Rl.publican PriamrY for 5ltom8 againt the late SeastOr XA. Z . M ao01 A bitter cliEPMISU w-vanude sgaîïet Principal and lMMa.V. 0. uap.>'and hlm b>' afficei fthe s» iCatiofl. enreturfled laie Tuesday nlht tram oison va. naminsied, but did e-CaI« lt, i., vhoro the>' vont ta pend M f ePa" fre th.e election. Lviii VAS uamed ýthe ChritmasaholldaYs. The>' were at to 011 the vac*UCl W the s,,stOrl5i dl>ed one da ensecuntof he coù.mttfee. Offiem ofaithe *'30la»Iness of teir ltile SOo. He van tion lanached soiher caffligO n reported much beter ioda>. PVIETOR POTTR TLKShlm, supporila the Deimo c 'nomi Mina MrcedesNoohaue took Prin-, £$ -. l'R ALS ee. 'cipal espey-à piace atechool Tues- Rognn for Cireilni Camplion day and MmrChar)bsylef thfleld sub- odr . U ma*~ de the roqetta h î-stîîuted for MIUima saus. Mae letd Aginst Rod» cuar caMeelztbiP itraduCed," "Id grand ima Tlader wbO1>0 n el nyBSwf.ptter. 11sincîarman Of the leg- ow here and *#0o b oyondlqgth neyB. ;ýit-laïuiS',nmppimn and too~l the re- vinter with da" ". 'e iende, bas Drtrsfthe lilk ProducOîu' qoestbi. tY fortue batcb of cîreu- lies e toitr îl lii91 <tb paoumo5ia. Dirctos o t f Hrta aa tht e n ov - aut of gld Agmetsaton vted Tueoda>' in Cicfr 3ri llowilg the nomination atuer n>' fiandbre viii be Ofad ta ~ep II.orgairaiOsOOt a ivfi. Lviii Wlifor the tubercitll_ p~uUce.teet. vbieb vOpopiose. À 'wrve George Neoosan.Jr., la recoVerîng puis Pbi fo.df bn ie'hm odned t hathofrom au nsliWihh.bp l ban Puio a bl O*o Pateifaor the test. It wvas cbesper 1,a1ilidoars for g iiday.. on mtio orcbolewIL oil raOrs , ,Loraine Deacon, ha& returned f ro'n 1 ia.th 4pe5propo«bring about thin change of heart asotwbiahspntepsi ormeduoi9 ? t o w ta b. lbmo igbaercuin>campign than b>' eW amotyhs eeemtnt.epn îubuUq4~J inauo $eat the an. sendlng a deiegatian ta Springfied The $uaa>' lrl4Yesterday gave mua~fl~. lobUSI tprald- 'let tObinhtenasbred the me lus tot u ptma y o o pouri opasillt>'frthecrcirs the <opicture. of an policemen klid là p », MUe . lps o , t rinj Mi . p, th e & P& an ndut>' durlns he aiat yen>'.Am ati thea ,ittt.I e od t%*nicigY5iV a ikcu tent va.Ajdrcv artiey, brother ai eoet ~olilui*~e. The miénoe. 1'he anu d m fi h Om- the artîsys Of *fOttli Chcasti, Who -ýn"Uee èce. Tb*ir oion bti iwayswaa killed on dut>' MaY 31, r1914.a a.&i ltu o providoo that au, ç- eui etorOso ad tva The 1cIi>' cl>cil held thlr eua OmB of the associstion vbo ruas boom the but iriead ai the dairY, meeting Manda>' nlht vith all mou 4We obh polltiC*i osfce Moua re- MMth voen drID bers presentL Resular billrend aftd sin' vithin tes dn>'î &1r'makins Ptter Md snl h oa ind lL.and llg .Te eoto teplc Mnneeto! his esndldacy. Uccruar a iin n.adaltae Thoreporta!dhePacO ît -h a 9 uta pmenbpbn yon« v*" unaioiSatin. vlth the exception mil taees.edad icda «Maia helik iost eIs n4.lOf , eid le prabnhl>' a fridnd ai The chlef of police reported $,5 pendM »oblq W lit ,i laproablYa flën of45 colectod la fines and vater tax b; vhleh ta set lie oPlticai office or Swift- Mdb mn is departiment. kasp 1. poiticai office,' sald Pott*i. hl Tlgo ispOPOsaifte Tea eot ftect ra nov umbea i,- ié bswi, ý>tteT said that i ~ TeanA eata i i> ra -The organisation o nmerIleub rervau reafi. Hi* repart showed 110memnboT5. The temptation tàa auedmalt had ýeen made severar 75o adi ject rauy utilas t fr plitiai urplel>'.s eue. the associaion0Et vuld SS an adWu la @Tou i reart eSt S. ut frpolitc al PxiA1Om I thetn i ,o Sw ~iftm Ai" therentai, frontthe audttrum. The wmm Bu poainMd uo», ieofl lght, oa«troasmT re*«ted no uoney ooiect do not mi Weil vitb the annacoewi. 'Chalils, a former pVefdent vau ed dseingt thelait Month la the de .i.. * ae&"dll5tefor irtff f ane atos Acn - .isqoe .a. caqni>' ile holding the office. Alderman Vedder reparted that th, vent ho a s tp diapose oai we t, ýfbot butalthoush b"s diligent. vatch ha* heen nlaint&ilted therç' tu nà>traCe! afi ec tber the thie te s or of t~ m li lng vire ta be faund. THE M ER WIRE There are lnd<.ton that lhe ire thieves were la -'ltesession of an au- tomobile or auto truck ani ibis duos d the dtecives t6 thlnk that an The Detodives in This M anner effort w.uld be made ta dispose 0' Hope to Be A ble to Appre- t i ber ta ine a cinwas cWI - hend the 'Thieves. sldered the )ogical place and dteci- ive S tilIthînk an effort may hi- The tieven who stali over $S00 made ta dspose ofI h there and wllll varth i fcopper vire etrou ht' iIca- keep a vatch for some time. go. North Shore sud Miwiiîkî e i-- TheY give the thieves eredît for1 ectric couPai>' ear Llherty ,ille, 1111 nat teing in a hurry ta dispoee of the flot have an ena>' time dlBpjýiag cf! lbot. The>' thlnk they vili vait un- iheir bat for the detectivesi thej 1.11 the>' tbink the search lbas quieted empia>' ai the rallroad' haveefflîIited down and there wili flot lie s%0nuc-lh the aslisuco 01 the polIý.,ct; . aesldanger aiflielng opprelîe ded. for a vIde raffiusa o i uls. I ______ Bauples of the tva kindq of wire tp len have been sent ta vartou q po- x l n t o of he W p er ice dep.rtnet*i long the nartliho hoWap Sore Saifar nOtb as IM1lwau'iýe and When lawyerx go loto court the>' as far souih as chicago an' they ctithe iceurila. t la probehi>' be- have beau ashed to keep a ocîo1cue eraes xn ayr l ail junk dealoita 1 ethat tht-/ do 1politles that Do a cutipu litmla ever nat purebams n>'vIre vliîeh corres-! leus thonarecordI-brenklaig.-Toledo pond* viltheW anil*Bes The detectivOl o! the Une had rea- y. to he et- le- li et known as the "Palace 1 C h Msrket" st Washington Street. Everybody invited to GRAND OPENING ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1917 The Prices on High-Grade Meats Cut in Tw-o Souvenirs for the Ladies S4ur-dayJanuary I31i ~Is~ Our Greattest Aw T1%. action of the. lbotore fol- i Piano for AneaU metinlg rent money ad nu a.n - loved charges mande hy Lisate SellA-Udrectors decided Tuenda>' ta have batik ta cane'a note heid b>' them1 tor Roa". aB. viiiassed p>'q* & Mtlubeothipvoie ei the Annuai and thai the Deceniber rent had beenk isat of the assocition. ad Abert meeting. Oase delegate and one ai- paid ta H. . Tlompnon treaburer af B. Jack, forMe ai. or&W'>. thst di- tegnte viii hoeieeted from each oi the Ilbrar>' >aard. l'toS9ta heaf 1.aa.clion hat uaod te 00 iaSom. The delogate yl Alderman K»" b~thouzi the mon'- tII. orgSUIEstiOB for "olis pi*vte tbe stronhth ai hia local ueu- e>' should ho oaiiected b>' the ci>' poses. SudIl amaffl d IfrcirP:1 berahlp on eSch rail cali. colecior and iurned lI.t the bandm ai poclail> for pritins addstib Severai candidates for preldet thie cityt>ireasurer. It vas sa order- ultins circula againt hi$ caaýdl- are meatioued ta sueceed Switt, ed. «Y> for te osate. declarng ibt vbome pisce le belV. filhied b>' Vice A motion vas nudniad seconded tILO' vere plainlasPliti lin 5W Prooleat Frank T. Hot of Pleamat that the corporation ocooni draft loins and ibat tc>' eould ho cou- Prairie, Wl,. Huit us>' ho a cend- an ordînancê that allov the park peiiod ta reliburso te &soclnnall iMo. Robert omsnn of Hwaile>', tbe board Ciy vatef at one bau the me- for the xpoage an theo P'w';l h*chawmaai the campalga comit- ter rate. the ùm.ý.y an speni coatrar>' tatee, and W. Z Grabai fSugar Gravè The Cii>' pump came upfrii the. obJostafor vhich the amsocia' are prominentl et'odr l uulaonta icssaiadte *10 01,1.Boane o at>' bas put f orSafli a mou vbole usiier vas referred ta thei lac-te' pIus p04 etee si&mon& .ul n»o.Ofre and Vatar cmmittees tareport eai MOUt propoeal. tse directada indua- George W. Cana. Jr., oi Woodsiock, ilie tolIt Meeting. 411e Bçt - r- - ae1à th ?s ýOur j'au, 'YClearance andN WUne Salk PrHis Janu8ry Çqne ,and WV ie Sale 4.,is 14e oft'hie m~ rprtant selllngévents of *be year. It p l ein wmbih we lato piake a tborough dI*Slo! Usùi j Une 'of winter mhmn- "It sa pie lm wh7ch large quantifiesaof crisp pw wiýe pierC4nb sofered at r e markab~ lowPrces 'Esp. I elly lneresting are the values li This is ý ten d*ys' salei, jat we advise you to corne Saturday or Mon4<ay, if pço*le, as, somne Of the best offerings are limiteda in qua,tity. -arighty sao di*sal faisu41 & ltsspecialy h ('U reqent ý%),îtatioiIs to Ainerica' s great'est w ýholesale miart, 'New York Cityi, IM8s beèuM" ~posîle oithe elidless a'd1vantage pesented tht s eason. Our volume of )bies, <nr incereases, and the way patrons havt' oiecd their appreclation of low prices has" c otgaf ing for our great offtrts. W'e ixteîîd to again repeat these New York buyang expeX. Qi5 for they pay us, as it pays you. But hefore w-e leave for the East there are a great amitofeex ances to make, and we want cveu-y dollar that gvan be turucd out of thesc clearances regaM'dlem Ôet' wliolesale costs. We're going fo -New York with t-,pot cash, for spot cash is what ceuuts.ý Now for Our Grea test Clearances in Every Scff9n wo n's Wear ChiId .reWs Wear Mený-s Wear Fuse turiWgý Diry Gioods, Etc. A » rememnber, too, dear reater, that prices are stili on the advance. With the foresight re- qtîîred by a big establishmenît, w-e lonig ago placed our orders for spring goods, only to be jnfor-med now that adv'anees Nvill 1w terrifie on every article of mercharidise. Notliing wil escape it seemns. That is why it is iîîîperative for every shrewd home manager to invest 110w, and at thec ham'gin prices this sale offers, ce ery dollar that ean be spared. Watch for oui' big two-page ad. We Have'Planned'and Provided to MaIre This Clearance the Grea-z-4,Ms We-Have'Hald in Our 20 Ir ne BIGGEST BRIGHTEST 'i WAUR4AM'S FO8~MQT STORS ______________ 1~, e d td- 1 1 ---. id into tireffl ^Mon reimwe . 1