idait thati tei in a vio. OW.nY under amade ver> reckon wlth "Ui. undef Wa be fLned . Convie- ýlformation Socly Bn aé& et 9200, but Mat lu the p«Lattr puo- ~e~<l~ t. 5~eg,, u~ay prove a ~pqAoo ~li#a- Wea4~4Vavo~ ~4t~ sud Mn' tor ibm Vuv~s *hap l~ SensgtbW aIDevelopmentS ' voiBnRh s ve àa*dlier,. w"ecfr e pn .boaed blt17Md InIued that furtor orub» thanter t laa bot iiiSosi un ow puilà15MI a chume 0f ,as smltlttU a deadly -pob wltb n- tiéBu tb um1h w4«116 WU SB fW*uls£ sMd vu bmw ai rr ~ bona ut An. t y4u~rJm ,PDb M4ibê u ~à&t« MalSa>S h0a Ft>j r 1. moem ~n 84 ILL. Bay yoar tires direct fsot ou,(mtos-y aid myre (rom 20% Theue tires are trios no tiiol tirongh thse trusas ordiui. au>' nakos and as-e a coosbleatook of tise buti bianda, sais as Goodricis, Goodyear and Firestotie They re .ouîLybut nd roiaforoed by a nev,upmrior meihod, n akm sEiIBpruduot unequalled for bard psagesud,,piqeere pairp..os. Çs4 b>"i- dividusa adbtns orus Dont dela>' but oder "oiy sud do saa>' vth yasr tire trouble. Te in tics uelayous-tesruas-ry veo fer tise: folloing 30x3 - $800 ý34u4 - $15-00 32x3 - 8.00 35É4 - 15.5 30x3i - 1.00 35x44 - k00 32x3i - 10.50 37x4i - 21.25 31%4 - 12.00 35x>5 - 22.50 33x4 - 1450 37x5 - 25.00 AUl olier s aim a [unialed. TERMS. ' Cash qui' fosdes. Mako reinittanoe by certitied check, draft or P. 0I. noney os-des. Whon ordmring be sure te mtats whetiser lncher, qiel detachabie çlincber or straig4t @ide For' O d&yt ve otfer 5% disoornt visore two or more tirest ar rdered t one tines. PIQUA TMR & RUBBER CO. Reach for Your Telephonie when urgent business in a distant city demands persônal attention. Once you get into the habit of using Long .. Distance, you -will find that yQu can save many trips and get quiekeî resuits. E.very Ba ITuase »is m L DtaucsTéimpiso» eO Chicago Telephône Comnpany AR. Andrws naicr lce Prie " tthr 8U'~OW.C.snugbecs.m 8p.I~etirceso.extr b«", 1fi -- f UufrTYYRLk, " Tb% W dfflVdo Dp elo»WLê .qý4àobl emv* b mIbwer. Jblin".- 8cay 19, idgwkot ,Wu à lt. slw ahhlP~ froseasai boJon. ad r» lUt1 m'P «M.» - teI -Pm* t thbde t d tepit it obauoia ou optom sSo stan ovieoce as l attwdâme404as efflr I.c »dov i«bat-Ou gladplUm rond wu ai Bthe io"' thab trucln. Jwno Swab et onb bo ie s tisi Bu eager cu ses b. drovo bwu pudfothe -ond S morla& os tobstruction hnthe rryaur Une thued polIL. ndlaptctIl . Mti 1 tus- oui for thé bsyrack ibat caunOd the Fenrys bt= u tolthe Mi s0" atrike he absbtract. janm e et, brother of ti* de1 CIsaid and the Mmn vho vas drilv- ng the machine, tool lthe stand shorb- t>' - beorse noon Iodai. ile told' 1h. stany of the Smdmt.' Points which bel aideas Oagt te brlng out eAn>'vls the ise O! the obstruction.lisls eglt. ditane -ram tisa ouI. etc. The cii' aaso sought te bins ontt t Mthe na.iOs vas belng drtresai »»& anm d d vllhout thI eailigts h.raing. th- seektni to prpve coéts-tbutS>'i>gl- ronce. The plantf Bln bu',caseo Ferry ivs. th. Cl' a! Waukegsn. oonplmted th. vor & t, tunOn t4étmmy Ibis attarnoon sud resimi tber esse. Jalfs Ferry, vbolhadtli stand beoe-e non vas folloveilb>'Heu"y Sino. a nom- ber o!flise fatal auto crash Party. Mrs. Edward Ferry, the wiOw- was the lestto beh plaeed on the stand. Contsactor Nelion. the man vho leut the obstruction n the Street, vas He saBd ho thougblt the obtruciion vas vithBn Ibree fost o! tihe curb,. Neisou vas floveil b>'CommiBs- sonr Dletineyer vIorne teetlunony vas very briet. "TYour naine Bs J. J. Dltnseyeri?" asieS Attorney Bulkley. *"ItlaB," vas the reply. "Lttate what, If au', officili posB- tion you bold vlth the cty of Wall. kegan." "I amn cormBisaloner of strels and lmprovementa." *"State If Yeu inov vhat turne the sun set on December 9 1012."1 "At about 19 minutas j%%W 4."1 "That'à all," saiS the qugtioner. hnammuch as ' the dtps. la brought out !ev points a on1e direelt exanslnatlou, Ih vas impousIble for the attorneys for the plaintif toa&in out anythins on croisFmminaioma The cty put on 1fr.,Ilttiny«es' slow ibat the sun set'at 4:» > in. Bn mn effort to offset soieo!th e testbaon>' tntraduced b>' th*0defonse.' A& one ofÉliciaI alS, the pilattl cou- tendeS tisai it vas;- arleljubýte $ ýfiy d lauter o tlonbuî t Sr h"og bars the eulo 11511 burnlng.,1 8 Weolock IRobert- Sasrt. sunerBa td&to! troeti, vas-put on th 1 stand. ~~.. e, su on oua double eclag»ofCI olla _____Él_____ tqf' uellg latoixttag liquorin ________ atW&ésowsterdtil Bs to <show - *0ibs~stIa*or ibM-thm o-o stBe*~atbontroedoi1 lot- ~~~bo ~ ~ t »Ç'dcodut 4- 14 mb Saut- oel i t~u1~&ta a lm TII beuh lae ~O*a etruaide 1h. att mai.lW,~nvOaUaltare * tuier etoiS 0f he law0 Iflinls M ibmp~2oand hoseau tua mIW wa 4 ts.1 *Mtave ,t T4 baO4 tgilu.»Met 'Wtt amide a ont omê- M othe lofficr Miois osabiaMiie00Wuornlthand t" etws .oeuyo 0 heravefecntt ~UolWI!ti4tai ia bre concertid mon w pum v- ---' -. t--~- g m I 91"e CItY ho.tofa- #0a e"', C" M i' dqntuism< m ols t* 1vétm i 5O O -,a«*rter.1 W 'i. G : h , r*o u b'5:tr Ap1o'5 weèbMirsml.wç- v~qby*~im' mot lb.oqtl et-O Cbu I e es- eçuadt resideuts et 31ou CI alva t UV s~ MisMes 510vSp î ~SI m- -- 16 M sud aboL r#ai, eetv wtbin $sp4. rW-. Me _-1-v- n cannev ba4.lm>tmdgr arreet w C m a -b1WAqWýdqM54AturdaY. 1Mr. adatal bta hn~ ,. ent latBe 5 sae~ sta hde'm A3~I~ - ad laid be-th i0 -yl to- hùun wbilhMesd riv.oireuolov i v.Istoerof<ss-of -i 1 'tthe esatesa the OtOtnlV nIB RtW r*ib e as W Lito41 naald e Th tus eMBaeho 90 4 tIt$cty poBo,4hlgfa loirattapt't **Akegsfl wth- 1 iiW bMbv W - 1$f ~ ~ 4 In Il t~t as al at Vo4iva. bis berna released on ou 11di hesviii 1uP4iý à- the lty.the .coglt!lMur, vas asdilin> '-v md~ ~~w thofva th uue d t j. "Yes, 1h51 s B voer afrid tea *ru>b * e 44M andthelage *0stae, ndIl i onUsw-tbeeyu is uhie nalU9*bms trm otoit 'îo-*oe ý M>14, L "Ul thaï: liiie Ù it*a awarant te îoffl." vWa big roi. pmone. u b. Bue( I> ~~~t5cbare, I Mc-Thon Mr. Sveaoî carne back vlitb:UsO51r canaer i etuls n a ctî W6 l ellsbOd on0IO? ~ vs# l~ Cham coportio Conge Bukle "!LOveerVoliva mgned Il; dlda't oral ooerssNr1. hrt Wà ihage.Cororta une-l attorey' you see t lu The Sun lut evenlng?" hlnd bars lai the Waukep.n 1jsl~. conterred vitb tire> as the .psato.Not Pist p7 thisheurt~O hq"~~p ttorney and YO utue ho uined t?" tehurY, ll «Yen.,ed that from "Weé, a tact; th sue Ar hr .- *m«, 4»te l the police cheoýt-Sf 1au egan viii"l .volo t ah rtc;i. Arihurt Ur4Af*e>bOtl.OlTI vob au n àn'4~th tue~ records show iL" said the relotte - niet>s easl.lduu 1 B '.badan h 1-e ou tûroueh vtth Zion & as a the.I, e- Q« f(rcent of lte l+., resaîtit Sft#B aifair? " aakd the te- UP Yl> à th,~5~SI _______ porter. ot" C elBOlUl,~~ '~~ butls Lé- 1 te I,.. botol e Ut.u2o1 J[~~I~j4~~ AND "Oh. noý, MSai voQne>'."I amnas le# aatigeryoiuaB enm.b~i loyal a Zion u5m« a I.4et va . lbsto I.dvaa- tav«*1e :tadt1m rm throueh wilh bt.l2 u 'l-uým. alIYA7U~ ng vlth Alr'tu *0'ni o % ui eho"!bda meriler bI VUho hSt daSOti IO '1w s tlNî tMý o, a t with the Botutfruty .afùsd t 1g i a rjod ~o COli~TY~ r WHelp. luteeeVIIf.G. UiISs W*»be*MtQ <cst4Pr-o ui ot")t) W' b.d « ejSttpunds ofcl!0 ro~b,,i fense ta p-a son the gulit or Ilne-no nstape eta galaeibet laval ni, -,a J cenice or ibis ypunrzqm»o. brouet uc 4lhusolo in. Bmnte say lbu qne hun4s-eo ,and thpilx mou -451 hoIl t thel,-mt- if Vliva a s :ii ter turtisor wwow rulisd " - o ) Mopdtert on day mornlng oubroiI trustrt usUU.Vo servies o »'îorqtà. W ho bail sioouti; Bdm 'lhisr. Ils1 ly iira8 day IMN eror la f>i àat.S~ aligoosl 10 cents a mlq t4 ilonge. stainado îgom Tho cent of the 136 Jutea-éto rsi@v-e *tuILtes Arhur Voliva ii", juspe preent lu court teday lis est.B1na t *a -I msto sena'fZon hall a theI C' <ot ,4, gnilU 1 !theie Mos> uWiâ oest uns& vol. swmt 4W 'bot that e<V ol-uF& ~ two or three nxeals a day ai tho Co un- as = =uli. M" rn t"? h htO éo«w manui a<m bisa' ty'a expense. Then collietise'Conof;o!,Not many arm n favor ofIlB, front could is etlr9,M,d tn 1* b subpoenBng wtnesses and viiMténvien, 1wbut 1 hear," saidS SemneY. ehonced toXetaro spd. the, usual court coît5 t~.1hie ,8n!"Have ybu talleS Vlth Oversoor _______ Voiaabout the. natter of hBs ign- Orp< tral îlinet ncldo b. eestolS .yon and others tisai he beleved ilI ot the states attornley or hise as-U., ie brother Sbould b Puunshed for li IIV satant, or the tees ot the qborl$ or actions'" I~u~mILI of the presiding ludge. 'rh'*No. 1 havent aiS a Word tehblD>; are pad by he yer, an hmerthat:vi-ote Our notes telllnu - ar pld y heYar adthýiO hitleti vo v ers throixgh sud ibat wa wlii net Buffer any Ions ols t1i'lr sc- ended It. ,CA'UN coulât through tbe Orpet trla Watmae No lted o t.eijfflJ5. Fou il laetemBated that the ti vil 'btmd saB h oecn cent laie c ovnty $25.000 hetqre a ver- cerned over the ivay the matter vas Il Yau -muet gel d " "'i o handled,* mid twony., Wfl Ibat diunc do't d Bt dct Bs retuvrned. Arthur Volia baad been oui of jai nWabsn.___ on bonds tor- over litrondai's betore - If Y9u do, b. Bulle -sd 'have $14 46 ve lad ny kuoi'lOdgeof aitunS be- t pa amue.for thst's the Oout- Of HOME AT FOX LAKE 18 fore vo coulil bave taen MW ftff ruIsmhevlcesai WRECKED UV THE WIND. te proiect ourselves If w. ba drokiteplc II o _______wlshed." of Course ibis. doms tpy1 PXl l'ho day dawned- brght ae Fox "Are eliher >'ou or Mi'. Wlednsumn w vo do bot mal. t a Pmeulmo Lake. Many of the asomr uldots nou'armed-doyucry eov5teaspeni alil tie> earu for dfk. bi bgaigte prepare tesinlot as a reault of rour t*r 'tisait or hdoms aPply tb the MOs ah. wm au r sthm lereMi.surdi Noi anm net as-moSand dont Bn- arreetod tva mi dthroms. a amonth rse~~~ tendto be," said B1fOY - -onSiun ai7 lmris«P laS.. Roeuse ii by Hurrsicane. 'No < mga Il5 'AtIs V' yInlitn;abgli nte p r The 31se1 sommer bome. of 18, ',il ns<a basob amersafedMt romas lad beenlfted 0on "sttills ev- sucoeedMlîrsw»omei, bt a - holine stationb.plo__ 9pa fett emta- o s B as.usmtce.Hemer Taylor, ittem#tlbg te, iC.eu4!l1 1dM~StIn.The breegg,,!5 u nla nov neq t1p t eklo l.3~r4 dtad amntmae I im iie fisa ptoably pmld r or ib i Md~l t>eaflernoon, at4 ierpttlng Tmt UIv about tIc sh satlOOa 4 '"-%tf sbB leZet, .h1e stove Bte 1.1, Mssai t tli <he sitton i Itf, ldhwa letP I mn 3 .1la'do n the sau e)ph. r j'Mll t i i- to4 fd> Vsuq:*,à ..4â of a sudden lIer.' ltRe a h. h 0*O 5 lsl 0et"er'in.sua ilp o 1Iai hie a cylone,' ae tut toda>' i t ktb*;Db»e» 4oi ftoo"drnk, sd dlm#d bàn> YQ4 "vatgly itted mP te "as-. . bit vhon:îàka'l vitt. hbetlW~. S 6 le-o#45" ts I isulfagt. d aBneil, 11e Ulide udo«' net lave . Tieyn a oved it out et I Btsust M. . ' Wvmlb- plao bboi elht tent, and over u brVIv oln bi1r td ~ '- non mv BotlY bw 1inu vaS serrata10 tus 710 n> on 0W,1 don't otZ r. e bu asdoue theme thinsu ti llr '*0Pêà, ts orsbil eb. vts afiSet litelil d ta5st cSehodo te pleces. Tho coRsee t hi " ýa=l1>, 5t< h. !eit-l la'til"h Of.MeIt.wo. Vasý sisIleSbut, lucklli, t put -eut till ii 41sDa~*~4~t~i* 05 dslo * t1t# the keroselleétuve. A ScoToSàl "Iai dteos b& qtvaluable OUl ain 4Lt"it kalmneentht ot qut -. . liiLvfôvre net daa=~ . 1 4< o? t%»t le Bas r$e0aii qQit.tor Saide or anoib- Ïmr Ontr b~?'vsskber-- 4UO ofos.$1 sd144&,or ~ 0'near b>'was caY1d- lu vhon out 'ebv nu Zintsii.tto bi.tol sau.-bes. s. ldpmidbnt rendertlRE 0". W*a~4P*-lt! nuste-I I I i g 'I N "us- IRWA] L EAU'