e s-.. - -' PLomk.47 IL iye&dtukehuL Ueo. tI.ri3ymaru. LKBhLop~Mgr. r'- W5 'ciîs ~UdWSiOGf e bjdmN~ ctieStarter and Electric Ligbts 7..=77-77i: -77 - "eIMM I Ci h~onyDy.U Ulmi Mamie Jenkluma egènî Bndal la 5 ltt, i ith bqr oaci.. BdLipuel. Um Sarahi Sorneen oiRacine, spont SB4Y ti lw tre, «a. l.H lti' * lis. Job, Lmster mi daligliter Fr vsited vîtI relative ta l4urne on Mo. Or. J. L. Taylor reterned saturdoy e1reuing loina four day. !itnp 10ia..- Ou* Endbelbne, a former Libertvilla ramdent wau a caller bere tbe trsot fthe vreek. - ' «, lm iorak o! Algonquin la the gem 0f Mir. and Mr*. John Vormck tht. week. Mdark Nevill la eniorlng aveols vaca- Sion trubit ette *Ilsta t&s Docker - drug ami. .B. IKsr enteriala rt in. Rug. alirs anem 01 an . on AUSS~SW itW daeuiay or Troas Viiesb. *Ili pmni a vkitl thbis ho rJ. Qli. Atýiw.yi Mis.. SB..lMiler anaen- Ottmg Itie V*ia rfatof Leba »Bs . oi so veule TiiFn l.qia'Ad sodety bot Nnr>0, gémS P.sdW . B. Peck, of Uua<ri.Iis ua~a Mucl.,Neb., la vllgwV*â t. die fli t Mre-Rm~ Op #àMr.mêlr..Li . lm IMilk M..dm, . i Mpu e ma emkwwmbmou.bý 7 i, Mm Rvdw t XUM.O tenh artat ie agen t 1u..weeks *lMO IeN lit.. 0" mm We aemrawiilw o.. *,r. lil 80$ laNS, , - , e 7- a; ', - ' , pule Omàai 1e sy tas ë4% -,Km atorses -j Nivard à aetôn l retemedt Moudapia vhltor Td mday. /.a Wesor ai~ Mtlî4en ins. Tb@ Ram Garage bu added a Bnlek Six . i. TI OIo lery 7me. .seivng CI W. . omsa.sptired ran amotho adfr1..à viol ai esçve. oalsna.Park. A Bd Egooson Of *00 ie£ viuitor, 'ie,4 t b. B. IL Itotybome S81-4,67. Phaié l, - lirot Boic4 Jr,ýes eso Bou nttd li am ancqpdatWÀt MrIIuJ1a. a eI L . . roya vîilmiwlPhbis irbor dnmtiOhaio lB 10* wdoïL4w t lui auumg iOs rlaiu.la Waaoamda., eu utu le taSord p"sditg wmm ielinM slà. wftb be ost la. IroUmld. 11 Tb@ . *MnBoui. Niad. Of Gr.y@llki. te BSarah i I 4390 t i Gorlsdrlcko home., AUX. 9.g Mr. a* Irée. J. A. Treptow ad lîtil mtl n ti dmaghtmrvire Etmîno v1ators 8.oday. wrkan m_*iI.RtTylrI iistn-g ai tbi J. 1 Mr. and Parçol pami Il from tIi Dam cordig -< a erc"¶ devmnj Mr. a4 tt..m to thoi home in about,4bm M ai and wori- 46p 1 Urmday morn ailee a two e M,,tr. &Bd Obtrell)mFriday tu r0brother, Dr. Sir. and tMrm ~B ai t Long SFH. tiartin ïak ïOUDg, wbo long tieW wùce iroui Wauke- tbe ladies of Ibo la.Wh Ibuabande Party et llgbland e10veling wua ftbe Westminster Allai on Tundap 5bllerm le! ibers on 40. Most at h as âî lhad a f8n r ttùrned 8nnd&7 UN ln the Fiait. 'IoeKhe.iter, N. Y. là fi Vmititng ber t eet witb lire. ieday afternooni, ý leatures o! the .Wo the year'e idole of Evanston la former's unele,j shIyj. Mise Loraa1 W .baek to Ev-1 mt there. 4u" viqited lion, WIbMîa. felu SMi@$ Scbaneh the tarroli store * veetk'm sacattor. May üo w bp' fent ("uto Cina, se. meulent l'y post- ' Parela DOS to air b, pettat a Iwg have returnedi lirs Kng ispent1 bere uiîb ber H apke ou Thkrd. juryn" tidiugstbB Ï <trritta. Jo@ý OOlieoyim ê. prlngiteld todajr il,.è un tt&W Is i a,* eI't.Mr. a snngfouivlifamour 4Ue dsný Snly S$4Is veat tu Wamkem$uin- day la 15. taor'acar 1t 'a rwa ittie EIIzaboWiWUlIW»ieback boý'i5,M the M ltserbOmptvira ubqom-"uornt a @Doe@" nlopm*tuottzi ki5iag*O for appondltts. Chtas. IR. AvonlIl laenetoNtâm hb coueign, MÇa.M.E Iê !gah . Ca.. ableta vak. Te iýi c~~ met la sxig-tbrot. Yeu*, lolst Flake ta on lier way to Ven*f4.Ibo 011 home o f tbi Avenul'.. Te Ladlai'Aid ot the O M. 4, elnel bu ueal, cooipleted &Hail aeýatà f*i- tbm saleéad upper li z i b aantvermavy o!the dedkàtW a cftii abutai on Tbaraday, Aug5 .1 *1. A kin$oscf Iancy article. îi le »cw" aud a bot supper viii lii nrved. Vu. Wlaseler fait lait *Mfl40 lic. Dakota. oberes l ott iwJI4bhlbi ibeperlav., idre . S. 0. )ÙMýbp0ad Iklww Iltaoil, Who ha. bieVls mmttbîtlamiiWor a souqu5~a.o fei.ESonday ecbool '.t a vory 1 meullptlcieat Foop P-TI, orti Comou Tueeday. AÀijiielpi a a 9 0oiMklul.th@ rorning toutlbouttYwo Iaadmretmnilràeand ffsý4r -A OAi '41é dImne va. rved aai, $-seil 1» *ambraon at1 reînrmd homei Iletie lame .11 lest vamk "tbu* euta oih. ocal iceMet d*a Pui 1% WCIi. vas ex hauatel 4 Ïl1Ui4"iinfl siupplîWU0k0-M *0 Ucougo. Even î'ima -g bM eobutunned ava moNt mè ll*)4WeorihLmeo f th Ù -tppet'wu serval a$dt Wiu -4",ew er of Ibm laSLaisLverjr, C " bom n #ili.rl ovîrcome hb, th# bmi. Tb* el Uediervaw able to cav Doth borW -yem Vary *top to the mObao $0 les ieq, p asq taour in in. 50 10;80 <lock,, ta klug a large numberto the Pumie.A'ptcnlclunch vas mrvdal 11006 a"d everybody la havtng a n Locet People ha've reel ved lnvtto to the cOuIng marriage ut Um P. ibuo Walke, and Nol E.Daime. Waiber le at preuent Bt ber hoborn (Iàlboàma City. The marrao il t<ç. telle u« à ""t I et at ibmhome.or hb" 0paret, Mr. and -16q. M o luL yulg.a, erYou$ e opD*lje V.. bgu %ndil" .Walker vas aoi et tbe Second grade la the, Uhrtvtll mbool for two ysar@e, wbkb position Som re nreontly. r AY Fo uSe mIuFT - Wedmamdy mornl. l a fl mbe ~i~uIamp~nes" of toron for i dy.' b had perchamod provision. fa local uora ani oUs B cflarkI.thé Trime& Tayjor store wa vatng on othir Catomers one of the boys vwu "nu-to bellea a hotU. of lrem i a %"mlii and put lubs poclet. - Tb@ two boys yere locted up, s er. -abs ciler Ove ut th. camp. The tati. accnaod iofebopttfttng gave ilcir "na's Bi gus Osmond, 230 Aers làve., Watter W&éallo. 1910 4Ath street, Chicago. Thu mairebal ulked t.. the Cralgau voltes departînent in the elty nofr the t~eW phone and pw . tform..d that the boys h"d nevor lesn arn.eýý tftt h were a reck4ç,*#f.5. The trial vas e-t bolore Juetlça M rrie 'for two oduel îlteteafternnoa. 4, itl)a belipved'-the Juoetve viii >- lttthfm -on .with a waruIïèg. NC. C.l C. T.âl mB lor in ain i er w. , f ti b SAZTY J NaotindS.eo - GUARA W-ZLOFýj Il o i. où( mua a' PAY YOUR 811UIS BY L.ake Cofflty National Capital. Surplussc[ Profit. h'lOOO@ -8000-0 MW~ - ?II4 =THE IDEAe-, Ofw*hmatot"0 f« k"uçmoam .uigla o~ P~ Fi ~Moi c .d C eit "late tr PIMof o!busicunetai jJlJ OUêHO E KM OUtI3 noon Sttnsdauo, beginning Jnty. 1 aud 6u trm oa-t.5notpaawoai.vti.pi»a onticulex unti Sept. 1. Our paios fribyu n opIWmto 1a o ý wtWmd are nrgod hi go tiiir tnadlnq .arly on withv? r *but SbflhlW0OtB. aae~4o îlmi.aym gaturday, or Il pooibla, tbe day biture. Our aîatem cave. yo-f b uwonai orriui via jIag Libetyvilie Lamnber Co.. d sur ondipoaisP lb"ntroiag telen.hv W.F. Front"n, jr. lionmê.cai.eanihlo us.- ____________Ai Us for fiaéps plofa, ibeaumttWat om.. of wblei vabav1 NOTICE ti orits or pluMa.- Tii ondenrad bu opena .bo oppoîte Petesbuaksinlth bapsci la * N N, J ?May to recovo i Mor wes& &otiMtag. Hapr bjus com p&MWaor.~.~ neonth lobbot tbe lamulaldu r«i «» For good quaityr POTATORS sai t'fi v S iaf Aàlodoë wwbL-' weaeonablopc., 2n 88-lt. PFiL fI*411bat £114do*"% awf Thsyueu.i"ui~ .AU 't - Tour cbotse4o Ti e duPýo -=4 0=0u oUi -'-4- pe Colton Tbeubh~ -4 -. .5-.'. -vs- 1, ban ~W.W. In ovder la givé Our belp extra tMme off auing nbe li., unnnthoq the innd..renedi mmm