CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Sep 1916, p. 5

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P Isili ~. Div It! Better Fm YourCod- B%! C*% ~Cooll, Wood aa4jKainto Dea l"W. OU%>ffet. neiome *0 yws Phon.47F.A Ip P Now h TheTne Tp bave, your heaMing plant installed Witsr wu wmoS bbe ro.! Praces o eil Meier t"aswinter. W. seRiand lustail >IMorkau $AdIators and lire.fliters STEAM OR HOT WATER M1C"ffoscdS0AND MOYNTO>N 140T DR FURNACES and -ye. fe CI ete ,«n Dry Box Shoos wMflkgp1 mr ttdry. lott4jobnan Work Shoe. osba Klooed rotch uni=n â0ouha Black Cat HoM«ay. au kaow tihe reputation of <tie abioe goots, and ve sl h lT andi stand ck etheUr. 'd theyaamotas raprpsadW, colt on us mm i vo l M nil trigl W. aMmo hve a hue cf Oailr='uB-OUM "d - M'. hirtlt, boe tWork and Di-eg., #Md I wyti*that la bold sut or tb*j,ïe ~ ç,i uotgCouay 0 SUILD YOUR MÔME?0iOltf e aà romuis f r oi 9à» l~sfrmbVu<Mj bç br Ulm ev you auIthebmsal vorrisvb.n boUldtcyi el nor dlsap tmets vheirsdlneg vitIlu'.*Ev"17 picsor or cm &au can s examai el on bol1ng & u fê I7repe jPansoatha beantfl housm.,of hieh vs bave bdd4s W. F. FRANZEN, JR. Plané luelisM frs.-hee u betin buftdift-Q«ellY Sud erviCe aur moo. aom ' ï f you 5Bave Newsc ca n om~ Mr. andi lrs. E. C. Yaung bu u a motor trip ta Obio. Irs. Id. T. Gîbson @peut la Racina vith Idra. Oliver Noes Dr. Wm. T. Eaaley aofCGren b. guet of John Cole anti fat Tb Thoervieeet S. Lavwre se11 Frliay cilii hbeil t 7-: Ille oflocal ave starteti ait week lu h. 4vlie . ,l teschurch .80 o'elock. Bally Day srilose yul ha eonduatmti ae tbe Prsshyterian ebnreb uni Son4ay. -Mre. Boy Kelinar speut sqvsral day. lm&t vaek wvllbebr imother lu Vaikfgan. A daugbter vas borato Me.. antilire. byterian !Miý li.&d Sedty yull meet vlth tIrs. Murray soit Thurs day. Geo. B. Follette entsriained bis brothar Parcy frona Jamul, Caillaruis, afew day@ lust vaek. Mr. anti lre. J. j. Kenuedin are the Pratnprnt oa tan Pound boy. baru sept. 25th. Mr. anti lr@. W. F. Frauzen @peut Sun. day wltb relatirve in I)eaPlaint.s andi Benmeu)vilie. Uir, aMilire. l>ariiel Ie. aae peudiug the~ week vitbirs. Lesshlter lu Ravenavoodt iis veek. - Mr. and lmas. D. R ÂAmes Ieiý Wednee- day for Grand. apide, tics., for a twa veehe riait witb relatives. The Odd iFllowsbahaîta cjal ime alter te business meeting lianday eren-. Ing. Dancing vas indulgeti lu. Ir. and Mrs. J. A.: Cashlia ant iuttle son ai CI-icago, @pent theaWeekend ai tihe lhane oi Mi@@ Emily A. Bush. Nert Sundatv iii t. Raily Day ai M. 0. t4nuday schooli ib graduatlug axer- chien anti prograni ai 11 o'cleek. The Waman's Onilti of St. Lavrence's churc li iimoet ai Lb. resîdlence ai MrM Herrick nexi Tbnrsti aft.muoôa.. Ur. ant irem. John 1mtsr acouspauli Clijt Wa*bun uanti vile of Gravaae, ta the fair ai Elîhoru leat Tburstiy. Bev. #dvau.d 1R. Wblisvent 16 A.hlab iodai, te coadat tbet lunsarvis. of Mlist laireM. nook of lia i vlla. > Tb@ mprsbytatistaLati Ad 19 w boIt a Bakery B"l. s ob.& Yrsdsbo el SaziUaurtiar, sèpe. 0. Ici éima. E. W. Coiby aW ntia John la- terned Iram Michia Frlday. Tbey veut b Miehla So.. sime go for *a bûy's hs.lth. -.The local tumstres bealln ihir viarter sebstlsaof kiepis opmefuadya. TMe drus alors. uilîl ov b. op"n front 8 &0 12 »45io 6. M. andi Mr, J. A. Treptov anti utie tiaughter, atidMis.Johan Gts.a. e la Radas Bundeay here sh.y visitasd Wm. Eeily andi famlly. lire. A, . EChas., vbo hati hemnvsMf tng vItI ber broùes,, J. W. SStI anti Illgfor a moniL, Isiboe.Wedussisy for her homne lu Denver. Wo. Soude aateraou Re. Sivarti 8. Wbl.sent tuaidwayslkavisr. k u ý. ducêsthe tii fus r emi set the li. vilttug ber. vith bemrmothIer, lia. lla PrIs. anti othar re ltvesan di M os nd, 1fft for besi home la u lnstalut Fda. George Durrlige basreinrueti lit Ednevatar wber ho bas complsttid bis jobôti"defl ac<> "sring for lb. mulllansWa motion Peure man, B. P. H~baan Ur.. lva. liaon anti mo* Hom y ers called to Oakvooti, Vin., Saturde yby ibm death aoMf lia uso brotbes, Loni&Stu&ir. Tbs fanerai vas Miouday. Tbsy rturnetihome Tuenday A o ublgt b. hbeu phlcd ont" tbi méemorial vela4ow lq SeK Larsacel churolprotiudla 6a entM m ti 0 utIsh e. isbasmmet oftibm cbuteb bu bia Inrthr exeavatst anti a eamsai gotir laid.1 Invlialiosbave beau 1usd forthé opsuins p&rti ta h so lasbgtbs M"r Maairrsat iibmkudtorum on Tata preuln«ý Otnber SM. HasUa<srie tesau sble m eWtu tplay. Dada Iran 9 tu % O'cloek. Monda afempoon about tbliy lab. dm W= CDbleaga dame boete vaibon *Kwrous -teca IreFu. o e *y Coit# . V~ . C. liMo ibmthec- Qutioea a Io r or Ilocal Iephspallaa v1 tho Aihisilu ai Bandey to aissut slvyles. .Tbsssw' vim -*le.alédod by msmbbli of thie M»tv*~ql 10W**d8. WWu fIieiLberigai, 4Aj ' Im'be< a hst Farm Lotei Obstii &r bout aiglit a'alaak, uhile s gr&ie.4*partrent Wise mnaltu; Its ruIlai. praiceg mn, e persan sent la an alarna of fire. Alter fihe departunent mais. amn for the sontb i andi ortovu tli.y foirail that it cas a fatse alarmt. *The Ever ltaty C0"..of thI. .E. 8und*y echool yulgive an entcrtain. mient lu the gymna.lub cof the ehurch to- niglit. A progrs coptlng of plan asud vocal solo. sat eMtlug.wiii Iven, Id. cremn ant aewiilibh. terveti alter the. prograce. N lP. Chamboifuin has moviti bis hausehaidigootrout Auora to Liber- tyvIlie, antd Mr. sad M. Charîîherlaln viii resde ber.. lre. chmberlain,who fa vlsItnk houe 101ke la Bowling Greemn, Kentucky, la expSw tet arrive lir.' the latter part of ibis vesk. ?hrS eà lmflk dealers, Wrni. F. H afe- aâann, Wm. EdO a d J. W. Butier, will lucrea'Sethé prie ofai uta üo onsumnera one enti par quart en Octoler lirat. The pries of plats clii romain thse Rame se More, four cents. The dealers declare thai au accouit ofthe lamased t ofa vboleaae aniltià ed bam fored tiero ta increaneiJiai., priceta the ecostume. Wsdnsd~ ~ ~ B8ovtam beoke, 'the bowling sPionti-a0( Lihertyville, ulakiug the hlgbesi. score tIat ean be matis, 380 at ibm locbowling alley af Cola &J Clause. This in the fi rst tdmne this score has ever bsn madie in Liber-y. 'Ille andi the bovrleofa the to wn feel quite praud ta havéa among tisent .tueb a champion boulier.,Ilr. Suydani bas alway beau consideredor.w, oi thse ast bowlers lu tovn, but serrerai of tise hoys were able ta makas a tie wlili hi iii W. 0. Bqbine, au cmployeeof t (e Aunarican Wire lid oittfils anklea ,apraibed and bis backh unînreti Wtiueday vuben ha full fron a eeonti @tory platiarm Otatheb. fetary, 'ehil.' ha wau loaddng spirala. ReHam utindfit)g the spirale hy a book, wiis pped, thrawing off hi. balane. The platlormi Wise slîppary front the raint-:ud It eas împossibleIor hlm ta avert tise t!.! He was takan ta bis tsoartiing hoi- . y lDr. J. Li. Taylor. whgre lia oras attvnd.t by thea pbâysicial. Tisa annuai butinss meeting of the. Preabyteriau chnrcb vas heldlast even.ý iuc. Reportas wero, sucalve frtra il ti.partmentuoaiebmfrh ork. Thefoltose. lng wbosee fras oi oS . atiexpireti, vers alactedti tî acerat tenuaevem. C F. Wrigbt as eldier for ibra. Jeurs, R. C. fkllggla .Trustée for ibrsa yaars anti Boy Wrlght as Tteasrer for uae year. li vas tiecideti ta rais. il. debt ou $ho Umnieby subacrptilo ad more ihan ana-hall tthé amount *uesil wa securt etonce. Theale.aitieeciurcbmsrveti rsireubmmnts aw4 a sial hour vas oujoyeti ait the *ukmn09 PM. huslnespan, M 13TOUIISTO About tva bunirfd andti waty lie people attandeti thaenicetingot the Northi âbore Sunday Sehool Instituts vblcb Oas hait at8si. Lawroe's ebnrch. Llbertyviila.lesot Thursday. -Thre Uret atidresa ai the couifereacee as amatie lu th bu ehubai 5:30 o'clock hy the 8ev. Cbarlesa . Young 01 Christ *CIsft, Clefflo. Ha lusiructedtihe twbebero *puis the sut leci o!lasson lealisi dystsma. Aller a short devatinutal service the meeting W&a tjournatifor aupper.,-I1'e aupper vas served ou ibm third lotir oi tbe Auditorium. Oua bundred m auti lxî peuple vre eatadt itheéBrat i$"&"aa about foriy aitithe second.,VTb@supper sia. admîrbly, arrpunged sa ihat Il vws serviti lu record terne. The tables, ver. bsaatffullî tiacorateti. SAlter stippar the icatitute mai la ibres eanieeacss.Twoheld intbaAndltorlum tisýarit bea. ubjecbe ai Priniary a»d JuaIoir [ustretion, anti one bihlu cburc& dlscusseed Senior InatrMciln. T1bese coufèencem vere eacb uude.ra leader, but vere ad4relsed a aushar of gpeasksts. -%,e tuiloaau Meeting foiloveti le. a ftaeq allites antiltcaune Lbe cloëla« addemby thgere. E J Raudait oi Sm. abuo&W chhChieugo. up«nthaï W mbjMt of parochltal teachar tiýkileu 6The teb rslof t on tva sopeclai cars 0ov« rllbe0. IdM. electete railway. For gooti quaiity POTATOI» ah a MoueabIs prias, Phone 2M6. P . V5 1Ut" ib rop la very short ibiesear at tà»s wvIiihabl gber lu priceslater oa. Esita gelchai oau eeti for vinte u tow. lbu"valarge and PIckflng. alip vblli 1"msarrght FP. W. ebhlkkhe, * w ~u - - -AT Mi. E. CIIUR A oplendid prograni if à.rWdmuMc wili b hauderedgex: Snnday eveulng at 7:80 at the M. E. chureb. lu ibis servkce al wiii have a part-the congiregation am weil as the chuir and oloietia parti- eipatiua. 'Al are cordilliy Invitad 'lThe prograie follows: Organ Volutary ... . l. ul ilttou-ka 'Autbem of Praine.. .......... By ChoIr flynin with Bymanoiogy No. 681. ....................Congregation Lepousive Readinîg.................... . ......Pamtor andi Congreg&tlon i'!Byff (a) ...................... a.tor (b) Chani,-"The Lord'm Prayer"..U'hoir .nthem......................C ....(hoir Ro0"iseRdeamer ............ ... .... ,....... Ua-id Tbomçmou Offertory andi Announcoementer.... Rarp-Seied ...Mie. Marion Teàylor Hymun witb Bymnology No. 37. .......... ......... ongrefabltin Soiaý-"A Uream of Parad iWa....... .....r.... mElié Rînir lugrahaun "Oi-I'Foreyr with the Lord".. .** "'***««*.. '«Davidi Thompon Hymu with Hymnology Nu. 107 .. ..-......-.. Conarffgtaîo Anhen........i.........Ch oi1r Ciosing HynniNo. 89 .....C.(ougregatfon Bepediction ..................... ........ The Li.lertyvile TrotbugAsocotn wiil bolti a three day brogder andi récard meeting Thuroday, Fritiay andi Sat urday, ot. 5th, Otb and 7&b. 2c2 lJck lfmc)Jnon ey. TO OUR CU-STO MERS!l I -140)W 15 T 1-?1a. 4AV Wr. c 1 vetUgb ê 'A is ut Pews. aise &eai OOF ROIUe LI e am, mmlaE0HWM & -WR ALSO DO* Painting, Dtcoratingt and .Piiper hangh M£AU. ORDEES PRO TLY A'TDNR70 PHOE'J. LAR'eA POE131-J LSRYWE oei.y lU-e--- w,, FOR YOUR M DRFSS SKJRTS FoU styld'and cofl-ors LADIES MECa SWEATn maty prim 4. Good Styles Aaasml oe ýALL THE GOOD TS1NGS IN 4'1 Ur OUR SPECIALTY-FaJI Cuita i dul, Soimas W. W,.C I. acere, îs il1o0hot-house 19 You wilioon neîed, DEERE AND JANESV1LLE SULKY, GAN A!4 MMGIE PLOWS NEW fDRAAND DEERE SPUEAPM~ DIEERIÀG, McCORMKCK AND JOHNS"? CORIN HMIVESTERS INTERNATIONAL MOi HOCKM ALE' ENSILAGE CUTTERS-, GASOLINE ENGINE See the new 8.16 Mogii Tractor, HAVE YOUR Autos and ý..B 6Ugespap On and after October lat.! quarts of miIk will b. Se and pints wil remain as bof ore, 4c. This raise of price isi forced upon us on accotant of the bigli price of wholesale milk and feed. We wish t. thank our patrons for thefr patronage and assure &Hl cf a continuance cf our* bestet forts in evugthemn. aW. FeAFEMAfN WM. EDE w1pngja~ob Lime olom iwili do lhe work. 1 Us ibqWth 15 accuniulohop. ' Who con 1 ujlit oms uono i l dwe tian who can procublv ap Amm-l 1-- - - '--

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