~aMewest. a le tutU- Tb$ 660< or, " *'~~* -.4 I~ware Co l~bB -:10,120 ad 150 ebbi;$1..4'42à nd $1.50 IÉIer40IL Iboeuh~; S1.60 pw do.n çQEU. $s* for 40è, 150 douw, s esch fine plants 1beqtUsjvWt r.#ueer@.s luts veet *rbe Telphous OlsttM wu' have, à ase 1 . u¶o4m on OMMe à Pom luab uddlpl ansd Mark *àowi .qisottii. w..ek.ed At Dus> Vw . M.A. Pr"Musr.wrusd Wedpas. dytmoisa short viett vilà fiSsil At met TboM wcoritt enaeaied At a SaIto Par lq a bonor of bei motber' Mr. iaâd U.B ,Joio rake, Sttm4w. the. Mysuewokm W"hda uetgbmolu TMsde euibsg Mi. 504 Ma. mmRcsa. ai (os, ;TIw *Mlwu» -Li4ièel. Ai MeWkY' WDln oIib"iuY ercoglet a Ttwdd 'q8ovs swWE.okahs vil go la W*okegas Vd*y e'renios vii., *s V Wi b. e s ofthe Waukegan Mr& Geoffe Devis. Who »peut a veet wu for M. oui Mis. Ù. lHenvelkewap, Mae tuta.dto lier hom»e La ke Foret -&bbus tilratomisibera. Ô! the local 0. IL 19. veeta o Rgblad Park lest Be~szreuagêtp»pff, tii. ort j51e wm io p hCggoaqd vi imak. r. L brr. > pertod on Howard Sradet. jr..Go atorday., Tb* tier- ÇatbrÈtogt is uan e«wr. r.Mord. LeleEWaquee asbMsa e a i~gitam4piuiîs4s* y *is fu*çl Maste souoie 0 Pisrmçj. aq~hvlu suOsMsfuUyposusithe, rom-nt examina. Presb)t.rlan Lth..'Aid .1» ine.gwt * vii Mme.W.* 9. W,ou enCOkAre.., ou Thureda.> afleroon, Jase tV'AUl nu- bers are urgeti*W ti i pr.t seiers m lB beeletloa 8of-ols. . - Thei. . rCarrol & fSous Co. stor iiil Ss4turd*y sMd Mi4%>, lahoaor oi, lb. oouau,'s liieunver. ou'ê 151F tg ruaiStihi ad. Tii. damoe glv.u-hy 'ti.C, Q.. y, Is W. C. G. F. att h. tovo bhlllet bim k db dii.>ngti*» wonvu»U alsi as na94 was bail, Bapwr omiistvs fol- buS 4mthe . mue, BRey. adlt..Edward LWhIte see, j» rayoobkeélsd Suasj.wsi Bor'. o liiCo lué eh", Psd tii. tb b roint. rus ddition to thE hitated a ebq 4 thedr muvo t»m mdld $M sud tii . fiési it.atteuded U4 d thi.e MV* 0 nezt Taus, a. M. for tbe Ther, willil murlngoay the wort et De *tu m im lhfng@ e wo* k&, das .tihe Wo LaeS.ai~y 00twentytvo,1 gptpthe lliamJ. Uns, Ih emma.dab .d.br.cere nsy reras. rehavîng a fie,. Tii. mmbue*4'ilg bad a, pendes. Iida ~et Sheridan u Mamoilsi :invitation hm. issue 9mtadd ations snd ý soeela Md it 13b.Il.yed 1 may onai A0cpt tii.in vita. ~ rolPeumannWp~ EububuubsU br far the. Ouest ea exblwmibï pupiles ad vey «P etIOOI û, ilte eupMe aie f~iVSvyers old. 'ris Wpro 1vidd bis patrocs fron en . Be ssuppiz lilsmommagazînea aud «teb*to ail tu mae.nu houai,.vAry laet and 'bet bool, tglster andisl e*o !lyset'm: bv the ~l* Tiie eog *t ý$m.etieg of, the for& llti oisVa. me off fa b t7à - w..tb ti.trUu*ns of ti burh" had r.c.1ved41 ltter ftruis George W, Som of Baraevul, i, W., t4t tiegnd. Bat aoeept tbsebe*geh.r. fb@. *40scails Tii. pulpit lust 8xnd&y wuS cttpi.dby itêt. Zeith of the MCCormlck emluary, 3% twbew oietmgo Î4 Uhop'tv" , euM tin"uui, peaobtbrwu st lîaiU*y ill svlmt.Wa uajiat tii. Arody Pýrsh Idfu*# Oomffly at là*,put. ho bo et.1*ï-era, Imm. pornonowuu ut4 mosea w ytudj$ osti to hle beAti r .L.Tyo lAbertyvillu vw» sumwoxieaIbut- be. tore ho arrived a, aoutii-baoudtrixt se stowpei sudthe humlu sa lm plaee on ou bir uatahos te*oa pihu]li be!.ve.esgl. Itunweiate atesutigeuRéW0. avse ahi. rta ln huetbwii e ulugbut vii pot heablio retotbis vo IorteuîatirneMir totseebsltdoaant et i.M~t rae. *theroel.teen>M iii buboobeië latoiL Néxt SuudoxtW .Kumb osie sa Ruds coin.hei.tusatilt v tii tie il bu .wsa 1tofhe vatur j Joe logov(ilego fflb*e »oo oe,- I1S tb Oiiie«O 'isl Sbit(,i14s.j *I. la apother column appeeleau e4,'îr- tisement for workers lu tiele.. actory nt Vuea Cty* ttarsbhall Plaid Co. ow the batibess and houille the. output n la abeolutelv-uoder - Wç*ivIalt Dot la eny uay wh*tti* &*4ated w1tii Mon lIly affarr tIgIouIy or otllserwse., Any pereon wWdits. for lartiier Information eu obtaju eau. hy sppjlylog to Fred J. Raoooci, ZMou Ut.> LAM. Industries, 'Mon City. * 1. llêP2 Lest Friday niglît qutes amber of Llbertyvillls people seultolevls "Part ona aspecial cartu attendsa pwe.> lven b.> te graduating cli&eo!t 94*,De.rS.ld. 'Siields4Township High *cboo4, tireo!. tho,.goiniover brtoai. . uaobbers ofthtei.cisa Ti,.> i l. Oirlstta. Smith, Boward Il04&."du Mambali Waldo, wiio toot tbs l.sdiug pernte li ii tst. Tiierowe reUty4bree la tiie party attendinbrt ti be ,s'au anumbek al theux beiitiîfros Ares. 1'~ OK DUNIES Peter Bock of Librtyville. *bo saes exousesi rom serving un the Orpet jury" eaf sbom tbue tl Ù.the Chino pepsel luiweeL palalitiasetory ,Wh va.usai w bave bien told t4, ppfle sb: hlm, dem.îed liai.t lked tu Sa,.UeWoisalr repo rter abétt tbe f4oe lie, toli Judge l>onrelfywlow b,,h~eu an aitid esPossible jur&.r *Mr. Boet explained thaet bh.' w.. extee>dluly burt l ea eWi î etate-, mesto In prînt, eepeçially tb r10#4ux 'jad.ceaed dqughie9r. e .aph ail., luartxei. hsPaper tu, - îs"&In statp eaU editod to, Vil -or toil to t 1 1 pou tlvsZia Ita C.1*s. Ityc s-I 1ih*~.1 L "the îoede Piay -à î Seven Specî What Are Bath Tows1.l ame ffl Twro-pieoe Bouse 1w....., p15 * Fttjçoa*g, 8" êt $J0,white sMd l*ý, 414 de1 og yaS ëYuNv uneA« 2S0eaou' Aatqra, I i F. 71 "-'t y Il lrummwmiwomuâeo il il