*0 1w It! ~»VERYTHING IN Lllffl~er, Sureens, Sasil, Doors t Bett~r Fa ~on%~Coal Bm! Vi~d-CoI~eSC4hJ, Wî&ô4aid IUbdling too Rê Ca~ê ~mkFe~dh r Div. b>"the Oh DsPOLSm& Bsa e..20 leams Phono 47 L A. 1B wooiMgr - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -?S *- - - -$5h- - o-k---d 'Wlth Electric Starter and Electric Liglits *tüniM euma~-nd a ýt 705 VUSbd brovo te drivE auvdu UBERTVU±E ARAGE t*adde4 toi* i vaICase a Wedingg, Fun NuI~P"s, Etc. C.lI Phono ËO2 vhiii ia o. <Our".SERVICE FA JRHOLM AI ?DeeNS GrWDYMOmi Rd.L UMTTVRULI Fow. 10-R ~10ristfm 49N0 Yt OuHBave Neva 01 Locali flzw.mt Cal i on lgo.i J. J. Surns. ai DeerShd wma a uiator haeo Satrday. ý 1 flowIs* A sonveesbora te Mr. sud hMrs. W. Le. Whitney' on Sunda>', Augumi 6tb. il r. and Mie. Gardon Miuso ofCleago, opent Snnda>' vih lie Cole ind famif>'. Andrev Kothals, o! Chcago, là @pend- Ing the veesk visA Peter Petgos and f atill>. îLE. P. Lonadale, ai Chicago, v"a gmetiof Liopoel Bull at tii. Retaurant Tnésdsy. l4ta BisaCto 01 o!Evanstýzn vus a qufsl of- Mr.- and Mm. WS. Irau,04 Sunde>'. Mire.' L.v Bonds., o ah aievllle, le vislnbart brosher, W. E. Dechor and faUllitodar. Mies Msbl.eiIIgand Miss Cerne Fa>'. 'gel spant Wdussay aud Tbnrmday lu flapleiI, II Roi. T.-B. Rasis sud lamil>' arexpeet- ed borne groin Camp'Epwortli the firt part i mei veok.f MRisse iqjs Caaeg, tenographr aet thse LaI, Count>' National Baul, le baving a two vooka vacation. OdinsB. X. Nrma frgs Wdmdedy'ta apend a vee's vacatian lu Benion Bar- Ir and SM. Jp, l. - 'i I.MmWrrymatin sud Mm . aie: 0i Oak Park, are thes guese of Mr.. and MUn. Loy laiag eseek. Mi@ es 0.é B art, tenographer at this gem alilie., tarted Monda>' on a twa veels trip ta DOsUper. col.-' Mr. sud Mms.A. A. Grandy and children ,lot S&tnnýlay for Wauasnkee. Wi.,,vlisre 'tbeyvli Spond tvo'vesks. Fred L. Jacob fit Monda>' for South Haven, idi., ta spond hlmie vcation, pianningta speud a veek. tire. "tYSnmith b.d lier tonsile rs- moyed Mdonda>' siternoon, Dr. J-. L. Taylor priarnn the operetian. Mies Emogsiss ehek el.turned homei irans Caliore on Wednmaa*, ater bavlng speueusial mauhtb tho.. rfflk et.. fritlm eswelfor 1ons, iansd Moirlit, lova, vi.haniii @pieadabout a anutis *itrelatives. Mrm. ML Presait.:0aniarld lmors o tuse> ora vieil iti Mm l' ile Priem sud Mr.s»d lims.W. El. lcClal. Tiberumai Weom ee has oi thée M. B. Oondae isoa v*Winusi vtb MnT..John Willam.FrIday oateneua Ibhis veek. A .uemtsu'of à"e O(ii Vsiovs attend. e4 tise cneS>' pedslc atIl ir et Pous]Park, Îiort4' Cxehago, let'gatur- dey. C. P. ud R. F. Wrigt veut to Chf- cugo .Wdmesday ta attnd ths bail gaue'hetves tho White Box sud ti B.d Box. * Dr. and 0mr. F. R.Main rstnr.d train Long L"e e s ltuparta!flueSt v.sk, Ise'.$b"y omcp.d sa ottge for tva veeke. Dr. J. L. Taylar relrsi Fride>' ugit Irons a couýple 0f day. vl viii lis vite and daigitena vie a&m atapng umm Tomahawk. Wl . i elSds Bock tuistita Cbifflo saturdal tu lyke tuna nsoonlghlpaei et Jekiîon Parksad, vffl veaus 5&6> viOlas girl frind.- --W. 1. -Colilnea sîpeto; ta 1.., n%b Monda>' for Cieveisd., Ohio,, vierelbu viii attend the. GraniteDalrucovef- tiqn agil szt veek. Tb@ii. M iaOgasud Elsie fins. ud Bid"a Sbktor.vsnîttAiseDodoaina W. ounain - nau Mandaée. vhareoi>'vi qsed about Ivo veels., lmire. DoriWlilaonr.tned laat Ses. pide>' tramn die e iAlter baepltul, Waa- hlis". vi.,ab. umdervent aa umoasein operastion tAins veegbeore. PeterPetss«expecls Iales .»asi 'Puseda>' vh b rallie>l4 trm teWrmPark for & Meelt't IiptoeId.ade. Keaem, ta loouk &Us )oite. i a MI L. OuBenid"e su4 dusbter MiW 011'.sud lhe sMiiem o ue sd N»»M Bullrer~ld sud VioaOsmeniodl ba isunMi 4irons îleS vacaton"tg t Ebor.,Wl.. CW&btr Dibbie la buveg a tva weli vesMtion groinsbis vonk la 9» 4 loi Pwu. la takjag lie ploce lr.Gertrude MWw0.xe~ sot vsk..* t.I aroe. Mir. Iri i Mlkse, son osiMr'. sud mmr IL J. Andrevwsuwd Misa Ç&ara Oý il~ uumanipal 111., ver. marw d wds> LagW. 40I thsbrides bho"b. 'their aunt IO0ePlsIP tvd lu 1.tisityvllis Fnld&Y evuulng a Mdvii Màkp ubeir home viii ti room'. parente. Eesp tii. d*t#, flinrudi>' Au«~. 24. fo Stse W. ILAuniver"earssae sud eippsr si 1* imeeb «ls - 47*l Bar#$ lm s. - hi@ tondlis iv. moviod, t4 := ? bing Perorinqd la 131ephea 'vbf danghte,' Miss Funi vr i . I,Monday,toran oxtond.d vtite*tbe former'. daugh. ter. Mr. .*" WP,? and famlly. Dr. Goidinq villi)Rave ocît Tue.ay for Subson, .Uowfâa*experte ta belon. for thres veoulufIle vifee yul go ta lWaucaasda ta ppsà'bor varation wblle b. la go". Tb* Bfiai>'Coag»iSon wli fat b. co eieb»tod at-tW litLawrence ehureb on Budey inombg., Inatead there vii C c dIxt IV edneudiby et red el -10roturneil ttnday evoulng Iro*tNov !ork City w bore eh@ lie Cslent about tWvo eekvi LI a eoeter fromt F, Weyl, u. .., via arompanied ber au tii.ftnp. MIr. and Mme. O. C. Cownesanld three cbildreu of Saroboa. Wl..Mr. and Umi. m. Il. CAnvimaedabteof aMienominee, Minhs., anespendfW<th.vet fLbMma. tA. L. Travî#wea #iW~U. Mias Marie AÏudéii. Wbo reeont>' r»- 16l' e ~4isiosbo0k. béelft la hb* frdsdent office, voent back 10 bur IoâWr poctlon as teiephoce operator lu Ils. lysai «change Tnesday. Thi a,,uVue defeated b' the. Kencoha RhgbUWthlt Sunda>' alter. naonIsyebcmotoe.>liNet8undgl' à ammas iii %Ta.W PmLake Foreet teaSat Lake VFamIsstlthe second garn. of thiemermm. t MG isGetrude Davison, wbo @pont tro montiîs bird vitil ler grandintbor,1 Mms. Sarah »iR a n d otter relatives ber*aud lu Wauskega. lbIt lot ber bhon, ln Kallipel. Mout.. Wednemeday. Mima MeJy Unmon coqpauied bertw Cli Mrm. C. N. Durandandàdon auNaci E.. ft Wed.mdop-M Mnlg for Oklahoma Q.ilg, Okia., vIn. 0b latter is ta maîrry M14» Paybns uel n 1et tat cit>' on the, 1lleli9( tlis aso the ti.marriage ta taire place eaitbe -home af the brido'@ parents. Master in Chaffer> Paul lia c4uffin ooid the Tonie large of 21acre, in Pre- mont tovnshlp ta Afguot Baade la% Monda>', for 6a-ougLiration ai $2200. Mr. Bade'. wile ves one oi the hmiro et tlimtuaedtjbaiiy Wvasitrîngon tii. Ia tbtis lue.tMr. Baade vas thie ouil' biddmr. J. B. Idorma, secistar>' of the Lake (louai>' Boîer4 01Agriculture, vas In 0Jamulis Wglimtytu intereet Lb. rlbigmen tmu tisr le races aitiihe caning Lake couel>faIir. EBe s»va good uauy af tbèeUsnen, 'Who gave hlmx promisufse iMmUatheir bust harses ta Liiîuvvl*;av*o lb feiopeued np. Mdr. sud lMmaObu@. Treptav sud mou aJullusA.l W eSt memdsy mornlng for Lemont. [isba. Where île>' vii @pend noverai vmks vit thie former'.smou John, v*holhesProveii np os a hons. oteud libérm. John Treptav'. bund in not mare tisau Msx miles fros I"Tbov- i tou. National Park, visus the. Part>' wiii vimit beforo retunng bau.. Dooie MecCin, thse oldest qua of Mr. aud Mme. W. 8. McCIalebulia é lmb fortuue ta break bis. caller bhue os. day 0lumt vm.kvhils b. va@s IntîwaMt of allding dovu a ha>'soeck on il» famm ai bis anat, Miss»attie Plie, aý Oglmer. Fie lauded on on. of hie siso"loeiau bo teucbed tb. bottom 'of the 'stick. Hi sud hebisoitýer Dudie>, *b0 vas 'vltbhlhm viien., the ace>d«t, oecurred, retunued home i'riday. The Lake Conni>' National Bang pu:. cliaesdthe 17,000 bond Imboueraithé esvBradley' achool, whleh'wlU hb mut as Roudout. The bankm bldtoi lh. Isad vson a çtronm. in- l$7I70. lih. taie of thbobnd9 took Place, et lthe boni.ai 'Ernli l wuob' il Ipadoul on Mouds>' evenfiag. The banda vIii b. la deboalatons ai $500 oacI. The Viret Nottoe ana ibd vas ou, a prsmium oi 86à.20 for the bondm. Thoers e.no Mas>'complainte are bslng hard about the. doge aronnd tihe avis bscouu. les toc, fumeron., In soistance b-usiug mator>'cllete mm& ué ill b>' a- bein lIiavd b>' these,mabless/ t à, vreuld lu Weil if eer.V une stosld rW .asiuhsr tilittueme are "do# de,'"" aid it hep the. aImalpto teop or et 'Mtles le *@iÏva lards. Doge 'abould fol b àmov.d ta roan, tbo streuet s m,'tins., ju" lm. .driug the bot dage wvish ,R tbele le dangor ai doge go4ngméd. le 4 us lappistrieeIn thbe incaSlard é! Ikq M i.Muman on ScIool -aias vu lé**v doab>' the beavy gvletaiet Ný,0Mdv uflanoon. Tuse la about gg cw*I ' ras roported botu ili in d*W4@uM vb"elblev lme doetis tiý ippsin ~aaup oneoa i 6S ase ls w Ruits. Wbuls otber citW mgoW* au an àocasoauldrop ofrmin. Dungtic »W4 sai Vvidai a fln>' ulrab tarmit i Adam B. Titus, one Of the limt knQwn ..l »l m otetr ln Lake louciijMad a vIlge trustfe.of the vila> of UhberIy. ville. Vas unlted laninarrlage wiîh Mie. paulîne Carowell of Chicago, lua that City' lest Sasnrdajy. Imniedlatel>' alter tii. coromon>' had«ilbrou perlormed thé couple 1fr otueir honeymoon trip butihe Yellovotoî*l National Park, viser. tIe>' expect tu reniin UmOIl about the. 34th of tiis aontb. aà Mr. Titus told a 10w fisond* belon, ie4vliig ber@ lest Salnrodny thât ho' wauld be hb>în4e yth*.:I9UiW Mr Thtua sent blé ivO 4augbtere E'thel and Emilà, ta, AlLa Viotetvi eerliir ln the. weok ta riait wi'h their aunt, Mme.Le<, Meorsforfit-tun Thi ne-m cf tý rnarriage lame au a surpii , et. ma, . i fto- fripudj. bheosas vers' fi. .o'! f Il wshI-e., t ho héCon. t*tfplalI Ul"d 'i- faut did not. eve,, xls,,ç t hIa.a.i-pîng Compaisy viih&, a'A. fie.I .ii. t'ridle viliih. given a Il-arty bn .ly hie friende 4pon thicrKu.t .i nlalmbrne luSiCIANS RAD> PIRST PRACTICE NWIUT - JrIL Ifs i~ê. A I. L!NOl~ A U6'UJS T S AL gom 5,08, 4W and 0M Valua, aIM PMyoid. 1 Your JS, oo!Toile du Nodi glbnglia, pal.fs l.old prloe ,*Mi~.~' Alào our i dshiammut 0ofliB~aht d3kp.fsS These buenkeb nae O i a wW~hv)<nua w.w c .Phuse2~ Foim a C-at*h wi#Ii our SavWogs Departobeuj1O.. Io bank wiII keep'*Vouarsaviag $dé; sMW Pau mou adincorneof 3% COMPlOUND 1INTtREST,% Start toi Save To-ck$r Lake County National Bang -Capital Surplus and Profits - 80%0,00. Total ResourceS, -750,0 -THEf IDEA= <)f what bta"0 for lunch on Mn outing is furnished by soing thiegod O1w., i éI&wiP" ai ua.C...d -Fi*. cou ~mas Fnuits, Padma* Ciadu"kMnud C.s&is coME t4 ANO SlMTIm Gofrett &Frceik LIDIRTRIYVILLE. ILL. Pi of. BÉUILD YOUR HOMPROM UI_ LA vith very bout mervice possible. Our qSâteinms i ou eail the .5Maiworrlee wbà uiIdiug. Nodlf or dutappointmncute WIie tdlutg Wli . Eievy P»s lumber on band and eau b. saiue d utbO>'lug Ask no- for Iree place ofthéi betIu bos,.a hcIiW@o ive bue of deuigne. 1al. write or phione; W. F. FRAI4ZEN, 4R.: Plan irflh, ieMgo. as betefu N is-alySa-gomYlseo5u i 7- --The Proof of the Pudding la in th.e.lÇstg." To pendent'@ Clacied Adé, bay beeti pxov.obl y n -ammeu nom -ýml 1- Liberty'ville may ècoan have as Imm etrend bad il piané for theorianizatà,u nov on foot carry tbrongh. À number ofIlocal muolclati* pnet ft t4eX . & 4. M. hall one nhclq , , . Wi. ' ta tlk thinge over àd nt that meting it Use deeided ta cail tî4 imue;. .-togetber for practîce ou Wedtu.â,.ii iè;t. the. va> fîi tiiî a 1- r * If 1 '.;eflor more playera te b. ploent and 'ont>' eight mon reapooded to th'@ ceu. Tbe Men practic'.d a uner oi pioe. and thope t*b o e. reoent vere very mucb 01,nx ag4Oort1he irât nigbCo practico. Anoh eting vilii b. beld a vek irom foib Wednoeday wben il je boped every mnmlcian denièing ta juin the. organizatios vWili b. preeent. , Thero are enongb infinenti4l men n the village ocho want to mee e gond band get tarted bere asnd who vii do &H fin their power taof ep mako cisuu nder. taklag a aucome. FRST IN LAKE COJNT-Th. Indopendent.