LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY-. API?11, 14, 1916. Paee S~evien- IL IL MRS, BEJIN 61VEN IIARROWINGi EX= MAN 'WHIO WS IN WANT McCANN TO ~1DAMES 0f $500 PERIENCE IN FIRE WAUKEGAN NOW IS TAKE UP RESIDENCE ________ ojY-to AGAINST R. DADY FATAL TO AGED MAN SMALLPOX VICTIM~ AT üARY, INDJANX 1Frceh'indred dollars ta 1 William Rosenblum, Aged AI- Waukegan Authorities Receive III os, lo.' irait w htii.i aIiit _______________ara,eesobert(in Nirfa, most 80, Passed Away at W rdFrom Springfield to Iý'1iI Ih'i' r ta'ri o lo tioWu ira atpay ta Mrs. R. a o 7':15 Sunday Evening. Check Up on W. Schutt. 'ak.tti ihra i. THE LOCtAL IAII4.I< OUNDRY E PL YE I 7nIING RDneTV]drestrect for ha t'h uci \ii. , ".rrîrrrt n .iîiî atf OVr irwth a borge aind :11 iholt'. iki., n. '.Jîr.i t ayear ago. Mr. Beh ihltb ifoc r TheIharroa ir..' 'iti'rieupiý(-f rîrî t , ' it 1 , le nhtriagéý irf itht' fil, sidatIa"î 6ET AP RO RIArHE D S StNDtheEDTIj OrBILE 0c 111" m 1"'ian, t oeriui ag- rAr tqir , iîii, morninirî r ar rn 't '.. aîrî l Clubr as i.',I,rtaitit,- r upos ArK J'1A ILU JY iIL I ~ LJ~A~I Fri ld ta only a forth r , ru'rh. :t î" , r,.jrn ing bui Sçhrtt ît ir,:: Or "1Il ' lion r nt ia br'w.rv o'iI-k'îr TION 0F $Iô,gXiO.OO 111611BOND FIXED IN 'WAUIROAN JAII pr b he urtaits Satr I tr alle ttago 'J'litoîhed th, d'atti Stti (fil ' I> r l,,, l ,.hr ~ it _______________ - totd ibis rorning becil ortî ai,'r c ,b1,ntttclti[,,,"tIl'v. "tir ni'eral i e itt " . i, 1 1 mt i ,t r oin thltii' tr' wer), This Wili Permit the Work of Bulgarian Arrested on Fridlay Alleged Soul-Mate Is Released, hait adjourned. . weii., irior r.,tire, ir, 'Illeriged manie 1hi-1-c ,t "III.4 ti1aiinta il a i u, 'tio' w.looc Dredqing Out Sandbars to Night Alleged to Have Col- but Jordon Continues M"at ie n dtht beor rom h- r , ti ,'aitîIin ll(If r:rîa reifoca or ttjith, Xr,, ,',, ,,1 ti' il IIIs t.r,1t,, a ut tii hdo r r o h > IClis l:ril ,ff c to "tl Sr r ai ',-:I i ' r Se i t ( ta' t S ru.'in aî ii ioitl b t- Start ImmediaWy. Iected $500 From Men. Writiflg in Jail.* flot as renad.a îaIde.l~'t,r hIt to, l r*,ter 1te,4a.r r'11 ,an'.ii,,tr aîei O NI,î triîî'r aiî'gd 's'îitn.," mtt'd hentheverict a r on tirsiand bh e n o, tarry crd ii t*tha (ura , .fo .'"~. 'r t iliri.i h' irri nt cg-it 'l'iî Pnîiriî ulage vrdi t f y ieîw s sbjettlA mliel'te co mis-in iIr ti ml'aedki'ew bloiin Warrian 0: rt This i YPar by the'goerriiient ù, o l l 'uiy assai 0w, a Iiilgaria rîîen itIJorti.wh.iin u.iant$50 damuages wsra. tt'wti"î Rsn'îi ,msti a iutlvlre . rol i.' . .i' ,. u i no rui i tti'r i-iuss tier arnrii , lyo ofthe tca[tg a third ocition of Itle 1115'Wahile' damages a docter's bil !or i - art]-ard lie rîtatiien i, 'la- "tri-rlt, iiutotira"..'r r"hii'iifltasî ii.uraitIsil Cli of "hîcago. Tho apr~prriation dry (Company, a'as tatuan rrouf bis 'tîiiiinsteel'at iian id oct,' l ioor.,.'the frees of three attorneý 't iI, 1, at ,-i tioiti .î rtarr Sr",, ii't at rhe týii ifne a t w aiready pas.iîd' il(-îtî's' tatc was 'areFridaY ntghtîwlen îîarry JI",;anoti tirîii ibelhratautfronti",, rr:tiîiy patd. This dates net taire t nI, on- larry l-osouliiiitilles î r h.iii"r's Suw sic'. I,' r jt tri ,rîî i'rtl a Iii tok Proî"iî't, ho i 'îtisti n proveut \loîday lytugrs.Teer employie or ftle to wrî,gii t tait un .1. Hrtiff stdî'ration the tees of wttii< ",s tore oni East Washriinton t iet.iiii a case ho ,] rii iat liec ornerof Stherdan rmalt Waukegan harhor Il t s a $16,.000 dustry. proî'urad a warrant for iti A gray hiî'twomnt N, ti Tevric eetwa o î ailaler had tîe'n livin ig arr billî). The police air (IrI(tuI- i iife111 ,i, nd itstno r.lrit. lia. pir,'iased theO lbhik going lu iî,*,.iTh e arrest on a charge of ohtainiig ,moi.-IplasPed the Gtiýth miiestone o!ra raller than vtndicttve. datuti-%t - \ s. th1e ir,' bruireeut ino o i ttel manragemi ri i 't t'r"'.c-l- irne' a aloiiu ilstui' ai Spitinigfieil, Il.. fotiowtng items In the ' ., ,,,,<iitio<uîy under taise treteosin r 'ame ta Vi aikeh'an lare' lriitav îight tortity Orvis o ol ounse] for N\,lr hho irsitîîhorîgltof Itle, tîvaî toaîi it sas toi(t toiremain riii l rîbt ,riril air ion t', iiuiav.'Niay ;o,.lie'ptians ta wer. attnOtted by th[lue iiiiiv'.,rtuat!y When JestI)recured tîî' warrantî wifhli $ilit ii uîldaii th'fotuti ti ien ,,a'.si'nîeitatter the verdict r , i.t'n o ,t untit the Rfames were lre.îktttg horougl tumigationtiof Illei,'lii iandîl too'.aili)that City. The' Springfield wthout dehate: for Wasselow'aarrest h l thepo-lie waastThiri gray-hairaut oid lady was read. "We thougbt ve ver i t.Ii'i t hrough the' watts sud Itoors of!fthc- aiso vaccinatioîn of li ev iii ,who htii, flasahich i li îtake over tg Hiarbor ti(Chicago, iontinuiîng i,' that he Musi be served vithin 2" 'May truder's mottien t'pari her ar- to 'indictive damages, but %IIluih ibuilding that relatives recattît [hehui'at roomsle *ea. Tire giienmn ail toot r'-girdpaitas îîe of the hast saloon Improvement by constrrîî Ion of a tminutes for Wasselow was preparlng rival itithis cty she souglit eut S'her takzeao appeal." dangerous pliglit o! the ageld man. theatter gond uat.red5liî'bcao Ifise lasnd' ile tha t-tata itàt. breakwater ta torniait un îulr ar. oIi asse Waukegan. il! Grittin and confided to hlm tirat r1'Mr. Dady admttted onIll a'tîitt[[amy Rosenhtum, followed liy two or was realizeu that tiriegui ni \viio had iClaudte H'er'iick, prolitlor ofthe baer. 8714.300. -egs. daImathat lie paid Wassetow .elle had succeedeut tn colectjn- that he vas worth over $1 oirtuIr r, ut three others, rushed raplthe tairway tipen ln the room oinques'tion î'orîdî't 1,09 <.ahii, viiigo l Indianapolis, Htarbor at Calumet. tor main- tfie aumaof $20t when ha promised t teenough moaey ta put nit as honds te iltat5satli e la Worth se% erai1 ime' f rom wbicl the stuoke vas pouring, have communicsted the îi iasse direct-r tout, or to Kenosha George McDer- tenance, $25000. get hier a better paying job ai the acure her daughter's release M a y j tlit ameaitnt, From. tits adi,iis ' go their way tlirough dense ly te anytody as Le~ was wiîîî ne ena. tiiotî dectdad wlialher or not ho Chicago river, for muilntî-nnca hardware foundry. Jeasaclaimes that Bruder vas taken in custody and s'al and the fact ttsat the plaiiiffims a oke, and ttoalty reacheut the lied- and re5lly never opaned isbeli t au ,wilt piicrhasa a saloon business et $30000. Wassselow tenir $205 f roin hlm. aO belli ta the grand jury wth Jordan, woman If wasthouglit piai Itul t' s ie <of the vtctitm t-e lhat heen t00 steep in lt-lie ieneiy taid down ou Kanosha.It mwas retiortaîl seserai Calumet river. Illinoiîs and lit- Trom anothar nian, and nearly $2)0)1 oa aserous charge, when, it ta1a1i veruttet sntght lie larger. i" toi maie ao effort 'ta save lits ]Ife, thaeenvers sud looki a short reat dur- days age that lie was ta bey the Pae utanes. for matetanure, $201000. Tram a thîrd employa o! the, Company. laged' Mis. Jordan No. 1 caîght tjem l)sDdy, ancordtng ta the eiriýcPc, Sut the maniai siral ndoter whtrIchaoIng thetewtvminuteslie vas n leî Galles saloon on Mata street ta Ke. ]]l'no,,s river maitet.'i,nsd "le aacm t esdak living as man snd vite ai lat.e ýor veut te the licha home ahout ai tar sas laboring had reughtit oncom.rn- un. nosha, huit George says that the deat conttnuutng tmprovampni. 155.040. o r ta awarrant lie totutme ihat Was- est. They sere gisan a Seairing e'ago ta coîteet money due hîm tfîr pas pirieexehaustton Las nef been complataut. andtthat 'la Wsukegan barbeor,.$11;ti04. Baby cama ta him aut toid hum that fore Justice Thos. Apple'ton, ut Lata turtug the Bhlacav. !îrs. B-Suni' Tlie olutman vas carrted dovni thie JiBtaundecideut what-lie iii do, fHe The original a preprialioî, for tlie ha <Waselavt coutd procure hlitoa Forest, and Jordnîtîi as halu to the 1fased te payfor a vhole montb, an. sîatrvay sud rabuove'd iluan.111 bo-WANTS OBTRAILz ditas the report thlttlie plans te local biarbor vas 20If îiullit tts vas Position t flie fouadry cempaay vîuucli grand jury runtbondts ut$1,000, and tus! she salit, the cow bat! beetu astirn.îl tance te the home of fitsadau.hter, open a saloon at the st-ste ltne. arddowa one-ifîli an vera many voulu pay hlm a great deai more atleged "sout mal," vas hlin bonds fer ouly four days. Wharautiuu. 55e Mrs. Rahecca Seideufetut. on Mlay 'y aie appropriations. A~ large part moaey than lie vas earnîag. 1if jess of $100. isays, Dady pusaed thebltl irto lier street. He iase een giveu, expei t IU DFFLU E S needn:Mr edr bf i of the appropriation viii lie expendeil woild gve Iltmn a ettpulatad sum of Tbey have heen prtsoners lu the facte, caustng lier ta slip undar th" medicat attentiont. tnt the shock *Eý- I cauE6 E nrepeete: oe lned.r h I lu conductlnh the annula dredging tDotey. Jeas daIms that lie pattd ceuaty jail fer aearly ten days. wagon. The hors..s tarted aabout thîs ceived durtng the' tire haut proveu tf e ttle obu vorti vbtch tg expecto'utIo start very Wuasaow $205 and that lie has neyer Jordan claims that May Bruder j fitie ad the wheels passeut user lier mach fer the o]1riuansd lie coati' ahortly. racatved an advaice ta vage" ex* natlits "seut mate." HaedMali that- body. tnue, ta grow weake raptdly. IN CITY AffRllki i iii I e The presance of so mnicInlutha plaied Judge Taylor, vIa laaued th May Bruder acteut in the capactty )if The plaintiff festiflid that slip hau Mr. Roseablum wa bao l Rusata,-. barber tht.s prlng lias made lit dutîmr warrant. "housekeeper" for hlm durtug lis been lt In tathe house for semai, seekisbtathaut liveut lu Waukegan tor about Mayor Pearca la la receipt of a lt. cui tatak sondngsbutlile . Wssaow asarrstet narraI sty t Lake Forestvliara hel a. althougli lIere vas nome contautsde- 5 years. Ha entered tata business tar tram a deteclîve restdtug in thle le! prevaits that th condition of tha niglit Priday. and i. friand. Claim. boraut as a teamtng contracter, tory evidence whicb teudeu t H show sliortty afler comiag liera andt pros- aouthern part of tibis state whlai de- barhor, eapclily thsé,ntrance. t no tisat the police enterad bis home and Jordan tu the man who gave Clii-elle hal beau outIntillde o! tvo myaclksl. paredtTwenty-tirea years aga lie mirions o! assumtag t-le tankia!fre botter thrantusual ta the iprtng. Tt fashait an lectrie ligit lu lits face cage lietsiret municipal Clristmao Thare vare charges O! faîne 'a'sti- rettred andt siaca that fiimelits son Iltvlag Waukagan tramn botleggers la bll.aved t-at a chaunet, prbaps 17 as lia lay sleeping. Tliey daim that tree. For mont-ha before the Christ, mooy. Whelhar or net this hal ut'iy lias beau conducttug lits business, sltar May 1. The letter vhtch Mayor tat ee atnd ttath arornerWassetew ta Innocent a! the charge, masholidays Jordan spanda lit sapare affect on the jury la net knoevu Eleven dhiîdran vere bora ta hlm Pearce today recaived tram tiste foe thse barbai liai daugerous saadbars, dateasie. northeru districts oft'Michigan. Thasa lie no appeal. Rosenblum and Mns. Samuel Seiden- "Mayar af Wsukega"., Thse iarbor aboutit be tram 19 ta 20 Wasselo's lieartng lias beau con- trees ara îhtpped ta Jordan at Chl- - felut, bath o! Waakegan. Ha leaver, "Dear Sr:- feet deep for ahsotuta safety-of large tînueit fer tan day.sud ela i being cago by "vtnd jammars." Jordan ai- W4rakegau. Aprii 7. lith ollovtng brothers and staters: «"Seetng tliat your City. Waukegan. purchases a v.saels.hetId ta bonda of $1.500. The men ways givai Chicago a Xmas trea, and Mra. licha. IL seams. had agread ta Mrs. Charles Rosenberg o! Evanston: vent dry lu tha alection April 4tb. 1 As peau as the strails ara opaenltaeiiho vîi lia callait itaesai are lie receives ta raturay amaunt of! pasture lier cow ta DI lys pasture M . B. Sm n o! Las Angees a d Euh at Y u If Y u vian ta hava your boat, 1 1 '1r a d large coobal hai ii begin ta came &Hl mouiders et the faundry. and tliey nevîpaper advertitang. Tt in alagad bat alter elha lad tt te animal there yard Rosenbtum o! Chicago. leggcr apaprehlended, for you vili lII nead o! a deser barber ble.,The trial &fier 7 o'ctock latea b*vautag.dren lu Chicago, andItak ut a estrailnsd keaç Iifet- home. Bilesasys tla'y 10:16 train for Chicago tht.e mornina. frtamya for letteraaasIo my recordG r d stnalfs are exisected tût opan about "We are ail moalders sud If va do douce In Lake Forait. For many days came arounut at the end o! tle montai it vaa expectad that the tuneralan bltintalne1sottmp April 20. No Word basn baarecaelvdt ulreport 'for vans. It- vill b onec-&sitartha varrant vas lssued for hie vith a blli for $4. Sboe asyse lebld voulut liaheld ta Chicago toiay or ta- for the saute. ta Rbntelilrtoa ipecrtCaofk coudaspartuet etia thea feundry'" explaîneut Chicago, bat ha vas finaly locateit by pasturing sud tfor Dadytour ay.c oro esatfulan- lt dslsete E May hoe apectui. but tlisaproisably ana man. dtectîves ln the asnptoy of i vîfa. gry sud puîhed the bill1ltta ler face Mayo~"ruam e a e dant ise t-beo vili sal take place netil anaer t-le The Blgarian and Armentan rasil- fberig Grima nadmîta Ihat Jordan go vlolent-ly that-ellie tati devraansd narre of L b t hemlaviii eeki the ajob or- dents of Wahkegan and Norths IlIo rltng visaI lia daims t haS lipeduad4ÀisEug 6,<lENs u oamt owl op h 1p At- t-le rationaan file fr futurehreaereuce. __trotter______buggy._Atthe der t-at tisere May lia Do delay litlat caga have taknaies in.t-is malter. tlitri editian of thle Bible. same time shae says t-lhe rsas star.- liscatino ie fo t u eroma n hngl. toit- tlsat- oimse isonld olti n t tandt thapolice fear Ibaf 1he arrest o! "He muet ha natty." sa e n sd porvh e sî.d T FVI 61RE8 bThis ' t-le tiratleltter tiie mayar ieelng tise vork tartat. Tisacould Waselov lpay tead talefirfier tru'Magistrata Taytor, visa learneit o! t-he ose 1rb y joli ! e-etvedfa n i rii o theot flt lie donc unftll tbe govraiment sp-Ilite. tact& vb le vasoncatteit trom liis Sha vas asîlîleit tatnthe bousie. ,sauwSlegran I. aduttlI tetm lropriat Ion bad bfan mada, but t-lera home ta lake the cash bond vlich but says ev as laid np for st"lxM NI Wl0lilWRI ver viii came vlan th, services or should lie nolhtng t-o causa a tanIser bsjsslraugt about tise relcage of MaT saven veeks, havlng s doctbr iu ati- 14 such s man sre needeit, iteiay. MAYOR P4AK3JE Brada?, tendance. Her daaighter. Grace, vas1 i _____________ a.Lua8~ i.dMa ws ttaess sud lier story vas prac- If the suggestion of Commlssbaner ailier. agreement-" may lic enteradit Ialie-TIWO S ")NM EN 'Wffadiai Buff 'off MAYNOTSHMOT SLOONSTSSETMn. McNeany. a next-door nelglibor tween the Waukagan saloankeapars ta tha Bah. tamlty, vas placait ou the sud t-le citizen» af large bers. Wltis 111 WOMENDItYWORK R. u FRÀE TL CÀS BRO fiHT stand,.Attorney Orvts. vIa vîi Af-flic approval of lise wvan Msud0 dryNO WOM N IRY ORK R. R.FRA ChIE T E C SE ROtrney Diver aud King, repreaants forces Mn. Orvîs voulut subirait t-li airergnzttn B MR .C MP E L tlaint, sugt tabring ot the tolavtug proposition 10tiste saloon- ON TOC T NO Waukegan, Aprili1, ac ttUr.McNeaay lad heen keapars, i OcÀ o g0 ERS IN TRE TENTII ____CNPEL a Memersof he eoraniatin tlktng vit-h Atorney Beahten. caun- Ift fli saloonkeapans vili taie dowa commîttee o! the Chcago & Mlwau- sel for the deuse, !îri. MNaany their igus andt gIran assurance that-WaauAri By Pymen ' i or$15kee electri lc raos malted Mayor Lteaetdeteeno 30 mîtted sellehait tattia ta Mr. Beau- f bey vîilha Sept dovu, Iban Afe heOa o! ay-tbAn vat. Oq amnt $0or 15pearce ls copy or "clause ii,-o! the Lte esStlmno 30be.Thc latter enteredaitanobjac- TheCtfy wvitiaaeata allov tle AGer htrg et obef Marrthnowtl ncupro-e tr Each Won Support of Wom- retoifieit franchise ordinance t-ai! -Jury Instructed to Return - lien ta t-be Introduction o! sncb t-as- aforesaid satoonkeapers ta ramaui. in eorg nRo eric McDeMoltt pro. en ho ad idd Dys. an afer aadl5 t-ie lluae vhchttmoay. polting out fliat the plainit business hp ta sud lnciading May 4. ioon at 220 Washington stratMay enW oHdAddDy. deais vit-h tise servitce ta ha main- Verdict for Sum. vas saaklng ta disqualify Ifs ova vill- Thts plan, accordlng ta Mn. Orvîs. takeavoer a saloon buinitessin lu aa tainaiorthae le veat aide lina,. tha nais. vas put luto affect vhen t-le saloons alle Waubagaa, Apili 7. Mayor »Itd: Waukagan, AprIl 6. Mn, ifcNeany salut ae lad vit- vara voted t oa!Liartyvîlla. Be Ewr'5 t upanigtaoe Mre detalti o! tha local option "I coatd neyer vote lu tavor O! a The case o! '.rs. Lana Campbll. nasseut Part-a! t-be affair liet-vean Mn. aays lisera ta no îav t- o mpai lich e uarut W a ln snein a tin in.p i m en fl canspaign vhicli cuitaiton Tnesday franchise vbicb ddt Dtprotide adfle vite o! Water Campbell. agalaît Wtî- Didy andt Mns., Bobonbut vas net Pas- satooakeepena fa taka dovn t-inror a yofa.lo bsni uC vlan tisa drys van hy a tremendous QuaIle service aven t-lismain ine andtBlai Felvey. Edvard Dae sud tfli tive vtth regard ta dat-ails, signe sud ha sayw theaCoty vayirota go.spann t u ~ ,ajonity. are comiag ta liglit amotnto, Wankegan, The Milwaukeeasedc- Standard Braviag Comupany vas net. On cross axamtlnarttou selltIdeehava Iis donelataf' do na by agree- Claude Herrc lc a planning taLLLLuy ever clir.One f te ltentdetlle tri voulut appeer. dol net pro. iit ont a! court t-ils marntug juil lad sean Mns. Babalanlied and lad ment-, Aftlbentyvîlta, Iliesayst-le ont- a saloon inIenocha. 10eoe da. Oc tisa dtalhaitve tails bic.MIkaMeGuire plano fa go ta cou- ta>canetalîgit t slu ta lvataanpose alaetaIWaakean peopte bavaelietara tha ork of aecnnlng a jury DotItteit adicoloratiou or lbrutson saloons wvan alloweait ba opeae ieiton, Ohiovisera he vîti taire aven rieano place I t-lia tfh pracnct la vîîcb adequate service on lthe ines aven vasnstarteit. The sattlamaren- va. ber hp, day. aller flic endto! tle fiscal yesr t ec-a e ' tbe vets haut masacut thetr streagtli, Sunitay. no, pensonally. 1I@all tvole madeitla .salit. by the Retliitludem- "Hov btg ivas IL?" vas slaut on their agreement tefate uova tise aBou business. If vasi-thaone precinet la t-le toa.againstt- hia clause." The clause t iyCmay icîgmtelcl - cud' y"ia tesue.,sg amer ca i s da frsnses i lii. ecidd wichMaya gr ad soa wterbusnes labis energy .o wua% shl whch avethewet a Ow' o Percerefrs end usaloonkeapars vere tnurct. The "Dît yau touchIIf?" vas lthe ne t lai.commonly sapposei that t-liel mugil. tolovi: amount-paît -%Ira. Campbl intaset-lIe- question. drars o! 11e saloons muaetloge on tora an SouthGoitreusea streal. Accordnig t-o tbe vay thes sory goen etonS h aiasudpria- ment- vas $300. "No," repliai tIhe vituesa. the tiret day of May. Mr. Orvis says n aetisre. Sas r ln hangngs. f r- Ile vals are »s alu tohave earueut that iloges Ilerhygnunt-ad are grantedit ap-mbl alsudteslo- "ojdo' nwte, usrelA.ta rvdn teslokpr ai thaeny@al in i. h gaeriftelacn f hlie eop re is sucnditintha sgas keepers on t-le charge tisaI lley lad torney Beanlilen, 'vliet-ler lvasn-kgel a icense for the tev days addi- Alifeatten .Planning ta ahip lits -womn lvin Intha prcint taho.eM»uýn, ls acceors ad tsini salitliquon to lier buibanit. casiar braise or slave htacklug, do Yen?" floenl,îliey may Ilepopea until May val gooda la lit. ra.ort tannîhain m came vol n deasatmake s hane t-biae t &aIt uie. àmaintain adeus ehlm ta liecome a drunkarut. iquanden Mn, Dady vas prescat during the 4. as fIat l juil 30 day. afttr tha Wisconsin. ù u % I d bouse campaigu. seeking ttautuca tise service avenr al t-be ukalaid d i wè n ev i ail nds ain ftetsioY ýhbldavis sa Nre aven 1 he rli eon ds vome. t-o gel ont-andt vote against- under thi. fraïnchise toa sta easaon- ha money cattase s fs.m bl In e-tdo le ut tet th e ahofe Hieefln. l egtte loke-sre vrtebrhabe aeI bie sinsonTcsta. t . aidaly accommodste &t II ehopeople taIw tI a-ecrcmsasa M..Cmsaloatotlinout om ite-h ad ! Bt pa i f eltl slanee-saoo eeer su, uaty.satfnd y De ostatos i u tise draloonsaonffestg acompen;sa-ld gt id" ueu 5~repreacuteut ly A<ttorney A. V. s cnufcla andtane. He lalaenedIn l- ers t-oagree ta ta'!, ideva ileir signaismrtim e r Itou ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n at-icvmnsutatt-evtthtat-ite e Ia 8(1Scas mhî imth. acldentaly if may lie saltteatly t1thIe testlmouuyly May 1, t-len allov flthe lî arn et g sad hsy1 th ir olu ia goi a rua(1d ) li a rislu alait a-that- t-le Paymient of damages In tha _____for tisa rcmalntng tour a. .sy Di~5cnsagas ntvlk 0sptag Rooma thougit-I s l o gnd sy tlao an ven ahln mrsaohrvcoyfrM.thc ordinance vhlch protides fota ns a aglassautit the finit of May. sîrug a coup. drMILKfanhie ürn eb ndevSmthwh asbeI nuu$1.a l000 a year license coulutbit ne- Tbay ara slait h ave gonle fa thaie ry day, andt thst-tise Spc!ai l cSuI Iliash een uîsut Sd'WILL ' pstitsat le'mu0 O e l"$00Pyromanie Races TruhR- tiomn sa ule aylag 11cm $10 >. cars. caragres or t-alus oticrals On eues.f lta sfitiai le snttIqe a ycar. Then t-ela soonkeapers cossuldTrUh a voa cut o tysbfreae-salut raîboosutallait ual axceed fifteen ss autta1i0asulli8 Pubg~£IAD s tar îas ataiîeeu t ieStia iet rs secred Iheir services fan thse vet (16) mles an boni lu the business oaA!t-aTaesh9ls iCENi e T S QU ÀJ1R fthefour days audtiîlouat tha amouat and Wooden Fences. cause. Soeao! t-lia oman thug ara- section o ai salut cy, andu&alîl nt ex Atre mt iv he oeo oulut lierebateu tla lIens.____ pieyed are saltta have cliangedtthein eat1vet-fva(2SeîrsanhuticenaTSttCtastr**mre. canupalga audte bave sougît- vet Inthlb. t-a "diy8 htwlhobug traaithepre-Waukegan, Apnit 8. inteta so! theautîra cty" pAr. 0r- Wsukegaîu, April10 Seic(o votes. Even ou lection day saime o! TtIoaseiaagreaut ly t-be granfe a t telti ofrour atr Inal 5 otheanad prah.-s fMy altvssid - hn ht esol redwt a-là yýmna lIn aeslu u hv îdtaluîeif t-is ontinanaicainawms affective St ern o!cout lu arhe -a O atatnelrfet lyral issi. Itin II saoui rmu lt aci yrmna chares sud sufisha v ri lvoan tis lvl uwn onTsrIel lte ae i lanIsaeaka ilI hrtng 9 cents satquartfnlauW'-vipte ont every remambrancaoftaa'Sa- racadthtroagl the ravina la the real- of Northem liflnois varent tanao i hlolen- tacd ltaio fsvs-l rmfez, $10,000 damages. Aitst oethtie Segas. Uit hat- data jnilbk wîte an, nav that- va bave sot-ad dry.,ntiecadrc ea Water sî nen wnathe ie homs fvaamtasg et tct- ldinantint-a li wstct îIle-- cie alov:isî cntia quart, a prica vhlli vaecannai dotfIls Il the saloon signs day raoruiag atttngIlireta n n the gom1et-h oIla eanurgterasf e n ialusom &lc u at Golwtîzer vs. Andrev Pucla. Leon las prevalleit ait violer.are fisunled lu our faces couitautlY, uerhrusl sud tances, ftr gotle ls Jatd loy mudî aotpasî o 'theheue attroon n an f aBacite sud William Osties. la Iu apeaktug about- the'raise o!rt-tatanethe ptan caulu la vorkeautout Women in fthe ulghborhood Bver, th e y d ît n ef S u a v l u t Il i Pmo s t e v er d a y Int t h v e a rte x c a p S u n- t lis c a s a M rs . A îto u o l vit f r . i e p rIc a n a W a u k g a n ud-a le r m a d e th is s u c c s su lly I vo u l ut l s s r t o m p al a ut te d r op t ir i a i I n th e the di lanetknon bt t l know(.-leirrydayor he eekexcpge iaapproval o! tha dry forces s4 kItchai, filua rua labo 1he ravine vilb t-laI ifithe eut Ire lenîl precIuîct hutety, anut that- mcli hoaty service a!rlise man who tormerly hltuthtIc cmment: glt votit ry -li lsndome majnit saîtliacxteud s l t-ie imaluJoli o! sexîc tonfOsivoat cemat-ary, "Yen canant- lian ileafariner for vas doua et Libartyvtîle. Thlis i Iramasud cent- autdsîmp out tb. amaatebdy t-eha trs I eo len ro-vhchitisra veneven satd service chargesaitlai er linîlanut ad lie- iemandiug more moneY. For years mierety s suggestioa. bu bthluthedtie wfinevucîutîreat-aneit anabuildiing. Ie AIRSTOW amacs vabt he ysIntetie r nougli f0 cn l u aoadese ratT a MmeBO tac profita bly openatdandtthat came a drunoiard aud net outy dit uat the bitgdealers etf Chi(tg u Ie rsetI emmesa!butlevt Tha ire lad.calea ls way fîrongli cincts would haveteca t-liaheurso! iocIlc I l iesupport bhan aduthîe chIldren. but vIens have beau taying asIde for-sud dry factions tfansa ow ih ap- teudrrs n rswti e Oua ot-ieabt tac thiwyas vashoeau eu r o'oc aîecltIno.o11.e v ey cruellt aie h.tknatpeuls te thara." ouîst t-le satoons.,1. th.Itt..ttnes, andthe ferer bas tken ailf eetof ana houa.evlien Il vaacils-a d Onenotcele or hl yer as oringand4 'clckMns. Lena PatrIe vs, William he risk. andi ha. doeate -Orcovaeei by Mrs, J. D. Tîilials, o! 325 a bean r nt l Ia i t le vets . or e t- ea t m a tie o ! exCept- on Sundaysa aservice vt I netr'contractefar streatthv iferm iers ont-plie tlem, appeareut ta have ttheartan E ssfanko san ntr a ie OAkas o uHIn e!dthe ETitunntlia- on tceutirtcfiayvili oue arnratepreS ddntput upa very strong igl twteen arsIaeMr. atI careaIlatele tatcit- v ttl a orat t pynelaîbars. Thevomea o! the neigi- M onumentls directIon..Inaîsaut titeaha rges ithanti ebe t s morte e wa hundfre ta pa erwaukeana, Atril 1t.. brait .5v 1hetyromantac aftnk qaff Tvai the vivea oforaanyfoa «Pecw te à«Ve mr fflmo. jarris -0. -