W%,*Jmlv -eFý -,V - 1 -ý , li. 3,P. liar wa et t. countY U A FATIR EJ~ À>UR3II IS, WM AT iTHE CANIDATES SÀY sa cm i»ineuifonday. Ai C 1jAtABy JAMES G. WEÀLCH. aimg wit g0ow chi d-k atW 'n' -11 A O f1~ L~ 1S O UL~ NI arn indeed grateful to the people of Lake voirntty fli 7 ~~'~~ quit UANopr JURY U. SCTZNSliIP MILWAUKEE TIURS th athte have tskow in ne. 1 shforctry puy Iicanl ORUOKt. haebcWA e aipD > I.ake <otntv to make this the baniner eounty of our state.' O ratï oak nrioi and iu DOW attendlmg êChool fa Interesting tg Nîote thé Mem-rn ssee 1nsta ThtBohSenfGifm adASt left do a Isibeo t'prnr, vkbrdfor the mi.W.uauadfmftwob* ubat.nsdWuhmuretgfda. e Jry Corne Fromn Ai $huld Be Ex~ie ee TreiOetk Pai N e letitn (f the entire Republiat tiket inI Novem-ber. Nýo'W a.W Smandal, Wo "bat b T~w rdwa home pIsnnID&:aJ Parts of the County. at the aM tme. the Dady Schoolbouse. :hat the piiary is over, atuî'ally a il true RepIlhjieaI18 las Three .Waukegan men have been 2:30 s" Sept, 19. Waukegan* Sept. 17. wilI t()rgpt fae-tio>nal difireuees- anîd *oint t» elect Ismand tu~O drw»io thebe frifuyOfl5ateno lOngaoga aotaci Repuilean ticket this fl. r (an flot but rffcntîilu INI suWil be Do srvice@ b th Fmo 'I elouie, aLog MsW ame. ;Tb,# 0"9199 conV0iou bore next ntonth. Thèse l'liens Beekins eltiIseIIIP Dapers han Oive miles an hour. as a resuit of dm ~oplourb ea soti, ,uiq n Wl» hlflowod by s olaur letutd mon are: Phulflp Brand, Jr., W. W. buelo examiilu le Obeuit Court t4y age'te a F'ord touring car aller the 11 Nv<lidertu[iI valite of the suppoirt given fil( b The WAil, teo brc th lboutyl'lllu, iiw doarahngsv Wlkharn and Charles R. Lyon. The. Federal Naturellsatte. lnspectur Pet- led been burled luht dltc tw kegait l)ailv Stn and the Libertv ville Id Luai et"*c, cbucbe Aises baiet (i KebbI clss 'o fèetpatf the county. i iumber 40 had *eMu *Ocpet*¶ and had tii. Wisconsin Electrie Co,, in Mil. never repay 111v înany friends who hiave stod by' ie 2n SU * U0mutinsut the chapia t AtiodUi Wo.ne" fu à0or d« &114 wit Ille thore are a number ol foail the ooSth of alslnce to the wanke. were arrested ibis xnornIng this aîag. and Sundaoi yth ..tr>8o. famillesa i. à oitvs csswhWn coule up for con. United States. IU lb. Otber instances by Srearimf (3riffin and ihipi of Police n<« lludls :0 r udM» foj,à irs. sideration this year. go far a lcnown the cases were bottus to the next Tyreli at the Dady scbool bouse just B A P .D IY John Palmer loit Tosudal tnoruSin .0 th are no cases ofa Brvt e.fra nm o td n oute rir veto a'ea."The Republli..'m -v~otrofheci y av i so er eàbr wbere ho wiUi &%bond ltsm OM t*itIdUBr t uire which are te bu lnveut!gated but other rossonts., TheY are, under arreet and ae~..~. fteeui. iv ~~. ~ ~~ Ilocnd Lakeut TrttJ. -the ordinlî-y rus of cases wyul take For the lake of laspirlng iantriot- charted with having stolel aL Ford . thichcefrtte'atrn 0i W PUmyaork, aoftl.., Mmi B. 13. Sbuvwood retornsd hom>~e conolderable tinte. The grandi jury lem ont the part eftbe aPPlicants a car, at thie corner of Eleventb street arn no%%, for the straight Republican tièket at the cornu«, Mie ___ak o ihe.W61 b tu d aveainiS tros lte beepltl in has sot hiem lnis"ss in several large Amorcusitsgw*ai drsaaai atoug and National street. iwuee bu bes.s aspending the wuSk uiiuig ber -M' Milwukee abhouteleto Natu e.î1 am diapitd uan aý i,- rarnd&u Chic 1u fflà. jain. ca atbIgesddoing nicely. mouths and a nuSber et cases )lave thte #Ide of the Iuds' bni o tat 9 lok Thursday night. e1~in ~LraII r iapitd u r aprfa parut, U. d M».Jams far HM g» i Lae W sd Zay Karr gîarîel dovelopud ln lte moao tisse. One of i w»s ln -full vti0v 0tiOse hiaeng ex- Tht aiel of the priatoners a.Withstanding, anl waill prohably live longer. 1 thank xny Mue Su Stutlb.ells hatyulcoru p fr cn-amined. Thtis vIS4= ~oe t lthe sug- Arthtur King, age 23. motornian; John friends foi- their Ioyalty and support and 1 thafnk the peois- susl Ssd* pîli ê~~ico~toi ~ ~<>~ ider alin lu thie alleged mtrdçr gestion o! Mr. Blaser Sellaffer. ose 27, a conductor. n~Sa& s immss». Tl were joiud by Ur. =ae t at devlom5G Ëttee 'Villa An int~rulttg *"unt -trettprt'd The. me% have cOnfessed îo thie pie of the eounity for the mnany favors shown. Ipe in-th* f~imduin hisvIcnIt. ~puits?.otberaMd isteraSIveLake ualito e vt i aterolu 'w«a ailler and5 thefilet tic car and admit tliey were a. ~SI.Mr.- and Ur*. Jébu r.J4Iu oil tbIT&o Vu*igt uo e wodugti oh b"gUesi a maklng'ft wyeeChcao ta attenbd the Spuld atiVl uiuMaa.cmrs u !idJ pers ai the. slei dte. The father Thte appreheoulon wasil(ue to the -ByAV.MTH ~r. uis, o Sgn Mieo. traesatud bwosfarn45llf* BettenW. H. Scbms»fus. Jamess deied pabef at titis litre, be- fact th51 a w 11W iigo IWU Iwn etaktepol h upre i n hwdua.. ber. Tu.eday. oesîodaimsis5 l ns. .-calmse 24 yeare bave slapsed stîsce lie kee road. nrh af Yor Horse waâakte epeWo upre nead euti jour at hure @@Woud't the Xèert-Tomns StrasS. 'ie bie first payais The daugliter approacbed tiIs menng wîtli a prt arn 1WOUd of'the showing I made. T arnÈepublican elear. 0"Ye'rheoel.sumolls et tohe i u chool goumh e. o sftrcoeu n Astio&b-Guerge Brown, Will liun- wus accePted. And 10*e givén ber nat- Position te huY the Ford car, 8oI. thruîtxgh'and as such I wiIl support the entire ticket.' 1 am.i "mi.-m Chrle olbr evnansd matiurds*. @eVa" goed ter. .urailzation payers., Tho fatber is immsedately suspected that themo agds.-liUn . Ch rWsBc el oeaiisCe.r gueav ape"orsbae hem »Cridandtbpopils iGrant-E.B. Scottewaln Jebuses of fi.ghwood. The wore tlaies and atter refusîng t. eaii Thursday irigfrteMeiavodro li.saouler, lir. John. ascin js În Pas te pserv bise .eýrqdI a StiieOp B.k il-U trattn. daughter e -Miss Jonnie Amnanaa makle a deai. called up the police, st-ne the work which 1lf oew a-kh nlo te îb1StoIt to mors t the lbou hofn ber t vnWUX Jobeo. ge 2. is noino wbeupon Shéeriff qrîIiiu ws,5 caiiedI fttconeh khreadlk êqu charte. wbsre al vil] Maub M Winl lis ltld ont sturosi' 9vnn Warren-?=sk Hook. i tralned nurse lad 'althougt site lias and lie dm Mr. Tyreîi went ont to after a ëampaign wvhieh was'originated by myself int »Y t'bomsin tii.mauture. Yen are ail fnvltr. 1oe Waukegsn-Ptilip Brand, Jr-. W. - ieen empleyed -st MIan Claire, Win. thte Ililwaukee read wbere lbey over-onitretadI ncnfd tifIhdheupott bome la ele futur. Front:Sberwood amconpê»td N -W. Wi 1ckham, Cbarles R.. Lyont. for sose Urne it wue decided lta lier took 'tSe men drivîng aouthli t theow ne stad1amc fi ntf.1h heSp rti )6~. asd ire. Orso Waeibrn inoved dith liiindreli to Wolland Uca4ouiy, Shields--A. A. Gell Pm'iL GOragi- legai residuncu la Righvooai tI wna Dady sehool. ýtthe people who should have supported ine beeaust, of rny Io Chicago lemt w"r. Tbey have M Wi.atusvsr iuih ty explaltted te the. tathus that tte law At te time Kin*2 was drivung tlic recordan or$y tedobo.Libertyvilke-Charles Keiri provi<fr bat la naue more thai eev- car. and they storpeo airn. phived IiiL~ t. ol aebe oiia~ ihîtaY <i terhot er ii 5.1 m Fremont-Her5iai Zorsen. en years oiapserb thve lt aking under an-est a.2d started te taire bi u estion.,IIICony smIa Csmlte 111 ~ C .he rneldbsns tKes.tb s4qpardioi me quit.11 iamt Waucesda-Sydney .Rusîell. - out of thte ait and second Imapers l away and bring bum la Wanikegan. -.F ES, hivinCut enta ýrit- tn m Elithoi, Win.. Tussday. wektle m-c Ilroe lnabe1 Cb-.H Pa.i neoeasary to atart aIl o' er agair, -Ie lurtiod lu surprise and salid, William F. Weige, cliairman of the thitor dlMfculties atthe pelmarp ad Mn ara bsrolno i aeiutntend .citool. Eia*1cred C. Bell>. Titis law vas sssus4al. howeyer, to 'Aren't yoiu going to laike the otltir Republican County Central Conit- stti.ltn bOeeu~.Ts sir Aat' a WuOhepoto rtlir Bowling bal starts'd a tici sbop VuisflO bil tmn. include those vbe. badt t-e ouItak tha- foiihelow"'.7 Wes Deri.dJaýr aIi!ch lb. a Ll Carfll depamuut stre li e counl ut It the 8.Lois,, ld euts bau@brent of lte RamI building. Ws Drod-aes rlei pure b for the law itucane effective. "What othcr !ellow 2' aoke .9er- tee Of "aite cOnty. vas toay ate. ce d'tOes vhc1 prvJïdl inetii -h Fre SceumcXe Eari Nov. Iovr, aecordlng to NMr. BIsaz 1 Ii GriSai. *liat li&,.thought about tbe onîcome elaIe and country for tbe Past tcW of bie daugblur, linu. Jets.. Sberntasi. Mhes eila eri Motated tHeig t. Purdi'. - er, more tIssu seves year bias elaipse . "Wby, b&as titere Iu thte bicit." said of Wednesday's primiary. Accordung-. yars under a Demptetnsm Beury B arvea, of Liberty ville. vi.tted Mr.Cdnw netiigafi AUCTION SALE. sue litenm bas ete ne awud ig. 'pon t e aTIfcr a onie , O! ictated lte following stato- Meut are eneugh1to chuvijie 11u L14 _1 bis brother, Mr. C. . Harvey, lient ' met tit ameaimut put een airoat lite front Te t».cor a'1ab1d [ rons lb. City. Tendrtedliaasng d..tad..d tai A docîsien ln mccii le bc given IW Lie unde- a robe. Lifting asp tbe robe mn.. v bud~itn ~bl in .t~ W ~.ST lire. James Mct)ulla lrasua.tUr &u"i l ir. su Mn. idolih Wondlad ad quit aluilr viIwi ýs t public. autî'tiuî higli court and J01111>801 e-asbd to ieyf nd S afe cred pinle Te ejbcas !ltecu y o! nmy a No m er 7h cse lr ame aicul trnoe ies 'thete .lle 1utccî vu buMîs ~C , ceule in a !ev vOObI te sep wliat titis I Iottom of ite car, deat] drusit. Ilt lAte bave spot4 in no usmistakaba te lneftsl condtttica la &ie 0eW la O.LSO àdaI tu th day. ast t'Wi Man theMrayo fai. Elic nis nu 1St ruing le. If It s faverable ite eCl lthe tonnhau;ý,Ioo e-as a five-galton terme. Tieir citoses ta ter lbe vaii tny i caWt say anytilni leolati D.en 0e Drown, ofDueaLk, trais. Ilàj bu* U-k May*hâiuo wtielfeo i ie is papoo---tliert se bie can ef guiie and two upare tie. o fies on te1ct.TepInd aug oesc aec"yM jaý nwtl tdbsiu. t hag Monai lirs lIn sunmnere @eent lest Thur&- TUL2SIIAN7. OCTOBI.R:11 inuit fIle hluoIffrot Valsr again anti If King itad itep quiet, lte -chascin sofces oniet<e.Tsprtt-l geve.o!atecut'am etr ho Tii9etIitn.nIl.sayue to di a ite eiti. os 12;80 osharp, the toiioe-iug deveribed e-ait a period et flo rars. an. that tichaffer, viten lie hall recov- pal figlit vaged vau that syu tts stl and lte nation to weSk bard tt trucs 30. abi lher ti . o sf th e der tneu fl m of cite Anscola Centetery eùuti property: r, b..ad #illitinsei-blacit tesai M.artin A. Sturis clii,! o! tbhe erud bis susses. Mloably ecuid have attoney for Laike cousty, and ltb. vot-. e stust o! theattru fLs viib 'lde.Ms.I iihu ia.A iit5.1 sudbx wu jeet tilt]; rt'ant itire conslngl nturailzati<t5 ualoisatin bureau o! encoait because lte officeruso VyRupllast Mdjeuti «ave n15 en d tg finish lise exaMltLt o! the cases knov ltai there venu tve men ln ars aveirmicatuiisr ts Rebteoiu 1iku am -sue th clc ltan trc.NOvUl sud ~~Mises Maryr Kerr. ns. F. (Inibl, UM 4 yre olI; raait Oeliding. comlug 2 illebi district. wRi 110 bore lomnorrow the car. King adIstted that attur and 5 htiate i euala r ueltIaltueRpMt4 eliue triouble vîit Ili".. Pos tualsore.-)ruoe John Ilitebel snd Ui.. G. Bl. H&Mîlu old; colt -, mu. oit]. ruBD brOOti mu'ei vbicb vers net huard tgday. tliuy hadleft Mivwaukee en rente fer Central Conuuttee, i 5Ila do* &il usla in uke tsty vIl *ge mepi.15. .Dm« e~n.q st rid vllai ins r. L. CribIs and 15 yre old; -4 bond of eattik-l eb_______ crît (.hcage. that tbey bats an accident tu nsy power tes brIng about the esctioti tuaI *il dlesome liai t~ eie Betts 1a-., Ivo vest eis both tuded nuls. à a "001r, Mn.Jehason et Autiocit militer, igtqrng milk, 2 sîtrIncers, 2 belt- 'bcbOe car vas ditche] andi te-o efthe stre RepUbUM& ticket trous, arises aI the. prtmarios b*v*4e@ ltiui- sall W î wa. rine n mi ndbl a lsnî plasenatday. er.. 0 aisteian ui14 muo. old, 50 elickens, iu > .U ~ al a bee sicueidSol Hughes tes Riseii-OaIes M. Ras- tlsd and ltai tisi 0* Oea "Ilt4 anae lati lown ~. Mn, Pam] AusI visites lier Paremie a$ 18 Pukîn ducke. 10 white Hlb. nstein h car. That lu vihirtiuî »Uii ke ie ony--nd bellai. bt in buouMr ejua te eimlI Une 00hw ê*fl-Qýfs ___l j O»k at rd.tokyn tous . u t y clsver sud 5f«X * À jTjjl LU E tre ul toie bot ive c) upua htte llpeau»«teC optad*ol ttvfa«O«e wttýGe AeU Mm- (ils Barcetabis sud Miss Avis tluotby; stâei otrav. 200 bu. F-mlteo L AIF LKr beur. The. car bone a Wlscosts sIl- b. 101*OI& Nuse1.@bo vitai!e Chicago relative. over Wi5iam out@, MeVonitnsee-ven, ssa, mmue M&. 9711. Aus the nâs bave itu *aa.. Louga«bsel drove te 1hlcage 1 1 lnae~î~ t~Iy~ J~ otset hI bt ssl.cae P" 131mrasg s. OrtsdoâRmadeval baignonsKotripepmterie City audr, suky eett4atsr, "a4 e are they vIll go bock ta Wiscensin A vitho«i hmtsbtt "mO muilitlle tu-1 jA roux4 a --Uos,a Oko BS wl "WPS &0 fionhurit Wleconsts ti" veek. Ho. l)Imond tooti eulitor. Aboel piflW. M r King ba i 82.26 e-bile Beeltffr u te.', la ci a meru -rvi inSompas vith a ftlusd, hm. psubs.sd w&lkbA pîow, ljeler.y set, tsosIeig, Man Froi Hàrvest Flby t a.o taien Wj aagha sude anvo u u. iid wil mohttîver @consud off bit, teainiU *acont. net doubles Nam~ of ýJn Stiitivwn Co'n. Mu tm oficier accesspànwut *filu pd .aassleen m byAJ.ý Rov*1 C Mie r ofet a r, -au.Iom le bailu ---o Thf _______ bsrIss es ai ares isiehr t " 0a P0't. srrtved ta efflgs lie tuis uýotti' G5U.ie psdD IUTYE P . mii1,4 i.sea- ten 511111. muge otfru 1 ti*1I Mr'. ) [,ul1 Ie teb .eeueissid ~ D~ qd ru~Maulacf~ - '.' Uul lSiln. Taite sa s, basr by 1t1es Ws,*ke. l n Imms roi un lutI UberipeflIa.~~~~~Vi I f43 L K ll Mria, Prep. tan police on Satuffday, Jesii $uWntIlanud bu1 spaie raiscoatv@t MWe tewis, who ham bons 'iaiin Pred ljrabbe, Aiw.ti0.eer. vie cli!u XOsso sà Uta basme~ t yose«t "bliuss s u pro IMM S"edlsn bave loftve burer lia C.55 tWOsi CIr . tlthpâie ow»$M to iA revolver wa& toetad uer thq Macuoim. WbI for ber ho-i la peeasi- beol" s saule go.1 Beutos, ________ etulorbsm-arlo front Sent et lte auto. Cartridgsfo Let us rigiwe. ms pur 1,0 P" ____Mis earsal uIlahav isf libisA C.in boni~ur belk uildtbêP là* point -. the son er v n d n fichaSf N va" &«TD&W Tb MM Dav bae soul totbei AUTIO PAIL, o! a tun at Ftzla TAuat e ibm o'pocke Mm Àâ ameivolf-le» born» la Cclaeatl. llter spesdlng th vu decided toqi aia mi tiiuvec relievedl bita of $47?aosl -hy ba!pi.Wýebe robvu a U«Vvde V»,y. mm«wit thi ate. 11- E la U;pqbi13.saetipa os *bejèbm "Ius iM a l or slsnv1. bs,,e iookitg fer lium, for menthe.' saIdt-,] lb.. Dslsw "1i mo oatfe ogw keta an, M la W 111& Ilete dolleta be éen dusess vitis j r. .g aItaVe4re C SSsUes Doit amd sels ePta thé oWto Amlkui fljo Unhasa Son &y, verru a.nssoçt0L>grtel Daiot ta». lie v 1S andW «*e Gaussa asdj lep.> W.eo Cd.ustiu lit ali.~..htsl Gon. s bisIkHny sibox tarie4 to bout my taayb te-o sil Iblavu Voiretknbctl coapegalln osS visant hos vWetid lM TOUUeAUPS 8 ag andige so tanm as fe lwaukee 2-S Z:5 . bacn- ______ ~~~Me Dsuu u fEus 1kCôomusct At 10 e**elegt ip. tse ven i vas atlactuti by . moqs am, ~n-----~*-w --- --iparir, wuvire iirs a0 Fred Van toîlowlng doeIsipesry a asvo ver. riing la lte agbea- e- t E 1~~ NJ maI Tuedag.4 yollowDd, ibe prop ,.~ autour vits -mu. one oft ilim $te*tss'~f( bà& olt Woh*.& 7 -09 14 ondMy pecitats. 1 bad $2 la soi Mu.Msd Mms J. El. lemm expeti ta a lier. 11a4 veet Ste Wiii Mals bn cattie-lO cowa fresb mltse issds- a;$1avelumusuril Mm.u uon"e tesiè Mlp".. DK*«o, anIi ItuQ Wokp 800, 4 tutisuer 2 y r old, 2 bsits 1 yx o% Wa Oite balanc tuce aW" MY Heu Dunr'slt'l, esdil~s. Leeruee sud sei'Evsu abat a utcl buol. ,aU« ame Maotois Poals, anti in -y7 ee Wbie lOf Thswbt a 0 y*-k1 olset » nCbf m OI a oc,1rbedt ber al audici," bav e. ---'---V- t.luts fla sbrday, S" sud MoU». Md Mire. nS. Fsaulkner vare *Mai 7 ps, about 100 Plymeutit Rocik ______y tavw g~ bo lsnwih» o u dey. ersus visiter. sud.ontrns 0 ce Xaîr u.B@boc llvas e-u arn.mtud Ile SBuno- - ___ a -br urai o tonl M.der n ~ clts,2 c. eo]cr saotl> niallit e-heu caught lth " of l Each of the Cases the Prin- Oardai th snMespi1ai boytath ir larme to e . l cocsun re, abeut 30 toius gond bea; cadot t" j taes tody be h.rSUO M so i opabs AU l Male Thu Resl- 1 os pew tire vagua, box sud sprimge; 2 fteut hi b.gtIbsns o oc un Watkgan. atvuu.sm s MLhu 0<nmheau.» oM f ietvle u n= o thu aie>.$ JOMsD.9ue, St., retors"t bc aigit- ba ote bu, lme i*)l.u grao n sg e , muteg cn. bgy n.., sl vas drives out cf tho 13117 by Wacksgmi. sept la. Ltans and Discounts ... ,09 CaPital Stock- $tO~ gark jara 1ev veSks. le e bnst kaygriliueDeigosiud. M-thie poile, but vs cansbt a seond Titre. divorce ille eun filed lu StQckuL «Id, 8onds. 27,»«000 SurPlus sufd Other ' miszoil on pn th We aset a PffSta 01s"I Sadsy. conuleit moyen, lnternational masure flme on tisa Sentit Side. Ibi .11510 Circuit Ceurt Ibisa flteen. 10 eneh ,agAcont viii lier parents et Gui'ie. weken ' Toer mma Peer, M L bbye. ba spreden, Mecormick hay raies y,a a seiu toe hlm as far oeh si cale lte principale vers Wanitegas.. 15,3M565 Ear*ngs - imltDnsacuiuaa a for er adaa Mr. scuoci hol tedder, haoy rack, j-2 IncIs Gang plots, 2 La5ke Feront. - people. Furqiture and Fîxtures. 1,054-85 Individuai Accounts.. eiii i. gueudpousale et Locuo llis. - akisg piats.. $ho"u pltExpelefneb s.Sesynse ........ 1,609.68 Savîngs...... B"e. A. W. Uaford ant lis Foots elder e-ith gras s atitnt, cors t rets ie vif., Alice tueesby. The National City Bank ofCetfaesfDpoi 4, lasW" ver Chicage .iIn ......... 2U578n.20ge2aliaorLW 1 - JsptW.Sesy seiadle~E Ma MChuicag viitr au 0 e u RUSSEL piaule, pulverlser, 2 St barroes.. bob *bill e-as f led b>' Attorney' B. V. Oir- Cbag.- 2,702I bno YugasbIs 1% lion.. gas englne wItb pump- [teins in tOUIi vi.Acrui elt i i '............245.20 vl@is eisi ber bugg. lei vlie bunomus lai4MWpsaltttmead lie Milwasukee Sm À marnieti November 23, 1880, eI Bris-Itisn rsu lim liion ab ca eait tat fonl~lia icIIli. MaI hm sls jai, cors allouer. romuetiraçur, i- tel. Wls.,- asti Itvudti ogetler ninl Cash Itemfs-----------.5.00 pga ~Bod iYotter ves Milituns villitelr tirove a1p la UnWIr tu»cim oards, ise ettiae, aut.bi perîl 1,90. vi'sches b ahs aise de--- ~t4ums.tlb put alits. . Dr. Mud Mu». il. .B. Yonng. Mr. sud des bad, sssr e e-u intimae i.ett a Mas e-boa. Ttl----- $4,9.3 Tta----- S Mn. und lire W. i. Slvsrl sud Mr'. mms IL Pr.'lit' se» a tuts Is moletour s» oescîpn Tmil aie ho doe sot kaesv. ansd Misc. A. K.- BIa ver WeOtss bu-Md o&% Ming.s »W.e IWOg gin. - s*.nipis 1114t, .$@W The Barons Miay VaPslUgst Wurnr vs. Wearner 111101,1 leput wr5k. Ibw sdua frouls bavu hurnw up the g&lv. tank, voialen Irougit, bug. Irougils, *van. i-de itas bail severai clashe Deelîse Wauer throuth Atternsy E .W B EL-i I2ý r~. u f cas, poilu Mud sarar, tlsit thse law ln ose or be-O ionthinens J. Welob, asied a tilvmrs et Rob-. "I 1111111111ing in about finisbed. Crope co>, Ose blondte w0ehem site 000111 lui-n. malried aI Chicago, Juns 1, 1910, and itri oui>' loir. hulM.~ bÏerov lae-a moyen, 50, grain oeti Tient fieit e-as %liss Fissi Gray 1hivtil togetiur outil June 27, 111*. Sibe eVGît.~0 bôg craie. caprias. sol lieavy, double0 M .ver, , ale Iby venta aIlerupir 1 learge& issitiai drusteàneo. Mrs. bits *4lie.?4ae~f anaeu, b ajos.l -t, gbl doule ý Mam, 114pv7r ig la Hlgin ak Wre ieu lta lier buibaulý bai' Theetr I ue, rsdut.W TU OUR c r~MUa> uime baruesa, collais, fymuhie, caoje Yentardsly Mise Shavor fie a 5421 a ealary et 155 ekadl h.t u4u~~~q Vori eê emla ie~4 ~ 10v. inrmtu tèroe aoi, jý» lei 810»0 agaluat the benoiua. lu, provide fer bon.es l mmeuri & - muImlià,te efllestt Court of Mlniiig oHlsait va. Hiant T f S ch ool S u pp lies Doria u mi*put u dby itt W. . ,s w u n I ia U d j t' U ss TebaO iso iO it H~ iart m g tonyI .O - adtext books aI uerut