CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Apr 1916, p. 11

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fINDEEEDBT, 'TDY S. FOR PIISONERS? Kankakee County Supervisors Authorize Attorney to Start Action Against Govt. SAME APPLIES IN LAKE CO. HoweVer, as in Kankakee, the Sherif f Personally Has Han- dled Ail Federal Cases. Ilecause of te tact tuaI Lakte countty lauit asiacconimodateti more federai prisoners titan auy ateër counl'lu inte tate oulside of Cookt COLHiYthi ie article below fronite Kan kakeRepublican le of interest la- cati>', brlnglug up, as Il does, a posai- bll>' Of te future lu Lakte count>'. llowever, I Lake cotîni>' as In Kan- kakee, te arrangement ita$ been en- flreiy belween Siterif (Ginlin ansd te tederal authorlles sud setlements fr keeplng lrleoners bave been made by te governieni on te saniehasts as luthie cane oai claie prisoners. Thte ltepubiucan Beys: Thte mycler>' lu the ofer of R. T. Stricklaud, an atoruey ut Washiîg- ton.,1D. C., wiotulaes taiite bas dis- covered a cousitierale lu- ain of te cauuly of Kankakee againal lite gue- eramneulof te United States, was ltarti>'ex piaineti ila arecommnda- lion ot a epecial comttee, appoint- cd et te tant meeing o!fte board ut nupervlsors. te Investigate te mater yesierday Tite commite reconin eticl al Sîrinkiand mni e tbe colection of te noney. and the reeommnîdatluîî was adopted by thie board. At te last meetnpot te board a lelter wss read. wicit bat beese wril- len iîy 9lrickhsnd lante caunîy cdent, setlng fort itaIte federai goseru- ment owed thte count>' a cunsderable sunt of motte>'sud uf!ertng tac, llecl te moue>' for a per cent. At tai ime ite gave no Indication wbat tite amount of te ciltî was or upon witat I t as base,! A 1siihcnnlle conIuioset t0,Sîl,iisors E Iletourne. A. C. Beardsley' antdlP. A.Leeîu, .wss s hîhil ni ld lookbrutoi,,temalter. Thte report ot the 'cîîmnitiee was read yenlerday. Anothitr etter frun Sîithanil tal ed tai t,-hemoue>' iwei! the coutu wcs for ttec are and cusludy of ted- cral prisonera u Inte local vount>' jail, lunuaklng Ils iuvestigationîs tite conmîlîree asi.ed %Ir. lreauit 10 wrte leters t,, ijîer count>' dents, sud lu doiîtg so il sas diseoveredti hiat Slrvklcnd itad w ritten lu Wiil. Grîun- dy. ('Onk, ltanpalgu and ater couli- lies. claluulîîg tha bae discovered i 1k. claims fortem egainst te gaseru- nient. Thte attorney bas offereti tu coellr ail the claims for 25 per cent and te cotnty le te0 be In0nocexpense shatr @ver. A leter tram Champaign coun- 1>' staledthaltIinquir>' itatibeen nmade at Washington,. andthiaf t R thaut bcd been fouud la bc a manofu trust andi rellaiility. Thte commîlîce recomniended tit te counly dlent, It conference siit te sales attorney,. gîve Strcklanti te power o!allumne>' andi cuthorize himtin tp1roceed tu colleci te aimn. M. i.ecoar staledt lt, as te count>' was lu le out nutiing ou titi malter. cudti ltiinvestilgatiousit ati 1rosed tailite attoruey visa a reliatale man. he beieved taiite sitould le engageti lu coit the moue>'. For FederaliBfisnr8. Titere îs an apparentt Inconslatettcy lît testateieutto! Strlciaudt t te effelt. tiat te couty bas a "con- sidenalile laînt,' ,wben te records show tai Kankat&e bas itati te u%- Indy out ver>'few federal PrIsoners 0ff recelîit date. M. Lecoitr believell, itoweven, taIttis cdaim whlch Sînicklanti speaks o!fnia>'date bacc( lu man>' years agO, posait1>' as earl>' as the cose ufthlie civil war. Re says taIlitere niay base been pris- O0r. quarlereti bers in cOusidei'able uumfler ai anc, limre. Accarding to10 Serit llýoltlUbr. haweser. lederai pnlsonere. who are careti for aI lite county ail, are cared for b> te sherli! snd te coeunlY eau clalinu bill agaltitte tederal g90Y ernmeul. Thte malter. be Sa>'s, la one la le setleti betweeltte sher- i! aud te gosrentl. He ciledth Ie oni>' case O! a tederai prsotier, 'sio bas been lu the county j.11 ince hie terni ut office began. About s year ago, JOe Belanite was coniued lu the counlu' Jail here for 3o days on a citange o! boolliegging. Thte governmlfenl allows 50 cents c day for sucit prisoners sud Sisenifi lohfuhr prese nlet is chalunaio '$12,50.butI su far he bas ont recelved is moue>'. le siufurmied that thii tund itat been exitauteetansud Iat ai soon as another approplrliton lemade by congres. be woId gel is moue> Pirom tiis il wuuld appear tat tor recenttbille for lhe care at tederal p tsails a east, te guveIrulentlaI ~~ptsbe 10 lie siserif indlsidlialî anti net Ifs tbe couni. Sef b coîînly bas s cails tor carnig for prisotiers. l itI b 1e an old une. 0 Velvet for Cieunîfla. A emali pece ot vlsaI tesaa Sue ciesan for hress. andi for polishing sil- vervare itlalebetten titan chtamois. il quiotl>' renioses the duelt rain Sod- sort, anti if use! ta nui thl.ebove aMt er il ban beau biacited sili produnc a hlgh polls. Thra le nothIug hber la, dont a fel bal. Silit dreaies snd oter iii articles shouiti aiwaYs ho dusted wlbh it, for il cleanu perfacl> wthoub cuting or othenise mmmuin th..81k. Six Sylieblethei Bib. Limit. There are nu sonde of mre tIbsa MIx syllables ta lhe Bible. 0Q OFFICIAL READINGS 0 ,w &IUn~A9I 0 OF THERMOMETER Q AULU 0 Accurate Date o tn ding Qet 0 meneur>' » recorded.tram tait. 0 NIRE OF viUn 0 ed lhermoneter nt Great.Q foQ hepu L tesNva nln St tIo o Q . Mrs. Winter, Who Died Tues- Q orlb pettwnl'~ou hur.0 day, and Mrs. Vandemark 0000000000000 Were Neuar Neinhhnrs. WednesdaY, April 5- 3 P. m.-32 aboie. 5 P. .-3:4 above. 7 p. m.--42 abave. -9 1). ni.-36 above. 12 m.-28 above. Tbursday. Apri; 6- 1 a. m.-29 abose. 3 a. m.-24 above. 5 a. m.-24 above. 7 a. m.-26 abave. 9 a. ni.-32 above. 12 m.-36 abose. 1 p. m.-52 aboie. 3 P. Mi-52 abase. 5 p. m.-38 aitove. 7 1). m-33abave. 9 p. m.-34 above. 12 m-30 above. Frlday, Aprli 7- 1 a. ni.-32 above. 3 a. m.-31 above. a a. m.-34 above. 7 a. ni.-36 abose. ba. ni-40 abose. 12 m.-48 abave. I p. ni.-48 above. 3 p. ni.-40 above. 5 p. n.-37 above. 7p. m-3.5 above. 9 P. M-35 abuse. 11-1 m.-35 above. Saturday, Atiril 8- i a. m.-32 above. : -a.n.-122above. .a. n..2 abave. 7 a. m.-33 chose. 9 a. ni-36 above. 12 p.-ni.f16abe. 1 p. m.-36 above. Sunday, April 9- 3 P. ni.36 abose. 5 p. m.-35 abose. 7 p. ni.-34 abuse. 9 P. M-32 abose. 12 m.-26 above. Moîîday. April 10- i a. ni.-26 aboie 3 a. m.- 26 abuse. 5 a. M-26 aboie. 7 a . M-26 above. 9 a.nM-3:1 aboie. 12 ni-42 save. 1 p m-42 above. 3 1) aboie- 5 p. ni-56 above. 7 1) -5 2 above. 9P . 491 aiove. 12n.-4r, abuse. Tîx-sda>'. Apnîl Il- 1as m.-42 ahoie. 1a. mn-44 alose. a. mi.- 45 abovie 7 a . im. Si)above. 9 a. m.-6i2 above. 1*2 ni.64 ahoie. 1p1. 6:1aboie 3 1. ni--68abose. 5 p. m.-60 attove. 7 p. m--61abusa. 9 p. m-,60 aboie. 12 ni.-501abose. Wedneisday. Aprii 12- 1 a. ni-46 alose. 3 a. ni.-44 abuse. 5a. m.-42 abova. 7 a. mi.-43 aboya. 9 s. nm.-47 above. 12 n. 5abuve. 1 p. ni-56 aboie. 3 p. ni.-3 abuse. WINNERS 0f MEETS WJLL CONTEST IN 'Y.' iYM MONDÀY Graders Who Have Won in In- dividual School Meets Will Try for Final Honors. AtRE TO AWARD BANNERS. Wautegsu. April 12. Manda>' aftetnoon at ite Y. M. C. A. big cil>' grammer echool atitietic meat vil! behieelti ronahl te boys wha bave laten places lu the Salar- la>' scitool M ees. Titis week Satur- Lau' lteMcAlislcr scisol vîli bditis neel aI lite "'Y' sud 1h11. wl!flUluli up lte Indisiduai scitool meetc MI cita base latken a firs1. secound an bhird place In au>' event hInlthe dit- fereul seigit classes vili compele In te final one on Nionda>' for lte citai- pion boy alhhlet lte cil>' sciool s. rThere will be lirce tilitereut boys, one in lte 85-pounti cîss, ounite 115- pounti clase anti one for te unilmit- id clas,. Tva lanuere or peunants will bs awardeti, une lulte sciool lteb vwine lte most pointesud une lu lita scboa ltaI Cakes second phace. The scbool lta lise loy attends wvit ates a finel. second on thîrd place vil! bu gisen ise titree on une point respect- lveiy. Tise boys hase been prscitng bar, fan lte lest 150 veelis. dolug tel besi ta be honsitape ta show taI lite can doasoine jum ping as u nunn Frai the sbowing matie tous tan In tise Saborda>' meele lte boysOf the Cil>' wli mate soie ver>' goot rai- antis especlaîl>' in lte runanng h jtîmp ltaI sill eqush Ihase fhateIn alter cilles- Ail tise"Y" boys who ara to taii part in Monday' s meet wili be giseT a chance ta get a gond praclîce and some pereonsi coacblng aI 4 u'cioc< îon Thureda>' afternuafl, buftane b Sgo lu simuhitg. .d ir ýy ln In ke en iid tii il Why Mon Dn't Wed. Ou, tfain young friad ChOinni msyuthe failure o! snme omen te gel marrie! una>'he attibuiud ta, tht fttact bat tise> dan't stop talking lo"a enough lu give a mm uata ce 1<t prooee-Nev Orleanes ta%&e CITY'S OLDEST WOMEN. David Hirtel Is Oldest Living Man in Waukegan-City Is Healthful Place. Showing how s few deys' Inter- Vention change@ hurnan lîves, bu- Mian thought and humnan condi- tions The Sun prints the article beiow toernphaeize the tact, an a rticle written s few deyes&go but held bsck to b. used ae a lest- un e stor>'. The @udden visitation of lb. hand of deatit upon Mns. Winter Iiiusrate. how unexpuct- edl>', how auddenlty Ihese change@ n le cornes. In other wonds, while a luw deys ago the tact& etated buiow prevailed wilh ret. enence ta the two aged womnen, the. denilse of Mr@. Winten on Tuese. day leaves ber aged friend, Mn@.. Vandemsrk, alone. and what wa plctured ne a spring hope wilI not be cherhshed by theme lwo aged plongea. This le the article which à Sun reporter prepared à few dey* ago: Living wititin a blockt o! eacb oter, Wýaukegans "grand olti women." buth over 90 years o!fsite, are hnging for wari weatietvrluarrive In rder taI te>' na>'renew teir acluqiltlance suit itas rnuoser nianu'years. Mrs. ïP. Eniellue Vandemant. wba. If sitelilvesutil June i10 neal. su!l be 97 years aid, ies with ber daugit- ter, Mns. Richards. 321tSitermian place. Site le up about thte bouse ail te ime, but dtinug liis colti seather lu unable ha gel ouI ut doors. Anîidusu lte sireet s shotrldis- lance le Ine. Piils b\'nten. situ on blari 21 sas 91 years of age. Site otsB and acte lite one sito mîglît bc 201 years youttger. Sit, bas no ail- mnus shalever, accordîn>' lu ber daugitter. Mns. Jos. Conîters. wih viton itee livu'. Indîvaling hlow slnong site lIs. i lvrecalledti ltIshe aclîltfour Miles into te i'outr>' a tes tuontits ago lu alttenitetuerai o! ben sisten. nr. George Sllckney, wh iu u ati tasset te age of 90 A year ago Mns. Chilo Btrown, anoîber sister, dieti at te age o! 94 andtihie surviviug siste, Nins. Stictue>' anti 1Mrs. Wintcr, attentiet ber famerai Tue deathtoutMn, Sticitue>'leaves Mrs. Wlnter tiie oni>' surs lvlug mena ber of te famll'. Titese somen. MNrs b inter sud Mro- Vatdemark. are the oldest soi. an In te communil>' ant i Sre. Van- deunark hiolds te distinction o! being te oltiesipersan in the cIl>' Of Wau- kegan, Titis distinction was helt b>' Samuel S. Greenleat up 10 bis death a few weets ega. lie sas lu bis 931 yeer anti sas one o! the clY's liiu- neer sitae nercabuts. Tue oldest mian in the citu' ln favidi ilirtzel. wbo lives sliith is daughter, Mrs. Joe Coruisit.ecuNontt Sheridan rond. le i5 patîI 93 years o! age it in 110 chosel>' conufined 10 te bouse. le lias lived itulite (it>' ian>' >ears. Oeath Rate lo Los. Stalistics teptb b> local authoitiies show liaI Waukeganes dealh rate la fer lower taitnte average ciii utlils size andt ltIlongevil>' ta character- lotie o!fis populatiun. Titene ane dozeus ut men anti women whu hase passedth ie 80 mark. Gouti sewage as s resait ofthlie ci>' iîeing locaieti on s iigh bluff, fol>' 50fted abuse te a(e, logelber sith a trealeti waten suppl>' taken from tlbe laite. gu lu mate tie commu nit>' a beaithu' place lu ich tolulie. ALLEN SUS TWO BI(i BOILERS ARE ýNEEDEDAT ONCE Chief Water Works Engineer Tells Deficiences That Exist at PumpingStation. W. .1. Allen ciief engineer aI ite Wauykegau saler sorte, appearetibe fore te cil>'commission aI teecos o! te egular business meeting Mon-ý day nigitt sud s$ketipermissiou 10 la>' before thenietlert te conditions; ltaI exht aI itesaler wrke. Per- mission sas extendeti. As au introduction,.NIr. Allen tld o! te equhpmenî uow Installet i aIthe station. Tiis equilîment Icludes: One 6000000 gallon bigis dut>' Pres- cuit pump. Twu 2500000 gallon 10w dtt Deane puimpe. Total pumpiog capacîl>' of 11,000e 000 gallons per day. One Scotch marine bolier o! 250 barseposer. but neyer able ta furnist anysitere near tat amount, Tva horizontal, tubtular bolIers, bath practicali>' bolette; bth con. demneti b>' biler inspectera. Need Two Bolers. ni. Allen Iben proceededtet asserl that wbat te cil>' neede is 150 neii 860 horsepoven ballera ta le installec in placeoattise olti balera ici lonu ago adatiullîsedti Ielr usefuhness Tisese twoa ioliere, hae siti, aul( sort lu canueclion vils lbe pressan 250 horsepover bolier anti voul! nmaki Il possible taebut down une outhb, boiliersavisenaven necessanu'. Ha cali 0Ihat 1If occaion.demande! une ofthl m360 harsepaser boliers coul! oparal 1 aI! tbree of te prasent pumpe. C Ha vent on ta explain that Whil the pyeent large bolier willi mise itigis steuaupreusure thal lita amallur1 unes willi not and that If lha Ibreea boliers ver, usai! lu coninuiclion thal the higheat pressure tai coulti le ah- tainad woold b. the maximum pres- sure that tihe sinailer bolIers coulti eutld. Ths, buaetid, wouid unai sup- p>' te cil>' wltb fine iressure. le esld a seriotis sitution nearhy deveioped t te Rosenluliitm ire about ten tiaus ago wheu thii large pump goi overiteateti aud l sa-ifeanedt lt thte enisier pompe night iave hoaIb put int commissiou. If titis liadit een doue, he said. iî woulti lise been Im- passible ta melutain ire ressure and! lte entire Ibusnees district would have iteen audangetuedAs htck wouhd base il, ha sali. tiie rire prac- tlcaihy waseaxtinguisiti-i sien the condition at tae pumPin>' station bc- came adule. Telle About Intakes. Thte speaker then toit abîout lbhe vît> lutakes. Hae aid te igîtiar 24- mci ultake lg capable o!fsiiiiing seseus milon gallons of saler eseru' 24 houx, when titere la nu lce troubîle. Wben more tittiis ansounit o! wa- ter la neetied be said Ih lia-i leeu nec- essary ta fai back on titi subitnake whicit extends, a short distance Intu the barbon. This prantîîe, lie pont- eti oui, le dangerous ant i 1liabl t t resuit lu mach dîsease foîr tite waler drawu trougb te euh iniake i; more hiable lu be teaslly poilutei titan ibal tramitelonger intake. Drivers o! sprlnklng ag'ons. bu salit, are a menace la ithe' amp sit'cu supplies te cil>' sîlhi'aler, Wien une ot the hydrauls lvaupeied sud- deuly bu permît a sprinkling wagon la le Iiledie hacit,. te pîîmîîraces ta keep up te pressure. Then Il muet gtoeI sutdeti>' vien te hYtrant la tunneti off. If twa hydratîts bappeneti ta bc openeti aitlite saine ie th ie re- suit mlght ha dîsacîroug. WlitlrM. Allen recomnmeuded sas tiatthuîe d1rivers o! ux4nllng wagons le obligedti a fi11 Iheir wagons sit a buse not exceatiigon ansd a itait incites lu diamelergsa Hier,' souttibe no sudden demanti for saler. lucu- deuitally Mn, Ors sali b,' woîld se ltaI au ordnance Isetinatteti aI once, seaing that thîs suggestion la carrhed out. Would Instali Meters. Anotiter way ta conserve te sup- ph>' of water. accortilug uo Mn. Allen le tb nstall meterc genenailu' hirougit- nul h uc rt>'.lie saidlte peoîle i, î care'.ecsly saste muchitesi-narete onesita are niaklng l expînivu lu openale te plImPiog station, Meterv. be thioughitl.wouid le a ci k ont ii-ý rcciless sud unuecessary w'asie of saler. Mr. Allen went an rcî or,! asi ieiug opliosedta te Installationîî if eu-& tricahi>' uperated centrifugai pompe. sncb as have been dis,,tîssed. I-- sali the coat of uperating these pompa ta mure than twiue tai ut runniug te olti style o! îuotps. lie stggesled taI it ii lut lieci' say a>' u li>'more pompsaaittis int, lut merehu' overbaul the two olti Deane humus siticit ie sait woid bl ale ta furnisthpleul>' or saler for years ta corne If addltioîîai boliers were lusalleti so that sufficient tprs- sure couti l e maintaineti. lie titouglît titis was te economuical way ont of ltse situation. Coniissiouen DuraI ot issue with bînI. Allen luli te tatemeut tai nu new pompe are needed. He sal4 ;' teit Il was lime to lhrow away te olti pumps witicit ite regarde as botlit111e itetter titan juk, sud replace themn wlit pumpas hirt wil gise satisfac- tion. Su fan as lecrrcall>' aperaled cen- tritîîgal îîumtss are coucerntetite sali ite Iliaugitl the clu>' ougbltu a ee 5ha1 tinti o! a concession te Public Serv- ice Company' sili tîate lu case a cou. tract Is entereti lotou lie titougitt possihi>' the cil>' migitt furulsit lis owu electric clîrrenl if te elecîrie coîpanys lrice shoult ibe tociigb. He saiti lie sotîlti lueopposedt luspeni- Iug sontie $3i5,000i for te Installation of nes boliers andî a PumP like tte one nos used by te cil>' sien two ise millioni gallon centrifugai punii can le purchaseti andtiInstalied 'for but ous-Ibird oft litI amount. Théeodore Bliech, manager ofthtie Public Service Company,. sas preseut sud quoleti figures on lthe cost a!fte centrifugai purnPls. Cil> Engineen Douliitt also gave détails o! tise pump. After a long discussion of tee uh- ject il sas decitiedto tmnake a furîber Iuspection o! tbe ceutrifugai pompe as te>' are lu opération ln certain cilles aud also iu gel a price front thte Public Service Conipany' on te barge Ibat soulti le matie for current. Accurate comiparative figures are te bie coniuiled as lu lite cost par gallaki for îiuming sater witlte présent pompa as coiparedti ltlie cost per gallon as poîietib>' te centrifugai pumpe. Commlssloiier Orvsseenied lut- pressect wlth thie staiemeut o! Mn. AI- len taI Ithe olti pitipecoult ibe put Into service anti answer ail neetis providuig Ibere are suificlentl boliers, l ut bé sas oppuseti 1u tise uggelel plan of purchasin>' Iso bolers. lie lbought Ihat if il la tounid possible lu Imitai one large bolier, one of per- Ybaps 400 horsepower, sud mate it -serve aIl neetis, thaI the problen iwlhl 1have been soIlinlu vr>' sabsfacý 0tory mauiner. To Haee meller Fout. Tise nez viii rejoice ta hear thal an Engllsb scientist deciaru tht uni- ews feet are growis w maliar. Hae elsinus thal a slnd>' ot former types@ 0f fot gme ta prove Ihst the teet of those of lisir endestone or bisose utflte sejffe races. Perbape. atler &Il, lh. miske ot Illi-etitng shaus have not sWtousl>' dforethle lb geral tYPe of foot. Deity OptiniillOI Thougbt. Not ooryoue le a hunlama Un bs bowe a hum. rt l1 1 lit te e ,te le 4,1916.-- SOUTHSIDE SE 'tend froni s'ale' streel Common- A petltion situed by a ilséd@tW - wealth avyenue and wilbe ut rein- property oy ners aslted for heý toreed concrete. of Oak s teet. A resoIutiM i PAVEMENTS; Sanie Urne ago thie two cities paRsed prepared and presente4 At thè *t. FO PVEENS;resoinHions or Ibis lind and tiie ordi- meeting of thiebad B~ were ap proved and passed, but Members of lte boardhae lit PA E i uwhen te asgessmei t rolifr hie given to understand that petilliM t. North (Chicago side w,,s lake,, loto belng circulated aiking titat other county court for approva ifi waq airelsb,' pas ed. Titese seemis ta b. koked oui. liea use ofi liai fait quite a universal clanior for pave- Wakga ndNrt.hia no effort wsvniadse Io i ccithe ai,- ments onithevpart of soutit aide rusi- to Act Jointly-Old Project proval of te roll tir ili, ' Wsikeg.i: dents. When thie proposed pae HasBen evve. Bide of uit' tree t. nents have been eonipleled lte roid- Has Ben Reived. On Nionay night the bîoard b>' me- ways of a number of streets will have lion siiggevted to the coiil thaItihe beenî improved immeniseiY. PASS OTHER RESOLUTIONS. oli proc,'edlng lie aoaidoned. TIti, ing utft'e ouniilh. 'l'h.' reoluijoit fori Hie Defective M.eor>i. M uddy Conditions Cause South. the pas îiîg of the Wiaikegat, ie of An abseet-minded piano tuner rUglU. Sier t Dmad avng jthe trict will lie erescî,ued ai tered at a Chicago bote!. forgot t»* Sides ti Drnan Paing passe(] ai tlý,iite\t me'etinig of the names ot bath hotel aud strat«.aMd Improvemnents at Once. Imîîriierent board. T'li'n, if thi-ri had ta put an "ad" in the paller, auk. are nri,) ojectionstr frotl roperly own- lng witere a mian by hie name h»Adr* Theextemey mtit>' ondtio ofersiin Wauikîgan and Nort Chicaego lstered. Titis la better Ihan the buard. cThe ruatsfr tii, hastscoieionwofes t î<,eîîi l l e advancd as.ed quip on the artiet aho put bis ua- biYads foak helWastksega ciizes.rattidis as possible 'The necei'iliy If brella to bed and elood ail nlgbtt a' bapartluiaiytisali bg on litesthpaslng Tenfh sirci hbas, lee',,reiog the corner. Bide, to the lienefitnio!fliaving as lier le o u'lne ,î .peai bai,, notitin>'vise eîîuid have dune. during thie la-i 1,-w wee'"i when tihi For the iast Iwo îor îhree meetings deeps oil it as mnade tiiivin-et pracr Tralning the Child. thte board of local improvemelits bas lîcalu' inipasable. 1 A childe mid and spirit wil!!bu been besieged wiîh petlîlons train A petilioti 'sas iîresenieil by pîrop- tweeter and more sympathetic for Ob souili ide proîieriy îîwnîers, asklng enlu' ou îers asking fourilhe- las Ing of knowlPdge et music. lil le au natitmal Ihat certain sîreets hi îaved. These Helmhoiz aveneîî'. 'lhe picîjlon was for a citild te alng as lit la for the Cbi!d properiy owuer.,jri,' vo anxlous for accomPaîîii ýitby urîsiîiltiii cîli o>'t talit. Given the lînowledge of Olà- thie work to go in tai liii' present for titi- Ëyiîîg of a rî'i,îlorced '02- asrhyvltmlte cbild w!!! easily slliv, liettilons on whld, ter,' ia major- CrPe eiiaîenîeîit lua iiliof'- u t . tintedancing. ane of the hast arts for h>' of troniage lni favor If te mi- The estimaitied Ost utft' îiîlirii iegvIng grace and poise of carrnage. provenienis. ment 1.9tis 7:.Tiie'res]iohnuî a- One t ii,'nioi iiîotatTiîonapaesed.'iThi,'publlic ilearingl l bcI î, Otndeothefosmteimlitant wasietit eld Aprit 24. Keen Feminine Eys. ed lu 1h,' board on Monda>' niglît whvît A resoutliiiiifor tie ii'aîng or <it,- Net merelu' do the women ueo. tg a niaJorîlu o! properiy uwners un lte mings avtue f rom MeiAlii-ter a-e relleh bousekeeping, but they cWil north side of- Teuth streel, petilloneil nue te Lincoln avene was tîreseniei. titey can Bee a dîfference in the P te have tai sireet îîaved. A slmi- The resoluiton calsa for te laYln otf pearance oftIhe roonis atter the fer, larpettin. ccmpaie bya esoo-a relntoreed concrete pavement t Itris ail put back.-south Be" tin was îresenied te lite Northi Chi- wldth of 2.7 feeti. The esîimaled vo?:' News Times. cago coutiliat h sainielimte. Thte la The 69A pubiieitearine _______ plant is for te iwu cilles ti have te Ailrîl 21. Pruperlu owiiers iîeiltioned New and Up-to-date Mlap of Lake County, Just off the press and ready for delivery After months of painstaking labor and the expenditure of a large amnount of money, THE DAILY SUN has had published a beau- tiful and fully comprehensive FIVE-COLOR MAP 0F LARE COUNTY Showing the namen of ail acreage o-wners, distintive township and section lines, all Cfties and villages, churches and principal streeta s in cities. Every road in the county is plainly marked, gravel roadls, state aid roacis and dirt roads all have their dinstinctive m a rk s 4 - n ll LÂKE COUNTY JLAL. iv", - su - $5.UO ONLY $5.UO Th % s yfar thoe Mt ad mot accurate map ofLake ounyvr publshed. very iel o! r pe rasfered ptoJune , 1915, has thenCle o! thepresent ner. "The mp s rnted on heavý and oubatg&Utia paper, cloth bound at the egs i mount- ed with sUtic1 at- both ends. This fine new map can be seen at THE ESUN offie au& the price is "5.W.

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