1 a Ps forAt.talm (r LMr. laa >00%e~vi *PBe~ iqatçt amw 1 1*. le' hW oeudu *00 *4 - m. v9» @P$a&. Ptar.i bi180 4e. dbéuss$W of ql d*..Fi 0eesp o e b.aiIos1*M*48 *o.ow 41eIbo let Utoro lotspe *Ie mehê #fevet. w mm..fer le, moele oitlm. B v .L of tl,*baO as* ses l tl a i ont r of te oh e alegmdqu> e bslIwbe mevNp ,dmeblni*0 o a maasfy wd Ob poffl *ww tiamai met beops.eou»W Mmwmy lh. o.tut ta7 50 5Bm t0'B Mo eoo ie te* m*ts~ MilkI -t ,,"o ý' çpKI tbe «*.*ltb e, b M114 oit of tehéeM«vWho la the amis pazHymête 1» ki iU!< S"d Who aul b&4 boém Un £»wed S. .ýýu o"e I ý-'~oixpy oeils, k W' boo mo mi er.twm l.k 'W i. D5i- -- etilGrsaike, 4129e o ar the Yoei Uop. dL ' oï «ma*go utei w 40 upe@Saoe AndreyW libt* « phaie le tier vasea«Wptmd i a vlvin J. ia MW emuly - lltyet Tor' Haie. At 7 po aim.. MéWot ' el tbé 000=u'~.41.8 «4ee.v be du em Ravfthe i lieh »Md".. Hêhg lléi ceie oestr VUt 700 U ail 4 "04 , m e lo he rOOula bit. pSmbr, -' 4nummett.-in me n , k uitb wel * m ve t 1 p>s oê oehi.mi*w~ w&a «te .U osi gMr t»e yoe Bè Wb PRIiSUW -éteimibmbi ~an Infanie. Oan Homebu OeO the We, but le shertS inu ut Ih a r e shettm üeq m r. faoit r çu~; -. ,!TIteaumug nintlouqtbe vus. iw»ldmou ?iS ot d"tee mutoe._W4 "I'i tbiset 0itelfl iWleed lal et 53hotl5O!, d»nelSM tbq tvery'body i ~ UBIt. lat eauty a tisier Sldul rDLvite r Obaiiim-tle ghool ge itte ~ «M sauna stad ..,, m .." ndy ut: Dleo the u dftndII case of eas eamble thaA ol#n 'sïmilles.1 ~laflden. such #À e.po.'oned Inde -k li md ie 4irve 500 chun m.t. Lâ O.#Ifl r % WIcag net.lo. waun8p mw auW- IviJ4 e-Ul'I Bo »BW Wit1'.~ tpk.kti [~'.At ate Ile W, ~hp tortedlalter., rpunt 1 iscoty bMfaorMs twlmate the làtu ieds amr"ooae fin« 11w lwetIP1 5004. "at&ion "king trI boî a e ite .S*f 4t buis la tbe l le$ l11ty goetib-limlipeU tj be ètu i izheu '14rm,0 abu »tMQ Ii t.v I ed t p . sulnlu -"YA bY gria om0 -8 j, VOL. Zfl~. th» fbal» btve0* ie 29db ifm of the Giem lMd yossit Mtg te ti. We wit tUI à et tbe My uavlid, 0 alake M& for ft e ta*5 nrosBe 1oft Iis etti dbs tISeaturday U4 lu$ an operae rbe brain prom pi4. The e bild Wl 1'ursder. 'è h+d gradm iw-ýee t ta Snte b.ehbd ob la coneldes v oua usé- ervklo e i.n.tt top~ art