Ooalo Cpfi p.,. i Fb... 47 Nbwk Te TàS To havo your. heting plant instaled Wâd isto mmI ub.e ! Nou. "UIb. biger this winte. >Im n -am Ruatr ad>rc lom STEAM OR HoTr WATeR RtiCHAnosoN AN4o BOYNTON F{OTr AIR FURNACES' Sc»M MSM"STM 94 150W OR NEW J1OW£S ESTMATES CHEERMLLLY FURNISHED N.B.EGCE R HARDWARE.PMDI A? 0HEATInè SAVAGE Auto _,, Tties 4,500 "MILE GUItýRANTEE Alil Slzes earried Iin Stock Pln and- Orip Tread MAHIER MFG. CO. UBERTYVÎIF., = - ILLINOIS Good, Hard Coal you ne au ont W ey Ta i our O I'd lr . V4 ýe p1 you supplied wàil od hbard co W. P. F4r&NZ i, . EIaUmONE50 L~?rIL i .~ Soutr, Il Ton Rav*ewomof Local hutrot au Phon go. i Ki. RBHuibert Spit T a. Mutae ti b uJb toulgbet mi8. W: W. 111 flaU o»4U'WWbhIt for a te fs.A. lrfgbMasoa bave mrms»d tou ibd W*» u, to.g, Tx. mies Umrrl.* o tamw, W rd«"a 04 a position tu tb T 'h&lo Talor l'ore. D. C. tulpp MWd vilsetofCresîw, Iowa, m wvlilastaiP. R. TrldW aidotha a mm iwS IeoAuasbaveweumd ftou dt *oweeke tvit wh raaiî .ae-»dlire. Tomcode verse&ailêto the chy gatunay by li O Im o f Mma we MMi sia t at iihome of lr. F. R. ilas Wrlgbt returned féiday evesàlng bQoes*Cantfon" hs,. b.e pent the. smmer wlth relalvoo. L;. & HEaaliy. viow tué,roporai Id Our test Issue aé baultng b"d a sst-baek lu &lite to b. op nand arouni. liMra. Ton& kingweillof Chleago. ,apeni hbs iroît par tbti. eek wlth J. W. Butier aad otiier familie. herp. liru. W. E. W illiam. la enter tonmg ber patrmot..tir. and ers. Bouglitou sud ber sister fro,» Clveland thig veek. lir@. Iontanua wa» calied 10 lier bon. et Barton Wl... lut'riday by the skknffla of ler mother and bluter. Uri..A. B. Coolisud ber @luter, tirs. Mdonrue. arrived ber. Frldoy f rom lien.- dJeu. N. H., srlere tlieyopenîthe summer. The. annuel nifeting of the atnckholders (A the lMeredith Flower & Volistabi. Co. tra. bren poutposed utIl N1ov»mber 4th.. The. W. C. T. U. iii met vitb Mra. B"is oxmn e:t the tievi Mr». Julie Troptov on Tu.ody alternoon, Ott. 24. Wo..SBanders, Preuldont sud Editor of the North Bbc,. News of Chicago, and Mrc. Sander' wite w erp iitora ber.. lire. 1. Ronil and son of tiakea, North Dakota and C. V. Thoissof North Loup, Nibimnoe. are vistions. .J Young and fmlly. Je&. W. iat roturued Baturday irons £vunada, vhere b.e pent several vets vl.1ftlng vltb bis 0o13sud daugliter aend &bor familles.. A. (Jhard and famtly of Austin apent tii. latter Part of iast vweek boes vlt Mr. Char&e Muter, lilm s V a liard, at lii. Dr. Boutteld hom.. SDr. J. . LTssylor relrddsifrotuMeons. sooa, Baturday eveul and brougbmak a to urpbm. 01f sou. ery lino corn railsudon. bie ba m t4elle flery subllmg. *a mw alelutii Uàb@MtvlllsGang.. eWoimmssb gana coureso oflntmtoarpllgirg batteries.tu a Obseg»OâubpoL. lira. Frank Wilson ire. W. A. siowm aud Nias Bina Shapter ver. egu theii Wastat.r Unili ocafe'aa b.td lu Cllefgl" aitoardmy. 1. lit. ýDavis and faaity ar» nov Oeu. Pilong Ilir meW boue on Lab e.t, a thf Win. Wb.elr fm.ily bos movesilot Utr. Davis' boutse Jut vacaisid by ibep. Bert Bock lat for liellgn ma" Bon'. day. whern behm usfouni suploym.mt. Thoam"sSuda., vho litevle ruplols souli sceompans bit, vili rmwa nea hom.. The Suffmet Wonier ciao.masteng#A lbé . N. eburchut: 1maI niay satter oria si Outat.o" Anumber f qa9", VerslMedt and a fin. pie u hb&va. lir@. 8.. ENthlwortb 1lme ".te b.o t aller baving lbattuonasibubhW boa. for *bout bwo uréels oun aftmoni,1oS hV. ton: recslved mactury olo eberfont Wm Mir.sud,,Mrs..Wn. WraSs lait Buad.y nuit for Detrofit UlobIgma. vier. sl. vIi male theïr futurt lbots.. W. tain- *nd lir-Wrate vili n iste 1be i~tsùa. l»x businessthere. C Coatimtor Fred Baailleanmd t~eté 0 tAbiVlla a. horsesMd baue suei 1* «a* f ittingo03the roiti i. ma". &mut titheAumèlmon WhreFeneu 'Côilmya nov plant. les W. Ott hoofflrlated leti*0 mraw g d Kelly and Nie# Vary dlaie.,0l. ts age tsl.lîig piae 13Slut. lls 14I~se rdAo. und .Mies Ruth *Wjgqk<tu leste LLIi. alterntfoe for Miblo mn, vbs.re tbor!U risit M ..= N brotber fRu"ass nd vl ir. h07epeect t ake up land Cou. so%0 IWd6bSet the. Auditoriumi xlven bi, hi0, . . AYoung tladis'rti Tomsou 14MY 0-evenu. Oct. el Tlk*aTUqsrple. Tii.proosds wil ho umsbputch.a flag for th@ Royali Ur,.a" -»ze .Ç5,B.-Kaiser and tsbfldwsa Motr. ton Idon:.5bore wht, ~mt 0~nt hb omne o011Mof,1 Isi oojon Omar Io the son 0f Ur 1 mmd lira. xier. A oial uuatbmoint vili bd gIveq by thes, 1. VA. là the Woudmau Sait Thurodmy e#à4, Oct 26. Good m" 9 amid *0 pulilk tgInvitda otnmem bui lmps, us 0of tbe local tomber, isolerathsM rouId beglu hevork cd paàtilut 'h *iUvt foor Douthé. mou w*oW5pMISsoiOl bor@ nez t ldoud*7. Ail t1t. j" jé for tbe building bavé lasee «M -L fir. und li e. &-Seli tindley-arrivrd àomeoWsàaay mornlng and speut the dayul ers. Jsslug tir. land lire. UrdOM séataid un tiibecond i"le"t. »mt" ef t.-Iousyuoon. Wiien the. proîamt mWilw &@vassked viier. b. wum *boà« lior" hlie rplled. 111 don'* Tiie dunes glu by thi. Modern Wooi. mms Fomews hain tu the sAuditoriumt on FrWi.y ag vas attendsd by a tery large omiei. uny of tii. danera eooînngfrWoovU rth ribore loes. Hapke's ondoutrem fornisiied the modle for té isa oàdgulod sud modern dancès and evarybody Md a good time.. Tb. iait wa. vM r ,ectils dec rietesiwitb Mir. ad VasA. L Yoing.if Wîit,-ing- tiju, Io1*'e. vh&bve been visitiny viLli relatives hm W# t Iis morninx for thein home, smeoiqmwiod bl i nq.. Frank C. Young, Who *1 s pend about ton deyseln that s'ty. K. Appey expeeteta 1]pres for Iowa Frlday-eveciiiit wlîere lie seul @pend li» vaation of i sek. Mr.lisoung ils a brother ucd E.C. Yîîuug. vitb shoun 1fr. sud lira Tqgonutayed w bile riaiit. log ail tbeur rélives ber.. Tiie Lubertrirlll Royal Neigluboro e- tained a lage SutOber of Royal Neigi'. bars Irons aukegau. 'ýor1ù Chicago and <imbWîta a slia social meeting lu tiieir iodp bail ln tihe Fret National. Bsuk builng on Wedenesday even,.ug. Tii. bal vas nlcely decoraîed. An excelent progrmam o.givero Mre. Jeanoe Chltromnof Evanston, District Deputy of Cook and Lake Coanties gave a fine address.,- The.Oraclesf --the damere1 lodgreowbia ere.preast ver, cled on tu make rshort ad dremq ansd oaci ex. preoied thier tianire for tiie invitation and plemnre o4 biIgpresent. A;,fie lunch vas served. The Lbertyvilte Glu Club bhs çfiered a mluver cup for the. champ"onshooter of Lbertytyville, the cap"* gou dlsplay lu S'chancir Hardware Oompmny*g vii- dose. Tii. firet of the sbootlng for tii traphy vas dons lest vi' et tihe Fair Grounds. Mlark Nevile of Libertyville scorlng bigiiest it ýb@ test huit. Tii. second hai! of the. sostffl viliiole neut Sonday alter viui b. flt prils. the. siver cup. ii bo avariai tu lie winner. A second nad thu"d-Prier. vili SUD o b. ased ta thoas sakagesed and third 'hlgiiat Metg hi *0shoot. The Grahams brothora ý.I Losw Lbo ver. presuat theabmbot bi versonot sol a uthe. conteet. hast Tburiday nlght lb.eUhertyvilla Counuerolai club bal teguelts W. B. WovSon», district supecfaisaiat of tii. ilvaukeb division of lb. C. M. & M1. Paui ralîrond, and Walter> PNu. au offciai of the Arnold Jounsco., of Ob""ago. M. Morr soncame. tumeet tise Pomnmereilimen of sW i tllag sd te 'mmu !rom tlii ons boyisraliroad t.,'or le lot giving .atistactlou ile 1.fmwlgh surelo.. lir. Pace gave aa: laterset bihk on co-opeatonammoeg umehmgat# abd torporationa. ODust o, ir.Commai' qW %a3b members declrsed t , tth. t mU..u were the. boaS tPkera e ss te @ WI1 Ltetvioformone tsu. After * âpéojtra liaifinlsbed refresb.uft wvas OuIy L.okLonber, FIM lmkdy-'oe,4 fltu fl Tm J>asp lb. no tbl"j-t ýbûh h&- Se Pr.aciug ser+ies. neit Sunçfay viii b. btid et tihe 'lusi lime: Bounsiae*.ool St looeeloek; a i511 o i. ilT. E. peau eitlpr"ach mosou lbe. -t: Thse Tesaciiorwvtfh Authui itji "lu lise ciel. tmn t 7:30 1h. oubjet u4;1ith"sermn IPMl bé: '-Four Copal Ternis thal are lilght.v'sud in l ddition 5tu * t4 pe"la muk tbjy the. chiliMis Paul fle..oV vii elues a solo. AcomdialInvtation le extelded to IL iiSireoprinlu 5hcom- uakeywi.l 1.1 st iî.înilu tb4eesevkr. -"ecod bMils R.Iigloue" iilhte im suisit vi hIe Zpvortb' Wâgue e o# isa»*Sua*y svmis. t-i t0:" Tlil '*01 béa vry belfiptbut ultâm boeatu Ob vry llrastimw pasage o! seripturo. llas Sabe Sciack svI Wabd lb. thissepile. Obolr rb tgml ii le Iidi oc Fri4»y a*img i o'eioek. Ail meuber*s » 14»». viai bu as .pmponimtumem ~ uday school board b.ii latbo tu of tt uà st .8o'ioek. àNorivs& Tlauadij v.laoct. 26 *9 91M.Quarteusiy eoufleuee 09 B.. oburcbavilît be hsld St lb. ebu WUli Bey. J. A. liit, Distriet Supt. prealil.. Uiloffieli nusbera area argd.od le preast. Chirprocure PrlM" 8 p. in.at tii, 4"7 srvice. righî bg comlug lu Suudas î'ciool. (lAmse for nid and yonng. Norateg Worshtp Il & rns.Sermon tapie: 1"*Th@ BiDof e hu Clrob." .CU Ubrit couInoth.sek tu iIs eartti?"'le Oaseorftbpquesîi.-n. dat lviii 1,.anaver. ad lu btua aien * iâltlaui Esîfeavor meetiug at 6:46. Evena servie 7:80 p iii, What Oburcl Mni..rsiay .llr>.es la t the subjiset uf the svi.aiug sermon. LAMI llnnday eveuilng -vo hati ie largst atteudatue ofor tbt.niout1b but cdU liiones là rosoforniacy umore. Roteomber the mid-vaek Prayer Meet- ing Wednoday 7;30 p. ni. Teacior Training claie 8:30. Sppci&l proparatory service on FidayC ss'eninz at 7:45. Carl A. Montansi) lator.. St. Lawrence Epîscopal. Bey. E. Sl. White, Prlest.u.ellari4e. lioly Comnmunion elteept irettltun4lsy lu nîontb i:4" a. nm. Roiy Commiunion. lot andi 3rd Sun. day. 11:005 a. ns. iorolsg PMayer otb@rSundayo il A. nM. Cisurelà &liool 9:45 a. ms. FIRST IN LAIKE COUNTY-The Indopendeet Ili Red Crou BaseH Stewart Coal and G lareSoc WC AUO DO Painting, D.cortiing and Papi t JOS. J. LAe ei NOW 15 TrR nRMETé HimV H&rCOLE, tbe a Gu= io, i jit1-~oeup a' lar for te Vn~~ îrois r ~g *j.~..'.4. 77 777777; School Dreschecks et, 18 SegFOttSmina nad 8»4 Od