RIDAYJLfl~~E % 1916. aie:r ional CQonven.tion at the Chicago Colesium,' lnesday aàtOpnn Ss, do Dot 11k. %dIb1I of~odid I 0 blit if swuî4 Who ou t wau wIIAT STATEêz6- Mb o o - ter c bos nome ta tyCueuCIei ro 4tec BRUATHE IMOllT OF. Ski-UF. D«&s w*brought t lbI~0-di ~ol day 'c-wlo l ,i Wler*.96. senior tIop cousulfr ilOrodln.thest lu. ' oii oWra et wâf~' ns ~o». 81gb of Reiof'l t hinCurL . -'A t Il was th tp*JIêSq~tlii. has ce slnpqbee ifle n Thé ~rsli forth betweon; M sats toOWdOW al ienn days. A' woeulte ca ruakld o t oi -cilelx tû th And a o& tli! "They'vo got Ibo k was Ormet~ eludel bs eS**4g F'abry, troct '6122 k. têeamLI F'orest. AiZ beur hinfrbtitadflugb lenifôred a bu orh o4oi eii*5' t èdeunse'la.,*r Calais. a b h, Opbu i and ila isPlace P*t* a .101 llma stote tepilerei. l e ThefW 4m a eh4m4ot b lesO ipeors 0 tAi Wl bteak dsloi' ~lkIeU l Fmn 'ubwy-,he ooteeol,,bu . flfty-seeond Jurer - the cofdifor lWha as &bo il 1dbw ladai. ft ln Mnfle'~ Woaiy rouarna lhe verdi t. 4 ho penalty. ' banda buliqte ,d ho ui'd Wlkoraon aud bis fià" Wny out et thc Jud ge'. Bpt the panel, your ho; uor." W'loeoed at is ML'.ier. et im m-w.surinhlj. [is Oe hlmn on lte bacit. Orer tw utl Frank IAausi t. He ilaor the JurY was crworn was pounding aga-ist tic, hw le Ipyu4So' or' anet 1 o éIgsag -1!~w nt su In dietadr sl tm ekri' it lerofât,»&iot a Lo Osam t fAtsup- )rpch iwa âmal wlth ln- ver Un o rt ut'e le n M by M j oty he 0«d net »têt- Orpées oi- ml7im. p NT~, SÂVE Pi INi(IIYNOIE S Y, hilcago. Juno 1.-Tic great Repub- Electon ut other teiIspeusry -l national convention Ot 1916- cors. n.venStli ta tatmaie Uijotecd selectun e1 commllloos on., ts,- and perhaisworld. hfistory- Ceetas &ln did not dampen theardor .)f Permnsuent arganlzahimn thousands wio badl béen wuliclur Rules and order ot businejao. mouuhs fer tht. day and heur. aoc îtesoîuhîoos. lawerlng skiesuad generally dÉs- Transaction et miscellànons1 eeaiilue'satho'er omnflons. ý9:30 o'clock Sharp the big doors nesa. lg open and the ticket isolders F"ixing the Iimè for 'nhorsday's >braired the early down pouir sion and adjournment. :ced ln asxlously seeking outthle lThipe InTemporas7 Charge, îSt pricelos ýathei demaiud for The principanl tva mpç. 'c l h bas beu se tremendous. Wita- who' wiii, serve at tWle.-aonveng tie om u ipoQn. Wlthis tbert, launchlng lte lieicublc bo 1e foon IPUaety4 beauty. music aud Iroubiesome voYage trui~u g.Il was a beauuiecure wlth yeams are: Glory as ls ilg background ('hairmani - Sseîcator Warren ilte ictest Tlere was recul for Harding, 0hio. e litan 12.000 people. 1Secretary-Latayette B. (Heà .icre were ebclamations et sur- NeOw York. ce aud detigit as the Olrst view otf Chiet assistant s'crtary-1f'ran Coltscum In ail the glory et irs SisIth, lennsyvaii. 6decoratIons. 'wIth lis vaRt ex tbergeant-at-arcns - WliSm e of seats, the greal platfurm and Stone, hlar)iand. the éther accdmpa,"ientsutofs louai conveioni as' bl. 'ne tcudfi neyer loolced more beanti- than Il dit, today. Rtoration and salvatton 'ot ang betorethe hour sel for ap>q<i epublicen parly v.asnlie' radc the doors tie hironga had begun, ating Isicue tbat scuodon at'hh e i moye southward. Auutomohbes Ing session o! the iteimbllcap led thouisands;, se, did the surface jtional, convention iii tic Celisour 8: tier thousends trudged day- Dugli tic coin. United States Senialor Wlarrez Rush asuOors Open. Doorkeepems, miliers sud allier at- taches had theirhands full hanaihîne the tireh big rush of men land nomen ait anxious not to miss a single bit ofthle days proceedings.ailehCheer- log, ail Oired nith entiuelasm. ail iled nîi tiste 'convention' spirit. " nt as, a lypical' national conven.1 tien crand. 4big band for up ~ thé. baodâaad pînyed vlgorousily aâti Ouen,. yIayeS patriotic and lspiriutil ads, and lie Uiombands loined 'ln' oiv#lng, cicomid or 4pplauded ç-nthuusi- astically. Ticeme nére ohher diver- ios, 100. * Thé thousanide hhat found hheir plqices 'lnthe Colîseunt nere prepgred te. enjoy liemselves ln a rrtnwye ustil Il e'clock. wioChorion, 1). ifles. eWuatian' or thée tplshli' estonal commîttee. sa ho Calithie ellravntios lu order. 1he 111,' session was expected te bpîtbrief. Ao soon as Ciairman 1111- JiW cailed' lie convention, ho erder o0e* titi dnvoçïtn. Foloôwsg, te e«U of 4è écourefltlosn a in te ho read iq.lecetary Reyntt!â.' Thc elecito ~he~smorry ebirms asn#txt làlordei 'tVMs the. Day's Program. Ooay01tlenah-Il a.* ic, y I nè . Billes.,osiei f' bythe ev. ases maon. nk . linLta la t) ný G. ýHaràïng ut (hie, the teo&oar hIr- man, and the other ;u,, n MîIdee lice conivention, witiî lb.. e5 sorf a nation upon them, wenh #tiseir tank -~li th inc ,,î lîccry u5ete i- conand thé courage= of'a iai. ii thei spoken cvordcc aMO toeshotnken ant face value. Pence w## lnthie air. The.. achual develoicmente 'tu -the con. . cation apelled a supérbhlumari drive te unite lhe Progresciivo liarty 3,oiiveri, flihltthe Midi tenaunt- lh t a liud lhe. Coliseurnishow evet 0" l n ît stage nîti a single candidate for Pl,,;. nient qfthle United Stgos, ing "Americs" at Oreinq. Il was wlt t Iiicc îirft'àeitelegnIes gang 1'Aslerica" v-liea 9*4li4 era- niftted Chairunan Cha ri e ui~leei ru quested' hhom te arie 51114 ls gavel1 roi n 1 0 s m;O . M. e'b« v. Jhnu Tlmot!uy Stone atterUS PTYOO obîrîl of unuisual so4llpsitilcalm perailed ai thus opnl.kUr. 'Teniemrary ChaIrmaii.JUi'ilwB ain- trodu Uhns thie firs~ t1ii Mrah f appearéd ho bc thinkî1.f Asl¶Meoao émen ho J.le fsl sm, la a trent noté <dat tie Bora- jhise.à- 1h rang wltisce r~.e.tcn- f I as trank 10 tii, .ol ad r lÏoVer" in fine style, arulin q la i master-oralor. h~W~ net do vemywel lin malt- %$4OJ3aronYthé 1l1411110 p ulc rqe aunk ut Qq eisrny fl givsaher ou] nd bdy ltobils ( PITWANTSMlEN k.elg. ::îte, <,,OI SERVE & JUI)v prise men Who have' t01lowed fho cage Ifl te defense stlemputs teSow, thatlidarli mt death arcent&lly. MTi. lnte.th p ..e1 et 100 m Attmpt ý eby O efense to a'IÇIlOdLtkthis int, msLThi.s p1'gg ISelect Metifor Tird Panel cmoe ffemr n QfAboutOrpet't Age. meaon W T.'i,~ siâo oe. ift grabbed off a bgnuin=0t othe cniloyft <of the. wre 1 Mulons ater, D1D.MARION_-LOVE ORPET? day, and oneeort he ilufuber lsuleme naed for Jury service was Oscar T. -h Cottie', Who la la char" of ot o of the. Uhtste to hc WiIIt big enginsa t the mille. IL, A. Ot., of lecturer, was aise calild, but h» was Y~n~g ~nt. xcused Whoun h. Infomned iAltoZsc Jas. H. Wilkersofl that ho bad fortmil au opinion whicii would tak.e vidéMSe Wàukean, Jne teremove. whWao$ta a,* r_ e ,r. The tdefense had exsmlned tour Whoe = t&tAs AttrneY Dady -1l, mn at noon,asud Il woIld n»t cor. t"W.y; fadue '. i.' cnno*' percp. prise lihe mInI. Ir tiey tendoffl 'th torly," j 1Idg Cuhi Miidrstedi four men. The men who lied boss cx- lmte aMy' Wa *Ofie th*. four- Imincti by th.e defensi' *orui Mvid the 1 t P'--«i4. tII Judt. rslred Carlson, an effipioye o) the. C. & M. the four mont te stand (qpap nd bc K', who lives withi big parei#tu 1 swem in. Atte4nai Wll kerson Highland Park; V. R. Strans. a tari- jump.dl te hi> lent n#nedubt In- er living near Antioch; niaILM tendd t ob.c~ or v. nlut«a lat- Kinney, a hardware .o ailin or ho.NdII V.. Stî-ang, îan An- at North Chlcageý ami CbeelsaM-Obtr- tloch fStiiÉl d uPhtorfly. er. rettred fw~and teed mir.mtor l'Or *'Utbrtd it wto believed thit Lhertyviliio2Mr. Obeeerr u Wîî;i. thé 12'mou Wtscwere te try Orpet hâd unes ai Waukegan fer agay 1-uya. beon aeOMp1184 but wtthin a very fcw: An ethemPt la heinit made .ihy,- ii. aecÔ%hda tW* nien wre excused, and cage newapapera ta show tlit 1kg '-Or- strànge as- it m8y aound. both of the pet triai ia costlng Lok, biw0t5**$2.- Mon eXCUsed hed licen tend ered tcy 000 à day. One of tii.ce f the bath aides. The twck moi Who have court claims that It omts [éke county bo "tepodtentativety by the stI vrxIseat~fre err tkl"sran and dareé. ara: David Carlson. th« Calle)d-i'Suhtt u and b» iestliate prodgt'.f lt Thurodey% efforts té of uii, -Jury Qom t t@oilaI, le IIMO. complets tho 'third and l est panel, and jOne ut'te large rqoneylnPtas' CilS4 . I.ChOOVOr, th* product of te.1 film man*Weturîng commmuw oetcii dOy'D libOr. tMr. Cheever li.a e tlred cage sent a camera, -s= ta Wanke-' marchent of Waukogan, and la now gaul today ta Pbiitgrpbthe principal engatied In thé fsrmlng làdustry aIt i igurès In the (rpet trial.' Tiil. i- Libertyville. lie has two daught, tlure wlil show Orpet bavna th. laul bth of whem are but a v"r> ew years lun eustody <9thle -uherit, and nuIl aider thon Marlon Lambert, for- wlosa. show Judge DonneUly, and court ah- death Wili Orpet la on trial forhils tae.hes, tie aitosey for. the state lfe. . fnd tho defenée, andO the Orpet jury. Strang. taught geometry, geograpliy STATE HA$ A SUftPRISE. and cfllmlotry at the Centralla, ff.i Orne ofthlie attorneys for tiie prose- 'Igh seheol after grsduatIng tram ý I cution asserted $unday_ that theéshe unversity anld until thet ime_0f hie "I sprisg a coup In the Vatter of father'a deatus. 1 ovidence *not yet made oublic. He - Wl Orpet, niic'geci murderer of M a&- ftised ta reveal on what angle of the rion Lambert, wnts mon ai hils uw'i casc. the o'vidence wlllbear. agze te compose the third panel. lie Weli surprise n whole. lot of oec> made known bis dsîires te ils- llttor- pis' who have exîressed opinuions In lnys ai a conterence held ln Altor- th-ls case,", lie nid. "The LpubIli ney Ilannties offce- on flaturday, ami Ihink s we have chôwn. unr band. but when the legni machinery reaumc4l we have nome evidpnce, and soome the thrashlog eut ot the lant panel very startîing. conclusPre evîdence. thîs uierning, fil was ovdont that lb" wiehc wii malke a lot o! thoea ait ni; attorneys were anzlous te please tie wien il gens tt thé records." aleged murderer eft le Leke Forest sebliel girl. NEW BOTTLE FOIJND? States Ahorney Dsdy wants four r A iwo-onnce botîle that isIy or mav Young -men who. wilî vote te ceiciict r0É lc tht' ene wblch contalied the. Orpel. and wbo do net fear t Ira-, poison wbich caused lb. deh 01c Ma- pose thé deahh penait. rien Lambert was tound, Suaday a OrpPad i'Ll attorneys want fou'- tow puces fron.t he spiot l-in aw young men who will be able te takAwoods. where Marlon glid. tie Young moule' views et the afgaîr William Appleton. uho 'w6rba for tuàt led te the- tragedy» InHeimcFitz Bahr, a--Hlglilanil Park #4bra.. woodÉ. . ,plcked It op. lie biieA sont Tint the sutet wll eattempîtoeprove the L*lce boressh eessetry, wlhii à,. tllat Msarion .inmhefi love&, Wii Or. 011. WiIIje .41oe 7Q1 ýM SO pot. go as te tîrow waier on reports vh hobmcme ce 9tio ola ..the spot çehich wnom given out that %Marlon li'ttqd'by 5se10557. #I +-' i. -01lere icnv wutian isrenO ýLhol on t e.. thlicb-lnvltedl separaton In thouglit He torceol th* holtie over ta RofipI sîîu deeu. iy su cdeing the &s J.1.1)ay_ sathes attomney. -It iiad a houes te malte 1h Impossibe for lteé label ont It, hut the, anews and the lefonise te show that Marlon held no reine alttd mIdet almOst Impgwathu Inve fer Orpet -and for 1h10 reason t07oIWIL - ' *ho ceuld s»Ot have takçs her life. v Mr, Dady admitltc&lie bai l thebot« The imain Issue lu the Orpet tril tic, but wopIld not conIEet S onW He In: Dtd Marion Lme lv ilwu ske'Ld wbcthor Il wouldil he mire. ot'pet? -. " - dueedc ai'tio-'trlal ot WIiI Ogut4. M .4* 5<erIon di4, huab igh s qa% o)témudr -tUcgirl, but en e$ l g J mlo14'.X7 pod' FroniîUbaqutWi MEANS MUCH FOR'Fi Exputed That MWoat July 4 promiaes toa ert greatesgt day of celebratle. 'ra Waukegan and 1 Peple, »Pa! velupa I&b*t Qa tenational-W whlii w»! bcas " 'N gan dee y-' lx çsnty, te. 1Id 0 tii. saltbiaide ba&éol oa w togaeliir ixa Ars g,àsmach et the crofit ho alven for; h5lnaint toetW ni g w ai'thi e t em. lu tbeVr.th ofJulwIgais..l 1 It, wà tafl itomey that 'il MoCanc, au max*qer et t»a aide teain. ani 'Mue Mcd*lit manager 01 tii ot aide tosaý moentth,. eo aud alun'agis for thé Ira ortthe "chtiiQd games which wtii'ta tagiâ Oit depohit le, The. Sua oU IW = , &eb ur *, à a- ie meor toi the' msoM"rs leii tat that J b iiwehq, a trchJ oi 'Z ouh Dsm, bet 1» boi *ê mach w ~ itimu4rp" om&Voa4ftffl"P 1gow waos loula foyer "for' Si Lakte Odutw Ool thoest b. la III Ït. or a *, L.M. àtoi&'ey Mm c besuisa diiasOd for $4»80 thé Aous groshom and lireadt4p-4 Ingten Street, lest offlade limita. The. bone lla fien, a0 In& been OtielpWi ad la as prettl plaueson tIlsriso i" wait Green Mey radt. " mm.. W. O. flamnlom lOMol for Deurer, Cola., saoi apond a inoutt VUti bi, là sampoon. nS h-fd meuii, - Tracy - ie'.. a c'1.5 hem W& iaielil àglI Clarepele e BIék8 r ý , Thomas SaUllI tili it la *Le» iIg~ Ui of thel J and tha £vni (~1n~8 if. -c-" - cvc ," r -- - 1 ma&. ý757Z-.,777, 77777,77-1U