ADOPTA Sth. " oua itu, vS nage meryl... Tle générl M*m titra today .fuot* ten tô =MI, ~ a4l~*4 a tion. Wb" iivuNe~m s i tut q th for 1a1 *4 followg.Y bolk 'urou '-wv.-Wh mIni ~01hW ~ et -m thoeu- - piVSi lutl imer book or h. nasojieN hy a' lOtr oi anotiier de lji the donoaeSt théquestioi ater ti glsthe sverl « erg mou told of propa-l.Jrd 1 camettein.for-Itrpr.tatiftor f( ïlnhterprot ic uivatAs 118M n qablu a li.iace te tha àgha the guropma a u.aýa n ut obligto - cidoum th* =-1iita >* to undiO epf*e Wu'ib lie a - o*?ther «Oiy*DOfl8lMW i hi* a **OOlmtou aad byt vas:t0" meaulng 0f the vgi*o ober a«0 Chanses lu oh'uraolg f t4i Ton coune mt atiiy pma * ln the B Do* or. sonrayer amv came before the coaiqi9thoala the l * part of the OUIIU.*oue do flot sitir the £~44tp. chaiige4 the taIa.4 lnd the tbgm sitDo treiiForU . hlgle a i.t et a ua. lt th AMin W od ixh ab Nom b« fourth oomuiWms vbI1 vol née rend: "itemember that t op ~ ~ly the saaMtiiday" Aur*t or tiiy Fatiier a & Ê "Tbou sait fDot cotiê synlm199 a 'tiiy nn.gbbor.," 4ltItU*~ led thage ma.ed théii. u=2u T1i.second viii e4.d: "Tiiot ait flot 1.5k. alto tbyflt MX PaiOt Image; tiqu ahat lot e diva to Tiie commaadm.5*. vIO mfot ho changdnor their $Ioeeo LtOred. là- stead 0".y ill be, If auytJUhgmare torcetut thésanov. In th iAi îàluL 1 rtviiul out more !p8UV,. ln cujTOfL t a N Tii.plcu. .o,th@ft ian 'lagon ta ken b hymne o o »iont a0lroveil type anid tjrou 1v moishe butoe. * The. nov hàWmOgt-* .tioeni al esaie of podetl *i'&MaU outao Nor th Chilcago ha. nearly doubIod ber factotY cagoctY durlng thé PaM year and Mt-ht. lt but the. AdditIOa oS ene nev factor> 'Swmw ty very tr» A ory 0f our ctY ha. 1w* olaraâ during the Put YeoIr* . Tie pisntathii fadtory have more,-»»aa440w. lthetr capactty. Tii. Qibý ,bft ers hve maea fne va'w fie Portable are nov lrg ; dition tu, tieir f.W>Te Ct Hardware F~I4faio e m nade nmle nog.a irv oaSf the nOv Iaêitýy ~entr No v what Ni1Udi od~la norene no iousp. È> ol in, crasse hier pijlle i lit ui 4lag hOmes forthaepo0lIe vWvieh cone hare. Toi c pii lgto D 91.1r' ar. t li vilii lt o o - 8 a14 dilioft -*th frot bleiiw be mo ?lW~yoauuilarl.arre nov 15U*6WWÎ*C.piY guômh timo In r. JiU)eusertshtsetc t di tn hon vi or naegfa Tha ne h. EIiN¶ ofU1 "sîn nPortance aiet110%vfofloýi,.iI(IMol ftér the (thei dt Rubin's ,tfX»e. Otat'l nterct to 'vry J '~e ite econones whîch they OffLî an tlî stî1( 1perlb ' trîusfroEn w huit -.îlertigons 7înay te nmade. At ftubin'is iere la alw&IY8.the ýassurlaiw*c Of reùeiiîngthen lst ii qUalît -sdth îest a nd îîîvst laslîioîuîbleiiistyle. Inf~witrfWtOt*aàmu#149 to $12.98 KÇegp the littie, êu vwarm in oe e f these ataeî '001 8100ter. "Plain white, Also wWite with Mue tiiri-' i*g4?o g~ollar and two pockets. 8*iic~s~~p. b Mtch- Plain and»fancvitoekuîg , switieî nbuttons; 50e to 79e. Assor-tmelits bore are unuisîîallv eýoîuplete, and every ie airtiýjjele of ,hildreni's apparels epresplitecl Stvfes arc il, keeL)iug with vouth- f faîîeiei-.thjey pous adaslî and distiutjon. Qualitî~ie8tdr. (agliret),~ to the higl tndrdhich par(.ijts b avie a right to expectj ? rt-' is - eturi, « overy Rm1nyt. 95.9 n ~ ~ i - c lnngl tyle and The& Ut ai f. esAînh- - v italluana rlte(J IioUCIs, de- signed of rich îiovelty mixtures:R ini the attractive autunîn eleor- ings,, xarefuIl ailored; 6 toi 14 yearsé, $495. JUl1ENl~.atJî. Sj6--Cipver Nui, fthe ui.frtI litie man 2 to 6 Veim. ,> aIraurebine aer&es and fane>y- ettlea; whte pique Coller and SOY*' MAC KIf4AWS, *&6.-am conforteble and couvenient: areyî Md' creon4..brovu and tan sud marooji 4* bl6k to 16 Yeama prced.4Aë1 - .ý . ........... -R T d' S es >c ctesigned ef.eWtichlàm; cordu- roy, pushskerwsyaand mix- tueIli popular cotoringe; 21 ~to 6 .years; special at *«-*bitor htyl.s for girls 6 to 14-y"a;a YOpUit ID u et, od deslgned of eW V' IiUr t,*I fur trnued; t t v i i a p p s a l t e i i i , Y o u n g f o à k , i o e ford. wbJteÀ navY, màrôon and * l 1149 tg ...........tq. 3i98 Titene are retular $200 glores and made of gen;Mne Frencti k id; perfect ln fit and bexutdrulfy flulshçd; nec- 7 ommenoed for their remarkable service; black, whlt and ail tii. desolned oinde; pair ................. #AOC AM»CAP LVS CHAMo.qgflgGLOVES-2. -Tc ijsiOtji' 115 t 2.0 eiaip Ao c- made giovo; %alue; ~uiemlcerg.aa- wazanbie. ai , exceptional :lu a5l quaiitY. sPeeclàj ice; C'Ë gigi> lak.~pair ... .... 4 SIfeavy grey cotton blakets; rnî and1 ueal warnîth;. ze.64: * 'e;special, pir$ WooI-ftntahd Bla"k -Plaid blankets la attftl inga; extra wanlu and hemi lncheo exceptional values, pair . . . . . . . . .1. . #ol nd otftboýl ià t&-fmixed vWot ai 4:1hd -W.ock pattern. la Di .tn and y Ire laz. Large 'tuto o e- Ilirgeh pîuei bac* auto rob enOulI for aiw maehin,; Pntcod fon thn cale : et .....:............. ... _1 =biàljkeiSak etakes no hJaok seat. If stauds weII in'ticoe giotd eVenits îîow taking place twîghîtthe àtore.- Hudryedsof pafrs efthte fiîîest titii- ity blankets were specially seeured for this eveniît, and uîany months agg>. wheîî priees were muchi lower. Th1e advan- tasge of oir earl pîîrehase is now 1bciug 1ianded to you at this sale. Lay in vour wiliter supPly cof blankets tOrmrro>'%v orI early îîcxt week. It iJJ psay y kets - fifte WOO I 11 [els Ikee7 Extra large "Size wool of lin- bhtukets of soft long-staple IX8OJn- wool; eheeksa ud p1àids ini .50. beat;tifîîl elorings; sale ie olr Clitornla WouJBanea i Y 6676 F1nest pure vooffiblankete of Te- .2.45 markabe warnth asti betuty new mketg- ter s In -*ndsomî c 21 ledtetton;à r - Un et t er: bea. imyge PuIllaise e c t oered On. botS î4é@'be, aides wth, figred uhdfa$Jpet4a 5J0 gl Aqhsî9 ap41 AU-11D" ground! With attsotlvo nurse>>' design#*, fine qualty;qR. - . ed,. ............ 5 81" ; ne'a4k$--. VauIu~am, III. eh(gose your nei, corset -And IOUBW fî'om o0111 1eo1mplete Elle ofe stylisli. models. Ail the Cm lt best itiakes are shown 110w on 0 1W.1r lelommw he re. floor. Special. Pricing of Beautiful New. Côats aât $1&o 2,~i 3 yw oman becouse ofeti-' SI à Surel 'v from ntliese-thrc "asom'ment$ you <beau 1111(1 a mast to vour Iiking, for the variety is of won- der-ftl extenit, axid every popular neNv- style featîîre i~ reî c iit SIMeillly e4ced as a fe%fire of atvtipt(n foi- ur seeond floototnrw ltiië4 Goals a: $16 $0 'tiitiflfûlljýe coats o- or 4 dvelotur, in greeu, îîavy sud browîî; the lar ge ollar, - puekeýts and'cuffs attraetiv cly trirnned with phlsh; 811pldidlv Iixwedwýith satin; remtark- .atble bargain at $6.0 An elegaîlt aÉsortment of distintctive ýoats at this priee. Tailored of broadlotlhs, wvool velour-s, plushes, and novelty ntixttuîe-e i the iewetst autîuîm nshade5; nmaniv- aelce- gantlv trininird with fur;, rexnarkable val.- (Its at $25.00. Thecois at $3,5.Où GeïilifteBlI cotsfashioied iii a in- her of highly effective styles and elùgantly lilned with satip: bIuîýgipidy, green, browi -antd îavy; speeially priýee é.00. Hanùds2me FaII ql < Suits of the Illost eiarm-, ing designt repireseitetl iin .1 opliiis, broadcloths anid ser- ges in leatiing colora;, velvet tiîxncd aud silk Iined .. tS; New Cavalier Butto M el This beattdiul hoot, illuýtrated, is meI of the tuii 1artest v~75 'i * t E t is graceful of Ihue and fashioned of black 4 kid; with cloth tops and-cavalier collar aud finish ai - las a two-ineh leather heel, and a pleaauîiig roi jeffect. A shoe cf irefinement, eomfort andi service Let us trviton your footttonifIOrro; pr¾... aMrBaitmg hoes- Girls dio or çlioq l1résrtese soes are unequ elrd. M odei 'au,, le tie , vi ti full roo ny t ac; double 42 lf I c amortable, room y soli iioubot;aies2 ta -6%, t C.J> plFjve;ateos aï tc or hea#y cuit etitcheil ande A Wèlcome to Five Scôte of Charming New - ihumed Hats spèc1al1y $7.50 We weleomc these ullinùery cîcatiolis îiut àirpl.% ýbecause thiey are îîew, but for et ertain indeseribable beauty they For Non, Women a4dChAidren Mtînisuugwear is tht' uniderwear folr p)euple ýwlîo dents îd the' best. It is knit-. Wed fr-oui the finest grades ut yarin, andi is- warin and delightful 'to wear. It W~ aec iîatelv 1>ioprtioiitd, and fits the; body with pei-feet suioothuess. ILaun-,, ders beautiftilly, and is aî real eeononiy. Now~ showiîîg cuniplete fail and. w'iw, Thyare cQlpies of nîuueh higli, rir- Wome niu Buta, I ed models, ýiid include large silk velvet hat§ %vith Xegular I)rinl$, oritainenteti with gÔld and silver tiovelties. Othier furyýtriinind inlodels Nvith gold and sl _____________ vrils; j1týo snîall feather, turbans are represented. You wNill fhîd White, (lleations, téo. Renmrikalle v'iieî tý 564Inè Taffeta S These are the fa vard -îài taffeta Such a& al stores- ae of Uiei&il, qua are, askige.75 for. Conîplete ass8Oetý ,teed, Rêve ribbed ment of sreét âpd evening hd s ~ iftc~tf(X)t: ,%eil as b1aek; sceaer .eLaftity on sale' yard.4. o-.. r 1 lI - i .. .. .................. @WO'WW