CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Aug 1916, p. 3

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eAand, tblIAv.aa been gond tcý hr; iY" do i » fu i pb oo, ol alil t, #e, iber avar trou ues unla s»» va» F UR T . I'A ultJar sli ft*r th* t li vel - .' egirl 'ag #qlpn te tie lpikduri* theiIi id qok a ateM #tai ulM OU; Ohai YoungfedaGia. Hom. of"Omd t* the fSj0Pý m 0( ber luset 'thee atve 1Synr.old Vrgftila rfi, mirnèhýé « RqNIt é opreti? 15-yearold North Théi Mmrs.Kathulun RuSh 17* S'igpmop m*e50 'irisl b ite, an auta- een avenue, le the leif« of W i~ et mobile eçuPlgd litva traugéra - North Clolaousé otisé nM otsm er.454 IM valSSi w&, ,but théemci vitI Cii. ' tory duiurw tng hér fate or ber pros- bacb Thie irl - mo tet« m,.- abc. Mt 4inreboUoia laas Prafouad as toi.! mobile j 01m ies twsagus t nier. 1Chief Edvard- Lux of North 1I s TU lf~4 am bt euauna ame a nd! tbéary tae sna- aMm A31U t~e sis dItrit, ciudlng tiortuaikiduapins. but in no nearer a CXi10eudo, hve belsanote.! orthe. solution tiavien hé starteg$. Hé isoldebi t uhey e eohducilng a hau enllmlédthé ald of thé lcago seeh olfr thn girl. I laàmId ber police departmnent and a descrption nother lea vllov, ber tailler bavnna af the girl, together vitb thé tacts did 4as ev yearsàugo. con.cted vîti lbar disappeurance, balr Tii esso«n. nthib a bu nep huard in" aupplié.! each of tfi< aérerai abmt the case durui the venk la ha. thausantipolicemen wba are on thé caus tlps police ve .trylua ehio alrt for ayone ansverina ber dem- aquiet Ciue sud trac. It crtion. 'Fiat the cili vas kiduape.!, for "'Fiere lan'ýmrucb iae that ve Cou i for *hm tPurpose lu unkuovmand sud rdo." Chief Lux mId iodai', "W. &p. lai hm. bsen. altfoully vitb or la bu puar ta On up aut a blaul vatt. ultig de-aed bl ibt -,-thtiras ~ We shAwn ci rnlula eOur efforts, ta t bottefaithe offiiaIs fn.! ber roa.howver. untilttic ,girl la faund. 1Tii.op tivé la que a4 thé ýMost .pénpiexmg 0 Ber niotheï la potrat..! lb, the Umtever developu. bure." ailt affair for th deciares aomeg#~g la 'i<pu suggeution tiat the Young WIF hé decldudly vrong or br dublter ma miah bave beau madie thé rtc' be would retur houme or utiléoai comn- Uni of foui pay cause. thé Northit unict iti but. Chicago police ta organise anarclulus hé .Thé North Cics4o 'policé are con- ipaties sud événi' laclis afthé voodsa of fiduat lin girl vwon inape.!, but ii ltsasurrou ndlug North Cicaga Icle there la *one strauge future arithefor a vide radius bas lienu examine.! f32< case. uamueiy. ihit as tue auto ruacinti carefully but viii no reault mi thé Elgiteenti treei tatimoai tloft "MY OPinion la tht tbe girl t. bei the car sud vahkdtIn.! té istation being détinl sd on place," Chief Lai bus viieré aie picke.! up a package, ai nid. "for otiervise 1 thiu'c shle voul. bai sloes or »mméilg af the. ort, andi bavecommnulcatati viti ber mother. I thon returne.! ta thé car. Des»pte The nen aboi accompaie.! ciy hohaP this sec; of némina voluntary pro- holding ber sone place agaunt ber but cédue.,thé poice %ti11 fuel elle va vii sud titimur accaunt iqr thé tact kuc eutice.! uvir. lai va havé beau niable thi pick up ber It vas 4 'lock tht nie vas In. tuéelacestire...!of àa 01vW&v Ia enter',thé tva-se.! auto ail The fit thnt Virgine, appeured ta ho Tenu sand Stae tréeta. h drove go àava vllialy anly udds more thi, sot ita Brosadaytien wveutelami'stéry ta thé case. ' hé bu.! ipen coi Tventy-aeccnd airent, sopping as ai thée eivelope factani' looking for bic -state.!.etai Elstenal i a -en. omi. A&, mle.Ccameout lié five-pAs- Mo As ah.evia et thé station. somebody senger sautobile, w'" e l iitia*III asie. hemrimbe mev thé men athe bavé rémémblé.! eltiier su Orerlahdtior fin vas viib and sha replie.! aie did a Ruick. drv up ta the.curi. ()n lW man t tu the rreir seat-thé olieflic h. rode la the. front ami it uthe acté.! am driver. The Conversaton toi driver. vbo vsa youmg sé. tint passe.! heiven thie girl sud ithe ai Osiéripteeoft ir. men la net knava but lh Io suppose.!of ?Ive tfi nal dark 'blue y. 4com-1 they usked ber i aie vantai a ride, vu plexion fair, dan brava hait, velabs Sheicquume. . 'lm 125 poundaacr oc rigit aide o fis uuzoM top e vaiuttice ilite.nth lu edi. Woru amai black an.!wvitle trelet etilion of thé electrie rItras.. claech suit, timMas me. i peu arnlThSe .the SUgir hftod. apparuam*hrtu vorete ous-la m ut lutios'boIt.get a pgolf.qf ises *%tekbl!d been t< Ha.! vill etaclIng MWaihte %dlof bt at n cailer abop tl a erepaire.-i aboeL A lb"chvelvtban u asSomeop ed e!Ving"la f9ee v w claspe.! about ber fmrhea.. ie aiseotic am thae vwuriding vItI sudoaieha wcre a signet ring on ber lot han.!. rnpied tint the dl.! net. iii. vouci- 90 but-vote no at u t.laes ea. siied tue Inormatona tnt ey woyehs Thé gri's mother et nomao mde ibis goig te take ber home. SP iuv W, etatemént te Thie u: iskéd vhlcb one ha.! aube.!lber ta -i knov my baby haà basa kiduapni, ride. Shé ban alvmy a ha. evei'yhing ale "Tht goa ed .loaktng Uov luin th cravéil. At Crlitmas time aie aube. front seat," vas tue reply. fer a planao5iid vé gave h toeber. We 'Tbe auto 'tai&vsesen g Wg est avaym caile.! ber out baby," sal.! thé lu Tvweaty-se6td tréet tovarti Upieu nother vho via holding an.! atiline Bay raid. Witier It vent sautu or an Infact clld whn. ltervieved by u0nathin, a t D ot ay, but, thé police Thé Sun. are varking ou the uheory thai. thé "On Monday," .!ontinued the. mther car vent soutis lovardi Cicua. ( -she apéeared unusuaiiy ceerfiui anti lra. Katherine Rubî, 1798 Kritanc ualdta me: 'Mamma. 1 &M gclng ta avenuNrti Chicago, mètuer or thé look for a job. Ded doss't vaut me girl, ia prostrateti. Oie ta sure tuai te uork. but i think ha vould l li lil- mméuing ihau bappene.!tehot hancl.!. ing ta bavé me vork sud gt Sabeel lse ais ab vrinavoh av e laksme cn ete.! ue hulnasber nav wbere aie vas. college. I'xt*gagel«W Ll. 'e»velape T'i7e àtài t thé girl appearédte t factarY and apply for a jol.' Ohé lf go aawo vtil Ugly Io xpluinati h i our home about 9 ocloci. Thot la the Chie! Lux on thé tieony tint the tva lut 158aw ofber. About 9:15 ' &oilckon fee okv tegr nat Monday thé telephauié rang ManMY idemn. ore t h gibr héogir auMato daugbtér tll.! ta me: -Meamau, mlatiebuforé hkn e r om, au. tintr it fine-they have pramian, me a Job 'ont of tovu vithout cnuting a mcons. if i coni get a permit ta vok.' Tb"ee she added sté would h rigt home. ln spéaklng wth me ahée use.! iii. taie- MEN WANTED HEM TO RIDE. phone in tu4e Tenth street electrie hueaiÂg.8 statio. dl.!Thot VirginiaBabl. theue rh Ceu "She ua netétuimu tien, anu.!hvueifl o*Wr. 'as hat ildupe.!1 tn ahé ha.! net put ln an appes.ran itO ias êtta e v vlto i t auppén time Maada niait I vect ta eni mgmuofabout 22 yearé of!&as. the electric depot, 'Fhe ticket office a vil so Mndai', la thé botti! of ismugdb* a maài na ,uj oJ4... Ç!Wuke nuflWOnA lm ia 1 doant no lis lut nome. Me tol I.!t1511l idta gmut higo nidins -*lUs me tua a uteF aur daughiér baWl caMé.! her. me on the telephane, shé turued ta 'FTilsYoung vomun. viiosé ane, la dlag lt folk$ 1 doa'tknv Do âmovir hma"JrnkM lle of thée r%, tie'y pie.!d me up at Narth osgo afier IChbu.!«eeut the. en- Dpe fucloty looking for a jab," aise. &a tien urge.! thé local girl ter witis thora but lthe lutter téiésed. îtm aihe didn't bave thé lrne danb désir. mot about thuatUme, .tue tva young acame out item tue store vlet'3 ,yah" mu.!. a purchaie.* One got th. front. one ube- tet, slttlug bu- etisé Rubli girl. Tint la thé laut local girl muv cf the trio>. t vam à nSce, Mg car," mud mii. y, sddlng "oneé of lhe men toI.! Shée asiacheufinur la Chicago, the. er a cbauffeur la Lake I'oreal. ey séeme.! ta bu véll dresse.! sud ued ail rligit 'The boys trie.! ta get me ta go th thésu, but 1InIated 1I bu.!ta get oi ta vork by 12 a'cWlack 'Fey ime thé>' voul.! get me book, but 'ouhtin'i liaien a tita andtitey, t a s 2W.. 1 tov'lh gestreet. i 1sure II: vis teh Rulili girl" LUI OAK IN (CQntInue.! nom Page One.) rbisna ie Oatuz-day a! lérnoan. sng Oranger lied rçoruW ha'fc Ues ta a certain =,et .but unabe* Lrov ay ligit on vhi causa.! bis ane 0< reauo.- on Bit.!oa iernoon Oranger vwa de ta talât qOtla ratlinlli, HO. mii gi la ot Mlfhe h l# e lya go"re ir as pîceti up by the Lib- tynle police. HéemuId that viien esaune.! ont hé vota s'goad suit clotues,sgaegs, bat und! otier art- ls or clolias In match, and ha.! *0 i cash In lis Pochéis. Hé id- it tint hilare eturtina oui hé ha.! ,n drifreing qulte beavilhi-itc * memrnom las emi' bas>'a ta viat tpene.! aiter hoe bai lie trai. Hé remembere! sonétihia a*bout rving goiten ofthe train itoudout ti as te vhat huppene.! afier that iie ioa nothinu. Hé daés not remeni- ar of ili'avina bat itbs ciothes. hi as flouahipomibli liai b. migit ne lagon benten ereroli sud tint ie mlgit bavé caumni bis mental undition as vel as bavias cause.! Un le lameecouscousuens wviîle lia ioey sud clotilmg ver.stolon, but ltbaugi ils lady vis niamîne cure- il, thèeevas' ma amark vwhicia cime.! as Ifit h IMithave been In- sté.! b' a viapoiL.>Thé £éesh vas cm from, hi. ftet byconstant iram"- ai sudies bo&i1014 OU t ikAMhMi ptipes by ao«g grisa sud tie- me everyI' ndicatioa tuait thefuel ww ba. biatnminnarou.! lot a Mn. Oranger, tue Young muan. oit, a. àahI. hbq give no resuas o' ber wson'strngaactions. OIE aId he nover ha.! *cted tlI aia wore and aie tiaugit possiblitUN ni mlghol bave, atfft.!hlm Gr" gir recoguise.! hie motier the momen dms. ltpetila hile roola viere li Court Afl'ws Judgmmnt for SI14,2W0 on V clt ein- -ed Id. DaMa #t riou Attorney James 0. Welch von. an Important victory ttus meralagbwheu Circuit Judge Claire, C. ]Bivas i ysr- -uleti thé motion for a nev irlala&0 inter..! Judgmeat for f814,260 on the r. YUt lhithe case of Thomas in. the, Wélls-l"arao Exlrés Compuisi. 'sasl a suit brougisi uadpr tuehe tte coidsmerce lav' an.! vas thse ,An uit ever braugt augainstan au-W+seqçPc pany ad a coumaon carrier ina ýwd#a" ori thls min..Thé faet~ ~ qs attorney miaulti lave -oi aW i Important cae l" caa'ali <> crédit. Assoclate.!WUviirli. WelO Ini tué casé ver. Attorneys, Juba 1,.7. Mc Cahe and C. Hélmar Jabnao. '- Becaume ibisis he rat cae of the tornéym predici uhat h vil lm e enri. ta, thé Unité.! States Suipreme coaurt. The verdict returne.! ber.s uie second largesi personul lujury Y vott erer irouahtI l mb>'a juryi this teoi- tThe suit vas braught b>' lre, ?r4ii. ces$ Thomnas vice hialati., Raf Xvseli 'Thomnasan exprens osende" ~la bemploaitiq 6inmst cu> MecCina toouthde stand and téstlfled te avg atblen a auré.! hai "ýBucb" vas stricihi' a tempérance drink sud tht.lie ider va. mveet. He éda.a number of cbaraciet' witnessés who testîflé.! te aYMiisPurchase.! bath and s.!qWer lu bis placé. Théy tvare tuai the eider was avéét sud Uan-htetiilt#fg sud ihat thé "Buck," lu their opl ,di.! not contgin tmait. The case vas qven ta thé jury ai 4:46 p. .m. ' Tb@ tact tht thé verdict vas net dtiltd upon until 9 o'ciocb shave.! tiqro ngast have heen qultea ', rmty $OPfgL .The bell pre- ua ti t Ist tti couinis agaunet tie deté4~it >154~vcbeén the resuit ' of a eoupdiît- but tue ma5sa « *ttmnéy bas caume.! them to »e goutfletet next October la order tuaihleVil not bé képi bnci' Ila court I"lamontu an.! vili be ailé ta build UP bis pliltical fences thtôughouit uecounty. Thé défend- suis viiome case.go over ta ui <aUle are: Deauls 4yrien, liaraei' Boeiiun Fmsnk çDengttt, Pauil Kroen& C. W.ý Crav!ard »d MeDermoU tTvius. htinlas fact et lsteretat Mlle Mc, Guîtat.! Tom MoCatin, tbe base bl -"UMaSits" ai Wubeffl. gai off vftls tue Ilggt mi veits, Thé for- mer vas oua.! guilta' i otc-ur anIs andt»iaeltter onturée ounts. Wba says tbes'é are no bus t*fana? Ju,, s Over Four Houri erdict Is Re- Il ukegan, Ang. 2. After a 4#111570t100 asting over four houra tii. jurY ln the Thomas ICCatn cse .int=red a verdict at 9 o'clock ThtiNiay nlght finding the. defendaat pilty en but three of tke 17 conaea 4ij0ud ln the indictieet. The. verdict 1rgid tbat MeCaunua gullty on thie tbirtienth and fourteenti 0ounts, bath ot ýwhlch chargé a no. 1gtlanL af tbe oatkl'5110flaw, sud mIsa an the »eVen±eefth count, vbub charges a adaslun By vbu art cular pracessof rem- sonlng tiiJuilarrved at the verdiet cmi oniy b. gueuaeod at for there wua notbiug ln tic .vlidenc, apparenily, wiicliab% defendant moiré guilt3'ou1 m- v partlcular wonts electéd, thu= MWlOf the other counta. Tbe lu'veueWtfl Ofor the staté tes- tille.! hi I1aVlâg pîrchased bath "barqW" cider and 'Du*k" lu McCann'm ,Plae. The. aliteS oligmatestlfie! that the affmple Morlintho-snalyzed cantained Cmuui'.druaikeunesffau.! nonnaup' port are charges cona5i»& iiithe hilE tor divorce filed li aM*aqScurt bi Mes. Alvida Sonenson Riglat of Higb- lanti Park againsi ber iuhu. Her- eri ,B. Riggins. Mlra. iuas ach for allmony, sollcita tme.andtihti rigit ta tosumé hem al.4n nui. Mn«. Riggns relates Imi ,erl-thai sh. sud ber hueaad WW, marri..! la Wgukegau May 4, 19Oé&nu.!tuai ai@ continue.! ta livé viii iim uùntil état nantis ara. - bhxireme aud roeate,0. orueltY !s charge. . Mn. Rigabos'UP' ber bus- bMu. béat, strucis and- cioke.! ber. Sie aaya hé dl.! nat supply ber viii fao. an.! clothing a"4 mddstuati h va necemsary for, ber te meuh éam- poament as a servant'Ia privais tain- It la charge! tint Iiglns va gullty Of 1habitual i &a elpMensanti wef on apréés 00fiafti"iatli tint hé ,«&& mnable ta attt*li4 te bis uouai éooupailon. Wblle .!ruù ie, çais ber buaband vas extrl, qstel Some. On these acculi mbe maya i. 111 ireated ber. Tva occasions are méutiané.!, as foiiO'w8: OIL Décembér 15, 1914, ehe aut" ber hIuebend struck ber; an JullY 6,' 1»16, sh. maya ho atruck. saôve.! an.! plIAm- e.! her. cauaing hér hi be iII for a loes tisé. -lira Higgins sais tisai ber iumJtad la su aven huildér and A, ¶9.,e satuni' vian hé la . ëtatgb ta in klaspîte Of et e llme'hif'l lhé veut about on aprees au.! lieu 'sien hé got samé ,q1aace !rm lainMe an.! squatideied Ïa i hi oue>' be -woul.! vrite hér an.! a'c ber tO setd.!hlm mÔuey w<liiibta returu lupre. Ohé sal.! 5h. ment hln mrney ibciseéha.!éai'néd hi' 'orbInis m s servant. Shésays ber husian.! la strông sud abundantlY abiéla mo up- tport ber. Ti thécugi the Indep ent I bue Migkt heur thb cries, Beluni à w9y e. Grlfin 14 Caliéd. 1A 3 m LThe girls leallimanaded 10 relâci au home an. at 10:20 o'ciock a Cali WiasE 'ur 11 11 UN sJet t a it ifGriffin Wha o rné.!to es su tii amena. of the sttack. Bath af the h girls ver. so frightened that they vere '1w ig an Waylays,14-Year aile to miv. no gaod description ofH Oh lion acn Le.,# l th their asUlant. hvvrl Théemierif uccéede4, hwvr np ChicalgSat"iy Nlght. '1Mrning ihat David! Housh bad been D PEUED HERWITH A CLUB. 'm taZe m te d i rectiontrfthé att%çk toak place. Re.wv&seén ta Sûr, gs o SiterSavd F«-born' a street car ln the direction of enoeDùddes-Kou' CW1" Waukegau. Thé sierul muent murverail fesesCrime tor*il@e Inlulooking for Houeb beiut lly a, ha.! tO glve up thé e oreb. lie ltuew.b, luohueDuddles. 14-year-ld; daugh- iiowver. hat Housh vas .employed c tr af Mr. aud Mrs. Herbér t Duiddleé as a laborer for the treét department y or North Chicago, was made. the r"C aiWaukegan and hé took the maiterb flrn af a brutal attack by David! Hounh up with Assistant Chiot Tyrrell Who of tiat cty about 10 o'clock BaturdaY arnésteil Hoàih vheu he appeare.! for nigbt. Housh iay lu vait for hu' a vie- vark tht. morning. Housh was takeu Uime until &ho reache.! an ufouent- te the police station aud rnadb a con- d part of thé City. Then ho moche.! pWo~ confessIon. Stts Attorney ber uuconsclaua vlth a beavi club. Dady place.! a charge ofasaut viii Cre. Duddles, 12-Yearold useur Of the adeadly veapon azainst thé deféne- virtlm, are.!ber uster fléom, fS~thei' ut& and vil lalthat bo hi houa.!la ilawuy vheu hér screama frlghtu4 0 V4,,m. d iiviy ber asuallsnt. fHouf a t'i>0C4 oec - in iti.cou .tt ondin urrest this morniug sud 1* muid Aisa fteRnently. ta »bave complète confession 'ft vas olly a f uvveek a go tlirna Inte iipolice. Houai vua Sreute.! on's chargé of 1Houai. vho, le about 23 years af age. bhavîag frigitene.! a mlmber 0f Weilt viii .lié rememberé.! as the vicionss Oldé reidlenis of Waukega by Pe.k- yonug ruffian Whio madie a dsit&rdlY ingita iheir Windovs. At tli5 t ili agmault on a miss Wlliams at Nant i uls ea quin a10ndtui s but 00e Chicago about tureYearm sic. mim" ln va. suspende.! upon bis promIsea Willams, It no ahappens. la a couinlof good behavior.t ,of tiie Duddles girl. 1 hrtly %fier that Houa*wva given &ttacked Wih s Club. a pont tion on tué aireet depsîinmeuit The Dudîs famillirne lu thé vqui. hec. 04d !Itvis the baleftaoffIiaIs t el-n part ai North Chicago, Juzt off ai that h. voul.! stralgliten up snd trY Tventy-»eoni mrent. Thé boume la to be lav.sbkILn._ , 1 far rnmoved from other baumes snd Ili 'TheFom'umr Lincir. tu a demltespot. The. Place viiere it wvau about'dwr..YearsagO thut the. ismauit of ,Oaturday nigittoo 1Hausb Yis1ausrreutee' 09 a charte or place> l witUliS$ Or- fitnsiof i tiibavh4,id ut-d )Mima WUliaS.M-Mi"s Duddles' home. i vas .u*lrivIng ae. a aoet- TiieDuddlem aiters all.dspeut tiecterone Witerday vies Hogai.bis evening dova hivu sud vere returu- face prtly nmeled hi', A hnke lng borne about 10 oclock. As iiéY ahw, leape.! fr the aide ofche ils dm seared 'the stretcb of prairie they bu, and fgra iod ofUal te .yaungaou. camne avare liai someonle vas clos e ~drmmo b ler eut and cçied fier liehin.! hemn. Wlthaùtuttutering a nmani dsance alvai. He« sMma8 ft- yard, they ai' thé fellov caushi' up tracte.! PeaplIO ver. M £«1* ay wltb them aud struck th.eider girl and lionsh drOp»edh*' viclli saMd avér thé béa.! vlth a heavi' club. Ohé ILed. S.vevsl hOtsiAR e lg 94. at Mai droppeti to tbe groun.! uncanselaus. but hé uceediDla gettii* avai'.O0" Prightened beyand expression, thé eaistJ triche.! hlm ulrongh the vFoode yonnger user began ta ca--. The. by meaud aOthée,lut a lu â th e 50v assailant, apparetitly famul tbat smrn atiplace.! hlm dr artieat.01«wem -' '- 't'" 't . o-« F , .Omïl& ounli wu ot sent t, At orle lime h. le nid h loe ne, lu J" icpdn u hich oaII maire beau tmplfr*ed. ROUSH IM FEEBLE-M statels AttornueY y lx perplexed hoimo* wWbat. tu Dayld moucb.'thenzea1-c"t.00 man Who Was sivmtný4 "forA made a brutal .nom* * Duddles. a 14-yagt4l-1i@1$U il. HouaI le a owemàagw i >rney Dady la àr th* yuug manu le teebi.umlB*. be cornritted tO, Ml84t tiau He hai vUtten i *4 Mies ooimnienlM iulng q fre therm and aking tîr s> . nhat action, .ught-to lé t»U The es, la oileq anusual. T:are l o~~ mind.o ai sflone but eluhétý dangerots perioti to 1*1 i Mnthins. Alresdy le bus Md ssaulté on girJ4 a i g4t. for plarlflg the rabi. M Pe>eper,» and han bonu »Ae . suce In Polic e CLirc S fu r The trouble, acoordintg f b thoriles, la ubat HouSIL a1wfl able to stop juat zb *f e4OÉ tbina for vbicl'be coulo. be 0 stuté'. prIsca. TII crimesce he bau bes gUlty coul.! ýJW by a finie ort b couJktT1.11. but soi a more devionsi~W llspoelug of the tUasW be sagt"Ot UWâu" entiE theab k by tihemlt. cc 0 buét course to lietaà lea es tlist teor WB Wiii attei e'i5eW circuit cl«ks and o*y4 Mrt. 1sucI4w5y autt0 «U rla »Md a ltob IM8 » l* *WU tâme.

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