-. I P*'kb&l. -French de ure L Vb'ew 1"lelaLak» Wauk«gau. May 24, Ib04Io det1llu Ot Augustine, hW Ia May IL Lyon. a Pioncer thiiCity'. profnât l10 ,~,Lon vW" bouma lu Wa Te antuavUlirii pv.bere mormasud th e sviesa il ttheb ohld amîl>'reeiuwt4 à P. m. RO. W.~ ~ ~ i OMetr t irst Prewb UtS-*c ~ lOakwood Om-ex 10~ - fbot r. astesm mmt ÊU.la" -à" theclta. te aat. the an energette Toe*ee love *9tm* 0ler Fte the lette "c out tht. l>- 1 upiy haé ba-f bat he was tin. ouker cerri 44agor. it ta, !Md Cexpectad. bo deliver Minu to her, lb luW day of courot à o*er ta Penl thie i le deonse. ?li. q wltb the coul l rery ilkellkéop6 lucourt. Yenker 1n41.1 ?She han mit r4e the rao elef la e=*bebo àu'.ýetber Immf claimed bis lu- tdced that la wien Mise To. à a wItness tir to Identiiy bthe SaniLd bw tell tht'i à bai beau d*- $Jo motive thal r11 queitiou b* * 1. ta.iï lm armer h tbi.. mon, tfl th# 1_tua slove him luný 't" ber a etts s ir»e. C îi;n fObla i ii rebre that fin n ap ominmg ,rovit*iou. Tbén rrt thé biter ta tt etrtb f il 100,. wIII mi tpueIt amn glty. î di vroum= ton labert sud I bllai ber ta kep te secret. But 1 di it. teryou-because I love You.' If suei a repir came o a letter fmem fl tbb tba ah. w u 1»reti wMS. luifflit M IL m01 iret Phono1208lu"taa II . He #A 's lia, 24 Opp mE WALE I a~'c Om* I Stastas = >lt4lXity to get -full -value 'onit pt~~h~~efôiwcasted a eyCbt~h uit lu tok- ubt that it 'càn easilye mtTU --'ttmes. ]But fo or the i ,,c1ase quantîties. Sale, enlds « 6is and . iessesatAo Reg. 15C iIU zI Crash TeW 194O A son BatlOt vIleluli crash securcd olRaBuisilot.' Bluc border. 8thavie ~IW pre8 . 1- E Anew lo / s' Cd. Ai beut Torchon, Lacel, rX White cotOn torchOU lace lu vide widths. Pretty patterns. Ver>' speciai values. 69c New Auto caps, n ow 49c An exceptionally fine value ln bolh1 plain and plaid materiais. pftgalsection. New styles. Wlue»ly madeavsah glngbam petthco ' o! stripes. Extra 11>0* tilelded. SpcaliPurcliae Ocyd. An extra fin0 raeo!f fui bloached tableda*k !ail lin,- on. Bi g purcbaee lot bore.. boa..for 8g t bea s ohe' a M9ena 5oSf and Draweri, 3ft Fine balbriggan erments of ltgbt weght i li aises- The béât 51k grade made. Dur ove. brand. 24e PIlOW ITàbIng, at 16o 41,inch, tubing of good beavy grade.' A special purchaso lot. huImt -of 10 yards sol,!. 3ft- Turktsh Towels, at I4c Hte a g s*MAïàMde oet ing e mLdti;o 0yrsbl! tity ot. l "Vy LIU lea Ilb iale ofu suioffert BWt~tn. ifr.. Jon Lyocn. à7, e ertylilte. W1w buried fSunds? ln 4b ettr.rlflocèmutery. and làb8 er à> fIàS the county loses a réïidout *vi, J"i Ilyod a&H ber long Il t 141 ýpars. *Ithin the boundMte# al Lake oomtyr.' er 4db bh obplace un 1* fiis and vas 4qe te general doblity 0~&by advatiod &e. -'h fec tedalt ber buaiand who lu pv.r 80 years of! e, lies at the point Ofdetb., ada ds crn te the mem- pers-of the c amlly. A eftyÎUre vbere she bad lircilà ptASY -y«u. Her mhrfe So Kt Lyno liék place about 56 roars a > iudtbeê cltiba.ail well kftovu l the uI servive: i é l P Ii*sUKcaisJohn, (lblcagQ f1r4 ensi, lgbt police' cap ,uh; er.Llbertystle*: Charleia. i tAlbrt and lMyron, and LAM et Uboityvllle. M. Lmoaard bulirebasëi 54 of land on the vest aide of iy~wunte Wllim,.The land vas t raiu hJ<n ,Criffitb fie ~ r. Leonàrd Pur ltosdrecty obpIxIte theCME en U..Armeur. It tu ho tk lta undect4ed iere he 'GOm t0 W. 31 burton Lve acres et l0besM» &ai d uswod rade, con"'- lalderation net hein& dtslseai. Ur. JEflo. ptobabiy v,111 imProve witb î teatel d eati LIlY o! ~f tI!p.L .. ~ -t" s-. I WXTATI J E El *1. - -17ý TIO Tot", ý LMa' wua- attas'm.V' coUigt «W ltemau . lti'o Jâ,lwI I4'E 'r ýs w*,te" leat4er, ofo grea gabo $150 ~olt-3B- Longolobli, at A ful1~ 2,0qaru~ wl~o -~ t brani' a~ s p~tu