeadMs ig o yteFt groiibin ttir]irlît Mortre fl gi'çiage ta M tnis Ms l r'Nr. Stees affiliated wth litii Jtrii'ig sinv'rcinlr'li..vir tn.N dtr.tlle, nb ieli irer Firuaiband. Ilt" rrOnîertood ohile t.nltedi ttes aarmy corps tatloned;tire National lrertilîzer lîotlà"r a".i hinnli r"idftitJv tlaTankExplodles. Vteil,,îSolo--MIsa Theresa Cooki. atii lves i W'aikegarî. Nrs. flrrry1aitihe Islands. company anid Inno mariner fiasGrt n itd tileulrirtleast bJîr Irziti ctciipIi C Gatyroftty ire'Centnat station ___________ 'aiNtar'W.Jrrr iitîiiiilowerl tempiorarl alliny but 'About the same ftime the maniage lfitltrahad argirt ta do a ifi i ni cr Ntole' iiitju i aantd Capt. Mron rof tire Southr Side rYeu can renete 15,1000 poumOns we.ek irall matir dil¶culiy iri r'ollerlfng holie f i el '., ily t r o n rvn terr)tiiig pa st caue ieryinormd ir îout e 0 MasVile Hgle t D. oh tard or tire plans ao! eier or iit en h eerririrtrio il t t cation wcre îanîlirig oser flie gaso[ houhteIneedn case Borruin irIs te ndcot ee lan. a graduais ô aore of tire largeiîrew Campan u iii lî'Jra reithe tiruners! brrr rire so meira"" FPie container wllclstilîl helli mani 1 irui tr need war nliostia Ibs tie court fnallmedîcal colleges ofthtie mlddele West, 'arr' Interesled.) hlrnwn i trruiiytu gallons of gar. aIreu bhc air was rent_________ Icnnssa ps.Te or ln]Ywaurcelerafe at Waukegan. FOl-ýTire warrant for Giffiths arir';t t bey aent Fri otrleir honnes alh- by an exipoionu. Finrpen, reporter __________________ grantr d tire fM'iution fo apand (eJIowlng tire nuptial this Young cou[nli cagsta r ddaiaiJîJ ù r ftira go ta tire funenaJ and ire fans acre hirîrîd from thym maintenance, anrd Iernr ai Ieer i i ltion a iral lsregarded las one o!fantrIntr o erefi,.r Rest of Cortelle Goes On. feet Tire concîusioniactuallyca mng ai oony ever ini e ltaiohni b p j ti ein d montIlnterestlng hon I a deed and dld autaintillaiblte Winli rrer'oe toîtliend (îc hen hee aird four feet train ,n nale iis desentnlion111s ri upi ,moon Iria son record. Tirey "hien- farmaland worth $10,000 frrrtrGteorge Fie of lprocesuion just acat of Genl arere tirey hmd brou Standing. and __ S liai inown. ' "cenaircet'andoaiantcd nn treinimmdCesen a eiStretnao! atarkedand thunnlng r rîoîî' fîm alrgn o('n ('rar iry means o! certainr taJue Jre- te 5() o prk n bri whpr [I. .ohntonhad acereth - rînsesmade oralîy and tir anrliîrg. iat h te esn nteFn mesf pntlel i poiino ha hscano h aaitryexotereroiru irieihr eener euonteoAsIec e Mtotlr ssio n hea pisilnottie Tirewarrant was givrerito0Officer wntIdrraleecie hr cotir,' hr'a î'crtire scenee: net a word was spol< ORIGINtirALat fw mniJsM. Carene E. Hickis ta s . eantilie ol r aercnrlTc en, then 18 noires 'vere heard ta say 3 2 62 tEin theisasrstcred tm iIr. earethat Griffith. ara iving IJ didnit nealîze irow seriotriil-tire uin luaison, "feiecu iltte. Vas any- Gire home o! irisnttters a57V'isn'ration was. body hurt?" BREIVERY IS NOW ~Phiîlippine Islanrds te PeknChina.iai'nnre. In:company vwllh îwo idet"- rond Rev. Mr.Lorimr was seen!d ntn rdaco a a Jîy order of tire aar deparîiment. tives out o! tire Central station aiststI !tiran acreonhei tora feet in ucae t ~in l cr l la, l m C hicago , a n m ber of po i c menieri, o fe ftire tank la their th nt to r P LACE W WUKHnu na Orsl r -w eAmerjcans" ta waîrh Hicsn t t tire GriffitlisrneDe-seebat was lIkelv ta irappeur.I a hat they teared migirt ire tire uead forone___hotireon hteamven ofastivgoeurorrdelthihoredrare Tirent jraforlh toaesaBgo.ot njcad Thlrll asIetIa'ed -M. aid ?rr (lennié in Pt'i tlui :.tire affiner went t thre front doar ta lng tue fast. He was Ohelpless Tire V-siraped space vaan îîghted asu f . hrade Building at Flint, Mich., Where onJy et oral trot tirey sîould meet Jasti for Griffiths. GnîÊiffiir as no', ere tire Wamen and cirlîdren Insidi'. If iry day, and one glance showed thre Besey tared Covered Dr. and NIns. Joirnoton and tamlly. in tire home, tbot one of tire dtectîve% Ail kriew tiraitirhe driver was. strling ground ta lie cleared of victime. BelySat ,Cu rtOne o! tire Intet Igtnclui carhud seen hlm leave by a near doser wiir might and main tacentral,,tire FIre 'vas everywhere. Tt was even nto aCric. eclior ilhiirtins %tary oethtie "team-lgv " te eenii oanimais, but as tire rarniage dasbitd atînglits way ip tirefiremen'a trou-A Tire ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h, hls rwr 'e odc ibfru iave bthyng curdtnot frunning, ire rantriown Grîffiho. No against tireirormes' heelo. theyire- lser legs. Gallons of ganolmne were W A iry lirer lat il Bsey.?toun e aere i tir aninIlet s h irfrrslrdbytr tcie . ame ir marescared. aque teailaze on tire top af the Ihousands o! tire htm laris t esleyinttue arentepodprnso h! 'Tire ChicJago detective ircJd Grîfitti'. M.t.nle vstrl aque iegallons ofwaster 'virîrir an ieen fiit of e ame uxrî. laW a k e a n ti elrentrl H ic kis and othera ar i ed tir ir, acc upiants a! tire rig. rem indlig tireur tirro an In. T hre aster as runn lng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ luiit scî Srîdr. i resnt urr ari reriîisi tieeortprandneri aree ie 'asbooed.Me as&.leuderg iishes an liei woidnrerde tiendnyfaos ad eiwethir Ilir ea aîtît rMdisiut pre S n s I1arid irrluential residents of tire ('hi a ver ta the Wautieran autirorities. ventan accident. Heihall just steppea partitions. Tire irining.gasoline was.4 th Bptgt r etlieli4 heSu s1nesc,. aiital. reîuertly ihe' Irai"and Hicks eiurined ta Wau'cegan ati akbaalethe r t ramntirhe s On crid 71 o h wtr ifratsaiire didn't renaahi Ir ireen enlertainied ry tire romlY ritw Ilffitchciains ta nc ouiri anlis img te rnidmoisntewtr aitY 9fmaGrifirtcscirenewasasoneeofnbim tterssWtthin rine secnrds' time thiret' denominallaîr il ru tiraI Leilsringii i) Ciu.and irl uis suaid tiDr. John Atith plirîalce station Saturday Gnîf* ahen lire rlg turnid tire corner uortiriad beeon carricd mutirte partitions. rieihding services rt'giutal,, stni aasud ailthuir amidon fiis taridtamate ny taemertln ir suientoilireTttavn on t 'asmountng rigre an hgirr ____and_____________ set g.bcor oirr r ottl nS aw a lo'Jin tit onuta a ' can dtamal aysttm oacre adwthacahactui nlt ae brttai h oo.'h This building Islarclied an Fir;. tlioni iren lire îresident of! lnuir tirmier thanoren icrieacu'd one iienndwiira rshea Iiu oiiefime tanI rm ir rofeTr Mih. in Generpe e ('Oit>'. r, rouitY ane0frtre hing poiticieansofa!thir nP-JtainWautienreaity meni o! bietg thie curbing, tire abels snapped and fine was. ais secrrledon tire water In. C i whiicir noterilmdry terrrtory. try Ils. iticaJît il]. 9r.Joirritan ha, hrs ancomplicea 'ta ie lieged'!ierglltieroes'rselsêdra trerg ,trenametatreaso te Ilu as. In Flint tirai Mr r'uliIlrir mfie n" d fatlit hî misiitv transraction. He (-taims tirai tire matiandcri taorthfer op tire street. Tirey RsuI ibidng&helrehl ,sOIl Tire)ilnai RosenirliumreuiJol sg. Tire fine iall maneri> agteoeomn . ladctrbtmaS -n1trcnb nd arJJlieostralgirterro ed utmcbtweesrthilenfeu ita 'va> tirragi tire windaw * WVairlrcgan. esîmblisircîlbis irati mersiaiue hr ontis~rp a resbIdrce ii our talire satisfaction o! ail ce cn hr ah ia vr srth' rameamoiluta tire Modletclothing en. lie corducted il for sarne ierme Chin. li, Ni r ta- yearswas art" i rrrned and tirat be ta tire man wactonsderaity. The driver irai tock tr hr so h is lo fti namd ur'iJiatLeis ! arî ' trri'~thr'Jobeie,'trn ie eclaires thent lie 'n> cause te ire-an-touon as lie diiitire chances arc WTem terntire r' ldigtetis liled cr'iJN a crrripll armonths arn.111tas ha Iri nI eîr rusbnd materiallyI'n rosi aI ai least One' W'rurtegan mni. tirhe animais a'ouîd have dasied doa 1nt wn owr il eerm Irle nini, %Ir Lewniis tnrilIctp'I l rr t 4ir(, iirrr i irriion 'iang e Iire n lrr I unalteged thai t.rtitths raid $Fi.l ie il Pa t heG t F ldtrcslian. Onie irait o! hase 'vas put mTelle,. plcooras le rr 0 ire, . rîtTlrrr iortacIIstait !Jil)a'orîh of stock ir, a tertilizen atrGe t uea. the fr.sem,'nm of theu bruildng tram theirs 1IClu i x r niorînîrI aan i rt r rrr xnrn lerrlLJ rarnTense urtoc"an itrtlJe drd ftiremornen o arart- Sîreen Tire firemen tomgit tiroir aay Came ta Waukcgan. rat.m-ttirai ho looti a tarmltuerIed-tetd' lefnri0eieaunr.r Wh'. hr' o ,ire i i i îrtire f ili f %Itt ' \r r> u ' rnl t '. s riîrI :i'.'rrt nf k'li'r i'. a $10,060r îîr rir ent Il ta atl Jairîreed airen tire>' aw the Iastan rra git ie u ae a n iot ae c m t .. I lei I I e'rv i 'arnpany caffclt- l a. rrrr ia e i i eel tr ie t' nan '~ ~ tie m ral ivirn filer'<'rtiege reat'iir 1 irtd Irle tiîre rxJrngiuiii'(d Iin tti t a ttac m tri ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lte tVangnar "lîll'le ia iro, lirînîr i' eru t h,' a'avfî'n ,e rt-r' cerireeen>' ente îîoa plaire astn Itr e rcainte 11, ardeut tinona n i l I. on n nd icl ,ýîmnai" ia ,itts c iJle 'm, d ai lîm Tr "ii' rw xî'oriroîla hi rhe'bu(-', yard, th irJîg i p l m e suit portenrii.inntactunv t î~~t n r it'the r1.iimtn.nd dbitmnr.aîdrMttOIfltrsnnr irîr h n J' 'r' i I1Flnt al (p i e m e n t sars voi ae wirr h t r isnrnies to a a ierr W rrr uirotgie ivaine r frt on tire faînrrr a.irre a i 5 i irar'oak ortaig ustns ve ittaer f acerain ree mo,' I irera' ries i iirt aithin Iltn,' s hi' tooti tille titur..i rrJ ia ar.cte tir e tre nstaurnt w i v renched tront saruie famoos irs'advetlsing. t flic'rti ' 'unonltslmpanig i trrihs ta-1ruatdodn rït'MnîI.. 0111,îaroatno!fiC., Ni'itlisfsastenlng'r anti hurled itte tfft 'wili direct FfJ"aty aie made l"r aukegan famaur came ' .t arlegmn the lattrpJart of lndi i ssaidtli"s a bl o n roftl'ic d ntîestrei N mn ai fon yars because it ana sold ailt nAr'trttu oirer,1ber Bu,îthrm i ie rnne p ird ut rnîdî'aî r'ondutc Ierow nfl, tie.N n a te counrr>'and tva,, allced tptey ersi iserirontnt ndunledn orecin irlil aueI rtc.. ainîn' ndacien, onuIri trsTtvile;liJl soalun'mrale t ehleni' W'rukegan Aie anid Porter." ' enaritiusr'rs, adher an ri ms tirriurcctîoira J 'i,- antigvetirasrnvire muid iIeptee ent 'a iterrn tnmnnetC ea 'l'ie î'n,'hleso nîonîc¶~br br rcd" 1J ci tii e.iimn hithigii'itrrtFireeIn tire restaurant raceri fores tý'att' etrIir breini' l* for years lantimnus:riui iior(eva n t r it o r n mie , 'rifJ" ]icci tr i('r,icres of '.is iiniut". miny oitli'ru innte nra r later t s treet. fcani tir le 'vaîtu rNeri "'u ai-n rs tcountrtnlrp af ori'i .rt'î .rfrror îî'înîIîîhJ %lur at î.îdii.tniri.To ru (Ca tire fallrg i nrihiJîr Tlr'aicr.iti energy~uw ls rien. aslire irea ld ar, ri Boins tearî ifî iie ittrrti n j_ l'tt iis tincii Jrrrr rni fe itr ra"tor e't îtailed wNiitl l J d ocn'nred, o W I ,lu file wor and cin(] iied il unir 1brio uile, or her tohIoneter,1 runit luerlnaps r*tlanf ronkpîrh'îlwab. n grîn I .' g t. tri~~~~ ~ Jîi ni uî ntnurti t Oit tegan. lit n Tinessl isn r tirer corrpar' t 'u'Jri'rn lira silence.hi- e,, 'arti litr nîereî tliev soritiil saieur neatia, a ii C(. suir caim tJIle f iri lirrir cmamlitr tir,'serices acre eriir'im .nheur butti i 4t tire liî'u'i a.n 't rt 1 1 lereats ahuir lter 'sal]ta thec inca Il is stimrited tram tîre nîsta- r" ' lisw. alrGifthhl eli fi ae Iwa eserd Utl 14 h wgdbtangings, h erit cainrpany waiclir nanged tire namn, front Pi-kiri.C'ina. tri tirhe 'irt' în.rl in ileavit.t'and ftt asil winem a ndlprýpilpd haeasrei île, nid ahocrithev uene niven eur m ta tirueWautiegan Bre'very Company. crOust iîs v r :r0r mites. fronti tire Ilii ".r'r'inI trie a rjtr' Itînîn nrî ri ni ne aiJir nrrud aad ieterneth.,e a so' 'r, Thex disperised artir ire manuftacintu rve rsartiPorant, Ore . 4Ji sntirisr9clugsN r rGrfIh i aitri rin tiatofir Ia aerifna ralîirrn.r I trti",,r 9îur,1 1Jn JrurPrlnd rrt Ce- i 'rn ni uir ti'rt ril land vî'nl('J loa'eirr. a hanideri f. tti' feluror late u h' i, A s n Of al nd prlrle(nsne a err s a, "ol) TIitri- , ni Inds lme of a friud and he ail a ltu I igtt. le i-ltion Subi r!ro rhiel' m Fi'arreli t i ne d ant rl e r. l ince rine 29r' mil esontand r on<ieta Ch iio o i r ' r dni'i;n tasaow i a etlspr ec fmn nfne ,rh * aj il% ,Il ads . av tri ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r radoimrIFlcn g.i2i Omiî.nr tran 4 lIr 'Tr UeBrewery for Wonshlp. a- Mril il.n, ,gainlînînlu gitaîne. -t.Suitn repreentatvc sari tIre la tic deiiartiiiuitn'rtr's a wririrt Il Demnonstrations ato«Ir tt tu na ralierr ur'argrrions tria-f'lissuda b NIwoh id(n wiiil l-n'J.i Jibr ik atîr arr driîn aiudtîunrraurit han,] entinelekntmriarrmnit ied oui. bta lus thefiraI acn'ording toa lntr, out e s loe tht'>'stop t 'rn e'rtn'nui ernii iminM.Lnmr "Yea," saitîr'Jî'r )a-mrr i. maristir ('tiek 'i rn tanre', auntoOe i etigM.Lrie lfie rIfle urne sDisplag Rom ttIinir man tiraI the resery inla t .ru i)ti' cent ery eei aimai o!fItbe fo rin aw ttr Jnrrîino n uunt' OD alîlci r.nBerle> trade bs iristalae W " i i ers i( l1 vAfr nerat airichrliadt profledi ateay vol tri linttile.,wbhauts onrippers ecdi 'rV n d rai.cdoan Marionreetnd mdaiicilrn'valBig Crowd on Sari. Sua'1'ieThe irigtieatsutrty ved IANpO RVE-- sineti)euroute tmie pastar wo airira']iuut2niîir :s;, es of people P blj as a bewery heil he couty voeil WA T TO RIVE gie thtugh sult a hrioure erhnoitgned tsurirola, ibl-ittiInen E'uraPubl' dry and srtine ancta ago il 'vas ne- iLOCAiLUAfIitLISTI cureoNtl ,în wNer, *'rrt,.tire siene o! modelci ta aie it avalable for ue R sBnsir.wil , a soo. .i cLnigrtiiite Iec te rdeu as a chancir. TireFast main airo mai R TRUCKS INiil MmiloDeîrniolîn. i stheet. ali rfkîrlauti rrrtr'cadhg tire place as, a ineaery 'van AugilstiAn 1ia a1Ilvilckanwa.HIS rv ce C O Betier anil it 'vahire abousi ire MEXC OR U. sa WIV l'IL> 1-MILS d A nîl t ,,a ate sibcktheruaytconiiTflV ICARGEi~ rje building. If'vas tinîy Isot iner of > F NohrtIEfhM di Itni'vara ul tctiealioenoisIi I~fU tret tire aIdtanks s aedibr.MmB e S 'tJf fAUV L,~ Ther aauunrarndchtldrnur 'eD O P le>' acre soid ait of tr rgnl Tlîree yoanrg mnr.ail auto drIver'. ticbienetI Jeyanîl exprer ni a, I)DR PP IIÂRI butilding. ofrare e lire en aKrlsali1he>' rail a rîgit la be..fon tîrose aira ai xîrrieice 'vnt o ieaab.i '."Wt'ii' Vti rl 1 btood-tiiv.Ir rialire occident felttsureir ometrodv ~ E I IIL Genese collI>' nos' la dry. Tt wuan on Tirursart ta mie applicatIonmfo rwcainvaded tiil'rir'nii eStaiersinulrt solnl ireIrrniiy Juin, perbnJrs 'vet ton tao years. raving goure 'vet Positioars rsdrivers a!f'van roci n ar t rucck fi1.iiirts liin itliSOOK FKL U lu Ti ____ atter two years dry expenienife.tai Mexico. The ftree Young men 'vert' ' rnecthe sri fln, I ritedtii u't. 'ir, ennieruae tIi ir iî iat tiiler 'vria. Il irot 'vent dry, tiren mEy iC Stii Th drve sttelfiatth hod-ae reîurned toavet aidro' agaunlla ndry. E.C.Cambel.tire Bei'. eorJui S. ýltutrhieofIa! S lait mdcoteîcoff aneuie orc roda>' on Tue (as(,'agamî i Chrlnes LbHart- F. BAIRSTOW 'Te abovt tacts anc o! interestIo1- Howard Gannant. ltega 'vas but3 ol tiltîes as>'e. ictre sanie ig and aul ar'cltrin as rimer- noit.cuarged'iii perjomy, ilew op" AUrCUC Iatt>' irensose It reveassftanth iretirAi lbirt Deacon. George Mitchelllira, rurnei talr". riuî'y menîcri. lacircuit court mn Manda>' at 1:30 AU C1 o aile tattheeler hee Yun me ae wll haine In Wautiegau fromniNetw'Metoi clonti sienAsistant State.q Attor- thaiteieelmthes yriogaetlae 'el tnaarî -ani ire iras mm. trrlr'ýretîng tonie-. net'Runyani 'via 'as prose uting Ilesie>' aîili>' iiegsntire manotan- in Waniegan. and t'vo of thre, ira.',ta ell a! lite on ant iurntht' inier- Colonrel Fr'îO. ,oaden s ta an-notte prossci lireIndlctmerit. This M rbeanranite titrtiifiis ie iu, Flirt. , mratier iai mtîcbexperlence in drîvlng ta-rn natItonal bun, norriuce iis candIda>' fon tire Repob. actionr a;ti a t ater attorney's forMo m. Ir tîtaun fi Wukegan as naiysupIiorei Cabs and jtaeysashoot tire streetv nf Wrr ilanilrM ornumentsbinlcn inirtiatngaei mm h ,'eieiaimi mto o 'Nr;n fiti' case,.ierî>.Mitchell.,aira 'as '.eriirrg ras syîncrî diatly i>'ater the ApnilIlb primanies. t'ise court teta mate. lireaetramntire ____________Before tire>' are accepted as drivert mal evangelist ai rire, Preairytertan Thlis r. w,'as Passei out Tirorsda>' jury and Insituct à verdict otfloet t 3irbuibans tooinem. 'idoa of the tire>'alîl ire torcei ta paes an exam- Cr ch Iciin New Mexirro. was ai Doiii- b>'tire colonel's Chicago managers. gulîty. Tire Icourt enîed tire motion Cemetery Work of Every .1 1inaian gîven b>' directors Of tire luit, N. M., holding se'rvie". Deninrg Thie> declared tirs ortrome ofth ta instruct a verdict. Tire Jury ans, bo,,lon tt.aer, aira dledin .'has. Jeffen>' Company. Tt ls possible bu rt 30 miles frram Columhbus. B"batie ton contrailiretween tire Thoat- enied atter tire ndlctment va.s truli. Description 1.88. ir dead nt lier home it Lake tirat tirey ma>' ie puttta vork tlier oeRev.Mitchell rttrned irartir ire son and antî.Tirompson sed. tnlr eeseri' IeCors5iCt Fonest. Tire tunempà'viii he hellitactory fr a week's time. Waukegaa Vie.eiitr uooîîr'iîî 'eemten nlfeec o Lwu.*, mi ôii hitr"adgtos !tr and tire body' vîIi e tairai ta Aurais. bti o! wirom are drlving amumîi 1tr ôiesara'eeodrdt 0i'udi OW $lcb iIbot1 tir 1fenchare oDjufi ireastabein',. 111.,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~h aofura.R.fooe asadyug1101. rt' stU laA~ v ite remeirhed a sn-Li xp l gesdihent be t se- meier~ tr tokRiecol&0l~i I Wlevr M ot o-1 u irris ! i., ac " i -à -to'<'rr-r ur rllgatrevioà,ee drdlh

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