ak Ail rormeRCordS With HI sAL the resulit Of a su preme effort ba wituiiinltedbuy- oý produoe for hr~î, ot ýef>rts yegaedli lyh roqui vlrsp I B~ onds gtv; ara. trsadinig tampe. U fer our customers *17 tfe for tue aaking. 4m tb the Npce redua. onea a yur moey- l~I~fo vie v vi il $U-value t0*3 t Waiau t fPlin col- c oleer oa, stripe& sudfilg- red effecta, luaslika. lm" voiles. batistes, etc., rmd". .1.98 xPraty eu-' crepe de chinas lu %Im bhdmome styles or slab- "-V6lte 1V$.50 Blattflslk crde chines, colora. pJ cu saî: SPLo aleDrof r êQ r oeç M4luslaVMOWOaMUa. z - - 8 NIOHT OOWNS-of mu. t ld repe, for voiea. eut *Mm 41ENVEL.OPE CHEO SE uittga$2ifor vomen; tMade of aoft mus- ..... 211 k ee .........49c 's lq&Flan ie NightCGowns 33c ~1'-e., '1» - U UIN sOWNS-for baUul:ambroldr- ?S-.asiseme 5175 £SVEOPE I4EISE Wflmen' iandbags i law pXew styles witlx aW~l umir and coinpurse; extra -speeiaily prieéd. Raudaffs 10 $1.75 SandbAgs b *$2.50 ~<styles and leathers. alu a O111tt o -t mo hd iria #nimbues; uleaIr 11ud; me mev styles andh01., ipslth iLe smiWmrs and1( prtyolrOUia. d Q!u pure.................1-00......I~ Bagis VANTA SABY SARqmENTS -the pless aud buttonlea,, shirts aud bsuds fur lel> spedial at Mo and »Ic Sic UNION Sui-fort wccuet; lnod vltlu ot t varm fe"c; lua&Il aises; aipacl t osc. -..* a*5 .mkâSITCOVERS; for woue; emelu al ues sud m "ara prettll abed vIii lace aud emubroWVpri«e8,. «P. mi;for vosuen and tinko; shuuvfalu alcoloa; le e's Lowet Prices-Sale Starts Saturda,,Y lua ()a~rance of C oats to$8a * Waukegan hàs never seexi sucb'coat values as'we offer in this sale, -in spi' fe tegh of thàe pait season. This assortmnent includgs my good styles and colots as weil au durabletaZi Goal to $12 =làlts tltossd thi- er ppulr fbrica In Have lue ollxsrhd mels sd et ýAdvance" Sprmg Millinery Modes: "he first "hint" of Spring is revealed in these newest millin- ery mrations ini high crownedsatin turbine and clever Puritan shapes, beautifully designed; in ail colors.1 HFINS MILLINERY SECTION Àe-beyond'afl doubt-tbe toremat In WauXegtn. Here you viii Sund the. noe«t tÉlièa fs, and Yeul SmO thamtinemvir . . Veivet'Hats $».8 OurWý Jsnulry Sode bring me MnËt remarkable values lu bandsome velvet.hats at the reductions quoted above. Great Januiary Clearance çof-$q 5)iirts to $400, P 3 Mial a t Wool serges, mixtures and novelties, in good- looking styles and colorings; a fair size range., Bkirts t10$5.00 Oit t 65 Many nev less are noted lu ln tlla Laortuent are rnsny thoe sirts of Brge sud vool 'pretty styles, attractve clor- novelties - checkss, lgesud excellent stripes and plain 2.98O matelals;. va'y ope, colon, at .......clalIy prled 3a. 9 Sillc or WooI Skhts to 750 at!$ Silk or WooISkfrts to 14 te~.9 FURS!-50Oc -'"Doelilar I. ~ C5laite Pïae. MAtEvan Le» ?hn. rhat IProbably the. one greb AaJt PIR SALE of the. seaaomil Mb. tuis one st Heima for lu addition to the Mani m8ta for both womM Mdu vorth to, $10 trom brokan sets. January Sale of Discontinued NumWbrsi q$L50 American Lady' CorsetI9 The styles are those in -demend right now and the pricesa wiil xnit cover thç wholesale cost. $125 AmeL'. Lady Corset, 95c $2.25 Am*er.- Lady Corset, $1.69 83.75 Amer. Lady Corset, 81.89 f/il ..3 Nemo CorsetS eil8.39, 83.50 Amer. Lady Corset, $2.98 $5.00 Nexo Corset, Special, $3.85 86.50 Lyra Corset, Special, 85.49 In the assortmnta llstqd aboya yyou yUl Sm 51al]ies, but, perbape, flot in al styles. The selection la ufficlautly large, however. lu satiaf y any ligure. Don't maiesa tit WON- DERPUL SALE. aý , W3Cleêarance BarFains- 0 SU its Up to $1295-09 at "5O IRARI n4od are yu opportunities to secure such values as these-, tlxereore,,ïe avseyuta hurry if yeu want one of these big OTIl IS 1T 1h51 wo 411r ln 1his grent sala comprise sucli a ydde varlety of se tyles 4a#e0.prl4egqtb t wIIh W e an oey matter for 'mont Any woman or is- e . ll *oar %hV~Ilure, Sud her poeketbook. *SubsUpft8u1,t to "tu te t a Suit p ta in titis lot are suite 'thgat amy lere Ara, brofad- Our -ver finel 5515. opuui. gb ouai ,«pgd b. clothe, tweeds, er- suits ame included1 arme 5* noai. Preo f, eM d4r-gs.«,poplina, etc., In the. latent vinti en 1.151o 1 0& I~i sud gtled md SUl coloa; lacs. or ths lot, euluracîn l1 i; a m S fl u r5h tU lm- a li l OlWte4; fur trim med styles . --50 22-50 lent 1ln ier k Ooats 10 $1&.50 Haeare brokelu chea.pety mixures. bo dle a4 oay 0ti.j er flew fabrica lu the; beat colortug anad a vide range of laver Styles luseect trou Goua sto$2 c h ev 1o t i, mported rougii fabrie.suad plushea vlth huge col. lmansd cus f elf materWa; pluah sud fer fabries. oals to in275 Neyer dld $15 buy se muth real coat'val«ue a nov. Suaâr Ielted sud bighwaià 0Mngand pleaed ffedevith lamge fer sMd fri.triu- uieO pouarf. plusis ors e veebro abll3u civ rduiba la W fur Halages at $3.98,to $79. Hats from $6 to 1 $10 at $4.23 in Ulis spocW " Sa.gop are -may unequalled hrpu beautiful and becoming silk veIVet hats ini lever ,Al stylesl wlth expensive and 'bandaomie trixnmings in values to $10; special now at......... JANVUARY SALE$27 ChI9d's $5 t Coi~ 79__"e Every'ehild's coat. de.Iiit. crse t ov- istock hau been le- w,* fflytrp duced for imniedîathm__ i clearance.f $220 oats !3q,79GhdrnDesc « e ae , i C mmaVr po aises, but not at ait Prie«. Sonie ae .fur trImed, belted or 1005. Dresses!!1 Hasee la a good rangeof* I aises. ln mauy Pretty 47, Styles snd caloringu, Chictren'a $1,50 Dresa at 89c DABDAINS eztraordluarY lu these dram...Wfobhdreu np to 14,1 of he*svy ginghane. lu plain colors, plaids, chocko. »tripes, etc.. li oue and tvo-pleoe tYles. SIÎRG and corduzroy I ERG and cordurcy drees u13; pretty styles Idresses in mont e*1aimes; su oora; flot all-g04m valu eto$SMO; 9*dm aises.............5s~ good «9olora u. >0.70 Dresses!!11 $2~ Of Serge ft $.5 et Women's serge dresses, not ail size; good styles and col- ors. Wod>lruuoe Up 10 $14.50 WOMeISb ool dressa la ail Col. ors. pleate Md belted stylesl. 8.75 WoolDres ,-* te $18»,0 . Rauadey em- brModt u M&l m'M ad emotc 12*75 I ~PRBTTY SILK OR WOOL $8.5o DressesI -at,$ Wornen'as slk poplin »ud vool srge dresses lu uev styléesand colorq. S 11k Party and StretDr..ou T 118 aurely la a vonderful aumlblago of bandsomo dresses and gowns Iu the a&eamvery nevustcrttions sud al colors. You eau slect from lain or elaborately triumed dresse@ fôr street or aveaing vear et the. folloving prie.- 815 Villues 1 818 Velues j $on Values i$2710 Valvu varth to $1150, l ceat il4e. Womeil le $10 À great lot et waai dressesln a911aIse MSd coloransd good -o styles. Hom Dyem ,CWonan cavera aromm llght and dark "olrlugu f1111 iss sd extra quaiffe 'i l m Yn W0meaWs $7.50 Swa.rs*4.8 n Tii... ieavy vool sweaters fOr voMat a*0 missesUte ébovu lu a11 colora; Plain or atrlt>ed, vltb lare oll*o', Imtas »d ashe WOMEN'8 SWEATERS - WOMEN'S 8WEATgMý-. In valuas lu $4; good clon lu velues tu8; fnot au mases and styles sud mos no Ibut norna rerbkble eal ases ........... 2.98 1bargains at ... .0 Cliildr.n'a $'1.50 Sweatersa t 89C__ Children'i. sweters.il aises to é; good colora and styles. *4~rm~f ls~