CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Oct 1916, p. 5

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mur 4A'b oBeter FiYur W. la coke, coalWoo4 " by 5h. Oi4~DopiiL Du los o av ouiw*gaT Itita Pie« Win b. i bwk wicter. W. .Iu nd " atjý STEAM ORt HOT WATER CNm T-AI, U mve M&the . à bf " i »Ibetl»a and Scerfin wme Dry BOX 8osbmwill Oou fuat div. mjOott4ohnson Woi* Sh94L m xa loued rotohtnjon o" Blsok Cat Rosiery. owtcreputaton aofth& above goods, aid ve 44 oIts i,.fi ttey are ot as mVseufted . o ui a W. Ia av a 11 cf et bd=m, M I w lise 8 I t*ii i rw. oer -ti uaivorio is isiiing L~~~ves-laà or the. beautHu1 heriesl, a wbiuhv b*vebuulteIt -liso7iidW. F. FRANZe,1f e 5eSflus belore bfii.Qiq'iu4gWIsu~ lu. H. hbnrt snd imi.. Diy Alndyla Gteyoirko. t,16stanMm ir.LsouiMr'Dlanby vers ~*i4lt~ haDe.1lààmn oda. amaiChicigo. vs gsi AM b CieKamisr)coau. ver Sn4ndy. flory Yonig 1tbft Denver, Col., STUudsy, *here 1. but. atcstd s Poil. 4iearge A. Wrtgbt sud suoi Frank lait lq; TLrurodez on a ti toHerefardi â flMier bat rentamai frarca a suItwlt~~S4 asLake nrayadunaywlAh un., J. M. 'Tbueoe'vii 1* a erylcea t t he t. LarsC.burcb et 7:80 s, nM. neat I4îe z Um Vdu ajlà Wowasy bas accepteti a -< position Lu th iN W'W. C6rroi son lo MiàÏýiýAoOÎVjla epeudlng asvesk à- kai eh. ome eo! MIsÇ.era ltndolph. et - Ae. ê1Mertaued the- m [mio Soitdy olssluiLbe C. E,îaciety- ou Mon. ~if vii e~ chirp.atîce et St. Epjsopal eboreli flle coming ap mifahnwt. 17 r lbéberturued Sunday faon a tva o ")mvisit vîthble is mtber at Lmnesteq, Penn. Tbi. g«f.cors afthe Koec ountry Clb at Lae 04%Male eug ploved, ralled and @umd da0. 0«»ervy Cooleon, csndidate for states1 à8tortueonauthe.denoratie OMet, vas s w«,ai v. Class MeGuire mud baby1 - id ne.lcb vte guse et l*sW. 1. -~. ii~.H Muler hli erented litA àtTaylor Mstas1 Air tU i~l?~ueCorey. *09Wmtbugan. speait *«M"y bi ee jiarsu pwtoa;Mr. goë . im Ls.RW..B*Uàgld. MuR .Teyl* mad cilrshave teuems4 oulv tr, veebe VI*lS iti Roi Irebh, aiof T rmonttaa, S1 Io tIÇUIU bée imér, Mi.m Ars Brown Bu'" ,ltA.dvIt bq athm «W, u.Fred movsbo"m mi mamurle ir., Mm Bwvst eé aindle gena MwIAr1d"-Iw u uurbvn Tii enssrt séet ao oumtisa. a C41ome1cial ,llb bai prepmis% a I n"I bobre iIMa: has..W.,b mmu. er B etàâutohnmo& day &. x.AM sit mér* Semtinm»ntylll enltend of t4 * m àrdayl Aienatb ral nt oé, Td*ii. W. ba. .«. am. gla eSb *m.gat-ABromes ad Mms.LJio* Coo a:W. fucesy miiioore ocn0 Tik .tib s4st Monsmev" TuSsdaybers, vIli The . . T. olasdo C. F. Wlr Meer a vene. u dah &fgoWouda.y ct.uS10Ai lAit 8 . Vni hm..ui ! mk u* d a. Mois. lroi ndoMniRobert tâl mmî LOman avforiai Eoscrmo ýrtb. Tb* oci lb. IMl"onat proporti on t4 Park .veooei-: Tb@. Good Foï i. I. I uVauhigm fr s «Ce 4elime aeu "ryMiifor 002m, alla ujdy undergane .eversmi impt msretary of the Lake ePradueere ssioIWlouha. êiag 0f tA oK4&tlS o t e Lbertvlle tosen bal gtur- lng pmrty et h Merry ai flute .&oltorboamTouseday WÙ buadod Mad "a s l 4 - itmw ti Rzxcei@r bsud ca rneÙenrabelDg Îrm viii gireLi dances. la tbe 0nlug, Octotef i nrnîslied by lu A. F. à- A. NI.1 Oie banquet rul1 ýt ls expectèd e Miai laffaire d kl iei residenae SStewart and i ney k.w iii taie t 1arci. e aif Wakgn gavae a dane l ths'1:W al, Liberty. 111114. lut 1wh~I .uicli vas ettndd bs. i4o Id. The imusic Iris fornieed ly M" 8orche@tra aof t Mr.a 614MfU ~Iad and chl-1 lieu, sud N~' ~in @tâter, lies, 1 Iaudmhild~ ~~éU~ elu rned Bat- rnia srstngi'o~'k'smotor tnlp -'u *AMmosé, ~ ~ ~Utbey 'rietted 11hfrlsude . TSi uiliag la reitular g sous" Mo.dse, l. sd alter the adIth~f,>a~e * *II llowiug the. unI4 dbigo'*tfr B1# and tUee. r"wt.tbOb sa ono atherini. Os on ge a.. t tber hlian D1 - - Wbirthday of R. BhsekIef,' "si ettended b.v a 1 mumber aofrelmtre.6Wfriends. The i vpnlg W .putt ifustii tefresi. 1 Iiou a. Louise t àti siqtant Prin. 01»4i Of i t,tÀb.tlt 01011001, b las been lveu~fntIls ofmiial* Seno ra h.,r dut" andls.s8.qIM is&llcàfornia -Wbere ab& v1 pesd S Ul 4 o tthe. MIes C-'i*g -wlo vacation on Wm Spe5frnaL Dr, i. ttiling up bls taune a#I~btJ7 taleaviria for )mad bU ras iofNovemEer. tMr.i l9slm~ 1 pIuo~jaon spendint the vrlnter làiaý 4*4s Dow selling bis borte" and lw" Wàoollers bis bouse on Dvi Atu.Usql*O40t. Air. Japoos, *M »WM'rd Oil agent. id oun i S .'md eut tait Monday viè iesi frýclsinsta aditelà. hcked, tAlite eaugà i #toasae the mmd. Ai te l 4,00,set Insthe i Iwlt it, Jutape* bsrowD thraugh li wto@bhld. Mureai Ln àse a Chi.s goan Ual so là,,ed1X. The vas a boàU t lft te get ilanm d >f. o n.y bini drivr er ai udsoit, tbe JsIevig . tifi1fni. M E churcb Iue prjmu At te entertainu»f'Mn'j4," l h chu" em iis sidyw 1h. at4smdae wue not m gobdi66 tii. yooag lbib dmsrved for liii, elarte. 411"-urunant eDoaed tins roram, n suti.r e à» uw> menti viiei vesu served teamu Tiei*. maoetn" calsi for lait Vrldy niglit si'* stav hbail blouoit bqt sot oser §it1sa oterx Mud * at.i se% vas tbeld, .Two of tbe umns bo signed btWi , vers ugt-'sevs on > »màétu cll a meeting ebould uMpfth. ai .,U ývoteet aithei ovuililp ag 'vtrrmot aSVUMI llc Issson aie k ¶1b *itabçft Lamoco, a brother £gf Jog. J taroc, old Mie. at- W-1, came jure from.Cklego, Wedneday and arn et&y. lu * atbheome -of the formser«e' liotwir, JO. J 4,1Arh> sad f&m1pni lbbert lsOPis MieWt ,tt l nia, the ceremop pweoruud lu Wmukfgsn Wsdmedm. Tb@. basou«U vii kfetheir home wltb tii. groom'ebroglur and be vii &Weasté, bl riW u bis painting nd tdecor &t. Lbeagat, ¶ir .mmrovement As- on wM ibe ibe gusets ofýtS t bfirelative to tht .uuqsme of &~* advlpar. for. Lakeo odoA$y . O.Wgoeýuè Ah. cou nt? lad*stud fa. .0.mîg%#Os»dnceofclub om.beneel a -god qu&IIVy POTATOER ,a plicse, Phone 286-R, P.-W. R 1.? Ulâ, pait anthéL.XM.t' bhorea, vreut to CAidago Tueiday tô attend tihé aaugl Borkt uner Conoesntsa whkh bla beluglis n ifi- urit Olivet oburcli. 8ev. lt-aux expeets ta W Jl .hbertyville this Fnlday niglit end tbea wiii Petora ta Chicago Saturday 1t) ftmol 6ati hecloie ai tue conferenoe. la bie absencenit Sonday the ierkop at the M. E churcli vililibe condocled W* Re,. C. B. fl'awepe or FvAutôu. AiI nanbern 00 tbe local churcli are asui ta learà tuat their ruastor yuli W retouli. *d tai the Llbettjville clurcli for aupuher Congrésusan (Geurge Eilmunti Fais;of Chicago, bo fi a candidate fùr re- electton s t tue colnioelecîlan, wasîlD towi tOday eallug on friendi. He' tatud that lie uexan a tur ofthe coucti Wedussdmy. etoîplug at every ç du,' village sud banlet in the eoutity tg Petsonai yeau un t.the 1 otere and express de .Appreelstlon for thé support givr blos t tRie lsntunry. AIr. Fos. declarèl tbat be oarrled tLe district liy cicr 17,000, du fumret mnjority th.t fa ev.r recelvud,ndA that out of 111 votes le bie. hoàiprnut inuChil"saxb. ueied Xloi A. P. hbeldn, founder of tbe\8beldaîý OebodeItt âtresud;hi. entare met vitý à veYRy Daraw sCape Iu lateirdqaIgbt vwseD thelr nev Alibott-' )etaltlimajime ent loto the. dltcb an [li Aea omjut eet ai LibertyvIiW. Mr. Sbelnson vas drlviug Ah. cmvý it a modsgaie *pend w boi tbey met wità inati'car ,Itb giariug lipadligbfe. ['lue dlr i lofsà@ Kbeldan car tbrued ollA a littte toq fur and the uuaehî'e Ive t loto the dîfelu. thopletely,,upeetflog -.à- mmnio. ortnnatalY "b oefaithe members ofitbefarIIntirceived maire thon a bail swàre and a' feu uninorlbraise. ['be machine wai l.ady vrcked sud bai ta lie togred li ythe l-e tiarage. ,ELECTION CQNTEST IS CONYIINUEDTO PRIDAY.. t'he electian content case which R. B. Swift hian fiied agaînst Seantor A. J. Oison'; , Sot eaine ap for trial et Waodttock Wedsday but buasben continiled ta «eit Y'rids$. Theo rea- sans given 'are that the change of venue nequired Aime nde amatiat Judge Edwards could nat- be proesat on Wednesday, having ta hold court ber, an that day. NOTICE The aunaus] stockbaldefa meeting oi t4j Mleredith i'lover snd Vfegeable Com. pany viii b. bsid Baturdsy. Oct. 7, mib 2 p. ni. at thégeenoue., The Libertyvills Trotlngo* ocDttt viii holda 6thae day lir«er s»d record 2c2 ~ D IfikIebla-bon, Sscy. FiffeT IN LAKE COUNTrY-Thh [a You wm lsoon need EERE AND JA4SIfLESLKY, . GA4 JWNGINPLS NEW IDEA ANI)DEERE SPREA6EItS DEERING. McdORMKCK AND JOHNàON CORNMRVESr.RS * IN1tRATIONAL »0, HOCKING #,ALlà' 'ENSILAGE -CUTTRS GASOLINE EMINES See the xiew 8-16 Mow l Tractor ~c~n k HirdareCo. HAVE YOUR WE A= ODO 1>antiqDçffl4stn,.g and Jose 'Je LARC PHONE ifi.JUl *NOW LSTH YTOA . 0"e âme id L"* r Tivuft %04 $wm c» Md1 Pw«ê 4au a&.ip.Md auv»es. *.. ee. FeU style. and o -- d* pIem 4WEAT Caeod Style. Am.aOrbumt i Cotp4wAI A" TillgGQÔD 1TFHINSý suit, ors IsivauripIs eh.a Juvm Lv- OUR SPECIALTY-FaII Cuitai 'C4 .M. -7-7-= -W.we CAJ@M7;ý4 ""Se . tu"

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