CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Jun 1916, p. 5

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HUR8f~AY, ~fUNE 15, 1~1'6, '~~l NOUuut C - -L.--.~ - ONI aIeqi11e rant I ii ou Jm5 îiDw For the New Home AND îWATCH IT GROW- CnC We;,1urnieh a lot o! Good Paaadnomto Pree.Lo orene and talk it over. Our Lad, Lot of Sged Cwra. MEALaidl**y ever misé the mWoher. Try it Dow* hy th* O. OOL ee Som thaes 20.y*».s Phone 47 aLA. Bâhlop,MUr. I Z....- ~;.. -- --~ ---r ~'6I5 Raidate? $195. botS f. o. WIth Elcctric Starter and Electric Liglita lmUEpricoolt h1nwvvfah4,1619, tua""du everything tbat ma1k.s It a compet*y equipped automobile. It bas the depeda.bI Auwtu-tstaztlng and lijstlng fystem. There le a in the oewl daeh,, and a full set of - tools. It bas demoontablo rime, and au estra rlm la Indud«L I. Thtiresare tour tco ammoud; .non-"kdreu. The rea a eInj theftamous Cantilevutp.pombythé Oau"t rldini sprh4s ever duà nd.A"d Inaddition Itg appearance alonegs it iia vlu. beyond sa other low prIoed flgt vdgh car on the mazet. It la theoltndu Wml u esg, hand.ui* finlahed i black wth nickel and aulu trlfnmlnesand la a car yoq wMflb. prond te Cml. teiepboa«e t. ritltds«.mtratl Schaék Hrdware Co. LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE Phone 202 J. N. BERNAÂRD.,Libertyville L* lamerT" ie t6 bc lt essymd tlad if yêifHave News of Local Intoreat cli iTelohon. No. 1 xxxxx~~xxxxxx Mipg Bertha MU.,'îîr'bfa aalilwnd Park, eppeut 1M011dy at the, Guot home. IMiCil inuje .uchbalm left Friday for a vioit with relat ivest at Fort Wayne, Ind. fteuben Ff1envener, o ttteluràg, l'a i vioiting with Mir. andi lire. W. i. Collins this week. The réguler mnnthiy meeting of the ConunercialClub W-li De balsAnet Mon- day niabs] Mise Luella Palmatier vent tu Rush. land Park Tuesdity ;to sesot a week wiii*da Me Ifjarie Kpener of Fért Wayne, lad., la spending thes eutier at the Fred Joebheun home., - Mr. and Mme Clarenuce Coiby have Sodied ntothe Wbrenherg fiat on South Park aâvenue,. Mise Fa>buél Walker lef Wednesday annlag for Sdfllwater. Ok iahoma, for a visieiltbber tber. Richard- Young venlt to St. Pïul. Mlia.,Laut vsek, and a-iU @pend the semmer la theattt. Mr. and Mns. R. P. SchblsatteDded the fauerai of thef r oncle, Daniel Roth of Chicaglo. lait iaturday. J.W. Brown bas accepiléd a- position an local représenatiîve for the Michigan Mutual LUiM IneuraowCe(o. E. J. Deller won calied to Chicago ]aet Friday by the erlous illfess ai bis aiter. Sbh.i tanov nsuchimpvaved. tire. Rd ard aoulph of Chicagoepent tant weui at ihe'home of ber unele and aunS.Mr. and Mr*. (ho. Tnlgl.. Robert Wetmcre who heshee n vltfng bls.uncle, James Wtmore, vtnrned ta his home in Chicago, Weduesday. W. 8. Doebler and vile of Lancater, Penn., are viaiting vitb the former'e. brother, Henry Doebier andvife.. . irs. G. C. (Jridley au'iai iéLonise (Jter vire In Evanstou Tuesday and atsnded the reunion ofithe Northveetern Ainmnni. Fraak J. Wrght, a» .sltept cashier at thse Laie County NationlBank, bsgaa bi.tu-wo a-ets vac-ation Tieeduy rnornibg. Mre. Wotderr Wes and littie mon Lhap- mai ol El«In arnived ta-day fur&a Utl with thé E. B. Wells lasily and other relatives. The 8 F. Uirle eraiaÂned Ata Party st the, honne ai E. W. Bntterfieid lait Tbureday nlshi. A very Veaeat time vaespent Mrs. W. L. lield aid Mies flora Guyot irons Alhion. Ili.. returned honme Tuesday ai er a week's visis- witb their brother. H. F. Guot. Mr. and Mr&. Lea- Flaggaie gtertala. li;g thir damuer, Mr%- . .. imcLaug [inan Ou lueand frons Laie Seutais, Wl.., l"nswek.' Misss ahelis Canson OilBaadia. Ili., anrived ber* àMoada.y ouhig to epend ber vacation wrth ber preat.s.Mr. andi Mr@. J. 0. Carlson. liIttle son was bora to Mr. andi Mr. Lea Gihbon» of Chicago on June 8. Mr.- Gibbon@ le a son of Mr. sudllUne. Tlmotby Gibbons af Llbe*yvillié. Frank Keneedy, vito lefi for Detroit, Mich., a week ega Weduesday, arrived bom rnl"iday aigbt 'vitb a nov Dodge car for the Ree Motor Ca. Mir. andi trs. W. B. UcClain, Mir. and Mre.[Ray Andrewes and Marie Andrews attendm* i6a fanerai of Bonace Andrews st Laike ,Forest on Tufsaay. Tihe Misses Mtlidred fiee and ERii Fisber, vita #pent &bout ten days viti 'M. and Mr@. A. C. liee. retnnned ta ibsir homes in Jlefferson, Win., Wedueeday. The irai dance of the suutmer seamat ta lie ,held at the Audtonrium iliite guv6n ou'4Friday eveutlng 0of ibis week, unden tite direcU4on o abkaps a orhestra. Ail services at St Lavnanee'sebeurci next.8nndays vill bc takou by the, Rie E. J.4m. Nutter ofIlrving Park. Thei Rev. White will exebange services for tht day. tIrt. E. J. ticuer anderwen an opera- tion ai the Bc huensa hospital, Chicîago, on Manis . This làe be seoud opera- tou aito li#o bai pueformeduon her duing t te lst tyinionihe. The ioiiowing fium nLibertyvilis- attend- ed tho Repabu!ýiqmi-onvenlion lu Chicagco lait wei:Xite B. 1Mle u vife, Attorney i.yell H. Morris qud %vile, PayI G. ltny etiiAtan tMiller. Thte foliowing atsîdents attendlug tume State Univenslty eat Urbans, have ar- rived homte for teir vacation- Clarence Loreli, liForest Srith, Weton Waldfo, Màrlk.Ellowanih a id larry Gotti. Mies Gertaude Davilu, <of Kalispeit, Miont., arrlved bore test- Fritter and rill spend ttc nantir vwti,.ber ..rmni- =n*sMm IL A. Malion, and othen 1111lu MssMary lase - wegitu Chcago on. FM&dayto iptbernec il. R tViili The Isses a 'iiot Marin Taylor v latn's-and fimiiv -ftfrtil wlio bave t'oiatn u'iui i e Ni.rth ,est- is tste-r Iim@ ftutis'W'F riqîn1-. 1 i)~< ern Ui*svslltV ai Ziengtîn. lis -i.n-on loir av fi-rn Aberîl i. :kt l turitedItl ieir brne fW, re fi.,f r r r-i m to lier lhom e tri <ireiienl i>01À., mer vacation. rSatieuidi tTue*diay. tirs. Roy Kelîben mcfi ls, iti 1iiW,,i r lt(il,srt J. sini.iii "f - n. i rt w-rît tii % lt cuegiw Veuiîî- nt le, .'svrI'i; ii rii tenutut-vîîddluoftquai I il nulwith hqbis h-Gr. lion itn ai-i ev. rera a.Wti . .Pteigal. ,iniglitpr. SMec ,Ruil n.'r'. îimonr sîîîlryni.ieT s- oIll.. isi i Théiilbsrt5yvllle fti4skeli , ,ili yMî,iday and Tui, lny wiîithir Siame enterînin a&large nnbrtef tiii. i'îtes Tho Mlu. W. A irî-ster Iilltîern lofGsWankegali rD40Fîiivîîu i Watkegen Iliietriiii i luàr. Tire lelod geii ittitinte- it ilian lier, titey touar.t inriithe litin ai 1i1-w meurtri and tit- IP paei iradc assil arve«fît a iin umbi !iîdge wil4benmpifI the Vont. iWalflganfospirini iii1gantiratiouî Mr@. J.Q.Uae0uffi-hagorii, t,,Ki, kii- langoa tinmI*r of)I-sbri-n n.em-a sri ville. Mo , vikite o s ilii j.tî he Modern WouiiiieiRîýyal Neiglitmi-r grenier oaare oiibeuminer %%P ii ritide. OdI'F4Ilowis Ie'neuto tiikosgi Miss Thlle Keller. mwbohWati riui- nikntg partl(ip&te in thé- eervie'cc It l!m ber boume vitt lMrs. Iacflf , isu gonp rmutietatabout one huid it).i tu ber home la Loblg Orate. vilie people tout part inthcIi pritirrai Arthur Miller, aiellt iiusîiuamîer, Lest liatnrdavàtirs. 1P. Itekelt uregan a tw#,9«esvamsioni (1WeIisîay lied the spdfrtutîe tu, te-p un ai and at nouea n sryiUCiago, front naili vblch w« he bd tu iia b wbere hoe tarts4 oui fa -the evegiiiîg fur covered by nint. lire. Buuueinan a tour of tbe Es.t.- Mhe. Mary Jeukitus feediug ber elickeupin l the bau-k is asisîlng atube pcoutoffice iiirntghu andi la tryiulg ta step over n pu- absence. vater @st ippeti auto the iboardi The Youag L0*i#10. St. lf,,asejs ,1ez ~ muebsloces, the Bail1 Parieh heidti thir postoned dance at drlvenost eniire-lythrougb the the Townu bail Ttâmksdal ibt, andi a oflber foot. ÀA foirmniuteo alter large cr0 sd tvas pseai. Relrefibmeuîsaccmident bappenedaephysician va. c iwere served. Titi.daesposttued who Iacoed the upper part of the toi irons Wodaeeéy athtî o1 lest weeëk on *lov a àperfect r.muanin!ç. m". Bc aSonut o iIme.'.&' n ecoul unrd ta er bel ftint Johnâ Ballard roeeid a nieegi- Wcd accident happensti. nesday from -Deoue. -Cala - sîbat bis Th* Id. E.Ladies' A id poci yand eui.a.Win. D. "ay, did et amffnnday achool have receliret quîtesa bospital f0liaiug &an aperaiumufor smnifortbem efforts lu gatbecring appsudicltls. Mi.beyvaewellkstiiwu nevipapersand magasine« boe r bere, iteving liîed ber. icr a numiber oailest ev a-cake. The organise years r, in Uie 860. r55tlyT hipped 7.70S paunda ni1 The iberyviW Laber ,o.and . I a finm in Chiegui, 'and alter pe Tits Llbsrtyvlilt Lun ther'.iti us freight alîd orber ltuideri4ai th. F. Iranien viiigle s itbeliî a ball dayprcear- 414 h ribî. holiday on- paper aMounteti te." $ 1~t, niS entfa~~ p lot.e larncdentuls caste wî-re $2 30. h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Wv lhelvdoiern.viiaagiereceived 60Ocento n luusdred for nidi theïr heii totrd"w aiternoatîs off papers and $125 per hi sudred for n durlng thee stva Betha. tias-s The Ladies' Aid andt the Su Lust Frlday aght tverIty friend, i, f -o ilgahr»wpvr Mr. andboui. viii gotaern swape theur a urrf etd M i.roir MeCu Tee thrrienmaguziises freins timo ta u le au( a& supieithe w ir be.Theuprtirpublie will do a gond tmm if litF vas th aaitwd5a brthav ie'i, ad pnlsere nsteati of bnrung tireur. se, àgre. Mclal'eblrthday occurreilthevl-)o iarIousal fm Dextdey.Ureiqfflo *es seved and is.'uut 0f the great ehartage in everyoa. bad a pleussai Ure. sueteriel. =A large numrnrp yomig peoaple went ta theàhaa-tlonu laâM,foth ai Liberty- NOTICE. cille, Tua'aday aii toa attend a barnu'In oriler ta gi*p aur lielp extra tii daice w bleh wA-esgirsu i em 'es of 0~durîna the bot moucs he lc uder- the Bavtitorn Pava. On (if the bigvii close their places af basine features of Its prt'Vwmes tinlse raprsad aaonliaturdays, beginuing Jul.>1 vhicb le eMid 1 onmem e gift frarn Mr. conrtinaing until Sept. 1. Ouar jt lnenîl. are urged Io do, their trading eua liatnrdey. or Il possible. the day t A large namber of lca"Ipeoplevîli go Lîbertyvîlie Lambet to Highland Park thistvenng to attend 8uif W. F. Franson, jr. the graduatlngeaenleas&LiwpDeertild-. Shields Township Bigla enhbool. The If you need any tin vork, pins studeute trom Llhsrtyville via a-hI I eealdng or furnees vork doue, e 1ra"%&te -tonlai r e Mies. Chirlallne Lou Whitney, Phone us-fi or i 1sit. Maruhaîl Waldo and Hoarad the hanse anFiNret St., forth plan. depot. Mr. and Mr@. Roy Chambertin sud daugliter, Evelyn Grace sud tir. and Mr@. R. P. Scitaibsie attended the wsedding oîf the former'.@sMiter, lise Emsma Chbamberlia te Eatu Ritte. liatur- day, June bih ai the borne ofthie bride's parente, Mr. and Mr@e J. L. Cbamberlin near Area. Mr. ansd Mre. R. P. Sî-buaebele lt Mon- dayto attend titi Iystic Worieecon- vention beiti ai Gratnd Rupldi. Micit. Tbey are the delegetes 8186Wedby Columbia Lotige No. 131 end expleefe te ho, auay ans veek. Th is le thq eleventit hleiuuil- session belti ly the Myitlc Workers of tbe .Worid. Mir. anti re. Wl-t Wrigtht and lîttie daugitter of lit. Louis, arnlved'ait te C. F. Wright home k;aturday. On Sun. day blr.'and Mmu Wright asnd theforuter'e sleter, MIss Helen Wrighit, vint ta graduation exercices and the «Aluiusml reuniou ai Beloit Colle .this vsek. - t is ofinemta tenote tlite nurnier ai local stores a-hidhI îýisçileed Sage on Wedideday, tseNatioinal FleagDai.An observer made a trip titraugit the busil- nees@ ac ieanandi ttis wnsthe resait o hiecosrvatittu: On t,- i-st saie oai iî- vantes avenuelite lourd Il0stores iîli di@playoti ling e nud 201 s liat flae. On thee vomi ideoaitlw - treet he found 3 etores a-bers ingo e ci-e lpiayed mmd 11 net dlspiavin thefn Postrnaster J. Rl. Aii'-mnîîn etates that the parcel pont business QI tite local office hie 1,itein greaiiy lu-r,aeed @lave the exprees trikea-asbi-gu.Titis brandi ai the pomiai servies- bi h-oeo b great titat lte deparimeiir fl'graledti iat parcel pontt cannuit nil t lrinasn tiff the fuat train et toiduut m the eeniy nttorti- lnug, sa he emnamay s lin utieti b4 ince lait week tieti ist piarcel pose to qrnive aitte local i ifi -ei Jrib-te noruing va. maoin ttc train w finitarrive& irorn Chiiago et 8:381. Tiî i ssbe-en no chang@es lu theatevr l-me. FOR SALE-X liavi ni- 10 vears oui. weigitt 1100 hie. iGf il i ght. Libe-tY-. ville.iîl Save Bat. eoe., Jîîn, 21, irtlieopening daneat Rey Broc$. i- '-îv iiots on the store of Dlatnud Lai-'. 3f ltI, For gondi quality l'il IATOEml et reaaonable priesa. Pione,- F IV Rttblicirer. ýit Dancing Llbsrtyvilie Andtarlau. Fî-I. day eveilng, June 16. Bapke'e orobsu ir&. RubàMrption50C. 88C21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADOLLAR- DQWN 1 t 0,- A W.ND ADOLLAR A WEEK WILL MEAN w;t -$ 05.54 mA IN TEN YEARS YIf thte s and This is the safest and surçst'WkyI r 8Yq to financial independence. *Now is the' Time to Start ru"ty Lak" County NatiojnaI Bud wîtb capit..,Sauu &=L4 rofits ,-8100m000 e theAL YURNED > the a tidy ýg aid in the way of eatabks are best wben bouikh *r in the __________ paper BEST FOR -fTU FAMILY JELTH laying DM TFOR THE >MIRY P'JSE e npI W* s te proo e. ym that ti"sle à ,,the ia m Corlett &Freceticks LIBKRTYVII.LE. ILL. mIONW nday KI) nu BURLD YOLJR HiOME ROU< OçY* mm, n ravw We furnish you Ire@ acmite pest of plaas for etu beautffl iomÏhéme wltb iv e u possible. Ojur ayntem saves you AIl the uspai worrle wbmeiibuidn. ~ ,~ o deays or tImwp It*wAe vhs. traffiug ewlim. Be. : l",s<i lunibe ouIbad ieau M.exaciuml before buylng. si d A@% us fur free Plans of the beautiful houas.. 0i whh vbave budflb w8a i of degna. 1 and tali rt or phone: atrons W. F. FRANZENs JR bee-S. o b. r biidneQualM rCo. imbing, eau on "1Jhe Proof of the Pudding id ln the Eathtg. 21* Jin 0fodpendent's <laaalfled Ad& have bem proveg I>y huadod e Botl satified custoniers. Ask any user of th1w le usolh$ (ILLE ' ILLIN4OIS i - _____________ ____________________________ __SOME SPECIALS i!Rom TII! GROCÉRY DIEPARTMENT BROOMS-A special value ltai others ask 35c for; a miail lot 'at-.................... 8 PRUNES Nice, meaty Santa Claras, goosi sire, per pound .......................... lU F165 Càlifaruia white figs for stewing, rie7 c ,, fresh and cdean, 10c per pd., Ifor-....... ç SALMON-Mauarcli Brand, a splendid rcd Chintook; sliotld brÏlltg3C Ipau mi flat - a eufor..e........... ...........2 5 KEENKLEENER-The uew scouring powVder. ZSifting tIns eaeit..................-1..............u SNIDRS TOMATO SOU? -,One mand i~ tineseas mucifor a dne asyoii8*1of.~ auy atier, and if's fine. Cao- ........ MATCHES--Ans bigiter, but ve stilisOf Blue Tips, 6 boxes for...... Special demi On Galvaxdclo à Sent inluyo iknaine and well t ob a card wt4ch enfuies you 10 nifre11k Cuba 0ofPela Olive. soap, vien you hity 5 bars of Gatuanic. W-,W C ARLL &SONS,£0 soiwhStoePboeem31 .5 . -. I twWI.a ed Ads Pag. Ask eau user of the. 7z 1 ýv "ý 4 W-éý

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