CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 May 1916, p. 3

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uRT~VILLE ni !,MAY 5, 1916. 1sloi lli 111 1! ~ Pure Bred Percheron StaUliou Bon Lawrrseti, No. 65 18 Ilinois Salinqartem n No. 8M4 We bave just,*old anathu rlarng c oùib 3 Liwrence for $45.00 cash. lN. colt w e1i60 lbe. when 22 inonthu otd. and Lad sanie notiad broeder raised him'he would have maki for $1 .000.00. Bon Lawrence ia the best drah- stallion standing for public service in Nbrthern Iflhi.. He weighs to-day 2307 Ris. and is very prepotent being strongly brj in briliant blood inés. He wilI stand at Rôdnev Farma, anc- and half. ~ ~hêV~sof L bertyville viage. at $1 5. tga maue I.the mare in lal, fee is due when mare changes handa and when mare shows to hein foal. Rè. B. SWWFT, Owner i IJ. B. iIABtRKORN, mgr. Coi3struction Work We oa asy money for you on F~nd »dl ,Sidewaks, Floo"~, Ceaspools or Concrete Work of any kind -Our Prices are Reasonable Oonftract or Day worbL Loet un figûr on your job I I '4 I. NAMES 2 SOLDIERS FOR' $Z>OOOO.OO uc 1n1nq1d Iompage On.) (Coptipus Fron page 0o1L. ittadobtUiifsh l 2 eara old. lies were .018 undr-the haltimmeér uat ad for thb.aeoud time ln ber btieflWuogf u aie u tta Ille obe la left alone by the hldde r tne the properie brought iii bome-1 baud whlch trtkes ln the datrk. thing over 1IOO.This sale was1 8h. toid the Jury that ou the nighti net slde br ltie K. M, tandis of1 of Marck 2 ibe returned from Chi- thjfdermi lon atrdy cao wlth W. Ebheehan nd le! t the t.JsanctindthePA on turfd$50-0efuae- train ut Higbwood at six minutes tohsn GtiOn tis p8ad hoet o m.0e puit one. Wiii and 1notlced twoJhn rit.sbîhoert mt men standing near thé swtchMmn'as da imie ati atut fte ee sbanty, but vo dii flot suspect that At. hil> igettolAtorne they meant harm. Will îefttme atut v ayr h"iad ethencatrgey my bordini bouse. The net day h eyMao a md hecag tanme to me adtoid me bowtwo thAni: ep i en ad oCe men, Joe Barber and Loney Williams aa n tmpt beeintheaie ora- b.d asUited hlm after h. left my ste a sittn illen he rlan-u home. Ho told me that they sccuaed puefotsu ltebn odr. bim o! having stoien their girl Irm pec msm e ai tAie bJ@MM'od his.' the swttchman' sbanty. They Recslisd y JuimO. rald S. t ould't have bhutn rsferrlng to die Thmt itantmefit Vmsrai Sat e Ipr 1bad buta'_.1 id mître à"' tvo ycars go wth tAes. mont. Wiil'm lips ves'e t heÂIy utmaihieise vs daci-rdln th e ase 1 woud not permit ait ail iveand h@ fcemplanedio padIn ndividus; te515k. a settiement ont- sudbi soln e c lu i ed of ains@de of COUit.1Ivi,,,flot sanction "He toli me that these Iwo men baitiasetihee.I o l akthse stoped W on he tree anib.dthis ros.i tbrown iotothlkehm pologized taling him tuât they hai aescd eodmd uti co... yoT.. u »VX ave cone hee vookl iter WlI contractai pneumo- nWa Yon kaow the resi. 1 can toit you where you viii b. pile to locate lie. men. Joe Barber-lsaaniember o! the ltfibcavait>' aid i. nov flgt- lag vitu Unclo Dam la Mezico.wuI-1 Iems ls la iiùinluChicago. Ton cenu lbeau hlm b>' le.plna n eye ou a certain Higivoci girl vho makes tvo or tbrec tripe a vee lolao Chi- cago ta neet bey lover," sai ebs. There mre many people lu Higis- vont! wbo do flot believe tisaIGMaître Carhhin btld ail she lnev about the mcoounter bct- -u Claccîtan and Wil- lians. Mmny people believe liai ehe could givo aiU the facto, and Uic truc remsou for the ciaah. The youug lady came 10 Waukegau in company vitu a young mau b>' tha namne o! Leo Jerome. He vas un- ahi. to toil the w hereabouta of Wil- lu Witt mu] the, on ope Of1 the lui had *,du Wli ed dau MU for of ali pk um Tel ted MOSS BROS. humandamurevs Of ihe Playiord Cernent'Stave Silo ASKx FOR PEICES Ab"eutolyPucrerf GUARÂtÀ «W600MILES -Buy your tires direct from our factory and save froni 2001 ta 0% These tires are tvioe as tbid îthroggh thse tread as ordin- ry malienansd are a combination of tic bet brandis, sncb as Goodricis, Goodyear and.Firettone. Thley are stroagl buit and reuforcai by a new, superior method, making a initthed product uneqnalied for lard usage aud piesure purposes. ljsed bv >li- diivicinais and busines concerne. 'Dont delay but arder today and doawaay witb vourt utc trouibles. T.u intraduce in u r tefitory we offer te fohiçwing prices: . - 30x3 - $ 8.00 34x4 - $15.00 32x3 - 8.00 35x4 - 15.50 30x34 - 10.00 35x4él - 20.00 32x3t 10.50 37x4i - 21.25 3lx4 12.00 35x5 - 22.*50 33x4 14.50 37x5 - 25.00 Alailier si jus aisea fiîrisied. TERMS: Cash vith order. Male rc'rittance hy certilieci check, dftft or 1'. 0. money order. Wheîî ordcring ho sure ta slate visther cilcher, quick dletacltabie ciicher or stright aide bead ia desired. For 5 dmys we affer .5% discount wbere two or more tires arc or<ered t anc time. PIQUA TIRE & RU BBER CO. PIQUA. 0H1 Anicipate Your Wire Fence ~Y en.ot e leteget woe ence Neédý-Yiexuen"Lma té; dmpreont growimg s~artg i wr _ 9 @ >luestîgete oui spedal s AMÉRICAN MIRE FENCIE CO., IUERTYVILLE, ILOsý e. I mi am by thi bu ns, but sej that the"e vas a lady Highvood who vent to, Chicago o aid threc times a veel to visit .h Williams. le mimitted that Sheehan hmd con- med to, himnthat he bai been as- tuted by Barber and Williams. rhe youug lady and Jerome were ie onir vituesses cailed by the state nThursiay. vheu the laqucat wv pened a day or so miter the demth flire young man. Dr. Gourley too% àe vituess stand >mnd, he tolet the mrs thmt he believei that Sheehan ad dici of pueumouta. Dr. Gouriev iited that he vs unable to say rether or not Sbeehs.u had contrmct. dpneumonia through exposure. Un vuhtodly thc Jurore believe, be did r they returued a verdict whlcli uaes a sMate aidrad jury probe 4the ieath of Shebp a posility States Attorney ladyaihlmis.a 4stantà have not made public theli mas ln the mas, but il la genesuaii, mderstood that warranta for the mi ,t of tie Ivo mon viil be iSsuei day. Williams worked s a gâte tende udi liaI ha vas oriiereioui o! Itoni ày tic autuorities on tvo or lire oo- mibas. it vas reported Tisnrsiay sat be vas lu bidlug ati Lbertyvillo. but lireport bas heen deniei. TWO RECRUITS AT STA. (Et MEfSJ4E DRAfT, IS NOT SENTf Wuegan, April 29. One hundred and sixteen recruitsi who were to have left the'naval train- ing station at North Chicago ths morning for service on battlesbips must remaîn aitheb station ln strict quaranline for the neit ivo weeks asi with this, reqtist hefpie tbf surn as about ta go dowa On mîmost the tmst day before the amle.*' Losg ineeno»tbgl and Joha P. WVil- son, trustee regteeentiflg the reor- Umnlzalios committee. and Joseph W. lMrns.repreatbugMr. GrIfilth. bi mskei the jUige ta mpProvke'18 olet tiemeat., New York aidChicago bankera have agreed ta huy $4,500,00 '0 fixai: mortgmge 4 par ceut bonds of the Chicago aidMilvankee Eloctrie to provide inii for the reorganizatlon committee. vhicb bought the rosi whou the llinol proiberties vere soId in Waukegais t 11 o-clock ibis mnom- Ing and the. Wlsesiia properlies at Racine et S dtoMé1OIbis sfternoon. Nev securtle*vIll h. ssued lu ex- change fartheb.$4.00,000 Chicago & Milwaukee RIectnic. Illinois division, bande and tb. *10.00.00Wlsconstn division bonds. The ternis of the re orgmnizatioii.anounced yesiercaay, provide for th. payment ln cah of the $1,144,000 rtNesvera' cerlificates aud the $1,0I0.O0O nnderlylug lirat mortgage, IlinoiU division, 5 per cent bonds. Tise bonds Willlbe calied at B105. Thse capital stock of the coln- epany vili be uomn#ml and thse nid hsiockboldters viiilgmceiveaothtagi. lui connectlon vith the sale of the e Ilinois portion, of the Chicago & Ml] vauke Eiectrlc ln Wmukregmn on Mon nday. lu developi uhat thc entire propf yerty of the conpsay. lncludlag the yIllinois and Wiscousin portiolns brougbt $4.550.000. Biotb ln Wisconsin sud lu Illinois thUi buycra werc the reorgmulzatioi coninittue., represented by R. Wloyd bCiinch. John R. Thompeon, Jacot Newman. and Conrai POPPeohu-fel counasel for the committee. Ir John GrfiMths. thse coutractor. hic l5 4,100,000 for the propérty. buetWv' X.1outbii by the reorgan5sitiin commit tee. Ticesale vas cisilittiuond the Supervision of SpeCial Mmte or Charles R. Morrison of thie UmtitO Tue affaire o! the ralroad bave been la tbc courts sluce 1908, vhcu a recelverr vas asked for before Judge GromcuP. il bas been lie suis- ject o! mauy conilicta bicveu bond- boliers, credîtors. sud other Inter- estici parties. For the illitnois propertica the rear- ganizalion committce bldwvs. $2.250.- 000 for tise main liue sud 1250,000 for tise ao-caiicd vest lune. The oniy atih- er bludet vas John Grlfflths, vba bld i,900,000 for the main lin. sund $200,- 000- for lhe west lune. The bld for the Wisconsin properties moie by the reorganizatlan commutt0e.vms $2.- 060000. Mr. (trillIithebld 52,000.000. As gnon as the courts bave pasmed on the bds the reargaulmation plmnis viii be announucc ani tise work o! reliuaucing undirgkcn. l esultoÔo!thesoseakvgour.tofa-v lft Ihis marni ng ver. founi 10 ba» U SeRU S catracîi tise ilse. The>' baveSA SFi iu accu placei lu the Isolation bospIbal. SIiOULD <lUTHAIW Tvo veeks Is considraitishe lacu- bation perlod o!f15. disease. Thus, Il nu other memisers o tise iraitibave TU f tvo veekBsih yl bereasonaisiy cafe ,Egt cents s quart rotait price la te assume tisat no more o! then are aufficleut for miik. Tbe tal of cbarg- golng te become Ilt.If itsa aol ilng more Iban tisaI lu Chicago Or Watt stre tau e ae -the draft will be oagsn lg tolisb RBut - lia - fasMer sent avay lunIv o ies. Sholli Oh- siiouli gel hallf-the rotai* price-li er nenisera o! tise draft beonme Ii otusr *oris, the fermeir alsouli get insu. o! tise Ivo eeka lb vii ho 4 cents for bis ni,k. il ros more te aaessary for lie reaualuing memhci's produce the mîllu up te the cau tisai te valu anotiser vo we(s. it des te dstributO l.,, .Tise naval statiou reeuui>' passai The abové tateuient maie by Mra. through a ielle o! scarlet fover. NOV Scott Durani o! Lake Buff shows tn have nmaules break out Shomto ai- 1low shoflets about tise priées or ilk muet toc am"c for buman endurance. i sd tisé situation wicb devoopsi b,- tveen Wsukegau dealers and pro. T.oiudoendant te the out'i on ducers. ril VOêg Weity-1hat5 Web «V". bodW 'iet - .. ' aiependent imeda&Il. , ; 1 j, WIukega und spent $500for wvis- kies and for a number of pleces of saloon fuxtures. He purchazei asest- te. sud a mirror mu one saloon. and ail the bondai vhisky suotherasa- looq'5po pr b.dlu is place. Tu mrnagvaï-*f time that a groat iuany people realiaci thatWaukegan bAi gone dry. The saloonss vere cloaed thls morclug fori lie tut time lu ovor 40 year. lu Mt.t, ler. vere no saloons to open. XI la truc thaItbrougbeut the. day meu ver. pqgagedinl the work o! pcklug up $«Ch 00 gcau sere not sou b.e- fore Ostu riay nigit. There vau no "free beer" or "free whisky" lu Waukegan Saturimy aigbt. The saloonleep e did net pour viat lquor remined ilto the ýnauy bai expocted. Netotne5 froe, drink vas servcd lu thse citY. It ia sai. The saloon men voeeto.busy valUasg on casâh traie" to tale tîme o «tret their frimei. e The men ln lie saloons Saiurday bail money. Iots of Il. -Wiat are 1you golng to have? Have somothlag [on nie." These ver.amuong lie 'ew 1speeches bai iln lie salions ou Bat- uriay. Another noticeable thiug vau Lthat thie mea who vere speuding their money for liquor diii flt spond It ail lu oue place. laI crovis o! trois 10 te 25 the reveicrs vailci f rom one place te another, purchs.siug thei ilqort.luaisai ual ou. - crovi o!fienvislîni every saloonla i th,, busineasdistrict. f The drugit of Waulegan bal i tiseIr ovu lime of It Suuiay. Of icourse tise.ere bundreda of men t. vush a "big ieai" and man "eyc open- ýt er" vauli bave brought as.blg sas 1- 5, but il la si tiat flot 10 cents i worth of liquor vas soli by ail thse drug stores la Wkulegan on Sunday. ýe Her.aftcr to purchase liquor at s 1drug store one muât firat oblalnas idoctor's prescription. The drugglsls p- keco these prescriptions, aid undei se the lav they are net aibowed 10 re- . 1111 laIlunlavtsl foi s doctor to write a pr.scriptâodfoie , liquor unlesa the lame la orierci foi in a iel person. 'd tid Out AUl Juga.tu %ir d«mrmmtt of the Rublu store 5,OOOW0CI TY _60 itKY; OLICEMN CLOSE ONE SALOON (Contlnued From Page One) close t 5 minutes o!-il insiM-uucbai they bai l i every drop of beer !n. lhdir places. The beer wagons hanîci barreis of the amber colored fli from tbe cars up and until 10 oclool. flic saloonlteeper tapped a barrel t 10 o&clock, and h. daims 10, -avo turcidIhe lock ln the door ai 10 mintes put il vithont a cent% wortb of beer lu the place. -Soveral Kenosha saloonkeapers contrmcte o t ImslilAthe boud whiskies on baud ai several saloons. Peter Schmitt, one of the famed TACTS ABOUT THE SALOONS. To< tal h ili t iasef C e X i s t in .ikiaî township Satîîrdav-59. Total in citv of Witt- kegan-33. Total c'in North (Chi-J eago (but in Watukegaui township) -26. Total ini Avon town- ship-7. (0f which four are in Graysiake and three ini Round Lake.) 1Oiily towns-in county renmining wet-Grant, with 40 saloons, and An- tioch, with 22. Waukegan township voted dry by majority Of 793. Avon voted dry by* majority Of 19. s 1,080 Of revenue ta city -of Waukegan rep- resented in 32 saloon- $33,000. Lma of revenue ta North!,Chicago' repre- sented- in 26 saIoon- I Naet"liqpor em- poriunon." to Waukegan after May 1. State lime Place, eight nmilea north; F'ox Lake, 22 miles wvest; Antioch, "-- miles northm-est. wiii open a cigar aid r«frhment peulr la bis place. Wti the passins o! samoons la Waiî- kegau mni Aveu t6vns*ipo. itl. aves but tovambtfflla laIe ce»a- ty. ail located la lmie . tion, Wmiicoi- da Grant, Aatioch. Theieltter skept tic blggest vet nmajority. Grant lbai mcut saloons ln thi.e oumy of thecouâtIn tovus. there havlg " 40 icem If Lake couity people vant liquor beremter by purchs.lug in Lake coua- ty. tiey'ii have to go te Fox l'axe or te;Atioc bu2b slon.Tht GRAVSLAKE DRY TONiI4T. Grsyaiake, AprIl 29.-Sevezk sm- boons in Avon annsip coama.toitight ias a reanit of Mt7e19 imajority for a *dry towu as gven lu the April aise- Pour o! the saloons are. lu Grays- 8late, lire. ln Round Lake. There la n juumuai sale of lilqiir todY aid 1'It in not beitavod anythinS ont o! the r ordinary will mark tic e IsIfl of the rsaloons. There bas heWn mo uuul rsale of liquor dnrisng tif eei. ln imet, one vo**4't. nm'~tlia*t s change te cOnMg IR b mj M the )l ova dry If h* a oie 10udpe W eut- e ard aoarmomE. ao OOs P ;;U, îjus;; S ý lUg is . . 1 Who! tM# ..tP Mr'o e,'-ý course, cclpeedMUl ueviom sdemanda _ &ad lie ibortage W vus * iithat until tan a th 0M>' er mm ci 2 thse atock s rePlsid i te Rosban .téagtr<r1 storee4pii't filsan Mer fobr a bal!. operatl Orwui &eé* st,é*W0 galion of lneg$r-l il bai ta be for- ., mil (IM rmU* »5kdbu i .1 a ..'P4 niublin laa ri u;. thiei taico!"6"4ai l et;Si~ s wbat are tie aaloonkeepers going 141,105 *54OI< mesS . t0 do lu the future? ThatVs a ques- tbomi pi 17aes la <nilt-tî tion wbicb bas been alci by thon- thiers anvou1 rraxts d cle" otc Sm,9 ed sanda. At this beur il vould eIm- ofcora or rnt t lieut possible 10 give tise.facto, for a the plmces wlsere.FrOlrds imêmthe di big majorlty of the saloon mca have 1 eort h vn.E R Y S I~ J notcopiîcithirplnsma lcy Monday mOrning elst o! the 17 0M@f fl UMovmLliq* cisinx liat it vili tke tuen i autas wer flid$740 aud tise otlnbv two#weeks la pack up sud sblp sncb their isearings Weiaesday, as. Ibet botled goudsas can be sold ta sa- asked for liiuaiiee. 7A D PA. D loo kee ersand oters in earY C- "T iire er. but t ftha!ue 17 bookepes ai tiersli nsrb c- ere farelget-it the balance wer. VETERINARY S13i<ýEON tie . W au egan or Lake For tt en ,.1' 8 1s1sii Tis maris the second lime lu tis hie! Lux lu speaking 'oftise situa- hislory o! Wauleau tisat t he citY ia lion tlucre. aîîîug: 'Il sent four o% -jý DR.ý ta he sainoniens. Some forty yearm cer-s ta Tenlh ,grèet la close thsee 0- M sC A -l4I ago Waukegmn veut dry, ual by aicons ai mldnighl aud tic>' ý ai tuo eedloit Jet vote of tbe people, nul because a work for au hour or more to get the mjarlty of tise aldermen objoctedina men oui. Ves, Ibere vas cousiderable 051 the lasuance ofrmaoulilcenses dur- excitement as Il concluded vison yoil Ing Iheir tom luI office, Ai that tims e.ceIbat ve bai 17 arresta." P Waukcgan vas dry but a fcv montha. In Ormysiaket. » Beverai saboankeepers stili hold the Iu orayklîseih In sali the revelerÉ ieases on 150fr places, moi tbey do nul never let up lintiilate Sunday MM moru propose ta surrender tueir leases un- lug. In faci, il le sai th&t St WUs 4 FIe. i4S4 2m lII tie supreno court bas pasaci ou o'clock lu the. morning hcO h*, 11 the question ofi wbetber or ual tua ct-avis tlid dpered aid Sono bucêP4NS14. vamen of Illinuois bai a legal rlght f() Round Lake, aima ln Avon vuiU vote ou lhese vt sud dry question, liai congiderab4e excitelucut ah0lg5 e ' i Jas. Nichois, tise aniy nalooukeep- a v as not oInteas.aï at.4ugI~. er viso ever UvedinluWankegan, viso Xny pipe tro]n Waakev l vas neyer arrestci or flood for 'lot In Grayalake Saturday te -btd the àw- a iving up 10 .tbe ordilances, le unie- Doe adieu. -cici as ta vbml ne viii 4dolInlthe i- future. Mis trienda helieve that h ho r viii. mare a t4p Soul &*ud speai .P£RF * several veeka, and vîbi open a cigar su.TSC it store lu is prenae loiaatIOP UPan bis . - 'n ýoretut-n. H& owus bis cvi' building. Dem Moines, la.,Arl 5--!eo it in AI Seifett la planning te, abip laIe, vitýItils lading-a goode ta bisressOrt lu thse *vopIlaisi fE vood s"itréi tWMIi ff l.Dlls 1' îand laie districts of nortfibra Wls- s oui*k p t t li, vIlcorne 'ito pareuISIOMwe **"*0" $ ru conaîn. HM building i We >t»c vof gue ai lu. Des olas la tise US 154%'*Ëè Ik neigeants Who A"e plainstio open u0011010 o of Se"labêe. 15 1fl*W e. a hardware àon la Sme iuac. Semvity t papetd", e, to ic asé . Esey RitiMta 1Osa lias hu am Utt ik.9 ln, ScUletst.».sW 40 easeél" te i Mi5btdlfSvo r scs r**à leas~ pmasau lu iperte -.à, &uoitm su ot. vIlle t»a,fsflt tla Eurffliii W UB F5' f e store, lu th ' Xit1. lii.KIOalen«olhOMsu teet on ftii. ie ! lal e Ilcet 11,11111W 01* tSŽ>M Let ~s 44 yOilr job Pri<iZillg. notantfe-. aNot me. Po.rlP. O0*n'a Dith6N. W.,.*SN 1 OS é Pbea ,f0"Bot"10 im*N aidd ?sfap 5*. ta» n WHob* 1 sU 1 1 -1 1 ;ii

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