ge~Six ____ _________ -'---o.~ n _ t _________ - ~oi MJL1fl~UTI0I fi1WangP M WAU ot -*CT ikSN ;lE T1 Wauksgas nearly bai a mlk var! Olga Jacobsen.,Es3 Years O0, frat kt la doubttul If thwe18Rla happigeu Bu t lu'!mte of tbe schgooner1 Delta, buai"mmnl the *Dml todaythan M& BIt a ocoe st i ucmot ta bcgo ta Michîgan LCitys a aJosephi Bacon 0or8n4 Wiiams trootbu able for nome dys but vbeun MaY 1 tOw barge. disaipaed rnya"terlo o ntuIbshayoung motiio alerbras actuafly wftived the tams-iant- off the-hbat luat ORf the Waàkffl n l .bpyIamlba a im nobneed wllh satisfaction Ihat every- port Sunday mrinarlg sud appaionùi ban. jufted 9he mother of 111uo1s' h tblng bai bain adiuated and no shot- mt ieatb lu the waters of Late mostperfect aud boaltby child. là *ag of mllk vas to b. seen and no Mlchigai, John Bates, captain af theoMnr. Bacon rec le iv ord on Thurs I Scaom hie. M b shonr, put loto the local port and day that'ber boy. Howard. vbo vaf &4pu" u':'reîMtiiteb.mater tu #béimi b& Iàtelflulathe baby sho OOSIUOIO03 T'h. slging of si cx mouIlle' con- cor iHenry Broec<er. Ho expreosCi under Uhi uiWes 'of lhe WOuuub's t-st vlitL th North Sbore Dairi7 the opiaion that Jacobseni bld çoS- 1I'ederatit of Club of Chicabo, flai alIea awarded th b"Ne rlbbon' Company was baî oabled the final rntted suicide altoug bcbt coulà as Mic adustmefl af maîbers. This firm crbe no motive for the. aet. vhich, ta tact, la thefinit prise. à baudWa haith milthoulu Wanke- lTh. exact lime when Jacobsen met Mr. sud Mis. Joseph Bacon live at b lin caOI%ýf.t bai held outt here would death le sot knovu Hes vas misaed 224 Williams sticet, sud o the lth baveban sceions trouble. . mtai ashbec chooner arrived 04 of JanUUM7. 1915,. lHowoard vas nofivvo, ou Macday a commitee Waukegan. This vas at 9:30 a. 'in. bors. At thc tims ho wai enteed ln oif wmwg eoesallg et Wrn. Botteo. (aptain Bates tisi 90 cone Ulc!vihcompttion vlth 1,000 other blUtai ýjoi qe. T-& a. foulsud Lin- bis fnt mate about soahmg sud .t 'h. Chicago show ho w.' but 19 cin u W éd o~ t 1 luwy wee - > - mo.-hm 3sr~.~ utilbi 02. ani fr-is ate liewas afler 'a confes-onco wMhManagsr AI omevbat apprebeupivov bou ho consaidoisi a marvel. a #suMud, ho nigaud tihe gresoment for co« oýtfini hlm on deek sud sont Thse mor e c tbat ho was elecîsi * $15 for 9t in ixmoulha perlod. Lait aa »Uni r ,luob for hbmna sow. lThe a themont ho5ujtM sud Uic mont t yest fort he mue Opiod the prie boatl wui Ooid thoroiigbly but perfect chili ef vor 1000 babIes wbo per 4-pou m asWu lu.1, but 110 vithout riUlL vom.te .la tle cotaptilion ln an faimers féel Uioy' vers f aitluthal "The onir vay i tan aecounut for9hhe ouar of whicb a»Y mother could b, $cChicago w4e m n flseiy the as. matiar ta by asuming tient ho mui: proul. and Wadkffln frienda of lhe me4ola la-» (the ahippes, boy- lacs coUIm i apli4e. Captais ftMily ams urgig Mns. Bacon lu on- exV.&f t be uiOt lo. the mbUi tes «Miinlu peakiagta Mr. Boek- ter ber lletIsboy lu comipettUon wiIll cty..Iiplte percmi frucm laboor. "Hebal aiedwithme for 17 ai ohewo are onedfor the cou ol*ii.yeais sd vaste bhait unI mate 1 i a5e and na&0onalbaby contents. * Praceiail & but tvo dbfsilutors ever bai. He vas a splendid alo Mns. Bacon scSpts thc honar whlch aIm& ýùîMop luaI waib, but tb. tact ami I canse bhoUeve be tell over- ham bosu hotwod upon ber as a mat- tIsaI 9&. 4am'i qeay was boNlua bourt. Uses If b. bai talIon inlu, the toc of tact. Sho la ot snsprlei that s out SaVe ome i«"M nta e taim- "a)r as the resut of au accident bcHoard-icairied off the honora. How- i ers. ¶h ig Mie d r. Erumuni. e"uldbave taled for belp, as hero aut bislong benber pride and bot bovover. aolupi *nltaiIon sud lhe woro séaor u0fns on dock. He nover joy, sud nov Bbc la plecc o lunoteb tara'it a biatd lbte act 09ba Itimlutedlu me that be conaierci tisaI ber baby bas w*qn recognition of s 'Sa noudmoà W4ý ithu nmy suicide and tht la vbat maIes it the big redlcs sud baby juiges ai breakla admebu= me. eem n o ser. Hesemei prtoctly the state an Weil as of bero ovumra0 AI BUtumn. the North naturaI tbe lai t ime 1 aaw bili la FIÉullY of Puisa Wlniners. à Sbona îj :ntý t» ht develops t lbth Bacon obtres &ft"O»in hwâbc u b ba Th acoonr Dltalet CMagOare prise vinnefrfeputatio. Il aftsmoo luvhlbt ic ali e' as 'h.schone Dela lt tChia -wvas10 yesrms ao tisat Ailes Baccon. sigeo 19 w(b h» proineru for thectitis morning boun forsMihlanaged lilnow, wis awms-id ttprime Dont Oix ine u t 81.81 a tan. HeMichigan City. Afler bc tovnIng ua baby content beld ta Auroas, by MM itbat altboge . Iis Ineans au lu- of Jacobsen, for thonse si ho he fou balu At tve the thdeI ers* asc j eot f<il«ïm lh. pioeof way lu loo, at Il, Capas tlate a ltIhougli Aleuwuas ntarod. Mm-s-Bacon mAIl i*M remmia thesmarn, ents a to. put itoata ukegan as Uic law te- di ot enter "tel, nov aged 16 be- q»àYý, he r«e prce illprufl uire. _batsuc au-la - hal ecause as efeIt one entrant vas eUh.i <et. thp Is p he.inter vall uiseat then a cot L -b- cifiL oe , b. éjuigen sud aîh- pUb mbe 1. hoe9h.vinit rpoili L ~ers endoavored ta gsel ber tea enter ,; ýcoslul age u4t, «4p9. Eel ta 9hl contait, lnformifig ber _______________ al lbhegIrl oril irWulin a prise. -sMcm Bacon diot place berIn lueUs show. hovover. iltbough fions wbat abie beard as a urait voli bave won a prse à Weil as Ale Mar ayWoodward <se *Wle), vite 0 Ped Woodward of 3suChet- et a Meda ci'matER iIO ~, ....Wauega, Aril21., et wiuet su 01 à Ia1- Lala«m4ww'têdi o 'h chmctto anAprilta29o Ga-paplis, mch. "ttt . l3mý1eIs nc bas bren avsrded go ilesf hmbisdecIl vas a sbok bbfpd . ~ ~ ~ ~,a bum-reckgCbngcern, lu'W to14 38ï557 fe a luWaikI*bSt ptti.i ed he.- b hag4e yack oftleas-lng the whmler S op.w *mm am M' c~ haoom ai attday oe f yoareuÀ ýeh wyl ho 5sta d hy F -ett~ OmleriaUIci. ie5380lg Scomilm la th* q, it My a i& tr«y latet. Thle prico 35 7'~ OP l~Y1U M.e lon, 1 8*1meurs thc but of Y;tâ pi 3r l.oiago concern la nol ~ thtiflt ailUa - Sicpubic.'The cotracltCalla for c ga!li t Y e uivasefor beir 11e oftiu»Od l gWo ~5 10 vSskg t the building, the r& l w#h 9 * A . - E dosee IMiPi-4 ailyiiPascdave" vtailBlumber sud debtis and P»81 bUleçww mmfor thc. dsf ufxl enet laauajsI1 bua an.f 4.plilup of 0f 11bOI1. 'Me brick ÀQPW 01 ai ybluilet * Iti5-oge.-ief oflber suddcu decI 0811mas a th lb u W iitu am »b itw xMar7 tRussell, da"l11r 11001 luber fiiini5 Sdi relatives. bnvcuib h ouewek et H0pý li.ery am-11 E iseolf Mime- Mrs- Woodwardi. vho vas the lug eOPMpy ei4 a1l the salvtge that -~ ~ ~ ~~H sar 1. as ua.H as or danghtcc of Mous-yWhte aofVitoit romaine. 4as l Olsola 1878. i He as Wel knwn s lctuerstet, vwi bora lu Wanbog ansd ArrangemeOnt$s have bOeemaie ýo Ho s. idei kovpas eclrerbai lîspi bore aIl ber lite.. 8v. Uic colaisi Meihodisl cburch ail -on revlgIonstopi«. ÏMs v raIeth erancuiosom ryu ".Paver tram onitI t," "A Message Basdes ber buabani abe lesves lOve Iepw n uhasnceait to Motbora.ý "VWcoy Tbrouga Sur- children: As-lIn.agcd elgbt; Wal- cqulp Ihoîr uew cbnrch on bbc souil renier.""G'oisWoid.,à sd ather gs- tec.aged six; Once. agoi tous-: Don- aide. These vilI ho ceonved on rms, ?wou*etlt Century ReligiLu"aId. aged Ibree; Howad. mged one Tuui.1Ora aud ' «lýs Divne Aivonture." vool; alo fiý braîbers and ths-eo Ou Weinesday tbe Hinuaru s-n In '189Î h. decdie to1 vltbîrav tosilon Cmpany of Pobta, 111, vii remave tram thlNrtbodox church on account 'rs. Wooward leaces t oîowing the lar-ge vipe organ and vîli store afiSbis 1i1e.31 viols.- Hoiehecamo su broîhers and sstelra: Mra. Firence i narheCuitats at.of t vil ho onr- evnghistel. occeà tdouiiteni ce- Anderson, .Gearge White, Heny, Mac- bNrtb onony r an l iplai baçke iglons mavemnus in the Baston Mu- id. Marguerite. ,sai", Aliter Alen ludO rattIssu cnditIn d plen vil ie bal sud Mollis 'Street theater. sud Robet White. h. vas bai NU- lahoraelu Coitionhenv chs-ch. Laites- le iricame tululiier o! 'the vember 26, 1889,.and vas mariei De- WhIei the vos-kth f razlnt b. Pis-stt Uniarlauchurch at Oailand, cembes- il, 106. hic hue w lii otofr î ,Il ith Cal. In 1904 lhe founici Itee1Los An-.tbugith aI sin b. 9h. Maytua, dato. golem s elowhp, 'k nov relîglous os-- Oscar lAndai. a carpeuton living 'illa gt Isi1. l teacl dho toen gmnitzaion. in 1911 lie came o taChi. nJcko isSt Wucan a li la ta um he a Io vooils.e*o cago and argauizoi the Chicago Fe ol- Json Arîl 29 visogn.he as BOvl" in B. Pioutw on a c. Ui th Pine lo rt.helovas kofvuka a»'aitbown trom a wagon at Lake Bluff. aihîlcet solectei od Oav th. piai UicpIoce- csîent atWakegn, The accident wae aeusi vbou a vil l e lau WaBegn tà tisafernoon bon-e becinto' balky. Mc. liiIiw ib i'orsul -g aUill h It_ ATTY. C. T. EYDE .O R vas remta, la is home uasla-a on,> iiouiulUeoavec il icpl bacî aiInuribt Il sd" ' oaioa 'h nsedpls WJITECRITCALLY not bnown as -yet vbethes-as or. *1n b. vos-ed ont and t'hoe chitofl Wiulkeqan. May 1. be astainei ans- braken boues. - vlI iraw v evsdpléas. Ais ois Altos-nos C. T. Hes-deckes-l cI.s-t-Ibsidasbsvlbclifo ically DlU at is bome ou Pis-k avenue tiRS. SCIjUMAKER OIES. and th. contrapt avatii. Thé a"eu oUi tueis fais h nont recaser. Mca. Gusta Schumaker. S82 isaisor thc chus-eh*bope In atarI lb.hetuml 4stili eleceaor hardeing o! the aid. vIfs of John Bchnmaker, a voîl work o! construction hy May 26. eul' Isa Condition. ne knovn farmnes- atWarreittoit, diI5 The Methoilt oclly lu W&Ukegaa Àa« l ga tardraay ope- V ritesai et2 P. m, iesth botinS dates hock tri 1844.4t.,l'h. dilaile *ai tr ssc.,o,'.due -la pueumgnla, elîhougil NbevibitsyIasntssiakta2- - 4<t» vtjas cbMt c«tredt. bs-okeitla heait thranzb 0Id as.. It wvas giaîy saî seviug 'cii iffl$ rocaver.- Tie hil ai beot 111 lnit a s eek. '.psiga h8adlnra. 5g 111mmdw. uiv v bora in Gemany, bt bai lîvedla sconisjdem vei'ylmpoftsnl. ~--jas wgc sduoyhut lu- luaL1&e cnar mIn yeans. b J eaveç abe vuinî *Ban oum. lTh, e. ail. si thi e ai wl or Waukegan, April 29. 'lThe lait county teachmi' meetIng Jb teYear la betng held today et the Mitral 5u1io. SupMrntondent limpiOO et this meeting la stIlI main. bSIbg "the. blgh standard charactoer- ato~ of ail of the mistluK of the Mmt. Dr. Opok of the DeKl I 1orsca pv*ýÏ Mn ItnspIrlng tal 9h18 mois àg ci vftOdamentalfl in Tesctxill vblcwh b. tool Up the Import WleoMusIgnment and that of eur study. He stated ho holievêd i05',U*bly lu the latter, but aloo stat- e3 thaet St uoold be of sucb a nature sat tue parents would 'bot bave ta bip. 19 au nfot be arithmetie as le uquilly the cnse-Pr11ts are flot Oood 4eacb*rs lnthit iubiect. He ezbpiuod Most StrongIy the subjoot tMfor borie atudy' iU,2 id tha t au lnt.esintfl a of' aome Ii $ar home study work If rlgbtli #Qp«rYIUi would tend to l«tà*9 boys and girls Irm the stres. ML» lCdlt Smedley of the Mayas Ïeb001. gvanston, gave a most Inter. otlmg bous- lu instruction on primai? bat* 'gork and she bld al the teaci- ers belilua er in the woik. XmMis lh. wbo bua bai chrge of &HI the munie of the associations,. Ws *gain present and delightfNlly enter- talned the teachers today. Wau..kgsu police ,joiuod tia vIde- preai gess-ch for a min -ho gave ce aM&e of R. E. Bcovn and la vaut- , lu Lake Bluff for pai6ing allegel ad ceocks. Brownt maie su ImPres- onu lic e uburli as affable straugor «eking ta purchase a reionce. H. taluei $50 ou a check fromn Miller LBerg ,grocors. After Uic check bai been receiv"ri ce grocers sent it lu the banik, and 19 vas; eturnei mas-bei"nio account,- bonu thoy complained to the village caLrabaand lie. itla ssaid, causei s warrsantat be Isaued for the mrrcsb fr ibis rn4n Brown. Police 8ai(Chicagoan d mll forth ubore cilles bave heon supplidwith acomplets deaceription o! bbe illeged lrceand mi ves-y dive Iu ClIleaga la .ov helng searcbed at, the requeat of te authorclies at LaIe Bluff. soi" ST. CAR, Hes-man liielsoa rosîdent at ilghwood, 10.1 $70 lu a pickpocket atILse Posast April 29. Pidel- sou. aud a numbet of ather skllled wockmeu vèe. oarig a Chicago & ilwaukee Eloctre car- aI Uic Lake Forest station wbenUiche lp madeo bI& han]. UdeiLnclaima Ibat teUis u rau tata hlm as b tlePPed tthte. car aud thon turuci ta hlm. sud said **Wbat's your bur?'»I t ought I reît the man's baud ta my Pocket, and 1hegan au Investigaiion. The pocket bock vas mîssiua. Wheu thc dtp a me 4egin the searcelof my pooketa, rie jumped off the c<r. lu the direciaon oit the Noklbvsîsrf depat. 1 fol- lowed hlm. but lait hlm lu and amaul the buildings; then i nabîfisi bbce po. lice," sali Edelsoli. lng description vhlch vas Ibkevîi fumsnialctulaPollée chIots at ail uortil shoreetiles: Age. about 35 as- 40 yens. Helght, à5 test 8 luces, Wore cark suit and canriid a ralu toat on il irai. At the M.mro &»s»unaI rnlg or thé norlht fp mm" ybo-i beol luelIa' oBee -sMeieâ,ilt. Wauag . W.J. AileS. pisd- oir a the uasaIyasî, vas' ro-clotfflvithout1 op»itlqu l sv o r0 *. e 011lug- 7Wa. 'Job* Oliver. IMW"" udPark. usimatea btu. mdi Roman(Cok% Waukqpg .Oseoc. M. Allai cou- slioiod ha-hie li au aà1"g bacc, In uMtailgbite Mn. Olive pointed ontt th8 al hobaie vorkmbar ad *0 pt.SIiOt, b"d keP maltrabanOiOOUa"i tàeefare i gave hlm plueUS bmominate bm for lteoolau sat. ! >1 , oim. aml ot 1mt"7 nlIathe i et viii C. T.'We1tat tisU*00 1. Wagkocan. May 2. Mi. and M»s. Lolàw J. Teomn Wsre &vckoned trom thoir.* loubéra, ai au early boer thls floraing by a racket in thoi hedrooxu, sud vhon Mr. fo- i55 de"blitlon cite00elbov ho mvý two burglm arutrins bhlm inthe tacs. The 9wo lbur£Wo a d4piai open1 tb.he bdroont wluow, sud Do ioubt bad bain u tu t beeroom ho- fo r e. Yeoman shouted te ber hus- baud. .Mr.. Yoeýmin Jumped frorn thé. bei and wben b. stock bis head out 09 the. wlndow he maw both mou runuiug aléns the aide of tbe bouse lu 9h. abadovn aMatby tiséandu srabboxy. Lâta Monday afternoon Mr@. Yeo. mani bad »Mos the sme two mou .prqwiUng about the bouse, but sie o ot u obt~ifboer bonid Pt bar snspIclons. .Mr. Yeoman vas abl. lu galber n complets description of the twomOIi sud eériy TnosMay mainias ho gale th. police facto vbtch'will l lkely bring about bbe arrest of the two MonL lb AS bellevedib tat the two mon follovai Mr. Yeoman lu bis bomne wbeu ho loft bis jewelry store on Mondor. 1 Auexa»spolice guard vit bch etbrown about thoe dmio.district by the polischImois, and another ai- temot tegain outrance ltto a rosi- douce will Do douýt termînite, lu 9h. arisIof tlb urs. WIthtn the put lfew weeks the Augol of Dostb bas made bbree vIs ta bbé borne of a faudly lu lIna.& sud A. H. Bhutto of Wankogsu han loot tbree relatives byt ho deatha, one of wbom was a brother. About the 159h ef Mardi Mr. 8ilhabb rebved a telcgramu lu tbe effeet tbat liAs b*other,, Rev. MacsSBhutto, paibor tàiCbtian chus-ch of Seymour, uîgWko$pcsssd aval'followlug a On April lilihoh recelved a telegrarn that bis brother'e son-ln-law bld met death lu a rallroad accident, and on April 10th ho vas advîsed that btls aister-tn-law, Ms-s. Macs Shbulta. bai droppsddeiad wblle at, vprk ln ber icitchen. Mr. Shutt's n.pevm v Ile was at wock la suother part of the hanse wben ber drap- pod dead andwben s. it a foufli the had bren dead sme lttle lIme. Rev. Mac. Bhuttolwu onou f thc bt kuow Christlan chiiioh minists at the tîme of icisdeath and. bldat served the Seymour churcbfur mev- oral yeas mau pastor. A. H. Bhutto of Waukegan vas nmlintaleavo bis work to attend the fanerais lu In- diana. The postofMce dopacîment lg ou t vîit a recommrenstion 'for the dis- continuants ýpt ljiýe. use o! metal os- vIte clips asncb &4 are iliIzdli thIe mnaling O! potàl *ïeaVis à"d crculais provlding a retxis .sU-d. The vIce clip$ hav-~eu Iut" "feriàg& vth the canceling matilluo i: sdrne of tbe emnployez of 1h., det Wcîment have ta- las-id thoir Olicinsoutbteut. It mre cases Ibia bas cusUi looad pooantag and thc governiitontb seos ta protect Ili emploiÏes fs-am furîhor lnlury and sufferti. WhIl e -ci reulars and cas-de go fas- tened bave se farnoual eon excludei traom tb. malse tho bIter cecelved hy Poalmaster Daniel Onud coutainod su itiatlnioan thot sudh action la. con- terplaei anIesasthe mallicnu mile uge of onvelopes la btter Pralect1 vilI tb. danger o!flIsis-yt mlyea vito are taoiedta huile thousanis ofthe Ilueves-y day. The manufacturera of the cîpiare appoalng the entorcomesi of lbe or- der for the reasoul t t Ilill reduce tbe, smount usei..O0» RacineMaMit-. facturing tancera r.centli uIe- maniai an aider for a miton « thle futetrr mgu4il anen.nbod 1t simils-as-odots have b.en cancellid by tber lbar fis- n uChicago &né the esteru cibles. REV. H. L. GANSTER IS TO PREACI4 BACCA&AUREATE. Rov. Hova-dI. Gaste-. saeor a! Vhrslt ohureli vas sélectei by lhe senior claso! the Wtlbogsu tovu- ah1> higtaachool on May l té prmb t he s*Uualhoealanrosîe li- î=. itdthe; lais on JSoU!t 1.Thse »mmn viii be p»wabO d il Chijit tf the uses: of 3~çt1nd Cernet Soôncr or-later you'I begin to use it.ý When you do, you want to be sure it5s good vcment. To make sure- LOOF 1tOR TIHEBA-¶!. Tag Tag The brand'is Màfquette Portland Cernent As1tlitttinsit& Mepyramids Made by Marquette Ccment Macofactudng Co WcatâIU&IEIOS AaL.I Telephoues $6,89000OOrder THF, agent for a weli kffown automobile manu- Sfacturer. recently placed au order for cars amnunting ta' $68,000 by Long Distance Têlepboe. 'There is an ever-inerellifg nutuber of business men who use the ILong Distance service of the Bell Sysem in buysn'g and slng. Bell fines cxtend toaU arlpts of the contrY, reubch,ng700 place and giving unlimited opportuflities for the expansico of iness. Every UnllTelepho» e lA Ib Diatanco Telephone j) Chicago TelephoneCopn A. R. Ani. Manager ThooeH. Ducat. Prooieat. W. a. Umlth, Vice Prosidant. F. W. Churchill . Scretary and Manager M4on. O.Witt L, Jonoe,0Me. C.ejnal TIt.EP14ONE 8 SECUR1TY TITE & TRUSTCO ABSTRACIS CÉ TM£LET1tLESGUARATE Capital $125OOO.OO WÀUKEQAN - - ILLINOIS meeting o! thea Labo (bunty Chols aUdeavar Society hbld at lb* (iR LS ION R31)Lake Forest Preihyt terancturlI at evenhsg. AÀpipes-sm vasigvm lacla*- Lest wei %finsEdliaIT Iaie, on (Cily, vei eêiedoipiano,.. Who beaclies bology, etc., lu the lIgh =ocanoui nstrmental solos, and mev- achool ot Shreveport, La., Wvsa t eoralreuiulo eby artit trouy45105 to New Os-eans as a delegate lu *10 1>is-th*ts ou'.AtS90po SoutIent Confoicuce for fEduoston j. eovd W or~mmi uni Industni.' Misa HIgley vas ap- palntei a membern et lIe -specal -19-- mlttée on tls couta.e0ffmInis-. Mis r R I~ E I Lovelige vas a delgate tra M013t- t> um.tbisis. TotqulIs Iit selo 91 muthi a~e.lh lams , MOi It dolug wvai wbiob 5reOévO0 rooogiltIioo troam those ablie W¶ko Ev y DescriptIion pu*y. on u it cf S4,h baibeen Corr«Pofld*I1ce >llCIted - lo -0.50Bay, romdlanHia "3, MaC~à,atheMna IWa'c gan.ora - j tjluigt i '.. -, ý ý, - . -- à, ý- 1.w à 1 -ýý 1.