CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Apr 1916, p. 8

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Wght ________ *~ (Y1TTWI'V kPRIL 7, 1916. LOANS A RECORD 'OVIRSUER VOLIVA IUAL ESTÀT 1 FESi)QJRANTINE btat FurTiti. The s Qurne!UI a$$fk FO PSTEI3 I TOTAE WIE;ISLAKECOUNTYTITLE&TRUSTC . ON LIV E STOCK IN Mesonic Temple BIdg. Waui.egan. ADVERISING COUNTY Of LAKE ZION CITY TEACliURt rh2,11. -Eeet ofTHiE UNITED STATES A V RTS j __$06,471__anMaandd27, 9lo.Ev ts 46. oi 10Instruments Flernd Nw Miss Ida Emanuelson, a WeIî :njwî,e tockThi.Kn eak iotar46 Washington- D. C., Mari 3.-Tîe 25cÇ.rt 13 ~ '~rate . Nw Ofl oun Woman, Be& Im0'r P veme1t Associatiotn United States ig treis Of the fout an eh l ineans, e74rtion KnMAE. cme -Edwin P. Ontermun 10 Theodore J. SemrtarY of Agrculture fHouato«. 25cfistinsrton Business of the recorder'.. Office for: Wlbur Glenn Volva, the overseer Rnaak, lot 2à, Ostermaîîit Subdivision, Mr. Houston s£%nad ant OmrerM tweek ending April 1 1916: . iDBril.W .$.mvn h u eann utan Number t coiièyance, ~ 1Iof ZMon, la going to taire unto hlm- Defed .D 1 nvn i strmllgqi-n Numbr ofconvyancs, 7. self a wife and lier naine la Miss Ida Benjamin Lowenmeyer and wife to tin-tfrot» a amaîl territory in Cht. ________________________ Number of loaiis, 29. EmanueiSOn. Edwin C. Day. lots 1. 2 and 3, block fian ut 11, IlIUMIL. Total number of Instruments filed, The announcemeut was made lau77 CitY Of Highland Park. W. D. $10. Along wlth the removal of tbis .. . . .. .. .. 13.Sbiloh tabernacle, ZMon City, Sunday Benit». Lowenmeyer aiid wlte to <liarattine the varions federai or. * M01 RATE Total amount of lbans. $206,471.25. l afternoon. Miss Emanuelson was ln Effets M. Day, lot- 11, 12, 13 and 16, dors restrictlng sblpmailn of cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bu 'îîiess bas been falrly brls'< and the audience, but Volîva was In Chi- block 77. Cilty of Highiland Park. w. -were resclnded ille that atter tonior. i~...i. avet renitoan ery active. leago. where hie Preached In ZMon tab- D.* $10. row dealers ma>' shlp tuait- stock lust Foq ALE0" oldn Brviiodetalaud Ti rollowing are the more import- ernacle ou Michigan avenue. M.iss WM. J. MecDonald and Wltte to Bob as tbey did before the Bt-st quarn- B. ad&8. Roe aadant i;"LlS: Emanuelson weas thte service wlth o' Uuk Golf Club, part soutbWeSîtiUne was lmposed neffrly18mna inun. PhdlipR.Aine.InU ý,, ankegan. Daunon T. Ascbuler M0A-hrVtie ltrl ., Quarter section 26, Deerfield township. ago. 1 oti ,~ j a d n .b o u g bt t h e R . J . M b ran p ro p e rty o n tbe o e at e .W .f o x e t E b r o » t o FOR SAL- utortdhacvydcke s o ecrlyWahngt oreet21000 VolivaS itrat wlte dled lu February, John Robertson tand wlte to Otto The 4epartmnent oragriculture tu- Poilr m*bond A. osei, PhuentWill uiam elankbogb$25,000a.g1914. It la assumed tbat MIlS Eman- Frnklot 4, block 1, Roherîsous night issued a statement sumnmarlzing be(-2,Ok FitFat,A.roea.PhnWl i rpryat ewrH a nd WIlh te lam..uelaon la ln tune wlth .ZMon.'as telleSubdivision, L.ake' Zurich. W. D. its work In the camilaign to eradicate 2ta tee tot T J.Stbifo nmialbas been e constant attendant et the $42&~ the foot and mouth disease. I cnsiet rain. J t o oia tabernacle. Marcb 28, 1911.-Isellph Corser 'On notification that the United FOR SAE-Fieedean Cover n J aohn. Pg ogtteEl . The ennouncement was made by (wldow) 10 Lorena M. lgglnbotham, States ls free trot» the di..eaae." the F.OR hy Eeed, ire trom inul s d JhnJ . tPapetyon notheElaideR Eider Cary, Who preecbed in Zion iote 12 and 13, block 1. Nlxon's Addi- atatement said, "ail foreign gaver»- Ep&erbr Sndinles LII Ptoue t17i . Gilb'rklt repertycsof ont>ade forCi1i>'. He did not give the date of the tion to Waukegau. W. 1). $1. inents whlch bave placed embargoes Eper lbrtvil, i.Phn 27-11 rakln* tee,,50 f o0., o weddlng, but satd It would be sonon. E. P. Osterman and wife to Geo on American rattle are 'uxpected o _____________________' 29p2 Huso0hug,5alo0e The prospective bride la e achool Herrmann, Jr., lot 9, Ostermsn'c Sub. remove these enibargoes 90 that cal- FORSAL-.-lahgan cltin r Jo»soueht cnornr Seardandlotlirt t in i.iibog er division, Deerfieid. W. D. $10. tie ralsers wili then be able tb r- .m~diig ale ufe addrein'sotestroirenkeW. Woondyor hom e tai11040 Soutb Washington Asa H. Cralg and wtfe to Chas. Eet. Sonne shlpmeuts to these foreigu tabl arly>'nw. J. teuni@. Libert.î- nominal conalderation. 1 avenue.,llorgan Park. She was edu. tinger. lots 6 and 7, block l'A," countries. vine. Phone278.W-1. 29c1 Lorena M. and Thomas N. Higgl.'cated et the Morgan Park gremmer Crairs Addition te Village of An- u"The magnitude of the work 3f -- -'~~ bothat» took title to the flelilali Cor- achool and lter eithte Morgan Park tioeb. W. D. $8.10. eredication and control carried on b>' FOR SALE--Ohicken Brooder un gond ser property on Lewis avenue southIl choelln. In the aummer of 1913 H. W. Judg and wtt.- 10 Chas.'M. farmiera, shîppers, and the state and ecoUion, lare. Wm. Cropiey, Ame. o Webigu.tret be ttended the Chicago unlveraltv. Warren and wife, lot e. block 48,. Ziniftderai govorutuenta la sbowu by the _________________ 2k__1_of__ Wshin tort nCiaoTee a. li and gradueted et the Chicago Teaci- Oon City,. lu section 21. Q. C. D. $1. fect that before controlled thids- lhougbt etimaster'.. sale the Vember ers'colege' in 1911. P. M. Snow and wife to t.iliian G. case bhil galned a tet»parary footing FORALE150'i. hrae8 yar ol prper>'on bireenh tret est Thie'announcement of the coming Bturgess, lot "A," block 25, City' ut lu 22 states and the District of Co- FOR SLteuh cNsIb.lbonavy tea» are on biho Stou" L inc teet. for $4.060.83.weddnla ofsit aecial u.uere..t met Hýgland Par'. W. 1). $10, i lurubta, in 269 dlfferent cop'stIeâ in bé J.W.S-13,9011,ppoei o'Sout h in Linconret Joh ri th. no. be eil,wss but a weelt ago T. J. ittabi and wtt.. l Win. Hl- thevitrins state. Par. ntraoe. 9cl >ongtLakee lotsoest J denLGndenithat V"ioliva tireached a sermon unin maiota 3 andi 4. Ntsllorys Reiiub ADUICTON NOTICE. and Fi o tirestsvene wtb about 55 w hich ie .'chastised women, lhe ca iiIo.Ct fWukegen. W. 1), PUBIC NOTICE la hereby given FOR SALE-fleudereon Motore.velendfeet froutage, troinBeni. Lowenmever icizd berdaim9,r sufrage hDabrowsk.00.that tbe 8 Suacriber. Adminîstratoir ff sad BRffra side-car. $140. 'A i l-iifor $15.000, and Elsie M. Day bought be pac ws nlhuho e r adnd .'irch 29,Mar, LmZ.tadProk i. saeo hitpe ols sosaeatciy. P. 0 SBow, llibertyvuie four li nws ieo idnave iiiitiri.els.'. etc. And a w e ae n ie Saslm-tedPt'.ceaeed, wiliiattend the tzounty Court rbeISlt uws ieo ne hi-i engagement In annouîned Ilota 6, 7 and 8. blouck 22, WeshburuofLk unyaiatriheo o Piin, - 2 9lnue. with about 700 feet frontage - pins WuegnIQACk10 e onthe Ct foterIn Wer lfl- ~~~~ t~~~~~lrom Beni. 1Lowenmneyer for $20000 Mise Emanuelvon is about :,,il:Vol Srns akge Q .80 u odna b'CutIo.. u~a FOR SALE-Driving Boret.,buggy end'The lBoito' Link Golf Club lbou.1'ht Paut bout l.ot.1P7Crau ocksut2w1. W10staun ea.nuui ofy o h i baren iJn etrafUaylai2.SÙ3 about 153 acres ot the HuglitT. Hiru.h --paiak l u 1 . \,- $125WehbrnMonday o! June nuet, 116. when and - *farte In section 26 frontWinm .1. Mac- .N urC n wE UAicE.wer l esos.bvigca FOR SALE-Pure bred A.rcbîre bull, Donald for $18,000, and gave backs a M YS VE T SWatterson, lot 23, lhîirv Suludivi,ujoiiuinOstelid pesaet1. a e 10 fedand cinlee of the biet of hreding. J.I.tut edfr$1000t Cnr usd lot on eauut silcof Oakda]uu avet' t curt for adjudication. Donner & Son. Lake Villa, Ill.- & Trust C'ompaeny'. Mi R 'BABY nue Ares. W. B $10.BNAI OTS - , Millian G. Burge-ý bought a lot ou INIU!LU IUKc .Wattpr5sJîî andBENAMIN Ll>1'tl FOR SALE-White Wyandotte Bal>' Centrai avenue, west of Date avenue i951 Saude fi. Brady,.lt, on uist side f Aillsrtrwd.te îiA eCbksg. Mie. A. tiail, Area, 111. Phîonîetrot» Edgar M. Suow for $8,000. kJM e avenue, Ara. W. D.u-xcd 28.-.27L41 Joseph Dethaye bon-h a-0fo01t Iot JUD 1l IN J lIEt s'l. sukegtari,Ililinois, -Marrb 2010h, FO bL-eutu ace aron eattside of Gage avenue. frote iinu l, lot 10truste, 1 Morîtz Nubili1h Curtis N.Kimba109,r $u00. .worlib Suultclvi- FOR SLE-Bantîul mtcbe paI, Cutis . KîbelIfor 601.Sunday. May 7. is lo bcecalled sion. Weukegan. liod $4-5. ~ W 'l't'lL bichait color. registered Shetland Highland Park Presbytu-rlan Churili 'Attad>'"Mri 0 si;iNEuialat iorney'. pony maresitralneddfr chit Mrn 10 3ou, 1a9lot adoinN, Klb. cituanduWkly Mch%7l Afîr-7-11 poimarstrane fo cildento ou;hta ot djinig he hu,11 ilwas proîuosed by tie ti'at' boari wîfe 1 to sepubhui iiorth à() feui ride or drive single, double and tan-.îroperty.on Prospect avenue fro.nI obplht ikofBvSudyhe ot1,le 8 ilAiinr dema. Auso seddies, harnesand rlg. Carteton M'oseley for $4,000 fbat unak fli. una telt1bok>. Vi i ulllistl'ui ai Sufla Bru um PrinLakeForst, 11, Berard nd herea Stffenbouýbtiruil day ot s baby hiualfh conferenci. lHighland Park. W 1). $('.Oqj.%ItInCaory Wkly-4 t a lot on Michigan avenue. east or!s se ycruasisedb Iýtwr etaý i ~.. e.......'. it»avnuetro» lme ~ sggestdb cruar suudf>'tt aeacws "tru-c i i Ithe.irc iuit l'uiîet if ,LaIi.oîu t v Emaeu rmEieW Brown board that the weeuk be duvolet f0 ' qitarter'spection I t,iu-rivvillv. lown %%Vu iiiaui., iuî' FOR tsALE-Clover teu-d recleaued andi for $500., confercuces of te woman's clubs,! ship. W. D9. $10. SuIii.iii iuuiui, iiUitui ft'a.u..- ie ofmboatluatusweaieoeieed, wolots neered.The.J nckbu beaitit officiels andti ollerciie i- Nl. aster In Chtant, i n luiH.ti. Crumb, litii te iiiuuî iuurî t of uLake tuiuit.v oaloiemtuaîty Ateaseaiepins. wolot o caI ide of Sheridanitri ranizations. :t:îîacres l iniomlI , 14 andi 21,. i'teîil ii Jitie1lu at.ititu Fean Eouti PrarieVie, Ii 27t aenu frot E G.Woffant aio a There wilt !le t:lis to faîbi'rs and 1 Viauiconda îowne': lu. ieud $21,7M0. s fouiii Heun, lâhatiiuand liî ---lot onuNortht Osterman avenute. nothers. 'aby exhibits, lîruntedti d ti Fi la R dSr iJ 'g- s-il nu ii en Nu, 75(17. FoeOR SAe- il lOSrelitte uae woueast ofSecode tst-rma rnta eues . cationul mtater, movtes, Ldeninnstra t Wfi'fuel,1wesi ball. sout lair sf ast loU Pt ,1uutiuiNOIiicu-i. heiev ygici.n ttit1 Iufiod rde. thea [i HeseLak vel oSecnd ru-t, rot Edtn hon lonbaby feedlng. dressinz. itsiis .44, CorNaAditihon tlu Wauki'gaui. W iuru"iuiuiue ilthýder>i uîdeauiJ cuter. u Zuricl, III. plons 29.W.1. f265 P. Os3termaiî for nominai ronsitere-i. c uIinui i ii. IlIl au u i.u tien. , ~~~~ ~ ~~ngandi so forth. Anti of course tuere1.. 'Iýlao ',ut-ii- 1Pi$1 f ,r to.will lbe prizes. Apr ilfi - î;IL 3. Moran aud wtft, A 1). 1916, 1, PauI leitl(uttiii. Sst.rii FOR 8ALE.-t.overed platformipriîg l'George HerrinanJr. liought a lot For mnîfstens wito desire io preab hto D.rT.A iui.,4(P tu-et souîtb front, ofau'in i th ii.reuit iut ut eh..k Waon.* Vety cbeap et $15 00. %%fili ouOsterusan avenue trot» Edwin P. pca emn nBb udyteInWsigo tet akgn o)ýy alJnmudy h .rt cçarry twelve hundred poundc eshy. 1Ostérman for nominal lsroso aySna'tt nWsbntn are. $akgu.iiuitia 2) un f AturdlA>. 1 1h. iv-lt flur er.2P! nLk Zrc.OtoFak ogtstate huard o! bealth bas mati>'sug casi sund auuouîuîng lbhe Securîty Sav-i»'e""ui 22 a fA ni..il111 i (l.ieîhuun u' Ito'eIiuckin th.uelrî-uuuuae fler'Kea 2p Iilotane Zric ion neFr ougJht gestions and tolices. ings btnk. NW. D. 325,000 thleit main entratucp tu>the iCount FOR$^E-Grehomt 15o arr loets on n avene$425t.John Lake. ruent>' us toitold fils irst babi luE. ll rown anti wife 10Berna-. i lie u i 'tti C t Wau.egaeu, L.ake bar,ALE-1150; bis ewî 1250' o.n ARertso Alorc$42. Wtr: bugi'exhibit in Waukegan ibevweek o! Steffen and wife. lot 4, Browns Sub- I ,v ji,(i.»,a phocin wagon wth double bux; 1 mli wagon,, a lot In Rotary Subdivision and aise, May' 7-13 inclusive. The cuiceurgan- division, Highwood. W. D9. $500. fil. îilftiu't au . 1;tas uil' ail andl us double barnu.s.ingle haruffl,luil, ,a 250-fot lot on east aide ot Oakdelc lzallons of W'sukegan are behind thei John Griffith and wife 10 Edward itigular tule.toliosu te .îoei,ineaid barrons, etc. Ver>' reaonrable, F. W.- avenue frot» Clarence N. Durent for movemeut. andi the>' will have te J. Doyle, 132 acres on eatst ide Stik- d,-,',, iii-rtiiîî.il. tii it. @"Iileker, l% mile west of Lberty ville. nominal consideratlon and resoid te support of the Lake Colinty bieticai waukee avenue andi West of ries Purc..i tOn.:, l'lie eîu turine (1) rnu of pbooeeM. i. 26tf lot on Oaidale avenue lu Maude H. Society. Titis socuet>'hbas sîready> Plaines river. in sections 27 ant ,i. tIioîuth pa@t quarler uif the nuttî iast Bt-ad'. 'oted on the proposition ut iendlug I iblerty'ville township. W. 1). $20,010. Jiliirter ot Nctiuitithintv fie- 15) in . . . .. .. +. . .. . In Lîbertyvilie Township. Eglan- ils support lu the moventent, ati1iel.1.H. -McCuniiy andi wife lu Rollandi Towrieiiu tort.v-li-e<(43) Nonth. Ranige + ~ AT.ESÂTE *Une D. Stewart bouillt the DeMeyer doctors ut Lake count>' wiil agre.' [0 Stcyer andi wife, lbhe McCurtiy farrn far» d 80acrs u nrtba.s qur-camle In W'akegan and delicer ad-~ in section 12, l-rentont townshipî. W. ter seon 12 ors$20.500. qur-dresses ou the cure of the Infant. 1D. $17.500. FORSAL-W.hae aunulur o ux.IEdward J. Doyle tuai file tu the Speclal prizes will be given. and it PFW. Moody 10 Joseph Itanson. , FOR mlorsiebieàcuottro f &An.tueptwfat 0in ars nse undertoodtIhat the merchants o! lot1'1. block 7, Smith & Adents' Norths Ubetivlle iti lau 27an 28tro» JhnGrifit fr the cît>' are panning lu give many> Addition, Waukegau. W. D. $10. 1$20,000. prizes IL the womeu who will bave April 1, 1916. Estate ut C. 0. FUI SLE-80acr frci 1li I n Fremont Town.ship.. Rtolland andi this unl charge. The movement Young (deceaseti) lu Adele H. Wil- FmO SLEafCrub tarin. ountry Elizaeth~t Meyer bougitl the John H. la backed b>' the Weukegan Womnlaitms, part southwest quarter section boue.4)e W.Oroeelid, 175 W. jackcon i McCurdy tarin or 118 acres lu sec- Club and b>' lb. Feulerationu of Wom- 17 anti souihe.ast quarter section 18, Bivd. Chcago. 2îti lion 12 for $17,500. an's Clubs aud by the Lake Count>' Shields townîship. Deed $20.000. 1In Grant Township. Reuben B. Ma Medical -;ociety. Dr. Ambrose lit de- Carletoun Motel.'> and Wifte to Hight- FQR ALENew8 rotubWa 'B on bougbt e lot ln NIppersiuk Club servuîîg of much of the cretit of thte landi Park Preshyterian churcit, lot meo. Park Are., with bath and nuir Subdivision trot» lile E. Millon forcailg whbisengvge t14exp el10fetloc52 coueoanecUtF. Woalridge, Lti.ý nominal consideratlon. turtber te movement. and b.' stat..s Iighttlanti Park. W.1D. $10. vinse. Phone - -J. ~l nic. Cai. El tue ia ieei orao h b-mn lzabeth M. Anderman tu Johnt ______________bougiti two lots un Cras Addition ment aboult ifal tiowr. Gritfith, nortbl>' 49$.'tfret soultL . ... ... fr$530. iq etnrhtoars o 7, In Waucenda Township. îlerbcrt va Lake Forest. W. 1D. $10. + F R D NT 'D. Crumb boughti ai master, sale thte [JlI Mary OConnell to Kathlertue OCon 1 FOR+ + +++ ++ + RADIOretr at u 9 ei' STATION IN nelIbO acres in sections 29 sud ?90.1 1s the in sectios 13, 14 and 24 for $1., £j,Â'owshp.Q.C $800. FOR RENT-Niee 5romn ouet..$10,500. Ii ONAIAIIN kinanuel tSchwartz 10 R. H Ed ~The E nn Are-a, 1iiiB. D i. .iIn Shields Tt6;vnship. Adele H. C M 1SIN ~ ar- eî~t-lws 8at n- het'ile l.28I: Williams. ut Chicago itoughl the Chus A1L Ay ;hallfret fot 4, blnck 2, North West FOR ENT-uine. Lut.. 0. Young fart» ut 140 acres in eau- IJ1.W ALL WEER Addition, 'tsikegan. W. D. $6.000.g FO ETHi.luquire L u Bons 17 andi 18 for $20.000. Chiicago Tille & Trust Company' to National lBank, Libeutvviiue 29, fi -_ -Werner Stpengler, lot 7. block 70,1frI *MARRY I.' LO NELY-Ki ',, "t-0!î lleru,,,.. u out.of-, commission .i. ,,iHighlaund Park. Deeti $10.tfrl . . . . . .. . . . . .wiifing lu au-i ..l;v'iti il ii-rlIir', - l t ouday e.. a result o!flb.- recul MAIIAG -IÉN'S blee B*rmthepowertui radio mta- + W'ANTED .-i; ,r0u uî'r,îî.,ie.niul,e è . t.~t1 aa bA RA E IE SS 4riTm'O.tio' ai tteiGr.atutakMie naval train- Frank Kubicek, 16, Winnetka. antd + + 556 . .,.l. .i...i.2. .i. ing station was uput back tt ctinnt .re R2 aine. WANTECO-Uen iotrevi-ieîeltton Mut - - mission laie Th-iriiae. tiernotuinaî Worit51 Barnell. 22, Deerflief J. bepxp.'nieneed anti relielul"iir cure siii.-.* i % a (»Ionce more communicaion uwa'u es. unitMarte Tuer'i, 18. saine. "reilwl. AdIres. -'B' cure of tlieiu..ui.1re'piuiu.uiiie Chili 'utatili-ii.-!t %-_,l tabluistetwilh San Francisco, W'as-ib Emît Vi ncek. 25, Racine, eut Haz'l deut office 2ilgi.,u,.. au.I.t, ,v. i uit îeu.mtou sud other fer distant uintit»n[leers.1-20,seinte. i.-Ilr., iui eiu l sl,,iii . uiud te country. Lewts . Henuing, ?1, Rockford. WAN1EO-43-.oîl uil i,r isrui î'u-- ieniiil uv. l-liii'ut. ire 1 The task thut coufrouteti electitl.îî, HeIîu-n Cook, 20, Milwaukee. work Addnces t'4) Hit 2.144 or li%-.u-ui,'iI 24, ,,. îu 29i,2 clai thte navet statiun wa.. not an Benjamin W, Etty,.24, Fout du Lac. 102E. 'lIt - ~ ~ ,n.eui n h -otel - W i Ws., andl tuby Jenîts, 19, saine. EGGS FOR H>iTCING ere whiub badtolub.'mounteti betore Frank ltohr, 21, Chicagu, anti Filr WANTED.-.Miidie.eeed suu,iuuiaî nu. i su_,î wiI e.'..for' thuebroken Istrantis uf wire coîtidhi- enc..' Ntter, 19, saine. Y -ork t renareIl. ure covereti with lce. Dîe- Cals .touh 7 @oi t plr olu-tut nt .uu's .uui-..iii., el- t i . k reitiuilu..j hala .Cru . 27 ak Park,, sfuc y.a d li> iis a.n lu uiu.,iui i.uiti.'l l,>. i .fttu u t iifart lbhc eletrlîtans ilid 1.01 I., and Gî;urtrîte E. Stayers. 24, seta ' B i l C i l 1 I ta le r tla n d f u r o k n g e t e r d t d w a rd N o rk o t ,t. 3 6 , N o th C h îc a g o,, Bled Chîaic, li .1'lu. l'huii wtts'ili. ci ~., ief!iles for a few daye ilh wookli an4 Ada Lowran. 32, saie. lisi~uur1iufi lit-.. h.~ acc vîumpfd teîaverage mani, titiy, Atel Jîniun 21, Mlweukee, and WANTEO-4iriti.euut ,uiuwi lui itr...ii'," hadth ie satisfaction oft sî-u-ng if],'Stplila Mouian. 19, saine. luih ofiuî uliliu.s4,111u1[m. uuf uIl 0 (>Furlru Iu1.-'Il i w. t,'. ir. fe., station put teck intu cuin t Juihu M. iluder. 26, Milwaukee, auj Box 4011, Il.t .1viiile 28i1 'titl î.a i ui.î .ru t OlîzSIta X';.îî-lladl, 18, sanie, ii'.e'îtiti- iwu trwer.. titure Is aC1 itirI fG.lDriver, 27, Chicago, sud 4.7 .++. ++.++.+HO.E.SO.' .i..i.. .ut... laniti.flit,70 ,tc- ie tull aisSiîtluancir -Juhnson, 29, saine. + MISCELLANEOUSw9oft1EIICGrno,2,hia, l + u~ i u.iiu Ir Ll">,Il .. I i 'tnur î,f Vt.wrîarm ictoia Film, 27, Rame. +++t+++l..n.u .rut. . 7 tfil ire l. ,i l utwi'n eîatfid y Ooîu inî enn 29. ,Cbicago, a nd lat» ."Hueg Gronl titi flue ~i.u.îluit. .+ . + .* .lu'.u'..iui.Itu.eaI.u 1'asr+u art ara Cimier, 2.sne aânA <rounid Agi IJ[n-uies'Ii I .. + -r l s rulu r hui fmli uuiiel.23,Chicago, anti Anla tfiiiiue B yon , î 1'uîe 14 t'1 nuFUN l, . W'wuu .(f.cI 1, itre4t feycrs.15, tcante. abiprlei.Byrn L ST 'a,., tIi ius uurtu t iilo tK'-l 24, Chicagoasd '2tlt LST- iznîi vrauiul 'n ui' l ,.et ealtn, Ir le mari ,iho iii i iarlu IFlolrniucu \IfMalian, 22. camne. i.tfoui .et.i ui.5 .ii l . i t u uerquis.ii titi'Vd iu. Wfillam m. Price, 22, Milwauktee, Wbe you bt-. <cruaces t ti....<unvît. duie.. Fuuil, ,,uv.uî,i irte (dangi'roiss work unidtlusudhlm.anduRefieait M. K0ehlet.18, set».. .e8.*ieto disp<îse of, te.pboàe 292'I 1I llkeIlii 21.1 e.ut' 41 the' Andnî-w L. (Joodrich, 41, Wlnoua, -. ------ -tff ecnd tis-aue hwa. ufunei ha Bln..anti Lucy Thieme, 39, sente. ~ LOS-A Brde 1hi-. ,ll. ,.d thte wireless statioun ha lui-enouIt'of Wilifam Wage, 31, West Allia. Wie., fWes pe lpaiti for caUse.and ilit.'. Dib,t.tigd Its l'iu.-r ,t,. tcomision. Mi»l>ll AbrechI.1, XMilwaurkee nr vm ritse lRmait awk. Plunuis Pajune' Barme S bhop or Geingu Il, -.Gustaf Johnson, 22, Evanstan, and ,~, ii. 5U 2u-î indaencat rader BE NU. Astrid Cariberg. 24, same. cao ce Il gou ,Jou g In cas would saved havei neces is the 7« TZi c g m omasTseud'sM %&smt. u"?Md icost Portland Cernent On every bag of Marquette Portland Cernent you'Il find a green tag; zig zag in îhape; like this j G~a Tua 40a It means tested and guaranteed Portland Cernent Marquette Portland Cernent t Mad id I NI Cctîenit :\I .dutf-i tcng Co. À" CHICAGO. L.iNiS LA SALLE ILLINOIB Have You Bought Your Wire FeneBetter do it now. Pricés cumbing. Prices. Visit our Iactory. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO., UIBERTYVILLE, 1ILLINOIS feui (10). .ea.t (ifithe Tird iPrincipali bas.. prlî.. hall ie ut the line of i'ei 1 oai, Ai e, i' îrth .i aî, Li.d.-liverv oftheii.. a-ti-r' ed. quar(ý f.r. thi . ii t h e..t qiuarter o .d , V 1.ltl i a.î .r. tttiie Lb.. j ilsr fflii ioîi thirtc il ,.. i051 i t<îr..ekid eueypny a. e portio~n i(if hi. l'urihas.- Pi'ec.lTiir-..Ai.. t h.. w-t hltotfin.... t. vdcli ..riuw hîrii.ry note t he rîot ei i ih..ast ubai f t h'. it he'sugn if ,toui' hait î,of..idii,u ru hpeB Mou ast iiîart.r oft cccti,n tiiirtylite[ia. due on or teiîîr.. April luth 19121. (:Iri ,r).eu iii.erine irtenuet uet he rate uif liv.. p9r lParmel Four: Mo the eciîth Weet ucent ii.> pcr fer aiitîi. and i .iured by a quarter iif thi.e ,iith esttlq.ierti.r ifpurchsce uionev iîurtuffle oftheii. irein s,.ctiorîtiîiriy Oive (35 ffoatre«.iii, îu.rv. ie.em cipurcha-d eind i'oevi-îd ini theriretn ir (4) arreg on i.tiie. Vo-t l'nul 'tec(}uttin. Uastër tin thauceryý stil. end four (4) air-.. ln th ii. utbide Cirruit Ui>urt. Lake i'iuntv. Illiuîîin (if the Munaie.. iuted Waukegau, Ulinoi., MerchIr,1 1The cfaid cale ..hali iie a 1916 tooiwc. Tu- oep ut (10% i (itthe. unr- R..ltpiiîI 'v.oiuatatsSiii ichas.. rcimhuIl i. ;iîl et the.titi..ofut14 10 76W. Monuroei.St .,chicswii. tlàp. ale, end the nenainder of the. pur. Merci. 17 24 :11 April T fe Insurance ýonlq thing the public gels et cosi. '6old fine" legal reserve kind can nlo[ vronq, and nobody con lose. lss than the taxes an real estate gou carry a policq for a like amount. )u die, gour folks get it.---if ou live, get it. ie gou die, sonie of the money you Id have earned, had gou lis'ed, wiIl be : to your estate--il jou live. gou'iI money cownLsg to you f0 buy either :sities or luxuries of Ilue. LIFE INSURANCE ebest thing. JOHN IIODGE, Agent VOL G Grant Mai Givi Libi Vot Avc jori vis( The Lake V years,, to he Pl the esp Liberty' gave à 371. L remaini Ascii tu lake jau, n Grài Lake. Antio chil:s r when t the vie Grant. Ti.. tc Gfranti iýhil ini ale f W'aul iuy the li- qu Cil' I blilu il p artiuul tiniti varmliîu t ilcic rT .- The vu againq triti in tic latu s-y for uîîg a Thte niajoio 1110 Io NI'n'> The illilatf featur ofi lthi Younig and il toryi liercil tiie'il 1'11( louis: si cor Tot E. To \'. l'irai serti To Le [iraI Ser Tc C. V.irq, i4ecil Tu

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