OFFy sM ywu IJ ClStared in "e Building' -CCta rhbuto Rls Owned by qnat-i Y lesstued ron se 8)Mutidtii Rle celhouse f 0 Cary a p Sns~romJher lt. DssuoTW tWomen Se, Instruoted Sick tù . il her abd Relatives. ..............aion..uilin __ -Wrest1 k of Fire-~ ED BY EGLAND? il la ,tre"tig te nota tise-voe INTMRSTS CUPID'S VICTINS m nstf JqeAs -rltews attorney lu Bouon tsê I .,WaterP><> ý4nder Con- rIPrn4pIStookholdeInhite Br 2mt "<"-tLIonsHveN thrll -trol at 19 L> Washington Park Hosptal la ote a thepose ThanJo lave0 tise toa.i ote bor.loCutsider of Chicago. 1h u e sntni a. Knw legeo Curh jLie Fores; l, i 5 6(s a> -i With tise damesmâfflting Ilsugsntu, ,laterusi as lshas beau b, thse 20 mt 4 *1Bi .io-Tise Roman Cathollo clergi' 1f ths ie heaven.and mitise vini carnylua e od fEngiai Dr. be'0. evar. .ubtzielw 80 *WX i ttc.BOWau-mbîd se of Chicago bas beofts'111->burulng cubera Wfocksas ln Its wake ~ouu, pincpal .tociisoUis Of M4 t »sE An at 3, il la .0(51 Wb ud 212- tructesi by- letter rules, -11e irOenen01tlà» O rot tood F'vw.fluton pari heep"tl eof01114-'Sot I 111.sudiDat' 4d»laSi M ay ~ofArcbblslsop George W. Mliigluin beloi.te« Wnine Rm Ibis inoru- eNW i " ros b u W ms ccalimi- zion Citi. Tbus l e noted'. 1ltwanteb00-A nthre ebul- p. uic b. -regarilug the. marriage of Cahll he~ il , , . elu tis i ' LM: isI 22, W moee #*Opte*IMaytRal viite the jaiepenents forualli' men tsvtis omen ot membees of tbe nusssection Witt .Ibdiction. ln ail !j e- "I bsecut oet viltbouecent - srend BlSmi t t w alohreceti chorcis. Thse Iloutions bave beau! 15 of th* large %tasse etlthedCiy ver. eat revenue as tise 1re1 sth f g Juic- eia billier vote lu: ZiDU CltisUaiu dliexpeoted foi- omntime.,bw v; ers'at thse merci' of t" * eluents for nin. e. iuncuo es~mig nryeuSm~th. a*ie <t, q 8mm ovl-mluaniadepublic yemeri' m 511W iaas -tAu atgai inulcton« ie tDrem ise io U", sit 6" ili s vSIS1 beblnd rei- et massesneittXunday. Tismi j-Bulrthoie re exIgis Dom *Udmwag au lais effect he lot etOclobee. tolreSOý ' bisastai or tf$»ag' -Dm47 buI « O"rus'Y *Ilim-<> n«pWied c" ~~tistheviole cli. U 0fiite - and barnaby' tht he. nov Oins la 1IL la tias quite efiient fiat WOI# el t of tise e rullsig la teuzîlainth ie leroiseiga Ip<é' Amociation. 4rW -trougiY trü ain hé, ldui-- fully, tie uma ~ seac amattisea- leoi. hueouSttff -* W miiiud Jolva tntioan. u t- Bs0( - bih tu 4--M-NenblS litms' , .. Ir 1001,-fe 0505Votgî iii dnot mo- uuliIi w141h l neilesT a t prewst ti l~l5ilh.~ 10018- Irie W VO atata5 attoney. t a Cathola Muet rcle ntu th-le Marerl à.3 0 Ammcato la hr« tble tl n a be ignîicant tttbgt Voil- lvisselil la atte, -8bstuld t egls. ba ii 0& enspicye bhaut > :sinsu anoh Xr- matr 0" u dte»lisspon a iansklu nu*ber sud la« two ilote, and etu lelire van dis- Va"Swoali -oitth ayelue rýCvre nte * of the bilding abs eleobtoainiadivorce from 'suocastul candidate for sal's atI 51*8 l'the barn clb. iai cILlise niar-20atond Ici istimnbd ist Minis. Po, ur yeam age, Iltla recafled TeVhs lsnclolo Lettes of hai', 21ugaaimany busisels aist te vsdivore bbm pov e o ppo»esi Diii'and vwu for Bull- '1%0selettes btiste ps-ests of Lis. of feei. £h" e-. Tise tire !â 0ea ybae oeut farchobue e s follous: I iaus vasil ras Mani three.yaar-od iaglier. VWL - "Rat. and. Demi Palier: minutem before ai t atie firemen vere béW"vme bhave tisa cwumo5f Boue ileroalîns hiinge about thee .'Ptaiung viat aboul hoe thi.e auc- on band. Lui. oinbrt han a volun- qF vo s»»s, t .anle i 10;ed ab-lbe wvicli popars On Page onu fol- lIy m a" kbliti'o! lb. marriage tuer Are.departmausl sud the members 'le, aed 7. lIs mte. mci aiaIbtis »Mre liMe u1nu- 1j veatork lu.à», prta of tise City -Tist tey ba o e t 10v: mindifl cf tise dangarous a*" falie vion th. big bill *0 rung. Bture mgIlitlen agreumeu *1105prel- Dat' iltsscIcarry atirof the vWels vUols are ntetailetsma- iaiy jtise mrrivai-ortise dederýt*sent lise Ore et tht ââ aise un 111h00lit"ciili? Lgmt"Ue peen&:m. Smicarrici- put lut* . psactice lu regari .40 Ms,*- b*4attAcke a là 0tise noti e 0f1 b the ar -boy fioni etuhube. Wk arn f u hefmlormot e - uu-ei by acoh.ito tamtly o!flise 1117 wib ,,t tet v a. oe sdat ba Wlclu Ont - archblis0p. ulisng 10 tbiW ume cf Cý 1M. $%&W -Me.. Scan tna h ilLiYsr biIll to.Da1boa% alloumd tiesa cmieul o! mariage &a. toIe l a buS lied. Sise could -"tIlater~ 10avold ISil000- bryvleone but Wolb Nil uYmni'matguavi. saspossible. au- uot allk. Sbi it borlesifrom, the trac ha ai t Iveea 11h h. (o lui, letl.Io. Smiths cirruedt te noisssin thetIa lmtcosfrencetia,îldu.n nsmweoolîo; teo sutonMt gh ie Intiel=),hownovshio! Llheti'vilie over flaibéhgiuiling vitis the mon&i cf Octo-.Tiseir huta vts u0» Wu O"Iesulit bau bgm." b, iýl a vote or 239 aainsl t107. Weci ber, lvIH bu eemmmri' formaY'Oue Wsjen tise ire 's_ 2t Ils helgisI Iii Mi.Ten l mot" ffl th 1Wbeaul TDy I'n Llleiyville îowlâbliî.not! va fvtecamipotitrulens Proio»f te oro ntré at 24 to107. muaisu, take a connse of iistuotlotsinsu. c iedos nea-tms~~~~Ct0j l~bl ats sis0 ietr - Me 0isl hicit Coura. t. lm-a ai tis e umI& tftjseOr bochuion, b. Wltisanl lie siouting of the Anti- touchilag tise Principal dootedu m Vat Wats p-uwa' pl a opesai p sit m i-led, lu a flc s~oon .eaue < is lutresîng practicestif the Calliollie chltréhi. cri o! lie lire isters. For aine min- Oplntisudmdfid a 11111MS"Isa note u Wl ntrsin o K soaledgo ofObliiIonss iu«te isimabot trou house tu et, Iis peti- ab $»« tb" he ntuht Wlch beat Diii' 246 ta 189 youviliigpein annouce tls. btouge: trou .10e. 10 tu re. tramptusi vas Vayn itruDiOtstlu * llm 1)r'. tiunthe fourSilsi townshipm ancsIS ram tise puipil st SU the massas. . -onI ire w»11theli Z»stand smotisei plaiutuug aVit, bsanie tIs«Illic1 tise. 4.h --aie ais.15reiisseitedinlutise bn ii n'ba iihII 0 uInstructions lave sgcoliehr purpaee Tise esgin«ret tise vaterwork ire. f hoans of dons"i. hoefour preclucts- itan lu give tisa nonCatisoticparti' or at l.the etrab"d ation hadtlieen .Mes. TonuS ball isei SI,.$1150CVer liai-y carreilds 2 aud 4 over a correct kuovîiege o!fvisat tise,-tstructei W unint eW lheelectric monmla thlsalimoni'. ani b, court crier coc oce nrgr emrig oe nlk ioatTehg el tUs sain 'will ie rad tWber beoLe- M e, .but Wetcis crriedSBilds 1indche ties uc i ciirt and;5. $tonC paerie Point.bTis isigis te tie us0fcei musitlb. eres'-;jsud 3 aven Baiy. Sith S et Dadi'sdtseeuaio tchl-uasi-aoseeri&Ofte iriseuag or'f vis15t tealwaI obligations aise impolea upon lieonbaaetbeirnevr -- r of tise Wagbingtou Par% bhil- 19 ta 1lu intise ci-Shied.. aI her maubera. ablaze ansi soue one-thlnkln tut tellu in te rve its of Derfihi 11SILBnls structons i vli enable thea'save lite raier tissu poperti'. orier las ber peition. lirs, TounuS»0' a-lsole at ICpedtro ehee cri PV 4to. i Cagatisat Dr. Tonus. won afler tise h ou eles 263te, W215 vlt'atoan li e Obligationms khSe od v as oaeeled *t,. ami lunsiitini eut.?oftifle decis of di'VOrc, 'M ESithiTrallier far bbtasilivtti136 ta assues Sudwd -o %ava IthIsOCI Ioflite elecîrto *0 the engluest suo55051tht ha diii ot i5tmid 10 îluoae rite precucta. Welch oui' car- of tise misandertaiilgsl"dunmP-.aImoaboi;l off tis e oIcmtors tisa ëý abdenre Deerfieli lui-. mni Smus it eut imn Wh*M5ron rie 1Wa' rvethhpmpuriîsi the *h'ui lise 1 nu r iiautr.t teltertorpreclincla Deerteli. va arenlia sacred otgUaletob& - temptai 0 to outise etigimefr oi bod h 9o telulpn I Avon 1I.thes. (irame iptrief. Wil!lRequire Tue WeiItm tisé pumptU lln iii' ire. hisul tut d le sthi cftuse obiirs t heur cher. 'fatisth osbecaino 1U 5h0s-iy ~~~ < iI' ~h tar.'. .Wmbr »l Î 0van nO te eg retrlie sttioUTsu o-t .15m len on"cf tli e mr.. Mose vhi ua70 ta Welchs 6$7. 1h'vas alSO tisa srta umisool u t *V the ayt ie s«t# e i t *M*W me' e u Infraction of th e ar BOsdbMuIInZclose lu Atvoni2 viiisIlabtheRound or tlle a . M& O eiuiI englua« budrotisivet Ilm' msmoin m.tisaI vlan ge isent ihip o vagad, o 02&Jinat rayer- gi W >511 a bi aidea th Dr. ~Ae.Di'5112 -miaesvc.i îuring tâtis l* parka aibil ta vi s ut 5cr ,te have iber Wewle' 1ud" mi't 4' ain t i" i'Ouiviive .hlaem.r Ci et11N1O e~t chIl abie r tb tu nd animl P» Aq ha~d ebeau profdi.Dlly c--- you immeilte am"serions tulon oishtss mixbu eInsla lih1 .~ej iolna mm 55e' Vle ma ~ riesi Atiocis townshp hi' a goot vole.-tuormag tile ciaa'.1 a eilat levinti'. 011t oAusai lii outgg ar. l 1e ' l , O 'i' 'ê n vs nfor ai The lire attackedt na ou01 uso W r vies ase eu t b s Otue 10 S mi buli sat , W e »l a lu Auioecis ahi' a i enalial a U l&t1 h * is 0p "* ~ ci lu- e.>d hi'F.P . U M d i i slml b k j * 4 mate fr lbsewntt sbuelru strecerubavi'eau la0151. vatluai suvars ca fo h or U. lth"la Smih b.ll5U votes .atiuiC YoS laSChSit valut off uhut'R5 09*SU t e aMT«ha t Hn n b o l ' .'I . I O R M ,*N . < D e I r - ty - iv e i u n r é l g a llo n s î pa n obs »o ea iit i. waucomia. uhicishlaibeau clailmusdl it llà blhmvui b?. $5~5 m.Ibee tadl; b a sds tienhi.stInlia~i lq ginl uon.hi'Dady rbg l ica, Save Welois 76 deita 1581 thé sa ibis -rage ns h-. Iater-ant usvtrma'1ts a hdoullad.lier t e 0 vÜ%o01 le DUY '61, ami Jtsiltcame loug mi ii uUe iaP9? otite - buildg Mfionbs ietil=fl or fltémju livie V'îi coq- a root ln 511h 46. ise persan uatilua jasblIecorisemu..enîasef. usan' orfwllo v ýe Mor tiïrlnstmit !V.rsOso ave a due vote tW Welchls abiscelos owdtsi.«'i 6< blih1- agia ibifl th ar W"abaot off: ' atduin wii business tisa IlDr.ven ue ronge! up 73 laminaI hiadY 21. galinge e01matrlmstay I ui.. PAtsMouièebme youug come de asmie f btCb addI oDd Ih sii immoral living and tisat hé apent hnte aeîi SaantNr h ige laigadTl»y gra -orinof amost eveniy venda&'ailn T o uinler eannS mi motss its lis vues! a! donbt5l aIn- t taestlng ta ole tht Weîch Tise MCHrie Grim hme. « D»eiug i ai lb.Oflimiti tat'e"aa lya ~ ~ U IjIf lia vini bai been teoWa son i Dr. oungaresiesi Ylise louat a i !ernli'drection there 1la«110 u»ctimOt Aoust 2h. or a fev tai' atter is big vote. In Wanhegu nha o t,696 butvhbat the Blaciler builinig, a bai recelvei a ltter trou Uis vite votes agalual Deui-a8U9, iIi gave Vos-St tise imianr yot hàve isrd. jmueis o!rlise new coneîrmclkl'01 a«king a conferes in lar nlaw7ers Woela &pl"italyover Bai-y lu lie Isayrgt -lie ibtlnuni vOnar. nta btinhsae i ietvOuili hal oe.wisen lise teaul a iMlesi rons lwnovro!Walsan. "1041. gBitii b1Orget tise quarre antise causse. beau iestroi'eil. -tisa, arbon Dr. Younsg, I la ailege«"totll h ono akfl ws Pogttewo.afW ect rtewo a enl h u addiressed bis vite Sfoliova " r otllni-tv !1nspnvn brgt1eu aflbacus e.If ie viingadhel tise mu jouvig th* Staes fr gon. Th two615. n oter wods, MIAY nly'eat orgetingba theilugW&voubuilin haveld ave t0 lu lliee P boyssare vith me. Nov lot tiselre-'Smth 114lit tise tovu'O! Wlega 1>01- e taoi-m0fri'eslensiai. ur thetr.. Tirs e Swil5icosl a be lTl hes entor INlatter h>Met lhe LisP vsoos $Ourface -Thoebuildings destroYed ver. -et tedts macorulnbuS. but l la - Tise laun ofWarren garse.BSift a pfrueta W mmlei n ana- Place. of voosi. The buildings Ove Il bi - b.lellef tisat he waLs nterned I iù li- bg vote over oison vison liei collet lsosgtthIe trials o have îadi Teal r. rapu o! ise datlitu h hnni foer bing anoth shil»- up 195 votes 10o lois.31. Tise toun îorOt 1tehe liser- il î'a bai. p e -he!via"rere ieae He vii lire serdulti o!t)ie o! entt=cishovever, gave Oison a iitofget ths inooker. b.. a froaS.-paveraimsI off. Mx-Gt.Iie t t Hiwu Iln sîcisve i h. seul h' y 0 - ice vote f, 144 agatnt Bvtt's . 18 yWlet Mm sane u aym a uni. j iti a huaman saisi: I cri-Orsi Olsis eathult bcil' l li tou- orat iosenetot bmiîloair, Ielecîrlo cimreut tunlise resiien d lama or Cable ta Boglaisi ani Bueden iso atSwfal i h o5-F01 U»Bt UInir. tittut-ned off, but 1 IdtIimlmen toi-mtis lvre ra Jms .siîp o waukeffli. vie, Olso0n'i te- Forgeltisbe .9WMInais lu rour e alse. - whsu openates tise siatrl Wellio!Wakeaisrepreseuted Dr 5vt Vawu1.567 agalut Sit*fl 8r. Foftge .osthe inmt»Alet a gaine, uin vater pumpe Younz. but fIlà15 Dot kuovriWho in 1Swiftllesai. vadefuml shoui'a in I grsgel lia pitini sue SS Wblain. l thndeina eprgaiere andm lie uev oot e t-5ii . a d su g o b i oe I t o tn es ail le . p re i orget lie co - * e- -hlmld 4 u a J.. S. as uuggested tli a I i th ewc ntlers 5,11 g tekick, toi-el tao "d-. hoip bWsent te Wake'tan. Northis and Oison gaI but 69. Tise Iva me"s Foigel lie plumieers autul care~. cago.Laie Bluff anid-îlias 'v WL IILLran a meci ansi nec7crace tu [leur- Forgel lie Ice umai'sabihllaiSM. The Oio te ltre departuemt. ' 5' - .1- iser ta hreetov ia hieir S'aigel lie toai m"andmibis -vare lAI O'Neil, diii fot aPPi-ote Of total vota vwas 229 for Swift iand 226 (vellgbas. lesmad01their1 INge th otl uue 'Y- wl thenal p),00,lbt tselre e for oison. Beatou Came arn i 'r e ebal u unrn r i ttm I n 1-ke Fou lurent s-en d'I1M VPLANNOM W uic. shiaisafor oison uhere luntIe Pa-gel uberetai- i'Uu Ei'ani,0=4 -flpeIlingl ae CM3Jiiathr.e peecincts b c etvsi- 583votes asgel tise duci wbo vraIe t11i13 îlo0. Ibae l vIl)ho ns ftitn oisn crrid -poem. staffer a bg 1looDs Inuit>'ciaSiUlài geIe t 4 . c nal'mus o, Si'r hiselds towship whulire a conerll P ue b t il oa ln. rcvnv r itrys tti "Wlal Mtsn evi ui tis (Jisi-efor va -ai- l ifml .in.Bet>-Wb-eu lacl vsaSewrote lis. mot,onu o! them. it i s saIsi cai odosIssostrm avesiereeC. crrît ti. ourpreci&licSt s îie-porgot 10o ves- get h lulesna. - itvsatt'rlaI-a oôm»esto«s bve dcred. crri theooues* thse marchanits. tliuic oday i' 511seidtu1,one tovusihi y' a ote o! 2565 to,224. Dut. dont forget. 10 pai' aoui-tues. Tise uator o! laite Forest, Wili Wt .-*.ai> s.variaing compaisi' varu=lu=lise luai lu Laie -couns' tiser, -Oeil Clii ASS1ERD IS-IN MfflY CO» i INCo.COURT ONOIJtCMET1ERE' !; Whle Attorney C. P. Barnes faled (Continued Prom> Page Ou..) Case .of lâewellyn Children of to receive the, nomination for tate's HighWood ls Continued Un- attorney.the resute of the contest msensational affair Of the .Mud, th* tif Otober 21. Darnes, n that It ia conceded that bi§Â number f vomen. e thatcss IT MAAY BE DROPPED THEN. i t h h vter a adireult" lniRiharson f8onber lwmban4's opi> -- -the overwhelming defeat of tthe pres- earai store at Volo ad to have hbbp etstates attorney, Jo.lyn.-Crystal ed ber upon a rl vhlch thiy P Seoa te hlrnAeO.Li.Herald. ried about the little tOWI. ler.*lh deW~ Sent ta the Orptïan- Mr. Joalyn vas tied up la tihe trial ardeon placed th ll#aml tbe huis age- at Lake Bluff. o anation-vide Case et Wauk«ganof the State'.attorney &ad IL gl* wbile lMr.# Lumley di dstol;0lok witb ulot. They wve.ladIited by tii. in à Wukegan. sept. 19. mcb ceucern on the Banea candi- jury and placd on trial IL 0Ême2_ evral depeudent chili matters dsoi and for tbâ at aonniltiier lmaieCourt. Ater an eztr.inefý ver. àtard u County Court ths morn an effort in repl in lu uat thi 01pp0f court batie tbey ve .cmaltI lng i vWitle smre chldren vere or- jeut un uaylps until tisey fona h iesi.. er. am ,e.O diei mý ent tu the Lae Bluff Orpbau- was nniermlfligtiem. Jismieha.e*A short tir. later, lirsi a oce of the cases vas continued HevedI rom tlbe outset tiiat the Jolyn- thoagh Attorue oetG ani po ffl i' will lie iie iseei fr Barne.;fl3i ould rebouni to bisthe Chicago la U r=m e att* va*t f proof. irdit. M ake h ie è éâ m sd Bm lth , tarted aa si t fr SA W tisot question the mont inter. mue biJu the ooveted noumtion- M Wou M ginst the. îetenâa tà .mtlg e u »a ualherein au of- vellih beafltdla seen lu tise'eileoeg"ei tsitemised sa si f ort w l m a ie to prove thatruncis tion r.t r am.- o fflwm ii H era . n Ïh c to b r er im ol = sud~~ ~~ Jie .vI',aged 16 and IJj W'II2Iai'i rMd r aibt -0ou. et otssc e evs .,.. clMreu of Mr. aidlira. of thn.r. Joalin mye a» .k 1h«m bnirsa .cve. em J.101111, u c f liighwood, 'w$detlabet W OOWmnt amdiii hetpittely " e depu a.Tii. prbation omcet lar ~ ~ ~ i~ - ~ In ure m nid Ii onplaint sai that ti aa ne,sm the aie -bfol;00.-tbýI sirt - b-e. lowed l -mu x ae te hbl lau.bucnât te *M. Mm tock an tu th,~$. e tmlofed t i ~9h ii t met hi 7]Mr court. It vaIr». , allaêeit ou the part f tweovro me eeRcettaumym- hêv a Jo n l ld, ef of«» % & ab o ds the.judgment. T et eer e .» 1 âle M.Uël bomà.I ig*i.tOck -thesattdalnd maeImml- 'e fý af. i Ni fli tigeo. m& Sodiltt having knowu the tamlly ina. Pbo Îgglà&, liass . 1e gainr,ýet hue Solut.dU#"W* ym Mr. He said h a th aught tise con- fo r a istcuit la gfhai d u BO- t Wam b s, od i e b ei ein thQ* *» die.iot. l idvelîrs it., v.. W e dm sg by a m *Wolty -f e e O i -po ding là the iip#i~ * as tiiey aboutihW. Bots Leweliyn verTbo V. , - n aiuy, aum. A ieUn ftw* vow >i. sut pi and Mai. ute and the two chUlirènj tes- tin, atauttWociubt. va ntit 1 lT hywtiaOtMrta L.tifled. Thbe 0901 vas so Imbls»m d laIe lni thse MU. but maote aan $rne- thair atàmx vas rp te U 9 b mths aigtfowurd ato e. that gtie -cmAvà of tue0 cé ty m et ira. they'tboutu ir i lb fi c W l ie deoiied tW continue the cae 10 graily ea enwo tdi et *0 ;2 ( i e 1» rtftdly viti ber r t* a v a october 21. If lfe reoevem a-favorable gat b, a coalltnu ot tg»e Cb»op- pu Ps IuL. Tishq, r4~ .report AIt ttttime he -Maytes Wli 11Wfjp.lo.kes~pe breu # M U ulo Si st«asthe action. v'eW" i bul"tsfor Iea m avusa P& z4: ite sim.Hls Et Thipredicamnent of tise Joui Coru efr. pvouSât e.hufle tW .ivea W, thé. se tnul t V ý 7rg.D nai f1 fuly coud mot bell> but aio55:S piti'. hmR>uetJeiqcut"aba.te stm atui Solom 40à, f d M e..Cor 9u l ti f tubeelisc e Luind Wabya s"te Maris,. R m is. Rlhasimlrn. om 0 thse hum bu as beau endeavorlua Th,- 4. l o p.irenit cies'k vits et b h sW 8 h * OWMMtg , tn a. lu care tor -tse a e .c.lidresi -wltisout tb ffl , ta t u 4Pei16Aigo Il ; ut va O ukiong amd rou ai --- 140Wael 0 - souien F otd I 1ke tWbave tpg Of le Yong- t i d t 21*a 44". ruvsV laVoe M L- e n *ne t; u1 thse LaitBluff Oero- " .l~ b-N L-affge. Ths action va. taken. rC<.r u OIitb Ul Ud iSf a. K. cafter, a coloroff 0"anliving cowoilueu psuajot*et buisa atoe iiut iee te ai zions < ce, amke4 b W .the itéd) et 1>Tevueu S %à mand Ou. atir.ra oed to ( igWbIUab a lISt hlm, of tise custody f tIv o f E. H. Cok, oppauau.t ci lieHarVard von t eW Ciicago e le On the tour eilren. e adoPtai a couple p i m iipt P au aep o p - t e . terai tola-b 'ti cf y.ars &go. H. maY$ W lib i e& oa Mdsitfor Sa Urntle ~ a t401:144t;jMYt, o - reconli mand that h. finis il Imputeni- te im l té m4911« m Ile W keels tvo of the. cihiren in ti.violnbut suDeu.làVO01 bis ce restrint. John. age 7. vas ortie- ipacklu is~io df u pw icl tltl e m l sui tlu Laie Bluff. The otiser »Ot oa 1m i tisa a*>-ut.bber. MWr lb. Ce chili could ot be octte d. H l a la 1 . so wedutd Lw n eW L a W>* M U,- U k eu À 4 de IM tg taie ýL n- Tise namnes cf the boys before 1150fr îî. vlth tise Hfflasd mamuq velu but tor upese rasmon telifs ,r adoption by carter, vas Randel. ZMon an. Firten f tise 27 precincls on -ni. thsa vomI tegMtiuh. ta re City police omeiers allee hhat the eroners gives' Peck a total cf 1,10 viti ber Slter gidt 'e. a to father o!'-tire boys, nov dead, w va. çtutM.. *vr asrtunmtvaou r- man of the. notorlous Jesse Jayets Copiy Ms Lassilioe leajerlty -ubt crébittév ber and ber la . Conuue Isaii l l * là M Z ig aliée »mbIs1lylu bu mm,">t~ et ~~W. hhapheri f-.tiseét"tu ofnomintin, lieueerIo"-t -i te SrdI 1e xa"Y41 a~ u l Il m sout tistCpNi iIatai 115 uWM* l uSi b% ogol In stfots dois, obi pen *ulelby lha opiey alidab, a tivetoâoa »ty te -pouR kiive Oi mp the o sy Ii àcl s- vW$lalu D p ag e 0001107C U SS t~ toU V IO ré im0te to v X snator lun MePri- gmSm<1D i t l u t ; waI lA t a , i. 'l e*qa B tB a. ds!èOison Bih is ilA-ka h.t -i*et ' counity manageM ep .Wet e8h us4 rn rldlug i an i'l ta ffoi-m tis *y Tise Coply coe Wu Mr. Olsnti oice. They vere on 200.- F's [isrbora street. returni~ quuflh by '6 'Wter andi 1Xkbi ptuts, amud a.they veR. weMett*Bt0010onthse lau. a big LItafk cama bbiz sslg putio an le 05 and! fer an ItikttIlIOpd'as tholgs *" l .demin Wth ssi tii tatbe . Me.x su-,Wçgt a" tXe douter sud grabtied Formr Se to ciSqàt5ol01505i. tisrokgIhlm tt helb. onf'y f i1 [ehjour ideorthsecMr. JumI ýthen tise L iggsMau pf h ore tue cars came together and- lietazi von second- va. raûiqr badly ia Msaged. our tlc ies.t oe a Ipoes vwas ait tIsati ntit'vuted lu stripping BMent 1M. Oh o preveut a mot serlous accdent.laCenotn, inumbentlya (ge a Ing Otiser vords. it ia sald liaI Only four plumfli ty s1W ,vues. tches prevêIted Séiator OlIson .lie- Çhpoerehi conihI ovue al. .nutot ftise race and ie i.Lake o'COkontyladc oOe couuty manager blng misa80ellinnatel' îùrnetrom nî,lont btft0e &.siap lnsiaderuion during tise reùsainder of cca eoblde f Cools 'conxsy asoed ~ ~ - asl ios, 8It ua, robai-y wuii*~ ~ -.oint a . terace. A hi1 selhiui 4R.347 V~te.4 net Ork T hse aasa er, C h lpp l laî ut iT d out 9 ,3 . î aglul e R11 6714.couet'w.iiae~ (c'