CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 May 1916, p. 3

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W. have rs aoiry.lg Lawrence for -il àkJY In.. when 22 mco1 od , spM d W smMre no.dbM~eder for pbi evc h CgI t"dy 2307 le.. andI isvry prçptent. berng stror4ly bredi Wiibug intbL>4up. He ~1Isauid atý.Rôdoe maz u n" ooL rnifrs~u oUbe v11 -àt k85m-P th~ar J.B. mgr.WTOwe Absolutely Pi mçtue proof Auto Tires 1 GUARANTEED 6500-MILES Boy your tires diréot froux oar factutry andaave from 90% 1o030%. '1het., tires are twice sa t.hick throegh the tred s ordin- ary makes and arù a cgmbination of!theb bt brand4, snobhas <ioodrich, Goodyear and Fireetone. T1huy are *trongly boitaand tieinforced by a new, superior mothod, making a ftnluthed produot unequalled for hard usage and plessure perp.>ses. Uad by ini- dividuals and busiss. eoncerné. Don't delay but. order t-day and dO hway vith your tire troubles. To introduce in your ttrritory wc offer the following prie«: 30z3 - $8.00 34x4 - $15.00 32x3 - 8.00 35x4 - 15.50 3Ox3i - 10.00 35x4à - 20.00 32x3i - 10.50 37x4i - 21.25 3lx4 - 12.00 3x - 22.50 33x4 - 14.50 37x5 - 25.00 AIl other »ix~e alfuo feraiched. TKRIMS. Cab with order. Make remittance bycertified 4hec4 deefi or P. 4.0. mèey order. Whsln or.leriug etate .hethcr cincher, quick detachable clincber or straight aide bead W. dulti&d For 5 dals ve offer 5% discount wbere two or more tires are ordered saIeue i me., PIQUA 1TIRE & RURBER CO. The Modern Method of Doinâ Business T HE nunuber of' busincss transactions ttare initiated 'and broui,,'lt to a eucceisfuI toriclùsion'over the Long Dis- tance tetephone grows daily. There are few transactions, no imatter hoN, big, tlîat ,cannot be handled via the "Bell Way.1" Why flot adapt tbis service to youir own business needs? vE,«7 Bell Téephono ia a Lonà Diftance Telep bone Chicago Telephone Comnpany A. R. AAdJems Managcr S.TulephoasMi0l ho.Visit oui tr j '~IRICAN WtRE ffteI CO., L1DERTYYILE4lO1 4EÀ1J~STSTATE LNe Soj Q mcin le in im.. e4infi, Ill., May t.-Wauted s09eo 0 kmandamus thé tate of! ii la ibe poitio U thaei e stock commission and» ltvàtf lu, ti.i- lùOifg Uic refüui o!fMiae Tresmrera fisaseil to pay eut goy Muserfr0, ti 1 o 100,000 appropration paséed byà lhe lut gcsur*l qc*sbly i o poya Wturers for tÈeir 16884 dûilng tié lest outlireak o! fot snd saoutb dis. I lu the èMe o! the Rve stock cols.0 Mission a"e ciheaalbomuàtig tap-1 prâtimately 130,00. Ovéte o45008 th aibi aoeXarê for edtli. biae Thase.Tii. eàhÉior làu 5 Votani- artss.dillIbeu*,pfttlrty dé- a~~~7uen tfl ue cllma bbas mo ste offcile bave reisflied 'h bono onms la emum asiaie Trias. uier R»»soWa attoreey, atten a econt ailtation vti kthe attorney gmoral,1 hlà Uh il l ic eluvaili. CiOmani conscquenlly bavé no chance for pymout until thé nktI teglatatune acts or thé supreml court holdoateUicl i ib hivalld. Bôme oit. cisaof the lîve stock commission bé-1 ileve thé supréme court voulit loi1 Uic bill vaiid If the question vas suis.1 mitted in the shape of a Mandatons1 proceedtngs agaluat Uic tate Uoas urer askl'ng tIsat chat oficialiécOM,- dered to psy the daims. The o0fciaiS point butt het t! thosé holding edaim. against thé state vouldI gel together lu a meeting thére vonlit bcc utile troublé lu eilecting a atm1- cient sumuto lake tane o! thé cosi et the Utigatlon. The offilala déclare thé dopai- ment la sotinl a position ho masSa. MUs oien stahe officers but voelid hé gladto hi urut.h data 'Io asy person on group of persona vho veuId fie the mandaisus. SiaeéTréasurér Rusipll i mséif would hi gad thi havéeaa Supreme court decision in thé mnatter ai hé la meréiy holding up paymésh of Uic mottey ho, forez 1ilasy Iltgation wlitch mlght arise after thé Monéy vas paid oui. OADY, UN ICR Prosectm sAdift Thai They Upos thir ,**fÙm fflffem.adison, Win, vberetley latcrviefwod us» frleu",Of WaL »If.Oet emer lu- dtweut es a éags ot murderatra l" Fweet debselgurLEaliph J. Da* and . M. EtOyard. sate pos& etors. xpgmased Saisfaction on the, sosor0ftheir hlm The nOaectors sOnt ivo daYs at the capital Oit? cf'-the date Of Wscosi. na and daring tbat Urne, It it' sai they lnterviewed many ram W ho vus friands of Wa. IL Orpet dulrgbis colage days. They intervieaiedti drug clerk vho soiS Orpet the, boUle whlcb bas fiurai 90 ptortnfmtly ta the merdeir asse. 'Me pmtutou completed arrangemnsa eh h men Who baS dealinga vlth Orpt t19 the Hasslnger Srog store ai Maditon viii comae to Wankeeau cn the 1Mb of May prepared to tell vue. and ho'. Orpet bonglt the tvo-oeace bottle. Tiiere la no question nov bgit wvIt the Orpet murder- trial vili begls on May 15. Already Sheriff B. 3. Gnt fiu bas sulipoeinaed 136 veuiremen, and Itlat expectad tbat no lus. tias 2000 men viiilic esubpionnàsd befâni a trial Jury la sécured. It tu geseral IV udetood that the state has. coa pleted the tutk et aubuioeulg thé vîtueuses upon vlioisthepntuto are depending to Sud Orpet gIIIyý andr It la oali that uery mas weaa as a vltneu ha.bebuss ervait wth a sebpoena a"d vIII be ounbaud the 10 of MAY. 11 - tate's Attoruey Ja1'n o0f cHsai ounty accoum&Mnld Attorliys D« and Runyard ou thelu ti 10 lb. ug tai cty of Uthuaie of lensW i t It la sald he ba» nov ,brw îQiitd or the Siaili oU Marioàlrt br lo evewy persos vho lhm; bre1ntlut *tauy. stat's Attqmta Jobu' w MaHesry cosaty aeut -tWêý das and, Dady, atid dn h iat IaU visttedt thé 1 hm iùm - ida -tum born f j=i4tl vsbtoR* 'vl5t* f té W@&ct Xvko . l- 4 s. f f i. I f t I I I I S a I. Bo W~g ltiste, by Acci- deitf.bsto nter the Hotu 1 Srrow. people p14 li Uis ofarmhouse by the rod ,bW#b leadi lu the bot, t1ilg plant et Ocrafe this moranug' maw a 1 .p%1:0,attlred iu over- ait â« =vt4'*imit andkercbtéf t$ed a:oet him fa*ei.'ftiug on the vOOd- le vith W u~edbetween liia Igases-bbis ob attitude expresslng *orgpv anSdom rioSe onuja itte ohite cot wthln the, bouse lay ina S,wmr-ld girl vho vau battus; vltIt*Wheanli se heresuit M a gun-ehot Weund lu tbe back and lover 1lis Iba Wlàésite iad recçîved ai Il o'lock I'esaiay afttrnoos. Thé b bewo .*t ou the voOdpili vas the broibaethe Uicttle girl. He bad helS Uie. sutoigliswhich lied cupte isi ia tdW Joad lIwo the boet cf iI0u~4~-lte-vag theit± bâ~ ~j0t~Wê haggedon a gî ivbleh h. 5iUmIt kudw vas Ioaded." glXty.acveâ sbs" iecsle a Id lid bees ieueS tW thUicchild's body by the explogion 0< Uic goS.Every s*Ct known to tbu shilleS med he or!'thse tvestjetli ntz7hit lien attempt- ed by Dn. .oiiU. thse imlly physician. Iun aa &ttupt to -allay the suffer)ng of thé Litte girl. -Morris dldat.meén 1 shoot me, mamma. Wby dou't hé corne and Seo me" valled Uthelii. girl wben ber isother entcre d thé, hedroom this morning. -No MIorrisdidut méan to shoot you.Morrit dida't knov thé gos vas loaded," repUcd Uic mother. But Monts iidut enter the bcd auber. *et sa"cethé littie girl vas carneS tute thc bcdroom lIn ber fath- er'a arme 4Ua thé littie boy secs hie pi.ter. ini fa* )dm ilîlVan ILes- dyke, thc Mottmr, Seclarés Morris liai refuseS ho even Uter thé house ane tlie acideat wbieb may resuit ia the oéath of bis ilMate and sister. Mor- ris siteso the voodPillE trom day* break util duk ansd aler the Sun bas dlsappeened luI the west at olcIock in the cveulug it' takes the father, mother-anS an eider sister te persuade Morris to enter the bouse. Thé boy la buen-liearted sud nel. ativew 14cr hé 'e loge bis mnd un- legs bis sîste h onditiona mprovéî xnterlaliy duntag the'day. RelattyciB belleve that In cane the chlld aliOU14 pau. avai tÙtbt MoiTi' curoén vould lie rulned andt somie fear his mind would bocome a bleuît. Tuesday alténqoon Morris vent ôut bunttng in thé voodlots vhiiib sur round thé HUIS fanmbouaeé. iPon bisi returu home et S *'cjock Uiat after- noon hé spied haisitie sister et plaY near thé voodpîlé. lu truc boy style ho ralicit thé gu o hiehishould-, piluid thé messie of thé e epqual lita aiter'. body, thés puiied thc trir, gér. Thé chlt seaméed. ad tell ht ti ground lu a taint. Lovlng arma- Uioseeof lier fgthen-esrled bu t thé faimbouse. The imaIt o tiIr back va. pitted vith §aota. UV. JOIio va. summoued sud lic r<rnoved4 piécés o!fied from the cIabe'abPdy. Ireue, thé 16-yésr-oId dwâ*t«r. va lise frt treach ber aM«% 'lde as. hovever. vas tGooexcI14i taoaawý ry thé Uttile form into tlic-boucýbut in a fév moments thé fatiier arlvli and it vas thé father who pliceS uP the Utle girl. eld ber eciite h0 Ii breut sud thés started for 4b»î bou vith the littie lrotherasi 113. older elator 4t hi e héls. Dr. Joiley lielleves thé gi viii ni covér t hat la if no comnp#ÀI mBtot s Il. hte cale e t thé VuW tanityke home tvlce e day andt évér tbing pot etbie in being donc 10 '$réveni blod Méanvbulé Morris Bits oA tise voo4 pilié crylng bits eyès out anS ail he says les*1 1 itdn't iinov It vas loded." ?4ns. Vas Landylke séece Morri lita gieosset thé voodpite or elt able ce Uic néar poncli o! the tuahou.î Thse laté supénvisor. lob&lii ata of lAke Villa, vbosé dotbh lce MarcIt 1s, le!h an estaLt.vîfl ai aP tirzliately 112,000. atb«4* ho is i. itàtlte. *te son, Oburlw IL Btâ ils, M eke, 'lla, vusa 4cisted ai' iU«teonr vitb a bih * -», 00" BmoOdeca viitow Mr. girabus bitUt tçqltong obtîdren- Bart ie tntaD ClIIRCliSERIVICE IN COUY COURT2 New Chicag Aronlbisho Dedi- Witnesses Reate How Haif- cats ôJ'Fmh Cuh Starved Littte FeIIow Stole ai Sunday Service. Food ofSoboolmates. PonUt.ialhlgh mass,cod-.tcd bY An unusaly psttlboue ee vas Rt. 1ev. G. W. Mundeiln D.i)., arcli. tzled ln couaty court Safnrday, May 7,.q blaliop of Chicago, marked the <edîca- when Brueo n-sat. as l.1.ear.oId tion of thé uev Ily Waily Cat holfc boy, vas 1rttgo" où a nteida ehtreb. et the corner orL4ncols udcliarge. Al;Uàt Ie a U dS,5 Niceieentb strects, lu North eCleéo. *ia no iarger th" a aboy «ok, six t Ni LeaSing cherchmes n àà preIatoe scla *abeus W eaih.rtz f ro O hlansd thc sunroun tek, MWgrotIh.usal. tli tacs ta*cM c plo7toklart lu thse cerernoolc. vtI bngei* M i~y tl o% flesay.May 7, viii hi a day longbody abov-suTse Svls to lic rsmeasbercd by the members of j iat ln Most uuàs*L. ne Io ln thc thé Holy N'amly elsrcl i W" Chri0-I Oirade atib tseÇl. cage for iit churclibas liaitheb. Thé Wet uaishcved tk*tg tIs li pisasereof entsrhtnlng Arclibtsl io NfqoaÏ, bassugo su aIable uiaý i Musitéletu. scvly appointed arehbgab. nia for aà"l~àd4 OR Pt ýbe Chicagit dooseor of, tâè hm tOl egber* -oir oulàcf ti mïd'te vent. Ârclblabop Mimdéfabaskets of Mbisacbçoi mates at ce' snd lit a prty flotitheis homes lua . l- 48 N a *ub. o»I-* 10w Mao Atisau oriy icer Saday orIi Mpc higefsqugk ý%%t. asty h L a large itlugatl.s of North Chigagéti»t eut 7~ii and Va*thgsuctiena, mil o!,wboi a kW i ~ I~* wcvc rtding in automobiles. Tt eXf*î5~ itb ~ lt amcbdislop rode ln a big FaUset 1p~~ ~~rb w .chi~~ dWr *, At~ma~~elo Thl'h ulalts of Coumbus of Watt- r*tm Ié<dlu.t4c loges escortait the archbl.liop t h ic akà iâ tti e i ~I& North Chicago edile. It la. mbstaed remain at borne aud tiche iI â tliat feUly 100 automobiles csrricd tibm1grautod.D. -*1 l g ancliblslopasu dabisPauty and bises- Ensuit borne qq*d,$iXft t s- eConte to the Northi Chlcggo ebelIailon of th* boxe, ic s seMay, ho' -vhere ai 10 o'clock itigli masvas necessaly. iheld. Archbbshop Mendelein aecei tir~Om ed th Uclaté archbtsbop Qulgl=y a1 JO$ db, a t>oy idý a aaset t. thbad of thé Catliotl churclies u inteýthe Bt. C « s fb* i'luyaV. Middle vest. Beveral veeka ago nal wweucl'ag, ain* '#46044 re bilg dianuérwvasèsrved ibts lionor )a leaed toU te oéo# *Ce bla WSa iOChcago and many o! the Party,. Beupon ÎUicwlbqv moi a aby Q~ ~4a cluding Capt. Moffett. commandant at;anS uOt>U4 Tiir 0,veêtiti; the Great Lakes naval station, vaem!cosdln«nbhve luroval i pcUY. made .slck because of poison vhlbh The father asaericit be had sot bout had becs placeS! in thc soup by an luiooitelu Bye Mcosh.' eanarchisi vho lias ýevadod capture. SJet . ai lroshakl.18, Yens'oh. 3Archblshop Mundeleinlu a ayoung-vas givou >ahq4glceavoii 3man, and the Catliolc bchrss1 hia nrlgs a fil i! h throughont Uic mlddie West are R a ofeché-hsd.i ws cf«"s on- fltung bis pralmes. sud ihey regarî mlttcd tâ thcte l*tttiiu iUà hlWm as thé Most lovablé sud mcc onta,1 l. ivénérable prient uho han éver sénveit_________________ Itbém. . ý1 Achishop l¶'gy gave thé dedi- mcation gddnéss, sud cértalnly thé nev $35,000 structure could not have he i-more fittlngly dedlcateit. A lIarge n sumber o! pnies from Chicag~o andi asurrouudlug cilles veré Préeut cunid I they ooe part lu tbe servie. d Long bel ère thé bour of\le service d thé nev chutrcli vas packsd to thé 0 diors. Thé ouhbuliia meetng ., it 'paclty of approxlma tely 400 and à rlarge nsémber of meli and vomes vere ýs unable tho oal tai et. ~ r- Roy. P. A. Purcell, D. D., rocter of y thé Cathedrai Collie asd a eleasmate i o! Vathur SItuas. Sconcfltihe Mrs lu Ig servie«. . Nepnoacicdbthecrde mun. A«e. WMà L rn . aer oein ___ of ndeacao! the ross.fne wu. ft tie di. AbrOochureh à Ch- 1 Sd e cago. iRoy. '.T. J i or atu e"-%i .~éeh bcago. vwu ani-eea or o o ise Imaa m a&oa.iàs' V a"l,& *0 cd tbarv* er Sullivan r W~ . Scniceàùuitaut at Hqo1i' TCros coll"; 1ev. Habanand 1ev. Ms.ioy anS @"vral Otbers. Tatlimu a <avis o!rt*9 Cher« «isehe fuimc- , lai* CounMtl.Me lircli. Waiikegau. ai- iteaded &a Cconfirmation service lm thec d This te the tliii time that Ârvh- '7j~s t Lp hMshop Mudelein liasniiltéd LAke la caunty and lu biseudlcation &addrffu a9 ha spoke lu Uic lilglest terme et the Dr vork o!fil'ther Shea of!tUice= re Fa ycitumb ansd of Uice acrico that had 'beau made by cliurch menm- ' I M Et bers to erect Uic fine edîflce.' «s rHe MW*I1Fav ce gestéit that 'thé méembens or the s., church nov heud their efforta tovards 'lai sîlé d. provldlng a achool sultabié for te '¶1rtbr Èùid childrén of the ýchurcli. The arclisdYou'hi nera .btlap made a deep impression on av- mt h IL* 4- ie ery ose@vlio he4rd hlm, Hé ta a mas o o! fine Intellect, sud lie la a splendid dr1 inorator. le Thé srchbisbop s&lo hock part lunu~4 lthe Confirmaton service ai.2la ithe afternoon vhes aven 125 cllidron veré confrmed.' A large sumber o! "Wsukegau realdents atteudeit thé ce services ln the oraing and lu ibé ad Amoag the vgitingPisasud It Catholie soclty rno atindilig thse '-dedicatios cereionlua ere: Rev.T *-G. Uobaz,. ftD.;Pcv. Tho«. B. Mal- li Ier, Dl>, se«Oetarj to archblabop: In, 1We. P. A. Purcell,. DD; Rev. P. 11. unsncai. .SIStOfi.WUkt.1 1 _ý Brm,, o!Uic - l C.os cIteral ts ugul Mary Diblé ..j. .Ply B.Anr cliecli lim. IXB.Keley, SEt LM, ipoints *n~~ jIfs lr. wd p~aI~n ?,k;IF tise bhi 'c r.N.L îét.cfJI*worl~ am!o" brâ W'é Ataoav e th crot e taittaW. P-,* - 't'r*l- 1 e -L U ti MWAW . SWAUXI Iii, DI. Q. P.I De. N. W. 5eu O Tdt"UPsiB - > Pi -e. e

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