miùdtration cf *Zpi ady a s tate 's attorney Whé iosehDi Cesk fruth iue~t be clixsaud » "oyer-eb«wge8 " but which, beýaiucmae hor Pubia iesSud ~~ Udlaê esftlpu* glusant Dady nth dl f~ rhage. bd.yersona1 reaonh, ype) vantass *0 a= PeTs0ow M. Uht IbOOtgo1W4en, oct.16. ai eolwent tc gllfl 6k, Wll ot . ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ joteph À lqo Who would bave the Intereste of-thétaxpayers of Lake COUnýtY!%-Wbere orunaobeen 17 yag mu Wdho lved until after lie retires from OMMc' There la another phoel tthii. mot- ovenaier 14, idiryudeln ter witI& reference ta ftflome cf Ilory sder, -Te$3,00 féewbh >the cot m id:44tt«my 3I0' Uhome t kWwOéeu Mrs. josephi VTbe nfor ee u tii. Oth e *i titi, ÀtkinnonBi 4 21d, hy avenue, North .60ChR2490,suay mlnlng ai 830 60days' work. Ils there StL", cokTc 0S ax b a WAS an ove rcharge, even i' te ~~t~*t~emi>oyed saa- s *lithe Publie told Dady lie could lire "oUI . u îa aeric c*Or* »aQWnk~n not to exceed.$50 a day." 4Ù& -U4 11t.N PUt47U5 1' WIIItled moP e Mho prepared ta of certin suretirer tldayis; téwÈ14. He wax unhiu ofcraiI o<ai 1iats lt theàb ebatii1Y jovial and, 1spPwared to ho ta.I that $3,000 with anyb Tata89 , wasthe't er sm Oa ins lng.botter tisa li&bOd for tomne dm& elsssd as an "over-elarge' ou. co ýeffiders the con- t -a , amYQiing Atklnso -*d not ben fe. duet of the case, the nature of * - _psdi the ,seox8 l cagN rP1~ hea1th fo -The Voliva p~u f~<~I-wtien »sdy là w1eeks put a" %Ei rcmained s jhired (at an expense mmi ubic 'ttrny o4-'. boi haoRe LtbuO ihe WasU .tmc4* Wouu XA yetamagi, ho WeilAofdthat i4td é d i ' kof ,Ike tiao i cmeof tbe action and or b i 1"l *W bw, MRlOBhlm héart sa a -_lie cas whereln the town bmot - of'town Of 9 iBW .~ - mu w e om~ m. e toit XW. #ffoved on flatar. as priate atda iamqul d@* aAtthat h. «0," town colleetor, to fce e muliéender y(z : îir 4few tho%74hdot" lsýtO. UDeUttiêava- of e $164 bheMdale"w cvermi ai aglui te70fr iand«. té M*i neanad as fo4#wed precedents of fore llecters. Vu tow» bOar t md vtlgjn iebutcf vbnTAIIN bird and paW Riy*M i ,bo,ith bis boss -Dady- MM. edî<>i.Ris i. ma ireors- cmVh s & oveIttla LWf1f1 t» Xder a bote dowu $6»20 a year fromn the Sounty. That wàm 'rsuif - ,or thua ,aa"f- *W u pu .' egt for them; they woukin't assume the " extra- Jo'of uIII ritroi .?ha, 5i luae Ul5edU-1»b.15.NflPub-*R*uan. Om wmk(fy1 Provement ta )1ie Condition aivl UeAeinl h ho get$ing that mioney for the township unlees one or the bi Utyg) wuicla -ta e hatbc sft plumuon because tlacy bol! béa. ver- other w» 1usd aapa xt4 a±um.y, oven tliouvh tiie fawae «OMS .« t tyla légal departmient without 'extra charge (or oe-ofmdad iltheOuIC-Who tmnd é ande.. al uli u suid v . ue ic,ite eugee uf4000 M N $ 1-e charge). Thus, waan't this an over-chargef wated ttake UV MA iC58M aa"thiag i>eeitble 4U« th i crcI'tana. bosy e Y >aatma emULb lt. the (This waa the case wherein for four years Attorney inlnl gyrmte.hmg&ges the roouug. m cenueué to grwPow peen bkpit ut the oqurè l,4 ~ u? C I (rvis camped on Dady 'B doorgtep urglng hlm to start the att.,..> it éuova title bai a p, -éker And wuamr. rinaily. hie they agalix lseiu Mepise. t acton o rcovr te eces fes wiehMutwmldnitadexr or r11'evosigela CUZTi4W héart, airese L. a & eai condition, m .would 40%thep.e P8100ft mul Marlon ea Isct. the gls*4c gil i uugi1CoOIIa.tOi umed ta stand op* under* the train. thus,116umult lécat. fW ims*hcv.lwbe died lD the aaow la Hein'. vOOde ed but Dady fiatly refused,to aet and even ordered Orvis n. queon ui:I Dladuemr t to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1epaa rmhm ae, oeeDd rnt W"ici dot da seuli. kmew bho.wie ath occurred i*tida one and a hit HE 0D SNOT " sisub&tWak e ft îcrLI. 1ybret kWliat ibrWU,>', m*m te u toke taelyaction IIerhowv DeR AYhvdn.mietsnt.elruuta-,hours after thec Sut attack. scconrsgt.ca te m #moirw l.never b. !euichdla th.eioauly àWh bis assistant t take charge of the ctinUDR A . e Wm tabis tsar? WuSho clamus-Thé suides &&th of the Young invss aae i l«y $ pu aruIsinbouèrts et ber .11 faticr.tu mmdi.., asOmukit tc1 froîn the town as a private attorney and Runyard thuat b'f weloi vwthuiéifvitioutt >m moncamne -m£ 'icen hock ta hi. hi* paete. pM fteh rifet.whlch but @he la ta b. succeeulUmmgieby cf handled the caeefor a corsideration although Dady should maHolrley«. . asPoulriufa lifetl lmaie.ndae.amhSi havehanledit free of charge to the township of Waukse- fACtiln tas«ccfhllsMg Whit i.bas,,Waukégaa as veli aNorth CM(», aIpoPTS lu e wor Chieço. Tie LAmberts, t wu kt have vcil mai g oci. W..tce eotier go. Boudés hbie other hé ielavéthe couflét, Ummers ss iiai ise. Wa. Tidlevii dogte1W M gau whose légal advisor le iii and as a part of *hich lie band. hAve b" mIseuthatftliCe flotg bro*00 ami mgîteru: Wll. Blt tha seto M ' U*4 u meldavu mr p:t" air tr~Àu gets $5,000 a tapteg te cteçibi. m lans, Mary', NsIlElmér, Walter. te catch ce1«00$M threfaépiw bcug -.ié a h let. 4 -Dady7s aary of $5,000 is an "over-eharge" in the aut ao mla t"i.meu.. m Moreno. ad »t" eet»**0texc".~ aiss ~ w.thmsaaérise eyes of people who lave noted Uic failures that mt'l"han v40medemrsi. Pftbe tlj -~'uh hmm 'WIh %whave iw- ï' h.-i»: *4lh.. sues have îîîarked bis administration. i faci, for services ren- -' hatve o>' -- " a.THEY HE 0 $OOA YEAR. beoa- l ieecrle.pbs c eral1~WO. dee, tsem sifabg eae ade i ounty-but W" for 0cictes .UUis141* luo<ie Hopt"le tpoison lie ratsa vulci tài ZI irpu t # deeAsef si i t back, fore tonc . .go isvrdu itappebu t. a.<Peméala itTeachers_<111e ountfeceve bal bha. esis a is boic@,la his ta tc*0bus there's no chance of getting i acc froneR.D gtbi ff es, or'Mo y4mL.Wt ta.">'Not*o that Thy AreEx- profit4 Lesnie Pfiam. pweîuiem tpogt os e«Mus,ý. ~a hanldiiupon it, it was lbat to the couxty forever. Pive thon u- i" rWM7X at»t sp w the, restaurant iirect'ros- tue amiaoee,fflW otet»tus i r.e- »nd dollars a year for one of lis abilitY and is9taken , e beuV urettr.ti ie. oc opod .tcit. . -jWdgmentg, surely represents an «"over-charge" with the e-" t~tsTie m#% eSn 1W* station, m* t atuomiq at' is.cfPM~i s WO.tctheeic f vtu entt laicfct OU&I>' iayer there appeX>e -beft»Itetuse tât, S>' "0 ïasCgiA$ *Ç>', Uclipi AU t'etty as the goat.' Mr .W"lc&$donSSà&Kw 3ed>'ami theoeiW«.dT,% ntelc lflfotdorluI"h 50-The $5 a day which the supenvisors for some years Ju.at est beau Art cocrtewnsi'Are al*ag a aie u thé lcgftc in or tL enoa.U. '%ot*sé~ei *W ~paid to judges and clerks of election ini Lake county tdo .ww A v« m " Vro at> e ser vio ucheru a atlid>'niAit. eplceo bn whereas, Dady lnformed the bord later that it had neou uc.25 >earm or mo.e. Tib* s f i5'un5flmlie 0 te1,100 o iOrltve iiwic=o i the»touher whedra, mannui e ofpie ver. .lalmlng. msa w usex fer resu. IV*> re ~W giflowa b si rigît to pay any more than $3 a day under the law. TIns, .mi *sapesion et$M a0a r-se: âmialiamouat ofe cauni sme el-ci- ttiem. s&" vs vS> gsX «I tbibwlbra ail that previous "over-charge" of $2 a day clearly was i whE~i1EMM i.à.suiz.u~ gea. an over-be'e"but it would b 1ouloe"'ljob to go back X rs. pies C , ri.'.. us u M04n er~ aind try~ te coileet it becatise evgrybody but Dady in the IJ~1Wmies commus eztvaiurat durlag tica»AiL.Mr. tLanicli iclm40 h hA* eounty f .1* that the election officiais, SHO1YLD get $5 a ' '"~Tt eteqeto icm«ba islti ~i ~S dav. But the over-ceharge.s there just theme c aItièer è 6,-A drastie over-charp *waamadie against the ou Lw.4X»èU b is ia~li usq ~o Dêtem.o i iee m t~l pq..~% Sty, condoned and snetioried by Dady, when the Owner O!f thé,CM<abf'Tm tI 10107 u» to lha40 tr as.thw ,eimsr' ;»-1 t ga TD M ffei te '1 "neeW«. eoogipoboe la *0é pi "détectives" employed by hlm te g 1tevidene" gan Away o"' spet% T* --s ili m. osdv 1,k ony nien in the lake 'ou presented busad Not Coste8l boy. bef1ti»a> m,~sl i euera s WIo L reeewed pay for their timean LS for money spent by& ireun»10 edcêach'péito.>5tudecu0fu. stfçi.w4ayr itlln pa sadsfor tbig r&is, for siot-machinle op, n lnIcae'a ate Fosmt, mu*âthé Jv.,t "biube.selo" dehbw, t.aoi*ru etqai.cu. eratiQn for drins, for Uvery ire' o asl hc te fr snd voie gtven a judlaient frI«a MmW o by uorti.fomor theetu N*,fflrbi, f$ihng, for tobacco, and forwhat not! If these I"personal sm againat Mrs. Beau Dtr&ult eset cà&osycr. týb uqm 1b. eentcpoieem.'nêo*&*a4ô se ~ ' erpenses" of these "dIefectiÎes" weren 't over-charges, Laie Bluff la Coua>$MWusImm'Wn- ut clifr. eB ê -~~it i. pondu@ that tic rats.m e c Do WMuo O ngir. ilurand. t othet> = 8the -rat fév Years t*ea a go&la t taxpayers woulil lie to know what an over-ehaxge realiy ___c t onac mi 1& y«S- 10 1bt @o&mZ' slith plie 1t tm- i m tbidre lssrth opeechýàW tantt25vaelrsandamb te oî -Hsi fielsbe eieioe-Tre airy, tga Ly>- ana»uSeMei provisionséof the mia tthe RO n rt» wo.- stllume e itionth is l iand »Vticon ad~ le sassistant i fica be lecadovi-Ig tour la th- Intel Of o4>1 moepe>' la the $400 la *.t0509 Mm- thé hOoe.Of WbrliggtaAn eni tuehe Wbei, 1k. "-hope Oheut" «tI00£w'tia chage bete clsad a a "nnaen" t te Rgbs.Beforé IceviaS tie ladInSi e glatereut for »1 W11110 crime lvave vw"cspéat te rtic Ivre dsuiet mev vis8t. epe a.to ed ber attorney'. C. B. titrer, not ta osleta aua tili= - tiémet ula Oput1vwék " bv oi* iàiao"W office, but ratIer expensive o=nmentaton, as le las W Mts ti at Tépmtfsvsvle uic0IPays la $a%0z»1,0*&W#I ceelved $1,200 a ycar for being wiliug to.act Uic part. repreuenteý bY ÂUOI'neY W W ADf~~I ~1 tné ~ 70' Tic>' viidopetici-lu wlt"»Wuhe r15- Lamit oalaYt-Usi. frtmi' 80«4 le -And Dady hhrnael. Eles been an expensîive Bot tatiien sdo. ,nemtwg o sç~pm b" t iheir .mm~ 4m polie chiot vho belUére hé bai thc voli brlag bai mémorisa toc palsl V4t"* over-clarge. The two comibiued hav"e proved cx- h érctStc hésadslté1. > A mtg eîi4ii -ilnghi. ftegn tdrsr.~asiat M4etttilIiedthat they bad dOocMuth Tic 83 ha h o*volifeu eetimaI la see a audr'w MS pensive luxuries to tIc countyand frein theul a big r i evnfo ru pasi i'lite, » e pauy tiche"c isHe belle?. uItcbv hohv Btmretnoalrtevn. is dc te cont-if they whig te b. fair to the taxpaYers tlihtng, etc. Tic>' ali mie lastrut - ~Ma teços. >e W humab, » vrilituoorom- tc oer a haiot u u»,> 10 AieFet. - eta*taee to hirec Ail the'»' Oraitd ugo sotdt tatafbouWe, *0 and retain that whicb they actually éaied. , Nolrtheal helbo misie '>éoui edrw4tw'lfIe oVr 0f «ie Ivse shil lidma uttle girl sui si g -Ail tbc fees retaiieby-Dà4y and Eunyard ini their veudpay tie- fol'r -. The& urgng ai argatue>' have pW>.oer.li l*i kolv - n Mh« oe PRIVATE CAUES duruugtheir term of offices eau cameé b 'mliethlutagO l,. g.waa>slutueQue ma-ig filtort001tWM rtidateit anott ert., i viihalvlaesui..-ia Durand. thé>' sai, poi al but PU et t Betusma t 1q a il i to th et ihot Petia>' aigu aBi be mai.. N.o a e aot schahS*M à s be classed as "over-eharkws"for wât thUicocunty paying aad although aven s'a -bau elmpced tj5ýe StOé~,wms uotHhatu bii ee le mat'inchiesst.PoI>'5mS * h amuan of Dady's limit0d abltY $&,000a year, the. county mbe lims failci 10 psy tien. AttUSe>' oua* et moue>' poia *a. tic bot. li Ibbas béé the d' #1n Chcee" o pabtd v - is ntitcd * HAV ÂTiTU3 ONEY RFJURNS AS Divér <diiinot croe-emne e s it- Mla ld thst b>' Ur -tic big at ie iraot ttclire ilHurd tmyattéi %5l ,puBijC OR PRIVATE F!EESjuitas muel as, it iS en- esessand s défaulIluiaen oit>' t e der - tu ou'bt» sa. nSh.t.i>afsli l Id *1w avé ofrttan rptrio leisber t'nd MM Srecie ÂLT~FW SEARNED BY' outered. ýe«raietebuits>' é 1e _~Igmvng.sturnt 1ubrgaise cl eloc Ic ape lirIa ee SHgjed a ~m o UNY Thé olleing cim, uacontm<,tue>'remie th*haultm tsinyi e an e ot vsuimon 24Md t ' îoin tio loPlatcupe.a us S E e OJT eaisît theetais, of thé jate Michaeli 'éo4minMeoun aetésr vc drite atuoti a u uo utatl My- K. heicdistillptiou with regard. to J)ady 1_W1ýy àtm,,,~~ ecî~us4 a-ov he had any more right to landie private cases andtre- john V. ra>'eU $170 12 of pg 4êait x*- Mall h0*foi« t t04 checarnings thereof wlxcn Uic county jpays In $5,000 CopAS & Wte,$77 rvSf f a'r in tet" $* a 11put " ~yer fr is erice, tanCar Wste1~ed r [e e cartu Prnlature Compas>' $30640, îossit hu Wrti u. 1 soi.P lîm tces11. upO - s ~p oU l> w ul hv t rtlutI s ~ r Ni ouit Té -s o -Ti --- tuag i ý da o t é_ fttaIEfl e .iee é m. - to~ gie bure- ut ln bmed, aboIet PrI of, euber. jrk. [916. i1,5b5- av. 2 is.é