frIaIsaia~1I*i epxie at i bs oue m. lioda7evalho-gi iMr.aumd liM.m>Oson"-m -on, -a OQt.l Ivleun, ae wus ort Mr#.&d MM.7m P Vavreaer.mrhlSthe; - Il ' Mr. eMdiMr#. Walter Xra o! .et uene e - MeI veel, ereilegmU -s51 Mr. sud lire . 4 0. CW"lM.d II il li. amd i. F :CWeveWWd f 101t 2 ttesIaw Mi. ud Mite. OU eo. ugr t" mme. Blem ee "ON Cilcag, ihe ie M .,:?"l 0. £kiqed Ivo cbhlIret werni tg Pahotins buday Wea vleti wlt vm leaThie7 i«*.XII.ted hôme "drnlp m ige l. L 1, 0"mad B" pu M"sieiW8,» otTuadaj ftom a [eve enrtis visti110». on. o ie Btey.paepiabÈRuer Mih. pvù blc?*» Lavietw of, t4 hieM. Ehri Sobrs I r m Xbetivi] . Si.vbv Il5t oP ofra5d lstSun te .tad i he * Llrtyrîll Y. P. ý. ves organflsed anh ap voe a hw nicha &go. -Ai tire. o'clocl la ébo dItbairn'oon9"iw« a aboshm flt. f4fà . adineumelea cn"Pùblklchy a etàl 01lte.~ 0 legro W*Uke. preuihel b. sermo.Tii , rofflmaltis Speo. lebliro. a weceenens mi a Vemnpi iownohlp me t l a serlome neel deaer Ltb. Dr. Detea houe Id l tvsslp "msN b ics.Pa ~tbatabffl 1080 e'elk nra. a t0 be-; !t?. * l'fiibb '. a%. ilSM Nubi.iertul va, j ltlm om" sa A" Ui amià«4aima vs rg am *10" wa<"aallémmIti .lle tisl* *iè1métà,,â&I t - 1, »,* bsre seaiiof i*. L* $Ob roigi zmhtome aiaq bon.. vuesbeola.but 'ac Vas rsq heu7 vroue&i un4a l b lac of lits bea er!la on. cf bhée nus ver r. Rerll vs ftes ltsb tou ce. edcir alà lm eeil iuaday wtt! bgeIi*O "oming atili.o'~c s wW lprmeon Ibo fevaY for oa0e«g w 0 I tea i vot* i0 4oeeîof tiheueéi*111 MOW*ed." Scii myde La casofe f-ball wiHl b. b@4là lbdi » i le t.aluji i qbw, beimnier. fJean."lviii hi.b bwOrth Leamw ie 0'uning a% i 4 T6 ÉWungleu" o amit à of Inspiration, nMe m iii Ion# t ti ieih o n Frlday eventsg cf doc&. Ail mm Wear g are beld smeci Wednes. 7-80 tolowad by lb. ~ld ie i8.80. our of vorahip If e6 . VM i db-wo*de~ to, a "Mil4tmer »risar, opw e i wli dolw» he b cuO961W5409 *I Mboies otbdetref and ,ea esTe pastarill hgive a OPMW 6droit e ochildrec: *AAIrMbon Lai 89001»«." Th i ilb. o?1ltic tse IOUM and O*dparents an -spociay 'ChrIiIp*i JNdevor meeting ,1.45. Tople. 00 rowtI, »ody, Mimd and ~I1 Luire -2: 44î. 4eder. Weeton Waldo. , Evealaqrréo ste, i7:30, 'ubject ut puitoe mqevon:. " What le Ffth? to,'rInL barch and &ayons, >ot hàwlg ~k~ehbomse là. thlq eh7 Je tnvilaho oeuhp wlth us. « ,' .,lVdwsrmyer lleetlng Wedceeday 7.i45 p.m. %1 Choir Prie. Prlday 7:45 P. nm. Cari A. Montanne, pastor. L ÀT rUETH-ATMPS ftUSda, Ae. . tii. LW b ur~Tetre 'Peeet* -abe Typhoon"ii-r rel pa-a , seOutwenwm& #tory 01h i',r and i4ôee0e!a yenngd apm.e 6nl Po*ioaacise, lnierweyea W vl h an lktde cther * es orie- msWe I byew SMof th'e jaodpW ta to Ibir comblr, tramto lving o1 LA Ç tm e l Thir - e X»"om tS Jgl U03CO fore iiu the lOii ~l14" bm21h 'ut hha tu eing ic9 Ied lap eli Magl*wsfAo «d th IL Y» 7.nadu .Jmae& 11M» a.loslgmtes' bow manY cl sha h ave ti. IeSf14~e~erth.y bavelai'. imltvo repubiican, la tim à au the 40mceaia ctum ltu i ca. ths bl21b mu tIn tic Wcrbl dAaÙ7 hoom e. are Il c&AWïbTir'en ae" ý.bW â hew«dtt-mauaipêt fii effsUmptlcu cf sagar behg p4IaiIf iL. dwy v*o *mfoeto bUc the ýtcub1kan Cainidate. Avoteiàr=inpsyour- se oit it8eatorshouId boiea.wï guard 1 the muoeeqou payin taxesand do thngathat wiU mako the State a bigger and botter place for you to live in. 1 bave beon a wofker&U12MY lue 4~rJwoIitand~ ~e o4ip szid4 o fo~ o aoyn~ o a IàIâcý loco~fthe atOftt Iton TH£ MIIILATURE. I~eio IuiliA.Eàj onepIme luh, lois. Wo*i mmoethé c sPport of Labo 6çai1w votwseasfl .oethoniife".c 04J.h<fiUth. 06Mtic hoveeybâetIl J tif ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M D~li.IR<Y8 05 ~*.oC JO.JeLAMOCA *'ILu BIQGER- __ REliER * ~$3,3OO UNi PIJRSES Tt1ATlNS ~~~!7,ovn N..u a. w~Po *êGwp.s Çaguiy ~S1Q~ St4OW& - ,& n. t4iavi!Swfllafll 0 o% A.k. agusm 01 <hem" if - semoules. f peo~ebere aleet plêpa-ha .EuhIlea O icI sucoseeftl vrai by' f411 SlGCI 1 1- - 4" - N-,O*Ml ............ boa-%. ........ . . .