V.W.C.fP. SANsOtu tisoisi.f wmt tpamlbg e.e out clih ber matlun ikrXgroi m poal gemal of t" sboy@ boré day. Alo1 , 10 ooeWoOd sad luly af Wl. vIe m S.Mpt, à kioi olor tnp viletma ~~Mh' BbI.cfluu lii olsi «aah efhl.OVI0151 Ur. a" mele TrOi Ppemerlo 0. Véeboolin d dmabu * ggulnlyvii u et iru b* * .Nue E.0. oidam duugbla Min e.imm& IL L i5MoLie. à w foflb8 *Veu Sus ei~*pont IUmm b 3g UI.eud M"e»Mm fqurU«»" est uul ys c i At th mue lad"s onvota et tie IL P. Pi Po&otiOe4 mouW.i- - wàu*0new .. 0*80 01wa u. e. -.man Ya on l. eyo»jw *é, do" . vo WsItii. * beR wgl* 4 à bl~o bm u4eIhbiumt o 4làtatiet tb a ndh .A4OSl forme ulmtou d e * velg - MWM tbIlti os.. * * POTbl' d me*. 'C l Piem . t lIen«îT. d noIoleoiet MM 0> 1 Wtb *.W0101,bm 4 tbe coeof. i' a t littb t wd go 1 Ob W*C W Pl~ qu of uttai oà,@@ Lm aTb@a etUUftb %W etyÏiuI 4c» y Tbjvkubl lw8 INé"' om~l vr.lggb &iim erted %0 rio*y&.or as r,~~~~~~ Mie rgh i.NIl ossort lie. 13. aqar pàtebu.is6: vetsauioy - Mi. Frtd W i rbo tibu cugolàS ul eddb h a h"t* offlbt e* oi lg, fainot *M autire. Mmd rume toa s top. Tb»m-an w IP.t.t b. *6 luçvbmamto e , 4 ub kt, tbreuiqgou Ibe MM Vbut duy jeute klckd by uneet bie a Ime lest oW d Iai claie Mr. MMW. l# eaP- to0 dWk d lii UPax a.g bg qpuT rlpp. b~da ~ . I* suamns tu N oup Inft41* om ber é &W %bé ;.. Mdpolosai. utIeI'.bu*-a h Wuu, arber.eh. I.u WumWittl~L* Tbore. hoot.. Dr. flubr lvue Twffl wal tmati.ed dai4bha" eb* l mjuo tabkù 5e. Olat 0* Mhgwuhr. aiier ato qw on 0Dr. J .Tymcl aotlor '.milata4 y tbtt pecre et i.e boidèrvue to .Oui.êt c.t. sa Io cm bdlla'* bu éssilir bOINIS Q"i. 'saab. 01 reltvu trou iôlq. likl meà *ilyb@« *#**bdbk*e?~eI ~iobe e*omedted 1h co 00ài .more pk om lml W boail of h tbe sOeia breissu coDaibou .WmL in" i"BletaIPoluas Wds.*ytdodaooS tslw Wt ta retbi*b «osao .vnl U G.m m* bWw o et à»m tue progw t h eue 'oS 50no miové*lu. çraum roeolst ltim GUlmr ooul ïaw. dDU reIne. sjpss us anttru belleved. Ag1t 4 ïWmk Bo Ey id 111hJ.W- Un0 u dwf* WIe iOâb l Un pome- of , ce- vontltisbe ope ciiau lhokeoon. ambuer At blpd&. IWgose I ant 09 C. MrM Ibe W. T. edb suteehlud nt a boclu" P ouai w or Obmhord snlaI 4. qNi. Huapduabror gatax* ~Tdai arumon t igkimdaM vO~ Ug upndmy evsiegam 1art, MW et *ulPIlid ib lber bIle. Pa*- - qi» tee se OuloSas*eMoboue -14-uiàgllias9 mupmoeetl ý o - ý u.*ms. Loîsil nm Md Au Wabmim<Ilmov, Jus. Muray. *mu.ureug r4tlueIparvils Put- ubbwe o tu iruel"On ou Soala., ch.bule oe pecdil lspuet adz MSg al mmrmm A. C. Dichuidasd UN Tbere " h. e a 109piotuft ehuw, resm club ber roottsv irit ratura ta mIm à. W. StaeIoum mmBudw ul% dehmvlblqd~ ber kblmIl se~ ~ ~~Lb am'uuo s e~ u. Cimntr mbool ni55Ibly bai,' FYlIO. Jobs Muer vue 'tuoumo44VeIli MMcuoI Mu. WflttS, ol oguuPuri., Moped. 118101t5, 0t 8P- Il. '_, , M 1 I&lhhii Vaw ý s maa ~mutai daj'e(i lire. F.W. tsn.- udlé 8540sk. 0(4C9cugo. wuao e. h Oomu sammoffl, I@dvnl __ veuTrat Md nofai poimta. Dr. aid ahabaopertion.-. 'Be u*uta yona,. Mr. 0do E. ArPM vKl put o1i@*o- lirs. I. L. Essai. 101h. lsUhOtIÇ boupitel ut WaotUM ,. IL v«-ii tbw be arentoe. Ur. sied iIvla Mcvr.i.so bu beu uitedlmg Ueb nd O r. Folay *U"aea by Dr., k.WW eP.t.a. ba.gtise Uuiverlyas oe4pelmm reerns om, patir e.o 0ration sasrIa So910-. Md M BIDÉ1< 9 BIFI F ,Idsny. sad la vtltlud'arianes.Uri. etlwuooa. TItitonal te. spy.o ie. ev bratber. Wg Mobt, oera"Mmd iaFV . . r. bW eUscSd md bal .te. OPatall ~~~ ~~~ ~J. A. ibSyt e4tisiSifrJdWOiro-lUV burefougr Swl 1mtiib a c ri Sélo tsm e ashkWa. b»@y.isv &ousvery douragu o.. m luIbm cU lie- h tisu ocatou cam MuR. E Vat teedbod e.opermion cIMdiino ortm tW T auea Sur lie FI amOV Hurdof aiWautegs, 'Fuoluy spela, wcli be h.a»o r.Ev ma Yo- orlfl tvta. W.iueedu. tva %ooksu Tfl' Y*11v lmhons urvlosent OMM limu* osemod rsuto" r x %uuPt.giron by th. ladinu of cimieb $»"Y moruor evnIa. sa umd&v trou -Motes, whqe @h.balianCathoneilhn be. J m"el Sgo tO caUP-"ooii&t -ute- beviaitin lm s. im aold for tise u gjO. uude laet VvldsTai VMK. tuIeOo" uoil ciii h.seace'51 put o mè e*at fM"PW-wMllatene ut 10 A. W.i a tougae.phPt,.marly 1<100jiopfr bflnpi oopnt @Ur. areUmnHobemalles, aI lla. 10tiiê sorna pumatsurprise u uurday m. Mr-Iu asu«. Ja W cb o1 Wsuukefl. im orU. mmd lire.LiUe uthg. tuge la haamrofI Idetgbaatisbibduy. caâ# dlr StatueAttoriai701 LAt. ,a âme *bue Etblé ubardue urprtsasdi s..lmra.iuah Adamos »dLoin i, viait.omty am H. C. flerres, a procameul tri"aI.b " eUaemet abr mdâ~tm loiv. u&M m. .Adoua. of Grays. attorney o! Cbiego. delivovod short g.loet [4107 c Pelure. Mtcrovu la14.. bis ddresco. Uv.. Bineraim onologua Iimit, li.,Jus. tb. - *yt" la d» eAm iesWlmuu nla eulm aa eset"ora"isof chkmifia, tatl e luit-dk .ds4*Wbd rali. amdUi mua. A. C.well. vauo. Itouhie corS la Chicago. emu wdb a Soels. ofdialect oy" às~ 14 OUb m is uar OTE u b vîbum- lra4M sHot e dmved .daeugpvliaca i. trel I ON*t = W %IN posiion sém- rie %*dMd o&w" obe*I0 é bu gbuM mObu of mgai famo. c e .bi sm A eglm ~istle ~ a~ l a *.lcelGebuSbrom ahmuusu rdu p badzv Wu i pusnimg u umler b 1x«. FuIte ~~ - 99. qov@uNsMst aetrmlaiter. UmnLat n'W. Cwiia u eetlaopetb noltvouàt Vas. M" ewim m.o NiM. m llM. JO"a Leeu. B., oai soi L tddburI o. q ais agnt ly eltI Ju. Teisampe EvMntat ilvrceceasotitammO.satun, or muwauhes.'apmt te. bodu& B 1u-lê*et -cmMout xr *am a. Fesaib oliom. h'llb, Sait.Suis ufeurd * ima.34. DieU s0dchugedroft iber- t" 4« dmvmMm@&ohus& vduupuaI cuis s- i.~~~ lir. sud Km ra0. lustr or. taud n'a@ acaeta corint gtbu K.- coapuuy Imma Uucuo a07«mdaj'. ___________ ce'.Mr. Mste Mu ra eat el ual - ~ s~ ~ tmUiy. c<Yolo a"MrlE. am. iait plb ay ja gmurlobwfoto* Il iisrlilnsd'wedelt mutMr*-vSk.IvWwmimtidom 1Bbu* la @W. it. "AN Kmt Das'l bog*ut.WasonudaDiyu »M Waduuada.y, Aue "rld. Il clii 4. binait erniIt e *r gMd yod cill as lem0ue le. vi a imol su ttieO "ud ber* . dur lie osêbsg oimgmal dai loog. II *Mr*auais @porte a. i ,!io*Dg7 bi pre» sbe vas wal YivgOtot com &d biosoue Mse isa. ta meicAll a brais. aboutsix cIlle*vil chouillé Mm i a4 eldtri* 'vou bum th oùu hi "bbna lb m*' £,ou 9bicre u lmS*tee on ti*nt fac et s ar'M »ttla mehool buildIMng g &thole ru- Ivers votaita boi lie fo, O000 fto POAO e sg ap tsebode orpl1 ote t in e.d uutoue utW for #Ml d.- tlI.t~ ~ o prpoataee 1 déM bol vote ta pueluse lot 9.-*bieisgoft- diuo Oe uae, om buto abou tenec buildIng. Tb*a tract te os 0f'tise mt banhtifuou tise NuVth lau*l loimabeonUtise tt vbtcb eue !OmimD0the bô hme cf Ilea T e Y tP ous at e..w " b bouges .100seveuty ta Il. ab.mcbia od»Msibool l .Ist ÂAuhloohla nuam dWel a u., amd it la ezPeostuisaOuti*eu&l M" - *ýé» * setai u wd laeulceMue ovsm -, vuut r" on ais 1 uug cousu cea ilme oli auà Umobe Tauqum, daligis r. nd iw 0.v r-w- Am*ud à ~ t.ois tblà lmels o! dlvia t. E C, cgo4su »borate 'Md l&M 09 tMdRbUM ' ud tbal oe . ua nv«ogu amymr oes piau t # vIu rey ovf o! cuvuotty" muiljal-go Sciai ~tt~s tht vs sadiUba -1d» Vauqum e eput La suanttutIon "bus OlA cudl mot lober -b "w yor m'ab gUlady prddllu oert tbouernu et ut oter-êf *ro* deuiPem 41 Mm.Ichi w. l tsonoiSst a"l«ef«esfocUel sac vet b ai *4beamu t alier *OWby aise vainure. , Iw ?a*eaveu boumit .Pend"v em8talaere sud"onu thon 'tuaMr mother us gifl&a.b*lise Ithu ao se taiea ale otu t sme 0«bot feOil uu laytub ar mOtborsbandse bmhefollocel uni mothor oum af lpalOn 4c0 occasloussboah.ai eea to t jap tata our auWm- be"d bW Mthe og lady. -'Why dI "U oXtu 10gmt tuta 4h9 satornbiler uasked Statos AttorneY .Jtot beonum i cantel to" replied Tbm cltneauft calildby the itaie tata of the a ffl lady bavlag recog. ais" people guabtg as \the Street un bible charumai». Tb*. 70»9gladys tuber vca caIlel $0W£eg&B arou «eotuimal btiste Jury. Hoad- alifl dtbmt1lavu orfthe opiniontbat. ~~ boel le ment ta Z;Cg*bam ho could rocolvoeth. xê00r dam a"d itunt. 'Father Idt"'t tint «yon conta t=r n ou ne0f your own leoa" a S M l lthe Yon lady after'tbo ladW4.bM om rouI.. tu à the g b.jury tlb a» weusaaI-- >, *% tumajua for ollcar of the lac tae a Youglady andl Inarerte l a M&i. bamve mot beau ev, gsfW ito pisonm ota riauluor ta in- tffle onsL- 1 bava bieautmpt lu mm b' av iee Ilt.5 or ahmu Are roi golag tau A"me auliton thatisa" of testlmouy. I bav, ii ans»ag >ou>e, ouabt aue 1an sapl.sàd 1 um pewtoctly uble ta, cube 0"My boreaule Rot latu l te. I do amtiais pety hmi but I Id r mm prapertirla Nejsraska. Ihavent ~ Io a ed tù*o welkbat la the lt.aet crn.~*mib sAKtthe Rar- ri" .stroot POU1* station ube ar- jeteon, mplaiut c Ilbale p Isugletai, ail vhs. they b odt , ta J" M Ul p Wuatuga» 1 slePt oa table rathirthm oectlabloo a ht lées bed. Dr. IL. H. T. Neubtt leas cas tbe iyen" commu ha. *est taO tt or prtvute Ip$Ptal lahe ehIcnt VO ev popet Care s"d trestut,, JulE Veronsgavae b. jouai lady au~ ~~ i opriuttaretira bomme db te« pgatsbut oba retamed ta do M& oyls'Weld> ion lite t.go itaa ore wbmave opeople blangbt nyou cur oas. 1 belle,. MY People bavhge nUvad tbequiet 1", 'They do 19oam uspuct thse vils of the Cdilue àZ4m Whua I te balum a et , lisotue bMeliveM4 oray. I do3t Wuut-l "M -dfl othebqquiet sailt trlotU qunrel umade a», 1d tteinP tao 0,u081 of from be cui'Pr ths*Iouied d tbo1 vmt a D nb ites Do yin ha Vergu ou It aed »Moeby, %ec»WrMAL I ol 54ç's Attqrmq ~rtêà<ffice lui Laê. re DAdV IIS Sh#WI t. qMe, harfese ami that h~ respects I~s Respectfuuilg The Wauk.gsil Gpod W. . MCtnegPresident Wd5 S. Keltb, VlceuPtesldeot J. , ~greI, reasure Jmuies v~d, Secretarg. J. P. Arthu -Ezoecuaqhe com.u. Use Mintutes "Betwè0f tel' oiec cuables traveling piesuic rIemply temelietwoeu gjflfl 1 t. vMpymmm m .m rcaced quickly in "hi way. >ita àlm usafo dda S ss h uki bmm log the role thus.ooebgm CiaoTrephone .Company A. IL AWdges5 manag ThuoocaK. esra.Pvildnt. W- . sI , b.Vice Prualdoat. - Capit 12500.00 A. 'BAIN. CLEANER Pâmeo 117 AREA#. ILL UIiSd EmtM*aliiieôd 81er. Phm. 24&W. t*M I New EkI3 ton1 mai, to 1 mil' tou bt