CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 May 1916, p. 5

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M--~-~-tr oret ç wmgkcoe:nUik an#y Mr& am TOUVblWM ema dim*. 0 yre. E. A. Biàhop, Mtr. Màcbinery YOUNZxwNeed JANEV L Sattcly Niew Way. Flying Dutcman DURE AND.,J»MVILLE Swigle.d Tiwo Row GOOD ST=C AT RIHT RIC Sckanck Hardware Co. ---F; AE.E. - -S.-lL~ For tableu. or cady Try a bottie with, your next order Goriett & Frectericks ti3q - ILI . PHIONE 30. -~t I IL CBurridge &,Son'.Nursery Stock FRUIT TR»IW nomd k- uytw n mii dn»f. Let us do it for you, wO e ca e Z#. Ot very moderato. NfOW ISTH IM W o omr thool ttOSO , iplants and FainolmGarus Phono 102-iR -tetl S oyi 1bPiÎg e U~~M.fitures Shows high test for 'Geriftmation We Can ; -Stiply Your Every Seedi Want- Mr. snd Mm.. P. P. Dymond recrpied borene st Fiidalfrotu s four utonthb tour iu- the statu. of Texasa nd Cai. forna.1 William, son of Mr. sud Mie. Chas. Llug. va. quit. ill hIsl eek ulit a touch or pueumoula. H. la Dow im- proved. L1 mi"e Helen Athimmion of Cicaga, ubo jues iatuned front Frmsah Li&k Sprinta. mnd.. leno# Itbm gutwitqiber Couela, ire. Cheser Willcox Mia. JL J. Heaur bas retaeid teber home fronsth@b. hmpital ab WýUkegau Mud la Dowcouder hin bar. a9 mise Zii., strained urm,. Mia. A. M sdemaudit*, 0» u Wedmuday lo Omellatea. 9h. ýwu celled titse, h@ i.flmm et be mother, "ir. Gba. Ruîdolpi. Tb*. Minée Lolaiseeldi rsud »d. dmWgat lte honte of teé f*rmer'e ism ' *ovul lfrocstgo BoIt iiou nMlwvauk Veu t h o ir mybbou int âita t,.y George Surm. li. sud ML.Jo. Derriger and Mr. acé *& erntaüJ. Nyb> vw.nt. bte, V14 »M Pukto attiend Ibi'dnerai of tbelg Mivl'»A. JOb" Biisbue./ - ~ ~ Âa b w.»bi nioh s beo )OSPî and litîle daugb. Ut.L are ependtug s few Colisy'e panent@. Mr. ý lover. or flanta for Mu onr ad in suother kb Fiov..r & Vegtable bictelor in Sacred Theo- 41 mon the Reverend *ë Wee3teru Theological qeement lat Tburoday. iff F'R ( OUR DEPOSITS May 1, 1916 ......... ..... Mlay 1. 1915 .. ............. S.~ê9 INCREASE, One Year .......- Au accoua wità dis Bank la s m, Cre of Securltg. scri'yce aMWlSdiu your ba«klug retdos. - Mie. Fred Joedtielm viited lu Wauke.d UStorday.1 mi". fIt1t (CAr.i wu.. U Wankegau *WalOr Mondsy. NP& pred ~mioIgeVoilà,wMa Mr. snd li. Frank S. Keru wereb Wikukeat violinre $uuday. Mr.madMie John Lyon@ are vorr lit aot gi bus»ornàonNorth t. e Jamea H. 8van bas been confined 10 hie houe ueek ulth ekuesà. 1miabaper iwlai .twitb,isra. ROY' Wrlghb O Tqemday .veal g. M y28. Um- BùI5 WIrodowévviititd wtia eude ber. te latter #parft Iet woWeha F'o;.gond eattmg andesud potatoee,E Piote *04,. W.eblieker. 85e1 C. Ir. WrOU"Wha.nom.ID montanalafa *inltereeta of the tMotan aisin .Laadd Au»a Winkler o! Waakegan, #peut a I fmw daie tht. week at the Fred Joebhelln bon». a. Utwfller of! Round Lake, oepted a position in ithe LihertvIlle I Garfge. 1. 1 ImauMabel alerebas rturned t10 Lake Zurich ater epending aikek ultit rela Uteu hore. Nfe.'Kuciec~ f ml , rmepet Sunday with relative.sud rende lu The Ramas baiebali club viii tgr. ea dauce, q% theAuditorium on Wednedaye eveniné, Mev.3l. I r. C. Smith, of Edison Park, Ill., $pentn 'ruday and Frdsy ifqiting friendet and relativee re. lir@. Alie rire 1.1 Friday fur a viit vrithx daughtmr, Mr»e. Wi u. Lohr at nauxfton, U11ç m" Ma fchanck retornedftroin New OrlemaaOb faturdas alter ependlng the winter in te South. geWne W1ite ai Ruvpunwoo,.viitedl aile brother, tb.elier. Ed ward M. W bte, Tueuday aud Wedeaday.C Oblbop Audereon of Chicugo, in to vieil 81. Lýawrene'egplacopai mureb on the alleiuooh of Soudai, Je». 25., lire. yr»mce Welch sd Miné Ida Ibrahinacd 0" sIPubk speit Tueaday wlth Mi. and r&I. 7 A.Blebop. Tii. W(C.T. U III bld ie rnonthly boamemcetag sinsithe. home of Un illargart Moore Mn Tueeday. May 23. A party ofSudayecl toerafrom fit, S.Lawrence chenilsAutended the Tmmhe'e[ueittM sWaukegsn Tues- Ber. 9. J. M. Natter o! Chiegol. Wa» the. guet of Ber. s»d Mie. Bd ward S. White, snd tPridsjr of isel week. Mr. sud Mme.Ch. Jocuh.lm will et lip bÔempfgth. e . Tri*"e tas on Broadway l&W'flottei part ol li A-u.w ealb.ry dffihiegouctaln ba. be.nituamObi lb. vilfge on Mllwaukse &,beiolafront; of lb. Rger EHardwe 'Mr. sud Mme J. W. Brown have rnoved fro. thý Bulkley building onU Miwakee avenu 1to tir ou. honne o.Foarth mineet. Thisle a remiider thoit 1ou aborld psy for tb. carof$our lot n lb. coeter. MM@ie.slabethLScbanck ulU te the EOhII.onq o1 the direclorf ofliba tguk Con Board 0o m grruture. la. te.ded ga metintg Dithe Nortiiera lilinufa sud soulhi," wiecncircuit o! otry. faire, et Palatins on WedoWeds. b mestbek urne eld foi th. purpo,. et ane ranglnggforgod bore Yocetaithe comlmg faire In the. circuit. At a epeclal meeting cii bnvillage board beld Mouday iflght It vwas voted te percha.. a 0mw firewhistie Mo mhp beek theanom wla pmâ uagit bha bitem UnesWtieory. Thé. omu vbtl vdin bi ôt a laawmr pattern, bivigastu, Iv gouig. village Clek J. A. Tieptow- ordered tie i. n w uille Thrday tupin Wiliam Marhaîli of LAke Furelt, la o'ie of the. profeeeionat playere, of the OqwenteiaClub, looked ever thé. trait of lie proposed golf courneo! th. Keulocb, country Club 0f lUbertyvlule gat ah. Eais ltnt Frid*y sud estad %baitlit. tract le au excellent on. sud thai l*0 elob va. rery fortunate i. heiug, ale te ge4' posmeeeion ef 0O flue a piner o grou Ser @DW4Té.yýn Lihertyvlleloa tieg s malt coplco. ou part lunlii. Orvet-ta". DOW agoug on la Waulgsa. lH. hua aleddy h.lped te sommonver M 0peuple fIrons iir ue moguitn of Sb@temaiy te appeur a. Jemert . H. hâsboitnDOIlm than 85 front Lfh.syitl.. apposir la Sb*a court romn sud thie " of Mecriax a juiy le Dot yet elorpleted. A naumber af Libertnl, peuple have s"lobeen ebpobe e a 0b. on boansewlteman hoon a. toëtl. LiberqivIII. banske ere vei frpreent- md ai th. annuel banquet o! the Cotjr Bukers a' eecation held lu the club Nortlthuch go il ,dupedav. Thoom n ber. stlending wre: Attotueym B. K Miner sud %Pl i locijufilu, F. P ý. ymo. De. J.L Taylor. C. F. Wright.arry Neoyerà, G. V. Qrldley, Eloy F. lWright, Witn. Wslrood. Attorney Millet usa elected Vire Charma. of the. am.oclatou sud Boy F. W rlgb &use elected a terni- ber of tbmhe eulive commîlte.. Tii. banireh uer, given s fine hanqunet uihit us folio wed by su Informai prograut. The Park ltnpîovement commitiee of the Libertyville village btoard wll corne lu for mueh prie lu a feu daya wb-,n the meverai Dow b.d. of ahrtfbbery whî hl have been net out lu the paýrk, on tihé nortitansumouthcornera ou Milwake ulil itein 1te1mai. Allai the..eibru have benela the giousid a mlIrit tinte sud the. plote have beau emntlw ont, sud the an mouets, lba local peuple ul barilly beliae tai« tle lie eaMM Park. A! tyong «tieubove oisoma lmç opt sud lb. eumi' W l ii outlmv f té park udt 0* aevsngid moon. Themhbrube ee» *aW ie H. C. lurridg. £8., *.laruve DUemryamrer .mile rtec, aMithe =11% f etig u iib dbivs dame by the. Ohm. Mie. iaiIW Nubitard and grand- ýdugitter, NUe Lac, Wheelwrxbt o! RBarv*rd. tIu".Iover Bnnday wilh the !ormerWeau, * tik Hubliaed sud îamîîy. Mr. sud ui e.F.Frauzen stluded a u.dd*jin.Vranm nelme., Mi 'Ailê 18tn, uh of! iePîaiesat saîard&revmt There wefl. over two hund.'ed gumotheb.weddine. WN I.Ladi,ýha. Proctor and Thoutýaa Rlddl.mogwffltaWaukegau Wdne. day ereoig u.*tbed s meetînir of lb. fila. That. Uiddienouwa nitlsted ino the " emeeting. 11ev. Ula*wâ. Wblto bami ijen citomm by tii. f cg theIbmGrayelake Hlgh ab", &.pase the.Bareaareah .mruaf~<tI~Spgstinal bureh, Ormylal. aeflsnay velng. of Mr. Low XIMtm'deted bersa birth- delsrpis bui home. The houre ver. plefslo!aeo la 13music sud &ta laie bout, a wdi a. erved. Viam w lm.b Mimamucb o! th. wrork af vimqWan tire caminge mfnce lha Iiaed l 1»m o lt ntup-to-dat. mul.1 canieing e la hie repair @hop.i This vorkwube ormerly u to Chirago.i Qut. a lseb crowd alteuded lb. dan..givewbir lie Rancarea Base.P41 'l club althe T#u'n hall lait Friday nies- Tie renel.usafurntmbmd bv, iiaon'a orchemtra. Henry j>O.i4e, Whto wami îeoently eiected bto tihibe o! Polio- %agstrste, has reeed hbléo.tlmion trom tomer. nor Dun u»àd'ha.opened an ont te in lb. Ionriam Eteapge jv-ýr thé l)ecker dîug otor*. Coroner J. L.) Taylor waxe alletilc Wadworii Wedueeday ntardig igd prielde as lbd laquent over thte remaama of PatrLck tinoli,.au sged rsîlroad employe. 00eepI.te details appesrInl anotber ohUe. Lionel Bull, geeral manager ot the 8uperior Miime-Machinte Co., ohipped oue of *0t. mWellm tnufsctured by his compas: io M.'brother Clyfford in Siocktob. OmNUinIa. uhere be la oçrsi- log a large fàkUý. Dr. Çhaýe. sud Madame Stepheseenfer- tatned titi forirWeother sud lter, »«. C. LdOte n»abd*re-. W. L. Bmsty of Chiengo, 'ver Suindaz. Dr. Stephene' mother nd seleteaur theur vay te, Montana t10 &pend th.e umuer. Mri. sudlire, 0., L. Thompeon o! Frankfort, lsd . sied usaI uund*y for a viil vîit Ur. and iMn. IL A. Bihop sud danghter. M ru,1'hompmon rnmalning with themu otil Oeul Saday. lUr@. Thornpmon lae mnerof lire. ibop. F. I. Overeon 0 f Racine, eeft se.veral dayse ife of t11e wek witb friende. He reportei that Mnt. Overeon sud heu mson are maklng s vieil i.s Rolland. Iows, at te Ihomee o! lire, Overenne brother. Eeideaiy Frank do.. not think mucii of *1ateiug" or bai b. aîresde become boue.elc? W. f»MinhYou Ire. a eomploei. m et s tefr a»y beatiul mog* Ail the. matulleb to baud sab.plied by 'te eI mooe4amlà wli very eet servicepoOM& 'bla. ur Métis a ve ton sil 9lb.uaal woyalee uhe buildin Nodlayes cr d01pote. vwm ie.tding vitb it e Bvecy pi tombher un haaaaod e"bs ambWbelone b"izg. S Ask nfoi re, »pan iso It e hmeal bouaeu, of uhici ue have i W. P. FRiAN2ENoi JR "ýTii.Proof o ,Puddinig la n lu b Sm . rn pendent '. CIsmifed 4 du bave, l puzovo by bug satifled customnero. Ask afty uitr oi4heseuWÈ é'p j * "Rhe wvor1ô., îson, th liu bini; rc- is wf i carM iwitekia .~1hê~ 4lisb , lîki ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 a 4Ite. - .. . 'iarLflOl ForTbose NewÇ A good unie Of Swias ut 12 oents io:im, YQUe», Mtirquîiseeffld,. Lac aujiit, J~new 4 Redyma6not l1e Porti oe e eraýve% *io0« vf Crtnenn ew spatit*mî 1jo &ý ,WIIILj & Lake, County Naionali Qaplel Siplu sudPFQ!IS -S1r . -. ..--.vvw.*mwanivv 10 LA"t..spmUeuMd S0u "i I&Cl.ttam..e -C-A L L 1, .AýD ISIE Till iý i 1'. il D.w ytou bv b.CiL 1ai Phne 47 Anusnauncemntu vMade laml SUn- dai fron t1h pulbit o! thea Piebyrterlsu eburc t lit asmeeting Of lb. giemnbere 01 the cnugregstionn ould b. h.14'uext S'ioda:for te purpom. o! etemdlugsa muI ite 0ev. George W. Hora, uho pimacbed in te churcb laIMI udoy. It la plano.d ta have a Mo&lia*or pimet Who mli have charge o! the umtingx.b A coueirt uill be gîven ln tb. Preeby- tagrtan churcîs Auditorium atn Tburmday oveling o! th!@ week under tii. au9plcee o! theChrilelan Budeavor. *Tte progrant mli iegin at 8: 15 o'etoek snd wulli b. as fotiove: Vceaiist@-Mrs. Paul B. Bar- tpau sud John 1". Crosby. Bedei-Muîe EUsa B. Turner of Ciicago. P4iotie- Mise Mldred titicen o! Chiagoý The a.dmissionu wil Le 2-- The Md. E. %%illanje sud W. P. Franzen fakmiles exelntged bore. lie week by bot famis lîe iyig the fmarne day sud oubttilymoving ta t 9.boume o!flte other. The WilliaL- M. famlefkt tbm H.J. LitnflIeld bioue. on Bisipad Court tamove itbte AllineOn house. on Dougla. Avenue. whlcb Mr. andI Mie. rameoa vcated tW ocup the. LItchfleld Quite a numbet oof pipeople eatend a bige dancin«parq t. aI ie Seldon fcol aI Ares, Tueedaw sighî uhlcb un given bv Ibm Blne 81M 01, b Oâk- poe lni îyee0fle oo ) Tbe datte. ue oiof 1h.he gget moal evmla b@ld in thie vilatit3y for s'long Mge sud ..lwmni Who. Allaudo& êJecla tboq b&d te iteetîme 0o! lhi leIf -lWrobimento worme.rved. Hapk'n ~im*etùsof Liberty ville futnimsithe Viôrth@Ibmpast few eeeks 1 have bird t,, boyjeoma tulk ia rder Io upply u.yý ove'. sermaelusn@iueiiedWV¶he 1nd j# iioaliofçetoty. 0o have added more anti better cave Id nmv hetd, sud in ttie fýï*Woviii hi able t10 ni-ply My cub ~pere ptîh nik sud ecima in. d 4; i amlunt of batt1ermlk,-ilUopt. 'J q. Or Am W. L ,NRMiH . 1

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