k~igg~tors w mloneet aemae de- *Mt al fer 15,000dm""e~ uheUli cout MBsdait-le rAt10rne A. V. 1a1"h ou le. neit fal 'il li e l ithe eaction are mui for t»o M; m tWtIse. fl tq. ý - <Mmet -lubwft *t ' o-maofos uowutwa* cie umituem oe, A 1 "StI'p IW I C wi s~~A~i.~iartas ~se tr t maie r .~ge"w ~9 I ap~~ ~'. I ., _____ --s- ..i etata bielust ameItlei t»eb lieue tvo mi m t' t lme P1211 - vlk~, e~ uIlof v** ~eu0~eUI» fmet Aheml tie o - *ei "Wies £# liPnm **w*l er et- wbeebw or 7 mba'er t m- m1 aallué 10501 tdiuesWholi bo«lllesureetu et ~ ~ ' ~ A t lieuo ' Ibuaiede i violS teaa i e1g ,ltc1.u ,» ehave usuel a * laq fem là ilune b% à**. e 'w. au aeiit» i est M1u l 0 çm eueMpor trwain 10>"4nt& Weu"th tlý1,h w*y tu ýl* milret theaviiibave liaipllty of d filmt on lherband fo r a'ta. eo emply vil ie &0pr.Vlloea the SW2 idea* Miuel tu Waukmgan 16 a"e bat Scert iloLskB.Oun. WabeaIty15 patbfflu lthé frun«t coummte. l p»ease ao em theyliaitYoier . the boa teu p teeitâte. TheteeMen lia" lieh fJ~41f ~ t-, ce*-pever, bai. »a eolmdi*lm" l ual s otite UMortumtouibu tIhu he Ir t 'Oeen 1*grmons n Ue4a,.It e*MWO VWM« tOI 0ffie'*;m@*o.1 I&V th *j«t 1qritg aa*'4éefue tW~-> laj nl.ieoif oie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e -a eu aa bê-~ oa.1 aaap u~m la uItfOMu..but are takea o09 mwk Imm .bý4 iter a bit ettr eeote t* ê thIe rtgInes ethor flr4- rI en euleMlI ~ ~ ~, ~ letbau are aetr*MIL bot mmai by 41 i o-Ibeg'I yos i gfoeu-tbamthé %autmobI6l 1evre.ulsllen 1mi11. lieilthé In la *othr. moiier m~ayvin! belleve lave leén vIOlfttui vtl ImPuulyi bqt M 00 aalonkmubaer sagtuet luYo-.tb motarlove Wu* oh IU la o "liebletaImmre alen- tý'dlct w» erured nmsil Iromt >'elà ite wovld, nurmel lion mIl lbu M Ie las. peuwb vi emmdednt y6q, re.camelfer yeu durluag litue. guil lite un lXomet4 Le0ê . 5md 'Sa lu y=euw rl ite, vi!ne hmaa. 1ý.ý 7la 1f mata, fine te ou nem lo nle wli4a balIes dumird.Utla" I" tii hae you.h-le - te leu? mos-. rber 1*5 lmm e0 l ue rs ut et cMdre» s on mcu leu oma the hy "t Leri lic buabani tomiertul love ehe lavim ou7-U" repemai Ici. à"ibun amat Te esra sa uteth1e mentmelit ted a doar tte ieMoprt et eMre»Mei y lithereVnt niuiesu UT, sui 'naneela taiiaion 'mtlier bleui Véee. 8w ks t Impossblefor -eOMM7 uiu mtue tis ts tliir cd..AgM&r t nu Iset n ie t5f je t»1*Tm leglepa muni z=Uclei t at lbey bave bi.hmt 4eek ~USe58melby uapaet ot**&d et-ta. es- s10!emkwim. mu 1114, la aie.1 r ili t ra. mentua 3For a long tîue thaebave bema e. ~t l lia~St L oma1 sodata report lIait Ihere u rmr o nImpenilagr ecaofet1he allr ttomeu.a u_ m c"feMorattcnm, tlie coloq f crai,of gpvrment vit me ase. ev. eeéltlj itebelw le f t'la«y. Ou* the reenlt, liaI lier. bau beau mer ~~~~~~~~ i Cé'51. ~ aa ai~tte edinorles unrest la Wsukea. l'hi ~gues Ut .51hlame oqu-1 us mii lie om ene a,. eleclion ça We"aedsî aumme t ni ~ ~ o m eetlectaa eaettiemmcar. iîî vmaà rotueltled -beYond 1Ibmeqaelieuo! f iiÇt*12#. elgta »Ms. eMatb»enplamdon Ioula Iliat the lhluklag people oft lb __mur_,_m_____ -' amdo e. Il aloved clîy were nt to e, e iDilut o vot tils fmpe .010-41 dwei that h- ut igfor a-relurla te ie aldermanu lIds emu ammWaM o( the duty terni er govr=ment. tk« m. o 1otbr« But Ithe queuta letabotierl auany la wsimth le saiugtalor Who elarei the recaîl moeeiattl liais vlI lie ableato fc(t soltrmh tien uson the PMI@ aid* ts la acO t 1 le Te he aoi he ot- it 40 O~ srvamt aX, 1~ eau ~ hmi uslueq o tto*pae T .t'l helluetlb oii.~u oo thtl~ vtsup a t«S ýÀý wà b" 4niÇ Tt " -1 1ùLeol WeInt . t hl "eêI - Oe piteun" wP409.r emet'- e '-U o h> ' uol WitSe twam 'leme reflià ebfmboose suWl lmdin »tl "Mclu Of of w i i ~U W U.».ay* ameas ee uuthey X",et Nie CN kwninnds ~ o IîiI>iê »y bave teàred tt %d l momiig atM. toreea, ua.tb~e g . lý4 *e ft eau e r.6 ca'1dLn aiadm r the Cty Pau ethetr lame e. dises Tley aeut gr more wi'e megodm i r waul ~ vee reeene hemcuntui' jw a» pele Chotd. e el to *buietiget am3 80 over tbat tlerm aie uuullOa lien ~ ~ WIor £ s tvugre l t t01laDaoe 41e7a qpfem la mcotey, but frçm Z4Oithi te eim la xeneeba crtîju, our t. w ea~ ~ ~ ~~~mf thifeimet 5et. abSaeiu dliy on çoath "ldBmacWho tavera WbeÎ er i'dbtrabag the hlbm alntlung £alwene çr th le recti!!deeoaellalat -tu ie Aper- là,ust yem <eet i'i e t butg r on001Lle deelared noce to a smm ient lui 4h ~m.eme~ slatt 4m~qimthat lie V'w u tz 17 lr te fan edmovemfett tc defea thfe - rooi: tobbad not ive a er-tonat 44 u 2 Uklyte ivest 'Weve teuton .you fon',îteo: 6" l "d taili .4e vurdA« ~i s~t. t te a l m -ta1SU h tia 14to -"Tb'MYt un r is ' ý threply, 9~ Là&. ithaI t h uea u~~y me t aua White tiar e aprobeb&y liaI iotli- Gicwela oree st SAW *ai' la tic T gem lu teeme e! r ar lima segareporta mlidi gm la Il Im he le tlmefrom cicr cîi l mu lied horestàe net aiwam goa oerely.- 4, UNiaubse jaig, 6g f 1at welt gratail l iVerege. Ount ftiat ammber *Aveoet h* couple. Pèe aaarri@4 at Waubqaa.L , 1 The MU vaai« ivtuinawbsonla MI".thee todl!vigreMrece. 1e 0li pffient: "Mèrry li WoolçegMnmd repent t et lenaur»e,"10paraphraselI"s mmmd *id Cmv. Ouit. ef13 cdives.. granted Fnlday by .ludge Qregenv. Ilve ef lihe couplu e. veu w etdaihmel.e lnolm Gretua tee. lIn ohly o0"lnéfaaa. vwu Il the humband via. wo4ald moenlthe nmital lie - MeUnvilla lteemeger Young~ thinge .cçntlnue ta flotter menti, No eue Yet lmssa têpped fervud1 wIlh a good aolution et tiu condition of saIare. Il la .uggeaitel lIat poe libly the sluion ihue tI liteItct lia îbopements, au a rnIs. dO1ne»tuila Out succesa!ully, i6r fhe cêupbeudo îl laie aullicielat lime te.coniut their step. ThID »» Ia I cue. but 'iae tact rmmstu that elepuflii aiuy Uimea recuit lu long Ycsis e1 happy marle4 lite. Ààaotber aolntloa offirui l tâlite majorlty cd the eiephe couples -vho oome hueteire e. mai«*X Tisi liiJWs ticea ofet b uea c costaud lIAI; thce leuil bibI st houlit., tegkrlo ma* t Ut*0.o omclate. on tie e0WSliai.tli are icorea et ,Waukagm PeOPle - sh bave been mrt&I~'f a-'q are gettlng aleng uApmeli bo08*har wh. ver. nrli1*JlqS Ant urrata.li the IOBlal interpati" oee ", «M, fl «Mei o -u «"alealiadi.-, 1 -b. .1 MMnay irf~e 4e la ~ e tbt~ *W~êOU you.mg.Thie ee7iim *10pd0 tp le, Lu fouaible sU s , füa e.mi-0tt, ort4 u of et peqplb b ia!e b«Ol te*" ~ itheir M*I«iv~. mm of 111e. Who ecou i 7 are Ibt 117 ar~bpopO* "Mt m r«mrttleie s1àtommt lt 1*lie Z o*abtç lit , OMS01 -«u~Mv Sebeuisa ý 4ýQa am Pb"st 0 notex bk Me~~*ua epi-mus lai tw-*Mf 1hSum tiomte* 0Wê-leu, w«SII - tts' laWttust* mua tmetm - lium, Icil-el -A.w dl pbwk M ut4- sclor totDemeSuN et Waukegia "u lapaua Poi, Mt-onu shaeh ouf lie " ln te ba ome. IM deffarbaumit. Ur. 1. UL Rog eru Ul Omo' tg but Ils ose Imaluele or tbat degertuent la lhe bail licol ville tu lia Deermu4dmsha h"Ol. ulicliba nonelaTre niber' tstudents la lbe depaftueut las the ltatructaom aafor #boom> eaply, mse for boekkaeplng ad one or typovmltu& T'h. reord mi i y Ibm acleo wedbeidr ai &ws Il laUa p 1 the 4nIai tbit oller ole hâbve. W MEET At,.N-40AL, ILL. W4aiagau vil! le .t~fldla e eIa t nsbul 'ait pomwWumi. auusim4ut. 1! te~ede, samlag h e Jo0i!soleIlbal Mtiault of OR- tc ~rlg U1U ai e poési ci diii bau, Derimi bec me - Wre lire. -te n a ieDedilit ehMO &4 ite. bat .4b m tsm Il ver chegela tocompuel maIWWA- t lal ellMaldeurator ua"ue#"f lie 11gb standard cf lie work dons d bone. 0 vise irene 'ohinne itrli lii Rgo son dIet placetua oti 0f Uic big erenta, shile liatjette Bang. cap- tured ose et thc e aosi place. u»d onie 1lifI.- $tao# t&ehi' orila et hid a higli Imauderd thieboaeddeetdmd te tiae Unar. ogera itabe whuse *0 gLal Whether or net lhey vii a place, Waia.1 kegmu ioafeeld adlamù tbtey ane vilt repreécutel mal tia tbiu'*Ork vil rellect credil Um tble local ln- alitulima. bleui large luetitutlcea are toe b repreacitel utthle ee-AuriGtft.]0- glu sleie4udi ether uoobt*~ vhlitiaeavre VO IUme.meMmurn studemis saeu 19 mie Wsu>,mgua le te blelgctLibte él the sueh«e oevfa. ail l-m -on Mi Miteai nadàm amd George t¶ vur leaeeuepaitieas a vtames- av aoul e r- Te, 0. <p Wil lioIls av nov t 'ei Wi-a00.fflnanal IWO* w;tàr-#ig lm* te.Zid Z« i t. WaiegMa' orl. Lemrd WUlir, la mmclicenmam c »r the moe oftis via Uni Usar Wlhoreà» U»I It alOi,' à"tdSm. foui' rIde t auscov. 1Lattera recliirow Mie ff Mthélen'.tllrscr9 I tWi c ateithin a diatcuet fou thes ahsu le ealdwnha w e ofidema ie diuldret am liere- is nesivcs re que-10. taie eg mba oc lieulin faI? h-eoe. Tit te de*»nuitheery finie hae ep> ltis re lit -ftl - ner olaivers le tli taiy su-ff iordoues alt ic ees sud te pl o IpulacuLpet t e akeÏt Ina rk»Ue &t mga t laIle zeppelIns vil! bave ne t. v m a-umn Ieustan t Ibe ltli. Pv lure cf lie mu *gial *as houn baf tbe car se dir.. Mta on nt oeoeelonm ir. s.u glme4 im.w eau- e tlm lia vite ani a" -ofw fflt uar Ilat 11p*ttaaml re mepruentgtbe ocumarclal Aoso- Chillon. atteellAs meetIng et1 *6 q9mole - theUc lim ProdIuee lA m1 geag leshouilaWeemmn ball wôud apimsaul auIr.Tbh laiue scome mm"Ta.lhe pur- Pmosef lieuetripse vIl! li e m ggrANîle ot geal tuflInmamiou lui up, a more Intelllgant aPIril 0f ce-oparuicu balvàe0 lb. lamera of the dM11101 un I e Cit. PrmelIauat l'Ionia WChaapule t lie Ou «eamae@ation, pmeuld maui la.u taioieod .lie WuiegaaIpeeaTb* pr«ent of t et i Wank«gu Comme- cal Association upebe ce "Olty-Coni- t>' Qeeperutlon froi tie&Asociatien cliarlem Roseu, oianli uferiLn- tendenteofroails, gave a Tory lute- oilla ag 1*1, golnglaioe vaune et p oreuanpce the neOamaityoetbuilding mat 0maeter b",I malarlal là "âàw&moie touchai upe i te pregasa for omaast rosenul lb. propbaud *- lirrmi Prie, vice pre.hdeat of the *me o4lleloupoba ou lihe lopO, of 5.'oeperutlas hem lie Butinme« ni gmoiclsry Paul Wllis la Ieo ie, slathe parti inclndei fluril W*bb. W. 1. Liou sud A. XRula. om C*.rep«OdUoe mioicitfed r-116~eE eS "4'.. ~ , reaia~I - 01<0. ehw«»@wýw ,l 1.