ALUWU'WIUIGo. WAUKEGAN, ILL. This is a most noteworthy group ,of fine eoats iii serges, chîecks of ýal kinds and colors. Coats at $7.98 an d $12.50 Ail the biainesaina town seems ta b. comiflg' 1 oDur' cost sectiOn-bte .are coats nI tan, black.c navy, gr-en, black- aiIdw1~ ii , flarnngmodea with or without balte. Coats Special at $18-50, $22.50 'ad $25 reAt any one of these prices there seores of coats to select frorn. ýIec are long coats, short coats, ,port coats and general utility èoats in poplins, gabardine, serge. *iordurays,. coverts, taffetas, silk ýOrded fttbrics, et4t EASTER SFlOWING- 0f Ch)jIWren's Handsome lWkit DitÏÎsOSI 192n98 up Siz eafrom 2 up to 16 Years' Children 's beautiful dresses sith tuce and rib- bon trimnlng; sizes 2 to 6 at $1; 6 to 14, $1.50, $2.50 and $e.50. &-Banthe r"fiLe amB nent Includes embroldeny snd lace rese .1l sizl .t -ih inuity Iuulc oeds sudandlrit, ïio sabeoa; prlcai et $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 aid Up. )A. 41!- For Cbildreat $2.98, $198, $5 wtllsh new coata in :Z oouceWable color, cri and lasbioi and al At aaO i re s oits _____________ fr001 M. 1! la e e p mmd l Boys' Wasli Suits Z-m";At unA new shipment inf ooot t 14la my etoong the nifty leorfolk and ---e0 laiIWb Oliver Twist styles, Iia. olrs) i3 Eaestèr B81ouses at $1.98 Here are scores of tempting newv styles in taffetas, epe de <çhine0ace çcmbinations, tub silks, etc. And Mort at $10.50, $15 and ý$25 Baster nievex- foiîîid us so wil pî-epared withi oilk dreMses as now. Ail colors, labiîcs and styles. Skirts to-$6, Speciat $3.50 A geel _ sq0aémeait of preltt>r Ches li serges, checks end a numbeie o novelr wesves ln àa good range of cotera. -Qtbers. et $2.'98, $5,od $6.98' ChIdsClre tresCorsets!!- Chlldrens new dresses lu 9e ta14 lu sînîpes. plaids, chb-s suo.d pls al71- nFrtLaeSys ai u.........ioFrnLaetle WOmen1- jèý n&émboi., This particular corset ery Irimmed brassleres nu seils regulan-ly i other 17C. 6HltDlXNavilu good, nev styles. Ai17 stores at $1L50. Newv styles aszes .......and very Nmlîmêle. Unquestionably the great- st suit vaines i town-pret- ýy styles in serges, poplins &c. C1toth604 51k SURtS v-a goorieof rllk;ultâ s>' wort"40; elagant tat- go« Oroa de Louèras matg, îfalig mevnoir01Mansd ouf! i»Aý Y'1 -M Ut ý DISPmgDO IN COUNTY -COURT Jury in Case of Stewart vis. the Gypsum Products ;Co., Re- turns Verdict of $M3. Waukegan. April 19. A nuniber of cases were dlsposed of lu couuly court today. 5noiuauy ilu tsoî that there vas no furîber vark for lbe jury 10 do sud lhey vers .)x- c.used untîl next Tu5aday morûlag when more cases vili be ilaced ou tse ail. lu te Stewart va. Gypsum Producîs Comipany case Ibm jury returued at 8S o'clack Tuesday nigbl vllb a *ver- dîcI o! $339.91 damages for ' th plain. tiff who laid sued for salai-y sud mon- ey advanced. The case o! Ibm Highvood Manu- facturlng Company Ys. 0. U Carlson vas dismissed for vaut of Irosectu- cution. The case ut Paut R. Avery VsL . E. Wald sud Co. vas coutlnued te the June tonal «o!court. In thea case or John R. Conad sud A. r. Bosuhîsu vs. C. A. Couley bbc adefeanse did ual put lu au appearsuce and a default judgment of $50 was rTe case or the Standard Varulsh Wcrkbs vs. A. Hîllacit us dismissed for vaut o! prosecutIon. The defaudaut defaulted lu tbe case of Augusl L. Scherf vs. E. J. and Henry Kraflbmi-er sud a judgmenb o! 175.94 vas eutèed. A verdict o! $92.75 was entereàInl !Ps case o! John Jouenass. Samuel Schwartz for alleged. damages bu an autbomobile tu a cotîlafota. The case of theb. Ilelsat Englue 'Worka ra. John, Pftherg vasdils- mîssOon motion cf lb. pîsinîif. LAKI3 SHORE RE- SORT IS NE3W PLAN Milwaukee Man Sees a Great Future for Waukegan and Wants to Build Hotel. For years Waulrogam haba lssde- slguod lu hecume une o! the mauufac-1 turing cilles o! the Middle veat. an4,l uov oulsîde capitaliste are plauning le mare Ibis ciIy the 'sesaaide 11, sort" o!fte middle veal. A Milvaukee n'an, vbose veait la estliated lunsevon, elghî or pot.1 slhly ten figures, la planning te huIlai s labo ebore bote]. ln Wiaa*egan vhlcb wîli dràw tbe trade outheb. Iousands ut weîltby Pepesviracécu Afford tu "enud Ibe vînter ieuntlts ai lb.hes resorts lIn rda and Calforuls. He plais le bhiIng a big pea'oeulsgej of tes.people lu Waulregin for tlb. suimuler monthe. Aoording, b ras porte, ho la trylng ta buy a quarter o! s block of property at the corner1 o! Washington straselsud Sheridani road. Il lo repoi-led Ihat ho bbs plosed s deal tltereby be proue tilile thie tract at Ibe Very corner- oftIhe s1-001 Intersections wblch I& uvued ity a Chîcagoan sud wbiçh vas Ioased until reaçently fonsaloon paur- poses. Dave Moyens fon mauy yesrq couducted s saluon linlte building; wicb vas gutbed by fine but a femv montheaega. Itlbe sad ltaI this Mil- wsukee man hai purcitased Ibm Mill- mn, Brewing Cou.nay site lu lte veat of tho corner site, sud thet ite la try- lug lu buy thp Wright properby asi weIl as th~e Bradbury pruperty vhIicb his a fraptage on Sheridan raad. If b. buys Ibese four siles ibe vili hoid tille lu neariy a quarter o! s block of property, sud ho yl uvu une of Ibm Most jaluable siles bu te cutire busi- ness district. Accordlng tu reports, one of whlcit cornes direclt ram Miwaukee, haa capitallst le planning te erect a six- atory building ou tbm canner. *tadiy Mîsomuat e. The XiMîsul 1late muliiet river lu lbe MmtlsaPPI valley: It carriez mocre .1 ita a»Y oter large rvrr lu the Unled i aie4eopt possthîy lh itsEo -aiSde id lia. Colonie, lo eer e quareMlle ut so"ih*ydiaibsi Il cariles oalousreMs$aLtous et dis. solved sndsmpulel usagier Oaci I-ils Defstlvs NOeby. Ah absent.IUtn dplané ue rgs - aI ut . c~ a" eb, oIl t Maiqef- b ota bOlel il e«ro«. ai bittput sum"%4',lu lith e , du 04 qwlp Obau lrii. Iflial viut lbis umý bretta ltébed ian tocl ti l gbt ha thée6setler. A tateOld, Kin# Col. Mellaê Scié. touisina tia% 010 King Uale Iss a Ihëreny ohsSul, Tiareorn. *0 lunebg aStbollibia habit. "1 pu4 b. l~tlgW ni h mmdehum i 911ks liovT. ý lg calted w =bs ppeand lii fer, bo*I. aid- calîiedfor hlbtddbuait Dmes pycltoloow coulalb asMa6" t«forIbs?--Cbtlloierait. W. C. Knoelk mhoI tlfnntendeuit%% bond ie-Seted 10 the poo niaI Ysrosansd given mil ln, éiai-y et 5500asyear. I3W COME CLUB. SI3CY. fi BOWTOTIIEI Paul Willis Says Pros Waukoan Comnw ClubAreVery Brý 'CLUB CAN DO ANY Says D0" laIsto Build ter. RaiheThAn Dog Cents Structure Paul Wlllls. the nov s lte Wsutbkegan Commeircli lion, today qçays "llowdy" t began Publie, lu the firaI reBgsrdlug bis Vork sud Dr Ilh bas s*111e0Public aluce cc from Minneapolis to tak, te loch al r. Hie it Poupbked lu plain termesan( tiaI eb nev seçretary1 Irttb 1ias or'r hola folloi.o tdoges viebIf businessmn aislw1tb blut ln, Win UIbe» loas sociation'&ail ipfrWllin lamarried oan till lbre at oce. m oîéfrotnmta 1 h eiv n , lita se cM . - olpmercil Club di," $ h lait poditIon 14=L'u a doycfat bout 30,000.3 th" boId the pIlo î l6eNoewil ork lot' iteuce la tAsttli 'r 9 488 asoeatlou'iad-Î- CI Ils Fia-t 5*s1fo Mr. WihUu niaisa bi,à satement segaNliug comI, ivark as flloik Te c0mméaclal associai type fotand lit Wauke"naci tblutg wlthtn rosson Il aes Il tan achleve ltae seemiq Bible If t sets.Il hlgh el,; Il la s hope lbl the may bc e, &Hs I nclu 1 rléeeuatlv.eo? itl tIl it the city at large. TheVeUo retarys office vishos f la formed as ta vhaî ltte P sud ueed and lu asslst lu Influence of Ihe irgaiîzat any movemnt,.ta help th Our rrogranjo*lilUalet 'o 09 s dollataaid cents= bulda structur e ! ans It ulghî hovol l tereall 1 of a eouthwoentu çlty ' ..gel scqualuted vwith ay bar, you might litre hlm. ueceasary stopvil bho i: IM right homo-tçwit epIri chlldreu. W. vput 104*W put lu Cocuii-infoi-1 ef sîl InforuatIon rOgardh sud le condition. W. net t0 Il i t's advautl;-ss xaut ta buox ofths tbinga stand lmprouiïgk.ksancb ptopir o r. »àt oua 4ae tiat unfpk adf4ia fie toward'ite il. of u 4 .aa 1i-i ha PI 114 ut ut "a orth ft.~.réeý% vîll hé tIubi envîbaiie ul l F. Weý sbali rat l intis ai liO en4dsupIla tosnentof col At Lmufls l ndloated ina St 'Wt ÇIm OIby tlýe le 'f teeCompany. LQCAL EMPLOYES PLEASED No Details Sçived. as Yet so I-ends itIt L#W Planit Can Give. No Detatîs. Lslemployezor c lte Amerlcan sUei 1 Wire Compuany ver. deIilgl- 4ous Tu.sday vbeu vord vas re- eéve Ial the United States Steel m boi-lln itd pnouucmd anoîber sivanbe l ages o! litenemploye Muoaatlng to 10 panrcoun, effetira k a 1. Thîs fellovsa 4 0 per cant sdrsuce made lu Foto-uiry. Dlt. 01l.y-4owfl ogetiter, reprçsent a total lucresse lu iVAo bou wagspaymnaets o! hetvoon 120,000,000 ncew The itnds o! 1he Waubegau plant havo not yet reeeived oUclal notifi- c tlion o! the propossi sirauce lu x1ram ages ai ermtora vers unable 10 aire out any slateanenî regarilug lte [à mtter-. Tbey admit that the sate- mj3~ aent ef Chat-ma Gai-y et lis United States Steel Corporation vas as inucit of à surprise in thoni as Il vas in th le Mill employas. lu auuounciug the rmise Chaînman Gary sai: "lu viev o! the continuation of prosparous conditions Il bas licou de- qMesefor i eiei bmaie adrances of 10 par 0 tak effct My J! eleeause no mention la mie bt the îght. utatter the bulieft Preyaa Iat lb. Irgassdvassa éti âpply te beîb lis : heOScs forcessud lie men lu tb. TH nG!tl It la bard for the employas In indnnihy Ivo 10 pet- cent, J Cis.., ,sbould be giretago closer ta- getiien but Iitey do ual fesi the necés- gar and< siIy o! maklng a close analyste, Pur- elter detals ar e xpacled ouc, merelar>'of SIMILRfIT IN In lia Wau KJI1FW-~ alittement C S cagne o AD RPT'eSE comlug bore N M SSE tl itov la id Rl ahows Death of Roocford Girl Under ig ao bo Ciroumstances Like Marion non wmCe- Lambeit Is Unusual. lsurely %id Rqcktord. April 1it-Tite doslh of I té a so Lillan iCllotroin.the gooi 11111e girl bsl$abdk p h# !ofhe limanuel Lutberan cburch, la ne longer s mystery. She vas pols- a*bore oued vIthacysuie e! poasi. umals é.tclub s Marion Lambeittvas poîsonedal i xmutji- 1î- ake o resl. And lbe Quesion arts. of upases In Ibla case, luit as Il, dilIbmth t ipobe lah o! Ibm LaIre Forest ichool girl:. rgi a v., 11Ibmthegirl Intend lao eid bhon Ut et loui on vas sibm icdtr ito talrlagpoison? k qsanafflg Lilliau KJellstrom. hike Msrian M Ch tfiilIs. Lambert, ab.lien hetrayeal by Ihe lb omser- man in vbom as b ad given ber cil, vjorIr vbole heant sud trust. Witt Orpat, Ini «nl1 lte Lambert Case, was auxtous 10 gel 1-4i formai the girl eut o! the *trouble" for vhlcla msncisl club ho vas reàponsllIp suad l belleveal le have gîren ber cysulda o! poo* lion of the slum ln the guise a! mediclue. Or- e" o gy-pal vas promeut vheu the girl tuak s out to do. the poison sud she dled at bis test, p*lr luapos- Thero vas no roanon for Marlou Lam- * ugb mai-i. hart to'take any medicino, but Orpal Organistion did nul. einov Ibis, and UmIs Lam- vo aud: rep bert bapad l toiod bis affections by intes-ests e not IelinIg hlm Ibît ber toas tad Ors, the sec been groundless. )baip lu- people want * Rffkeaolaa. sbovluite Philadelphie, mitor anucasl tai lin 1141ebdlidehobas oui-mO itomaëbit roube b>'laitý Lh-, *t il. lu 25day.. 'risesnie* t'eatmenl cou. 0n0 66' malch itlnDsi udefintly vilî cure ail the racler a"10 lusth"t lesi la hob o 0-Drookiya &ietit *Plue- Ti,,,. ltse slogans viticit ruas roui- Rejflb* mprov.d Terpsdo. 1.AntoîbnrTe di-Igtble borpeo orcfa New to lncuica4e Yr Inventer la puopelioi lectrocally. Ilit ti teauldel hi a single lusulglsi vIre, sad siasulate aud bepl 51 lishe quit-ci itace hetow lte 'benefIt o asiface hi an gsWcuaallc depli lng the tCity regulalor. AI lb. viii if the opea-a t only, w Jet at or àes o 4gi tuau aie t oler tbeu nW j as lte szact lmafesrabd taîl4 M~,VI ~ C1~s~ a - beat lirnsoatiapei I égeUF'ulateroitht *~~~~]i asm eau y 19 ,Y'«- Wot "d -ver- 6$1011 flhiu l'h T ". hlmi iltregon lo the t-Ici j t 4l » s s q r e ffm l e s C f e W lo t- y l u th a, q uas i or, ot redue" vn" *6*al bid q~atSts1ne!.e esmiuer la eNesMIftTW , m ew if oterqon * WaukegaaLOcals Tii. ettr otmlab 0o Wab.ça et lia- pi-ost t!iýArè ay*piaclel 1sc ' Oloy go niall laI4tgs#alfIr liaIly puic$se *y,« p4.allçes vlalch are t sdr kU~ybc ci117 purenclu.g si = ri l one vho iscldts- fb t - la- bonor lté 'roquilý t 'madslo blu by lie otiier eomiomlaomt O. f l"t h. hasgbén tot-ng dovna snumber of reaialitlusIl lI., John W. Lspslay, agad 66, pasaed avay Wednesday a! lornoon aI 3 ocockaItbW houte, 520 Clayten strt l.1)atà rfooed an Ilibea of, about tiro yars. Duflaathlut steIo wee X,-a4WMIW4 cendition bad bet , Hé W" ieva b«» iln Obied [bl m lirsi p CoobWUlh, IltL 261 yaar. lRe cUit. Wauxem su Ibm ymars &ago. lu bar.p'dénoter, Mai, B. W. Rysu, or Lombard, lit,. and tv5 cildm, 4rtliur Wttb issuakierflog Th b 5ee"4. om sud.e w.e1 dsugbt6r cif W Ifi- Scott et a- ben rosi, veslut flInai Cty;;a« e.. iiouslyir 11 etpneumonie, sp bave beau itraueit .lte Jane MeAlIstea- bospîtal for trestment, Th&_Ir oadi- tion le regard i -s q itUcal. Shrff Ilvin Grlimi a la bcd as the revoit of a hadiy vrscsd as vbtch lu am"lag hum muebtrouble. Hie burt bis buse te latter »art O! leit vbkhlie autfog la lishe uâ ti-Hi le eîaiabout for 4 tev stdys sud th. member became no pslnul ho could not hd4r bis veibI ou It. W. Ir. Wei"e, etelsa s muber c1 the couuly central eonmalttbe by lie thiri precinct of Wauga on Tues- dey, la sauav9ed candidate fer cbaln- Mia o!flb.*countr central commit"lle fie aud, bis frieuOgaran rp to itr Vifflow mu*ly cleectai-X1bla la lthi or taune tlis haliau- ablp'op for- hlm. Tha 014 commuttee bhm nit yl caî)sd a meulaig et the 0:ev one as jeKt, 4l IlbtY yUl à* hei Wu Ibm usar future T'rcrsla tlu shottlovaltAIts Lovdon supporters are planning tu foirn LoWden clubs ln Waokuban&U Labe couuty. The govrrorsbip âabl shouli besin 10 Picb up t. Waubegan aud Lake couuty a4 oses. for villa CoL Smih baviug slre&dy ifj CRU- aldenable vire ln ltse paut ttsvm MMb sud vlth I.oviou nov 'a candidate,' lbe streugtlbr e twto ssnldaés la Lake couatly W Mbobulauta lia* themseîvs asp agalust emciheMfor tse big baIlle vhlb i IMP81la& Tblrty members cf lb. Wasaipap K. of P. veut t. Labm biscet 5rlar euing vbére t1ley vers ugits ,ut the loige, Tbn. candidates vfe.le~ ittialmi sud afins feslt OllOwOe Tihere vere over 160 Kuibhts présent, l u sul. The évent prorsi s vér*7de- ! Ilshbful ope. George Sivard Jabune.g ed 18, i son o! Mn. sud Mm. Gastai Jobiisou t f 101 Clarkson avenue. ivas arnplgasd tlu oounly court ou a cbarqe o!bei-ta k feebie miuded. Hes vasoonmItbed te a ths Bible Institution at ltedolu. Ilu. «The boy la sai t. bar. besu pos- a essed o! a vanieriust sdMi a>' l imes he ban vanderedaiaayfroua i beome. Hie parents toli of lhe manY v ays n in bheh.bovsd bis Iacb of r meulality. Tbqat lime ho i-ai 1 svay ho vas pftbsd Up laY lie Hi?> tland Psrk Police. Jeunie A. HIlta à senwva dJudgod teeble mlirded sud va wuordonsi seul bu luie $talc Inahilu- t ion at Lincoln. -LaIe Tuesday aflernonl vuaua- knauncei thal tbe nov botel vblch may stdnd ai the corner of Sheridau Lrosi sud Washington strest, Ilahouuas tpi-amolai by a Milvaubesan, vita i- bopes ta uentain the ich vho sPeud Yb vhîwnter monthâin lu Flda ai Wau- 1 kegan durng ltse eummer moutLa Thte bolel. sccordlng te bis plané- la-y, so Wauiagau bas something t. t obk forvari tu If lte dm51 Boss trauh. on Tuesday Il vas'Mi Ihat i. vouid buy s Quarter Of a blockIif he coutd gm l il tlte nuit prWto. CiycekJames Mat-meUlés s a cinder lu bie sye eMeuda q alîbougla Il dld notboter bliut mud aifet inalIleulfi$sva> lito tbttieyebsli ansd gare Mhlm ctmlrO4lê Thé painu prevoullai hlm fnQg i oflcualna as don 51atIte council meetingMQn- d day sreing. LaIe Mondsy aflernoon W. B. rBrown, an electrlolsu it'lg at 1111 ILucia avenue. rfeavei a tblaira fi-a . d ior etaIPeora, adrlsbug blan là liaI bis disbter. Miss Binawuvaut- o ler14g from. a nlut40l eysit, and asl'king M r. Brovui's ptjisslon >0taOP- brueo. Mi-. Brown loft Mondai nigit: for Peoia. MXlss Sno*n lhas been at- tendins. the fsiisy Institute iln 1hA1 b'o$ltr w h' et YIr. ,: wlituselo.,Ith scoi building 4d rpMeielei, a larget-m il'ués 4,1d. for manul trtalalas prpotea. l~vsmals. pewa 1600,thmlii mats, lte fs Illeftomte ,est ib Nohi linli chools t0 the useool ta tace.ieirlesto4o lu *Voo r vqrit$qg.-1.- 0 Aocot-dlg t tiaaaeso apers,>Rt Il >-ok=Mîh. » W itua 0eulrAlI*. 1 led.*éià lubai-slauptof. W gvu lit$ as4$ttes, ai) Tlhé proporty cf 9. Cil'de Arthbur i Pt-pubklinatsreet, one o! the prOeliA ahomes ln theetctr, 1b8, beaunsold Id - o! t-indstAtL ltobortrY>maiia pauya t ~ ~ ~ ~ o tu*a5i A~ -sauna. '*- .i L~à. Chldren's IM a t s xIp a great array of new shapes and col- ors with lowvers and ribbons, 69c at ......... ÂCTI~LYIRîî U ia4cowi* aves Mot- era *ý'th'W .wpas BROTHER S1114.> IN BED., le AWoeà« . a tata Young lady 4.,1, oul or. eua tajli lois et, lu 401Lépisode toury *àlekcellesn«r tb sndlng ln a tra. ouy SAs beroin. Misn Corser not auly sared Wae*ou lite, but @he rescusd bier, naotor a&M ber two brothers Irqu 4tb 47suffocation. 8r~OY a fIer dselbrok Ibis uorn- ME' Idsa Corébr wuas aakenu front #O r aIs«. Tt was ua"suaJ for ber ta akai st h Anpearly hour, aud Mb.a sbeidl i at op' 'uabed. ber saeabaIled ber and h*b.woâa un- ode. to, &etu4 asin. For usuy Min. utos ahe l" lula is stupor. Vlally Me. rnlifed Iba t I bs ftaled la au ~top .open, wludov of ber bol45hniltt tie rpm-litTbe ?oUpE 1647 jumf.d front briae. saab tu1e ba Xes on h lb. 00. t Ummm- eefed ln erawllug 1<> the. wud@w. @ha bu~ lthe wiudow and ln a Wey ew awpouds treeb air *1.0lis theiuom. ~bicb op lé lbe time of' ber amok.- Ia bad beau 8Used vith th.dl4y fumses of coal P. lu a rery lf e »oudaMIss.Cor air b"Ugaud suelenl strs b t0 -Î tis Wisdowr a lthIe ssOC. cupied by bur brotbérsa d i'ber mber. la .peklna of the accidantt liIs at- saroon jUsa orsor nid: "Myuitti, iarottor W c as zuade deayTbi U by the aus fums. My othar brotber Raymtond wau able torjo bis work today. but nous of us teeS well.' Sbc trled te orerlook tbe Important prt abs bad played lu tbe *Isode wben relatina ber abori 10 a Seu r.- »orter, but the facto. ware aires Tbe Sua bjr oneo f their ueîgbbors.The faually recidel at 121 Bootha Chapel Street. Tt wau faund tbat several »Mses& of mica vers out of the 00cr. cf the bis sellfoedlug store wbhc*upleo a praminent position ai tbe very door juding lnId ans ogthelb.chambera ut tie bouse. IIÂRRY AIISIRO is MT ~ff IT OF Mother Learns That He le at Columbus, New Mexco- f Ordered Froin Interfor. HARRY WAIT IS THERE ALSO Mr. Moody Reosives PostiCard From Suon Who le Ding Truck WUt Provisions. Wsukegan. April 15. il Harry Abîstroin vas flot oue of the iAmerlean troopers vbo utprcbed L brouga Parrel, Mexico. under sulper 4i. F leeutly Mrs. Charles Ablptroni or 0George arenue recelred a ImIter trou Iber son wblcb vas malled frosa Co- 1laubus. N. M. lu bis IcIter to bis mothiqr Harry AlMati-o. epd liaI ha bsd bain sent iutelb.heuta' ! of a018l Meuico as tar as Casa f=pd«s. »W hs1 wbeu he reacbed liaI point be'b adbeau ordered bac&"10 teh States. Wben h. asu ritliiatbe let- ter ho told bis@niother Ibtt hc ex. It cteil bobeoprie-ed backiqIto Ihe ud -et-sage, brush aud castus v itblu s very few boitas. ie could not bave ajesqéd Pitrel, iMexico, since the date ut *riîldg the'bler tolbis '«olhot. #e euisffluinthe &ary M- et Lois netl ; io-kely Ihat ho yul hosent ;1%4' Fersbua'men who are rt9 IlbatU"e Inotber trip y! o007 f Waxua lun e- bal* IM lbiah o b* as-Ik. f5Pl itb. s e ant iythint, "0 il~u. more moi* wlW se. *tw10'tbsa. eer pbîddur. -é 'lm 1* 9pr Wàs ui flà«orse itru«ddWa- a t *Im' btwai % unibu. K ~eà SFio,1'~s»MIL, tr Ifucit a jà U " lit lu ffler ei- -a boisltic - dm - aaaè. 4U. ' IL motor truckt drivrr t hot' lajured. -, ý- - 1