CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Oct 1916, p. 5

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~T~O BUY ie ~*uwe »DwItî Bft, YcoJ="" eý oe m aWNgt Umm onu Y-WMgr i:...:;g.~j: :p::~~~;I2IUI~ ~ J C .1 N9w laTh1eTi m To have your heatlng lat instle Wimt. 'ivllM »Onb.e!e Pdi iim b. Whier this winter. We un aud matai ihwdm icaaltors mâAid rco floler STEAM OR HOT WATER RICHAROSON AND BOYNTON HOT AIR FURNACES CAK EIsTaLLE>i 0Wm Sm ce W ï ousÉs EMÂTE CHERFULLY FURNISHEDH.B EG R nHIW"t'M PUMBIG ÀAM HEATING I SAVAOE Tires 450MILE OLJARANTEE Ail Sîes carrled in Stock Plain and (-irip Tread MA HEÉR FG. CO. LIBBRTYVILU, a 1 ILILINOIS Im Gweeoheuse. Dvuuad 14 LUST!VWILE )02goto rca~m. le es.w io dveSaiethk orne toatgbt. Tbo..IP0 4" Saitender the Bock ORiver cai4àstle in .îiset yack were: L '.B.Resie. George l11, pollet. Miama Trlpp. lire. J. 8. oyat% 1l#Ms Ms0eutii MsdIlilas - MVar MMMÎ1 y 1 ou Bave Newsu1 O U I Thb e tml e&*ita'Aid yl n.sebý a = =ij~r~a, Oct..d, itue.Aw bxF4 eCi iwD NO.. w i nt hl 1ug A pcole c uie tg - . l.e dtel wk en band. f ssni. iertedm -fIk Frs bcldigo luit pMay. -MIseDpUjr' d oslMaa vr et mis. D.ll irIL .up"ro<b.vei e in, Gný oy SýÀUnr. Jas8D'à Mr.A~mu. U~arbofai oni Gcm. , dfugo, vue i*to as cdy un . .1 e %menibu #-goee - ca- , - - - - - - - -M uo b.~ MM. ATu~S5ae5 [ re. aeir.m d tn .iteS obsIrd mAa. th Ms. M. . lomos Wateloo Iai. MIr, sud Mm Asyres 0ut MiebigýAn re Mpadîog tii.week haem visA iheir mo Glenn sud ianil ' . Mm.. E. %me» suad daugbter. Ml.. (liseys, epenlefis&.TbUr*dlbý ulth rMW, tiresà la Lake Villa ta lauve for ilîiesu nlu s kw vdan, iiera tbey ill tipend the. wlî.ter'. 1 Idr. !rsàb Matu l a pendlor salmis daya wigii ler elsoglter. tirs.T. J. DaneFon and faoly jil. WaUk.-gUù. - %Ir» M. Flllutt-e. who epenaut six iveak. lier. itii ï,.atiqr.aid iri.uds kitf& eunàfàv fr ber bounle u Xrtl, akotkb ttii., m Ydeua Rple wax. the .plafflat et the Fahion ,Shifw conducteti lv oi"eî tii.. Vtskelran t,)re« lest week Thitya- Mli t[bard s se Ms uut-'df-rw ot Ievited tu ti e opouulg l h01 t Travel cilu. at Hotelr~h.rnian on Tue.. day. The diretorsol itht e ake (XuùLý Far l As.,t~wîil bold a uwiîm.g in tiie FInitt NadionaBsi ak roins ou Friday WhiIe woking St Dowuers (irov lest -week Ua llarrck ree.ved a bad ori &Bud facture of the. ilgemene in big Arthiur Cotlaberry sud vif.., ai Chi. cago, bava uoved ta Lîhertyvilia. LYr. Coe@tl9eaiy bas sacrea pooitian lua the Bee garage. Reory Solon of ai bkcao, vas hara Tburselay ulgbt of ast erni sD!attend. edt aison GeIdiu, Jubilée at the Auditartnm. Lewis B. Hanby, wbohbbae ahi. ta bisued vlt.h d of a caus for the. pas kevwelek,bsd te tata bu is b.d mgale Tesdoy. Hagwo eorcis aveut te a Wuad mmise Wloi life ~yaSbow la Maluimas deplIlb&gM. Mr. sud Mm.. Gora »ud Mr. and Mie. P.t.t. ceane Out n lahoi u Crrom Cii. egol Snnday. t;o enst tiie day t.b Mr. sait Me. '. A. Bock adfmiy 1 Mr. sud Mr A. s rnColIn> sat Tuas. day la Waukeffu sist 1uindaupnar. Mis. T. Atini Slmpeos. Mma Coly oelbrate ber blrtbday Ibt day. W. L. Attulda. snd fNm»4 lat bis vasi fot Pari RIdg., vb.ere tb.y ueBl os retrniag to Lgmstyt'llela tbouprtag Mr. and Mim.W. B. Osrs&d Mie. a. Masira.d hie aras of tt esk trou Opnlald. yliersti.>aulad *0miehistiu» l. KsIen ltaiGrand MIse Margaret WiIam« uler«taluai s ni» fber leitti girl iene. at bar bome lest Thuuada>' atternoon la bose>r ,of ber eWersti blitbday. A fine mpu Tii. Tins OCbaptar of the. Wa".tmler tGull met aStlbe .»bo ai ra, VU& B'ihy Tuenausit> svpln, a vIw" mastIng t egaiufer thei. jtai Tii. âratussWorteelssscia.vli mail st thb . . E.cirol Irmq fterocus usu.y as e e a ork! to do. Pieni lssc.b W111 b. eiveit.'-1 ' $obn Dsrrov, i Waote@an, iSa. Oebai, aifKunoe ad M4se raS »6"~a -aLhbartyvWe. ewstod mo b. boue. tl Lus, MaI>'lBMar and tie. lSuie. l UIm"t Prairie Vleu dusis>. Ph» 102-a FPlorlsts and Nurserymen Let u» 60m.os on p.«- .pI.e*eg W. fura la hW Ob fOGîa c 41 PiOtaW MW meatil'o.uoe l 1e e t 'O e ys ls ,ont opoimu veo.yrou ai lb. usual woirvil. iba2 uIj Bo a nor dap latt1M5vWbs m dlng W* Bs.liery Plan.i 1MLUJ4~l@ f hebmautlfulbouffl. ai wlUJ-e ba.bud.k W. F. FRAIg4JR mnyfor th. Relile!fond.' Th heca i lesked for thp thon. mande of Armenian children. Who hava hecame. hamelees and orphans during the war. The..local ABcodsy shoal uil tske up a collection for th!# porpoee on Beudsy, Ott. iiled. The. Budi sehool hope to baabl tuotakanops good col- lection on that day. % Manou jar ile ColsIt & F.vdarck's groeery sud mariet ibs.@sMtacted. s lage number of callere, telia atore *tht. vasi. The..jar cantals."d.atii snd doetroction" le tin.s ega lofuavraalbon otrai baby taranlula., AU l cnd4i.D >l a elogay vôven '*ab. 'This u.tvro ai ,dmetheikslr" *as lioveretinlaa buncb 01 bananas by oua ai Iii. usen lu the store ona Mouday. the. web belon aruuud the. heavi stock. Iiorder ta -tank" the. spiders tb. stock troc eut "bove sud hlor tis veb and thenà placad lu thie.jar. Perspes *ho aei tg) know of tihe pecltlmp of l9atalus décare %bat the Youug ai. resi tarisoles. Naai lii. vubbi va a net or puppars, ub", b iea opeued dl.- Clnasd mrn e agg Sunday avaieg, a"Out sereao'cloci 1Uhldeg Lundetrim-, a ma bo ployad un tiie Ced* ri, vas rua over by au automobile wble h.ovw» twsikhug on tie i.bgbval la bront ut tb. 1 gnnedy faienti 0i towu. lu ieig ksoci.d doue and risn vw Mri. Luao& *$ma.ustsieeuti &bou#tbl. oebaid b wet cile. beeles a abadl i jtio t tuasM rnimers of the. Kennedy famldly *seMt. *0is aums niau t bseboune 6sud tIl calei Dr. J. L. Taylor. Lladotreu eclaredhbathl. driver 01%. autorno. r blilênear topped t1 ss 9 hofab. boi I r. Taylor was abulg.d totie urgea k atjelaluthé injured us'. fomead and. 0 qblu. As he wam uunablue tbv 0o wwunt ouf thiitJurcit tus hb. vas tae ta bis Place ai eplojuente. 1-- 1-' t- 1 Good *yIe« Stewart-IRà4nl Red Cse *LEY MASu3 W.odaaday àf*.raon eai:8o 3 ock lit h. boue of thié Md'.a"o>r. li. XIIaTay.slor Du Boit, LUberty mille, oe- AIne111»e 'arelage of Mimn %leu, kob »éd J. SoafiGridlevr. Tii. Immedis h*Iquoieuly Wlte.ud &btheouay, w»s pedlored b> tiie »«. T. IL X0110 otumr 01ftha e ebodst.EPlOei. b*d4ltuthé atise ai wit.b thé' brý,hmbeaasapronàýp«et varker., P*h. epoà et*, la wblcb b 'bWAi h.4 e Uberyvill, Ithé ,brW tbmongbber cbsrlon pwroua*tg ,km woa the.admiration and theiifriand- aup 09 aul with 'ebom the bas baa 11». groom bas baeucashia utai VRbOl Natiomal Bank Of Llberq~vglla for Wavq~hoe le onuty, n. la Sor f muetf praalnht citIaus bo oàIw1 p * -aa fi ii. w;o*cof buinUdfg up Mukg«&Ï,ev O"tMmg tba$ twoUWnldba geuwd ith.adirsnceu.nt ut buelueand oopiem&dtlo.ubere. e wasptilm etly connected sud deepli concemned ta Owa drswlng of S'bu pians snd tbe.embmo ýak bqmlsbg, vbbhoume ii.Vral Naimibn u a tb.r ln.Ututa. "Mr. »d âtre. Grldley laitt lintatl. aitar the. ceramony for -tbelr w.ddivngi many friends azts.d. their hast, wlabee and congris!ulatloni. The. Preplhvreri4n Ladites !uid le pre; pe.rleg for t1ie hazaar which it wili bolt la Norpoîiier. La*& Tliurday afteacoia the. ladies ni thie soclaty mnet et tii boni. of. M»r. J .5 Murray sonth oif toue an&i tk-d quilt rm wbb ul e eoId aititie bazaar. A etc. lunch was berved. LloydTayIorand lZbalee@Grahom speot Sunday witb the former'@. niather, Mi. Clama Taylor. Last ypnr 'Mr. Taylior î ad Mr. Oraham vere appuleted dele. gate. hy the Dielta Tpsllon Fatern<y tc, go past ti) the conveention beld.. et Providecep, IL 1. They lefe Tuesday ta attend itbié convention and uwilbav. beverali up.o ici at large cltleethuough out twi, Est. HAVE YQUR AttbIUq un eB. Il. 1Miller 00 1on 0 .hr*fber ArihW,ý àu tonday sud vWsteit mb~I rnd Liocoln P#Ag. attood& .. dlea d ItaB Bwlft havsi hes- tadeiver add eta isb pie~~ IMd of tbf. ipun* tas'. 5Bd s$0. White Wasetelu m c~i.rdu~4 emicted by iadiMa IeuinaýSOW 4, Jr, Mors mt taChics.e oar.g to momi Vioe, 1$ o um&.- ' are del.gatas rou L4b"q eboit P u.472. âtre. Jelt*n gav, a aurprise eti Ather bommet Twud*y esWlsg. Thae ag' a§ qpet la pbnardesuad mnie. Tbei -vat ~pwmat Whio euîoyed the wers êervad. NIe i~~oue.wbo lias% h.wn the i csehiar lu -Waiad. Atore -lui maeral nioetbo dÏ ni ofMis. Clara RuitgItaut -Au.. Who took sacýatJon froài ber eceln tii. etore, gut throngiit , t br*w'BaSteirday as Miss. Koleig reetmoi*d"ay mireîng. Ulbe ..Hans sedUS lkBhhTaylor are expeetink to iaaa ve WOftSdis ta take op a5 daim. Mise TabYlor liasrewigr...d he, position as tnograp1b# witji tho Shedn Shool.à Eiaht 'ct tha youiw, .ndi-îo. rin the. Siielduin SIcbol gmil- a PertY on MiteS Relia oeKohl at h.'r huo Tue«day evenieg, lit bonor ikler apprue-hiug murriage teoJ. Sessvhdly.rier ai tbe l M atai bLz.TIoâe r reet uoe.: Mis J. M. I#e. . !Ifo.vtr N. Y., Mmra.J. L. Tai hor, the Micece fin, Viola Gneeood. Japlin. ene dy Olive lluPrideu,Grace s"il dsbttr tilàl. Tii. eveehrg'.. prograin wa, véery mucli ejoyed by thape pre.nt.L Au appasl tram the P rebyteran Sun. day Sebooi iiedquarter.. bas.been re. civ.d by tbe Lberty ville Presbytrlea sundsy achoot, amfkeng chat the Officers Mt &aide s dey for thet olletion oOf NOW IS MTHE fl, MTO HAE YO Ha.rness Rhpau We cerm «,.whhlmg in th.Hai.lme . ha lve jugé"" lael. fLuth«r Tmoao 9014 mgfa utCa..m Md b04 Pum, ase1MBfru~sMW*Us~ere COL &CLOLSE, LiBEwtTYVII.LE SWEATUfSI Assrwmd lu C.h ALL THE GOQODTHrINQS"1t4$NytT11 j&- OUR SPECIALTY-FaIl CuW"ta5o odu1 S*MIN e W6.cARRIL - M I'L... 47 A--u,-to b. FOR YOUR DRFSS SKIRS MJK E PsU style. sd colov-MedemdorIs iCWt LADIES MISSES CWHCRM 114 ai 1 - POTATUES' POTATUES' !POTATUES 1 wV'llbave a choile lut of potatoes boe irriday. - Botter corne aud looat th amer sud pt in a le w hosels for uluier villaeh.. priée. hat einhiah. Tiiey il saon he liher an th- pIotate crop>le1 waytheiow tii. verag tlie asr.P.W Sbitr I$Wne 236-1t.- 4c1'q WE ALSÇ DO Painting, Decorating and Piper )t M£L9II>M MP80TLY ATMom8STO PHONE 131P l~~ - - - - - - - - - - Stewart Coal and Gaiý ~~~11kiHr d waee G 1

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