CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1916, p. 2

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f i John co&st 4~laOrte, Inu., Od Irtma X. MuId. 18, Kemosha. 'TneAnderson, 22, Waukfflaa. and Tlomasce UlobarEmon, 1l,,Emon City. Egdwlu Wiehrdt, 24, and Lydia Quentin, 23. Town o Mas,111. RATES Walt*r Natbert, $1, snd Mable Corn- or, 19, Waukegau. 1c per lino esCit insertion louls M. Giiman. 33, and Bestrice t..,.thon 5 lines, Eriskey, 32, Chicago. Harold G. Parker. 22,, Highland 25c fini iInsertion Park, and Josephine Schultz, 22, EvyanstOn. j Iissy A. Brooks, 26, sudlSilie . .... . .. . .. . . 1.111h, 22, Milwaukee. Elmore H. Neus. 21, and' Thora + Fog BAI& Grendahi, 18, Chicago., ... . .. .. . . .. . Gustv A. relvald. 31, andUlAln fRSLE-Phail Dviry litt4o n.ed. E. Toepelt. 23. Chicago. e eoin Il 858511at Onc.M i.8 Herma, Dorubrook, 30, and Ma. h ~ bee9LR rs I & rie Irarreli, 21, Mlwaukee. Walno IMeffin. 22, sng Ama Merlu- ~sin~ 5o4.i. lSdoto, 2tWs'qgn Albert M. Bryers, 29, laveupdit, -» me10 U ter la., and Ada Getchel, 26, Oshkosh. , ted ~V~v'r. , obii Uad *,M~Ils. Joe" W-. MCai1flii27, Clevelad, Sali 0., and Mabel Vehagen, 32, Green ýb@t 1. a, îif QqIl- . itsdtke, 24, and Ella Berg, SIÈ1, bvaasWis. u,- Joapi R. Couture, 33, sud Ama Krg, lie. Cicago. John SMer. -84. Wankegau, and Rosa '~I ftU 51W U~~ Gerla, 27, Nortit Cillago. --m~o si o .11b' n't gay C. Myiev, 21, sud Florence sa slu~ls.1 m SE t.lP»P. 4., Racine. le"q1 bé îw ý PrIl:Kopptln, 24, ad Marta îý!pôut e Koiloff. 19, Mlwukee. - lobert 3. MW. 5 ad Marie Pew e urw. , 2,KeneahasMd An- tonette Kkagdenst, 21, Wsukean. Tune RSe,,U,,'and Franes *flVas~ AUO6I~' Chandlter, 42, CWioeg onspastge 1* marus V. CaMpboli.39, (lie Vlew, Aib bw*il .PiGe.141: Ill., snd »hmto.Namauny, 32 CIIELon, ~ RY y er, 23, sud Gertrude Fox, bo Ioa uth* estwéso. loa-23, Chicago. epa aeW &ya *trls ute y« Willim Mla.,,22, Waukegan, and est for iafon&.m A".su Gien Wels. 2à, Norti Ciflo. M .CO 09Ika ft Cordon Wehe, 21, Chicago, sud > = .4tClava Hadier, 19, rIteept DIi. G. Loe T. Doxevralut. 22,sud, Helen, f"ý 0.1»Ve,22, Chicago. Water S. Sias, 30, and Marte, !1.rmr, 28, Waukegsn mIom£u, <~i~ Willim MueUuer 21, and Marggret 4hBiwqeSewdullOose. 21, muiwsukee. Rn. '.. dlrd tu Roberi t . elv. 2, Wi fnetkl(~l_ Ab.trct o T ti. itiea'Guaraiteed. April 24, 196-nsBosi Wlckes ,to Edward Mayer, lot 19 sud part of lot 20, blQc< 72, Highland Park. W. D, 916.000. W. È. Johnson sud vite ta i. T. Cooper, part eat 20 acres northesat quarter northwest quarter section 28, Shields township. W. 1). $10. Geb. E.HMaris et ai. tu R. C. Kent, 1 acre la section 36, Wauconda town- ship. W. D,. hQ. U. J. Wicks and vite et al to Kath- Wrme Mu*hày, lot la northeat quar- ter nottiest quarter section 34, Avon township. W. D. $50. AlfredMarwede Audt ie ta E. AX Atteridge lot 99. Green Bay Addition, lite Forest. W, D. $10. M"ter la Chaucer7te A. C. Berry, lot S. biock 12, Orignal Waukegau. Deed 14M& 4 W.,IOM*and wi t à_ Seý rens, 20 scres la s outbeeut -corner section 12, Aveuntoansip. W. D. H. A. Bebre Mast e te Ir. W. Buciek ,5. ato q i iAq»a 7 sd 9, Warren township. sud la section 13. Avon towaddplif W. D. $1. April22, 101.-John 'C. Brtett and vi!. et ai te 1. N. Abrecit, lot 5biock 2, Diamonut Lae Pari. W. U. A. Paseansd vife taAnu Doma- bue, vs.: 100 fest nortw bail iloek 4. Plat "C,'" ighwood. W. D. M. Udvard Vevins ta E. A Nevins, part lots 12 &Ud 13, block 1, Hlighland Park. W. B). $10. .Am 'IL.C. William s"anu iusad to Virginia Van Viiet Insull, norti 150 foet. lot 3. biock 15, Highland Park. W. 1). $10. Frank Blancs aud vite ta John and .ioe Bleuis, lots 157 ta 161, Cummian' Re-subdivision, North Chicago.. W. D:. $1. C. C. Bdwardsansd vit. et i t C. A. Blehr, 30 acres, la nortiveat iq.uar- ter section 33, Beton township. W. D. $2. C. A. Bleu sund vle ta Pine View Cemetery Association. 30 acres iu northvest quarter section 33, Betoný !owui.hfp. W. D. $2. Aim-1 "2_ i,: -JeIrome . Bur e 100t&<. angfo d udvit to B. F. »abier. 101 -D,» B'afford's Addition ta Jofulo ýT. Spear and husbaad ta L C. Baker, 3r',,sud witè, lots si to 34, block 3, LqXo Bluff. W. D. $2,000. Toila) an an sd vite Io, FffedW. Bûtîo heti ravine east of Suaderlin stes a" 'udnorth ot George street, Wsiikegau. W. D. $1. Isai boldachmidt sud vile ta W H. edgldck et al., lot 17, Scwartz Nart 91i4e Subdivision, Waukogan. W. a. $1. Aibert Faulikner sud wlfe ta E. A. rgue ud vite, part lot 9 Grime'@ Subdiviion, Libertyvillo. W. D. $175. W. B. WzIrath snd vite ta Eliza- beth 14v..lot 859, Shaw'% Secoul Subdtbfm eg Pas Lake. W. D. $150. Jiob -Jîl era" thushanutet a3 8 ti fola s 8gqec sd Ivite, lot vest oc1àe*%%* "MMansd norti o GeOrg Popp an Keougi. ove motes tor section 14, V.z D. $M8. X. W. Piptaier Pnrdy sud Sorna. block 23, lgil-a Ir. W. 8ufti and ýeutand ud as Subdivsion on L' $100. Elizabeth J. Hum J. B. Mrray and nortiveat quarter towuahip. W. D. mlata of Iibois, cou lu the CircitL Caroie Snibl.e a v&. John HMUnrP speaet. ememal Pub= " 9ola be plu.ena re .adeot" d1ýà iemadikack, 2. Shermeviiie, ta Lttie joues.,part lot 3 smafford-s Court ai Lake Cou l. 1Addition tei Atiach. W. D. $1. 11t <>' ofmareb. lm M.ei aer, legmi age, Alt& Vista, Marthe L.. Gag l Âbrt U C-ll. MacOuft, Mater Iesesd COM 1ýtu-, 1lega ;i e#rS seti 50 foot lot 4,.block 43, igh- viii ougfflrEey, ti land Pari. W. D. $1. i. 1916, Mi Lie I Abert Flacher, 21, -sud Amands P. il. eren. a"d if. te Hemg aherusu ofa maine ussas ta sposa,, 20,L Ml*aukes. - eires, lot 1 bifci 3 Park Addition, aM ily et W&ukq Jnabts.2,CMil Md. siKath- W.t*legan . l.>&$1. Illinois, msiacetPol e ovie Wiam.,& ECvAnsIa.. 11 Balide . Spsnger sud bba t . bigbs sied but i * vé *,my R a Hes.'1,. amndObus obmmd. I.t ta ma KtoslMer, se à tout bit M e,,' 2, Mlusuke. .-noti W0tset lUt 7, T. J. fimitis Sub- pendi 0w.Thei. » Sràe.. s-A lunue aflon on Channel Liâàe. W. D. "Sa5 ont uar ________________of_____ ionb 1»»s A. Beax sd husand ut lT ofsL 9divisonaM e Vinlt W. D. $10. PascalTwe: Atm V*& t e Culs bral >onveut aidle aor Oj4~.e UnesWaL. kîllsevîlîs 'uila section 24, New- tLéIe Mibailoai Mt W*"p fl tri ttian 19, Ben- D. ~10,00. fajesiPour: Ai - âui 10.- t-4ibeoi1. Noeren- qourter0 i Le o 'a-;MVete. ;pkliota 21 a" t22,Sur ~-ouab~sqr ?> hlok-2,ÉlgMandPark. W. Em $10. ~aeae ZOt7OJ4~~~R~ -e~ . LMu)aw d ut'le ta Madeln âe ?ISrSU ot O M.MS #r f lvng, lot la Village a? Are. W. D. "OQ ce~J 1W. IL bpaeidig sud vite tu T. J. e»pris a" 1b% I~t * S. W ~bowsse. t, 2ug -t sonti front on' te. alé edoarmation ~ ~ MTÇD-0 ~s à peisie strelaWankegum W. B. 8491 uu.' 'n W 5~~. Tr~t"xe. UbyvihL T. T. . 81.11S"d vite te W. H. gaýselieu ______________________ paulding, onti iraIot 8, block 2, t4w mm f Om-ob. O ~ Arr-ooage forgasraiioue. radyr £& HloveIls Subdivision, p" ds n orbdc -ies P.-0. Box 2"4 or Pgo» Wauakegan. W. -D. $1. . cnt <6%) pur sa 16fAnnasW. Esum an a uaband ta jt -M"toeye WATOFI Ana W. B. Pwrla.. lot 6 sud part ýbdt ag»p". 410 4q9ell W& wx DE sPO i- sY lots 4 ad 5, block 1. Park Addition, cl:1Urýtà ~~iiI~0 t.wrWaakegan. W. B. $10. DlstW&u.a wws Ipsis» $m« .ezsbe' hseO0 -Iusmtl;i Anna W. Baircunan" huasanute, 1916. Itàlph L. Peck,ot OMPOcast, biniis SU,'Kfthêvta. 111 . 2* P.B"---msenti 36 tet'ot' '0 1410-76 W. Mianr ft, 1-1*1M" CU&ff,«.&blo* 1, Peark Addition, Waukegau. Ir aea cm.. Aly tWbmotiok W.B.$0 $81 Coin Products Reteuint Co. ta St"te01IIllinois, CO M&msautactu -ruTemIalCa., CoMn la lb. CircutI mms .* . , 1Piaitcta Réfiag Co. pro"mrty, Wi- aMMêevu bart27, î16&-Volnqteev 01et ?uile mties le h suli IL 0.u.b 'e La.daboie estitleu bib"ai'.poês ie-.osMb lots 109 aut 110, LYanu Tfirdmb- Court »fl aie Cm ilwebaea mitvly beaI ai ta* R ueb»O hunh-division otfPair Graunida. Wauxiean.UeomLe ,A. e 'eosr rit.L ymqad B-(Ieuabil 01MdUocéIr , %1 W. . $10. r Ofapili, A.»L% Piut 10.w14 lâbe vlla J,IL. A. PaUtnfansd vite tu Oscr ad cd *LS. Coeurs, McCrdy Iaysabu B. S01 jIda XMo, lot 7, bloek i'. Cutainga iigodu, ta leut, t.snd lldsfor coub,0 m oi au I i.0U1 [n eimp(rudRckPopae&Comilatiy's Addition ta >Wakgb sriMaA. mmo ftW.nlted M W aksnsd Gros"d Agi. Ututon. at rnas., . .$800.- o'elSlila t 8h. i85go. - '~~« bile-. ByroDCotby, Phouel.. 0. . isas autvd t iie.ath* ast doo-of -, "'~'t'?rioriots 6 sud6,Ms acd. eti vithb kaai . esdeM ~ rom i" ~ bath .tp su fr cUesu»d bides 5.55. 'P~ Wawille iii ertez ai. bc~ Peter Jetwen ta P. G. Nauta sud érwés.fticote, Ares, a lit. »U iiItt, lot t, Jensen$ Subdivision et et9* dSa» ~ lt4, blocki*, Laid & George's Addi. wusa quarter, th*e Wiui auhav dedor slck hottéeuar tion, Wsukegau. W. D. $1. tb. norubeat qu alàde .ofcla i.J.ktichelthifr-one <51) a * '*. tt1sppn292.M.1. ' Wm. Walker sud vite tu Lee"dapreer-of lb.oc i~ Mitchell, nrt: : st of lot 262,setiou tweuty4fW vssatLaie Forest. W. D. 07650,. e qarie of th Vert lot 3, WIÀÙ» tPbruad ots t , WnM kTrust-00. te 1. 3 md lfeto t"ce mlu nortiiest quar- era» tovusbip. W. suad vite ta D. C. vesi 40 leet lot 3, Ld Park. W. D. $10. ik vite ta UlilAnB. ad, lot 113, Sbaw*n Ang Laie. W. D. iner aud huaband tot Id vite, 80 acres la rsection 9, Newport Aprl 29. 1916. 3ant' o f Lake, se. Court ofaitd Lae and John il. Pahiman s.ÈI& amn sd (Morne aà11. 7567. bereby ulven thst ln s.u made snd entead ed caunlatie Circuit Baty, 1"019i, 0ou the A,,. D. 1916, 1, Naul ýla Ohaneury of the Lake Cousuy, llili, the Srdday el JJn, boar cd ose Woea M uld du st tbo e ka C'ma S dm ~ecIatuth, Mder ail» lu guWa sh.a la $amut el* B outi o0»e(1) roll a9 du ( ofL. orS sa i te rd.yO P 09 1 »o the merth wue hio L*0e vqu4 ba o lisosa f, i b klopthe sotb w«4 mms on thesooh @W* -- afl be i lm*~ et l bo Peu. Lb. Ulà 01 >qe Asell160* lm. àortgageof Lie prom- Master ln CbsscSryi m1ooty, 1fl1ouis. a, IBinoleK April 28, Apnit 28 mal -21 sunty 01 Laie, es. counrt dl saUmd [Ah B"77ry .111et e:AL. b.~t n~ at or ai tire. mou west quarter "d ite 'à lOtIt The crownm*g schlovement of Dr. Pnce-p* id.whlh combiaes the nutrifive ek"e of cftea, , corn, hel âou int dstu7m.i .. Evety packag< oentk~tirty Mliberal semvngs, thîrty rmoula ono.hf cent per -.-, -. 'Thh i~~i T7 ktfor br oakiqittomorrow. The chuiv Dr. Puim Pure Food &ore in your town is TRIGGS& TAYLOR, Te4ehone 25 UBERTYVILLLE ILLINOIS -~ - - j - - ~--, MILWE. A"@~seg tii. shosn aUe aMudns, rb'tho; soutb nid quarter smgy Ç of, itLe. se. tbat*b abov . 4allidfWiti8ê be;ucto.chos4beuçe -e'tto the pate nf 1'urt of Lake CuuntY, ttfoofd bWrPettl on & .t1 cort, to e. loug utu.ted. ln Lake Conuni. o> 96 eilirsi etate to ajy debte,,,that the . M aê,dthat ewumonsee uthereup*an ohm A. Chriot, decoaeed. deimeiptIo0of the .id.promit. eel"ribed fs'ed 6dof d t*l ourt à&OIalUet aile admioliaerlx of the. la the sait! petition to «lsoi tâ te to th. aboie sansed dssdanto. AÀ. Christ, dqeesed, va, pal debte. l.a. éfoUavuti: returuab1leo thil sirt d yof tho *rui ('l Coller, That pa5I'0f tbe south vuet qilrter *6 19 uyC0r~f Latso tmty;! tîlnon.. th.J. of th. aorth-esat quarter of Section 15. tojboldi&t the Caurt2.ouse .Cty T,0ý.twh lavry 0. Me or, Tawe I 48 North, Range 1 i st of ofai ubesa. ln sd Lake Couoty, on ms%1.s thee Principal Mlndia», deperibed tiihfi M ay of Jubé, A. il. 1916. se ùfl o er a ýt17- od. 3 ee nd-0 leh naproc.d g tl e npoding.Pt 0 suw ad h i 8W scot-wet eaimer of, altdatQUt an skegauIlilinoîis,aylot, at*r tiertks; thooe-nsorth te 1»16. si eaJ e .t- PO ~ t' r4sor81s of MMeslde vêt stLaw A. aledeClark« bu rya minh 0 sU a.el NoHter, ttbrud ors.1 0f __àl Ir_ __ r Thne Value ôf 1aa abussai* "I went to teks et wouwldm'--,et Io au"ior de mu,1 iqug hM 1 e.léodd mn i el W&. $S00, Iutbe oel.tto bogi« wItbtwo thommidolors. -qlm «Çiiwa £b ouu.uil dow okr h . wpd fnmc, OMdwork op t. Ilve husmd vdo «Ard beVjoodt ateroo s he RaMdtht he condos». One buramo.t ofteu perkoas of tbe la rger policieN &aid luam g t. tbte idea ht à, beA s~bls or, muetet i, orgsApgsth t.las af omumess e l~4plomo q 'meu wIw .M..,wth uai poides mW »Ïsésesittpl *iÏmu md tn i s tr aulgs grew or as their Vefifimes ad rsspouslbls uread. 1)01b1N IIODGE, Distrîct Y n~e MICHIG A MTUALý LIFE INSIJRNCE COMPANY Dbeh.rd 4~ 1 Pd»Opw

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