CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Dec 1916, p. 8

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L DO Driaber vueSCiuOcaD.o-.h e .oIStiebolelb rP W U ! eo. S Md e d C i n 4~D of C il- Prog m i w as, l l itS p ii A It 7 P.m .50 P m'ar" uai achly .Us jU i.,bspent son-_ abtr m ____"ehliO Ca l %bis vs a bimalt r le .. . ... .o.....-... l adiene O boa wl as iir permanent boune. okaU5O-- b m"imso ,& il r a ffl t ari C r a u t w ua a s . a o m cl e a i i u o w - wIO U.. . .......b yW ia e à a D s . lest ?uuO.l....... . . . ... MW*ld4tbi4d DIl-lt l. tlit. i b mai w.W» ,IPkletiSad bU C5vo ut« ...........-9« T J 5l.p" oler.ef bsmna. qe i us s i s -I . ues r m . . ............... .. .** ate ia o t o h e 'm o ~ ~ b n tb o e , ~~~b o Ue'* 9 h o e of C D o m r i o u e D . 8 . A o B l r b r b r a r , Wh o * W S m *blgm ls u he b o - ffl * 0 j ~ l t ro usU id er- T h , i.p o tt it M i a up Ibis * r* j rjI V*mxk am miy 'de i01hmoe- ~d~ uib ir ~ - by IL.. K m, p -&. o s " Bo ardi r " ' UP TueiaMda piet be b. Adreme.. ...... yDr. a. A.HslneItAmi@jus.,m, lie report con iB pMt tb@ West.M thmeble .ilt bR1 &*ml.!beliS.........i%... TbaMM iCtieprvsvrycplt jam60 idur t-lir..rm le 6"Iftié,0" . Pttr. on andtm I*- esêkte- n Ilat, s t1ns.. so m ilelm .......... . .... .... ................. AndAie * 500 h> taC11111 toi.Ier Jemste ito a da& ~<D Tb* pubflela uordklalvtte. Evory-*mo Lf j~~.ber <> ~ lciua epat everl i e .o i-thicmo ~ a e syten of the UsEsis eatTusdmiI ~ Datse p.. Vrdsy muialu- .i~t ai tth Jul- ous silumA. B. rown. e uad I=vt __-Saari: da I C mes. u v rss i nuMises. Mm »Mti& dLu ut loar, conclu*e1Mmd shows h. e.aMt "Y u*d n.lmirth X 5 le 5. c 0dltlO l o»v "fadue t im , l r 0i,. ia ~lihmmt 5i l teibe , M cidd i 1.0<tel snpri, Ut.mdà Bia sahopralmed 10 .heneb,"Ieu -~~~~~~~~~ -ak iiTmdi ~~udeseglu o pli.C. L. Praiàt. * whlch l in ud ào Iltli thfe urd5 f S@tim vesi tllt boree stie.y will epemi~M.mdlr. .~illst 0< ref the r1eo . 0theaeur OumArtbw«,wLake speml SalurdaY eronli aido'a-cOmmitt«o whlck WMviii rt-ld. Th pavemets. Fneraiwtmssrsn'hb..e, etd taheb.hous of Dr. ad ln. Coon. suft cveIbmh -prai frOIan. le. o'eiock Mi ues. Jusias Foi vaésa Chiemie VWU.. .S. rFmuor*Pth)el uudy194 Itn oum bosiliwua opeaod wore Wuko- uIr Moder. i Chicao. tasept. 1, ofa! YrIýbisv iseprt bai oe btwsu au MIe.Udil ai îd Dund aelClau o vim ua vesa, Shotlff GrIffaiulnltted lsrpot las v iia v v n àsp idm M eveta ii k DY mi" Csd "oGeu rfor t e..h sl Yes.r o d InS Dec. 1, 1 10 "11 1PN eté aWo-pndl.. weise h oe]LkMcmySatunduy -&smLu5. The eeM g its office durlng that :r B. Ameoono@ppbaStbaded lime. -lacludiluStees.etc..vms$4w38 F in S b tr of niArme. - .k Zrc BUNa vThe g Setifs for'the prffvas obui- b iD C v b. LrsetrruTient rmd homut ai ree'teu of $2,14.9 bave benin Ioa ImLos wtumnedorer te ibe esunt fresure? Aler ttue p.i ods bChcs vgîeter amontha"viii ai IlabomeOt At 11:80 lIe louai 'vet l the kao 9 "t à"a l itg. dami Goras Bobrémý la Rton, *~- Who e hey vll«Meuemor- g. o. mam etom0<W&Sudm. e eNow Moes.i-log pîcturet .bowing tb Whitle roai W A E~~~E I 30b a n» sies ..1miMMdudm' t.W. j.oaiur md son pnt SundaR ti 011 etaI ork in Kntucky, Alaama, iet..on aIDueSand imuibter Sad Monday vlIh relaivsO diPrairie sad clhar stas. The pictureaWMor ~u. i. . eea i5 b e. i re Fumil teiBtiSO la tutu vwoulh v ., s b itulaualiato e t e flcMny and boas.! lIs t m ent Boy 15 ffl . E. Malum qia ssChicago vistor eieacy f uafi« a motor truckl ul bone srdîléfOlo RO 13&,dy lady frisaiof 19.TB.rIan roami vor. The esorvlss»are c IbrIer viiwSdi t£1 Cta~ gmo«ouOiihiemtlu-ty e . JmuiMaruraituraidbous ,Flda ierlag the purellbaseOf sucImRn Out- ou Round LaIe lait Omo amau.Ditesd isStock Show lereedlly eb s lowa ies. Ur. àot. obaiooe it au.Woddmol. Mun" ouid lsieTexfaIst uingis VteoAra ti h. guii Rep,,. . LD«ateot Mondu'yaid eay thora. BociallY. luteremt la liglbifliPm&* epia il W.I md a ~*foiovli <oSibur 5151. ~ ila Nlsgurm eiunadbou linsd mrnef te adiiolaIfinmuurbs day. uer avO v uu i Sma l n os elro aura'eveng bout the .~ M.. ~ ~ biti 0l Ms. i-lb Irlabi" o0 0 i.o bdauigltel'. Me.Burustte, la MIn' vedila' o'auesKathleen Mary Bop om .nd L ean.a - MW* Noi*Ilgo, vlilchcooi Place ae t. mspliMie. ion. dangbbterotflr. ad m dLiar od Joespb's cancI mi Wekeusm lam »M jies k'-sdehu m wonmlm a lut0 Kr@i. COommase bams.-Feraid from M. Boe sumd CarIes Mnsur i1 1111116 (Abdn. ia67re.Jo. It tai,30lire. Aibehtricemt ilaue. oet . and lMra. Chare lss1.s sol.!le la mln 1 lae sIsmiiKru 0. n i M s. Ma Alb ertk. The . le s r gisa by thé Ladl' Auzîl- St. Lens. The cerem a & ol iss m lX ms re ltn lta U anvd. vil Io va lste r y St1h. sai nity R sse. rdaj' ln Trlnty ilsp el ichurch at 18 P. a'o au 1alse tDus. t: MMlt a simwen l 1.1. lire r , te Comi elg m ak! oe aaImm slsei5blage of relauvr.4 *%'o01 Gralake rlisiAlàat. Thn eyie ofber isdea deuth sOrm, 101h i»"aiY md lnaealy miiiag.IîeRe.T .W! Remonte Sondr., acuan as$bock Ito e commualty and Th.e eghl Preutly ictlibolaOI iltf tbfflrd viItaiWask.OgaObe »n!reand mifrisais rom ibls bowid lots of vorklSaiImskW 6 Ii vith ezia bI ette' yptpareil post bootlh vmsthe cmuter o0t eue" thebaktsoteagiven by ta the beesved buebani adchldreq, itll5O md irom Ino apron er4ved OMM.& ai InsWoodnan all Fida ______ ols.Tog oipe a e'e peopis enoyd cofes a echoclats. - ~ 4mon Day O0nV.onOfl hupch ierr et t e fu n. The ,spply o gOTICb Suae bool 10-.80 a. b omd)- mndies wu@ go temP log ,~ieoIgsdbvInleef a1nts bieiRService 8:00 P- m. Xias taitIldlsappafsi qolekly. tu tbmee. il. na Wus o asitd nepa" God ls Light." 51* a large rowd wvasentertalned bY s Ksr o qut e at& aIlop rhenloID Xu » ercie viii be beld Xmas Eve. musical protam - The. orcetra de- È M e lfl ted b s at hmeir aIm De.2tth .7:30p. w. Note taischange srvs e @epelc mi ,sdatlofl &@ 't v&» , e e r o e i W e k u m is.l u tret app b&mw d . lir . M iler, 01 tm m tehbt st tate p Isaso» Beni. J. Trlck,7. Pastor. GEai" Lake,»eieted thie orchetra sud alsors.sre a ieloi nuoo.Tb@e 0 umdlate papst onthîeuder- sum of $130 wua dded tb the treasary d.Coilmamier W. A. Moffetof!te 1 e l i mwitcsY. b*sih, lb» 2 dei' of Deceef r1916. Gréit La'usNaval TraisnigStation The Grtebsa col concert gven at the - Ruth Ksrr. etGrudt ke, oe*t es ai-ComSulty Boues]lait Thursdsy ove- ST. Docker. Attorney. 18P1 ors Who eunilinl naval reserre beierciudea flcrw.Tepoam 1 .Jalamarl 1. vfllDe sent yutIctheAV-as.mvalre rv.Tepor West, pr Sal, eau e nosIte on- 8ti is e le nt nIts vlnter croiDvas wus& de ajoyed b? ail preai. *131W? ssa 15.00 sreme uba ud a Cri rgeard of Wbeàek. Ne. Dakota, vho outil s 1ev Years 89o lived at g ai Iraboe. tht. ýouu'.!. 18 the inveatur of uesjiIeSg i&ib~ ~ a sature vhicl le .eîpited to sgreally hJ~dîmelpiti! 11e use of liarr. O poa the fara. The laventfun eQoulit»msaliy ut lmtnactiug testai vhich insy ne i!uýd st viii by les : OneDsiently iwcatinl FLORA E4 DU AND, wner orier tuai lihe harrow ieetbam&Y le FW RA . DUR ND, wnérl Ciaed o! veedu or other metter which collget..For ibis pu'rpooe Ùtue teetl i01 'The underslgied WM Il U t public SlltiOfl atf &M tIb rrow operate tbrosah openienge in ~t~on north ide of Lake Elb» entranoe thScugh Rl4 lias Iîrow trames. Another feature lu >11 ShOOl iOUflD, Ars., IliflOB, Of h ttoua y le tilt, or St 't mhoo Rmuds, rui.IIIMs, o amy ieirsimagie <om lime te lime as t îharov lua «operatedte.W DecembeDr199 tariong conditions spcountered.Mr Commenana .1 o'ciok sharp lb. fUowIng Orgait buespatolM asali 5 --------s-1..- k .8.W 4 hO Om. og»Xpecta wonmt<o Plans 1'. open the Marbl SEWINGI B Hed of CatIkali I4olstein Grain, Impicments, Etc. s.o athome or bi day at 9 eovu, 3 and 4 yeare od. * :x75 basheis of oste, i stick of 9 ceiras, El te 1 months old. gi hmay,jistack of erav. 1 Gale cors "h ome of Jolm&n se 4lied.ers, 2 yeses oid, comig n. pimnr (ew), i McLean Dise, i1AM.m.OCK l'yearlinigs. McLean [and roller, 1 cors planter, Six Horses 100ù hookeof corn, 2 Deering yl- I C BE t temam of black horses, 4 yearm0s ploa, i"Gale riding piov,1K t M, voigît 1300 each. MLeancotivator, 1 scraper. i1sL3- Tf WMD tflp of gray horses, 2 and 3 section Rpike too'.h drag, 1 Derrng iDAF I i* cliweig l 130 cah. tower,1i M cCormick hotrs rke, i tg ysaru aofsboue* moreh.mdiunir l our suer- 1-Ibeak mue, 10 years ahi, weght à.Ùnen lgino îand sav, i Geouva <Mi 0eaime. o gaOnen DFE or SB'.o j$qe ý baygeling 10yea' od, t&j .tut, 2 viaelbarrove, i bey fot N. #e Bki.Qf, - .1 baygelin, 1 yers hforkamd 30 ft. of tope, i plky, i________________ - Engl saddle, i ligîl <ouie har.i 10 Hmd ofHop ne, and Mieeiieîe tools' "A W iB Knigge Liaed Embaim an d cf Sle:On ail sumso!f 10.00 or over six FsriDrco ý el ~~~month* lime will be Sv0fl on good maiDeco IoÏS6pe etinsee Un.RMBmaunder ____________ -No goixât or tock tobe renoved il settled for.I 'AUdIOeOM . JOHN ROUS, lr A M .I lé II~ I I', 1/ /1~ LA- mý, Couùld anycne pc4'4by iin A Mano for Ch.ristmnas! Surely that is the highest. possible development of the gift ide a Surely it will be welcoméd as will nothing elsç. Imagine the joy and surprise of Christmas morning when there's a new Pmh~o, in your home. Imaaine the joy o!f.verY member of the family. 'Prébably you think Pianos are a wee bit expensive to b. ' consderec-r8Uy tha< isnt se. You'll b. surprise at the fine piano a moderate price buys. ,-O'Shea ~ iiie PAUL G. KAY, Lib.rtiffle&epoetetive No9w' the Tîmie! SÎdinger' s the Place ( ' - TO BUT GIFÎS FORMLEN! Gvercoats suit cames itosiory Suit$ %Traveling Bags Handkar@hietfl Bath Robes- Drées Shirts Neokwmar sraoldq Jackets mufflers Soar!. hais ant 'GivosStick Pins Knifo CeuMbinatiOliS C qt ions ClUk Caiear sa#$ Udrwear Ps I mas Unèbrellas UstRu»ors Ransoits 1 Hat$ Fur Caps Carters Suspondii's Mackinawa Ail in Great VarïetY, Mrly BuyerS Ha'e s ent selectiofis MaIIe This Store Yor 1Uadquarters Xrmas shopping macle easyheee! ýLl. romt 1? descÉbed proverty, to-wlic:

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