e fi 4111 1< .5' itèu 4j1 toma im aO-ucsft Ca-Pudflcela a teria h 5a'g e oeepI Meuiàm bwh 4I~-dte a boita lia ils taiw*m4 "é' âmhàfdes T ýhiasnothiaglot Io ftâiY fcref er«aU hle fet"uk la d&W t mtla 84deimby eleoe *ake a smtito101moreseaIbtntiUud OpI ImaMd ne __ de orn Cp8le CtheIse. meFà>mPM4 tAcibe 1* e h~ iat"ui Obmo .14 vi mi lem- j éipi.iu, té rmcéh Tva met , *«qb *altmg a s ue, 1tu mibt caurat hot plum i the 10411 "d utff $c, Society teSatg panedfa1h.gaA aiIbee m limt. pfl15 t ksow Iuaida. fUar 46#018-t «.uNew Mevfsco*AdqIm £f4stL à DU te O *éêéft t'11 e hm ab* t m aglU go. bar, .i the I ~ i#, il ýr qo aile beL be Aid ut.lau4i» mmrbt~~ t lmmp ot banv00 A he f ubamuho% camat uaw1 wl gmubn5aone' & li 1bt I lti M&me uaien t t ad aii Why do mo man ycurlualy a-matei ii ,~ Newik .eP rentw- A~é >itta reun Wo. *4 0f' IIk pilà *Wèdls..déO' bà: 9 - éWaL late sd miotu ~l0i~vd à, th m *hlUt f7 h ormm, it tait4utvto tblé, lSlm éth OuÂl* et w ~ ~ ~ a tseo.t*45ot otb*.two Xi catmalU epotai > fNaa ie l111etonsLsn 158et ai 48 r*,vp atl 'the 3'owdt dUbtaSf. îLà o1ib&ie), ina vrotah Ppur s&"s fot o an Atà,tuep W*tr Ji.otinhelo Ibmh W"tai. thmril efeotbmn elma - day ,4*6 mi mmd 8*am004votm. «Ma dmcodalie maire O0»ebtu otau tbar suâtrdmnthe allot bt ar4cco e t>.i, faims'ber oWMernenof.gaver: ý tb f A ean itI cme»tand ita! th rof tl e tor to! Wauecn votm on d34nm andThé Bih teuul'éla4 IMOhiq -aa vent p tp Thremgho01 th mue àtlp bmaedmq sfltoa t mThéOi la Istard t., E. ote th o rm t figmme. Tit ~wAmthé sofmlv auegam votai 010) figprelîta be mh"sud o td, citof â TBmus1&tlt meéd te b reas » aw yrv,%*imàhta bai hom tla ebavrrfl hUA Mb we heaa l ILmdd aû et tac Weeb"P. ,dE"W ë C". olf th tif Waukeugan"l tho oit Sa munWtheIveous wrm the ootha day.Til ilon *àïaet lteih1 titillnte'siu * the fo ali itai l uU . tr. fie klerb a ot i à"ti nna tray.3oick îpte recelver OI M DTimdibm utai tm sferand.iOn- fi aW uW.trllie cMlt mmm ontel ts of taleimn oa j t Vms mo t aooght Sud la~ Ta ile a o~'e Omorytacin bth dJvi crMfPU »M am.AI111. net dry efinthé tnaOme aveth sm 8 nm tàae !aiotf4i iadps moI uaon andet a- -~ ~ »mà eutefmmctber4t dr chin e cdave th* wmm ,m ait tai beoitn. uthe e orde, "vo oà mg ac al* bor aîImgan," bi dng MIeil lastan eaiiv bm mtfsthecraMtop 17 fb 'iymthriy, mmd Bot.W. dnsd. tiete Hoarde omïytOflantheréb'suammc el""routé tthe ponls fma i Au - bined f!bo C Wltnpfla" uneimer La01i r le ee, oe Mle m e clrcufatad Ibe recl petiiomai: aeclock Wedateuali:M -Me at-I ~afytempt $a recali tbeprAsamet 1 Ia e «««"»imet bas talloi. butit, e p 1"i $uom fila e cmm«PRM, àmiiba te own oa tanft. TbbaeLp adre. -Ment bvéugabt aat tbéoë *~h aud ia&ýrern» tb* a Imagéewl~t té ha kuov*' a thé Ibm oi4érà the eUgiVmmtm t igbe È* (No dult, 'shan vweattemel* tbe tommslon èOïà, , d Oonélv4 t o~~10, - oemt~ "ae out tbeom*t'jiw ,tey were eélctèd 1K I'rst to give MaYft the returns. *.a 160VOort the me.414 *egàn have ýa "I for one wiii dû e im 1port Waukeoýg lb tm the spot~ fé.or o LO Very' gratifytÀd41 1.GOod Gaoré 3flmüv Ot la part, reglill&L*tU 4t"s in last evibw Y ole là the seem4di 't.ewommn'i Tb*i the two lIraI tgpol*8 Sfor' the comié*sib sêet #Md* i6é later by any*t2tl mide district mlkt Troatl.m - of ttémIie-0 j biunie"0*0* rfl poasI tuéc hited cl«em In the blmai accepted 34 tbg y. -but tilhSM4 rwLof aitomarllt @@11, over Ibm 4leI todaiy. lm by ommis4 "à Kt ove thfie day where t hé' 4îr, 4ilgi Waubpqn,ea i. Ou ordc'Ïm or the aytoMaIî Tymrfi today 'sent rotud ta tief drugalata aid ordered tb",mtelapeut alps ta the affect thal alcbl$i md Ile 4 rswould un ot; mati WWI or 'igthout lrecrptlans." lto .dru- lsapated sucb signé "d t» iû-1 *retatIon. t lne mI,*115al **lof such liqurt ta0 iir temé blnhomatîag A'lu f" ete bttiens, for IL t i.a h* l at if l*yPréeçrtlons ordeivA ily l-I 101cahnColdorable eldohalý. Happlemt Mai, éban who uaca av«YitWUag -ini ohalppineas 4pabd *1. g-4 " ad not lîpai aOther# m s I 4jthe Tory bout plan fr tw igél Tis fa the. Maumf odb451- emati or mmiiichairi S bt Ont fIlai if Morsitiey. àée ding uvon utîona 2d uzoo& PON ~ ~ 8-o b"MSaabaglif lo 2 dwn aid 3 up; miactrIe llghtm,4ýbot *ater hout, e'smae.,'Wall i mitAQw, tgmardà h enad' fruittes ir- Miguta walk ta electrie dup0I' . 8o tare ta Waukegau. A. E. B Jin11 Li Âftêr »P or, j re- * ;7EJvw M m u m I d -'u «8a 0 M M, = om, c b Lt fielmet*W4t port e!the Parmb1l#IWut la r, *If Yeu'smt My ooàiionof Wtllf fm' preferesce N' ptlt t uder 4leIP Wnt.," moived md sapplmtr i Leex t Uiion siq~Pr bau mn buniCti. 'O~ ironisala referrod te . i le "Xmows, 0o oi lb. Medue and Par éode cr.. nor statute w'i~l f*1 AlMooct UnbliVMéte< IÇ imlopest bittai tm ~ue oef ' imerve by comptea ixul tewsu 15'uchojansk, a8td *a 5 là"U. Whou a muémaîm oin fa ,1mi 9M 4degrees WI r4ttred. The ,rntbw objui for Jaiua-W. kta, Bl dw fs4l minus 48S t notNewb Ple t Se 3h14 i 'te - o MW