CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Jan 1917, p. 4

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e s N Il i a ille Independen t TEÀUIRS FAMe -1 YInVependet - Waukegan Weely Sun 3LIMINATION OF ~ hhOUNumber . kibeIrtvliiEle ge. SCHU L 6II n Ptofc tLibertyville. 11, as Send Clage MailiMatter vIiU4 I A. p*tmiafer Lt BeCit oard of Supervisort' Proceedlnha a U5dy dvertiuig Rate@ Made Keiown on D ieti Association of Educators Also PT1@tPRI 01.Si0 PER YEAR STRICTL-Y IN AOVANOE Asks Change in ChiId La- bor Laws of State. ......-.....*...................................... .... Editor -a - ............ . . ........ Maer High achool fraternities and coror- ...............::_.......... -R ade n t ..M .ana.ger, Phone 169-J ities are doomed if a law recomnend- ed In a reaclution Introduced by Prin- cipal Claude Brigga of the Rocrford TEE OLOSINQ YEÂR- hlgb achool and- auopted friday at Springfield by the. convention of the geenty as à whole ba had a very prosperous year during the year liluola Teacher' association wlthout Desi -V jau a whole, were very good and while occaaionaily we ren a dlosenting vote l enactid by the mets wIeft yiold on certain lande lied .Co bien what It was In general aasebly. The reslution la bst-. ofsveutoieane a whoie, no fermer h»a complained. askin the leglalature to pensa a bill prohhbtlng high achool frateaiUiea fi *0 year tho have been more than the uaual number of trogtdiesancd rortiea. ou e mordere and ralluoad accidents. Thia, of course, la thea deplor. The association aiea adopted a rie- * tf the whole yoD? and that la why evsryone in willinq to pees olution recommendieg the eimeet Mtàs la the ý*that the new wili be leu productive of eucii o a law jermlittins achool chfldren iia9ibetween the amieof 12 and 14 Yeàeaa ta work duriez the nommer vacation hs',.mr et1017 ah p ,u,M nemily In Ukkioeuty as wass atemplpym*il o amu ate S1S. cader the supervision of Juveuile and _______________truant offleev. a b"w ta*k to chaWg, but they say it's a uer and Thereolt on recolunded by té mâake a 44710ptma a "6"-try iti h rbltiaucommittetavoting tendance law te Inelde ebldren be- S*la ýU#tUOY convention in Sprligfleld 01n tween ti .e agisof 14 and 16, Wa« de- teatd an Inseada clause favorins P vii wu dt"6 t havaV&laW OMlCtOd hlch "Au effective countY COmPUlsorY and ~ ~ ., achoal attendance laie' au adofted INM tahe j«ea, YwaaalU IflhlOlS Tihis Other r.,olutions approved include: W~1m $ at#OMues bave urged for years. A law -permitting ichool boarda tt use public fueda for the transport> dl ei Y » l ,Wx leas dbeÔlote au the coroner's Jury tion of pupilsin large or gonsolidated district@. b. boIsbd.Ita an unfair method Âpprovlng the unit systete for voca- là tional education. a m a s ure withttgiviDg '»m Askieg that the achooltrse cu 4sr bimuelf even if b. bahm ost sub- year extend frorn JuIy to July. lu- But*D. 814-lb. tate's-ls given to Asking that the county treasurers ~ é~ audit towelhib treasurers' b»ke t< lSà J ý#:U *« te gt'M i Cat. The sMate miake final report to superletendent -* &* d the prosecuiLtors o!fIllinis n o -intrction. Favoring a larger school unit for fra i i*t1iV. wbich May bring il about, taxation. prite h ce boards to use proceeda of 3 per cent Qw=éctý -WU e figures wbich have noW been tait as re:uiremetsei:y demand. ~ *P taX rate lu Waukega.n wll be That a measure be enacted emn ~In »Uod that the increase over laut powerlng echool boards ta employ superletendeets aed teachers for MuOd valuationl. -Gh cig aI the pervageoflcv fo 011 *Mtbe luera8 comes prlucipaUly teaciers gre4namelyt the tate ts.v. the cit Favoring an Increase lu the. atatt r' ' ~ distributive fued ta $6,000,000 by tii smu~ bond taxesof Waukega.n. ext generai apsembly. 25 clenonac $100 aaee d P'vorlng a 20-day scio! montb. Pavor Fri Textbooke ,w bi e Cty tai bas lucreased Pvaezfrpp tezt books. hm basincreaeed 45 cents on ezlchIrLeig the ineed of open a;; So Il iESra t aI es e ite. Uring playground equigmeet foi tota li rae agmtdem hiit-publice chools Favorieg tiec employment of ai a*OdRýalUo bai IlIReSMdepert taulier, la counaties haviei UL *&-a41 lm. Yeu. ' The 1lu or more teachera. eseMea a0iât el t. e.eaatment et the higi schoc r àW* IfbNS in 1 Th. association deided te ha, be, l f tio» by tii delegate sytem Il Ît-«" »pecý MDthon RTERS TAKEN aluroe. AliEYLE Ot Attornq W. Ir. Wlus a a a U- fe a wi otcasépet R OSTATIOI a ItM fsflio. JM umpe off tic Il o'coci car froma th umeti lest ntgitt vas attosnpting 5~WWiduviths ~ tle a IMOt la a a sdicrtie! vhIIoL ~n~m~.-ab1sa~p Int- alound &roundhils band it Vt ~48 *Cam Max Larche Was standin ~ae ~ ~ 1 cOUMiesLi*10 ou thececrner. Wbcn tic bine jaote la ýb» Mbai extnt. ve lhad i eti t, ha by ust oficais e anooeiieticid that the baderchie!bidl Perhius Iis mens ens ahreère non fellow 'la StrW. >Pbffl tdo MM«that bre-gine?" shautedi t-be iieaut VOI comdèred aput et ioli. tva bine jactitsiaried nathwiva 1»IUàyItatllff= ente dj~t co:: regoiugnorth" sid one. bavtg ialeoffiiai uato nviowho you aie," said titi office Suyismefor liteG. 0. P.-'WhatOO lte D ThiS ,boys vieetaie t-o th ÎbOU f itut 1*1el" Tte-apntiunt of polie station viere tien vire oeve *as Pid. Wtin 10 minutes Uime tley coi la 'iayr ý::ay tae lU139 Ofa 11W fosod that tien had desrted &rmm i *6it malteto!lake county being recognlzed from Grneat Laies Naval Training eatil' and that tien vire bound for Ca, _______________ada. Thon gave tic !oliavtng nami U. W. GMenzon, agi 20, anid Raymcl ff. p away o!fEU. IL. 8.Kucker, noled lu the Smltit, ge 18 YuasMd o "-«WOI4-Cab is 10 the Mmndao! MMay local residetguerd Inle laveg tie station, fan i, SOf àmS oslwoder!uldiàpay of acbfll'af- gt out of jumpingiU ~ê~ua paent Tits mY b. an Unusua rferece tfresicul on hi. rigit bond. wiichi r» MuM le =]da &I but lte fla , ve dd*fe 10 state had bady ..r eoa barbe l, ÏMMt1UM wlth Mati900oodoma'il deat% hIat if ever annelt. Tieny eretaien baci ta -I erida revard for MWIa duty toward a pai4ut, Il station taday. No revard vas Pa bY th govrnmen liLmuchas I theummo!fHRzam Kucker, mofo!heb.dec".udent. bys ,,,,vr.d~2h a cnoimus fact among acequaluta sof lte after tien iad le! t tue unaunds. Th W7« Q " Udila sn l amd d oeerterb ekrfAieeUet&LD e6 9 # Wb ihà ugaffection; thi au cins o! lie rl W aM one would for a cJlld, becaus er da Wh"requrd unumuxal teior.]u"&mv * ÀS'EBD OÎUMIU dC'ladattentL n fatbh wu a Il AN EIÀR9 lutiisegur ticit few wson s auj i a ve thtioetiueIPom pgi on.) tua10frattento10a parenlt e ffg W'I UII ..WMTh.crii tih goyernment ~to musitfor hum 10 do for br-site 'vajs b oir'm aking an atiampu . hle aMU, tai p.divu Omt of l*. ay-uite vW" Isewt3oe; dli a&U forelgu freigits by vay a. ~ vu " ltoo M"it1«e bi-sitevus Halifax, Canada. lnstead o! by 1' dOutl ez oe . iM Mb 190dui York dCitad tis action la credt ~~ti moter i eve amy~ vth bbnnggabout a dela n lu haedling of mstrae frelalta. z«mmat udeace a i letudo for a par- Uvry avalab;e foi o aesce .wd frhm &0il btdrm4it lla "lii CieO idiand sueitches bas bien ne * W~nsga1 or. in b ave aMy, la staring cam. At OuMeson the lit. cosola horoaI bundreds of trelolt éeAssw la'II lo» ftet aMi OSIeO4Iforna i h ceP16 c.M s#d clmaenIl t@ibti~tbingbien tueft £*t.on sd tire v IOT810011Wys S ot* -etg<tosbave boiesqAe S1917. t MAlTER 0F NORTHJ STATI3 REFUSS A Chu rv/, eSrp TZIOMAY SIORETOWNSBUY I RATE RAISE ON LrIn1iurr~'uw u - -udY sbouilà t10 0 ocL w R ~ 1"R N (tSuda&y nr iet 11 o' ioCL ________bang the t, stervice of, the Nes, Tât MM. SUNCHNE IISUT Mayors of North Shore Cties The Legal Passenqer Rate in Rer rT.E, eitem. cii i>vacadn a...O CHANES IC SITpracte geronoron the .- suijeet (lut -Consider Important Innova- Illinois WiII Remain at Two J.oueS ouwcrd." Ili the ovellîng et "Mr. Bun wasem proud nomse tt-O tion inl Getting Supplies. Cents Per Mile. 7:80 1evý J. %. Matlack, 1). 1) ,itet mlgo vhin the Ullipse came,11 nid DS.d - uptý of ilom"ord distriet ciii presei dê:.wlat, sa au lpee ahoute o E TAKE UP MANY QUESTIONS. FOR 120 DAYS. AT LEAST. the sermon. There wil ha aisèclil muge «, Bnleýe mUaooed DaY, lu Meeting Held at Highland Park Railroad Had Completed Plans invites hpulti o'iU a darkume or stranhe uight ovor thei -Many Big Things Being te, Ralse Rate to 2A4 Cents -Lifting Our leart4i- .dwr iii ho the a"litm«»thâ Mr Mout Planedby s" aion, er lleFirt o Yer. the ui t otet lt Epworb h uesoir. Sm o Noe. Wen n Ecipi coas ~ K eA~iatIn Pt' Mle ir~tofite npitgSnuday eveuieg at 6:43 ,Tiae bea sot la 1"cwa l0ltatrvhs The rogular meeting of thi associa- The siate public utilîties commis- willi beenthitieoinlag »d a sera tve.ti Uwt sd y*Su. ndtien o! north ahore muaielpaîîtîes vas sien yeterlay auspeeded for 120 days haerted nftting. A i-orliel îinitation id î coru auer Ny held et tic clty hall u Monday ive- the 2.4 cinte a mile paseenger rate, se extened to ail. lic. lit mi n eng, Décomber jlbti.ueder this rulieg tii North.Wootern Vesper service willlis be ld next 010. Mr, BD u 1111111)t Ticéc.opeMttîve spirit lu now a ratroad . iii net be able ta raies the day alterooon at 3 o'elock. A sj4eo4M W the -ayhbe- ialmouiobs ciard and tic anvil bas CILIcago-Waukegan single ticket rate prograte bas bien arrauged. Thc,e ' t-sien tic Barth salmdd lia revsnberations throughtet 86 Cents on jannary tint. la livited. soi Waukegn ilThicaeclt e legal passenger rate le Illinoisa St. Lawrence Episcopal. - . ~~~~~ et n a sthoes mwu dm ulit2ea e, lo, e~tacm*. a reent Mungliges. . LI$, W'- ?I ye en e I.~lwàk* veIe ia spot of ISUOVUa. of the. nterotqp Commerce commis- Roly cominunlon éexcept fmet AReJT vs vdeavis la netetgo 0CheerIni nsiaen flxed Interstate travail at 2.4 cents eumetit 7:45 a. m,. tu tic D9tlU» se effecltive as a eombned effort, snd whvusho 'ahil hmametally tue lin tic îy-vord of a mile. and Immedlatelly It vas made Roiy Communion, lit and 8rl Sl. b ave bien sloop thc asolaton--"Combined effr"- knowa tiat tic North Western rail- ýdays 11:00 a. m. .imncdly. "d logether vt organisation~. road prapoeed te charge 2.4 cents a Morulag Prayerotbergundayâ Il a. m. mmrs. nis as1 The an oubhid titis vortiî and mile for &11 single sud round trip tic- Corci Ochool 19:45 s. n. gitMSg reinIstimable movemont amon vii _______ c ~~i~>ug hey daot«acet perfunetoilly* tiey ara men kelaspurcbas ede dopa io;~is R f«~JS -U 811enss. tiercions the association ratmiesvould be made on Jaeuary firetqàr voul EICI bu ie nly béon barn, la a reallty; yWUl but the relief; made yeuterday by the The Pairie. Were aId lUr-. BILa asho a ucceas and yl administer tu-*I~rII-..m 'clclblevle o i rspc.t m-utilities commissionyl Mate it lm- Watohln Andthey taid lun iipalltlei. Possible for the. local road te lucriase YER MiT IO *betv.en tic jIari ced Mr. Sun tiey j Macht cammueity. vith lis lmited ts rates until aftîr 120 da),$. ga It vent-Juat wvien Mr. Sue vas silng capital, le capable o! only mediacre vii bycEngRa ay efoe ti Nrt idove on the Barth viti ail hbasnilgbt progrecs. Many of thi citizees havew__b_____IMybeor heNot ansd etLp.long alece .coesoled îhemseîves In theWestern cca ise lits rates. ced by "Butdo ou hinkMr.Sunontbellef "lt hardly yull occur le aur ihat lime walkine vîll be gond. Fully Hait of the ElopngCQue do yu thni M. Su gotday" or "vwe can't expecita sce thia It vas made public ced sonoueced pe on 0W ueu mcdNo ldeed he al dligied. wi developmeet." or "'It la toc, big in the Sun veeksancd.veeku cge that He loved seeieg ail the People corne ats o u ..ldplt. t.Ts__ out on their porches and out on tii organîzation le the untioueht of de- the North Western rallroad vas llan- i Fo icn ,r mîdewalke ced look at hlm. liverer from or limlted possibllitleg. ning te> raisle lit rates, but upon la- ilarrying justices o! Waukegaa are "*Well reclly io vas qut. vanderfuL. We have heard oflits birti aed get vestigatioe It was lecrned that eo Invviwieg viii corne mlsglving the le I Ail sorte of marvelous aed queer together meeting, vind thie le only the 1 crease vauld 4e made Ilethe commu, creasing agitation te Milwaukee ad It Spots came out ail over:'flrst stride le the course of events taeaino etî ikt.I ,et ohrcte e~icnl entpt "'1tdentsue eybat-follow. asa e shallseaon Iecreo! Ils aino otltikt.IInet: tr telInWsnsnag% e« -Ta os'tsudvr ben ,efittieg our 1cittes and villages Ie mcted that Close te 5,000 25-ride tick- mtting thie City te be tic Ortes -fui,' said Nancy. 'Spots are neyer nice, c manner deslred. e are soIf le Wcukecn ad vlcinly Gree for marriage seekine Wlseemale yare theyT'1The halcyn days are already fore- 1 ach year, and close te 500 montily couples. For under the ixiotlag coa- a "WVeil, the Spots on Mr. Sun vire Casting theniielves ou the horizon ') iktfnleraei atao u, dto tsctslkl ha1 lnbl iovely ludeed sud qulta unlie e ythe munlcipalltles af tic associatioe, ikt.A nru nrtso hsedto tseslkl htflybl Ir otier Spots you have ever isu.fThere ced ccci muelclpallty wilI hie ffered tic"eta vouli mean c big fleanciai tie marriage ticeeses grantcd ta oit werai Spts. re Spots. ced tion a course te obtale the quintessence Ions to Waukegaeites vbo arc le hua- of tove people are grantid te coa- t viryUiewleh dbec o ! 1 fvalue for lis vilfare. lacsor vwta von lenChicago. pieu ram Wisconsin. Ile hoer%»&0 le qery ite vidlleth. ould leookeau The orgaeizatlon mîgit veli be saedf Because o! tie icen competition it, ular o! the street It la "eesy p4k1nW ta b, a benifactor te each of the me- If Nîgiti vote comlug on. nlclpalIlea. Bomne o! the taves tbati experieces along thae orth siore, for tic marrylng justices vh ite às -When It became no dan tie avis are strugglleag ahead ta acquini a hie viti the eletrico railîrnadcu lis chie!; comfortablc living by keeonut«n Mg- te the Woads came out ced tiauîttt amount aed keep Inlie vanguard cf opportent, It le possible tiat the Nrti le. open for the mrrlago ssii- Sit was getting-up tini, and tieltUOthste times need the ielp O! tiheas»0- Wester'n raîlroad officiaIs vîi give upIt lu couples aed tue mc'itg Ilt taéue Birds anl put tisir hiatie cader theibr ciaIon: tilsassociation vill mean hi lno asn h ae.nsn-t hmta hyaeI otmt Dr vinas snd vent t.eiho& muci te eaci and ta al terpa !rlietc ae 0 i-btc ha iyael aSmt "1'ic i vul gavilitr pdlu W» hyÉould not tits community of gIs ced round triptilckets. tIc thec mot expedltiously. e Mt lit difrent cle Bat ud thi nortit uhore ldially located and eu- iStatemeestarm tie City of Nilva- caeceN. U joyng environs and, Climats par-ex- New York. Jan. 2.-Oucceain leoh-, ici and frontailer cltlele Wltaei- ocm m Mr.xp s u ca iag ie .caBiences.h te eatspot o! our laine gpledges for $4,000,000 tovard sin are te tic, effect tista t se-, Quethe Fica'bles and tic rut of vorld. This association Il the $.000.000 churci pension tond ho-. lority of tic divorce cases Sied tb*4 va tice ltie Pafriha, vore ail vatchlng gans le streegti ced unlty, b. able meg ralsed for Protestant UVpisc0aol are a rosito!fbasty court*ble sd ie tha ts'am tiatn cornpret othe bigtet brieg tuis dresaze l a realîsatlan. clergymen ced thelr depeedent fatal- elopemeets ta Waukegan elufil- Woods vllci looked ont c. a vile, 1 chetovu o! Hlghvoad le aae ýli ~es vas announcef ber. today by vaukee ispecially thin le ac..olat- ffFil.,tecablteso! tie association andt 1iaViI Mayor Neyerancdbils entIre cou- BlebIOP William Lawrence o! M'a- 17i grovlug agitation for the. mou"g "'1 ace.' nd cc e!icF.I esli vii. yen prenent at titis méat- chusetts, .-hclrTan of tiche o-o a vliylpiet s- net Mr. Sunlt a ivng a fiusal îxÏg, sioval the spirit dialed Of! aille'ino h atofteWno U Uie tolay. HO Jua10lovas ta change oombteed effort and organisatian.tlo nti at ftcWSo5 U bi uitM hie tus mau the tinte, Hi ta1 A very Ietereating and unique pani- pies. se poulas roudoeai..pilc leabot tabe rlead tat îlI "Tic Flgliting Seven" reaci.d Fort mhe stato of Wisconsin baugse «-'And »slfor.y and NMm.Nomu giv a More compreitnslts ced clear- Sheridan Maeday morint.Ti.te arigid eugenel 1e ilci bous u titcy are lavlng glosiu on i, &jdeo vlev o! the asaociatlaon'o'member- poured cieiennefrote the traie. Ticre -people !ron gettîng married. "di pot N âmsÏddn ths contettue inuet lut»ie il. pit es and enterprise. Pak as a svîf t aklrmishing raid by ad- it la chargid that manaf thooe ou- tiey lave bl for Moany a d". Ther a mîmber of the franchise commîîtees vance sveethearts ced vIves. Several pieu are ilavcd taest mnrri eI loectu, travel, u an naM imectel trip af the assaciation, bronalit forth maey tiousaed people visitef the regiment Illinois. »o tbis la Juet viat îhey 6100Y abuse xiunt1ng face ai tic meeting, In during the day. It bas been more lit la clalmed ie Milwaukee tise. are au iltingle 'connetI ioviiticthepossibltis ofthon aix months sicln e Sveh£aycule i un tl te 'At tiaât ycry moment Mr. Sun bo- gatting tic tîlepiano compaey te giveth O@hmayculswohnkflaaà- he caewle ut lc gl u ciomulytimrecniin ent te the border. tclope te waukegan and Mt loer'- cacmrea Sl thc littie creotunce sud maise e tunt!rm ordinance. and ri. The maJorlty o!ficthe bg? [n; stesil te go te hld, sud thii. tme aisea bring about bitter telipiione con- consumera a! gag frot Wilette teO vddinge, Il la claimcd, cM au m ct the Bat s cmonsud fleur ab dtout 1s iiqusio a lencWaukegan frtdsy ricelved tii formai divorce court for tiec ouples OU ho Iti lllygN.tNoc br an dcuaed. Mar a- oa sotices fromte cNorth Shoe n asare net sultel to eci ciliebr. kg juy M maLaiUe Forent, via te chaîrman o! thei Company od reduction in thi price Of iIf the mietatira of NIlvouise *ho ff ad is good4ifr frajicilse commttii, yull ccll a meest- virtually 10 ceets per 1.000 fat. The&ei rcigteSt ibit111i5o tured wffé iviol leg o!bils -COmmltte vcry 900n ai tiret 100teet consund vtwli foutsikguaaGrn&rehve*f 'dhi JId as th» Bts 'wh vli tiesi severai mAters villi«D se dc!1.0cftricmtoti.vnttiuar farigUgs ir e bcginnlng sonoe lute andneîv featuria reviatei gedo 11,atrtetrto he atenme tmrbeuml a! ilme ue&oalailThei vatarocammttie vl hbave very year. Thc nexi 10,000 fest vilI be sold 1 îaued herea MMay become OlMg races, a ugreat red much te, ooainlto as ta meters ced at 90 cents ced the salie faile te 60 1 ici! viat Il alveys bas beca M aM- 1 spot aiment con- vater supbly ced better vater. -The cents for largîr consumera. urally the marnying Justices wM t ýer. wee up Mr. Sun village of Wlunetkc ce Prevldeet Rua ________________ ie sd îtbecane er . a!hta village remaried at the fer. No vonder iiey are vo'rybg._ th ay blgit beaen hogmeeting, ]&et year iad a Profit o! $8,- ail depariment headi o! e&cc of the iat-verybrigt -gl, Tou t veWou000 onule vatplant. beidis givieg mumclPaltie$ hcving membership le a& "And ailth GettineUp Tîlme. lis cîtizins cheaper vatur as vîlI' thei association. fan tiie-urposi of Setier Thon Corne. thl 0 ge aci edtism ancîomd bu ettlug an lntircianeoI dîas and Nyr-"Tile paper ltous oc a ln. sud et eatg taandethelomstow n ienct adc bout pansuggestions viti thite m nluvlevof ster le Vermont vio quarrins andret Sulayfle t,.c day!" As150,00vonthet r elet ltuplan ltinleofrastyacapl'ou. la: gleil they yere Ny. Sun vas hbavlncd tble plant operates the vatee *combîeed effort" and "organisation" liii a man-" OYr-"-ýWeill, @« 'nd sncb a Maytite vcariug no many dit- plant. tovarda tii adoption of ue!o i'aitli aaoemnl iie a haysone mae centrally lncated aler,-cable. ae JONI A ODMEMOR'I briealê cepan ad 7ater plant vil' _________ bey cONI 00 efsbe d benifilal ta the 5ev- d a 1 y- rlcommunities wlîî h i dcusscd at Royfor Hlm ta Remnember When >He tic meeting of thii commttee. ire Wa Tid e tad U sd av The question of supplie& for the FA IRtfOL/fl <AffRDEN[S heHie yese Put le, IdIfferent municîpaliies was gîven a H. C. BURRIDGE & SON -i gaod doal of conslderution and hit l ahd Babbil (bcastlegly)-I'l1 bet 1 ilu planned ta have esch cit-y and village Phone 102.Rt-Greouse, Dymond Roeul--Libotyville tued »mBirfrltrbc~yu .oine d ta the chaîrman of the purchs. uns oinbelfte-Hui t' t hei yu lg omliM. Albert MacRase, . n '~ sey BobIe-qlI I einmic viesMayor o! Gloncoe, a llst af thec miend ory lYc obieWtao1k membe ,ned purchausethey wil malle for the 1 O Uel.Jony. k ea 18bis am W year 1917 and edvsnttgeous quola- Table Ferns Boston Ferns . eà-»Ad "y.viaa brilat llttle chl t is cen ho procured and lIn ttlS ilor a veci-ald."1 manner, deailng wîtIt the situation.s Primroses Begonias Jobardte (vti biaidindain)..Jii5' à whole, lit wvhl miË s vlng o! aver nolis. Wby, 1Iis remtembas' vbu and abave thse prenant maner of pue- Can be sten at the Chicago and Naçth Shore Railvay slaete t§0 tbey "id, '-Stand Uep JInlei, end cheuIng t@e ach town. bav" "Ur oyM.Pettmi*r-Mbmhange. Tic item of municipal accountlnt ____________ J v o glenIte, taby tiai commttes._____________liliale______1___e And ce texr valuationis.Mayor Levis - SWANTED HIS PIE FULL-SIZEO tloiaugbt l-wvuld b. ta tic interuet - * o!t the tovus te împloy a acicutlle bon- r t but Proferrid te Have Mis Pas- ton lu eeto!lieevers] municipal- " PPORTUNITIES, 1k. cea, are lippery and lew tr uRglrDsi, Iitles, wo, vul orklu conjonction a'>' , I vti the emm¶tec on tex valuattis. hard ta hold, unlesa firmly ucxxed. Thcy sude thie Whoun Babil. vent taeosé hise5gr" ced mais a zeonai repart an the through the fiegers and are gone ere one lasavare. Mothr h- w »och uteestd bnov exlstlug plan. sed recommanda- T aetems fOpruiista myh mofior e' a5 aue inet'sto lutiens vit refereneitea amore equit-Tam e h motfopouite thtmyb ti. vbatemront onlis the kitebei. 0" ahl. &al tMamannar lu tic Iesyiug o! graspled by advertising, use The Indepeedelît's C". 1 4

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