CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Dec 1916, p. 5

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I'iPv. 'L SUZES JtYST INI: PettieumCabn IGas- Hôuse C oke, Washed Egg oalo STXL luiHÂV &mE Cun ,Wood9o LIIERTUFLLELVIICG mp. 'I -s&"& <~ F OtJÂBEwonderiug wh uat wili mak. an accptable Christ- a 'mas Gift for moine member of yoiur lamily or an emplaye, permit us to suggest the followlng- % CUTLERY ALUMINUM PERCOLATOR, TEA POT Or odwr MAhmun Ware Eneed KkdeeUtenui Skates for the Bo or Giri A HANDSOME HEATER OR PERI-AFS AN ELECTRIC WASHINC MACHINE FOR THE HOME HRe B. EGERI HARDWAR, PLUMBING AND HEATING ~g7hyou oy Fuitsami egetables, you aîaturally waa thbea, s ceapaspossible. My aim is ta VWf th bet a raaaoabl«aspossible. Apples and Potatoes ~MYSpciaW~ Yeu are welcorne boe any tinte whether you buy or not. Corne in and,&e what 1 bave lBi treat you right. F. W. SCLILICKER Phone 236-R Liberty4ile1 Good Hard Coal May Be Scarce but if yon beave your order with us before you are ail out We Can P'ill Your Order and keep you suWpied with good bard coal W. F. FRÂNZEN, Jr. TELE!PHONE ýo LIBERTY VILLE Turn Your Old Junk Into- Money i amn conlnually in the market for &Il kOndel ofScrap Iron, MetaIm.Z .1 Rublier, Rags, Boots, PaperZ O0W Automobiles; aimait anything Othal you have io futher use for. i arn in s position t0 pay lhe boat priesa for h aboya articles. Turm lhem intomanay instead of lsttlng them lie arouna te hous. Drop a card or phone andl 1 wili cati. b J. OLDENBERG Libertyville - SedsafhÉI:Mot Naerstbe ancoiutweeklles cotubined. Yppeig If You Have NIewse of Local Interest Callahns Noê 1 ejx Éxj2x-1x x Fred Jacobe wae a Raine vietor over sanday.. Iim. Elizabeth Webb of Antiocli, was a vîstor boe Friday. Dick Melabon lait Monday for a buet. nou trip to Iam Francio. Mre. Elizabeth Bockham of Reo. Novade, la viiting ber oater, Mm. Travis. Um Elizabeth gebaock wenta Baille Cre, Mic., fast veek for an cîtendeal 1The Bustern Star loalge viii iaatd elaction of officers at ther meeting ta be bolal to nigbt. Chas. Moun'e bsaltl bhm Irproved suffiohnly so Ibat b.ucun egain lok sitar bis barber Ibusiss Mr. anal Mn.. F. P. Diaond enterlslneal Uns. Joba Roban anal Mm. tHarvey Casont ram Weûegan tant Fnfdal. Ens. C. L. Spencer lat taatay for ber houe lu Bwaeboo, Wl., ater spemding e weel bar« vilb ber daâtez. Mms. Travla. E. W. Stafford vas able ta gel ont Tueda, alter bavlug benu onfimeal ta hie borne for about ltis davs vith IlImas.. Min Viva Travli spent flest voutlu Oblcago viitngfrlands. This veMViva hbhein confinial ta ber. lied witb the grip anal tansiliela. B. Alers anal temily from Wawortb have renteillb.hedat lu thé Ilut4er hailal. log.' Ur. Aysrs ie au employa@ ai the C. M. à St. Paul raltraa. Tventjy ot the yoang men about tavu bave formeal a nov clb, rallng it thé "120Club." They bave apeneal club rmoins over Eger'@ haralware store. Mrs. H. Kara, MliMJeuffie Karu, UM. Dl. Amos anal M r. J. L. Amon attendeal the 2eretery society meeting et Mr@. Jacahy's at Ivanhoe lau Thursday. The Chrialmea program anal iree of the Paebyterian Sun.jay secool l li e bl& an FrIday, Dec., 22ad. The memberp, their parente anal lreuds are Inviteal. Themew panish bhans etISt. Lawrence'@ cburcb ls neert.y corpleled sanalliibc tbrovu aveu ou Thar»day eveDng. tho '21..litlel almoât ball for ai the, preset lima. Dr. J. L. Taylor tit Tueeday niglit foi Minneapolis ta attend thre ila Surgeons convention helal lu Ibal city Wsdnoeday anal Thursday. Ho aiea will $pendl a short time la Rachouler, Min., beote returning home. Thé Lake Couty Gravai Ca. coaed dawn Tne.aay la? the winter ona ccaun of the:cotd anal snov. Ur. Eston tâted Iba; Sb@ plant t.uld bave bren kpi ruuniug for a long trne on arders yet unfifleal ba l lbthesevere veatba.r set Thé membere of the Wemttinstef Guila of tbat Preebyterlen rhumcb and thelr hushenals anal frienali yul b hebogese of Mnrt. C. A. kMoutnoesat tle. Manse an Dac. 26tIf- A Mlmloary entertainment entiled Cîrielmma ofItheNation" vili be given. On Chrstmae moruing et S6. Lawreace churcir thére viii ho servifes et 7:30 and 10:30 o'etack. The second osrvlae vi.l aihtuliy for tva mouthh la propara- tiau. The cpiuidrensa Christmnas servit wili lie heid Chritmjaeeveat7:ilOo'elck Mrand Mr». Iluduipli Sboin and a Mr. aud tirm Louis Stalzman ai Chicago, were call ealhre lire latter part ot last eeek on accouIt aI thé dealli rftChas ti wE A OfIRr Louis. Tbey returna'd ta Ibeir homes, reflr.iIra arrept au afa-r of $5 for esicli alter tise funemal. xvliaci wae held Mon- apal. Uiv'ier lire new agreement %a',-. day aftermraan. L.ard v.iIi ra'eaiva $5 iaorrail cenlié Hi§ The Eastern Sta.r lrrdgire an a peu.iat toror ir afor trie ervie,. wavî$2.50 Peas Matrone meetiag fut Friday alter. jper r a1I taon sud eveulng a% whi"h the Pst A& IA i,, e raém ari drving in tram hbis Matrouansd ParaI Patrono aithe lodge f&tin lart lSaturdary evening lie wao rn were present. .A Iew mStars tram Grays. iuto it, iraautorriobile- driv-maty ane lait sud Autiocli ma-e eulertained by Mirkl" f rarara Ivanirue. iter ruuuing. thre local loalgo. Spécial wark vas doue. farU3' river brio beýy etoppeal their Liglil ereehments mare serva-al. machine and picked lim up sud carried litr. Pul MýeGifinentrtaied hlm imb John Wolcl'e home just vest oI members ofIlber Sunday school clasa at ibryilwoeh a t nasot lierhom Modaynigh fo a areelllime and wao taken home by Dr. Gallo. ret y t ho e M o fud r@. S . t for ea an d W * Sl * H e dial ual regain i e u l co ng. berry ughor is the.nd. Wheeles d sioues urtîl the eil morning, Wlst lie daglterMie Ehelanl tre AlceMr. Anrae wauid lite lu know le: -Whar Nieboîke sud ber daughter Mise Ada, husinaesbard thes ai ruanng inoahlm as via expect ta leave noîl Monday nîght h a n ntérgtma.gvu for e'Angeles for a viil with the hbomIbe eoure ond."rih id,ýitvn A a Wbeeler aud family, wha farmoly tEmte n trein, 'upuyw a 'tveal br , Thou they viliitaté au EdiAutnincmaywt o apartament lu that ity and sutien alaaut C. Rease. niasae @in mauloatrip taWaukm. ioVr manthe Ibère. gan rtunday sud braught liaet Alfrad _________________ Anderean tram the ticAlister hospital, Thé Libertyville Drilil Tesm wili give a wha-re lie was taliou la alter baving Iis concert aI the Auditorium Monriay eve- fot broken wbon su auto coltidoal wilJr nug at 8 a'clock. Tire Traubadouris tiec lrgy Iu vbich bao va. iaing about Concert Co. yl l nlai n. l'veybudy tlbre veo 890. tir. Anderson asililbas cames. Gents, 50c; ladies, 25je. thé fot In s pîseter eaet. White aithlie -______ - haîPilal tir.Austin cal!edaÏM-'Iie.Ed C. J. Koli tannaunces that hl cattect. tModole, virai a.s 8at by ber huabard Ipg thé aseesmente fan thé àtltburn. taft Tbursday niglit anal thon latit lier in Insurance Cao. tiI year sud that ho a water tank bafaîre ho retaîrneal ta thé wlsheaIlHpolcy holdérs tu, kuow that limbe sud alten stting for@ ta il ehol ho viii b.e t J. B. MUorse & Co., sture 1biiirset1. tire. Madale talal Mr. muptin Seturdaysutl l ecembea 23rd. 04 Ithle vW a tlOng long lue. pama tly luWhy Is the :,t.jk Christmas Savings C The laWs.'Aid audgundap stbool df B. J. <Grimes sufleea eétroo ite0 the. il. B. ati bave receivea l 674 1lysis lant Suiday veaing a ew min for tbree tone of aid pepers sud maga- atter arriving homne tram a vil i zines vbiob vore oippedi 10 Chicgo lait friand'@s'homo.. He vas apperenti week. Tb@ mandoations cleareal $47 on thebtientfbealtbsh aa atakeu, tb. deaa. Tbey rocolieal as much lai? the stroke while standing. three toua ai lbey aid nm@ne ime ega for tel t him speechies asal ho could n a 0 uch large? sipment. Mr&. Grimes uhat troubteal hMi The drilteam ai tija Woodmnen @hé a6V hl n ollaPOe.. Bis nezY tf btad a very gold rowd at tbe datnce baplie maY 80011 rocover. glven by the team in the Auditorium lait The tii.asps Eva end Florence Wal Friday nightand a intue m e njoye&l. Waakegau, baie mdaii rremeot napet orchestra turisheai the muite. botl a duaning Party evgy Setu The prism. wero carried away hy the boginnill D ec. 131,h. astlthe Liberij luila wlng Pensons: Harvery Mots, Mi'e@ Auditorium. Manie le to hae turrise Hazet Brger, Frank Hamiel end Mie liapkeso orchestra. Clai etoni Tressa Qould. adulte witt ha frorn 8 ta 9 6'lock. fol The Elawtburce Sunday school Wb$ l b «hvy scial dancing. From 3 arnaniped Snday. Dee. lrd wiîb Richard 'o'ctock ln the eflernoon the yoang f Brockeniser as SuPt sud Mis" Gens viii have classés for eilîdron.1 Effinger as a5çretat'. àAIl the fiaonde of announcement appoars ln aet the nolgbboeood are invitoal ta meet catamin. next undaF st 2 p. or. ai the school bouse. Mr.-Cliff la leecher of tb. Adaît Postaie J. R. Alieman astq Bible C&@&. Plans are andrvay to Public tu maiI l er Package ai have a Ca$almoo program emre tiesfuaure lt e rriving et the- abolim near Chrstmas. on time. This jear Crstmas fal John Lester bas put lu a large stock of Monday aud the patrons shoulal ha laye, @e*il b@ store nez t to bie present mind thal the luit postal douivel location Mmd Dow lhaitva lamegesle baicities are made the Sturday bi zoos utilsitr ti. olia~s Beviansd lu the mont mmali towus tb. homave e oiOne te lieo.' e il, offices are cloesal on Buuday. theret thé,gpnov logion. On Seturday à mail edrdure a aeii liv. an%&G0«0la to mirebis hed-reack lia destinaion hefore Chrla quartiera st leter'..He il. viib. atthe nporn il shoulal b. detivereal on Set.i 1 etm ail &W 'aturda.v, also every eva- Patrons aboul vrap parethS . nBnuff ..tarmkaddrsssplaiy.aigi 'aflclent pou SuasWribt ecenoalwor trm ~ opened aui Christmnas" or sf Diego., Cal,. Monday nigut thet hlé notations. The deivery of the. mi ibrother. Q. S Wright le very nerioily otes 4elayed by tb. "mIéseon lit. M. Wrght loft tfor 8»m Diego early Important part of the adaltess. OU( Wed.ssday moraing sud bal made etret number, or room tomber aznangouet a@poud the vimier toeM adairusoa10taan ofiebuilding. as on socismljala cge, ho 81 yesa.____________ oll, bhansaire tara toi the North aui mili voather sets lu. Mr. Wnighl'a brother la oven 88 yaars old anal vas"eigv ent ta Caifornia leenNOIC sommeror avisitit ilihirn Monday eSening the Trustes. sud 1 had about deci.ded ta aocepj Eiders of lb. Preibyterian cbarc bheld a position that was offered i meetng aal formeal u association for but afîmir inveutigaling the pr the Iurlbrhaeo.' churcli work. The position have deoided ta et unew association propose@ la keep la in the milk business. 1 wiâh doser topeh witb ail vorL ta lie taken tae.tuis apportuuity to tlia up hy wmmere aI he cangregatian. l My patrons for their apo'eai lin the Pl"n of the assocatiou t agirk tbe tian of the SQUARE DEA ladies ta hecome memnbers. Treainrer I have tried to give thain. Bl. F. Wright reporteal at the. meeting 1 eum planning ta enlarger hbat sfliienl fands wore on baud tb business sai Mch ai poib; ePaY the rernaining balance ou the Marnée and stili keep ta xy weil knoi 1dobt. Ili pianneal ti bold ont, meeting standard of qaclity flzut. eveny uthý Tii@ St. Lawresices bazsar belal lu the WM. ERDE Auditorivm balle tait Thursday alter- enoon anal eveuing. wai a grand succese aboth oclatl and filuncially, ln spite of -- aIhe unfavorable weather. There vs. a : ::s ss.s brut rsale of articles ln the houthi al ri sLrmoon analevemlngl. About IIU peuple patrouinea thoebichen pie allumer j l in the hhird floor bail anal lu the evecing Dn in Ithese ver. a large nuenher of people as the dance. The womenuofSt. Lavrences, cbarah arq ta '1e congratalateal upon thefr evident abillta tuecnre lull-béavîed Saturday, Dec. IÉ ca-uieralioa for their activities. d L. C. Price, former couuty tteâsurer of And Every Satttrday 'thie cauun!, js bore tram Motana ou a Thertatter, at the !t visît wth his daughter.Mdre.W. BS McClaiu% an fu amily. He leil the firet ofthie veektý for Wauconda te viei relative@ but wîî A di o i îreturu ta Libertyvilié fur another visit A d t r u ir wtrisl@dauxliter aud Ul i biengo t 10yv1e,11 te Bloaminglan t taety vltb another odaughter belore returniug ta bis ranch ijadar Directionsof te Mi lit iautama. Hoesovisilea l mseiattie Eva sa a msèsenceW-liin l-rice. hie etter ab Gilmer. Mr. Price came ta Clicaga ta viait the Live iýtoék Show aud toat the opponîunity to calI Music by Hapke's ce an relative@ intri ls section of Ibis Orchesta id country. il W are lrformed that the ire sud ýdwater comuiltee of tb. village board Gentlemen 50c, Ladies a- has entered ato an agreement villi X. ce laRldwhribau ben turniahing a iearn CLASS LESSONS aud drier iornthe lire truck for Ibae pasI 5t .M aatScc u id yean. tam continua lu tIre soin service anal hum 9 te 12 --- 0, aiea to have ail teauîiug vork ta lie doue t for the~ village. AtItheelst meetinag ai CHILDREN'S CLASSES . thre borard Mr. Ladd uatiiied the membors 3 to $ P. M. - - - 35Cq itozuan tu 'vaer r uuaa aa v.,eu . t andr.u lo -n itifl8 Capital and Surplus SOMOO=O to b. mail la CHRISTMASc:= - SUGGESTIONIS , CARVING SETS KNIVESand FOR KITCHEN SETS PERCOLATOIW CHAFING DISHES -TAdOF SAVORY ROASTER ALUMINUM amd NICKEL PLATED WJ POCKET KNIVE RAZORS SKA aAHLIGHTS a' T0013 MI chaclçHardwareQ% HAVE YOUR Autos =id B «qWE AL»DO Painting, Decorati'iig and Paper lia AU. ORDERSPOWMY TTEIqID70. JOS. J. LAROC<Ç/ PHONE 131-J -I~Y s.lIndependent Classified'Ads Pay. Ask ac m «e Mandkerdf 01 mrno dainty styles in Ilandkerchiefs, which do you preler? Perhaps gou are undecded and do not know which te choose. If se corne and see our new stock and we are sure you wift rond individuality and difintiness. Swiss embroidered. white and colored. Coloréd borders, handièrchieis oenters.' Ladies and Mens Initial handkieéchiefs. Chldrens sovelties. Prices 2 for 5c to soc eeçh Special, Ladies' $15o per. W W, W CARROIL & SONS CÇ North Store Phone 29 L~. Do you always bave on bud ea u of mooey you want t mmuenfr. w m Wheo the prenium on -yeqr , -' policy bs due de you neyer bave te WxiMp mo soupe to pay for il? Whe the old year bu W bs ý«y alw*yu"y vegot a èâ ý by over anid ahove il expendltuma Did mothing uepecWte vetbl~ " your ite when yos noeded 51.0O e$O O in cash and meeffl k qt*k Inothm inke tlà ever ocewýd te eu,-' if you wer e born udra-icy tW for yeu.sot, you wil wvautto kupw éabb it. Won'î joucoe ind kt. mte§Ijea il 1O16. £IwI$MM Butler BIdg. e' I1andkerchiéfs! ~Phono- 1 93-R 1 a

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