I IWW, lu I -.lu addition 4Ô819noen laok pMent caitf,we bàvi iat pi stun-, ai pleie ub- stle -onîbim 1 ii 'Thore i's a nàe t e xeats e"ness in thedeign oit à" ~ wbii jein pefect tufs poiy-oalwaybs shm f: S thft are disinctive As lwe AS authoratàtive. Thome -,A~dmire o tmm s in sthe e new &Utgnui'suite otnI xcel in eut ufline *d tateal, ut are rnatcbleus vaues at the 'prIe They m edistiuèeIy1y fàzhione lun a W de o~et f cevet new fail Models. Materiais embraceo the fiuer gra4es of broadelotb,>.gabardine, plain vç- ~IQU8and cheekedlve1our. i~*af ~Ited -iai ~-~ t gteét -fi2 Diego. * ->Ieet.ire Colar -BWak Ma~ ftlose suite are eegétly trzni»d with while othersare ornanmnteëd, vith b4tonts, and tInbroj4ered wW thiental colored ollk. $25,'$35 and Mns. K.ine'fsthei. êet* setire $ent tous frofùl2 IÀ c~anle ehooof doéétry.- gu your fI mait ecorsevdI)M' ing of Mgme.r 6bi la aui otdénIoI-. xClus vo fere ih 11Lae tof le mo L. aMd gracie; they re %lb. zet coêifrt8bl of il cosets ta tidot. . *Wia h tht staff et s inode4 verdaWuu t~esto~ o W~. .u,&vt.If îou ce wut I ~. . Sa" the remabel tib ýoiema1 'Uio ten . . .a ~wo0ifusi141 . .-e a"Xv 2' m -ew Yrk q ::ýsual yi *z.98. Momepe; III piper j, -. q we I for - > 4iy type of. ýmis, 1 pliteý . , tof an -Nile'