kTIONAL R6ES MAllE +4 q. + i - «My eaiIaM bu a4dl à"O q i <tlug for hOfr~~~~~.> -AD 19,OOOSOULS I s~'a hu i cordigLe t.> a 18{oajg - - to pr p. lai 1d fhoo .i ~ DlIao. V C., MaY 17.-<- j a I 18tsr ciea1l thThe. Sum.-A pre.ltinar1 2J 1xt"tý tu ivnirmenstatemnnt 0ffMe général resuIU :or by -gos 4 ttoico f ma nfactures, for Wa it utt rkega ]IJL, bau beu l sîad by Di- ti4vaO W W be ~ a~au~rotor Êa. inoMa1. -,a e beau aoin tom"more.It coaa1uw or a uamary con, 7 Sparia; thé. Mura ftwigSi and 191#' fràté. Ulàkp nWl- xae . w:fid'by te"al. »re1ared itader thé. dlroqettý Mwfrmmi n ~"a bpeî aset Lieu .on f Mr. Wtlaii39.M.mnat; *chii Min à of stlat-cmam for#p 0aOIf4 tura n ty - fur m aie re prinra nI Ui Uiê1.fdi-8 pug re 1subleet t4 Io sacap s <il*Ïi)ý, ài048 Wl t é1W far a"dI Ti. Steto t tIhe ataie .ta smar 1>4 louait neeaary gfaiba n o Ot 0 ale lurtier exaination C i rala hgn Wltoucal qDestloý1 ua, YPYirllgrno ito h oi .hoara fleori. la uscie, are expensiv 0for lb. cowlly; every hecnan of191. ls. ita - mUs many 41011=rto Uh. g m outy 0f Lake. > I * i.t eeance .t. uu(ereý l 10t nil eei tight roaiz docle nde abadal, mensoi<ctëd u.d.ththert t4> show that even hors.thibves botte In file.aaloasb ht f or -1M09* statl.tir- careMely- before tryt to nocuteir job. -bat feflow were onot oolctei forbablhen.GquO pI hnd ave bad son» IcW son.I b . ~>»isvuPOdcaf%1Oe.~~ MLIE f ~4lybin luthe ditchwl$kA 6i'o.u or head even if valuelà at ennhi us c ft i la bl-Fuet reports were taken for %.st*cit' * t*4 al aa in. whe-a lfce i-oiino U~ohoftewanowberouuhtm. havebeon 8fl~monté 1dle durlnx aportin o e! a takddsoiin tb ote as of 'clre am WaGÛ hv fnaatt eiduc. cns, 4, r 1c ..iL7" laI ofhis graodfatblr, lits S. S. orse st tion durng;tbat year. andi 4osoi IR______________ tCiisaon.k at~sui4frdm.ath f rport have roducta for auch roason wore value.la o-r-q#. trasactioa where. ~JaLv .âif.A.h*. ~ tî ,,;t~baatan ~ ,,~-'-'NURDER TRIAL 18 MECCA been hurt or = j= peurblu .Ur inteir É,tamoa thew e a tabllhleu' s .OpU*.deedvd ai of lis FOR NATIONAL %WRITERS. Thewod etLbIs.n - auua tqirdd&(.tt. tb -mon, S. Y.tireenleaf, -r its of uiu ýaaaaa éIU1>< r .a*à Pm es lSVaeYTS in the onneu&a reports ay ms en IThe.Orpçt trial la attractîng atten. hlavo beeu go iwoua à=a. 4DyMUrlUS 5113tia nemt o lnt rvîlt tb ý .I-1U..aon fom al over the nation. Çvery' il CW aS a rematit ii. aàlom 8s uS Uln o f OXigteMc. are owned or contxoilodd » SUC(,130â>-Thèî# the 'property rlie ree sg ppecîs lre uo iii, o. 0111 of tue lestof thia Sort pousfle iwlus qld, a"Cet-by a single injlyldual. partnershtp dlvdd' 00W twedn himself, hW.Atî kut t tiree woinen wrlîers 9;e forotten aa ret*Mnrzeotsd, SW I&M.i corporation, or other owner 'r ]lnca ul çiln Cales Gren daily In court. tb 90"-mn me*M 4b t oe If ow r çt.iooers Marshall, Who lau sent heile b th e Mtk d~oa . tkj e çajii p ýsWu on.eon-rsaerorswelesfr- is feBelt y the.New Yor'i _Jveniue.World. feudunts i a." orètoiM mia MM»16«fnder year endîng December r'î, "f.and £2=a sGreenicaf ad ItV &id a upeeMlw!lr la en 1 , route arP l4Oaiiepapft 04lite iSBA the. ayten -or bo - made ier deoi .zth ensational' mat tIJo nelaperrwlt aen& rep- whcn cd-âèi heffl 00901à1W eà"litéteacasil luaef- ato1 u lbi l. ý 17 forEhsTO'«j y meutatleeusnobi a distance te "COy- ilsaj ~oatéf it s#aîlsimen dl- Â>djîn< lbtiio-fact* set forth lsý garded 'a hein; fan out o! tii or. - IRTOfer.d troai thé ciodar year a ne- the bil Samtuel. . Ortonlo u Id ndla lu amad io*b. ~Il Su Tueday4tak prt va iited spW t eratîne Wa,çeSuu c ,1915. at the: ordt Go ote In a titenflt =é to ilu Dgg imTuescay, -i1maeet tualt tsbiaUsmét for Ita fWsal ageocf 998Yeats. I la related t.iat ho, oi eOo otr --- ----of-6--*u4-uIw-S-#4-e- r se, ai-t 0o l", W 1 tit 1D0 wifoandthaltI bsson, Ftraîk Thmt""Iiswd wiligrottrl aleto, nxttgr o Ieg~ 1 ir 1 an& %*Ç oPM yla fallit; Yu0114. lrywtiiln tho oloasud Ivo granduona, Mllesa aed of enflder lf i ectiran wocnmtdsideaL S le # . andCharesud WhIOea woe tfls cayienda Icint.cr h1for14. brokeu01-be .dc«rW I*0 tragsdy, souitded a Word cf Àýn1 Summa r thef MCaOe rogut.w1U ieoi Hlllhicit8twio fr ii O The. population or Wudgs.et a;h e - -rSuit heause lie i ters hae and caution whlclt aà parent. may vel read Spin n Sd ' ff11 vs1.09ad it a la chargod turuher LM for- kay ei a "te ~ n ud et, frhId . cexa fgat a 1.89si i aén y rmwhe i things again O&Ume« falSt i a v fl 800on .juyy Yeaprier tb hedeatii S. S.. Green- '*Amfor svriy t Mr. Lamiberti, bereft c0f hW abeatiful yMun daNgbiter, .1. 1914. . leit,.by riason of =great 5fe, bal looki at the matie WIï. brmu1w* ilddeuireaotb«er- T»-statgtit euesountthe e saa- bégonia grqatiy enes M ua iandi entsto po~1 y lb u~.iê.she dta wile ande j OtIl 6,e I&5 ociffld vihlith ie coniior- bôddysnd liai at the tume cf tiheiy '-'- di~h1îr cour- ut thl, fduvthite. ilImitaof ho i .alning cfr a certain doedwas of Ur-ihe- M, ydvl 1cu'f~ tallz r dfjb« è1î â--.-thli on thn The dcla lior -u.te auni- souadndiblt, and viiolly nachie tg un- btte yor ROO you. Kew yoa tbey did. UMe adyce laii ei isatIiely,-it la vat lu- aryarednttothé. removal -of soirv- eratanti or appreccate the nature a a lit4e -i yon Olat leara te ableft i. worta'ea ing i ne to bc scofsd ai by Ibose oral imortan seés trou lictfr. e*l o9thelpaîtera 10 vblh hieua ame dthnuCr .Bet-"bl . 9 reorte laMd fll urprt e befixd. always havé tu do finga for myseif?'* ttltaced parets.wbo may uy: II douI want téI1uIUk The. capt*l al ivoutâdi,,m. Oportadlit sud.-51 purort.te.. fihe of and talk of snobtJilngu." l a eofe»tlal tlx> snoeu 1014- wu.114,1401), ttiscona' ýt n-h l arged furlier liaI long prl- i do't fiit 1 ab eflhPn fui preutage, qtir onaouldhOt1OththPlar ..ît;rîie.1;ee gère it is: n l. ie cli 1-th fal4P40 beem atablul:rtrdton-ci _______ parent nrier lived W bad,» the I f, LioWI4U t ewMS bwîïituk "oWeat-biv"S r"t e nr &hid"lit, 4t u e J >uféf tu -ubayaxae bt.n .S a'.eh leptmr aItiIVS rét*m. o! 11< Ohau9eat and bIs son, S. P. Guu hb taught#r th h i Vot velue , yk.o! -reteSPqI-'U.~ 64 ahstMy dauglu*tr rred. ~e an -eo-wy.wer,ie lim ent viita _ve w« lTs a - »4ut I do col aMy thet lMarlon «",4, .>i obol e O *dI. v Yl - eçaaduct of!mfdp MW ?Ieluiacharge ia malthhat end, 1,do net -sï-1h51 Marlon vas effle ay 00.M.,IiSl*t# »inthé, boaiubwl.tasniw M& 4QMtbb ~eés~zaiways bail Maudei chaste, bt I w~rPo mroutaicedala for ha' Té fopoetjr ptV Ili ta tb tiakig property titoult b. d11141o41 thé daies of, ts Ly l ive5 with rUlm hat tW.r daunhbm sare âd- "rentai psbsld for ansi an Mthoir dau0htera, and ttair seita sgdr oetht" We*Mauhoed ie ta hova oseiarately. mclbeeahmtreleua *tl. en active part in thoirrsov uiealoe.- Iate r-Té..yMou- The. ost or inate~iaene 7- »1 aobe8vod ven ho uned thé ie alonr.ad us nuany of tef t i. MIeS.af,rinefIjid te Malle *tof 0lovIL 630,M00ina1914.- la addItion ih o .1pJ Z î içîO'Y whîdb the, roqlvotfrom Op.4=11= ltai.MI tiîe .P 0 aram mtrel nI t a f la:ë.obIPudc 1%afn of te letter. wore flot mt .hn54 It oal "eawIdeh yeur opn0taltaswoiguslu W9tAsotlnseou-tl- pàrects.ý Ob, 1h51 th*Y hald beessiI di§tea récalvea.If lt het lo-tethe prodvUctaor' tii. etàbllslbaett 111 O1neo i ato u a o waltthé m terod tt sti tIf ae'l e" té'. l th e rtii. r ansdthe for lie ceusa year lier. are inelufel *54 êàdsouglit 10 prevont otiems which them dauighftaar.e aflivs fredu Wfigosehip of lteduhoa 'téte l t fbl U Spléb. hmBr nth s iby yon e.Dontl mig aity of 'e,.Ie. 1 rlt fot objeet is lte î.er ue-eio e.mi uot. ui~O lalgl h na.b i AYoung men.duèlr h .piuq-erdii otiiew" - rei ofpower and b.d..Thé. cool o)f. 'UqI~ II Bdeeded to bumalt vithout matéenls.h we er do ca n t hsld Pbir n wos, l an b_ -~~î. . . unuseti matéretlsud àsupplies liou4gt a . itér for-apeculatlon or for-uns du4-.,eXt#o Greenleaf aasert tMia liisnun- b-. lg a subséquet atItOlo. 'Iliffl aleeod dravu anS 9Ikruetited. The. mens uqily does Sot 1ls* IfLe t* qold mac-.for blé ita latur ê oUdMamotinta pa il ~bteiel»Oua #ma4 hi tat reiiortiL l'utdeeti. ospense.. sBuck a. rent Pl o£fces. tr '803% aronveyed ail lie proieni, amoi, Insolence. , or re - sý WUê, . -S. Greenleaf l l o ct131 ativertiaing, traveling erP4nae, or ai- A'-onadèration o!fPi su< love an6f - - - Iowaue for depréciation. ,The veiné o! prodits vas412439e bh Ril changea liai lie deci vs- rngWte44e iiOt la1914. --- l.114 calt M ks atiat the. court sat big h o T'h. value of prlodnci.- rpre"Men t soldeé, allowlng oaci Met.e lirce. h.Id lu Wu.ul» - heu ssellns value or P"ie tt tbel t'c aro equaily in tUe estatli ~waîyu- pilas sactuallilujned 7-ont hf q*tlIe* 3 ho .aysil.fr$Aad.atbef ag8tl 4 facorsé turing lte -caes ye*r ai,*,Qtte. -- n 1k loinnotnecO.aaIlîhaveMilJOestafformeriy restid<lla * lio lb ite unout <i 9II~i tti-US , l. t uow la lutlei0sc T7. CI "0 ~~~~eY.lIevalues ilader ijiwh&s o nOmhct, k L- 1n - - we inouals reo.lve& for, von tbeOInisIelid «. If - vJ ens S d on, on inaterials furnlsed b oh. IlSam 1mary for City, 1914. - IL Dellyq tbg siq . Mat,-a ?"oc~>r o! estibllulinenta. 48. *1*5p0V sndanother îte gut ils P&~1 eaged lbi'lnritaoature of oqqla tt-rttt.-Le4.& K -' Pwpetréansd fdru members. 41.t- Wagê toyio;$s( average auter), e1oo e-* -0 unen'a ànd Children's Outfittera U -G, rm trGra wt priceu and g1eatut fiI» gan, barring - tt »Mt are 4oWeL.býàio ouuty. i Lisy Shows 64 Nams of Stu. det Who Are t&aly to. Be GivenDiploma.. COMMENCEMENT JUN E 15. (Dy 141gb Sohool Rmesl.ir.) Waukeguu. May W5. Thte liaI of seniors. %Nose wbo are *sll4edged meon odate,, spd, 'ho yuMl undoubteilly »take uap hi. grain- l se of! ltsyesr are giveai be- Iut1 shows thât tiiore, la s elsass of U6-'ths saine aumber as lait yéar. 01 fiAt number 33 are girls vite T'he-gaduatlon, exorcises titis yoar .ceàk during the vee or June i te "18 Ô,eudaytbight. Jüne 11, the IÈc4carutW srmonilhi hogi*n laIn -OhffaeoPIpal churob hy, 11. . oy- ait-4bi«.On Wedn.sday cls >eeu netsde s a day, for lhe c1aul picti ne - YrbSay lt ' ltt. alntnhb IL quet 'yu hogiveit la the plcuiè,brIe so. hri u ti *met tfoflva:e OliSrlevAllen BersSue Armstrong HugliBahcox Mar»yies Bocso UI, BAttefthall Zia I»Mmeyer T. sipL orne Roiipff UJIrd Ah*4eoren meleaf I M1blut - ucson Lori Xé '- t"ieooe ino M - ceL Ilo oobhi eson- Crc. t'amer Ja ntio a a ut d I floua* i. Saort- sout Gerald Stran;g Clailys Taylor Lillian Thonuon Henry Tonlgan Artiur Wells 1 E lle n Z itiu tt rm a nt Fai*Duily. eour greait busins beu t net 10o mwhal liés diuiy At a ls- lance, but to-ýdo"vhat Sos ol.riY Sail t hat-ri a. -o a le.M riagetperlsl <'lio. - I b [ovi; avomn l mo t el lot" kilo